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The passage discusses theories of time and discusses the concept of time travel and closed timelike curves.

Closed timelike curves are trajectories through spacetime that loop back on themselves, allowing objects within them to travel back in time. They are discussed in the context of solutions to Einstein's field equations.

Arguments for the possibility of time travel include theoretical physics solutions allowing closed timelike curves, while arguments against include paradoxes it could cause and the chronology protection conjecture.

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Time Travel and theories of Time

Article · August 2000

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1 author:

Ioan Muntean
University of North Carolina at Asheville


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So this puzzle can be approached in two different ways. Time travel can be
TIME TRAVEL AND THEORIES OF TIME described without using the formalisms of modern physics, but just a minimal logical
The intuitive outlook of the world is seriously threatened by many advances in apparatus and philosophical speculations regarding identity in time, nature of time,
modern sciences. The situation was quite different one hundred years ago. The temporal parts, existence and becoming. It is well described in certain terms of
common-sense view of the world was not at odds with the scientific theory until the semantics and analytical ontology. Analytical philosophy argues that the problems of
last decades of the nineteenth century. Mechanics and phenomenological time travel can be solved in a conceptual and linguistic frame using only the informal
thermodynamics were almost intuitive in Western thought. After the first arguments of philosophy. Some philosophers don’t employ GTR formalisation
developments of statistical thermodynamics and electromagnetism and especially because it’s too counter-intuitive and somehow relative to a system of
following the discovery of General Theory of Relativity (GTR) and Quantum presuppositions2 or grammar3 and they think that philosophical argument itself is
Mechanics (QM) a disagreement arose between our intuitions about the structure of enough to illuminate or even settle this question.
the world and the scientific descriptions of it. The existence of new scientific models For philosophers of science and scientists this speculative approach to time travel
questioned our ability to understand reality and our comprehension of understanding is derided as „armchair philosophical reflections”.4 They use topology and GTR to
reality. But which one is the most correct: our everyday intuitions which are relatively define spacetime singularities and CTC. In John Earman’s words, scientists require
stable and almost universally endorsed or scientific explanations of the world which time travel (a) to be compatible with the laws of physics, (b) to not imply backward
are continually changing? From the beginning QM and GTR were beset by problems causation and (c) to not be open to a rereading on which no time travel takes place.
of their foundations so that there are many interpretations of them. The situation did Science is not primarily concerned with logical contradictions, as (a) would secure
not change too much in the meantime: QM raises problems of measurement and this; neither with the counter-intuitive aspects of time travel, as relativity is at odd
non-locality and GTR the problem of spacetime singularities and acausality, which are with our common ideas of „space” and „time” so nobody expects an intuitive idea of
mainly due to the fracture between common sense thought and scientific models.1 time travel.5 The main problem for the scientific approach to time travel is to maintain
This should be one of the most important tasks of philosophy today: to explain and to the laws of physics, and these demands will solve the problems like autoinfanticide
analyse the concurrence and the divergence between our intuitions and scientific and other logical paradoxes. A scientific discussion on CTC should begin not with
models. fiction and counterfactual conjectures, but with the solutions to Einstein’s Field
But there are some Gedankenexperimente that trouble our minds and equally the Equation (EFE).6
sciences. They can be considered as belonging to a third place apart from everyday In the last fifty years there were many interpretations to so-called time travel
intuitions and scientific explanations, a „no man’s land”. Initially both everyday coming from both directions. Each approach hopes to solve the problem with
thinking and scientific outlook rejected, although with completely different independent tools: philosophy suggests that only the logical and conceptual
arguments, such fancy devices as the products of mere imagination. One of these is constraints should limit and should determine the possibility of time travel while the
so-called time travel or, in the scientific language of GTR, closed timelike curves scientific approach compels the time travel to those models that are compatible with
(CTC). The two concepts are connected and the border line between them is vague. the laws of nature. The differences are so important that in John Earman’s opinion
The phrase „time travel” comes from science fiction, but in fact philosophical and there are different types of time travel.7
logical ideas are involved. The concept of CTC was used in connection with Gödel’s The first two sections will outline two types of time travel, mainly distinguished
solutions to Einstein’s field equations (EFE) for a particular configuration of matter by these the approaching methods: the philosophical and the scientific one. Sections
distribution in the universe. While CTC is a very technical term used only by a few 3), 4) and 5) will present the arguments for and against the possibility and the
scientists, the more intuitive idea of time travel is ubiquitous in literature, movies and probability of time travel. In section 6) we will describe two theories of time currently
TV series. Although few people grasp the meaning of CTC actualisation in our on debate and in section 7) we will try to show that time travel is a serious challenge
universe, anyone understands that if time travel were possible, all our models of for both of them and an improvement is necessary.
physical reality, biological evolution, human history and life in the universe would be
radically revised. Common thinking and scientific theory acknowledge that if we are
to accept time travel or CTC (in our Universe) the grounds of our knowledge must be
somehow revised and concepts as „infinity”, „law of nature”, „evolution”, 2 For Putnam, necessary truths are relative to a body of knowledge. He takes time travel as an example. So
„knowledge”, etc. should be reshaped. that the alleged logical impossibilities are due to our normal use of language and of terms like „existing” in time
Like QM and GTR, discussions of time travel and CTC are a contested territory and space, „travelling” along world-lines, etc. If we start to speak on time travel things go wrong in countless
ways. But we can freely choose a mathematical description of the phenomena. The problem of time travel isn’t a
for science, philosophy and common-sense thinking. We will follow in this paper mathematical or a logical one, the problem relies on the option for one system of terms or an other, on our
some of the arguments of philosophers and scientists and we will discuss some conceptual schema [Putnam, 1962, 665-669]. Weingard criticised Putnam for applying only accidentally some
methods of STR in his account of time travel, without solving the problem of integrating time travel into a physical
notions used in the discussion. All these are in themselves already committed to a theory. [Weingard, 1972, 118].
peculiar metaphysics of time that shall be revealed gradually. 3 #Rom Harre#
4 [Earman, 1995a, p. 194].
5 [Earman, 1995a, 125].
6 In Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, ed. by M. Schilpp, 1949.
1 [Earman, 1995a, p. 4]. 7 [Earman, 1995a, p. 163].

