Hioki Power Harmonics

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Introduction................................................. 1
Verifying Package Contents...................... 2
2.5 Power Supply.................................. 43
2.6 Turning On/Off the Instrument....... 44 1
Safety Information...................................... 4 2.7 Warm-up........................................... 44
Operating Precautions............................... 7
3 Quick Set 45
1 Overview 15
3.1 Configurable Items.......................... 45
1.1 Procedure for Investigating 3.2 Adding Settings............................... 46
Power Quality.................................. 15
„„ Step 1: Clarifying the purpose.....................15
„„ Step 2: Identifying the malfunctioning
component (measurement location)............15
4 Wiring
(WIRING Screen) 47
„„ Step 3: Checking investigation
(measurement) locations (collecting site 4.1 Wiring Procedure............................ 47
„„ Step 4: Making measurements with the
power quality analyzer (measurement
4.2 Wiring Method and Declared
Input Voltage Settings.................... 48 4
„„ Wiring diagram.............................................50
procedure)...................................................16 4.3 Connecting Voltage Cords to
„„ Advice for identifying the cause of Instrument........................................ 51
1.2 Product Overview............................ 19
4.4 Connecting Current Sensors
and Configuring Current Sensor
1.3 Features........................................... 20 Settings............................................ 52
1.4 Names and Functions of Parts...... 21 „„ Connecting the optional current sensor.......52

1.5 Screen Configuration...................... 24 „„ Connecting current sensors other than
„„ Displaying and switching screens................24 the optional sensors.....................................53
„„ MONITOR screen........................................25 4.5 Zero Adjustment.............................. 54
„„ TREND screen.............................................26 4.6 Connecting Voltage Cords to
„„ EVENT screen.............................................27
Objects............................................. 55

„„ WIRING screen............................................27
4.7 Attaching Current Sensors to
„„ SET UP screen............................................28
„„ FILE screen.................................................29 Objects............................................. 56
„„ QUICK SET screen......................................29 „„ Load current measurement..........................56
„„ Leakage current measurement....................57
1.6 Basic Key Operations..................... 30
4.8 Configuring Current Range
„„ Changing the required items........................30
„„ Entering characters......................................31 Setting.............................................. 58
1.7 Screen Display................................ 32 4.9 Checking Wiring.............................. 59
1.8 Error Screen Display....................... 34
5 Setting Change (SET
2 Preparing for
Measurement 35
UP Screen) 63 9
5.1 Measurement Settings.................... 64
2.1 Preparation Flowchart.................... 35 „„ SET UP, Measurement Settings 1

2.2 Initial Measurement
„„ SET UP, Measurement Settings 2
Preparations.................................... 36
„„ Color coding of current sensor (for
channel identification)..................................36
5.2 Recording Settings......................... 69
5.3 Event Settings................................. 72

„ Bundling the voltage cords and current

sensors (If required).....................................37 „„ SET UP, Event Settings 1 screen..............72
„ Installing the battery pack............................38
„ „„ SET UP, Event Settings 2 screen..............74
„„ Attaching the strap (if required)...................39 5.4 System Settings.............................. 75
„„ Setting the language, clock, and „„ System reset (Default).................................76
measurement frequency..............................40 „„ Factory reset (Default).................................77

2.3 Pre-measurement Inspection......... 41 „„ Factory settings...........................................78

2.4 Inserting the SD Memory Card....... 42

PQ3100A961-00 i

6 Verifying the Waveform,

8.5 Verifying the Harmonic Trend
(Available after the firmware
Measured Values update)........................................... 103
(MONITOR Screen) 81 8.6 Verifying the Flicker (Available
after the firmware update)............ 104
„„ Fixing the waveform display and
measured values.........................................81
6.1 Verifying the Voltage Waveform
9 Checking Events
and Current Waveform.................... 82 (EVENT Screen) 105
„„ Screen display.............................................82
„„ Changing the zoom factor for the 9.1 Checking Event List...................... 108
vertical axis and horizontal axis (X and „„ Checking event details...............................109
Y axis) of the waveform...............................83 9.2 Checking Event Status..................110
„„ Verifying the measured value and „„ Switching event monitor screen................. 111
time at the cursor position (cursor „„ Checking trend data on event.................... 112
measurement)..............................................83 „„ Checking transient waveforms during
„„ Scrolling the waveform................................83 an event (Available after the firmware
6.2 Verifying the Electric Power (List update)....................................................... 113
of Numerical Values)....................... 84
6.3 Verifying the Electric Energy......... 85 10 File Saving and
6.4 Verifying the Voltage Details.......... 86
6.5 Verifying the Current Details.......... 87
Operations (FILE
6.6 Verifying the Vector......................... 88 Screen) 115
6.7 Verifying the Harmonics Graph
and Harmonics Numerical 10.1 Viewing and Using FILE Mode
Values............................................... 89 Screen.............................................116
10.2 Folder and File Structure...............118

„„ SD memory card........................................ 118
Recording (Save) (SET „„ Internal memory.........................................120
UP Screen) 91 10.3 Screen Hard Copy......................... 121
„„ Checking images (Available after the
7.1 Start and Stop of the firmware update)........................................121
Recording........................................ 91 10.4 Saving Setting Files...................... 122
7.2 Using the Instrument During an 10.5 Loading Setting Files.................... 123
Interruption...................................... 94 10.6 Loading Measured Data................ 124
10.7 Copy from the Internal Memory
8 Verifying the Trends
to SD Memory Card....................... 125
10.8 Deleting Folders and Files........... 125
(Fluctuations) in 10.9 Formatting SD Memory Card
Measured Values (Deleting All Files)......................... 126
10.10 Removing SD Memory Card
(TREND Screen) 95 during Recording.......................... 127
„„ Verifying the measured value and
time at the cursor position (cursor
11 Analysis (with
„ Scrolling the graph.......................................96
Computer) 129
„„ Event search................................................97
11.1 Copying Files................................. 129
8.1 Verifying the Basic Trend............... 98
„„ Use of SD Memory Cards..........................130
8.2 Verifying the Detail Trend............. 100
„„ Use of USB Cable......................................131
8.3 Verifying the Electric Energy....... 101 11.2 Use of Application Software PQ
8.4 Verifying the Demand (Available One (Included)............................... 133
after the firmware update)............ 102 „„ What can be done with the application
„„ Installation..................................................134


12 Communications (USB/
LAN/RS-232C) 137
15.2 Cleaning......................................... 195
15.3 Error Indication............................. 195 11
15.4 Disposing the Instrument............. 199

12.1 Preparing for LAN

Appendix Appx.1
Communications........................... 138
„„ Settings (SET UP Screen).........................138
Appx. 1 Fundamental
„„ Example of establishing a network
environment...............................................139 Measurement Items.......... Appx.1
„„ Connection.................................................140 Appx. 2 Event Item.......................... Appx.3
12.2 Remote Control of the
Instrument through the Internet
Appx. 3 Explanation of Power
Quality Parameters and 13
Browser (LAN Communications Events................................ Appx.4
Only)............................................... 142 Appx. 4 Event Detection

„„ Preparations..............................................142 Methods............................. Appx.8
„„ Remote operation......................................143 Appx. 5 Recording Trends and
„„ Restrict the access Event Waveforms............ Appx.15
(password settings)....................................144 „„ Trend screen recording method..........Appx.15
12.3 RS-232C Communication „„ Recording event waveforms...............Appx.16
Preparations.................................. 145
„„ Method for verifying aggregation values
„„ Settings (SET UP screen)..........................145 required by IEC61000-4-30................Appx.17
„„ Connection.................................................145 Appx. 6 Detailed Explanation of
IEC Flicker and ∆V10
13 External I/O 147 Flicker (available after

13.1 Event Input..................................... 148

the firmware update)...... Appx.18
„„ IEC flicker meter.................................Appx.18 6
„„ ∆V10 flicker meter...............................Appx.20
13.2 Event Output.................................. 149
Appx. 7 3-phase 3-wire
13.3 External Event Output Settings
Measurement................... Appx.21
(SET UP Screen)............................ 150
13.4 Connection.................................... 151
Appx. 8 Method for Calculating
Active Power
Accuracy.......................... Appx.23
14 Specifications 153 Appx. 9 Terminology.................... Appx.24

14.1 General Specifications................. 153

14.2 Input Specifications/Output Index Ind.1 8
Specifications................................ 155
14.3 Flagging Concept.......................... 169
14.4 QUICK SET Specifications........... 170 9
14.5 Event Specifications..................... 172
14.6 Interface Specifications................ 173
14.7 Calculation Formula...................... 175
14.8 Range Configuration and
Combination Accuracy................. 188
15 Maintenance and

Service 193
„„ Calibrations................................................193
15.1 Troubleshooting............................ 193
„„ Before having the instrument repaired.......193

„„ Replaceable parts and operating




Thank you for purchasing the Hioki PQ3100 Power Quality Analyzer. To obtain maximum
performance from the instrument, please read this manual first, and keep it handy for future
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Verifying Package Contents

Verifying Package Contents

When you receive the instrument, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during
shipping. In particular, check the accessories, keys, switch, and connectors. If damage is evident,
or if it fails to operate according to the specifications, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or
Check that the package contents are correct.

PQ3100 Power Quality Analyzer ×1

L1000-05 Voltage Cord
Maximum rated voltage: 1000 V, maximum rated current: 10 A
Alligator clips (black, red, yellow, blue, gray) ×1 each
3 m banana plug leads (black, red, yellow, blue, gray) ×1 each
Spiral Tubes (Cord bundling) ×5
See “Bundling the voltage cords and current sensors (If required)”
(p. 37), “Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument” (p. 51), and
“Connecting Voltage Cords to Objects” (p. 55).
Z1002 AC Adapter (with power cord)

Z1003 Battery Pack


USB cable

Colored spiral tubes in red, yellow, and blue (color coding for
current sensors) ×2 each

Spiral tubes in black (cord bundling for current sensors)


See “Attaching the strap (if required)” (p. 39). ×1

Instruction Manual*

Measurement Guide*

CD (computer application software)

See “11.2 Use of Application Software PQ One (Included)” (p. 133). ×1
The latest version can be downloaded from our website.

*: See Hioki website for other languages.

Precautions when transporting the instrument

Handle the instrument carefully so that it is not damaged due to a vibration or shock.

Verifying Package Contents

The following options are provided for the PQ3100. Contact your authorized Hioki distributor or
reseller when ordering.

For current measurement

CT7126 AC Current Sensor (60 A, φ15 mm)
CT7131 AC Current Sensor (100 A, φ15 mm)
CT7136 AC Current Sensor (600 A, φ46 mm)
AC Flexible Current Sensor (6000 A, φ100 mm)
AC Flexible Current Sensor (6000 A, φ180 mm)
AC Flexible Current Sensor (6000 A, φ254 mm)
CT7731 AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor (100 A, φ33 mm)
CT7736 AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor (600 A, φ33 mm)
AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor (2000 A, φ55 mm)
AC Leakage Current Sensor (6 A, φ40 mm)
Conversion Cable (BNC-PL14)
For voltage measurement
L1000-05 Voltage Cord (accessory)

Maximum rated voltage: 1000 V, maximum rated current: 10 A
Magnetic Adapter (Red: 1, for changing the voltage cord tips)
Maximum rated voltage: 1000 V, maximum rated current: 2 A
9804-02 Magnetic Adapter (Black: 1, for changing the voltage cord tips)

Maximum rated voltage: 1000 V, maximum rated current: 2 A
9243 Grabber Clip (Red/Black: 1 each, for changing the voltage cord tips)
Maximum rated voltage: 1000 V, maximum rated current: 1 A

Power supply

Z1002 AC Adapter (accessory)
Z1003 Battery Pack (accessory)

Media for recording

Z4001 SD Memory Card 2GB
Z4003 SD Memory Card 8GB

9637 RS-232C Cable (9 pin-9 pin/1.8 m, cross cable)
9642 LAN Cable

Carrying Case
Carrying Case (Bag)
Carrying Case (Soft)
C1002 Carrying Case (Hard)


Safety Information

Safety Information
This instrument is designed to conform to IEC 61010 Safety Standards, and has been thoroughly
tested for safety prior to shipment. However, using the instrument in a way not described in this
manual may negate the provided safety features.
Before using the instrument, be certain to carefully read the following safety notes.

Mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the
instrument. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the
manual before use.

With regard to the electricity supply, there are risks of electric shock, heat
generation, fire, and arc discharge due to short circuits. Individuals using an
electrical measuring instrument for the first time should be supervised by a
technician who has experience in electrical measurement.

In this document, the risk seriousness and the hazard levels are classified as follows.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that will result in death or serious injury
 DANGER to the operator.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in death or serious injury to
 WARNING the operator.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor or moderate injury
 CAUTION to the operator or damage to the instrument or malfunction.
Indicates information related to the operation of the instrument or maintenance tasks
with which the operators must be fully familiar.

Indicates a high voltage hazard.

If a particular safety check is not performed or the instrument is mishandled, this may
give rise to a hazardous situation; the operator may receive an electric shock, may
get burnt or may even be fatally injured.
Indicates a strong magnetic-field hazard.
The effects of the magnetic force can cause abnormal operation of heart pacemakers
and/or medical electronics.

Indicates a prohibited action.

Indicates the action which must be performed.

Names on the screen are displayed in bold characters.
(Bold character)
[ ] Operation keys are displayed in brackets ([ ]).

* Additional information is presented below.

(Available after the This function is not available with the present firmware. This function will be available
firmware update) after the firmware version update scheduled in May, 2017.

Safety Information

Symbols on the instrument

Indicates cautions and hazards. When the symbol is printed on the instrument, refer to a
corresponding topic in the Instruction Manual.

Indicates DC (Direct Current).

Indicates the ON side of the power switch.

Indicates the OFF side of the power switch.

Indicates a grounding terminal.

Indicates an instrument that has been protected throughout by double insulation or reinforced
(9243 Grabber Clip)

Symbols for various standards

Indicates the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) in EU 4
member states.

Indicates that the product conforms to regulations set out by the EC Directive.

This is a recycle mark established under the Resource Recycling Promotion Law (only for Japan).

We define measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading) and dgt. (digit) values,
with the following meanings:

(maximum display value, range)
The maximum value that can be displayed. This is usually the name of the currently selected
(reading or displayed value)

The value currently being measured and indicated on the measuring instrument.
dgt. The smallest displayable unit on a digital measuring instrument, i.e., the input value that
causes the digital display to show a “1” as the least-significant digit.

Protective gear 9
This instrument measures live lines. To prevent electric shock, use appropriate
protective insulation and adhere to applicable laws and regulations.

Safety Information

Measurement categories
To ensure safe operation of measuring instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards
for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT II to CAT IV, and called measurement

•• Using a measuring instrument in an environment designated with a higher-
numbered category than that for which the instrument is rated could result in a
severe accident, and must be carefully avoided.
•• Never use a measuring instrument that lacks category labeling in a CAT II to CAT
IV measurement environment. Doing so could result in a serious accident.

The instrument conforms to the safety requirements for CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V measuring
CAT II: When directly measuring the electrical outlet receptacles of the primary electrical circuits
in equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a power cord (portable tools,
household appliances, etc.).
CAT III: When measuring the primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed installations)
connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to
CAT IV: When measuring the circuit from the service drop to the service entrance, and to the
power meter and primary overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).

Distribution Panel

Service Entrance
Internal Wiring
Service Drop
Power Meter

Fixed Installation

Operating Precautions

Operating Precautions
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various
Preliminary Checks
Before using the instrument, verify that it operates normally to ensure that no damage occurred
during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or
reseller. 2
To prevent an electric shock, confirm that the white portion (insulation layer) inside
the cable is not exposed. If a color inside the cable is exposed, do not use the 3

Installation Environment 4
Installing the instrument in inappropriate locations may cause a malfunction of
instrument or may give rise to an accident. Avoid the following locations: 5
•• Exposed to direct sunlight or high temperature
•• Exposed to corrosive or combustible gases

•• Exposed to a strong electromagnetic field or electrostatic charge
•• Near induction heating systems (such as high-frequency induction heating
systems and IH cooking equipment)
•• Susceptible to vibration
•• Exposed to water, oil, chemicals, or solvents
•• Exposed to high humidity or condensation
•• Exposed to high quantities of dust particles 7
Do not place the instrument on an unstable table or an inclined place. Dropping or
knocking down the instrument can cause injury or damage to the instrument.
Handling the Instrument

To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from physical shock when transporting and
handling. Be especially careful to avoid physical shock from dropping.

This instrument may cause interference if used in residential areas.


Such use must be avoided unless the use takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to
prevent interference to the reception of radio and television broadcasts.

Operating Precautions

Handling Cords and Cables

If the insulation on a cord or cable melts, the metal conductor may be exposed. Do
not use any cord or cable whose metal conductor is exposed. Doing so could result
in electric shock, or other hazard.

The cord and cable are hardened under the 0 degree or colder environment. Do not bend
or pull them to avoid tearing their shield or cutting them.

Using Voltage Cords

To prevent an electric shock, confirm that the white portion (insulation layer) inside
the cable is not exposed. If a color inside the cable is exposed, do not use the

•• Use only the specified voltage cords. Using a non-specified cord may result in
electric shock or short circuits.
•• Avoid contact between the cord and the measured line in order to protect the
cord from damage. Any contact can cause the instrument to malfunction and lead
to short-circuits or electric shock.

Operating Precautions

Using Battery Pack

•• To avoid the possibility of explosion, do not short circuit, disassemble or
incinerate battery pack. Battery may explode if mistreated. Handle and dispose of 1
batteries in accordance with local regulations.
•• Be sure to observe the following precautions. Incorrect handling may result in
liquid leaks, heat generation, ignition, bursting and other hazards.
•• The battery pack contains lye, which may cause blindness if it comes into 2
contact with the eyes. Should battery liquid get into your eyes, avoid rubbing
them. Flush them with water and seek immediate medical attention.
•• When storing the instrument, make sure no objects that could short-circuit the
connectors are placed near them.
•• For battery operation, use only the HIOKI Model Z1003 Battery Pack. We do not
take any responsibility for accidents or damage related to the use of any other
•• To avoid electric shock, turn off the power switch, disconnect all the power and
voltage cords and current sensor from the device to be measured, and replace
the battery pack.
•• To prevent the instrument damage or electric shock, use only the screws
(M6×12 mm) for securing the battery cover in place that are originally installed.
If you have lost any screws or find that any screws are damaged, please contact
your Hioki distributor for a replacement.
•• Observe the following to avoid damage to the instrument.
•• Use the battery pack in an ambient temperature range of 0°C to 50°C and charge it in
an ambient temperature range of 10°C to 35°C.
•• If the battery pack fails to finish charging within the stipulated time, disconnect the AC
adapter to stop charging and contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
•• Consult your dealer or nearest service station should liquid leaks, strange odor, heat,
discoloration, deformation and other abnormal conditions occur during use, charging
or storage. Should these conditions occur during use or charging, turn off and

disconnect the instrument immediately.
•• Do not expose the instrument to water and do not use it in excessively humid
locations or locations exposed to rain.
•• Do not expose the instrument to strong impact and do not throw it around.
•• Heed the following instructions to avoid battery pack performance drop or leakage.

••The battery pack is a consumable. If you are able to use the instrument for only a limited period of time
despite the battery pack being properly charged, the battery pack’s service life is at an end, and it should be
••When a battery pack that has not been used for a long time is used, charging may end before the battery
pack is fully charged. In such a case, repeat charging and discharging a number of time before use. (A
battery pack may also be in such a state immediately after purchase.)
••The life of the battery pack (when capacity is 60% or more of initial capacity) is approximately 500 charge-
discharge cycles. (The life differs depending on the conditions of use.)
••To prevent battery pack deterioration when the battery will not be used for 1 month or longer, remove it and

store it in a dry location with an ambient temperature range of between −20°C to 30°C.
••When a battery pack is used, the instrument turns off automatically when the capacity drops. Leaving the
instrument in this state for a long time may lead to over discharge so be sure to turn off the power switch on
the instrument.
••The charging efficiency of the battery pack deteriorates at high and low temperatures.
••The battery pack is subject to self-discharge. Be sure to charge the battery pack before initial use. If the

battery capacity remains very low after correct recharging, the useful battery life is at an end.

Operating Precautions

Attaching the Strap

Attach the strap securely at 2 locations of the instrument. If insecurely attached, the
instrument may fall and be damaged when carrying.

Using SD Memory Cards

•• Do not remove a card while data is being written to it. Doing so may damage the card.
See “10.10 Removing SD Memory Card during Recording” (p. 127).
•• Exercise care when using such products because static electricity could damage the SD
card or cause malfunction of the instrument.

