Beam Design 1

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Feet 12 Diameter

Inch 3.5 10mm 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm

No:of bars 0 0 4 8 0
m 3.75 0.00% 0.00% 24.24% 75.76% 0.00%

Area =

Dead Load 37.6398

Live Load 6.3644 Flange Width Calcuatio

β1 0.37 Span
β2 0.4 Cases (mm)
If type" L" 5470
Beam Loads

n1 9 2 If type" T" 4560

n2 9 2
Beam s
L1 3.66 Type
L2 4.57 S
wall 9
Anchorage Length
fcu 20
0 Dia. 20
Anchorage Length for bars in
= 894.9 mm

Anchorage Length for bars in

Flange Width Calcuation compression
= 710.2 mm
Width Flange width
(mm) (mm)
225 772
225 1137

- Simply
- Continuous
Beam Beam Main Bars
fcu Cover Links Dia. Redistribution %
width depth Dia.
225 225 25 25 6 16 0 1

Design for Sagging Moment

d= 186
Design Sagging Moment 0
K = M/bd2fcu 0.000 Singly R/Forced Beam

Singly R/Forced Beam

Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K/0.9} 186.0 Z = 176.7 As,min = 0.13Ac/100 =
Z = 0.95d 176.7 0.000
As,max = 4Ag/100 =
As,req = M / 0.87fyZ 0

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


Doubly R/Forced Beam

Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K'/0.9} ... Z = ... As,min = 0.2A
Z = 0.95d ... 39.000
As,max = 4A
A's,req = (K-K')fcubd2/0.87fy(d-d') ...

A's,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


As,min = 0.13A
As,req = K'fcubd / 0.87fyZ + A's
As,max = 4A

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm

3 3

Design for Hogging Moment

Design Hogging Moment 19

K = M/bd2fcu 0.098 Singly R/Forced Beam
Singly R/Forced Beam
Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K/0.9} 163.0 Z = 163.0 As,min = 0.13A
Z = 0.95d 176.7 0.098
As,max = 4A
As,req = M / 0.87fyZ 291

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm

0 2

Doubly R/Forced Beam

Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K'/0.9} ... Z = ... As,min = 0.2A
Z = 0.95d ... 0.000
As,max = 4A
A's,req = (K-K')fcubd2/0.87fy(d-d') ...

A's,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


As,min = 0.13A
As,req = K'fcubd / 0.87fyZ + A's
As,max = 4A

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


Check for Shear 402.1248 0.96087168 0.99 1.210979 Check for Deflection
Design Shear Force 27000 4 Beam span
Design Shear Stress, v 0.65 Beam Section Adequate Support Conditions

Design Concrte Shear Stress, vc 0.76

v < (vc+0.4) :---> Minimum Shear Links Required M / bd2

Links Dia. 6 Modification Factor
Number of Links 1 Allowable Span / eff. Depth
fyv 250 Actual Span / eff. Depth

Spacing between Shear Links 137 mm

Maximum Spacing bet. Shear Links 139.5 mm Max. Spac. = 136.6596 mm
Note:- If beam is doubly reinforced, maximum spacing of links should be 12 times of the
smallest compression bar.

Check for Crack control

No. of bars in one layer 2

clear distance between tension bars 131 mm

allow. Clear distanse between tension bars 160 mm Maximum clear distance between bars OK
Minimum clear distance between tension bars 25 mm Minimum clear distance between bars OK

clear distance between the corner of the beam

and nearest tension bar 41 mm

allow.clear distance between the corner of the

beam and nearest tension bar
80 mm Corner distanse OK


50% 100%


(a) Simply Supported Beam

20% 100%

100% 30%

(b) Continuous Beam

100% 50%

L/2 > 45φ

(c) Cantilever
GN - BS 8110: Part 1:1985


As,min = 0.13Ac/100 = 65.8125 Minimum Steel OK

As,max = 4Ag/100 = 2025 Maximum Steel OK

Adequate Reinforcement

As,min = 0.2Ac/100 = ... ...

As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ...


As,min = 0.13Ac/100 = ... ...

As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ...

As,min = 0.13Ac/100 = 65.8125 Minimum Steel OK

As,max = 4Ag/100 = 2025 Maximum Steel OK

Adequate Reinforcement

As,min = 0.2Ac/100 = ... ...

As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ...


As,min = 0.13Ac/100 = ... ...

As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ...


Check for Deflection 0 226.1952

eam span 1.5 7

upport Conditions S - Simply C ...
C - Cantilever
E - Continuous

=(5fyAs,req/8As,prov) x (1/βb) 0.00 1
Modification Factor 4.97 2.00 1.00
llowable Span / eff. Depth 14.00
ctual Span / eff. Depth 8.1

Deflection Ok
distance between bars OK
distance between bars OK

r distanse OK
FLANGE BEAM DESIGN - BS 8110: Part 1:1985
Redistribution % = 0 1 0.156
Flange Flange Main Bars Compre.
Beam width Beam depth fcu Cover Links Dia.
width Thickness Dia. Bars Dia.
500 500 2220 150 35 35 10 32 16
Design for Sagging Moment
Design Sagging Moment 2097 617.9
K = M/bd2fcu 0.183 Doubly R/Forced Beam 0
Singly R/Forced Beam
Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K/0.9} ... Z = ...
Z = 0.95d ... 0.156

