2014 Adlay

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Harvesting and Post Harvest Operation Agronomic Characteristics SMIARC Technoguide

A publication of Department of Agriculture RFU XI

The crop can be harvested by cutting its branches Height: 250-300 cm. Southern Mindanao Integrated Agricultural Research Center
Bago Oshiro, Tugbok District, Davao City
and stems at one foot from ground level at 120
days after planting. Panicle: Each 30 panicle can produce 15 grains. Leaflet No.03 March 2013
Each stem can have 250g of unmilled dry grains.
Grains can be separated from panicle by thresh-
ing and/or smashing (lambos). Maturity: In areas of low elevation, harvest can be
done after 4-6 months.
Dry grains to 14% moisture content (MC).
Yield: 2000-4000 kg/ha. can be harvested
Adlay can be milled through rice and corn mills. It depending on the variety. Each hill could produce
has a 60% milling recovery (depending on the 5,400 grains. Ratooning can be done 2-3 times.
Varieties: Gulian, Kiboa, Ginampay, Tapol
Ratooning can be done 2-3 times after harvest of
the main crop

For more information, pls. contact :

OIC, Research Division

Source of Technology :
Adlai Production Guide-Northern Mindanao

Integrated Agricultural Research Center (NOMIARC)
Dalwangan, Malaybalay City dlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is a freely-branching
upright herb that can grow as tall as three feet and
Produced by : propagates through seeds. Also known as "Job's
Department of Agriculture RFU XI tears" due to the tear-like shape of its grains
Knowledge Management-Farmer Infor- (white or brown in color), it comes from the family Poaceae
mation & Technology Services or the grasses, the same family that wheat, corn, and rice
(KMFITS) Center belong. It can be grown in sandy loam, and clay type of soils.
Tel. (082) 293-0136 (T/F) (082)293-0109
THE ADLAY CROP Local Varieties Production Management

Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is an indigenous crop Land Preparation

introduced in Africa as staple food. it grows in
tropical parts of Southern and Eastern Asia. Adlay Apply manure and compost before plowing. Plow
is mainly eaten as a staple food substitute for rice and harrow the area 3 times.
and corn. Aside from being a staple crop, Adlai
can also be processed in making flour for bread Planting
and in wine and beer production.
Seed Preparation
With the crop’s potential in addressing food Soak the seeds in pure water for 8 hours and
security, an R&D program on Adlay is currently incubate in 4 hours prior to planting.
undertaken in selected regions of the country.
Relative to this, the Department of Agriculture - Planting Distance
Southern Mindanao Integrated Agricultural Make furrows spaced at 90 cm to allow the plant
Research Center (DA-SMIARC) in Bago Oshiro, to produce more productive tillers. Sow 2 seeds
Tugbok District, Davao City is conducting the per hill at a distance of 60 cm between hills.
development, promotion and utilization of Adlay to
enhance and sustainably nurture its potential as Basal Fertilizer Application
an alternative food source for Filipinos. Adlay is more productive when animal manure
and compost are applied before plowing at the
Uses and Benefits rate of 2 tons/ha.
Nutritional Content Cultivation and Maintenance
As food
The grains can be cooked like rice and corn grits.
Adlay can also be made into flour for baking Seed (Fresh weight) in grams Off-barring
purposes and other delicacies. per 100g weight of food: At 3-4 weeks after planting, cultivate between
rows to remove weeds.
Water : 11.2
As feed source Calories : 38.0
A potential feedstuff for ruminant and non- Thinning
Protein : 15.4
ruminants. At 2 weeks after planting, pull-out excess plants
Fat : 6.2
to maintain at most two plants per hill.
Carbohydrates : 65.3
As medicine Fiber : 0.8
It is commonly used as medicine in China as one Hilling-up
Ash : 1.9
of the most popular food herbs used in diet 45 days after planting, hill-up within rows. Control
therapy for painful and stiff joints. The crop is In milligrams per 100g weight of food: subsequent weed growth by hand weeding.
known to have anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, Calcium : 25
muscle reluctant, fever reducing and sugar Pest Management
Phosphorus : 43.5
lowering properties. Iron : 5
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices
Vitamin A : 0
were employed using Trichogramma evanes-
Thiamine : 0.28
cence to control Stem borer.
Riboflavin : 0.19
Niacin : 4.3
Vitamin C : 0

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