•• Format the card with the instrument. Using a computer to format the card may reduce the
card’s performance.
See “10.9 Formatting SD Memory Card (Deleting All Files)” (p. 126).
•• No compensation is available for loss of data stored on the SD memory card, regardless of the
content or cause of damage or loss. Be sure to back up any important data stored on an SD
memory card.
•• Observe the following to avoid corruption or loss of stored data:
•• Do not touch the electrical contacts on the card or inside the insertion slot with your skin or
metallic objects.
•• While writing or reading data, avoid vibration or shock, and do not turn the power off or
remove the card from the instrument.
•• Before formatting (initializing) a card, confirm that it contains no important information (files).
•• Do not bend or drop the card, or otherwise subject it to intense shock.
••The operating lifetime of the SD memory card is limited by its flash memory. After long-term or frequent
usage, data reading and writing capabilities will be degraded. In that case, replace the card with a new one.
••If you are unable to write data to an SD memory card, manipulate folders and files, or format the card, check
the position of the write-protect lock and disengage it if necessary.
The connector of the SD memory card is used to judge whether the card is write-protected.
If the write-protected lock is in an intermediate position, the determination of whether the card is write-
protected will depend on the connector. For example, even if the instrument determines that the card is
not write-protected and allows data to be written to it, a computer may determine that it is write-protected,
preventing data from being written to it.

Operating Precautions

Using AC Adapter

•• Use only the supplied Model Z1002 AC ADAPTER. AC adapter rated input voltage
range is 100 to 240 V AC at 50/60 Hz. To avoid electrical hazards and damage to 1
the instrument, do not apply voltage outside of this range.
•• Turn the instrument off before connecting the AC adapter to the instrument and

to AC power.
•• To avoid electrical accidents and to maintain the safety specifications of this
instrument, connect the power cord provided only to an outlet.

Avoid using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or DC/AC inverter with rectangular 3
wave or pseudo-sine-wave output to power the instrument. Doing so may damage the

Turning On the Instrument 4

Before turning the instrument on, make sure the supply voltage matches that
indicated on its power connector. Connection to an improper supply voltage may
damage the instrument and present an electrical hazard.

•• Do not connect the supply voltage improperly. Doing so may damage the instrument’s
internal circuitry.
•• If the power does not turn on, the AC adapter or the instrument may be malfunctioning
or the power cord may be disconnected. Contact your authorized Hioki distributor or
•• If an error during the self-test, the instrument is damaged. Contact your authorized Hioki
distributor or reseller.

Using Magnetic Adapter

Persons wearing electronic medical devices such as a pacemaker should not use 9
the Magnet Adapter. Such persons should avoid even proximity to the Magnet
Adapter, as it may be dangerous. Medical device operation could be compromised,

presenting a hazard to human life.

Do not bring the Magnet Adapter near magnetic media such as floppy disks, magnetic

cards, pre-paid cards, or magnetized tickets. Doing so may corrupt and may render
them unusable. Furthermore, if the Magnet Adapter is brought near precision electronic
equipment such as computers, TV screens, or electronic wrist watches, they may fail.

Operating Precautions


•• Do not short-circuit two wires to be measured by bringing the metal part of the
voltage cord clips or current sensor tips into contact with them. Doing so could
result in a severe accident such as arcing.
•• To prevent electrical shock and personal injury, do not touch any input terminals
on the VT (PT), CT or the instrument when they are in operation.
•• Do not use the instrument with circuits that exceed its ratings or specifications.
Doing so may damage the instrument or cause it to become hot, resulting in
bodily injury.
•• To avoid electric shock, be careful to avoid shorting live lines with the voltage
•• We recommend measurements at the secondary side of the distribution
panel. Measurements at the primary side cause unrestricted current flow. The
instrument and equipment could be damaged if a short circuit occurs.
•• To avoid short circuit or electric shock, do not touch the metal parts of the
voltage cords or current sensor tips.

•• To avoid damaging the instrument, do not short the voltage cord input terminals or
current sensor input terminals or input any voltage to them.
•• To ensure safe operation, use only the voltage cord and current sensor specified by

Displayed values can frequently fluctuate due to induction potential even when no voltage is applied. This,
however, is not a malfunction.

Using USB Connector (USB Cable)

•• To avoid equipment failure, do not disconnect the USB cable while communications are
in progress.
•• Use a common ground for both the instrument and the computer. Using different ground
circuits will result in a potential difference between the instrument’s ground and the
computer’s ground. If the USB cable is connected while such a potential difference
exists, it may result in equipment malfunction or failure.

••If the instrument and computer are both off and connected with the USB cable, turn on the computer and
then the instrument. Powering up the devices in a different order may prevent the instrument and computer
from communicating.
••Copying large data files from the SD memory card to a computer via the instrument’s USB interface can be
time-consuming. When you need to copy a large data file to a computer, it is recommended to use an SD
memory card reader.

Operating Precautions

Connecting the Instrument to an External Device

•• Use a common ground for both the instrument and the computer. Using different ground
circuits will result in a potential difference between the instrument’s ground and the 1
computer’s ground. If the communications cable is connected while such a potential
difference exists, it may result in equipment malfunction or failure.

•• Before connecting or disconnecting any communications cable, always turn off the
instrument and the computer. Failure to do so could result in equipment malfunction or
•• After connecting the RS-232C cable, tighten the screws on the connector securely.
Failure to secure the connector could result in equipment malfunction or damage.

Using External I/O Terminals

To avoid electric shock or damage to the equipment, always observe the following
precautions when connecting to external terminals or connectors.
•• Always turn off the power to the instrument and to any devices to be connected
before making connections.
•• Be careful to avoid exceeding the ratings of external terminals and connectors.
•• During operation, a wire becoming dislocated and contacting another conductive
object can be serious hazard. Use screws to secure the external connectors.

CD precautions
••Exercise care to keep the recorded side of discs free of dirt and scratches. When writing text on a disc’s
label, use a pen or marker with a soft tip.

••Keep discs inside a protective case and do not expose to direct sunlight, high temperature, or high humidity.
••Hioki is not liable for any issues your computer system experiences in the course of using this disc.


Operating Precautions

1 Overview
1.1 Procedure for Investigating Power Quality
By measuring power quality parameters, you can assess the power quality and identify the causes
of various power supply malfunctions. The ability of the instrument to measure all power quality

parameters simultaneously makes this process a quick and simple one.
The following is the description of the investigation process for the power quality.

Step 1: Clarifying the purpose

To find the cause for the power supply malfunction

A power supply malfunction such as an equipment failure or malfunction has occurred and
you wish to address it quickly.
Go to Step 2 (p. 16).

To assess power supply quality (power quality)

There is no known problem with the power supply, and you just want to assess the power
•• Periodic power quality statistical investigation
•• Testing after the installation of electric or electronic equipment
•• Load investigation
•• Preventive maintenance
Go to Step 3 (p. 16).

Step 2: Identifying the malfunctioning component (measurement

Check the following:

(1) Where is the issue occurring?

•• Principal electrical system
Large copier, uninterruptible power supply, elevator, air compressor, air conditioning compressor,
battery charger, cooling system, air handler, time-controlled lighting, variable-speed drive, etc.
•• Electric distribution system
Conduit [electrical conduit] damage or corrosion, transformer heating or noise, oil leak, circuit
breaker operation or overheating
(2) When does the issue occur?
•• Does it occur continuously, regularly, or intermittently?
•• Does it occur at a specific time of the day or on a specific day of the week?
(3) What type of investigation (measurement) should be performed to find the cause?
•• Measure the voltage, current (power) continuously to analyze voltage and current trends when
the issue occurs.
•• Concurrent measurements at more than one location
•• Dedicated systems lines in the electrical substation (can be measured only by the power
•• High-voltage and low-voltage lines of the service entrance
•• Distribution panels and switchboards
•• Power feeder and outlets of power supply for electric and electronic equipment

Procedure for Investigating Power Quality

(4) What is the expected cause?

•• Abnormal voltage
RMS value trends, waveform distortion, transient overvoltage
•• Abnormal current
Leakage current, inrush current

Step 3: Checking investigation (measurement) locations (collecting

site data)
Collect information (site data) from as many locations as possible to prepare for the investigation.
Check the following:

(1) Wiring (2) Declared input voltage

1P2W / 1P3W / 100 V to 800 V
3P3W2M / 3P3W3M / 3P4W

3P4W2.5E (available after the

firmware update)

(3) Frequency (4) Is the voltage between the neutral line and ground,
50 Hz/60 Hz and neutral line current required to be measured?
If the measurements are required, CH4 of the wiring settings
should be set to ON. See p. 48, and p. 64.

(5) Current capacity (6) Other items related to the whole facility
Current capacity is required to •• Other systems causing power supply malfunctions
select current sensors used for •• Principal electrical system operating cycle
the measurements.
•• Any additions or changes to facility equipment
•• Check of the power distribution system in the

Step 4: Making measurements with the power quality analyzer

(measurement procedure)
Measurements are performed using the following procedure:

Attach accessories and optional equipment required for the measurements to the Power
Quality Analyzer.
See “2 Preparing for Measurement” (p. 35).

Measurement settings/Connections/Wiring*
Configure the conditions required for the measurements and connect voltage cord and
current sensors to the instrument.
Connect the wires to the measuring object and check if there is any mistake.
See “Installation Environment” (p. 7) and “4 Wiring (WIRING Screen)” (p. 47).

Recording settings/Event settings*

Procedure for Investigating Power Quality

Configure the conditions and events required for recording.

If the EVENT indicator on the screen (p. 32) frequently changes to red, too many events
have occurred.

When the number of events reaches 9999 during recording/measurement, subsequent
events will not be recorded (trend recording continues). Adjust the event settings as
See “5 Setting Change (SET UP Screen)” (p. 63).

Measured value check
Press the [MONITOR] key, and use the MONITOR screen to check if there is any problem
with the values measured.
See “6 Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)” (p. 81).

Recording start*
Press the [START/STOP] key to start recording.
See “7 Recording (Save) (SET UP Screen)” (p. 91).

Continue recording for the period necessary for the analysis, check the state of the power
supply malfunction based on the detected events.

Check while recording  “8 Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured

Values (TREND Screen)” (p. 95), and “9 Checking
Events (EVENT Screen)” (p. 105).

Check after recording is  “11 Analysis (with Computer)” (p. 129)


Next, take the preventive measures for the power supply malfunction.
(The instrument is effective not only for the power supply investigation but also to check
after taking the measures for the power supply malfunction.)

*: Use “Quick Set” for easy and secure setting, and recording start!
The Quick Set allows easy and secure procedure for setting and recording start by following the
navigation of the instrument.
The event settings also allows typical setting by only selecting the menu.
(Menu: Voltage events, Inrush current, Trend record only, EN50160)
See “3 Quick Set” (p. 45), supplied Measurement Guide.

Procedure for Investigating Power Quality

Advice for identifying the cause of abnormalities

 Record voltage and current trends at the power circuit inlet.

If the voltage drops while the building’s current consumption rises, the likely cause for power
abnormality lies inside the building. If the voltage and current are both low, the cause is likely to lie
outside the building.
It’s extremely important to select the right measurement locations and measure current for

 Check power trends.

Overloaded equipment can cause problems. By understanding power trends, you can more easily
identify problematic equipment and locations.
See “8 Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)” (p. 95).

 Check when the problem occurs.

Equipment that is operating or turning on or off when events (abnormalities) are recorded may be
the cause of malfunction. By understanding the precise times at which events start and stop, you
can more easily identify problematic equipment and locations.
See “9 Checking Events (EVENT Screen)” (p. 105).

 Check for heat and unusual sounds.

Motors, transformers, and wiring may produce heat or unusual sounds due to causes such as
overloading or harmonics.

Product Overview

1.2 Product Overview

The PQ3100 Power Quality Analyzer is a measuring instrument used to manage power quality and
identify abnormalities of the power line to analyze the cause of the trouble.
All parameters can be recorded

Trends and power abnormalities (events) of all parameters
can be recorded simultaneously.

The instrument guides the procedures.

The Quick Set function allows proper and easy item
settings and connections required for measurements by
following the steps.

See “3 Quick Set” (p. 45), Measurement Guide (provided


Data can be easily analyzed and reported.

The data loaded to a computer can be easily analyzed and
reported with the supplied software.

See “11 Analysis (with Computer)” (p. 129) and “12 Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)”
(p. 137).


1.3 Features
Long-term event waveform Waveforms for up to 11.2 s when event occurs (1 s before event, 0.2 s on
recording event, 10 s after event) can be saved for power abnormality analysis.

DC (Direct Current) DC voltages can be measured. AC/DC Auto Zero Sensor allows DC current
measurements measurements.

The Quick Set allows easy operations by following the steps for secure
Easy and secure Continuous calculation without a gap also allows simultaneous measurements
of all the parameters required for the power quality measurements to securely
identify the phenomenon.

Checks the wiring state. If the instrument has been connected improperly, tips
Wiring check
for correct connections will be displayed by the help function.

Easy analysis and reporting

The supplied software PQ One allows easy analysis and reporting of the data.
of data

Safety Compatible with CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 V

Voltage measurement accuracy of ±0.2% rdg.

High accuracy
Complies with the IEC61000-4-30 Class S international power quality standard

4 voltage channels Measurements for voltage between neutral line and ground, and neutral line
4 current channels current are available for 3-phase 4-wire wiring.

Transient measurements Transient measurements for 5 kHz to 40 kHz, up to 2200 V

3-channel simultaneous (Available after the firmware update)

∆V10 flicker measurement 3-channel simultaneous ∆V10 flicker measurement is available.

For 3-phase 3-wire 3-watt meter measurement (3P3W3M) and 3-phase 4-wire
Simultaneous measurement
measurement (3P4W), both line voltage and phase voltage are measured and
of line voltage and phase
voltage for 3-phase Line voltage or phase voltage, whichever is selected, is displayed.

You can choose the best current sensors for your measurement application
ranging from leakage currents to a maximum rating of 6,000 A.
Extensive lineup of current
The instrument can feed the power to both Flexible Current Sensor and AC/
sensors DC Auto-Zero Sensor enabling you to make long-term measurements without
worrying about the power supply.

Ability to operate for about Even when AC power is not available, the supplied battery pack can be used
8 hours on battery power for about 8 hours of measurement.

Operating temperature range is from −20°C to 50°C.

Broad operating
However, the operating temperature range is from 0°C to 50°C when Battery
temperature range Pack is used.

Data can be continuously recorded to an optional 2 GB or an 8 GB memory

Saving to SD memory cards
card for up to one year.

The instrument uses an LCD that is easy to see in both dim and bright
TFT color LCD

The instrument includes standard USB and Ethernet interfaces to connect a

computer for the following operations.
Communications ••To configure the instrument using a computer.
functionality ••To download data from the instrument to the computer.
••To operate the instrument remotely.
See “12 Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)” (p. 137).

Names and Functions of Parts

1.4 Names and Functions of Parts

Front Operation keys

Screen switching

Flashing green: When
in the recording
standby state
Solid green: When
2 recording

No. Name and description Reference

1 6.5″ TFT color LCD
p. 24

Function key ([F1] to [F5] key)

2 Select and change display contents and settings.

Keys Description Reference

Displays and changes the MONITOR screen (waveform and measured values). p. 81

Displays and changes the TREND screen (time series trend graphs). p. 95

Displays and changes the EVENT screen (event status).

p. 105
(Version upgrade supported for switching)

Displays and changes the WIRING screen (wiring settings, wiring check). p. 47

Displays and changes the SET UP screen (settings). p. 63

Displays and changes the FILE screen (SD memory card/internal memory). p. 115

p. 45
Displays and changes the QUICK SET screen.
Pressing this key during recording allows checking the current main settings.
ment Guide
An event occurs at the timing when this key is pressed during recording.
The voltage and current waveforms and measured values when an event occurs —
are recorded.
Moves the cursor on the screen. Scrolls through graphs or waveforms.

: Selects items on the screen and accepts changes.

Cancels any selections or changes made and reverts to the previous settings.
Switches to the previous screen.

Pressing and holding this key for at least 3 s activates the key lock function. (Same
operation for unlock)

Outputs the image of the currently displayed screen to the SD memory card. p. 121

Starts and stops recording. p. 91

Names and Functions of Parts

Upper 1 2

“4.3 Connecting Voltage “4.4 Connecting Current

Cords to Instrument” Sensors and Configuring
(p. 51) Current Sensor Settings”
(p. 52)

No. Name Description Reference

Connects supplied L1000-05 voltage cord to one of
1 Voltage input terminal
the jacks.
p. 51

2 Current input terminal Connects optional current sensors. p. 52

Left 1 2 3 4

No. Name Description Reference

1 Strap eyelet Attaches the strap. p. 39

2 POWER Switch Turns the instrument on and off. p. 44

3 AC adapter connection jack Connects the AC adapter. p. 43

4 CHARGE LED Lights up when the Z1003 Battery Pack is charging. p. 38

5 Hook for AC adapter Loops the AC adapter cord through these hooks. p. 43

Names and Functions of Parts

Right 1 2 3 4 5 6

No. Name Description Reference
Uses commercially available wires to connect with
1 External I/O terminals
external devices.
p. 147

Connects to a computer using the optional RS-232C

2 RS-232C interface
p. 145

3 LAN interface Connects to a computer using the LAN cable. p. 138

4 USB port Connects to a computer using the supplied USB cable. p. 131

Inserts an SD memory card. Be sure to close the cover

5 SD memory card slot
when recording.
p. 42

6 Strap eyelet Attaches the strap. p. 39

Back “Installing the battery pack” (p. 38)

1 3

No. Name Description Reference

Displays the instrument’s unique MAC address. This
address is used when configuring a LAN connection.
1 MAC address label
Do not remove the label as the information is
p. 138
necessary for managing the device.
Indicates the warning, CE mark, KC mark, WEEE
2 Label
Directive mark, and manufacturer.

Do not remove the label as the information is

3 Serial No.
necessary for managing the device.

Installs the supplied Z1003 Battery Pack within the

4 Battery compartment
p. 38

Screen Configuration

1.5 Screen Configuration

Displaying and switching screens

Use operation keys (screen switching key) Use [F1] (SCREEN) key to switch screens

Screen example: MONITOR screen

The screens consist of seven screens each of which

corresponds to the operation keys.
The screen corresponding to the key pressed is displayed.
The screen can be switched by pressing the key

Screen name

Screen Configuration

MONITOR screen
A screen that is used to monitor instantaneous values. This screen is used to view voltage and
current instantaneous waveforms, and the measured values.

Display/switch screen: [MONITOR] key

See “6 Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)” (p. 81).

Waveform screen Electric power screen
RMS voltage, RMS current, frequency, power, power
factor, active energy (consumption) and elapsed time are

Electric energy screen

Electric energy, energy cost, start time, stop time,
elapsed time, power and power factor are displayed.

Voltage screen
Measured values related to voltage are displayed.
Voltage and current waveforms of CH1 to
CH4 are displayed.

Current screen
Measured values related to current are displayed.

Vector screen
Phase relationship between voltage and current is
displayed in a vector diagram.

Harmonics screen
Harmonic current, harmonic voltage, and harmonic
power from 0 to 50th order are displayed.

Zoom screen (available after the firmware

Enlarged view of 6 user-selected parameters are

Screen Configuration

TREND screen
A screen used to check the trend (fluctuations) of the measured values.

Display/switch screen: [TREND] key

See “8 Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)” (p. 95).

Basic trend screen Detail trend screen

This screen is used to check fluctuation width of
maximum and minimum values between recording
intervals for the following parameters.
••RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
••RMS current refreshed each half-cycle
••Inrush current
••Frequency (1 wave)

Electric energy screen

This screen is used to check electric energy trends for
each recording interval.
This screen is used to check fluctuation
width of maximum, minimum and average
values between recording intervals.
Demand screen (available after the firmware
This screen is used to check demand trends.

Harmonics trend screen (available after the

firmware update)
This screen is used to check trends of harmonics and

Flicker screen (available after the firmware

This screen is used to check trends of IEC flicker or
∆V10 flicker.

Screen Configuration

EVENT screen
A screen used to check the event status.

Display/switch screen: [EVENT] key

See “9 Checking Events (EVENT Screen)” (p. 105).
Event list screen Event statistics screen

(available after the firmware update)

This screen is used to check the statistical

results for each event type.

Events can be checked on the list.

The events are sorted in the order of

EVENT MONITOR screen: See p. 111.

WIRING screen
A screen used to check the wiring settings.

Display/switch screen: [WIRING] key

See “4 Wiring (WIRING Screen)” (p. 47).
Wiring settings screen Wiring check screen

This screen is used to configure the wiring. This screen is used to check whether the
Make wiring by checking the wiring diagram. instrument has been connected properly.

Screen Configuration

SET UP screen
A screen used to configure settings.

Display/switch screen: [SET UP] key

See “5 Setting Change (SET UP Screen)” (p. 63).

Measurement settings 1 screen Measurement settings 2 screen

This screen is used to configure settings for calculation
method, energy cost, and flicker (available after the
firmware update).

Recording settings screen

This screen is used to configure the settings for

Event settings 1 screen

This screen is used to configure the wiring. This screen is used to configure the event threshold
value and hysteresis for voltage and current.

Event settings 2 screen

This screen is used to configure the timer event, external
event, and event waveform recording time.

System settings screen

This screen is used to configure the clock, beep sound,
language, display color, and phase name.

Interface settings screen

This screen is used to configure the settings for LAN,
RS-232C, and external output.

Screen Configuration

FILE screen
A screen used for file operations.
This screen allows listing and operations for files of the SD memory card and internal memory.

Display/switch screen: [FILE] key

See “10 File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)” (p. 115).