1) Wellsian time travel for supposing that time inside the machine in going backward only if we admit further
The term first appeared in the novel The Time Machine by H. G. Wells (1898). It metaphysical assumption: that the direction of time is determined by the direction of
was discussed in the analytical philosophy and logic of the last forty years and mainly increasing entropy, although this is an hypothesis that can be refuted or qualified and
rejected because it implies such strange oddities as materialisation and it holds only in a certain view of time that infers the direction of time from the
dematerialisation, as well as ubiquity and backward causation, but not necessarly the entropy. As we can consider the time machine an isolated system, locally we should
violation of energy conservation or other laws of physics. The simplest scheme of this expect an increase in entropy, but this is not the case. In this situation, from
time travel presupposes that we have an object M (typically the time machine and its ∆SM•∆Suniverse<0 (the entropy inside M flows in other direction that the entropy of the
occupant) that can appear ex nihilo and can disappear ad nihilum. The evolution of M Universe) we can infer ∆t•∆T<0 (e.g. the two times are flowing in different
can be represented on a section of 4-D manifold (x,y,z,t) in which space is confined to directions). The internal time on b-c is backward oriented from future to past. There is
a single variable. To understand better the time travel argument, it’s useful to bring to an argument against this inference proposed by Weingard when he criticises the
light the difference between time (t) inside M and time (T) outside it, namely the example given by Putnam based on the entropy arrow of time.10
difference between private time (internal time) and public time (external time).8 III) In the third situation M passes into non-existence between b and c, but it
There are at least three types of time travel in the wellsian meaning, depending on reappears in past, before b. Here we have a combination of I) and II). The entropy of
when and where appears the fracture in the spacetime evolution of time machine. The M between b and c is null, so M is beyond spacetime of the Universe. The time t
vertical axis is time, the horizontal one is space or a transformation of spatial doesn’t flow in M; so as ∆SM = 0, therefore ∆t=0 or t doesn’t have any sense.
ordinates blended together in a single variable (see Fig. 1). It is possible to have a fourth situation in which M is evolving very slowly in
time, as in STR and after M is sent off in a very remote area of the universe with a
relativistic speed it returns back and its internal clock will be slowed down. But this
b b situation is not at all a time travel, as time travel presuppose a move back in time not
only a move forward in time at a different „speed” such a pass over the normal flux of
The ontological status of M at the moment p is very uncommon in all three
d situations. If we accept the classical criterion for existence, in the first and third
c d situation M doesn’t exist at all, as it doesn’t occupies a spatiotemporal place. In the
p M3 M2
M1 second situation we have three M’s, the first (M1) is a physical object evolving
b a normally in space and time from a toward b; the second one (M2) is moving backward
a from b toward c in time and its entropy is decreasing; the third (M3) is a normally
object evolving from c toward d. The internal clock on M2 will show a time before the
a time displayed on M1 and after the time of M3, although the external clock shows only
c c the time of M1. Backward causation can occur at p anywhere, as M2 and M3 are
I II III continuants of M1, but if M1 is in the light-cone of M3 (consider the horizontal
ordinate not at a cosmic magnitude) then it can be influenced by some events in M3, as
Figure 1 M3 should be influenced eventually by some events in M1. In the third situation we
have almost the same situation, but M2 doesn’t exist, so the backward causation is
I) In the first case M disappears at b and reappears at c, having a normal evolution
possible between M3 and M1.12 Reversals of causation are normal in this arrangement,
on a-b and c-d intervals, but with a jump from b to c because between b and c it
as they are necessarily involved in time travel.
doesn’t exist at all. This can be interpreted as a „gap” in the existence of the machine.
In this gap of existence we can say that ∆SM = 0 (entropy variation between two states 2) Gödelian time travel
of M)9 and also ∆t=0. Time travel is closely linked to Einstein Field Equations (EFE), the ground of
II) In the second case M traverses the period b-c without disappearing. From the GTR. Surprisingly enough, some solutions to EFE which had been given before 1949
outside, all the processes in M are going backward in time. While inside of M nothing supported in some conditions time travel but nobody noticed it13 as the problem of
strange happens, the outside world seen from inside is going backward in time. The CTC was overshadowed by the discussions on spacetime singularities. Einstein
main feature and the most embarrassing is the decreasing entropy in M. If the filmed
picture of M is played backward then the events in it are all normal. This is a reason 10 [Weingard, 1972, 126-129] and Huw Price, Time’s Arrow & Archimedes’ Point: New Directions for the
Physics of Time, New York Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996.
8 [Lewis, 1986b, 69]. It can be proved that difference between public and proper time can restore the 11 The above discussion can be found in [Macbeath, 1982, 399].
consistency of time travel, but cannot solve the problem of simultaneity [Faye, 1989, 234]. This is as an import 12 Weinland attempted to integrate the situation II within the laws of physics by assuming that we can have
from the Theory of Relativity, but not an essential one, as the difference between times and spaces of systems of an antimatter M2 [Weingard, 1972, 122], so in b the machine annihilates himself. This assumption was previously
references was known before Newton. rejected by Putnam.
9 It’s worth noting again that the use of entropy does not bestow a theoretical flavour to this approach and it 13 The solution of Van Stockum (1937) of a infinite rotating cylinder of dust, reanalysed by Tipler in 1974
is somehow counterfeit. for the finite case contains CTC.

