Yellow Jacket
Yellow Jacket
Yellow Jacket
Hose Adapters,
Valves, and Parts —
right to the last detail
Valve core tool page 35
Quick couplers
page 36
1/4" 4-IN-1 BALL VALVE TOOL 1. Vacuum valve. Extra 1/4" side COMPACT BALL VALVES
for vacuum, charge, cores port on 18975 to attach electronic 1/4" for full flow
and recovery micron vacuum gauge right at
system for greater accuracy.
18971 2. Core removal access. Lets you
evacuate and charge through an
unrestricted line for increased
speed and higher vacuum.
3. Core replacement. Now a smaller ball valve more compact
– still features full flow. Metal valve
4. Recovery valve. Core removal handle, add to hoses for charging and
18975 allows recovery unit to work at recovery.
maximum efficiency, speeding
• UL recognized assembly to 4000 psi
Remove and replace Schrader cores the recovery process.
(276 bar) min. burst, 800 psi (55 bar)
without losing charge. UPC # Description max. working pressure.
18975 Vacuum/charge ball valve w/side port
UPC # Description
18971 Vacuum/charge valve w/o side port
18979 93844 1/4" compact ball valve – straight
18980 Accessory set - 2 piece
93843 1/4" compact ball valve – 45°
18978 Schrader rethreading accessory
93842 Set of 3 – 45° compact ball valves
18979 Broken Schrader remover acc.
18997 Grappler rod/nut assembly
5/16" for Special R-410A
Related product 18973 Gasket for 18975 (5 pk.)
18974 Seal Kit includes core, cap,
SuperHeat kits on page 76. 4 “O”-rings, gasket Compact ball valves are available with
5/16" flares for R-410A applications
where 5/16" system ports are used.
5/16" 4-IN-1 BALL VALVE TOOL for R-410A systems
with 5/16" access ports • UL recognized assembly to 4000 psi
Similar to the 4-in-1 core tool above (276 bar) min. burst, 800 psi (55 bar)
but with 5/16" flare fittings and for use max. working pressure
18985 with R-410A.
UPC # Description
UPC # Description
93825 5/16" compact ball valve
18985 5/16" vacuum/charge valve-side port 5/16" Fe. fl. x 1/4" Male fl.
18981 5/16" vacuum/charge valve w/o side port 93826 5/16" compact ball valve
18988 5/16" rethread accessary 1/4" Fe. fl. x 5/16" Male fl.
18981 93827 5/16" compact ball valve
18989 5/16" Schrader rethreader
5/16" Fe. fl. x 5/16" Male fl.
• Snaps on over 1/4" flare • Virtually no
threads with Schrader cores gas release to
• Forms tight connection atmosphere.
immediately Eliminates Braze-in brass fitting with replaceable
frostbite soft seat. Quick coupler-style fittings
• Instantly activates the are the same as supplied on metal hose.
• One piece
Schrader in access fitting
construction UPC# Description
• Instantly shuts off end of hose
• For up to 600 psi 19082 1/4" str. Fe. fl. w/CH20 gasket
when sleeve is pulled back and
19083 1/4" 45° Fe. fl. w/CH20 gasket
coupler pops off access fitting UPC # Description
19084 1/4" 90° Fe. fl. w/CH20 gasket
19090 Snap-it™ Coupler
19094 “O”-ring for coupler (10 pak) 19085 3/8" str. Fe. fl. w/CH11 gasket
19086 3/8" 45° Fe. fl. w/CH11 gasket
19087 3/8" 90° Fe. fl. w/CH11 gasket
MANIFOLD PARTICULATE FILTER These fittings trap the particles before 19088 1/2" str. only Fe. w/quad ring
they damage valve seats or pass into Use 19020 (CH20), 19011 (CH11) and 19027
your recovery equipment. Replaceable, seals (quad ring).
cleanable screens.
Compact Ball Valve Assemblies
UPC # Description
41119 1/4" manifold particulate filter UPC# Description
41120 3/8" manifold particulate filter 29001 1/4" yellow ball valve adapter
41121 1/2" manifold particulate filter 29201 1/4" blue ball valve adapter
41122 Replacement filter screen (5 pak) 29601 1/4" red ball valve adapter
(Schrader core in male end)
19101 19111
19102 19103
19116 19114
19125 19171
19118 19174
19201 19192
19110 19168
19162 19161
19158 All couplers have Schrader valve cores
in male flare end. Female coupler end
Full size with deep knurling for easy has deep knurling for easy handling.
UPC# Description
handling. Special features include 90° Quick Couplers
Patented CH14 "Adjust-a-Valve"
patented CH14 "Adjust-a-Valve" Opener in all 1/4" female ends.
19220 3/16" Fe. QC 90° x 1/4" Male fl.
opener in all 1/4" female ends. Acme 19201 1/4" Female QC 90° x 1/4" Male fl. UPC# Description
conversion couplers are available for 19202 1/4" Female QC 90° x 3/8" Male fl.
Straight Quick Couplers
recovery tank threads and R-134a 19203 3/8" Female QC 90° x 3/8" Male fl.
19171 1/4" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl.
cylinder threads. 19214 3/8" Female QC 90° x 1/2" Male fl.
19172 3/8" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl.
Gauge Quick Couplers with CH14
adjustable valve opener 90° Bend Quick Couplers
UPC# Description
19191 1/4" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl.
19110 1/4" Female QC x 1/8" NPT Fe.
Straight Quick Couplers 19192 3/8" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl.
19210 1/4" Female QC 90° x 1/8" NPT Fe.