SD card screen Internal memory screen

This screen shows lists of folders and files in the This screen shows lists of folders and files in the
SD memory card. internal memory.

QUICK SET screen

Minimum conditions required for recording can be set by following the Quick Set instructions.

Quick Set start: [QUICK SET] key

See “3 Quick Set” (p. 45) and refer to Measurement Guide (provided separately).

Quick Set start dialog

Press the

Basic Key Operations

1.6 Basic Key Operations

See “1 Displaying and switching screens” (p. 24).

Changing the required items

1 Move the cursor to the item.

2 The drop down list will be


3 Select an item.

4 Accept the setting.

On the MONITOR screen and the TREND screen, the items can be changed by pressing
the keys without the drop-down list box displayed.

Basic Key Operations

Entering characters

1 Move the cursor to the item. 1

2 A dialog box will be displayed.

: Character selection

3 : Input

: Delete a character

The setting will be accepted.
4 : Cancel
The entry will be canceled.

Screen Display

1.7 Screen Display

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 1 11 12 13 Actual time

17 16


No. Display Description

Gray (no character):

••Recording is stopped.
••The setting can be changed.

Yellow (WAITING):
(START/STOP LED: Blinking)
••Recording is in standby.
••This screen is shown from the time the
Operation [START/STOP] key is pressed until the
1 status recording actually starts.
••During repeated recording, this screen
is also displayed when recording is
••The setting cannot be changed.

••Recording is in progress.
••The setting cannot be changed.

Screen Display

No. Display Description Reference

The instrument is operating with the AC adapter. p. 43

The instrument is running on the battery. p. 38

The instrument is running on the battery, which is almost out of charge.
Connect the AC adapter and charge the battery.
p. 38

3 The LAN is connected. p. 138

The HTTP server is connected. p. 143


4 The key lock is engaged. p. 21

p. 58
5 Holding the screen display.
p. 81

(Black) The SD memory card is inserted and identified.

6 p. 42
(Red) The SD memory card is locked. Unlock it.

7 The VT ratio has been set.

p. 64
8 The CT ratio has been set.

9 Wiring, voltage range, and current range for CH1 to CH3.

(Red): No current sensors are connected. Otherwise, the sensors
are erroneously configured. (p. 52)
(Yellow): The current sensors are correctly configured.

Voltage range and current range for CH4. When CH4 is OFF, no icon is p. 48
displayed. p. 64
10 (Red): No current sensor is connected. Otherwise, the sensor is
erroneously configured. (p. 52)
(Yellow): The current sensor is correctly configured.

11 Declared input voltage.

12 Measuring frequency (nominal frequency). p. 64

The SD memory card has been inserted in the instrument. p. 42

(Black background)

The SD memory card is being accessed.

(Green background)

As no SD memory card is inserted to the instrument, measured data will

13 be saved in the instrument’s internal memory.
The shortest recording interval of the internal memory is 2 s. If the
(Black background) interval is set to 1 s or less, measured data cannot be saved in the
internal memory.
The internal memory is being accessed.
(Green background)

Indicates how much recording time or days remains on the SD memory

card or in the instrument’s internal memory. If the event data is recorded
14 as well, the actual recording time will become shorter than the displayed
recording time.
The utilization status is indicated with a level meter.

Error Screen Display

No. Display Description Reference

No event has been detected.

(Black background)
Event IN (detection) state.
(Red background)

Number of events recorded. Up to 9999 events.

16 The event detection status is indicated with a level meter.
This is the screen name. Select with the key.
17 Screen name [(Present screen number) / (number of screens)] is displayed within the
screen. (See “1.5 Screen Configuration” (p. 24) for details.)

18 F key text Texts of function keys assigned for each screen.

1.8 Error Screen Display

Display Description
If a voltage peak over, i.e., that the peak of the voltage exceeds 2200 V or falls below
−2200V, occurs, the background of the voltage range turns red.
If a voltage overrange, i.e., that the voltage exceeds 1300 V, occurs, the background of
the voltage range turns yellow.
If a current peak over, i.e., that the peak of the current exceeds 400% of the present
range or falls below −400% of it, occurs, the background of the current range turns red.
If a current overrange, i.e., that the current exceeds 130% of the present range, occurs,
the background of the current range turns yellow.
When a voltage value exceeds a certain ratio based on the declared input voltage, the
background color turns any of the following colors:
110% < Yellow
90% ≤ (Regular background color) ≤ 110%
80% ≤ Yellow < 90%
Red < 80%
When the measured value is different from the declared frequency, the background of
the declared frequency turns red.
Measured value became overrange (the measurement is out of measuring range).
The voltage that the instrument is capable of measuring is being exceeded. Immediately
disconnect the instrument.
If the current is overrange, increase the current range.
Measurement is not possible. Shown instead of the measured value.
If there is no input, the power factor cannot be measured.

2 Preparing for Measurement
Before starting measurement, connect accessories and options to this instrument. Before
performing measurement, be sure to read “Operating Precautions” (p. 7) and to inspect the
instrument, accessories, and options to ensure that there is no damage.

2.1 Preparation Flowchart

Follow the procedure for preparation described below. (The items preceded by † need to be

Preparing for Measurement

performed only during the first use.)

† Initial Measurement Preparations

•• Color coding of current sensor (for channel identification) (p. 36)
•• Bundling the voltage cords and current sensors (If required) (p. 37)
•• Installing the battery pack. (p. 38)
•• Attaching the strap (if required) (p. 39)
•• Setting the language, clock, and measurement frequency (p. 40)

Pre-Measurement Inspection (p. 41)

Inserting the SD Memory Card (p. 42)

Power Supply (p. 43)

Turning On the Instrument (p. 44)

Warm-up (p. 44)
•• At least 30 min

Initial Measurement Preparations

2.2 Initial Measurement Preparations

Color coding of current sensor (for channel identification)

Be sure to read “Handling Cords and Cables” (p. 8).

At both the ends of the current sensor cable, connect the spiral tube of the same color as the
channel which is to be connected to the current sensor, to avoid wiring mistakes.

Example: In the case of using 2 current sensors

Required items

 Color Spiral tubes  Current sensor in use × 2

(for color-coding the current sensor)

Red (thin) × 2
Yellow (thin) × 2
(Diagram of Model CT7136)

Connector side

Sensor side
Color Spiral tubes for CH1 (red) Color Spiral tubes for CH2 (yellow)

Number of current sensors in use

Measuring object
(Colors of the CH and color spiral tubes)
Single-phase 2-wire (1P2W) 1 (CH1 red)
Single-phase 3-wire (1P3W)
2 (CH1 red, CH2 yellow)
3-phase 3-wire (3P3W2M)
3-phase 3-wire (3P3W3M)
3 (CH1 red, CH2 yellow, CH3 blue)
3-phase 4-wire (3P4W)

Initial Measurement Preparations

Bundling the voltage cords and current sensors (If required)

Be sure to read “Handling Cords and Cables” (p. 8), “Using Voltage Cords” (p. 8).

If required, group the cables together by using the spiral tubes (black).

Example: In the case of using 3 voltage cords and 2 current sensors

Required items

 Spiral tubes (for grouping the cables together)  Current sensor in use ×2

Black (thick) ×10

Preparing for Measurement

 Model L1000-05 Voltage Cord ×3

(The model illustrated above is
Model CT7136)


CH1 Red Red CH1 Red Red

N Black Black

CH2 Yellow Yellow CH2 Yellow Yellow

Model L1000-05 Voltage Cord Current sensor

Initial Measurement Preparations

Installing the battery pack

Be sure to read “Using Battery Pack” (p. 9).

The battery pack is subject to self-discharge. Be sure to charge the battery pack before initial use
(See Step 7).
If the battery can only be used for a considerably short time even after correct charging, replace it
with a new battery pack.

Required items

 Phillips screwdriver (No. 2)  Model Z1003 battery pack

1 Turn off the instrument. (p. 44)

2 Remove all cords.

3 Turn the instrument over, remove

the screws on the primary battery 4 Connect the plug of the Model Z1003
battery pack to the connector of the
compartment and remove the cover. instrument. (Turn the 2 projection
surfaces of the plug to the left and


5 Insert the battery pack in the direction

that is indicated by the labeling on the 6 Put the cover and tighten the screws.

battery pack.
Be careful not to pinch the wires of the battery

7 Connect the AC adapter (p. 43) to the

instrument and charge the battery pack.
(Left side surface of the instrument)

The battery pack will be charged regardless of

whether the power is ON or OFF.

Solid red During charging
Off Fully charged or when the
battery is not attached

••The battery pack is used as a backup power supply for the instrument during interruption. When fully
charged, it can provide backup power for approximately 8 hours in the event of an interruption.
••Note that if an interruption occurs while the battery pack is not being used, the displayed time series data will
be erased. (Data that has been recorded on the SD memory card and instrument’s internal memory will be
••For more information about the operating temperature and humidity and the storage temperature and
humidity, see “14.1 General Specifications” (p. 153).

Initial Measurement Preparations

Attaching the strap (if required)

Be sure to read “Attaching the Strap” (p. 10).

If required, attach the strap when carrying the instrument or hanging it on a hook at the installed

Pass through the strap eyelet.

Preparing for Measurement

2 Pass through the 3 Pass through the loop.

Tighten the straps securely to avoid loosening or twisting.

Initial Measurement Preparations

Setting the language, clock, and measurement frequency

When you turn on the instrument for the first time after purchase, the language setting screen, clock
setting screen, and frequency setting screen will be displayed. Configure these settings.
Similarly, these settings must be configured if a factory reset (p. 77) is performed to reset the
instrument to its default settings.

1 Turn on the instrument. (p. 44)

2 Select the display language.

Move the cursor

Chinese Simple
Chinese Trad

3 Set the date and time.

4 Select the frequency for the measuring
object using the function keys.

Move the cursor

Move the cursor Change the value
The WIRING, wiring setting screen will be
The seconds cannot be set. If you press the displayed.
[Enter] key after changing value, the seconds
will be set to 00.

Once you have set the display language, time, and measurement frequency, this settings screen will not be
shown again when the instrument is turned on.
You can change these settings on the setting screen.
See Display language, time“System Settings” (p. 75), and measurement frequency“SET UP, Measurement
Settings 1 screen” (p. 64).

Pre-measurement Inspection

2.3 Pre-measurement Inspection

Before using the instrument, verify that it operates normally to ensure that no damage occurred
during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or

(1) Inspect the voltage cords

Is the insulation of the voltage cord damaged,
or is bare metal exposed? Yes 2

Preparing for Measurement

(2) Inspect the current sensor
••Is there any crack or damage in the jaw part? Do not use if damage is present,
••Is the insulation on the cables torn? Yes
as you could receive an electric
Contact your authorized Hioki
(3) Inspect the AC adapter distributor or reseller.
••Is damage to the AC adapter evident?
••Is the power cord’s insulation damaged? Yes


(4) Inspect the instrument

Is the device damaged? Yes


Inspection complete

Inserting the SD Memory Card

2.4 Inserting the SD Memory Card

Be sure to read “Using SD Memory Cards” (p. 10).

1 Turn off the instrument. (p. 44)

2 Open the cover.

3 Disengage the lock.

4 Insert the SD memory card inside.

Lock key


Insert the card horizontally. Inserting the SD

memory card at an angle may cause the write-
protect lock to engage, preventing data from
being written to the card.

5 Close the cover. How to remove:

Open the cover, push in the SD memory
card and then pull it out.

When storing the data to the SD memory card, configure the recording settings.
See “5.2 Recording Settings” (p. 69).

Power Supply

2.5 Power Supply

Be sure to read “Using AC Adapter” (p. 11).

Required items

 Model Z1002 AC adapter

(AC adapter + power cord)


Preparing for Measurement

1 Power OFF

3 Connect

4 Hook

AC adapter

2 Connect
5 Connect

Power cord

Turning On/Off the Instrument

2.6 Turning On/Off the Instrument

Be sure to read “Turning On the Instrument” (p. 11).
Turn on the instrument. After the measurement is complete, always turn off the power.

How to turn on the instrument

Slide the knob of the POWER switch When the instrument is turned on, the Self-test screen will
toward ON ( ) . be displayed.

Version number

Self-test result

After the self-test is complete, the screen that appears

before turning off the instrument will be displayed.
(When the instrument is turned on for the first time, the
WIRING, wiring settings screen will be displayed.)

How to turn off the instrument

Slide the knob of the POWER switch

toward OFF ( ).

2.7 Warm-up
Warm up the instrument before performing the measurement to ensure accurate measurements.
After turning on the instrument, allow it warm-up for at least 30 min.

3 Quick Set
The Quick Set function allows easy settings for minimum recording/measurement requirements by
following the guidance.
The setting proceeds in the following order: “1. Basic Settings,” “2. Device Connections,” “3. Voltage
Wiring,” “4. Current Wiring,” “5. Wiring Check,” “6. Event Settings,” “7. Recording Settings,” and “8.
Recording Start.”
See the supplied Measurement Guide for details.

3.1 Configurable Items

The items listed below can be configured with the Quick Set.
To configure other items not listed here*, see “3.2 Adding Settings” (p. 46).

Quick Set
•• Set the VT and CT ratios.
•• Change the event settings.

Setting Details
Wiring Configure the wiring.
Current sensor Configure the current sensor.
Declared input voltage Configure the declared input voltage.
Current range Configure the current range.
Easy settings course After this course is selected, event settings and recording interval will be
automatically configured.
Recording interval Configure the recording interval.
Recording start method Configure the recording start method.
Recording stop method Configure the recording stop method.
Folder/File name Configure the folder/ file name.
Clock Configure the clock.

Adding Settings

3.2 Adding Settings

Using the following procedure, normal settings can be applied in combination with the Quick Set to
perform recording as desired:

1 Press the [QUICK SET] key to start the

Quick Set. 2 Follow the Quick Set to proceed with
the operations up to the QUICK SET,
Recording start screen.

3 Exit the Quick Set without starting a

recording. 4 Press the [SET UP] key to add settings.

Example: Configure the VT ratio or CT ratio,

change the event settings.
The Quick Set will be completed. All the setting
that have been configured with the Quick Set See “5 Setting Change (SET UP Screen)”
will not be deleted. (p. 63).

5 Press the [WIRING] key to display the

WIRING, Wiring check screen. 6 Reconfirm the wiring and measured

See “4.9 Checking Wiring” (p. 59).

7 Press the [MONITOR] key as required

to check the measured values on the 8 Press the [START/STOP] key.

MONITOR screen. The recording will start.

See “6 Verifying the Waveform, Measured

Values (MONITOR Screen)” (p. 81).

4 Wiring (WIRING Screen)
4.1 Wiring Procedure
Connect the voltage codes and the current sensors to the instrument according to the following
This chapter explains the procedure for wiring without using the Quick Set.

Setting the wiring method and the declared input voltage

“4.2 Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings” (p. 48)

Connecting the cords and the sensors and

performing the zero adjustment
“4.3 Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument” (p. 51)
“4.4 Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring Current Sensor Settings” (p. 52)
“4.5 Zero Adjustment” (p. 54) 4

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

Connecting the voltage cords to the measuring object
“4.6 Connecting Voltage Cords to Objects” (p. 55)

Attaching the current sensor to the measuring object

“4.7 Attaching Current Sensors to Objects” (p. 56)

Checking the wiring

“4.9 Checking Wiring” (p. 59)

Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings

4.2 Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage

Press the [WIRING] key to display the WIRING, wiring settings screen.
Sets the wiring method and declared input voltage.
The wiring diagram (p. 50) of the specified wiring mode is displayed.

Voltage value (RMS value)

Current value (RMS value)

1 Active power
Displacement Power Factor
(Fundamental power factor)*

*: DPF (Displacement Power Factor) is displayed as the power

factor irrespective of PF/Q/S calculation method settings
of the SET UP, measurement settings 2 screen in the
WIRING, wiring setting screen.
Move the cursor Select See “SET UP, Measurement Settings 2 screen” (p. 66),
and “Terminology” (p. Appx.24).

Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings

1 Enables you to select the wiring method for CH1 to CH3, and select ON/OFF of the input to CH4.

1P2W Single-phase 2-wire line

1P3W Single-phase 3-wire line
Single-phase 3-wire line (1-voltage measurement)
Although voltages should be usually input to 2 channels for the single-
1P3W1U phase 3-wire line, a voltage is input to only CH1 in a simplistic way.
Additionally, the power of 1P3W is calculated, assuming that the voltage
U2 is equal to U1.
3-phase 3-wire line (2-watt meter method)
Two line voltages and two line currents are measured to perform the
3P3W2M measurement. U3 is calculated from U1 and U2; I3, from I1 and
3P3W2M I2. Although the active power of the 3-phase line as a whole is equal to
the one measured by the 3P3W3M measurement, the balance of the each
phase cannot be checked. To check the balances, select the 3P3W3M.
See “Appx. 7 3-phase 3-wire Measurement” (p. Appx.21).
3-phase 3-wire line (3-watt meter method)
3P3W3M Three phase voltage from the virtual neutral point and three line currents

are measured to obtain results for the 3-phase 3-wire line.
3-phase 4-wire line
3-phase 4-wire line (2-voltage measurement)

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

Only the voltage U1 and U3 are measured to obtain results for the 3-phase
4-wire line. U2 is calculated from U1 and U3.
(available after the firmware update)
Enables the input to CH4.
Voltage: To measure a voltage between the neutral line and the grounding
To obtain the voltage values, the potential differences between the terminal
N and each of the channels, CH1 through CH4.
CH4 The voltage terminal N is shared by CH1 through CH3 and CH4. Inputting
a voltage to CH1 through CH3 enables the U4 field to display the value
even though no voltage is input to CH4.
Current: To measure a neutral line current of 3P4W or 1P3W
To measure a leakage current
OFF Disables the input to CH4.

2 Enables you to set the declared input voltage for the measurement line. It will be referenced for the
event settings (swell, dip, interruption).
See “SET UP, Event Settings 1 screen” (p. 72).

Variable (50 V to 800 V in 1 V increments), 100, 101, 110, 115, 120, 127, 200, 202, 208, 220, 230,
240, 277, 347, 380, 400, 415, 440, 480, 600

The settings can also be configured in the SET UP, measurement settings screen or in the Quick Set screen.
See “SET UP, Measurement Settings 1 screen” (p. 64), and refer to Measurement Guide.

Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings

Wiring diagram
The vector diagram in the following screen example shows the measurement line in its ideal
(balanced, power factor 1) state.

Wiring Wiring
selection selection
Screens Screens
vector vector
diagram diagram


1P3W 1P3W1U

3P3W2M 3P3W3M*

3P4W 3P4W2.5E (Available after the firmware update)

*: If 3P3W3M is selected, do not apply a voltage to CH4 even with CH4 set to ON.

Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument

4.3 Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument

Be sure to read “Handling Cords and Cables” (p. 8), “Using Voltage Cords” (p. 8).

Connect a Model L1000-05 voltage cord to the voltage input terminal of this instrument.
Secure the cords together with a spiral tube if necessary.
See“Bundling the voltage cords and current sensors (If required)” (p. 37).

Required items

 Model L1000-05 Voltage  Model 9804-01 Magnetic

Cord Adapter
Red, compatible with the
M6 pan head screw

(Necessary number of  Model 9804-02 Magnetic

cords) Adapter
Black, compatible with the

M6 pan head screw

 Model 9243 Grabber Clip


Wiring (WIRING Screen)

Red and black, 1 each

1 Insert alligator clip magnetic adapter or

grabber clips into the socket at the tip of 2 Press the [WIRING] key to display the
WIRING, wiring settings screen.
the cord.

Alligator Clip

Magnetic Adapter

Grabber Clip

3 Insert the voltage cord while checking

the channel on the screen.

Voltage input terminal

Insert the cord into the terminal as far as it will go.

Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring Current Sensor Settings

4.4 Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring

Current Sensor Settings
Be sure to read “Handling Cords and Cables” (p. 8).

Connect the optional current sensor to the current input terminal of this instrument.

•• To make it easier to identify channels, color-code the cords with colored spiral tubes.
See“Color coding of current sensor (for channel identification)” (p. 36).
•• Secure the cords together with a spiral tube if necessary.
See“Bundling the voltage cords and current sensors (If required)” (p. 37).
•• Refer to the instruction manual supplied with the current sensor for specification details and
usage procedures.

When measuring power lines that use multiple channels

Use a current sensor of the same model.
Example: Use current sensors of the same model from CH1 to CH3 for the 3-phase 4-wire system.

Connecting the optional current sensor

1 Press the [WIRING] key to display the

WIRING, wiring settings screen. 2 Insert the connector of the current
sensor while checking the channel on
the screen.

Align the arrow with the

concave part of the terminal
to insert the connector.

Current input terminal

When disconnecting the current sensor, be sure
to grip the part of the connector indicated by the
arrows and pull it straight out.

3 The current sensor and the maximum current

range are set automatically.

Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring Current Sensor Settings

Connecting current sensors other than the optional sensors

1 Press the [WIRING] key to display the

WIRING, wiring settings screen. 2 Insert the connector of the current
sensor while checking the channel on
the screen.