3 4
himself had a strange attitude regarding the singularities in EFE and he never accepted the violation of chronology condition, some of the most firm being K. Thorne, J.
them totally.14 In 1949 the first solutions to EFE permitting CTC were provided by Friedman, I. Novikov.
Gödel. Concerning CTC, Einstein suggested that they can be further analysed and he
3) Arguing against wellsian time travel
didn’t reject them.15 Einstein asked himself if such cosmological solutions allowing
time travel „are not to be excluded on physical grounds”. That was the beginning of Why was time travel rejected by philosophers? It is clear that the story of a
the scientific approach to time travel via the analysis of universes accepting CTC. machine going forward and backward in time put in jeopardy some of our classical
Chandrasekhar and Wright had questioned them in a paper in 195316 and after that the views of reality because it infringes our idea that there is a fundamental „distinctness”
problem was treated implicitly as a sneaky physical dilemma in GTR. The classical between past and future. But a question raises: is time travel nothing but a thought
textbooks on General Relativity till ‘90’s scarcely mention CTC and avoid any experiment or a subject of science-fiction? I think that it is also a challenge to our
discussion on it. system of representing time and space and it can be used as a tool to inspect and verify
Gödel introduces a transformation of Minkowski linear coordinates to cylindrical our models of reality and that the analysis of time travel improves our understanding
coordinates.17 By this transformation the time becomes circular and the world is of the spacetime structure of the universe.
recursive as we haven’t a single time slice in this universe and we cannot speak of this Firstly, time travel is against our intuition of time as a single line without any
universe at a single time and as a consequence an object has no temporal parts in this break or branching point. We’re very familiar with the isomorphism between time
Gödelian universe, and the structure of time is „closed”. A spacetime manifold that order and real number set. We cannot accept that a number should be greater and in
include non global CTCs cannot be globally foliated, i.e. sliced in spacelike surfaces the same time smaller than another one. In this respect it is very appropriate to quote
that can be regarded as successive nows.18 Swinburne’ argument against time travel: „If the present instant t1 will return then the
We can define a condition for the existence of CTC by a topological condition on next instant subsequent to this one, t2, will be both before and after t1”.20 This seems
the light cone. A timelike close curve19 doesn’t exist in a Minkowski spacetime. We to be a logical argument against all types of time travel, Gödelian or Wellsian as well.
define p<<q as a relation connecting two points if there is a non-trivial timelike Or, in other words „a certain event corresponding to a single point in which the
future-directed curve from p to q, which means that p can be causally connected with corresponding world line recrosses itself would be simultaneous with a remote future
q. The sets I+(p)={x|p << x} and I–(p)={y|y << p} are the future-set respectively the instants.”21 So if t1< t2< t1 is an impossibility, then time travel is impossible. L. Dwyer
past-set of the point p. There exists a CTC crossing p if p∈I+(p). The most important tried to reject Swinburne’s assumption on the basis that it presuppose that t1 occurs
feature of CTC is that they are continuous and we can preserve the criterion of twice and this is a fault similar of postulating a hypertime, although this is not
individuality. On a CTC there are not dematerialisation or materialisation as in necessarily true.22
Wellsian time travel. In a Gödel universe each point contains at least one CTC. Secondly, time travel is against our common-sense belief that a thing is occupying
Gödel transformations can be rejected on various basis, but the problem is that a single place at a moment and it cannot be in two place at the same time. This a
CTC can appear in a variety of matter distributions described by classical GTR where problem concerning identity of objects in space and time. At the moment p in the
matter distorts the geodesics so strongly that CTC could occur. For this reason the second situation described in Figure 1 we have three objects numerically identical. As
scientists are divided. First are those who impose a chronology condition („there is no J. Faye argues against time travel, our concept of an object involves it havimg a
CTC in the time-oriented spacetime”) in the Penrose-Hawking theorems regarding spatially finite and bounded extension. If a thing is separated from another and there is
singularities (the most important result in GTR) and believe that GTR has the no connection between them, then they are eo ipso different objects. The spatial
resources to show that chronology violations have to be kept (some reason should be boundedness makes them countable and numerically different.23 In Faye’ opinion, to
that if CTC were not present from the beginning they would not occur later and a maintain the uniformity of laws governing the perceptual access to the world around
initial state with CTC was not reasonable). Second, there are those who take seriously the traveller and his younger replica (the person he should have meet in the past) is
impossible, so we cannot retain the relation of simultaneity of time traveller.24 So this
should be an argument against time travel based on identity and simultaneity.
Thirdly, time travel involves changing the past. From this derives the grandfather
14 P. Bergmann in H. Woolf (ed.), Some Strangeness in the Proportion, MA, Addison Wesley, 1980, p. 156.
He believed till the end of his life that Unified Theory will arise no singularities. He pronounced this possibility
paradox and auto-infanticide discussed by Lewis. This is considered by some
repugnant to his physical intuition: „Dies widerstrebt meinem physikalishen Gefühl aufs lebthaftteste”, in philosophers the major hindrance to accept time travel. Backward causation can occur
[Earman, 1995a, 26].
15 But as Earman proves the CTC and singularities are not separate problems [Earman, 1995a]. if we accept that the past can be changed. In his causal theory of time, Reichenbach
16 The aversion to CTC was removed by Howard Stein in [Stein, 1970]. uses as axioms that „the past never comes back” and „we cannot change the past, but
17 K. Gödel „An example of a New Type of Cosmological Solutions to Einstein’s Field Equations of
Gravitation”, Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 21, nr. 3, July 1949, 447-450 reprinted in Albert Einstein:
Philosopher-Scientist, ed. by P. A. Schilpp, 1949.
18 [King, 1999, 276n7]. 20 R. Swinburne, Space and Time, Macmillan, 1968, p. 169.
19 Given a Minkowski spacetime, a line element is ds2 = dt2–dx2–dy2–dz2 and in a general tensorial form: 21 M. Capek, „Time in Relativity Theory: Arguments for a Philosophy of Becoming” in J. T. Fraser (ed.) The
ds2=ηab dxa dxb. Unlike the Newtonian space, the line element can be negative also or null. A curve between two Voices of Time, G. Brazziler, NY, 1966, 448.
points having a positive length is a timelike curve if its length (by integration of the line elements) is positive, a 22 [Dwyer, 1975, 347].
spacelike if its length is negative and a null curve or a light curve if its length is zero. The light cone is a double 23 [Faye, 1989, 230].
cone formed by all the null curves (straight lines here) passing by the origin. All timelike curves are inside the
cone and the spacelike ones outside it. 24 [Faye, 1989, 234].

5 6
we can change the future”.25 This helps him to define time in terms of causality. If the we should resolve the paradox just by conjecturing that in a universe where CTC are
past would came back, we should have a closed causal chain. The same situation possible there are some changes in the free will of the time traveller. But „this will not
would be if the past would be changed. The causal chain does not merely happen to be be necessary if what I call the chronology protection conjecture is correct”.
missing, „but is physically impossible”.26 But Reichenbach doesn’t reject the self- As Kim and Thorne had previously shown32, a sort of time machine can be
encounter of a younger ego, a situation paradoxical to us from a physical point of conceived using a non-trivial topology involving wormholes. Hawking proves that in
view, but not logically impossible. In a situation with a self-encounter ego, there will order to create a wormhole one has to distort the metric so much that closed timelike
be no time order in the usual sense.27 In the same manner, Stephen Hawking and curves appear. The mathematical result of Hawking is that „If there is a timelike tube
George Ellis tried to prove on a logical basis that time travel is impossible.28 The T connecting surfaces S and S’ of different topology, then the region MT contains
method used by the two cosmologists is reductio-ad-absurdum. The four premises closed timelike curves.”33 (here S and S’ are spacelike surface without boundaries, S’
used are: 1. A time traveller exists prior to carrying out the time travel. 2. All physical being the result of warping the surface developing from S and having a different
objects have continuous existences. 3. Time travel to the past is logically possible. 4. topology, saying with a wormhole or a handle, and MT is region of spacetime bounded
Travelling „backwards” in time would enable a time traveller to stop him/herself from by T, S and S’). But how this can be prevented? There is a constant (B) which
embarking to his/her time journey. The only premise that can be false is the third one. depends on the quantum state and spin of the field. If B is negative the
As Smart remarked29 we can accept or reject time travel merely on a semantical energy-momentum tensor will have a repulsive gravitational effect in the equation for
ground by making conceptual analysis of time and space. Space has two meanings: the rate of change of the volume. „This will tend to prevent the spacetime from
space is a continuant, it is like an object, it has some properties as „being occupied by developing a Cauchy horizon. If B is negative spacetime will resist being warped so
X” or „being curved”. The main feature of it is that it can change or stay the same. In that closed timelike curves appear. If B is positive, „the gravitational effect would be
the second sense space is described mathematically and it is tenseless and it is not a attractive, and the spacetime would develop a singularity, which would prevent one
continuant. So, the Minkowski theory of space-time engaged this sense of space. We reaching a region of closed timelike curves”. Either way, with B having all possible
are speaking about time travel in the continuant sense of space. A travel in space-time values, Hawking considers that there are theoretical reasons to believe CPC by the fact
of an object O from point A to point B means that the worldlines of O intersects the that laws of physics prevent the appearance of CTC. The experimental evidence is that
world lines of A and B. In this representation, as Schlick remarked, „time is already „we have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future”.34
represented within the model and cannot be introduced again from outside”.30 So, in a But Hawking’s argument against CTC is not very convincing, as J. Earman
pure four-dimensional language of world-lines the motion in an ordinary way of recently argued. He thinks that time travel is possible but a time machine cannot be
changing time and space ordinates doesn’t exist. We cannot speak of travelling in time operated. A time machine in a weak sense does not produce a CTC but reveals it. A
and in space and we cannot represent motion in four-dimensional space-time. The time machine in a strong sense brings about a CTC.35 The chronology protection
possibility or the impossibility of time travel resides in the meaning given to this theorem (CPT) is one of the most important results connected with GTR: the idea is to
concept, like in Putnam’s interpretation. In discussing his argument, Smart shows that analyse very carefully the time machine (in a strong sense) and to prove that if we
we can interpret a relativistic journey as time travel to the future, as I can shot myself accept it we have to run afoul of some plausible physical constraints. CPT tries to
from earth to a very remote part of the universe and when I come back I will find my reach impossible results starting from the acceptance of time machines. It is like a
contemporaries very old, as to say they were futurised in the meantime. This is a reductio ad absurdum.
well-known consequence of The Special Theory of Relativity. Smart accepts the Earman proved that we haven’t yet a strong argument to undermine the possibility
conceptual possibility of time travel if we define properly time, space and motion, but of a „strong” time machine. We will not enter here into technical aspects of CPT, but
he cannot accept time travel as moving in a four-dimensional spacetime. we have to mention Earman’s idea of constructing a CTC on a hypersurface Σ without
4) Arguing for and against CTC edge such that there is no CTC in the J–(Σ) (the causal past of Σ). Then he discusses
two CPTs, Hawking’s and Tipler’s, all settled within classical GTR. However CPTs
A good example of how time travel can be rejected using not pure logical do not suffice to reject time machines in a strong sense but merely make them very
speculation, but instead EFE and details about the structure of spacetime is the difficult to operate.
well-known conjecture against time travel, a standard formulation of which was given The last discussions in Earman’ paper are very interesting, as he speculates about
by Stephen Hawking, namely the Chronology Protection Conjecture (CPC).31 This is Quantum Field Theory (QFT). On one hand QFT can help time machine by
a principle requiring that the laws of physics prevent the appearance of CTC and countenancing matter that violates the weak energy condition. On the other hand there
generally it is thought as being ad-hoc. Hawking used it against time travel. He denied are at least three ways in which QFT militates against time travel and we can expect
that QFT will wreck the dream of operating a time machine, but we haven’t yet a
25 Direction of Time, University of California Press, 1956, p. 22-24. viable QFT. In this situation none of the CPT in the frame of classical GTR can offer
26 Idem, p. 39.
27 Ibidem, p. 37.
28 [Hawking & Ellis, 1973, 189]. 32 [Kim & Thorne, 1991, 3929].
29 „Spatialising Time”, Mind, 64 (1955), pp. 239-241. 33 [Hawking, 1992, 609].
30 M. Schlick, Philosophy of Nature, New York, Philosophical Library, 1949, p. 43. 34 [Hawking, 1992, 610].
31 [Hawking, 1992]. 35 [Earman, 1995b, 126].