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm

... ...
0 8

Doubly R/Forced Beam

Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K'/0.9} 341.1 Z = 341.1
Z = 0.95d 417.1 53.000

A's,req = (K-K')fcubwd2/0.87fy(d-d') 594

A's,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


As,req = K'fcubwd2 / 0.87fyZ + 0.45fcu(b-bw)hf / 0.87fy + A's 14602

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


Design for Hogging Moment

Design Hogging Moment 484

K = M/bwd2fcu 0.144 Singly R/Forced Beam

Singly R/Forced Beam

Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K/0.9} 351.6 Z = 351.6
Z = 0.95d 417.1 0.144

As,req = M / 0.87fyZ 3440

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm

0 3

Doubly R/Forced Beam

Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K'/0.9} ... Z = ...
Z = 0.95d ... 53.000

A's,req = (K-K')fcubd2/0.87fy(d-d') ...

A's,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm


As,req = K'fcubd2 / 0.87fyZ + A's ...

As,prov = 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm

2 0 4

Check for Shear 2412.749 1.099202 1.03 1

Design Shear Force 558000 4.732864
Design Shear Stress, v 2.54 Beam Section Adequate

Design Concrte Shear Stress, vc 0.73

(vc+0.4)< v :--->Shear Links Required

Links Dia. 10
Number of Links 1
fyv 460
Spacing between Shear Links 69 mm
Maximum Spacing bet. Shear Links 329.25 mm Max. Spac. = 69.36714 mm

Note:- If beam is doubly reinforced, maximum spacing of links should be 12 times of the
smallest compression bar.

Check for Crack control

No. of bars in one layer 3

clear distance between tension bars 157 mm

allow. Clear distanse between tension bars 160 mm Maximum clear distance between bars O
Minimum clear distance between tension bars 25 mm Minimum clear distance between bars O

clear distance between the corner of the beam and

nearest tension bar 60 mm
allow.clear distance between the corner of the
beam and nearest tension bar 80 mm Corner distanse OK


50% 100%


(a) Simply Supported Beam

20% 100%

100% 30%

(b) Continuous Beam

100% 50%

L/2 > 45φ

(c) Cantilever
10: Part 1:1985

Note : -
d= 500 - 35 - 10 - 16
d= 439 mm
x= 439 - 354.4 = 188 mm
d 0.45 d
Neutral axis lies outside the flange
354.4 Mf = 1909 kNm/m T
Mw = 617.89 kNm/m
0 0
As,min = 0.18bwh/100 = ... ... C1 = force in flange outside web = 0.45f
As,min = 0.13bwh/100 = ... C2 = force in flange outside web = 0.45f cubw(0
As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ... T = 0.87fyAs

When the X is hf/0.9, the rectangular stress bloc

... in the whole of the flange, but none of the web.
value of the moment of resistance of the concre
compression is given by:
Mf = 0.45fcubhf(d-0.5h

As,min = 0.2bwh/100 = 500 Minimum Steel OK So, for any value of M less than Mf the section c
designed as a rectangular section of width b to
As,max = 4bwh/100 = 10000 Maximum Steel OK area of tension reinforcement.

If M is greater than Mf it can be seen that the mo

resisted by the web is :
Adequate Reinforcement Mw = M - C1(d-0.5h
Mw = M - Mf(1-b

As,min = 0.13bwh/100 = 325 Minimum Steel OK

So,if M greater than Mf the section can be desig
a rectangular section of width bw for a moment M
As,max = 4bwh/100 = 10000 Maximum Steel OK obtain area of tension reinforcement A s1 and, if
necessary, area of compression reinforcement A
Then total area of tension reinforcement is equa
... As = As1 + 0.45fcu(b-bw

Can be design as a Reactangular Beam

As,min = 0.13Ac/100 = 325 Minimum Steel OK

As,max = 4Ag/100 = 10000 Maximum Steel OK


As,min = 0.2Ac/100 = ... ...

As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ...


As,min = 0.13Ac/100 = ... ...

As,max = 4Ag/100 = ... ...


Check for Deflection 14602.3739 6872.25

Beam Span 13
Support Conditions S - Simply s …
C - Cantilever 16.0
E - Continuous 5.5
M / bd2 4.90
fs=(5fyAs,req/8As,prov) x (1/βb) 610.89 1.03
Modification Factor 0.36 0.36 1.03
Allowable Span / eff. Depth 5.88
Actual Span / eff. Depth 29.6 16.0
Deflection Failed

ar distance between bars OK

ar distance between bars OK

ner distanse OK
K = M/bd2fcu 0.140
Z =d{0.5+√0.25-K/0.9} 354.4 Z = 354.4
Z = 0.95d 417.1

e outside web = 0.45fcu(b-bw)hf

e outside web = 0.45fcubw(0.9x)

the rectangular stress block takes

nge, but none of the web. At this
of resistance of the concrete in

M less than Mf the section can be

gular section of width b to obtain

it can be seen that the moment

= M - C1(d-0.5hf)
= M - Mf(1-bw/b)

Mf the section can be designed as

of width bw for a moment Mw to
n reinforcement A s1 and, if
ompression reinforcement A s1'.
nsion reinforcement is equal to:
+ 0.45fcu(b-bw)hf/0.87fy

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