Example: Model 9661 clamp on

1 2


Align the protrusions of Turn the connector

the connector with the clockwise to lock it
groove, and then insert it. in place.
Model L9910
Conversion Cable

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

Current input terminal
Align the arrow with the concave part of the
terminal to insert the connector.

3 See the table given on the right side,

and select the corresponding optional
Current sensor

current sensor. Other than the


CT9667-01* CT7044
AC Flexible Current
CT9667-02* CT7045
CT9667-03* CT7046
9657-10 AC Leakage
9675 Current Sensor
9660 AC Current Sensor
9661 CT7136

Move the cursor Select 9669 9669 Clamp On Sensor

Example: Select CT7136 for Model 9661 clamp *: Set the range switch of the sensor to 500 A
on sensor when the current range of this instrument is set
to 500 A or 50 A.

Zero Adjustment

4.5 Zero Adjustment

This function adjusts the DC components superimposing on voltage and current to zero.
In order to obtain precise measurements, it is recommended to perform the zero adjustment in
advance of the measurements after allowing the instrument to warm-up for more than 30 min.

1 Press the [WIRING] key to display the

WIRING, wiring settings screen. 2 Execute zero adjustment

3 The DC components superimposing on voltage

and current are adjusted to zero. It will takes
approximately 20 s.

••Perform zero adjustment only after connecting the current sensor to the instrument.
••Perform zero adjustment before wiring to the measurement line. (The zero adjustment must be performed
when there is no input of voltage and current.)
••In order to obtain precise measurements, zero adjustment should be performed at an ambient temperature
level, that falls within the range defined by the device specifications.
••The key operations are disabled during zero adjustment.

Connecting Voltage Cords to Objects

4.6 Connecting Voltage Cords to Objects

Be sure to read “Wiring” (p. 12).
Connect the voltage cords to the measuring objects while checking the WIRING, wiring settings

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

Use alligator clips or Model 9243 Grabber Clip. Secondary side of breaker
Securely clip the cords to metal parts such as bus bars
and screws on the secondary side of the breaker.
Method to open and close Model 9243

Model L1000-05
Voltage Cord

Example: Alligator clip

Using Model 9804-01 (9804-02) Magnetic Adapter Secondary side of breaker

Connect the magnetic adapter to the screws on the
secondary side of the breaker.

Model 9804-01, 02 Model L1000-05

Magnetic Adapter Voltage Cord

The weight of the voltage cords may prevent you from Secondary side of breaker
making a perpendicular connection between the magnetic
adapter and the head of the screw.
In this case, connect each cord such that it hangs off the
adapter in a manner that balances its weight. Check the
voltage values to verify that the connections have been
Model 9804-01, 02
made securely.
Magnetic Adapter

* Optional, standard screws: M6 small pan head screws Model L1000-05

Voltage Cord

Attaching Current Sensors to Objects

4.7 Attaching Current Sensors to Objects

Be sure to read “Wiring” (p. 12).
Connect the current sensors to the measuring objects while checking the WIRING, wiring settings

Load current measurement

Make sure that the current flow direction arrow points toward the load side, then clamp the
Direction of the current Load side Load side
Conductor Conductor

Source Source

Current Flow
Direction Arrow Current Flow
Direction Arrow
Model CT7126/CT7131 AC current sensor Model CT7136 AC current sensor

Load side

Current Flow
Direction Arrow
CT7044/ CT7045/ CT7046 AC flexible current sensor
IMPORTANT  ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Attach the clamp around only one line of the

Single-phase (2-wire) or three-phase (3-wire,
4-wire) cables clamped together will not produce
any reading.

Attaching Current Sensors to Objects

Leakage current measurement

Grounding wire Clamp 1 line only. (Diagram A)

Batch Clamp the electrical circuits together. (Diagram B)
measurement Clamp 2 wires together in the single phase 2-wire system circuit, and 4 wires
in the 3-phase 4-wire system circuit.


Single phase 3-wire system circuit



current lg

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

B-type Load
grounding wire apparatus

3-phase 3-wire system circuit


Load apparatus

current lg
grounding wire
grounding wire

Configuring Current Range Setting

4.8 Configuring Current Range Setting

Check the current value in the WIRING, wiring settings screen and select an appropriate current

1 Press the [WIRING] key to display the

WIRING, wiring settings screen. 2 Check the current value (RMS value)
and select the current range.
Current value (RMS value)

Move the cursor Select

Current sensor
Current range
Optional Other than the optional

CT7044 CT9667-01*
AC flexible current sensor CT7045 CT9667-02* 5000A, 500A, 50A
CT7046 CT9667-03*

AC leakage current sensor CT7116 5A, 500mA, 50mA
CT7126 50A, 5A, 500mA
AC current sensor 9660
CT7131 100A, 50A, 5A
CT7136 9661 500A, 50A, 5A
CT7731 - 100A, 10A
AC/DC auto-zero current sensor CT7736 - 500A, 50A
CT7742 - 2000A, 1000A, 500A
Clamp on sensor 9669 9669 1000A, 100A

*: Set the range switch of the sensor to 500 A when the current range of this instrument is set to 500 A or
50 A.

Selecting an appropriate current range

Set the current range based on the anticipated maximum load current that will generate during the
measurement. (Refer to the operating status, load rating, breaker rating, and other data to make
this determination.)
If the range is too low, then an over-range current will be generated during measurement, and
accurate measurement will not be possible.
And if the range is too high, then errors will increase and accurate measurement will not be possible.

Checking Wiring

4.9 Checking Wiring

Press the [WIRING] key to display the WIRING, wiring check screen.
This screen is used to check whether the instrument has been connected properly.

Wiring judgment*1

Voltage level,
Voltage value phase PASS range*2
(RMS value)

Voltage phase Voltage phase vector*2

angle Current level,
(Fundamental phase PASS range*2
Current value
(RMS value)
Current phase vector*

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

Current phase
Active Displacement The measured value is fixed and displayed
power value Power Factor when the [F5] (Hold) key is pressed.
power factor)*3

*1: The wiring judgment results are displayed.

Green PASS (Normal)

Red (x) FAIL (Abnormal)
Yellow (!) CHECK (Confirmation

*2: The wiring is normal if the phase vector is within the ‘PASS’ range. (If outside the PASS range, see “Voltage
phase” (p. 61), “Current phase” (p. 61))

*3: DPF (Displacement Power Factor) is displayed as the power factor irrespective of the PF/Q/S calculation
method settings of the SET UP, measurement settings 2 screen in the WIRING, wiring check screen.
See “SET UP, Measurement Settings 2 screen” (p. 66) and “Power factor (PF/DPF)” (p. Appx.28).

Checking Wiring

If the wiring judgment result is red (FAIL) or yellow (CHECK)

1 Select an item to be checked.

2 Review its contents.

Move the cursor

A dialog box with helpful information for fixing (Press the [ESC] key to close the dialog box)
the wiring will be displayed.

3 Press the [WIRING] key to display the

WIRING, wiring settings screen. 4 Verify that the actual wiring connections
are the same as the ones shown on the

Correct the wiring if the connections are


5 Once again, press [WIRING] key and

confirm the wiring judgment result on
WIRING, wiring check confirmation

Recording can be started even if the wiring

judgment result remains red (FAIL) or yellow

Checking Wiring

Judgment conditions Confirmation steps
judgment items
Voltage input To determine the voltage value based on ••Has the declared input voltage been set
the declared input voltage. correctly?
110% < CHECK ••Are the voltage cords completely inserted
90% ≤ PASS ≤ 110% into the voltage input terminals?
80% ≤ CHECK < 90% ••Are the tip clip and cord of the voltage
FAIL < 80% cord completely inserted?
••Is the tip clip of the voltage cord connected
to the metal parts of the measurement
See “4.2 Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings” (p. 48).
See “4.3 Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument” (p. 51).
See “4.6 Connecting Voltage Cords to Objects” (p. 55).
Current input FAIL will be displayed when input is less Wiring cannot be checked when no current
than 1% of the current range. CHECK will is flowing. Operate the equipment and
be displayed when input is less than 10% of keep the current flowing in order to check
the current range. the wiring. If the wiring cannot be checked
even if the equipment is operating, as exact
diagnosis cannot be done, visually check
for proper wiring before measuring.
••Are the current sensors properly inserted
into the current sensor input terminals?

Wiring (WIRING Screen)

••Are the current sensors correctly wired?
••Is the set current range too large for the
input level?
See “4.4 Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring Current Sensor Settings” (p. 52).
See “4.7 Attaching Current Sensors to Objects” (p. 56).
Voltage phase FAIL will be displayed when the voltage ••Are the wiring settings correct?
phase exceeds the range (exceeds the ••Are the voltage cords correctly wired?
reference value ±10°). ••The phases may have been incorrectly
laid out during wiring. Switch the voltage
cords and adjust the connections of the
current sensors so that PASS is displayed.
To recheck the phases, use a phase
detector to confirm that the phases are in
the correct sequence.
See “4.2 Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings” (p. 48).
See “4.6 Connecting Voltage Cords to Objects” (p. 55).
Current phase FAIL will be displayed when the current ••Are the current sensors connected in the
phase sequence is incorrect. right places? (On both the wiring side, and
the input terminal of this instrument)
••Does the arrow of the current sensor point
to the load side?
See “4.2 Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings” (p. 48).
See “4.4 Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring Current Sensor Settings” (p. 52).
See “4.7 Attaching Current Sensors to Objects” (p. 56).

Checking Wiring

Judgment conditions Confirmation steps
judgment items
Voltage and FAIL will be displayed when each current ••Are the voltage cords and current sensors
current phase phase is not within 90° with respect to the connected in the right places? (On both
difference voltage of each phase. the wiring side, and the input terminal of
this instrument)
••Does the arrow of the current sensor point
to the load side?
CHECK appears if current phase is within ••Are the voltage cords and current sensors
±60° to ±90° of each voltage phase. connected in the right places? (On both
the wiring side, and the input terminal of
this instrument)
••Does the arrow of the current sensor point
to the load side?
••In light loads, power factor may be low
and phase difference may be large.
Check the wiring and if no problems are
observed, proceed with the measurement.
••When phase advances too much due
to the phase advance capacitor in light
loads, power factor may be low and phase
difference may be large. Check the wiring
and if no problems are observed, proceed
with the measurement.
See “4.3 Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument” (p. 51) to “4.7 Attaching Current
Sensors to Objects” (p. 56).
Power factor CHECK will be displayed if the power factor ••Are the current sensors connected in the
(DPF) is less than 0.5 but more than −0.5. right places? (On both the wiring side, and
the input terminal of this instrument)
••Does the arrow of the current sensor point
to the load side?
••When the load is light, the power factor
may be low. Check the wiring and if no
problems are observed, proceed with the
••When the phase advances too much due
to the use of a phase advance capacitor
during a light load, the power factor
may be low. Check the wiring and if no
problems are observed, proceed with the
See “4.4 Connecting Current Sensors and Configuring Current Sensor Settings” (p. 52).
See “4.7 Attaching Current Sensors to Objects” (p. 56).


5 Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

All settings can be changed on the SET UP screen.

Press the [SET UP] key to display the SET UP screen.

In addition to the [SET UP] key, you can switch to the SET UP screen from here also.

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

1 2

For the SET UP, Interface Settings screen, see “12 Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)”
(p. 137) and “13 External I/O” (p. 147).

Measurement Settings

5.1 Measurement Settings

SET UP, Measurement Settings 1 screen

Press the [SET UP] key to display the SET UP, measurement settings 1 screen.

Move the cursor Select

See “4.5 Zero Adjustment”

(p. 54).

The wiring method, declared input voltage, current sensor and current range can be set on the “WIRING,
Wiring Settings Screen” or on the “Quick Settings Screen.”
See “4.2 Wiring Method and Declared Input Voltage Settings” (p. 48), and Measurement Guide.

1 Enables you to select the wiring method of CH1 to CH3, and select ON/OFF input for CH4.

1P2W Single-phase 2-wire line

1P3W Single-phase 3-wire line
1P3W1U Single-phase 3-wire line (1-voltage measurement)
3P3W2M 3-phase 3-wire line (2-watt meter method)
3P3W3M 3-phase 3-wire line (3-watt meter method)
3P4W 3-phase 4-wire line
3-phase 4-wire line (2-voltage measurement)
(available after the firmware update)
Enables the input to CH4.
Voltage: To measure the voltage of a grounded wire.
CH4 Current: To measure the N wire current of 3P4W or 1P3W.
To measure the leakage current.
OFF Disables the input to CH4.

2 Enables you to set the declared input voltage for the measurement line. It will be referenced for the
event settings (swell, dip, interruption).
See “SET UP, Event Settings 1 screen” (p. 72).

Variable (50 V to 800 V in 1 V increments), 100, 101, 110, 115, 120, 127, 200, 202, 208, 220, 230,
240, 277, 347, 380, 400, 415, 440, 480, 600

3 The voltage range is fixed to 1000 V.

Measurement Settings

4 Enables you to set if an external VT is being used.

Variable (0.01 to 9999.99), 1, 60, 100, 200, 300, 600, 700, 1000, 2000, 2500, 5000

While taking measurements on the secondary side of a voltage transformer (VT), if you set the VT
ratio, you can display the voltage value by converting it to primary-side voltage values.
Example: If the voltage on primary side of a VT is 6.6 kV and the voltage on secondary side is 110 V
then the VT ratio = 60 (6600 V / 110 V)
As the voltage range of 1000 V is fixed, it would be multiplied by the VT ratio of 60 to obtain a
voltage range of 60 kV.

5 When connecting the optional current sensor

If you press the [F3] (sensor) key, the current sensor and the maximum current range will be set
Check the current value (RMS value) and select an appropriate current range.

When connecting current sensors other than the optional sensors

The sensor and the range will not be set automatically. See the following table and select the
compatible optional current sensor.
Check the current value (RMS value) and select an appropriate current range.

Current sensor
Other than the Current range


CT7044 CT9667-01*
AC flexible current sensor CT7045 CT9667-02* 5000A, 500A, 50A
CT7046 CT9667-03*

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

AC leakage current sensor CT7116 5A, 500mA, 50mA
CT7126 50A, 5A, 500mA
AC current sensor 9660
CT7131 100A, 50A, 5A
CT7136 9661 500A, 50A, 5A
CT7731 - 100A, 10A
AC/DC auto-zero current sensor CT7736 - 500A, 50A
CT7742 - 2000A, 1000A, 500A
Clamp on sensor 9669 9669 1000A, 100A

*: Set the range switch of the sensor to 500 A when the current range of this instrument is set to
500 A or 50 A.

When measuring power lines that use multiple channels

Combine the multiple types of the current sensor.
Example: Use current sensors of the same type from CH1 to CH3 for the 3-phase 4-wire system.
Selecting an appropriate current range
Set the current range based on the anticipated maximum load current that will generate during the
measurement. (Refer to the operating status, load rating, breaker rating, and other data to make this
If the range is too low, then an over-range current will be generated during measurement, and
accurate measurement will not be possible.
And if the range is too high, then errors will increase and accurate measurement will not be possible.

6 The present current value will be displayed.

Measurement Settings

7 Enables you to set if using an external CT.

Variable (0.01 to 9999.99), 1, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1200

While taking measurements on the secondary side of a current transformer (CT), if you set the CT
ratio, you can display the current value by converting it to primary-side current values.
Example: If the current on primary side is 200 A and the current on secondary side is 5 A then the
CT ratio = 40 (200 A / 5 A)
If the current range of 5 A is selected (with the current sensor), it would be multiplied by the CT ratio
of 40 to obtain a current range of 200 A.

8 Enables you to select the nominal frequency for the measurement line. It will be referenced for the
event settings (frequency).
See “5.3 Event Settings” (p. 72).

50 Hz, 60 Hz
••After performing a factory reset (default) (p. 77) to reset the instrument to the default settings,
when you turn on the power, first set the frequency that matches with the measuring object.
See “Setting the language, clock, and measurement frequency” (p. 40).
••The Frequency setting dialog box will be displayed if the instrument detects voltage input and
determines that the frequency differs from the set frequency. Press the [ENTER] key to change the
frequency settings.

••Measurement of DC does not care that either 50 Hz or 60 Hz is configured.

9 Enables you to sync source referenced for the measurement is fixed to U1.

SET UP, Measurement Settings 2 screen

Press the [SET UP] key to display the SET UP, measurement settings 2 screen.


Move the cursor Select

Measurement Settings

1 Enables you to select whether to display the RMS voltage of TREND screen in the form of line
voltage or in phase voltage.

Phase voltage (Line-N), Line voltage (Line-Line)

For 1P2W, 1P3W Phase voltage
For 3P3W2M Line voltage
For 3P3W3M, 3P4W, Can be switched between phase voltage and line voltage
3P4W2.5E Both the phase voltage and line voltage are stored as a output data.
(3P4W2.5E will be available after the firmware update)

2 Enables you to select the method for calculating power factor (PF/DPF), reactive power (Q), and
apparent power (S) on the display screen.
Both the RMS calculation and fundamental calculation values are stored as a output data.
See “14.7 Calculation Formula” (p. 175).

RMS value Uses RMS voltage and RMS current to calculate.

Uses voltage and current fundamentals to calculate.
Fundamental This is the same measurement method used for measuring reactive energy
established at commercial-scale utility customers’ facilities.

RMS calculation is generally used in applications such as checking transformer capacity.

Fundamental calculation is used when measuring power factor and reactive power, which are related
to the energy cost.

3 Enables you to select the calculation method for calculating the total harmonic distortion (THD) on
the display screen and event settings. 5
Both the THD-F calculation value and THD-R calculation value are taken as output data.

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

Calculates by dividing harmonic components (total of 2nd to 50th orders)
with fundamental wave.
Calculates by dividing harmonic components (total of 2nd to 50th orders)
with RMS value (1st to 50th order).

4 When the unit cost (/kWh) is set, the energy cost is displayed by multiplying the active energy
(consumed) WP+ with the energy cost per unit.
See “Unit cost input method” (p. 68).

0.00000 /kWh to 99999.9 /kWh

5 Enables you to set the currency.

Set to any 3 alphanumeric characters (example: set USD for the US dollar)

Measurement Settings

Unit cost input method

1 Select the unit cost.

2 Change the value.
When moving the decimal point

: Move the cursor to the position of

Move the cursor decimal point.

: Change the location of the decimal


When changing the value

: Move the cursor to the digit that

you wish to change.

: Change the value.

3 Accept the settings.

Recording Settings

5.2 Recording Settings

Press the [SET UP] key to display the SET UP, recording settings screen.
Perform the settings regarding recording (storage).
The maximum recording period is up to 1 year and then the recording stops automatically.

1 10

Move the cursor Select

1 ••The storage destination of measurement data is fixed to the SD card. If no SD memory card is

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

inserted or if there is no free space in the SD memory card, data will be stored in the instrument’s
internal memory (capacity of approx. 4 MB).
••No data such as event data but only the setting data and the trend record data are stored in the
internal memory. See “File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)” (p. 115).

2 Enables you to select the recording interval. It will also reflect in the intervals in the trend graph.

150 cycle (only in the case of 50 Hz), 180 cycle (only in the case of 60 Hz), 200 ms, 600 ms, 1 sec,
2 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hour

••The 150 cycle (50 Hz) and 180 cycle (60 Hz) settings provide the recording intervals required for
IEC61000-4-30-compliant measurement.
••The shortest recording interval of the internal memory is 2 s. If the recording interval of 1 sec or
below is set, then the data cannot be stored in the internal memory.

3 Enables you to select the parameters that you wish to record. It will also reflect in the parameters that
are displayed on the TREND screen.

Yes harmonic All the parameters are recorded.

Records the parameters other than the harmonic or interharmonic
No harmonic parameters.
Records the total harmonic distortion (THD).

The display possible time of the TREND screen changes according to the setting of Recording
interval and Recording items.

4 Enables you to select ON, for saving the display screen in the BMP format data (screen copy).
Screen copies cannot be saved in the instrument’s internal memory.
If the Recording interval is set to below 5 min, then they are saved every 5 min.


5 Enables you to set the date and time.

(The seconds cannot be set. If you press the [Enter] key after changing time, the seconds will be
set to 00.)

Recording Settings

6 Enables you to set the method used to start recording.

Manual Recording starts immediately after the [START/STOP] key is pressed.

After the [START/STOP] key is pressed, recording starts at the set time. (If
the set time has already passed when the key is pressed, “Interval” starting
Specified time method will be used.)

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
Recording starts at an even time division based on the Recording interval.
If the [START/STOP] key is pressed at the time “10:41:22” with the time
interval set to 10 min, the instrument will enter in the standby state. The
Interval time
recording will start at “10:50:00.”
If the set recording interval is of 30 s or less, recording will start from the
next zero second.
Segments the file every day and repeats the recording.
Sets the Recording period.
If a folder is labeled arbitrarily, data recorded for up to 99 days can be
After the [START/STOP] key is pressed, recording starts in the Recording
period of the set start date. (If the set time has already passed when the
key is pressed, “Interval” starting method is used.)
The Recording intervals of 1 sec and above are valid.


See “7.1 Start and Stop of the Recording” (p. 91).

7 Enables you to set the method used to stop the recording.

Manual Press the [START/STOP] key to stop the recording.