19125 1/8" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl. (Ford) R-410A couplers – 45° – with schrader valve core
5/16" Quick Couplers with CH14
19120 3/16" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl. (GM) adjustable valve opener 19173 5/16" Fe. QC x 1/4" M. fl. w/Schrader
19101 1/4" Female QC x 1/4" Male fl. 19121 5/16" QC Str. x 1/4" Male fl. 19174 1/4" Fe. QC x 5/16" M. fl. w/Schrader
19102 1/4" Female QC x 3/8" Male fl. 19221 5/16" QC 90° x 1/4" Male fl. 19175 5/16" Female QC x 5/16" Male fl.
19111 1/4" Fe. QC Str. x 1/8" NPT Male 19122 1/4" QC Str. x 5/16" Male fl.
19116 1/4" Fe. QC Str. x 1/4" NPT Male
19222 1/4" QC 90° x 5/16" Male fl.
19118 1/4" Fe. QC Str. x 1/4" NPT Female ACME 1/2" Couplers – Auto Straight
19103 3/8" Fe. QC x 3/8" Male fl. 19161 1/4" Fe. QC x 1/2" Male Acme
19104 3/8" Fe. QC x 1/4" Male fl.
19162 1/4" Fe. hex x 1/2" Male Acme
19115 1/2" Female QC x 3/8" Male fl. for permanent applications
19114 3/8" Female QC x 1/2" Male fl. 19166 1/2" Acme Male x 1/2" Acme Female
R-410A couplers – 45° – with schrader valve core 19165 1/2" Acme Female x 1/4" Male fl. CH75
19173 5/16" Fe. QC x 1/4" M. fl. w/Schrader 19168 1/2" Acme Female x 1/8" NPT Male
19174 1/4" Fe. QC x 5/16" M. fl. w/Schrader 19158 1/2" Acme Female x 14 mm Male CH14
High volume
flow pattern (CURRENT)
125 AND 145 LB. CYLINDER UPC# Description The patented "Adjust-a-Valve" opens
VALVE ADAPTER 19105 3/4" NPS finger tight cylinder out of tolerance Schrader valves in
Finger tight adapters fit 125 adapter with 1/4" Male flare
1/4", 3/16" and 5/16" couplers. Simply
and 145 lb. cylinders. Seal 19106 3/4" NPS finger tight cylinder rotate the opener with needle nose
adapter with 3/8" Male flare
remains seated. Two sizes. pliers to the desired height. When
18001 Replacement gasket (10 pak)
finished, rotate back. (Pat. No. 3592439).
“Adjust-a-Valve” for 1/4" and 5/16"
ADD-A-HOSE COUPLERS UNIONS hoses is the same.
UPC # Male flare UPC # Male flare
Add-a-hose couplers 19143 3/16" 19150 5/8" UPC # Part Description
easily connect hoses 19144 1/4" 19152 3/4" 19302 CH14 Adjust-a-Valve openers (10)
to the length desired. 19146 3/8" 19142 Acme 1/2" 19301 CH75 1/4" valve openers (10)
19148 1/2" – – 19304 — 1/8" valve openers (10)
(Convert liquid to saturated vapor)
Reducing adapters
Liquid • To protect the compressor, adapter for pump intakes on
charging is orifice reduces liquid flow to a level SuperEvac™ and
recommended below compressor capacity other vacuum pumps.
when charging • Refrigerant flashes off into a
blends into saturated vapor to speed entry UPC# Description
refrigeration 19130 3/8" Fe. fl. x 1/4" M. fl. adapter
and air conditioning • Eliminates the time and work of
19131 1/2" Fe. fl. x 3/8" M. fl. adapter
systems. Since compressors heating cylinders
19132 1/2" Fe. fl. x 1/4" M. fl. adapter
cannot compress liquids you need a • Blue color-coded aluminum. 19160 1/2" Fe. fl. x 1/2" M. Acme adapter
liquid charger adapter for safe and fast
liquid (saturated vapor) charging UPC# Description
through the low pressure side of a 41123 1/4" liquid charging adapter
system. The YELLOW JACKET adapter 41124 5/16" liquid charging adapter VACUUM PUMP ADAPTER
connects to the cylinder valve or 41132 Repl. “O”-ring/orifice for 1/4" adapter
refrigerant can. 41138 Repl. “O”-ring/orifice for 5/16" adapter
UPC # Description
41317 41318 Lo side coupler w/ 1/4" flare
41318 41317 Hi side coupler w/ 1/4" flare
41305 Replacement “O”-ring set (6 pc.)
1. Core removal for vacuum and
charges. Lets you evacuate and charge
through an unrestricted line for
AUTOMOTIVE A/C FITTINGS UPC # Description increased speed and higher vacuum.
COUPLERS 19157 14 mm M. x 1/4" Male fl.
3. Core replacement.
19156 14 mm M. x 3/8" Male fl.
19161 1/2" Acme M. x 1/4" Fe. fl. 4. Recovery valve. Core removal allows
19165 19158
19165 1/2" Acme Fe. x 1/4" Male fl. recovery unit to work at maximum
19158 1/2" Acme Fe. x 14 mm Male efficiency, speeding the recovery
19162 19162 1/2" Acme M. x 1/4" Fe. fl. Hex process.
19168 1/2" Acme Fe. x 1/8" Male pipe UPC # Description
19169 1/2" Acme M. x 1/2" Acme 18962 Low-side R-134a auto valve core tool
19169 18961 High-side R-134a auto valve core tool
19163 19163 1/2" Acme SealRight x 1/4" M. fl.
41300 “O”-ring kit for above
19166 1/2" Acme Fe. x 1/2" Acme Male
19142 19161 40265 1/2" Acme M. x 1/8" NPT Male Half Union
19142 1/2" Acme Union
19153 1/2" Acme Fe. Hex x 13 mm R-134a
Adapter fitting designed to work with low side Male for A/C system
1/2" Acme or 14 mm threads. not shown