7 8
an argument strong enough to reject time travel. We have to wait for a QFT to ensure idea that positrons are nothing but electrons moving backward in time and the perfect
the best version of cosmic censorship.36 To conclude, dismissing CTC out of hand is a precognition.41
practice which reminds us of the dogmatism about singularities in GTR prior to the Horwich proves that time travel is not impossible but highly improbable and he
singularity theorems or worse, about dogmatism against STR or QM before their first discusses time travel in Gödelian sense. The occurrence of such circumstances as the
experimental confirmations. auto-infanticide, etc. will failure and such circumstances are ruled out by what we
know about the world. The conclusion is that closed causal chains deriving from
5) Between being improbable and being impossible
Gödelian time travel are epistemologically impossible.42 Gödel himself showed that
The best known argument for accepting time travel not as logically impossible, such structures of space time permitting time travel are technologically impossible
but merely an oddity for our intuition, is due to David Lewis. A possible world in because the energy required would amount to the mass of several galaxies.
which time travel took place would have be a strange one: this puzzle comes from the Concerning Feynman’ theory, Horwich asks how can we admit that a positron can
paradox of changing the past. The time traveller cannot change his past. P. Riggs calls be an electron moving backward in time? Let’s mention shortly Berger’s argument for
this argument „the Principal Paradox of Time Travel”. He gives ten assumptions of the Feynman interpretation.43 He starts with an algorithm using an input-output
Lewis’ argument:37 (i) Time is only one-dimensional (although Lewis does not reject quantum machine.44 In conformity with Feynman, electrons never travel back in time.
two dimensional time). (ii) Propositions about past events are either tenselessly true or A re-entrant trajectory for a particle means that the input of the quantum machine is
tenselessly false. (iii) The occurrence of any contradictory circumstance is impossible. before the output, with ∆t<0. Bohr showed that in QM we have to deal only with
(iv) Human beings do have (at least) limited freedom of action. (v) Events could have non-re-entrant particles.
been otherwise than what they are, have, or will be. (vi) Tim is not created ex-nihilo We can adopt another microphysical theory in which we have no antiparticles (we
(in Lewis argument, Tim is a time traveller who goes back fifty years to kill his own have no positrons as well) and every statement on generation of particles-antiparticles
grandfather) (vii) Tim is a normal, adult human being whose bodily functions, pairs must be translated into statements about re-entrant particles. We translate all
reflexes, memory, etc., are not impaired in any way by his travelling in time. (viii) statements about anti-particles into statements about re-entrant particles. This will
Tim’s intent and determination to kill his grandfather is unaffected by his travelling in imply some changes in the meaning of „time”. But we have not to confuse the
time; (ix) Tim actually shoots at his natural grandfather and not a person he direction of time with the concept of re-entrance. This is a new concept of Feynman
mistakenly believes to be his natural grandfather; (x) Tim does not „pass into” another physics. In pre-Feynman physics, particles could undergo re-entrance, but they did not
universe inhabited by similar individuals to those in his universe.38 Lewis argues that do so. In the Feynman model, re-entrance is an axiom, as the velocity of light is
you cannot change your past because if something can happen than its happening is postulated in Special Theory of Relativity. It can be put like this: in physics there is no
compossible with certain facts. Tom can kill his Grandfather, but his killing law which permits re-entrance in any but a fully conventionalistic manner. But the
Grandfather is not compossible with a more inclusive set of facts, especially what acceptance of both entrance and re-entrance will not mean a change of the meaning of
Grandfather was doing after Tim’s return in past.39 Tim wants to kill his Grandfather fundamental concepts, but rather the discovery of a new class of physical processes.
and can do it. But as he tries to kill him, appears a set of circumstances disallowing Re-entrance should not be decided by the conceptual analysis, but by physics.
his desire. This failure is not due to any lack of capacities of Tim, or of an In Horwich’s opinion, the empirical bilking argument does not suggest that
opportunity. Lewis states the „obvious, but readily overlooked explanation, that Feynmam’s model is epistemologically impossible. His conclusion is that closed
people often fail to reach goals that usually are well within their ability to achieve.”40 causal chains cannot be dismissed on a priori semantical grounds, nor by an a
Horwich has another explanation for time travel. He diverges the discussion about posteriori bilking argument, so although the bilking argument isn’t an universal tool
time travel from possibility to probability and he asks himself about the real for rejecting closed causal chains, it can discard time travel as highly improbable.
probability and epistemological possibility of time travel. The closed causal chains are Horwich also defends Gödel’s claim that time travel could occur. He dismisses
double causal relations in which c causes e and e causes c*. We can imagine the the situation of a wellsian travel in time as „there is no physical theory to give it
situation in which c and c* are mutually exclusive. Closed causal chains can produce credence and more difficult, since extra problems to do with personal identity are
bilking arguments, e. g. the hypothesis that in a closed causal loop the initial involved.”45 He considers four alleged paradoxes of time travel. 1) In gödelian time
environment can be precluded, in other words c* can be lastly the non-existence of c. travel, M traverses some temporal interval in a time having a different length than the
Theories implying bilking arguments are: theoretical spacetime of Gödel, Feynman’s duration of that interval. This paradox is solved if we accept different frames of
references for time allowed by standard STR.46 2) There is an incompatibility with

36 [Earman, 1995b, 137].