Recording stops at the set time.
(If the set time has already passed when recording starts, recording will be
Specified time stopped using the “manual” method.)

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
Stops the recording automatically if the set timer time has elapsed.
Displayed when Recording start setting is configured to Repeat.
Recording is stopped if the Recording period of the stop date has passed.
Repeat The stop method cannot be changed for repeat recording.


See “7.1 Start and Stop of the Recording” (p. 91).

8 Recording start method is displayed for the repeat recording.

Set the recording period.

hh:mm to hh:mm

Recording Settings

9 Enables you to set the folder name and file name used to save the data.
See “10.2 Folder and File Structure” (p. 118)

Sets variable folder name in the dialog. (maximum 5 half-width characters)

If recording and measurement are performed again without changing
the [Folder/file name], sequentially numbered (00 to 99) folders will be
automatically created, and the data will be saved there. If Recording start
setting is configured to Repeat, data recorded for up to 100 days can be
stored because folders are created at daily intervals.

Example: “ABCDE00,” “ABCDE01,” and then, “ABCDE02”

The folder will be named automatically as “YYMMDDXX.” YYMMDD is the
year, month, and date while XX is the serial number (00 to 99).

10 Calculates the save time from the recording settings and displays it.
Since the maximum recording time is 1 year, the maximum data storage time is also 1 year.
Calculates the save time when there is no event (not occurred). If the event occurs, the save time

••If the save time of the SD memory card or internal memory is shorter than the specified duration, recording
will be started, but only the capacity during save time will be recorded.
••The maximum recording and measurement period is 1 year. Recording will stop after 1 year.

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

Event Settings

5.3 Event Settings

An event will occur using the set threshold value on this screen as the basis.
For more information about events, see “Appx. 3 Explanation of Power Quality Parameters and
Events” (p. Appx.4), “Appx. 4 Event Detection Methods” (p. Appx.8).

SET UP, Event Settings 1 screen

Press the [SET UP] key to display the SET UP, event settings 1 screen.

“Reference graph for setting

1 threshold values” (p. 73)

Move the cursor Switch between Move the digit Change

ON and OFF the value

Enables you to set the threshold value of the voltage transient.

OFF, 4 V to 2200 V

Enables you to set the threshold value of the voltage swell.

OFF, 0.0% to 200.0%

Enables you to set the threshold value of the voltage dip.

OFF, 0.0% to 100.0%

Enables you to set the threshold value of the interruption.

OFF, 0.0% to 100.0%

*1: The actual event threshold value is obtained by multiplying with the VT ratio.
*2: The threshold value is set in terms of % of the declared voltage Uref (declared input voltage Udin × VT

Event Settings

Enables you to set the threshold value of the frequency (200 ms). (Only U1)
OFF, 0.1Hz to 9.9Hz

Enables you to set the threshold value of the frequency (1 wave). (Only U1)
OFF, 0.1Hz to 9.9Hz

7 Enables you to set the threshold value of the voltage total harmonic distortion.

OFF, 0.0% to 100.0%

The value depends on the THD settings of the calculation method of the SET UP, Measurement
settings 2 screen (THD-F/THD-R).

8 Enables you to set the threshold value of the inrush current.

5000 A range OFF, 0 A to 5000 A

2000 A range OFF, 0 A to 2000A
1000 A range OFF, 0 A to 1000A
500 A range OFF, 0 A to 500A
100 A range OFF, 0 A to 100A
50 A range OFF, 0 A to 50A
10 A range
5 A range
OFF, 0 A to 10A
OFF, 0 A to 5A
500 mA range OFF, 0 A to 500mA

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

50 mA range OFF, 0 A to 50mA

The actual event threshold value is obtained by multiplying with the CT ratio.

9 Enables you to set the threshold value of the current total harmonic distortion.

OFF, 0.0% to 500.0%

The value depends on the THD settings of the Calculation method of the SET UP, Measurement
settings 2 screen (THD-F/THD-R).

10 Enables you to set the hysteresis for the event threshold value to avoid frequent occurrence of
events. Hysteresis can be set to all the parameters except frequency.
The frequency is fixed to 0.1 Hz.

0% to 10%

Reference graph for setting threshold values

You can adjust threshold values while viewing the present measured values.
Threshold value upper limit

Presently set threshold value

Threshold value lower limit

Present measured value

Event Settings

SET UP, Event Settings 2 screen



Move the cursor Switch between Change the value

ON and OFF

Enables you to select the timer event.

The timer events are recorded at the set intervals.
OFF, 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 1hour, 2hour

Select ON for using an external event.

External events occur at the time of short-circuiting the event input terminal (EVENT IN) or of the
2 pulse signal falling and they are recorded.


3 The recording start event occurs when the recording starts.

4 The recording stop event occurs when the recording stops.

Enables you to select the event waveform recording time (before-event) before the event occurs.
OFF, 200ms, 1sec

6 The event waveform recording time when the event occurs is fixed to 200 ms.

Enables you to select the event waveform recording time (after-event) after the event occurs.
Only the event which initially occurred is recorded.
7*1 If another event occurs during the after-event, the after-event of this another event cannot be stored.

OFF, 200ms, 400ms, 1sec, 5sec, 10sec

*1: The event OUT, timer, manual, recording start, and recording stop events are not recorded in the event
waveform recording of before-event and after-event. Only the event waveform of 200 ms, when the event
occurs, will be saved.
The event waveform is divided at intervals of 200 ms. When the after event is set to 1 sec, five pieces,
which is obtained by dividing 1 sec by 200 ms, of the event waveform are saved.
If the before event or the after even set to exceeding 200ms, only the waveform recorded during 200 ms
can be observed with the instrument. To observe the entire length of the waveform, use the application
software PQ One, which is supplied with the instrument.

System Settings

5.4 System Settings

Press the [SET UP] key to display the SET UP, System settings screen.

5 Serial number of this instrument
Software version of this instrument

FPGA version of this instrument

Move the cursor Select

1 Enables you to set the date and time.

(The seconds cannot be set. If you press the [Enter] key after changing the value, the seconds will
be set to 00.)

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

2 Select ON to enable a beep sound when pressing a key.


3 Enables you to select whether or not to auto-off the backlight of the display.

The backlight automatically turns off after 2 min have elapsed since the last
Auto OFF
key operation.
ON The backlight is on at all times.

4 Enables you to select the display language.

Japanese German
English French
Chinese Simple (Simplified) Italian
Chinese Trad (Traditional) Spanish
Korean Turkish

5 Enables you to select the display color.

Color 1, color 2, color 3

6 Enables you to select the phase names for the measuring objects displayed on the wiring diagram.


System Settings

System reset (Default)

Move the cursor to the system reset and press [ENTER] key to reset the system settings of this
instrument. (Factory settings: p. 78)
Perform if the instrument is operating in an odd or unexpected manner with no clear cause.

Move the cursor

All settings other than the measurement frequency, clock, language, and communication settings (LAN and
RS-232C) are initialized to their factory settings. The internal memory will not be erased.

System Settings

Factory reset (Default)

If you perform the factory reset, all settings, including frequency, language, and communications
settings will revert to their factory settings (p. 78). The internal memory will be erased.

1 Turn off the instrument. (p. 44)

2 Turn on the instrument while holding
down the [ENTER] and [ESC] keys,
and continue holding them down until
the beep sounds after the self-test is

The factory reset will complete, and the

language setting screen will be displayed.

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

Set the language, clock, and measurement
frequency (p. 40).

System Settings

Factory settings
All the default settings are as follows:

*1: Checked parameters () are the parameters that are not initialized in quick set.
*2: Checked parameters () are the parameters that are not initialized during the system reset.
These are initialized in the factory reset only.

Screens items Default values *1 *2

Measurement Wiring Display Language: CH123: 3P3W2M
settings 1 Japanese CH4: OFF
Display language: CH123: 3P4W
Other than above CH4: ON
Declared input voltage Display Language: 200V
Display language: 230V
Other than above
VT ratio CH123: 1
CH4: 1
Current sensor CH123: CT7136
CH4: CT7136
Current range CH123: 500 A
CH4: 500 A
CT ratio CH123: 1
CH4 :1
Measurement Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz after the factory reset.
 
Measurement Urms Other than 3P3W: Phase voltage
settings 2 3P3W: Line voltage
PF/Q/S RMS value
Harmonics U, I, P: All levels
(Available after the
firmware update)
Energy unit cost 0000.00/kWh
Energy cost currency _____
Flicker Display Language: ∆V10
(Available after the Japanese
firmware update)  
Display language: Pst,Plt
Other than above
Filter Display Language: -
(Available after the Japanese
firmware update)  
Display language: 230V lamp
Other than above
Recording Recording interval 1min
Recording items Yes harmonic
Screen save OFF
Recording start method Interval time
Recording stop method Manual
Folder/ File name Automatic

System Settings

Screens items Default values *1 *2

Event settings 1 Transient CH123: OFF
Swell OFF
Interruption OFF
Frequency (200 ms) OFF
Frequency (1 wave) OFF
Voltage total harmonic OFF
Inrush current CH123: OFF
Current total harmonic CH123: OFF
distortion CH4: OFF
Hysteresis 1%
Event settings 2 Timer event OFF
External event OFF
Event waveform OFF

recording time
Before event occurs
Event waveform OFF
recording time

Setting Change (SET UP Screen)

After event occurs

System settings Clock Set at the time of shipment  

Beep sound ON 
LCD backlight Auto OFF 
Display language Language selection after factory reset  
Display color Color 1 
Phase name Display Language: RST
 
Display language: ABC
Other than above
Interface DHCP (available after the OFF
 
settings firmware update)
IP address  
Subnet mask  
Default gateway  
FTP function Undetermined
(Available after the  
firmware update)
Send mail Undetermined
(Available after the  
firmware update)
RS-232C baud rate 19,200bps  
External output Short pulse  

System Settings


Verifying the Waveform,

6 Measured Values (MONITOR
You can view the measured waveforms and measured values on the MONITOR screen.

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR screen.

Elapsed time

Recording start time and date

In addition to the [MONITOR] key, you can also switch to the MONITOR screen by using the [F1] (Screen) 6

Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)

1 2

Fixing the waveform display and measured values

Press the [F5] (Hold) key to fix the waveform display and measured values.
Press the [F5] key again to cancel the fixed waveform display and measured values.

••If a setting is changed while measured values and waveform display are being held, the hold will be
••The time display is not fixed.

Verifying the Voltage Waveform and Current Waveform

6.1 Verifying the Voltage Waveform and Current

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Waveform screen.
The voltage waveforms and current waveforms of up to 4 channels are overlapped and displayed.
The color of waveform is same as the phase color.

Screen display
Zoom factor settings for the horizontal axis (time axis) of the waveform (p. 83)
Zoom factor settings
for the vertical axis of
the waveform (p. 83) Frequency (average value for a period of 200 ms)

Scroll bar
Scope of all measurement data
1 p. 83 p. 83 p. 81
Screen display scope

1 When the cursor is OFF: measured values of each channel (RMS value)
At the time of the cursor measurement: cursor measured values of the waveforms of each channel
(Above diagram shows the screen that is displayed when the cursor is OFF)

See “Verifying the measured value and time at the cursor position (cursor measurement)” (p. 83).

Verifying the Voltage Waveform and Current Waveform

Changing the zoom factor for the vertical axis and horizontal axis (X
and Y axis) of the waveform
1 2

Move the cursor Select

1 Enables you to set the zoom factor for the vertical axis (Y axis) of the waveform (U: voltage, I:

×1/4, ×1/2, ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10, ×20, ×50

2 Enables you to set the zoom factor for the horizontal axis (time axis) of the waveform.

10ms/div, 20ms/div, 40ms/div

Verifying the measured value and time at the cursor position (cursor
If you press the [F3] (Cursor) key, the measured value and time at the cursor position will also
display along with the cursor.
Move the position of the cursor by using the  keys.

Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)


Time at the cursor position

Measured value at the

cursor position

Scrolling the waveform

If the waveform is protruding from the screen, press the [F4] (Scroll) key to be able to scroll the
Enables you to scroll the waveform in the vertical and horizontal directions by using the 

Verifying the Electric Power (List of Numerical Values)

6.2 Verifying the Electric Power (List of Numerical

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Electric power screen.

RMS current
Frequency (average value
RMS voltage for a period of 200 ms) 1

power Reactive power

Active PF: Power factor

power DPF: Displacement power
See Calculation method
(p. 66).

Active energy Consumption

1 When the wiring method is 3P3W3M, 3P4W, or 3P4W2.5E (available after the firmware update), the
display method of the RMS voltage can be switched (between phase voltage and line voltage).


Phase voltage (Line-N), Line voltage (Line-Line)

For 1P2W, 1P3W Fixed to phase voltage

For 3P3W2M Fixed to line voltage
For 3P3W3M, 3P4W, Can be switched between the line voltage and phase voltage.
3P4W2.5E Both the phase voltage and line voltage are stored as a output
data. (3P4W2.5E will be available after the firmware update.)

Verifying the Electric Energy

6.3 Verifying the Electric Energy

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Electric energy screen.

1 Active power

Apparent power
2 Reactive power

3 PF: Power factor

DPF: Displacement power factor
(Not displayed for 3-phase 3-wire line)
See Calculation method (p. 66).

1 Active energy (WP+: consumption, WP-: regeneration)

2 Reactive energy (WQ_LAG: lag, WQ_LEAD: lead)

3 Energy cost
Value obtained by multiplying the “active energy consumption: WP+” by the energy unit cost*

*: See “SET UP, Measurement Settings 2 screen” (p. 66)


Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)

Verifying the Voltage Details

6.4 Verifying the Voltage Details

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Voltage screen.

Average value of the channels Voltage total harmonic distortion

Voltage waveform peak (-) (calculation method THD-F / THD-R)
See Calculation method (p. 66).
Voltage waveform peak (+)
RMS voltage

Voltage crest factor
([absolute value of voltage
waveform peak]/[RMS voltage])
Frequency for 10 sec (average
value for a period of 10 s)
Displayed in red if one of
the following occurs: swell,
dip, interruption, or out of
Voltage zero-phase unbalance
factor (not displayed for 3-phase
3-wire line)
See “Unbalance factor” (p. Appx.29).

Voltage DC value Voltage negative-phase unbalance factor

See “Unbalance factor” (p. Appx.29).
Frequency for 200 ms (average
value for a period of 200 ms)

1 When the wiring method is 3P3W3M, 3P4W, or 3P4W2.5E (available after the firmware update), the
display method of the RMS voltage can be switched (between phase voltage and line voltage).


Phase voltage (Line-N), Line voltage (Line-Line)

For 1P2W, 1P3W Fixed to phase voltage

For 3P3W2M Fixed to line voltage
For 3P3W3M, 3P4W, Can be switched between the line voltage and phase voltage.
3P4W2.5E Both the phase voltage and line voltage are stored as a output
data. (3P4W2.5E is available after the firmware update)

Verifying the Current Details

6.5 Verifying the Current Details

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Current screen.

Current total harmonic distortion (calculation method THD-F / THD-R)

See Calculation method (p. 66).
Current waveform peak (-)
Current crest factor
Current waveform peak (+)
([absolute value of current waveform
RMS current peak]/[RMS current])

Average value of
the channels
K factor
See “Appx. 9
Terminology” Current zero-phase
(p. Appx.24). unbalance factor
(Not displayed for
3-phase 3-wire)
See “Unbalance
factor” (p. Appx.29).

Current DC value Current negative-phase unbalance factor

See “Unbalance factor” (p. Appx.29). 6

Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)

Verifying the Vector

6.6 Verifying the Vector

Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Vector screen.
The voltage and current phase relationships for each harmonic order of the CH1 to CH4 are
displayed in the vector diagram.

Measured value
1 2 3 4 of frequency

Move the cursor Select

Voltage negative-phase unbalance factor

Current negative-phase unbalance factor

1 Enables you to set the numerical values to be displayed.

Level RMS voltage and RMS current

Takes the fundamental wave component as 100% and shows a
% of FND harmonic of each order in terms of proportion to the fundamental
wave component.
The phase angle of each harmonic order when the phase of
Phase fundamental wave components of the reference source is
expressed in terms of 0°.

2 Enables you to set the display method of the axes.

Linear Linear display

Log Logarithmic display (low levels also become easily visible.)

3 Enables you to set at the time of Phase display.

Set the display method of numbers of phase angle.

±180 Lead 0 to 180°, lag 0 to −180°

Lag360 Lag 0 to 360°

4 Enables you to set when Lag360 is set.

Select the reference (0°)source.

U1, I1, U2, I2, U3, I3

5 Enables you to set the number of harmonic orders to be displayed.

The values of the frequency, voltage negative-phase unbalance factor (Uunb), and current negative-
phase unbalance factor (Iunb) remain the same as calculated by using the fundamental wave (1st

0 to 50

Verifying the Harmonics Graph and Harmonics Numerical Values

6.7 Verifying the Harmonics Graph and Harmonics

Numerical Values
Press the [MONITOR] key to display the MONITOR, Harmonics: graph screen or MONITOR,
Harmonics: list screen. You can switch between the harmonics graph and harmonics numerical
values by using the [F2] key.
MONITOR, Harmonics: graph screen
Measured value
1 2 3 4 of frequency

Move the cursor Select

Harmonic voltage
Interharmonic voltage
Voltage total
harmonic distortion *
Harmonic current
Interharmonic current
Current total
harmonic distortion *
Harmonic power

*: See calculation method (p. 66).

If 0th order (direct current component) of voltage and current is negative, the bar will turn green. 6
1 Enables you to set the display channel.

Verifying the Waveform, Measured Values (MONITOR Screen)

The voltage (U), current (I), and electric power (P) of the selected channels
CH1 to CH4
are displayed.
The bar graphs of all the channels (all phases) are displayed. The orders
are displayed up to 30th order.
SUM Only the active power (P) is displayed.

2 Enables you to set the parameters to be displayed.

Level RMS voltage, RMS current, and electric power
Takes the fundamental wave component as 100% and shows a harmonic of
% of FND
each order in terms of proportion to the fundamental wave component.
Voltage, current: The phase angle of each harmonic order when the phases
of the fundamental wave components of U1 are expressed in terms of 0°
Active power: The power factor of each harmonic order is expressed in
terms of angle
If the level exceeds 0.01% of the range, the phase is indicated by yellow
bars; does not exceed, by gray bars.

3 Enables you to set at the time of Level display and % of FND display.
Enables you to set the display method of the axes.
Liner Linear display
Log Logarithmic display (low levels also become easily visible.)

4 Enables you to set the display of the interharmonics.


Verifying the Harmonics Graph and Harmonics Numerical Values

5 Set the number of harmonic order to be displayed.

The Cursor moves to the selected order.

0 to 50

MONITOR, Harmonics: list screen

Measured value
1 2 3 4 of frequency

Move the cursor Select

Total harmonic distortion

Example: 41.5th order

*: See calculation method (p. 66).

1 Enables you to set the display parameters.

U Voltage
I Current
P Active power

2 Enables you to set the display channel.

The voltage (U), current (I), and active power (P) of the selected channels
CH1 to CH4
are displayed.
SUM Only the active power (P) is displayed.

3 Enables you to set the parameters to be displayed.

Level RMS voltage, RMS current, and active power

Takes the fundamental wave component as 100% and shows a harmonic of
% of FND
each order in terms of proportion to the fundamental wave component.
Voltage, current: The phase angle of each harmonic order when the phases
of the fundamental wave components of U1 are expressed in terms of 0°
Active power: The power factor of each harmonic order is expressed in
terms of angle

4 Enables you to set the display of the interharmonics.


Recording (Save) (SET UP
7 Screen)
7.1 Start and Stop of the Recording
Press the [START/STOP] key to start or stop the recording by the method which is described on
the SET UP, Recording settings screen (p. 69).
The measurement data is stored to SD memory card. (If no SD memory card is inserted, data will
be saved in the instrument’s internal memory.)
See “File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)” (p. 115).

Start and stop the recording manually

Recording start: manual, recording stop: manual

Recording (Save) (SET UP Screen)

Recording start Recording stop

Start and stop recording at the determined time

Recording start: set time, recording stop: set time

2016/4/10 2016/4/12
8:00 18:00
Recording start Recording stop

If the set time has already passed when the [START/STOP] key is pressed, the recording will be started at an
appropriate time punctuation (Interval).

Start and Stop of the Recording

Start recording at an appropriate time punctuation

Recording start: interval, recording stop: manual or set time
Example: Recording interval is set to 10 min

Present time Recording start

10:41:22 10:50:00

If the recording interval is 30 sec or below, the recording will start at “10:42:00.”

Repeat recording
Recording start: repeat, recording stop: repeat, recording period: variable period
Example 1: If the recording period is 00:00 to 24:00 and recording interval is 10 min.

(Repeat until

Present time Recording start Recording (electric Recording (electric

10:41:22 10:50:00 energy) reset energy) reset
24:00:00 24:00:00
Recording resume Recording resume
00:00:00 00:00:00

Example 2: If the recording period is 08:00 to 18:00

(Repeat until the stop date)


Present time Start date Recording stop Recording start Recording stop
7:32 Recording start 18:00 08:00 18:00

If the set time has already passed when the [START/STOP] key is pressed, the recording will start at an
appropriate time punctuation (Interval).

