Bajra Cultivation Techniology-Prof JAY G.varshney
Bajra Cultivation Techniology-Prof JAY G.varshney
Bajra Cultivation Techniology-Prof JAY G.varshney
Crop of bajra
Bajra is common minor millet of India with wider industrial
and household utility.
It is popularly known as Pearl millet.
The grain is basically originated from India and Africa.
It is used a feed, food and raw material in soft drink industry.
Botanically it is known as Pennisetum typhoides L. and
belongs to the family poaceae.
Mostly in the dry and arid climates, bajra crop is produced in
large quantities.
It is a highly cross-pollinated crop.
The pollinating agent is wind.
The flowers are protogynous
India is the largest` producer of pearl millet in Asia, both in
terms of area (about 9 million ha) and production (8.3 million
tons) with an average productivity of 930 kg/ha during the past
three years .
From the early 1980s, the pearl millet area in India declined by
But production increased by 36%, due to a 75% increase in
productivity (from 530 kg/ha during 1981-1983 to 930 kg/ha.
Nutritional Values:
Nutritional Facts:
Bajra is a principal source of energy, protein, vitamins and
minerals for millions of the poor people in the regions where it is
Bajra has generally 9 to 13% protein, but large variations in
protein content, from 6 to 21%, have been observed.
Bajra grain compares favourably with maize and sorghum as a
high-energy, high-protein ingredient in feed for poultry, cattle and
Several studies indicated that, compared to maize, Bajra has 860% higher in crude protein, and 40% richer in amino-acids
lysine and methonine.
Value Addition
Perl Millets have good grain qualities suitable for processing.
Processing of the grain for many end uses involves primary
(wetting, dehulling and milling) and secondary (fermentation,
malting, extrusion, glaking, popping and roasting) operations.
Being a staple and consumed at household levels, processing
must be considered at both traditional and industrial levels,
involving small, medium and large-scale entrepreneurs
The Market
The greatest constraint in the realization of importance of
Bajra is in their handling and limited use by the producers,
processors and consumers.
The harvesting, threshing, and processing for food are mainly
done by women at the household level.
Commercially, there is a slow and emerging trend in the
industrial use of Bajra at the national and regional levels.
Because of its nature and ecology of production areas, the
mainly cultural and household processing and consumption
pattern is yielding to more and more cottage, medium and
large scale practices
Cultivation Practices
Preparation of Soil :
Bajra can be grown in wide range of soil. It grows successfully
in soils with low pH or high salinity.
Medium to heavy soils and light textured soils of low inherent
fertility, good drainage and black soils.
Crop does not tolerate soil acidity.
The crop needs very fine tilth.
It is essential to do summer ploughing by mould-board plough
and after onset of monsoon the field should be harrowed twice
or thrice followed by planking the field so that a fine tilth may
be obtained.
Time of Sowing
June-July (onset of monsoon) or February to June or a summer
crop after Rabi as it is short duration when compared to either
jowar or maize.
Seed Rate: 1.5 kg/acre.
The organo-mercurial compounds like Cerasan or Agrosan
should be used @ 2.5 to 3.0 g/ha of seed to control downy
mildew or green ear, smut and ergot disease.
Row to row 30cm solid row or may be broadcasted in level
seed beds .: 45 cm x 15 cm .
Thinning within 2 weeks should be compulsory.
Earthing up also increases the crop growth
Apply four tons FYM/acre during the last plough.
20 kg N, 15 kg P2 O5 and 12 kg K2O/ acre as basal dose and 15 Kg
N/acre as top dressing at 20 30 days after sowing .
Irrigation :
Depending upon the nature of the soil, irrigation should be given
whenever necessary.
Bajra can withstand to drainage to some extent. In ill drained soils
provision of drainage channel of one meter width for every 10
meters length of field.
It can withstand drought also and lesser number of irrigations
required for fodder crops.
Crop Management
Weed Control: Spraying of Atrazine@1kg ai/ha in 200 ltr. of
water within 3 days after sowing as per emergence and on
need basis. 2,4-D @ 1 kg ae/ha, 15-20 days after sowing
should be sprayed.
Downy mildew or green ear disease is prevalent in bajra
growing tracts of Andhra Pradesh. Spraying of Mancozeb or
Zineb @ 3g/L of water once or twice depending of the
intensity of disease.
Sugary diseases and ergot diseases can be controlled by
spraying ziram or zineb + copper oxychloride (0.025%) two
times with a gap of week days at the time of flowering.
Yield of Bajra
Rain fed crop yield about 12-16 q/ha
Irrigated crop yield about 25-35 q/ha