41 Horwich in [Savitt, 1995, 261].
37 [Riggs, 1997, 50].
42 Horwich in [Savitt, 1995, 264].
38 It worth noting the different classes of assumptions we have here. The first is a topological claim
43 [Berger, 1968].
concerning the very nature of time. There are some theories of bidimensional time but we’ll not discuss them here.
The second one is about the truth structure of proposition about past and future and it has a semantical 44 R. Feynman, Theory of Fundamental Processes, NY, Benjamin, 1962.
commitment. The third and the fifth are logical assumptions, while the forth concerns the free will of human 45 [Horwich, 1987, 112], an improved version of „On Some Alleged Paradoxes of Time Travel”, Journal of
beings. The last assumptions are descriptions of facts. Philosophy, 1972, 432-444.
39 [Lewis, 1986a, 79]. 46 This was used by D. C. Williams to prove the fault of Wells’ time travel. „The Myth of Passage” in
40 [Riggs, 1997, 51]. Journal of Philosophy, 48, pp. 457-472.

9 10
Leibniz’s law that the identical object have all the same properties. This alleged philosophers, or by the scientists. Theories of time are not unsympathetic to scientists
paradox is ruled out by a language which is time indexical relatively to proper time as the occurrences-continuants distinction can be found in the important debate
and not to general time. 3) The third paradox regards the changing of the past, and between the reality of particles (defended by K. Popper, A. Landé, etc.) and the reality
here Horwich insists on the difference between changing the past and influencing it. of events in modern physics (defended by D. Bohm, J.-P. Vigier, E. Schrödinger and
The former is indeed impossible, as it is possible with respect to the future. The latter, even A. Einstein). We will briefly present the two theories of time currently in debate
however, involves no such contradictions, and this is what is required for time travel. among philosophers and logicians.
But Horwich didn’t explicitly define how we can „influence the past”. 4) The fourth A) Four-dimensionalism49 is based on a partial analogy between spatial and
argument concerns autoinfanticide, very similar to Lewis’ one. We are again in the temporal parts. An object is spread in time much as it is spread out in space. The
situation pictured by Lewis, except that Horwich is discussing directly the occupants of each span of time are different and each is a temporal part of the whole.
autoinfanticide. This is refuted by the restrictions imposed on the class of causal The whole is a four dimensional object, more precisely a super-object with a
chains. The idea is to accept that there are constraints on timelike curves that may act spatiotemporal extension, a „worm”.50 So the four-dimensionalist says that my current
as loci for particular sorts of causal chain. Closed causal chains are subject to temporal part is atemporally part of the larger space-time „worm” that is my body.
consistency conditions.47 Zemach51 defines four ontologies based on the difference between being
The next move is to accept that bilking arguments involve implausible continuos in a certain dimension (having no parts and undergoing change in this
coincidences. We can trust that something prevents the bilking and this should be dimension as a whole) and being bound in a certain dimension (having parts along this
either the structure of spacetime, or the fact that the individuals who organise trips dimension and parts having different attributes). The four-dimensionalism is an
into past are not concerned with bilking, either the fact that to close a timelike curve „ontology of events” that carves its entities as bound in time and space. These entities
should need a too great amount of fuel (Gödel’s own explanation), or that quantum with boundaries in all four dimensions are events, or non-continuants, or processes.
fluctuations should prevent it.48 We can add other reasons to reject time travel. One of For a four-dimensionalist („first” in Zemach’ classification) the classical three-
them is the practical impossibility of intentional bilking strategies. Horwich’s dimensional object as continuant can be imagined as a „lazy process”. Only events are
conclusion is that a distribution of circumstances allowing time travel is highly real and only they can be predicated, can have proper names and only they are the
implausible. Even if we are living in a universe like Gödel’s, it is necessary for the substances of the world.52 For a strong four-dimensionalist reality contains only
initial state of a universe with closed timelike lines to possess a certain order. These processes.
special conditions have to conform with a Gödelian spacetime and engender the This perspective adopts the atemporal parthood and atemporal exemplification.
entropic behaviour we observe. This should be a small subset of all possible initial Change is only a difference between temporal parts. Saying that x has a property P at t
conditions compatible with our entropic data. We cannot conclude that there are no means simply that x has a temporal part at t that has atemporally P or „the t-part of x
closed timelike curves. On Horwich’s view, we cannot prove that we are living in a has P”. Temporal properties are carried simpliciter and they are not relative to time.
cylindrical spacetime, but this should be highly improbable. In the four-dimensionalism proposed by Sider we have attributes like „part of ...
at t” instead of something atemporal, „part of”, that is, a language with mereological
6) Two theories of time
concepts temporally qualified. Sider adopts a more relaxed four-dimensionalism. He
As we already have seen time travel was firstly rejected by both philosophy and does not suppose that facts about temporal parts are prior to or more fundamental than
science, as they tried to prove it was false on various grounds. In the last twenty years facts about continuants and that continuant objects are in any sense constructed from
both tried to reconsider their positions regarding time travel. The discussions about their temporal parts.53 He doesn’t assert a strong Humean Supervenience that local
the possibility of time travel were philosophically enriched with concepts involving
human action, free will, Divine omniscience or personal identity and, above all, logic 49 The terminology is used in [Van Inwagen, 1990] and recently in [Sider 1997], but we will use as well
of possible worlds. Scientists believe that the would-be QFT will definitely clarify the other designations as Temporal Part Theory (TPT) for four-dimensionalism and Continuant Theory (CT) for three-
problem of the actualisation of CTC in one of the two possible ways: either to provide dimensionalism, as they are used in literature e.g. [Zemach, 1970], [Le Poidevin, 2000]. The doctrine of four-
dimensionalism was firstly advocated by Russell Our Knowledge of the External World, 1914, A. N. Whitehead,
the conditions in which they are possible, or to reject them as impossible at least at the An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge, 1918, R. Carnap, Introduction to Symbolic Logic,
stage before gravity itself is quantized. But if we are to accept this major challenge we 1958 and W. v. O. Quine, Word and Object, 1960.
50 R. Taylor describes the analogies between time and space in „Spatial and Temporal Analogies”, in
have to reconsider most of our theories of time. Journal of Philosophy, 52(22), 599-612. „Spatially long” is the same and „having a long duration”, there are
We want to investigate the compatibility between time travel and theories of time temporal places as spatial ones, there exists also temporal movement as spatial movement, etc. and answers to
or at least some possible connections between them. There are some assumptions seven possible objections to these analogies. This paper was strongly criticised by J. Meiland, R. Gale, G.
Schlesinger, J. Butterfield and T. Chapman on various grounds. We will discuss further Chapman’s critique of
about time travel that come from theories of time, but it is not clear if time travel analogies between spatial and temporal parts as it is significant to the time travel.
51 [Zemach, 1970, 232-3].
should be accepted they „would remain the same”. We want to place the discussion on
52 [Zemach, 1970, 234].
time travel in the context of temporal parts, continuants and occurrences and to prove 53 [Sider, 1997, 208]. In an analysis of R. Taylor’ analogies, Meiland shows that there are disanalogies
that there are strong ontological commitments that cannot be neglected either by the between temporal parts and spatial parts, like „a spatial part is a set of temporal parts” and „a temporal part is not a
set of spatial parts” [Meiland, 1966, 68] and concludes that „time is prior to space” [Meiland, 1966, 70]. Meiland
advocates temporal parts without accepting all analogies found in Taylor. Schlesinger considers that a world
47 [Horwich, 1987, 119].
without time and only with space would be totally stripped of the capacity of containing individuals, whereas a
world devoid of space can sustain a system of particulars of a certain kind (Aspects of Time, 1980, p.18; the
48 [Horwich, 1987, 123]. example of a temporal world without space is from Strawson’s Individuals).