Start and Stop of the Recording

Status of the recording operation

It can be determined from the background color of the screen and lighting state of the START/

Screen background Operation status

Gray (no character):

••Recording is stopped.
••These settings can be changed.

Yellow (WAITING):
(START/STOP LED: Blinking)
••Recording is in standby.
••This screen is shown from the time the
[START/STOP] key is pressed until the
recording actually starts.
••During repeated recording, this screen is
also displayed when recording is stopped.
••These settings can not be changed.

••Recording is in progress.
••These settings can not be changed.

Recording (Save) (SET UP Screen)

Using the Instrument During an Interruption

7.2 Using the Instrument During an Interruption

If the supply of power to the instrument is cut off while recording is in progress, measurement
operation will stop during the interruption. The setting conditions will be backed up.
When the power supply is restored, the recording will reset once and it will be resumed as a new
If the Model Z1003 Battery pack has been installed, the instrument will automatically switch to
battery power in the event of an interruption and continue recording.

If the supply of power to the instrument is cut off while accessing the SD memory card, files on
the card may be corrupted. Since the SD memory card is accessed frequently when recording
with a short recording interval time, file corruption is more likely to occur if an interruption occurs
during such use.
It is recommended to avoid such influences of interruptions by using the Model Z1003 Battery
pack supplied as an accessory.


Verifying the Trends

8 (Fluctuations) in Measured
Values (TREND Screen)
You can view the measured value fluctuations as a time series graph on the TREND screen.

Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND screen.

Elapsed time

Recording start time and date

In addition to the [TREND] key, you can also switch to the TREND screen by using the [F1] (screen select)

1 2

The fluctuation data that can be displayed on this instrument is limited. If the times listed in the following tables 8
exceed, the old time series data is rewritten to the new time series data. Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)

Recording Yes harmonic Recording interval × 530

No harmonic Recording interval × 10000


Verifying the measured value and time at the cursor position (cursor
If you press the [F3] (Cursor) key, the measured value and time at the position of cursor will also
be displayed along with the cursor.
You can move the position of the cursor by using the  keys.

••When the recording interval is set to 150 cycle or 180 cycle, the time is displayed, followed by a small
number on the order of milliseconds.
••The time displayed at the time of cursor measurement is based on the CH1 voltage (U1). The time displayed
on the event list and the time displayed at the time of cursor measurement may not match.

Scrolling the graph

If the graph continues out of the borders of the screen, press the [F4] (scroll) key to be able to
scroll the graph. Use this key to scroll the graph in every direction.
(If the zoom factor for horizontal axis [time axis] is set to Auto, the horizontal and vertical axes
are automatically scaled so that the time series graph is entirely displayed on the screen.


Event search

1 2 Select an event mark to be checked.

Move the cursor

For switching the screen display of the

Press the [MONITOR] key.

For closing the EVENT MONITOR screen

Press the [F5] (End) key.

The screen switches to the EVENT MONITOR

screen (p. 111).
The waveform* or graph* at the time of event
occurrence is displayed.

*: The screen which displays initially varies

according to the event items.

••The recording start event generates when the recording starts and recording stop event generates when the
recording stops. 8
Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)

Verifying the Basic Trend

8.1 Verifying the Basic Trend

Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND, Basic trend screen.
This screen is used to check fluctuation width of maximum, minimum and average values between
recording intervals.
(The maximum, minimum, and average values are calculated incessantly after every 200 ms.)

1 2 3 4 5

MAX: Maximum value

AVG: Average value
MIN: Minimum value

The latest measured values are displayed

when the cursor is disabled, while the
measured values at the position of
cursor are displayed during the cursor
(The figure on the left illustrates the
screen that is displayed when the cursor
is disabled.)

Move the cursor Select

Verifying the Basic Trend

1 Enables you to set the display parameters.

Freq Frequency (200 ms)

Freq10s Frequency (10 sec)
Urms RMS voltage (200 ms)
Upk+ Voltage waveform peak (+)
Upk- Voltage waveform peak (-)
Udc Voltage DC value
Ucf Voltage crest factor
Uthd Voltage total harmonic distortion (calculation method THD-F / THD-R)
Uunb Voltage negative-phase unbalance factor
Uunb0 Voltage zero-phase unbalance factor
Irms RMS current (200 ms)
Ipk+ Current waveform peak (+)
Ipk- Current waveform peak (-)
Idc Current DC value
Icf Current crest factor
Ithd Current total harmonic distortion (calculation method THD-F / THD-R)
Iunb Current negative-phase unbalance factor
Iunb0 Current zero-phase unbalance factor
P Active power
S Apparent power
Q Reactive power
PF/DPF Power factor/displacement power factor
KF K factor

2 Enables you to set the display channel.

The channel which can be set differs according to the display items and wiring settings.

3 Set the type of graph to be displayed.

The type that can be set differs according to the display items.
MAX The maximum value during the recording interval is displayed.
Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)

AVG The average value during the recording interval is displayed.

MIN The minimum value during the recording interval is displayed.
The maximum, average, and minimum values during the recording interval
are displayed.

4 Set the zoom factor for the vertical axis of the graph.

Auto, ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10, ×25, ×50

5 Set the zoom factor for the horizontal axis (time axis) of the graph.

The horizontal axis (time axis) which can be set, differs according to the recording intervals.

Verifying the Detail Trend

8.2 Verifying the Detail Trend

Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND, Detail Trend screen.
You can check the fluctuation range of the maximum value and minimum value during the recording
(The fluctuation range of the maximum and minimum value is calculated per wave or per half

1 2 3 4

MAX: Maximum value

MIN: Minimum value

The latest measured values are

displayed when the cursor is disabled,
while the measured values at the position
of cursor are displayed during the cursor
measurement (The figure on the left
illustrates the screen that is displayed
when the cursor is disabled).

Move the cursor Select

1 Enables you to set the display parameters.

Urms1/2 RMS voltage refreshed Calculation over a 1-cycle time, refreshed each
each half-cycle half-cycle
See “RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle”
(p. Appx.11).
Irms1/2 RMS current refreshed Calculation over a 1-cycle time, refreshed each
each half-cycle half-cycle
Inrush Inrush current Calculation over each half-cycle time
See “Inrush current” (p. Appx.13).
Freq_wav Frequency (1 wave) Calculation over each 1-cycle time
See “Frequency (1 wave)” (p. Appx.12).

2 Enables you to set the display channel.

The channel which can be set differs according to the display items and wiring settings.

3 Set the zoom factor for the vertical axis of the graph.

Auto, ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10, ×25, ×50

4 Set the zoom factor for the horizontal axis (time axis) of the graph.
The horizontal axis (time axis) which can be set, differs according to the recording intervals.

Verifying the Electric Energy

8.3 Verifying the Electric Energy

Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND, Electric energy screen.
This screen is used to check electric energy trends for each recording interval.
Since all the items are updated after every 1 s, the data is updated after every 1 s, when the
recording interval is below 1 s.

1 2 3

The latest measured values are displayed

when the cursor is disabled, while the
measured values at the position of
cursor are displayed during the cursor
(The figure on the left illustrates the
screen that is displayed when the cursor
is disabled.)

Move the cursor Select

1 Enables you to set the display parameters.

WP Active electric energy (WP+: consumption, WP-: regeneration)

WQ Reactive electric energy
WS Apparent electric energy
Ecost Energy Cost
Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)

2 Set the zoom factor for the vertical axis of the graph.

Auto, ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10, ×25, ×50

3 Set the zoom factor for the horizontal axis (time axis) of the graph.
The horizontal axis (time axis) which can be set, differs according to the recording intervals.

Verifying the Demand (Available after the firmware update)

8.4 Verifying the Demand (Available after the

firmware update)
Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND, Demand screen.

Verifying the Harmonic Trend (Available after the firmware update)

8.5 Verifying the Harmonic Trend (Available after

the firmware update)
Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND, Harmonic trend screen.

Verifying the Trends (Fluctuations) in Measured Values (TREND Screen)

Verifying the Flicker (Available after the firmware update)

8.6 Verifying the Flicker (Available after the firmware

Press the [TREND] key to display the TREND, Flicker screen.


Checking Events (EVENT

9 Screen)
The EVENT screen is used to view the list of events that have occurred and trend data of the
events. (Event statistics process: Version upgrade supported)

For more information on events, see “Appx. 3 Explanation of Power Quality Parameters and
Events” (p. Appx.4).

Each time an event occurs, the event is added to the [Event

list] screen.

Event occurrence

••When making measurements using events, ensure that event settings has been enabled by using the Event
Setting screen in SET UP mode.
••The maximum number of events that can be displayed is 9999. Depending on the repeated recording setting,
events for up to 9999 × days (up to one year) can be recorded.

Checking Events (EVENT Screen)


Save items (event waveform, event trend data) change depending on the event items.

Event waveform  Approx. 200 ms waveform data

(Data sampled at 200 kS/s reduced to 12.5 kS/s)

Transient  Approx. 3 ms waveform data

waveform (Data sampled at 200 kS/s)
(available after the
firmware update)

Event trend data  RMS (one or half wave) data, 0.5 s before an event and 29.5 s after an event

Saved data
Event parameter IN/OUT Measurement Items Event
display Event trend data
Transient Tran IN/OUT All instantaneous *1 —
overvoltage values
••Frequency 2
Swell Swell IN/OUT ••Voltage  *
••Current ••RMS voltage refreshed
••Power each half-cycle (One
••Power factor wave calculation per half
••Unbalance factor wave)
••Harmonic voltage ••RMS current refreshed
••Harmonic current each half-cycle (One
••Harmonic power wave calculation per half
••Voltage total wave)
Dip Dip IN/OUT harmonic distortion  *2
••Current total ••RMS voltage refreshed
harmonic distortion each half-cycle (One
wave calculation per half
••RMS current refreshed
each half-cycle (One
wave calculation per half
Interruption Intrpt IN/OUT  *2
••RMS voltage refreshed
each half-cycle (One
wave calculation per half
••RMS current refreshed
each half-cycle (One
wave calculation per half
Frequency (200 Freq IN/OUT  —
Frequency (1 Freq_wav IN/OUT  —
Voltage total Uthd IN/OUT  —
Inrush current Inrush IN/OUT  *2
RMS inrush current (Half
wave calculation)


Saved data
Event parameter IN/OUT Measurement Items Event
display Event trend data
Current total Ithd IN/OUT All instantaneous  —
harmonic values
distortion ••Frequency
Timer event Timer —  —
External event Ext — ••Power  —
••Power factor
Manual event Manu — ••Unbalance factor  —
Pre-event Before — ••Harmonic voltage  —
recording ••Harmonic current
••Harmonic power
Post-event After — ••Voltage total  —
recording harmonic distortion
••Current total
Recording start Start —  —
harmonic distortion
Recording stop Stop —  —

: Saved, -: Not saved

*1: Transient waveforms are also saved.
*2: Saved only for Event IN. If a number of Events IN occur continuously, no event trend data may be present.

Checking Events (EVENT Screen)

Checking Event List

9.1 Checking Event List

Press the [EVENT] key to display EVENT, Event list screen.
Events can be checked on the list. The events are sorted in the order of occurrence.

Date of event
Time of event
1 2 3

Number of events

1 Event No.
••Number of listed events is all events from No.1 through No. 9999.
••The first event to occur (the starting recording event) is assigned No. 1, and subsequent events
are assigned numbers in order as they occur.

2 Event item
See “Appx. 2 Event Item” (p. Appx.3).

3 IN Event occurrence

OUT Event end

4 Event list details (Details of the selected event numbers are displayed)

Event Event item

Event CH CH Event channel (CH1/CH2/CH3/CH4/sum)

IN Event occurrence

OUT Event end

UP For frequency events, the list indicates up (when the reading is greater
than the threshold value).

DOWN For frequency events, the list indicates down (when the reading is less
than the threshold value).

Date Date of event

Checking Event List

4 Time Time of event

Threshold Threshold value with event (measured value)

Measured Measured value when an event was detected

value If a transient overvoltage event occurred, the transient width is also displayed.

Duration Indicates the period after which the reading returned after the threshold value was
exceeded, or the period from IN to OUT.

IN No. Event No. of IN for Event OUT

Worst* Level Worst measured value during event period

Date Indicates the date on which the worst value was detected.

Time Indicates the time at which the worst value was detected.

CH Channel on which the worst value was detected (CH1/CH2/CH3/CH4/


Times Number of transient overvoltage detected from the transient

overvoltage event IN to the transient overvoltage event OUT (up to
999999 Times)

*: Indicates the worst measured value during event period. For example in the case of voltage drop due to
DIP, the lowest voltage is the worst value.

••An SD card is required to be inserted to display the Event list details.

••Event data with characters colored in green include event trend data. (p. 112)
••When events with multiple differing parameters occur during the same approximately 200 ms period, they are

Checking Events (EVENT Screen)

displayed together as a single event. A list of the multiple parameters is displayed in the “Event list details” at
the right.
••When two event IN items occur simultaneously, they will be displayed according to the priority. Two event
OUT items occurring simultaneously are treated in the same manner.

Checking event details

1 Select an event No.

2 When more than one event has occurred
simultaneously, change the event item
to check the event list details.

Move the cursor

[F2] (Page up) key, [F3] (Page down) key:

Cursor position can be changed for each page.
[F5] (Latest Event) key:
You can move the cursor to the latest event. Switch event item

An SD card is required to be inserted to refresh the displayed details

Checking Event Status

9.2 Checking Event Status

Use the following procedure to display the EVENT MONITOR screen. Waveforms and measured
values of the event can be checked.

1 Press the [EVENT] key to display

EVENT, Event list screen. 2 Select an event No. to be analyzed.

Move the cursor

The display will switch to the EVENT MONITOR

screen to show waveforms and a graph when
the event occurred.

The screen displayed initially depends on the

event items.

3 Use the [MONITOR] key to switch the

[F3] (Cursor) key:
Cursor, and measurement value of the cursor
position and the time are displayed.
EVENT MONITOR, Event trend data Screen  You can move the cursor to the latest event.

[F4] (Scroll) key:

If the waveforms do not fit on the screen, the
graph can be scrolled with this key. Use
this key to scroll the graph in every direction.

Event number, time and date, and type

To exit the EVENT MONITOR screen:

Press the [F5] (End) key.

Checking Event Status

Switching event monitor screen

When event monitor is displayed, [EVENT] and [MONITOR] keys are lit.
Display/switch screen: [MONITOR] key

Event trend data screen (p. 112) Waveform screen (p. 82)*

Voltage and current waveforms of CH1 through CH4 are

Electric power screen (p. 84)*

RMS voltage, RMS current, frequency, power, power
factor, active energy (consumption) and elapsed time
are displayed.

Electric energy screen (p. 85)*

Electric energy, energy cost, start time, stop time,
Event trend data is shown in a time series
elapsed time, power and power factor are displayed.
(This graph appears only for swell, dip,
interruption, and inrush current Event IN.)
Voltage screen (p. 86)*
Measured values related to voltage are displayed.

Current screen (p. 87)*

Measured values related to current are displayed.

Checking Events (EVENT Screen)

Vector screen (p. 88)*
Phase relationship between voltage and current is
displayed in a vector diagram.

Harmonics screen (p. 89)*

Harmonic voltage, harmonic current, and harmonic
power from 0 to 50th order are displayed.
Transient waveform screen (p. 113)
(available after the firmware update)
Transient waveforms are also saved. Zoom screen (p. 91) (available after the
(Displayed only if a transient overvoltage firmware update)*
event occurred.) Enlarged view of 6 user-selected items are available.

*: Data for every 200 ms on an event is displayed.

Checking Event Status

Checking trend data on event

Event trend data of swell, dip, interruption, and inrush current event for 30 s (0.5 s before Event IN,
29.5 s after Event IN) is displayed in a time series graph.

How to display the EVENT MONITOR screen: p. 110

1 2

Voltage trend data on a swell, dip, or

interruption event (Urms1/2)

••Current trend data on a swell, dip, or

interruption event (Irms1/2)
••Current trend data on an inrush
current event (Inrush)

Move the cursor Select

1 Enables you to set the display channel.

CH1/2/3 (depending on the wiring settings), CH4 (when the wiring settings are enabled)

2 Set a horizontal axis zoom factor for the graph.

Auto, 0.10sec/div, 0.25sec/div, 0.50sec/div, 1.00sec/div, 2.50sec/div, 5.00sec/div

••The event trend data appears only for swell, dip, interruption, and inrush current Event IN.
••Even if another event occurred during event trend data recording (30 s), the event trend data for the event
will not be saved.

Checking Event Status

Checking transient waveforms during an event (Available after the

firmware update)

Checking Events (EVENT Screen)

Checking Event Status


File Saving and Operations

10 (FILE Screen)
The instrument can save the following data on an SD memory card or in its internal memory.

SD memory Internal
File contents Extension Format
card memory
Screen copy data BMP Binary  —
Setting data SET Binary  
Trend record data ITV Binary  
Flicker/trend record data
(available after the firmware FLC Binary  
Event list EVL Binary  —
Event data EVT Binary  —
Event trend data WDU Binary  —
Event statistics data
(available after the firmware Binary  —

: Saved, —: Not saved

File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)


Viewing and Using FILE Mode Screen

10.1 Viewing and Using FILE Mode Screen

Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE screen.

FILE, SD card screen

Folder hierarchy Occupied memory size SD memory card size

FILE, Internal memory screen

Occupied memory size Internal memory size

Viewing and Using FILE Mode Screen

Keys Description

Navigates within the folder hierarchy.

Selects folders and files.

Navigates to lower hierarchy when a folder is selected.

Loads setting data (p. 123).

(Load) Loads measured data (p. 124).

Enables the state which allows the removal of the SD memory card during recording
(Remove SD) (p. 127).

Saves setting data (p. 122).

FILE, SD card screen
The USB cable is used to connect the instrument with a computer (mass storage
(USB Connect) connection) and copy data from an SD memory card to the computer (p. 131).

FILE, Internal memory screen

(Copy) Copies data selected from the internal memory to the SD memory card (p. 125).

Deletes selected folders/files (p. 125).


Formats the SD memory card or the internal memory (p. 126).


File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)


Folder and File Structure

10.2 Folder and File Structure

SD memory card
The PQ3100 base folder is required for the instrument to save data on the SD memory card. If the
PQ3100 base folder does not exist on the SD memory card, it will be created automatically when a
file is created.

SD memory card
PQ3100 Screen copy
base folder folder


Settings folder


Folder and File Structure

Folder for saving screen copies

File name: Time saved
Folder name: Date saved hhmmss.BMP

Up to 32 GB
File name: Snnnn.SET
Folder for saving setting data files S0001.SET
SETTING “nnnn” shows sequential number
manually S0002.SET (0001 to 9999)

Folders for measured data
(Automatic folder/ File name)
YYMMDD: Recording start date WD0002.WDU
00: Sequential number of the …
Folder for saving
day (00 to 99) events
For repeat recording, folders are *.EVT: Event data (all event data is saved)
created for each day. First 4 digits of the number: Start event list number (0001 to 9999)
Last 2 digits of the number: Number of saved events (01 to 99)

*.WDU: Event trend data


Automatic screen
File name: Date/Time of output
copy folder
Saved per recording interval (5
min or more)


File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)

Statistics data folder
(Available after the firmware File name: Statistical date
update) *.SET: Setting data for
YYMMDD00.SET recording
YYMMDD00.EVL *.EVL: Event list data
*.ITV: Trend record data

Folders for measured data

(Random folder/ File name) HIOKI00 EVENT Same as the automatic
00: Sequential number (00 to 99)

For repeat recording, data HIOKI01 Same as the automatic

recorded for up to 100 days can folder
be stored because folders are

created at daily intervals.

COUNT Same as the automatic



† If the file size exceeds 100 MB or the SD memory card is inserted or ejected, the file is divided.
(Up to 1000 files)

Folder and File Structure

Internal memory
If no SD memory card is inserted or if there is no free space in the SD memory card, data will be
stored in the instrument’s internal memory. Only the setting data and the trend record data are
stored in the internal memory.
Event data and screen hard copies can be stored in only an SD memory card. After the recording is
terminated, if an SD memory card is inserted before the instrument is turned on or a new recording
starts, the data stored in the internal memory will be moved to the SD memory card.

Folder for saving setting data

files manually
Internal File name: Innnn.SET
memory SETTING “nnnn” shows sequential number
4 MB (0001 to 9999)

Up to 64 files

Folders for measured data*

(Automatic folder/ File name)
YYMMDD00.SET *.SET: S etting data for
YYMMDD: Recording start date recording
00: Sequential number in the *.ITV: Trend record data
day (00 to 63) …
For repeat recording, folders are
created for each day.

Folders for measured data*

(Random folder/ File name) HIOKI00.SET
00: Sequential number (00 to

For repeat recording, folders are
created for each day.

*: When 64 files are created, no further recording is available.

Screen Hard Copy

10.3 Screen Hard Copy

The screen currently being displayed can be saved in BMP format on the SD memory card.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted into the instrument ( appears
2 Display the screen you wish to save.

on the screen).

3 Press the [COPY] key. Screen copy data is saved in the /PQ3100/
HARDCOPY folder of the SD memory card.

If no SD memory card has been inserted, screen copy data cannot be saved.

Checking images (Available after the firmware update)

File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)


Saving Setting Files

10.4 Saving Setting Files

Present setting state can be saved.
Either SD memory card or internal memory can be used to save the setting files.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted before saving data to it. 2 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
SD card screen or FILE, Internal memory
( appears on the screen) screen.

3 Save the setting file. The setting file will be saved.

Save to folder
On the FILE, SD card screen:

On the FILE, Internal memory screen:



Sample screen: FILE, SD card screen

Loading Setting Files

10.5 Loading Setting Files

Loading a setting file allows you to restore the instrument to the state when the settings were
Settings related to LAN cannot be loaded.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted before loading data from it. 2 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
SD card screen or FILE, Internal memory
( appears on the screen) screen.

3 Navigate to a folder.
4 Select a settings file (.SET) to load.

Navigate within Load

Select hierarchy

SD memory card: The setting file will be loaded to the instrument.

Internal memory:
The measured data save folder also has the

File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)

setting file used during the measurement.


Loading Measured Data

10.6 Loading Measured Data

The measured data in the SD memory card and internal memory can be loaded to the instrument to
check the measured values.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted before loading data from it. 2 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
SD card screen or FILE, Internal memory
( appears on the screen) screen.

3 Select a folder to load. The measured data will be loaded to the


After the loading is complete, the EVENT, Event

list screen is displayed.

The data that has been loaded will be retained

until a new recording is started or the power is
turned off.
Navigate within
Select hierarchy Load
(as necessary)

Folder for the measured data

SD memory card:
/PQ3100/HIOKI (desired folder name)XX
Internal memory:
/HIOKI (desired folder name)XX

Screen sample:
/PQ3100/HIOKI00 folder on the FILE, SD card

Copy from the Internal Memory to SD Memory Card

10.7 Copy from the Internal Memory to SD Memory

This section describes how to copy folders and files of the internal memory to the SD memory card.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted into the instrument ( appears
2 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
Internal memory screen.
on the screen).

3 Select the folder or file to copy. The folders or the files will be copied to the SD
memory card.

Navigate within
Select hierarchy Copy
(as necessary)

10.8 Deleting Folders and Files

This section describes how to delete folders and files stored on the SD memory card or in the

File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)

instrument’s internal memory.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted before deleting folders or files 2 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
SD card screen or FILE, Internal memory
from it. screen.
( appears on the screen)

3 Select the folder or file to delete. The folders or the files will be deleted.

Select Delete
Sample screen: FILE, SD card screen

Formatting SD Memory Card (Deleting All Files)

10.9 Formatting SD Memory Card (Deleting All Files)

An SD memory card and the internal memory can be formatted.

1 Verify that an SD memory card has been

inserted before formatting it. 2 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
SD card screen or FILE, Internal memory
(The icon appears on the screen) screen.

3 Start formatting the SD memory card. The SD memory card / the internal memory is
formatted and the PQ3100 master folder is in it
(p. 118).


Sample screen: FILE, SD card screen

••Be sure to use the instrument to format SD memory cards. The instrument can only save data to SD memory
cards that have been initialized with the dedicated SD format (The format of Hioki’s optional SD memory
cards is dedicated SD format).
••Using a computer to format the card may reduce the card’s performance.

Removing SD Memory Card during Recording

10.10 Removing SD Memory Card during Recording

Removing an SD memory card while recording data to the card may damage the data. To remove
the SD memory card safely during recording, saving data to the SD memory card can be stopped.

Only when the recording interval is set to 2 s or more, the SD memory card can be removed.

1 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,

SD card screen. 2 Execute card removal.

Remove SD

The SD memory card can be removed.

Procedure after removal

1. After all data in the SD memory card is copied to a computer or a similar device, insert the SD memory
card into the instrument.
If the SD memory card is returned to its original state by deleting the stored data or another SD
memory card is inserted, a measurement data folder is newly created. A measurement data folder that
differs from the previously created folder will cause the application software PQ One, which is supplied

File Saving and Operations (FILE Screen)

with the instrument, not to recognize both of the measurement data to be the same.
To analyze the data stored in the SD memory card that was previously ejected and the one stored in
the card that is subsequently inserted, considering both of the data as equal, insert the SD memory
card with the original data left in it.

2. Check that the SD memory card is recognized.

(The icon appears on the screen)

Trend record data will be divided and a new file will be created.

Saving operation when an SD memory card is removed during a recording

Only trend record data (p. 115) will be backed up in the internal memory with the recording interval time that
has been set. When an SD memory card is inserted into the instrument while recording is stopped, backup
data will be automatically moved to the SD memory card (the data will be divided and saved as a new file).


Formatting SD Memory Card (Deleting All Files)

11 Analysis (with Computer)
This section describes how to load data recorded with the instrument onto a computer and analyze
the data using the supplied application software, PQ One.
Refer to Application Software Instruction Manual (CD). 11

Analysis (with Computer)

Included application software

Recording data

Supported software
File contents Extension Format Application Other than application
software software
Screen copy data BMP Binary — Graphics software
Setting data SET Binary 
Trend record data ITV Binary 
Flicker/trend record data
(Available after the firmware FLC Binary 
update) —

Event list EVL Binary 

Event data EVT Binary 
Event trend data WDU Binary 

: Supported, —: Not supported

The data measured by the instrument is written in binary format and cannot be directly read using spreadsheet
software such as Microsoft Excel®. When the measured data is read using the appropriate application software
and output in CSV format, the data can be read using spreadsheet software (available after the firmware

11.1 Copying Files

The following methods are available to copy data saved to a computer.

Method memory Reference
Use an SD memory card reader  — p. 130
The SD memory card is recognized as a removable disk by
 — p. 131
connecting the instrument to a computer with a USB cable
Copy the data from the internal memory to the SD memory
—  p. 125
card and copy the data from the SD memory card

: Supported, —: Not supported

Copying Files

Use of SD Memory Cards

Be sure to read “Using SD Memory Cards” (p. 10) before use.

Screen sample: Windows 10

1 Verify that recording has stopped.

2 Eject the SD memory card from the


3 Insert the SD memory card into the SD

memory card slot on the computer. 4 Click the Start button, and then, click
File Explorer to start Explorer.

5 Click This PC, and then, double-click

PQ3100SD. 6 Copy the necessary folders to the any
folder on the computer.


If the SD memory card was not formatted with

the instrument, then Removable Disk will be

Copying Files

Use of USB Cable

Be sure to read “Using USB Connector (USB Cable)” (p. 12) before use.
The USB cable included is used to connect the instrument with a computer and copy data from the
SD memory card to the computer.
1 Turn on the computer.
2 Turn on the instrument. (p. 44)

Analysis (with Computer)

3 Connect the instrument and computer
with the USB cable. 4 Press the [FILE] key to display the FILE,
SD card screen.

USB cable (included)

5 Change the mode to USB Connect (mass

storage connection). 6 Copy the necessary folders to the any
folder on the computer.

USB Connect

After the mode is changed to USB Connect, the

following message appears on the instrument

USB connected
To cancel
Cancel: ESC key

••Data on the instrument’s SD memory card cannot be accessed (to delete files, change filenames, etc.) from the
••The USB connection is not possible if the SD memory card is not inserted.

The effects of electromagnetic interference such as noise from an external source may cause communications
errors when using a USB connection. If you encounter such errors, wind the USB cable around a commercially
available ferrite clamp as shown in the figure below before connecting the instrument with the computer.
The effectiveness of the clamp can be increased as follows:
••Attach the clamp as close as possible to the connector of the computer.
••Make more than one turn cable around the clamp (5 turns are more effective).

Ferrite clamp (commercially available)

The ferrite clamp (segmented core) shown in the figure is the product of NEC Tokin. (Model: ESD-SR-250)

Copying Files

Disconnecting the USB cable from the computer

To disconnect a USB cable connected to the instrument from a computer which is ON:

1 Press the [ESC] key to terminate the

USB connection. 2 Disconnect the USB cable from the
Alternately, eject the disk by using the [Safely
Remove Hardware and Eject Media] icon on
the computer.

Use of Application Software PQ One (Included)

11.2 Use of Application Software PQ One (Included)

What can be done with the application software

The application software PQ One (included) is used for analyzing the data from the instrument
(binary-format) on a computer.

Analysis (with Computer)

Displays and analyzes measurement data
Event statistics function allows analyzing measured data in detail.
Checking event status daily or hourly allows detecting events with higher frequency at specific a time or on
a specific day of the week.

Easily creates the required graphs

Adjusting the display period of the trend graph when the output is good, and integrating the trend data for 3
phases to a single graph is possible.

Generates measurement data reports

Contents displayed on the screen can be output without any modifications. No complicated report settings
are required, and the required reports can be created.

Displays measurement data in EN50160 mode (available after the firmware update)

Converts measurement data to CSV format (available after the firmware update)
Any range of measurement data can be converted to CSV format.
The converted files can be used in spreadsheet programs.

Judges anomalies based on the ITIC (CBEMA) curve* (available after the firmware update)
*: The ITIC Curve is commonly used in America, and is a standard for evaluating voltage anomalies by
specifying a range of acceptable tolerance. A “User-Defined Curve” can be optionally defined for voltage
anomaly evaluation.

Refer to the Application Software Instruction Manual (CD) for details.

Use of Application Software PQ One (Included)


Contents of included CD
Language File description
English PQONE_Manual_Eng.pdf Instruction Manual (English)
PQ One Installer (English)
Japanese PQONE_Manual_Jpn.pdf Instruction Manual (Japanese)
PQ One Installer (Japanese)

The latest version can be downloaded from our website.

How to use Instruction Manual

The Instruction Manual is provided in PDF format.
The Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer to view the Instruction Manual. (Adobe
Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe website.)
To request a paper copy of the user manual, contact an authorized Hioki distributor or reseller. You
can purchase the manuals.

Operating environment
Operating System (OS) Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Display Resolution 1280 × 768 dots or more
CD-ROM drive Used for installation

Use of Application Software PQ One (Included)

Installation procedure
Screen sample: Windows 10

1 Start the computer.

2 Set the included CD to the CD-ROM
Administrator authority may be required for the
3 4

Analysis (with Computer)

Click the Start button, and then, click Click This PC, and then, double-click
File Explorer to start Explorer CD-ROM drive.


5 Double-click the English folder.

6 Double-click setup.exe (SET UP file).

(The extension may not be displayed.)

After the installer starts, follow the instruction to
proceed with the installation.

Use of Application Software PQ One (Included)


Communications (USB/LAN/RS-
12 232C)
This instrument includes the USB, LAN, and RS-232C as standard interfaces.

Capabilities USB LAN RS-232C Reference
Recognizing the SD memory card as a
removable disk and copying the data to  — — p. 131

Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)
Remote control of the instrument
—  — p. 142
through an internet browser
Configuration of the settings,
acquiring the measurement data,
and downloading the data from the —   Contact Hioki.
computer voluntarily, can be done by
using communication command.

: Supported, —: Not supported

Preparing for LAN Communications

12.1 Preparing for LAN Communications

To use LAN communications, you must perform the following tasks:
•• Configure LAN settings in the instrument. (See the following “Settings”)
•• Build a network environment. (p. 139)
•• Connect the instrument and a computer with a LAN cable. (p. 140)
Settings (SET UP Screen)
•• Be sure to perform these settings before connecting to a network. Changing settings while
connected to the network can cause the overlapping of the IP addresses with other devices on
the LAN, and incorrect address information may be presented to the LAN.
•• After configuring the LAN settings, be sure to turn the instrument off and then turn it back on. If
this is not performed, the changed LAN setting will not be enabled and communication will not
be possible.

1 Press the [SET UP] key to display the

SET UP, Interface settings screen. 2 Set the items of LAN.

3 Turn on the instrument once again.


Move the cursor Select

This address is for identifying each device connected to a network. Each network device must be
1 set to a unique address. This instrument is IP version 4, so the IP address is indicated by the four
decimals separated by three periods, for example, “”

2 This setting is used to distinguish the IP address of the network from the addresses of individual
network devices. Normally, it is indicated by the value containing four decimals separated by three
periods, for example, “”

3 When the computer and instrument are on different networks, specify the IP address of the device
which serves as a gateway. If the computer and instrument are connected one-to-one, and no
gateway is used, set “” on this instrument.

4 A MAC address is assigned as a device-specific address, so it cannot be changed.

Preparing for LAN Communications

Example of establishing a network environment

(1) Connecting the instrument to an existing network
To connect to an existing network, the network system
administrator (IT department) has to assign the settings
The settings must not overlap with another device.
Obtain assignments from the administrator (IT department)
for the following items, and write them down.

IP address . . .
Subnet mask . . .

Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)
Default gateway . . .

(2) Connecting multiple instruments to a single computer using a hub

When building a local network with no outside connection, it
is recommended to use the following private IP addresses.

Example: When building the network using network addresses ( to

IP address Computer:

Instrument (first):
Instrument (second):
Instrument (third):
In this way, assign the addresses in order.

Subnet mask

Default gateway Computer : . . .

Instrument :

(3) Connecting one instrument to a single computer using the Model 9642 LAN cable.
When connecting one instrument to a single computer using
the conversion connector supplied with the Model 9642 LAN
cable, variable IP address can be set but it is recommended to
use private IP addresses.

Example: When building the network using network addresses ( to

IP address Computer :

Instrument :
(Set to a different IP address than the computer.)

Subnet mask

Default gateway Computer : . . .

Instrument :

Preparing for LAN Communications

Be sure to read “Connecting the Instrument to an External Device” (p. 13).

(1) When connecting the instrument to an existing network, or when connecting the multiple
instruments to a single computer using a hub

Required items

 Model 9642 LAN cable (option) or  A 100BASE-TX-compatible straight cable (up to

100 m, commercially available).

For 10BASE communication, a 10BASE-T-

compliant cable may also be used.

1 2

LAN interface A 100BASE-TX connector of the hub

(2) When connecting one instrument to a single computer

Required items

 Model 9642 LAN cable (option) or  A 100BASE-TX-compatible cross cable or straight

cable (up to 100 m, commercially available)

1 2

LAN interface A 100BASE-TX connector of the computer

Since this instrument is equipped with the function to automatically differentiate between the straight and cross
cable, a straight cable may also be used for communication. If you are unable to establish communications
with the computer due to a problem such as compatibility, try a cross conversion cable (Model 9642

Verifying the Transmission and Reception


The RX/TX LED blinks during the transmission or reception of

data. The LINK LED lights up, when the communication with the
connected device is possible.

Preparing for LAN Communications

Example of Remote Control Using Wireless LAN


Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)
Wireless LAN router

PDA Tablet computer

Remote Control of the Instrument through the Internet Browser (LAN Communications Only)

12.2 Remote Control of the Instrument through the

Internet Browser (LAN Communications Only)
This instrument includes a standard HTTP server function that supports the remote control
through the Internet browser on a computer. The instrument’s display screen and control panel are
emulated in the browser. Operating procedures are the same as on the instrument.

The preparations for LAN communication are necessary. (p. 138).


1 Launch the Internet browser.

2 In the address bar, enter “http://”
followed by the IP address configured in
the instrument.
For example, if the instrument’s IP address is, enter as follows.

When the browser has successfully

connected to the instrument, a main page
such as the following will be displayed.

••It is recommended to use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9 or later.

••Unintended operations may occur if remote control is attempted from multiple computers simultaneously. Use
one computer at a time for remote control.
••Set the browser security level to “Medium” or “Medium-high.” Or enable the active scripting settings.
••Remote control can be performed even if the instrument’s key lock is active.

Remote Control of the Instrument through the Internet Browser (LAN Communications Only)

If no HTTP screen is displayed

(1) Verify the settings of the Internet browser.

1 On the Internet Explorer settings, click

Tools-Internet Options. 2 On the Advanced tab, enable the “Use
HTTP1.1” and disable the “Use HTTP1.1
through proxy connections.”

3 Under LAN settings on the Connections

tab, disable the Proxy server settings.
(2) Verify the LAN settings.

Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)
1 Check the instrument’s LAN settings
and the computer’s IP address. 2 Verify that the LINK LED on the LAN
interface is on and that the WEB mark is
See “Settings (SET UP Screen)” (p. 138). being shown on the instrument’s screen.
See “Connection” (p. 140) and “1.6 On screen
indicators” (p. 35).

3 Under LAN settings on the Connections

tab, disable the Proxy server settings.

After configuring the LAN settings, be sure to turn the instrument off and on. If this is not
performed, the changed LAN setting will not be enabled and communication will not be possible.

Remote operation

1 2 (If the password has already been set)

1. Enter the password

Click 2. Click

If no password has been set or the password

has been set to “0000” (four zeros), this screen
will not be displayed. The default password is

The same screen and control panel being

displayed on the instrument will be displayed on
the browser.

Remote Control of the Instrument through the Internet Browser (LAN Communications Only)

Restrict the access (password settings)

1 2 (In the case of setting a password)

1. Enter all the passwords

2. Click

Enter up to four alphanumeric characters.

When setting a password for the first time, enter
“0000” (four zeros) in the Old Password box.
When changing the password for the second
or subsequent times, enter the previously set

If you forget your password

Perform “Factory reset (Default)” (p. 77) on the instrument to reset the password to its default
figures of “0000.” The password cannot be initialized by remote control.

RS-232C Communication Preparations

12.3 RS-232C Communication Preparations

To use RS-232C communications, you must perform the following tasks.
•• Configure the settings of RS-232C on the instrument.
•• Connect the instrument and a computer with a RS-232C cable (p. 174).

Settings (SET UP screen)

Be sure to read “Connecting the Instrument to an External Device” (p. 13). 12
1 Press the [SET UP] key to display the
2 Configure the settings of RS-232C

Communications (USB/LAN/RS-232C)
SET UP, Interface settings screen. interface.

Move the cursor Select

Select the baud rate.

19,200bps, 38,400bps


1 Connect the instrument and computer

with the Model 9637 RS-232C Cable 2 Turn on the computer.

(cross cable).

Model 9637 RS-232C Cable


3 Turn on the instrument. (p. 44)

Remote Control of the Instrument through the Internet Browser (LAN Communications Only)


13 External I/O
External I/O terminals are used to allow event signal input from an external device and to output a
signal to external device when an event occurs.

1234 1234

External I/O
Anomaly detector Memory HiCorder

External devices are connected to 2 “Event

External devices are connected to 1 “Event input ―――――――――
― ― output terminal” (EVENT OUT)” and 4 “Ground
terminal” (EVENT IN)” and 3 “Ground terminal for terminal for event output (non-isolated)
event input (non-isolated) (GND1).” (GND2).”

When you connect the detection signal of an The anomalies occurring in the instrument will
anomaly detector such as an over-current relay to be informed to the external device.
the event input terminal, an event will occur when When you connect the event output terminal
there is an anomaly operation. to a trigger input terminal on a waveform
recording device such as the Hioki Memory
See “13.1 Event Input” (p. 148). HiCorder, you can record waveforms on the
Memory HiCorder when an event occurs.

See “13.2 Event Output” (p. 149).

To use the external I/O terminals, you must perform the following tasks:
To use event input
•• Check how to use event input terminal
•• Set the external event to ON (p. 74)
•• Use cables to connect the instrument with the external device (p. 151)
To use event output
•• Check how to use the event output terminal
•• Set the external event output (p. 150)
•• Use cables to connect the instrument with the external device (p. 151)

Event Input

13.1 Event Input

Event input function is used to enable recording of the voltage and current waveforms and
measured values of an external event.
This function is useful to analyze power anomalies that may occur when other electronic/electrical
devices are started. ― ―――――――
By inputting a signal to the event input terminal (EVENT IN) externally, you can make the instrument
determine that an external event has occurred when that event was input.

External event (p. 74) must be set to ON.

Signal input methods

External devices are connected to 1 “Event input terminal” 1234
―― ―― ――
― ―
(EVENT IN)” and 3 “Ground terminal for event input (non-
isolated) (GND1).”
Short the terminals 1 and 3 or input a pulse signal to the Anomaly detector
terminal 1.
Event input is recognized when the terminal is shorted (active See “13.4 Connection” (p. 151).
LOW) or the pulse signal is fell.

Input voltage range High level: 2 V to 45 V
Low level: 0 V to 0.5 V
Maximum input voltage 45 V
between terminals
Maximum rated voltage to Non-isolated (GND is shared by the instrument)

Timing chart
100 ms or
― ―
1  EVENT IN terminal
2 V to 5 V

3  Ground terminal (GND1) for event input

0 V to 0.5 V
100 ms or more

••3 “Ground terminal for event input (GND1)” is shared by GND of the instrument and is not isolated. Isolate as
required for input (4 “Ground terminal for event output (GND2)” is isolated).
••Use a single route for the wires connected to the event input terminal as any other cables bound together
with them may cause malfunction due to external noise.
••Longer wires may cause malfunction due to external noise. Wind the wires around
a ferrite clamp as shown in the figure before connection (position the ferrite clamp
as near the terminal block as possible).