11 12
qualities would be instantiated by temporal parts and facts about temporal parts would considers that Taylor replaces the object with a super-object which is the spatio-
determine all facts about identity over time. He says that temporal parts exist (as a temporal path of the object in time and he cannot use the concept of travel in time
consequence of the „Thesis of Temporal Locality”).54 He separates the problem of neither about a travel in space, as his conceptual scheme drops the „absolutely
existence of temporal parts from the problem of their priority, reducibility etc.55 fundamental notion of an object (in our sense) having a velocity”.61 For Taylor motion
Sider’s argument in defence of four-dimensionalism, i.e. the Thesis of Temporal is a successive appearance of temporal bits of super-objects.
Locality (TTL), is parallel to Lewis’s argument for the unrestricted mereological The spatial analogy doesn’t help us very much in the discussion about time travel
composition, according to which any class of objects whatsoever has a fusion.56 because identity (and reidentification) in time is different from identity in space.
Four-dimensionalism confers great advantages in logic and especially mereology Belonging to a temporal part is different to belonging to a spatial part. Otherwise, it is
because it rescues extensional mereology. This model removes the temporal clear enough that the analogy between spatial and temporal part can be refuted
modification from predicates and builds it into terms. There is no need for tensed without damaging the theoretical basis of four-dimensionalism. This analogy itself is
predicates or time indexicals. Four-dimensionalism reformulates ontology in another too weak to stay as the sole ground for this doctrine.
language, already familiar to us.57 The new language is more consonant with STR, but B) Three-dimensionalism defends a contrary position, the one we use most and
as P. Simons suggests that „the rejection of the old ontology must be postponed until that comes almost naturally to us. Things persist through time and they are wholly
such time as the promised better alternative is in a more liveable state.”58 present throughout time. The entire object is to be found at each instant of time. There
We will put stress here on the analogy between spatial and temporal parts because is a great disanalogy between occupying time and occupying space: spatial part can
the most influential philosophical paper about time travel in recent years is Davis exhibit incompatible properties, it doesn’t imply change as we have different
Lewis’ „The Paradoxes of Time Travel”59 where he suggests a connection between particulars in different places. An object may have completely different properties and
temporal parts and time travel in a clear four-dimensionalist way. But the analogy was this doesn’t mean it is contradictory. Temporal variations may imply change of one
first hinted at by Richard Taylor. We will discuss it and after that the critique of and the same individual who persists through change.
Chapman. The strong slogan of three-dimensionalism is: for every x and every t at which x
For Taylor „spatially long” is the same as „having a long duration”, there are exists, every part of x exists at t. Sider change it slightly: „x is wholly present at t if
temporal places as spatial ones, there exists also temporal movement as spatial everything that is at any time part of x exists and is part of x at t”.62 He presents some
movement, etc. He answers seven possible objections to these analogies (his paper possible theses of three-dimensionalism, but finally the single thesis acceptable for all
was strongly criticised afterwards by J. Meiland, R. Gale, G. Schlesinger, J. three-dimensionalists is the weaker one: „It is possible that some object is wholly
Butterfield and T. Chapman on various grounds). In support of temporal parts theory present at more than one time”.63 Parthood is irreducibly temporally relative and
he gives an answer to the following objection: „A thing can move back and forth in properties are relative to time.
space, though it cannot do so in time”.60 Considering the example of a whistle blast There are also other ways to state this doctrine. We can express it as follows:
moving in three different towns L1, L2 and L3 as follows: objects are „continuants”64 and „the collection is not a plurality, but a specific kind of
L1 L2 L3 unity”, they have no temporal parts. Things are bound in space and continuous in
T1 S1 - S3 time, if we adopt Zemach’s classification: this constitutes the second ontology,
T2 - S2 „ontology of things”. An object can be sliced in space, it has spatial boundaries. In
T1 S2, S3 respect of time, a continuant is not „defined”, it has no boundaries. David Lewis
So we can admit that some spatial parts of an „object” can move backward in time. opposes „perduring” to „enduring”: something „perdures iff it persists by having
Chapman shows that we cannot imagine a time travel based only on analogy between different temporal parts or stages”.65 Occurrents (in C.D. Broad terminology, or
time and space. He criticises Taylor’s concept of movement in time. Movement back „events”, „non-continuants”) are very intimately related to time, but in general they
and forth in space is possible at different times. If space and time were analogous, we are not clearly located in space; continuants have a direct relation to space and an
could find a state of affairs like the one depicted by Taylor, but there are many indirect one to time.
differences, largely commented upon in the philosophical literature. Chapman The mereology of temporary parts of continuants adds a temporal qualified
relation of „being part of … at t” alongside the timeless logical notion of „being part
of” <t and a temporal predicate of existence, temporally modifiable, Exta. This
54 Thesis of Temporal Locality in a atemporal form: „Necessarily, for any object, x, and for any non-empty temporal mereology permits us to convey many classical theorems of mereology in the
non-overlapping sets of times T1 and T2 whose union is the time span of x, there are two objects x1 and x2 such language of temporary parts. We can redefine all the concepts from calculus of
that (i) x is the fusion of x1 and x2 and (ii) the time span x1 = T1, whereas the time span of x2 = T2”. The atemporal
definition of „temporal part” is: „x is an instantaneous temporal part of y at instant t =df (i) x is a part of y, (ii) x
exists at, but only at t, and (iii) x overlaps every part of y that exists at t.” [Sider, 1997, 206]. 61 [Chapman, 1982, 137].
55 [Sider, 1997, 208].
62 [Sider, 1997, 210].
56 [Sider, 1997, 214] and [Lewis 1986b, 212-213]. The strong claim proved to support TTL is: „every
63 Other thesis of three-dimensionalism are: „necessarily, there are no temporal parts”, „necessarily, nothing
assignment has a minimal diachronic fusion”. that exists for more than an instant ever has a temporal part”, „necessarily, in the actual world small particles are
57 [Simons, 1987, 123].
wholly present throughout their lifetimes”, etc. All these thesis are by necessity. In Sider’s view, there are too
58 [Simons, 1987, 127]. strong for all three-dimensionalists [Sider, 1997, 210-211].
59 Published first in American Philosophical Quarterly, 13 (1976). 64 W. E. Johnson used for the first time the term of „continuant”. Logic, vol. I, CUP, 1921, p. 200.
60 [Taylor, 1955, 610]. 65 [Lewis, 1986b, 202].

13 14
individuals developed by Lesniewski (1916) and Leonard and Goodman (1942) in the continuants language for describing continuants. The two doctrines can coexist
theory of continuants with time: proper part (a <<t b), overlapping (a ot b), binary without problems, as we are using the same language with objects and events as
product, binary sum, etc. Disjointness can be interpreted in at least three modes, but referents.73 By our intuition we can accept that continuants are parts of occurents and
we haven’t to enter in details here.66 Much more important is the definition of also we admit that even if the members of a class are continuants, the class can be an
mereological constancy and variability (MC and MV): occurrent.74 We can accept that objects have temporal parts as well as spatial parts,
MCa ≡∀tt’(Ext a ∧ Ext’ a ⊃ ∀x (x <t a ≡ x <t’ a)) and MV a ≡ ~ MC a but it depends on the ontological structure of that object. Spatial parts can be divided
which says that an object is mereological constant between two instants if all its without problem into spatial subcomponents, and also into temporal components, too.
parts that exist at the two instants are identical. But some objects and events have spatial and temporal parts as well. Without
These two theories of time have proponents and disputants. David Lewis rejects accepting vagueness we can say that the division is dependent of the ontological
the three dimensionalism and the view of enduring objects. An object endures „iff it complexity of the object or events. World War II had temporal parts as well as spatial
persists by being wholly present at more than one time”. Things endure and they are parts. We can also speak without problem of a spatial part of a temporal part (the
timelike streaks. Each object is composed of temporal parts or stages. Change is solely Stalingrad battle of the 1943 winter campaign of the Wehrmacht in Russia), as well as
a difference between temporal parts as are the differences between spatial parts of an a temporal part of a spatial part („Galerie des Glaces” from Palace of Versailles in
object. Objects can’t change if they have no temporal parts.67 In another terminology, 1919). Theoretically the recursion has no limit, we accept second order non-
„occurrent” objects are opposed to „continuant” objects as they have temporal parts homogenous relation of parthood, e.g. spatial part of a temporal part of a spatial part
and they endure. „Continuants” have characteristically spatial parts but as well (and all other combinations).75
temporal parts and they perdure.68 Traditionally events are considered as occurrents 7) Testing theories of time with time travel
and things as continuants. Metaphysicians accept either in a reductionist, or in a
eliminativist manner one of the three alternatives: 1) the world is completely Time travel cannot be refuted only by proving that space and time are different. It
constituted of continuants, 2) the world is completely constituted of occurrents, or 3) cannot be rejected only on the anthropomorphic claim that it is counter-intuitive and
the world is composed of continuants and occurrents. infringes our outlook of a easily-comprehensible and easily-governed world. As we
Four-dimensionalism can be rejected from a three-dimensionalist point of view on already noticed, classical GTR seems incapable to reject it internally and we are not
the basis of next objections: a) parts must be causally identifiable independently of the sure that QFT will help us very much. It is true that time travellers do not invade us as
wholes they are part of; b) if objects have a temporal parts, then an object existing at space travellers do, but this is available only for a „reasonable” range of periods of
one time cannot literally be identical with an object existing at another; c) temporal time that can be measured and kept under surveillance. Nobody knows if at a small or
parts presuppose already an ontology, unlike spatial parts; d) if we accept that objects at a large time-scale CTC constitutes a possible, or much more, a necessary feature of
have temporal parts, the difference between objects and events would collapse; e) on a the world. Recently physicists have conjectured that singularities and black holes
temporal parts ontology (e.g. Quine’s) nothing genuinely changes.69 It can be noticed should be almost everywhere, even in our body, but we haven’t yet detected them. If
that b), c) and d) can be rejected on various grounds and in general a) and e) are much time travel is rejected the endeavour of science and philosophy to comprehend the
more stimulating for philosophical discussions. There are other arguments against world should be made easier, the world should be more dull and domestic, but we risk
temporal parts like the logic impossibility of instantaneous parts, „ex nihilo” committing a great fallacy of ignorance. Neither can logic help very much, as the
existences, time-space analogies and Humean causes.70 We can also reject four principles and axioms of classical system of logic cannot be used to reject time travel.
dimensionalism on the basis of a disanalogy between spatial and temporal parts. For The simplest reason is that the temporal logic we normally use is inspired from natural
example, Butterfield’s conclusion is that detensers don’t need temporal parts and we language and they are based on the isomorphism between order of temporal entities
can continue to use our three-dimension intuitions about parts without any danger.71 and order of real or rational numbers.
Van Inwagen rejects temporal part theory on a basis like the paradox of composition The analogy between space and time as well as the isomorphism of time scale
of classes, showing that temporal parts are „modally inductile” (the temporal extents with the real number set are topological questions. The ontological difference between
of a temporal part must belong to their essence) and also the super-object as a whole objects in time cannot be reduced to or deduced from the ontological difference
must be modally inductile, which is false.72 But in this paper we are not here generally between objects in space. Perceivability and measurability of CTC are questions
concerned with arguments against four-dimensionalism. regarding our capacity to measure changes over small or large periods of times, the
In our language we accept a combination between four-dimensionalism and three- constancy of physical laws and constants of physics, history of Universe, etc. It is not
dimensionalism. Normally we use temporal parts language only for occurrents and a very clear if our clocks and chronometers are not a priori conceived to elude close
times. It is not very clear if we can produce CTC or just use an already existing one.
66 See for details [Simons, 1987, 179-181].
We haven’t them yet at hand, but we cannot conceive them or describe them
67 [Lewis, 1986a, 68]. mathematically or even simulate them on computers. Global properties of „Time”
68 [Simons, 2000].
69 [Le Poidevin, 1991, 59-60]. 73 See David Wiggins in Sameness and Substance, Blackwell, 1980 and [Simons, 1987, 130].
70 [Bordes, 1997, 343]. 74 [Simons, 1987, 176].
71 [Butterfield, 1985, 41]. 75 Although Meiland rejects the thesis that „in general a temporal part is a set of spatial part” [Meiland,
72 [Van Inwagen, 1990, 253]. 1966, 68].

15 16
cannot be inferred from local observations of properties of small periods of times. If free will. As Hume mentioned, we dislike the temporal part theory because we think
CTC, branching or cyclic time, multidimensional time or forking past are not common of ourselves as continuants, having a personal identity through time and being wholly
in everyday experience, we cannot infer that they are logically impossible and we present during our lives.79 Classical discussion of time travel doesn’t give up the
cannot carve „Time” in general.76 continuant theory either in this case. Time traveller is a person and remains a person
Time travel is crying out for a stronger ontological version, regarding the reality during his journey in the past, so he is a special kind of substance, i.e. a continuant.
of temporal objects, more exactly the theories involving the reality of objects in time. Even Feynman’s interpretation of positrons as electrons travelling backward in time
We will try now to investigate the possibility to adapt the theories of time to time and the hypothesis of tachyons as making communication to the past possible are
travel. If we want to improve their power of expression possibly we have to amend reliant on a theory of objects as continuants. Tachyons are particles and they can carry
them. Theories of time in a simplistic form cannot accept time travel completely. It energy and information, so they have attributes and can be defined in an essentialist
seems that time travel is partially compatible with both theories of time but it has way. The examples of laser beams or radio waves carrying information and travelling
many conflicting points. Two remarks are necessary to emphasise this strange backward in time are less discussed. That means that in the time travel „drama”
„outlaw” feature of time travel for both three-dimensionalism and four- continuants are more important than occurrents. But continuants are the source of
dimensionalism. paradoxes in time travel because their existence as objects at a future time can be
The first remark concerns the relation of a time traveller to the reality of temporal jeopardised by their own existence in the past. We have two solutions: either to
objects. The destination of a time traveller is the realm of past objects. How real can change the time traveller to a wave or to an object less real then a wave or other form
be a past object and a future one? This concerns the ontological aspect of the of information carrier, or to consider that the existence of a time traveller can be
tense/tenseless debate. We are not entering here into details but it is worth noting that described neither as a continuant, nor as an occurrent.
beyond the debate about the truth conditions of tense propositions, there is an It seems that time travel as a succession of occurrents will raise less problems
ontological problem of reality of things existing in time. Presenteism says that only than if we allow continuants to travel in time. We can have simultaneously access to
present things are real. David Lewis rejects presenteism on the basis of an analogy different parts of an occurrent, whereas we cannot different temporary parts of a
between space and time. He asserts that rejecting the reality of past and future is as continuant. Think of a concert that can be listened to directly or can be delayed
hidebound as denying the reality of distant places. The spatial analogy is unimportant acoustically in time by a special medium. We have access to two distinct part of the
here and can drive us into confusion. We cannot accept presenteism together with same occurrent. Different temporal parts of the same occurrent can overlap. If we hear
time travel because if something acts upon something it has to be as real as the second a concert delayed in time and the concert itself we accept them as equally real. We
(the problem of impotence of future entities). Time travel seems also incompatible notice naturally that there is a difference between the entanglement of meeting a
with the idea of the objective flow of time based on the branching model advocated by younger ego and the experience of hearing simultaneously a concert and its former
Storrs McCall.77 replica, only delayed in time. If a wave is sufficiently coherent it can annihilate itself
A Parmenidian outlook in which past, present and future are equally real can in a region of space or time by interference. The auto-annihilation of a wave in time
make sense of time travel, while presenteism is at odds with the possibility of time doesn’t intrigue us or at least it disturbs us less than auto-infanticide. But what about
travel.78 But it would be better to accept degrees of existence (or reality) in time. The the delay in time? We can delay occurrents in time but cannot delay continuants in
Scholastic view of „degrees of being” can be adapted to the temporal existence. Past time. To record the moving image of a person means to access information about a
objects exist in a weaker sense than present things and in a stronger sense than future temporal part of him and this record is less real than the continuant itself because it is
things. This chain of being can be defined by the relation of causality or „power to act ontologically dependent on it: an object in time can be delayed in time only as image
upon”. The reality of some past and future objects can be differentiated and can be and by this process the original reality of the object is lost. We cannot accept that two
distinguished by the power of acting one upon other. In some sense this hypothesis different temporal parts of an object could stand in almost the same space and have
can resolve the grandfather paradox. the same degree of reality. One of them have to be less real. It is clear that a time
Secondly the time machine and its occupant are objects in a full sense, which journey is itself an occurrent, as it has temporal parts, it is a process and it has phases.
means that they are continuants. That happens in grandfather and autoinfanticide A clear four-dimensionalist tendency affects the scientific description of time travel.
paradoxes when the traveller is trying to kill his grandfather or his younger ego. In The CTC are worldlines with temporal parts. It is also very important to remark that
doing so he is acting like a substance wholly present at each stage. This example is the general case is CTC and from it can be derived the evolution on an ordinary
preferred and it is a very shocking one because it involves personal identity, agent and timelike curve as a limit case.
Thirdly there is an important connection between possible world semantics and
time travel which has not been enough discussed. It is clear that a time traveller
76 However in computer science and artificial intelligence branching time model, multidimensional time and
forked past are commonly used and mathematical models are provided (see Dov M. Gabbay, Ian Hodkinson, and
coming from w1(t1) who can change the past, i.e he is travelling to the world w0(t0)
Mark Reynolds (eds.) Temporal logic: mathematical foundations and computational aspects, Oxford University and acts upon it, will force the universe to follow another path and to reach another
Press, vol. 1-2, 1994-2000). We don’t know yet about an analogon of CTC in temporal logic, but it should be
correlated with systems with strong feed-backs and auto-correction. Otherwise a system evolving on a closed time
„loop” should gain instantly information about itself. Volume 3 of this series will eventually provide a discussion
on time travel logic.
77 A Model of the Universe: Space-Time, Probability, and Decision, Oxford University Press, 1994.
78 [Grey, 1999, 56]. 79 A Treatise on Human Nature, I, IV, II.

17 18
future possible world w3(t1) and w1 and w3 can be mutually incompatible. But this Hawking, S. W., Ellis G. F.R., 1973, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time,
approach is a strong realistic one and it can be rejected on various grounds.#80 Cambridge University Press.
Hawking, St. W., 1992, „Chronology Protection Conjecture”, Physical Review, D, 46,
In the first sections of this paper it was revealed how time travel occupies a 603-611.
strange place in our outlook of the world, being atypical for both scientific and Horwich, Paul, 1987, Asymmetries in Time, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass..
philosophical thought. In the last section we brought to light some difficulties Kim, S.-W., Thorne, K. S., 1991, „Do vacuum fluctuations prevent the creation of
encountered by the two theories of time to capture fully the reality of time travel. closed timelike curves?”, Physical Review, D, 43, 3929-3947.
There is a strong tendency of naturalisation in philosophy today. It is clear that a time King, David, „Time Travel and Self-Consistency: Implications for Determinism and
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* Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: [email protected] This paper is the

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result of a research scholarship of Romanian Ministry of Education as a visiting scholar at the University of Leeds.
I am very grateful to Katherine Brading, Jeremy Butterfield, John Divers, Robin Le Poidevin, Joseph Melia, Peter
Morgan, William Newton-Smith, Scott Shalkowski and Peter Simons for criticisms which have helped to shape
the paper.

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