Event Output

13.2 Event Output

Outputs a signal to the external device synchronized with an event in the instrument showing that
there is an event.
(1) Connect a warning device.
This is a good way to output warnings when events such as an interruption occurs.
(2) Connect to the trigger input terminal of a Memory HiCorder.
The instrument allows recording waveforms of an event for 200 ms to 11.2 s (1 s before event,
200 ms during the event, and 10 s after event) (see Event waveform recording time before

Event, Event waveform recording time after Event (p. 74)). Use a Memory HiCorder with the
instrument to record waveforms for a longer period.

External I/O
See “13.3 External Event Output Settings (SET UP Screen)” (p. 150).

Signal output method

2 “Event output terminal” (EVENT OUT)” and 4 “Ground terminal 1234
for event output (non-isolated) (GND2)” are connected to an
external device.
2 and 4 are isolated from the internal circuit of the instrument. Memory HiCorder
Connect terminal 2 to an external power supply through a pull-up See “13.4 Connection” (p. 151).
resistor as shown in the following circuit diagram.
If an event occurs in the instrument, a pulse signal is output.

Circuit Diagram
<Example of external circuit>

Power supply (30 V or lower)

<Internal circuit of the instrument> Pull-up resistor

(10 kΩ recommended)
Photo coupler ――――――――――

4 Ground terminal
for event input
Output signal Open collector output Maximum input 5 mA
Isolated with a photo current
Active Low
Maximum input 30 V Pulse width Low level
voltage Short pulse: Approx. 10 ms
Long pulse: Approx. 2.5 s

External Event Output Settings (SET UP Screen)

Timing chart ――――――――――



Short pulse setting: Approx. 10 ms

Long pulse setting: Approx. 2.5 s

13.3 External Event Output Settings (SET UP Screen)

Set when using the external I/O terminal to connect the instrument to an external device.

1 Press the [SET UP] key to display the

SET UP, Interface settings screen. 2 Set items for External Output.

Move the cursor Select

OFF External output is disabled.

Short pulse A short pulse (approx. 10 ms) is output on recording start and stop, or during Event IN.
A long pulse (approx. 2.5 s) is output only during Event IN.
Set this function to be combined with the 2300 Remote Measurement System or a
Long pulse sequencer.
Low period is retained for approx. 2.5 s during Event IN. If another Event IN occurs during
the Low period, the Low period for is retained for another approx. 2.5 s.
(Available after the firmware update)
This setting can be selected only when the [Flicker] setting is ∆V10 (p. 66).
∆V10 alarm
If the ∆V10 alarm is set, also set the threshold value (0.00 V to 9.99 V).
Output will be set to low when the set threshold value is exceeded.


13.4 Connection
Be sure to read “Using External I/O Terminals” (p. 13) before start.

Required items

 Wires

 Slotted screwdriver
••Shaft diameter φ3 mm
••Blade width: 2.6 mm

Recommended wire
Single wire: φ0.65 mm (AWG22)

External I/O
Stranded wire: 0.32 mm2 (AWG22)
Strand diameter: φ0.12 mm or more
Acceptable limits
Single wire: φ0.32 mm to φ0.65 mm (AWG28 to AWG22)
Stranded wire: 0.08 mm2 to 0.32 mm2 (AWG28 to AWG22)
Strand diameter: φ0.12 mm or more
Standard insulation stripping length: 9 mm to 10 mm

1 Use cables to connect the instrument

with the external device. 2 Turn on the external device.

External device

Commercially available wire

Wire connection procedure


1. Press the terminal button down using a tool,
such as a slotted screwdriver.
2. While the button is pressed, insert the wire
into the electric wire connection hole.
3. Press the button.

The electric wire is locked in place.

3 Turn on the instrument. (p. 44)


14 Specifications
14.1 General Specifications
Operating environment Indoor use, pollution degree 2, altitude up to 3000 m (9843 ft.)
At an altitude of above 2000 m (6562 ft.), the measurement categories are lowered to
1000 V CAT II, 600 V CAT III.
Operating temperature Temperature: −20°C to 50°C (−4°F to 122°F)
and humidity When communicating via LAN or USB: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
When using the external control terminal: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
When running on battery: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
When charging battery: 10°C to 35°C (50°F to 95°F)
Humidity: 80% RH or less (no condensation)
Storage temperature −30°C to 60°C (−22°F to 140°F), 80% RH or less (no condensation)
and humidity When the instrument is not in use for an extended period, remove the battery pack
from the body and store in an environment of −20°C to 30°C (−4°F to 86°F).
IP30 (EN 60529)
Applicable standards Safety EN 61010
EMC EN 61326 Class A

Compliance standards Harmonics IEC 61000-4-7:2002 + A1:2008, IEC 61000-2-4 Class 3
Power quality IEC 61000-4-30:2015 Class S, EN 50160, IEEE 1159
Power supply ••Z1002 AC Adapter
Rated supply voltage: 100 V to 240 V AC (Voltage fluctuations of ±10% for the rated
supply voltage are taken into account.)
Rated supply frequency: 50 Hz/60 Hz
Anticipated transient overvoltage: 2500 V
Maximum rated power: 80 VA (including AC adapter), 35 VA (main unit only)
••Z1003 Battery Pack (Ni-MH 4500 mAh)
Rated supply voltage: 7.2 V DC
Recharge function Charges the battery regardless of whether the instrument is on or off.
Charging time 5 hours 30 min at a maximum (at 23°C, as a referential)
Continuous operating When Z1003 Battery Pack is used (at 23°C, as a referential)
time Approx. 8 hours (fully charged, continuous operation, with LCD backlight turned off
automatically and sensors not involving AC/DC sensors used)
Backup battery Approx. 10 years (at 23°C, as a referential)
For backup clock and setting conditions (Lithium battery)
Maximum recording 1 year (366 days)
Maximum recording 9999 events
Clock function Auto-calendar, leap-year correcting, 24-hour clock
Real-time clock ±0.5 s per day (when main unit is on, within operating temperature and humidity range)
Display refresh rate Approx. 0.5 s
Display 6.5-inch TFT color LCD (640 × 480 dots)
Interface SD memory card, USB, LAN, RS-232C, external I/O
Dimensions Approx. 300W × 211H × 68D mm (11.81″W × 8.31″H × 2.68″D) (excluding protrusions)
Body Strap can be attached.
Mass Approx. 2.5 kg (88.2 oz.) (with Z1003 Battery Pack installed)
Product warranty period 3 years

General Specifications

Accessories See “Accessories” (p. 2).

Options See “Options” (p. 3).

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

14.2 Input Specifications/Output Specifications/

Measurement Specifications
1. Basic specifications

Number of channels Voltage: 4 channels

Current: 4 channels
Input Terminal Voltage: Plug-in terminal (Safety terminal)
Specifications Current: Special connector (Hioki PL14)
Current sensor power For AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor, AC Flexible Current Sensor
supply +5 V±0.25 V, −5 V±0.25 V, supply current up to 30 mA per channel
Wiring Single-phase 2-wire: 1P2W
Single-phase 3-wire: 1P3W
Single-phase 3-wire 1-voltage measurement: 1P3W1U
3-phase 3-wire 2-watt meter measurement: 3P3W2M
3-phase 3-wire 3-watt meter measurement: 3P3W3M
3-phase 4-wire: 3P4W
3-phase 4-wire 2.5E: 3P4W2.5E (available after the firmware update)
In addition to one of the avobe, input CH4.
Input method Voltage: Isolated input (U1, U2, U3, U4 and N terminal have a common differential

input, and U1, U2, U3, U4 and N terminal are internally non-isolated)
Current: Isolated input through a current sensor
Input resistance Voltage input section: 5 MΩ ± 20%
Current input section: 200 kΩ ± 20%
Maximum input voltage Voltage input section: 1000 V AC/DC, 2200 V peak
Current input section: 1.7 V AC/DC, 2.4 V peak
Maximum rated voltage Voltage input section: 1000 V AC (Measurement category III), 600 V AC (Measurement
to earth category IV), and anticipated transient overvoltage 8000 V
Current input section: Depends upon the current sensor being used
Measurement method Digital sampling, zero-cross synchronized calculation method
Sampling frequency 200 kHz
A/D converter resolution 16 bits
Display range Voltage: 2 V to 1300 V
Current: 0.4% to 130% of range
Power: 0.0% to 130% of range
Measurement items other than the above: 0% to 130% of range
Zero display range RMS voltage: Lower than 2 V
If the RMS voltage is 0 V, the voltage DC value, harmonic voltage (all orders), power
value, harmonic active power (all orders), and reactive power (all orders) are made to
be zero.
RMS current: Less than 0.4% f.s.
If the RMS current is 0 A, the current DC value, harmonic current (all orders), power
value, harmonic active power (all orders), and reactive power (all orders) are made to
be zero.
Effective measurement ••Voltage
range AC: 10 V to 1000 V The peak voltage is ±2200 V. DC: 5 V to 1000 V
5% to 120% of range The peak current is ±400% of range.
5% to 120% of range (with both voltage and current within effective measuring range)
See separate specifications for harmonic measurement

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

2. Measurement items
(1) Item detected at a sampling frequency of 200 kHz with no gaps

Notation 1P2W 1P3W 1P3W1U 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W

Transient overvoltage Tran 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4

(2) Items measured each 1 cycle with no gaps

Notation 1P2W 1P3W 1P3W1U 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W

Frequency (1 wave) Freq_wav U1

(3) Item measured over 1 cycle with no gaps, commencing at a fundamental zero crossing, and
refreshed each half-cycle

Notation 1P2W 1P3W 1P3W1U 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W

RMS voltage refreshed Urms1/2 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
each half-cycle
Swell Swell 1 1, 2 1 1, 2, 3 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3
Dip Dip 1 1, 2 1 1, 2, 3 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3
Interruption Intrpt 1 1, 2 1 1, 2, 3 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3
RMS current refreshed Irms1/2 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
each half-cycle

(4) Items measured over half-cycle with no gaps

Notation 1P2W 1P3W 1P3W1U 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W

Inrush current Inrush 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4

(5) Items measured over the approximately 200-ms (10/12-cycle for 50 Hz / 60 Hz, respectively)
aggregation with no gaps

Notation 1P2W 1P3W 1P3W1U 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W

Frequency (200 ms) Freq U1
Frequency (10 sec) Freq10s U1
Voltage waveform peak Upk+, Upk− 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
Current waveform peak Ipk+, Ipk− 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
RMS voltage (phase) 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,

1, 2, AVG,
RMS voltage (line) Urms 1, 4 1, 4 12, 23,
4 1, 2, 3, 12, 23,
31, AVG,
AVG, 4 31, AVG
Voltage DC Udc 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
Voltage CF Ucf 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
RMS current Irms 1, 4 1, 2, AVG, 4 1, 2, 3, AVG, 4
Current DC Idc 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Current CF Icf 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Active power P 1 1, 2, SUM 1, 2, 3, SUM
Active energy WP+, WP− 1 SUM

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

Notation 1P2W 1P3W 1P3W1U 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W

Energy cost Ecost 1 SUM
Reactive power Q 1 1, 2, SUM 1, 2, 3, SUM
Reactive energy WQ_LAG,
Apparent power S 1 1, 2, SUM 1, 2, 3, SUM
Apparent energy WS 1 SUM
Power factor /
displacement power PF/DPF 1 1, 2, SUM 1, 2, 3, SUM
Voltage negative-phase
Uunb — SUM
unbalance factor
Voltage zero-phase
Uunb0 — SUM
unbalance factor
Current negative-phase
Iunb — SUM

unbalance factor
Current zero-phase
Iunb0 — SUM
unbalance factor
Harmonic voltage Uharm 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4

Harmonic current Iharm 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Harmonic power Pharm 1 1, 2, SUM SUM 1, 2, 3, SUM
Interharmonics voltage Uiharm 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
Interharmonics current Iiharm 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Harmonics voltage phase
Uphase 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
Harmonics current phase
Iphase 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Harmonic voltage-current
Pphase 1, 4 1, 2, SUM SUM 1, 2, 3, SUM
phase difference
Voltage total harmonic Uthd-F/
1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 12, 23, 31 1, 2, 3, 4
distortion rate Uthd-R
Current total harmonic
Ithd-F/Ithd-R 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
distortion rate
K factor KF 1, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

3. Accuracy specifications

Conditions of Guaranteed accuracy period: 1 year

guaranteed accuracy Guaranteed accuracy period from adjustment made by Hioki: 1 year
Temperature and humidity for guaranteed accuracy: 23°C±5°C (73°F±5°F), 80% RH or
Warm-up time: at least 30 min
Power supply frequency range: 50 Hz/60 Hz ± 2 Hz
Power factor=1, common-mode voltage 0 V, specified after zero-adjustment
For AC measurement, add the following conditions:
Input of 10 V rms or more in the standard channel (U1)
Frequency Range: When the measurement frequency is set to 50 Hz: 40 Hz to 58 Hz
When the measurement frequency is set to 60 Hz: 51 Hz to 70 Hz
Temperature coefficient 0.1% f.s./°C
Effect of common mode Within ±0.2% f.s.
voltage (1000 V rms AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz, between voltage input and the instrument case)
Effect of external Within 1.5% f.s. (in a magnetic field of 400 A rms/m AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz)

4. Transient overvoltage measurement specifications Tran

Measurement method Detected using the sampled waveform from which the fundamental wave component
(50 Hz/60 Hz) (detected once for every waveform of fundamental voltage)
Displayed items Transient voltage value: Peak value of a waveform from which the fundamental
component is eliminated obtained over a 3-ms time
Transient width: Period during which threshold value is exceeded (up to 2 ms)
Maximum transient voltage value:
The maximum of peak values of a waveform from which the fundamental component
is eliminated obtained during the period from transient IN to transient OUT (leaving
channel information)
Transient period:
Period from transient IN to transient OUT
Transient count within the period:
Number of transients occurring during period from transient IN to transient OUT
(The number of transients includes ones occurring across every channel; however,
transients occurring simultaneously on multiple channels are counted as one)
(RMS transient: For testing purposes)
Measurement range ± 2.200 kV peak
Measurement band 5 kHz (−3 dB) to 40 kHz (−3 dB), specified at 20 V rms
Minimum detection 5 µs
Measurement accuracy ±5.0% rdg. ±1.0% f.s. (specified at 1000 V rms, 15 kHz)
Event threshold 2200.0 V
Set as an absolute value relative to the peak value (crest value) of the waveform from
which the fundamental component is eliminated.
Event IN In the state that the transient voltage is detected for the first time during the 200-ms
aggregation period
Event occurrence time represents the time when a peak value exceeds the threshold
The detected peak voltage and transient width are displayed.
Event OUT The lead of the 200-ms aggregation period in which no transient overvoltages were
detected on any one of the channels, following the transient event IN state.
The transient period (difference between the IN time and OUT time) is indicated.

Multiple-phase system Begins when a transient overvoltage is detected for any one of the U1 to U4 channels
treatment and ends when no transient overvoltage is detected for every channels.
Saved waveforms Event waveforms

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

5. Frequency cycle measurement specifications Freq_wav

Measurement method Reciprocal method

Frequency calculated from the reciprocal of the accumulated time over a 1-cycle time
on U1 (reference channel)
Displayed items Frequency obtained over a 1-cycle time, maximum deviation between event IN and
event OUT
Measurement range 70.000 Hz
Measurement accuracy ±0.200 Hz or less (at an input of between 50 V and 1100 V)
Event threshold Specified in deviation, 0.1 Hz to 9.9 Hz, 0.1 Hz increments
Event IN Start time when the waveform exceeds the positive threshold value or falls below the
negative threshold value
Event OUT Start time when the waveform falls below the value calculated by subtracting 0.1
Hz from the positive threshold value in the negative direction or exceeds the one
calculated by adding 0.1 Hz to the negative threshold value in the positive direction.
Frequency hysteresis corresponds to 0.1 Hz.

Multiple-phase system None
Saved waveforms Event waveforms

6. RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle measurement specifications Urms1/2

Measurement method RMS voltage calculated using data obtained over a 1-cycle time refreshed each half-
Line voltage is used for 3-phase 3-wire (3P3W3M) wiring, while phase voltage is used
for 3-phase 4-wire wiring.
Displayed items RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
Measurement range 1000.0 V
Measurement accuracy During 10 V to 660 V input: ±0.3% of declared voltage (at a declared input voltage of
100 V or more, but at an input of 10% to 150% for the declared input voltage)
Other than above: ±0.2% rdg.±0.1% f.s.

7. RMS current refreshed each half-cycle measurement specifications Irms1/2

Measurement method RMS current calculated using data obtained over a 1-cycle time refreshed each half-
cycle (synchronized with voltage of same channel).
Displayed items RMS current refreshed each half-cycle
Measurement range Depends on the current sensor in use
Measurement accuracy ± 0.2% rdg. ± 0.1% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

8. Swell measurement specifications Swell

Measurement method Detected when the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle exceeds the threshold
Displayed items Swell height: Maximum value for RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle [V]
Swell duration: Period from when a swell is detected on any one of U1, U2, or U3 to
when a measured value fall below the value obtained by subtracting the hysteresis
from the threshold value
Measurement range 1000.0 V
Measurement accuracy Same as for RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
Duration: Within a half-cycle time from the starting time and another half-cycle until the
end time
Event threshold Percentage with respect to declared input voltage
Event IN When a RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle exceeds the threshold value
Event OUT When a RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle falls below the value calculated by
subtracting the hysteresis from the threshold value
Multiple-phase system Begins when a swell is detected in any one of the channels among U1 to U3, and ends
treatment when no swell is detected in every channels.
Saved waveforms Event waveforms
Trend Data The data of RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle and RMS current refreshed each
half-cycle obtained in the period between 0.5 sec prior to the EVENT IN and 29.5 sec
after the EVENT IN are saved.

9. Dip measurement specifications Dip

Measurement method Detected when the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle falls below the threshold
Displayed items Dip depth: Minimum value of the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle [V]
Dip duration: Period from the time a U1 to U3 dip is detected until the reading exceeds
the value obtained by adding the hysteresis to the threshold value.
Measurement range 1000.0 V
Measurement accuracy Same as for RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
Duration: Within a half-cycle time from the starting time and another half-cycle until the
end time
Event threshold Percentage with respect to declared input voltage
Event IN When the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle falls below the threshold value
Event OUT When the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle exceeds the value calculated by
adding the hysteresis to the threshold value
Multiple-phase system Begins when a dip is detected in any one of the channels among U1 to U3, and ends
treatment when no dip is detected in any of the channels.
Saved waveforms Event waveforms
Trend Data The data of RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle and RMS current refreshed each
half-cycle obtained in the period between 0.5 sec prior to the EVENT IN and 29.5 sec
after the EVENT IN are saved.

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

10. Interruption measurement specifications Intrpt

Measurement method Detected when the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle falls below the threshold
Displayed items Interruption depth: Worst value for RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle [V]
Interruption duration: Period from the time a U1 to U3 interruption is detected until the
reading exceeds the value obtained by adding the hysteresis to the threshold value.
Measurement range 1000.0 V
Measurement accuracy Same as for RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
Duration: Within a half-cycle time from the starting time and another half-cycle until the
end time
Event threshold Percentage with respect to declared input voltage
Event IN Starting time of a half-cycle voltage waveform to which an inrush current belongs on
each channel when it exceeds the threshold value
Event OUT Starting time of a half-cycle voltage waveform to which an inrush current belongs when
it falls below the value calculated by subtracting the hysteresis from the threshold value

Multiple-phase system Begins when an interruption is detected in any one of the channels among U1 to U3,
treatment and ends when no interruption is detected in any of the channels.
Saved waveforms Event waveforms

Trend Data The data of RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle and RMS current refreshed each
half-cycle obtained in the period between 0.5 sec prior to the EVENT IN and 29.5 sec
after the EVENT IN are saved.

11. Inrush current measurement specifications Inrush

Measurement method Detected by observing the RMS current calculated using data obtained over a 1-cycle
time refreshed each half-cycle.
(synchronized with voltage of same channel)
Displayed items Maximum current of the RMS current measured above
Measurement range Depends on the current sensor in use
See “14.8 Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy” (p. 188).
Measurement accuracy ± 0.3% rdg. ± 0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)
Event threshold From 0 to the value of the current range
Event IN Time at the start of the half wave of voltage of each channel for which the inrush
current exceeds the threshold value
Event OUT Start of the voltage half-wave waveform for which the inrush current falls below the
value obtained by subtracting the hysteresis from the threshold value in the negative
Multiple-phase system None
Saved waveforms Event waveforms
Trend Data The data of inrush RMS current obtained in the period between 0.5 sec prior to the
EVENT IN and 29.5 sec after the EVENT IN is saved.

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

12. Frequency 10 s measurement specifications Freq10s

Measurement method Reciprocal method

Frequency calculated from the reciprocal of the accumulated time for 10 s on U1
(reference channel)
Displayed items Frequency
Measurement range 70.000 Hz
Measurement accuracy ±0.010 Hz or less

13. Frequency 200 ms measurement specifications Freq

Measurement method Reciprocal method

Value calculated from the reciprocal of the accumulated time for 20 ms on U1
Displayed items Frequency
Measurement range 70.000 Hz
Measurement accuracy ±0.020 Hz or less
Event threshold Specified in deviation, 0.1 Hz to 9.9 Hz, 0.1 Hz increments
Event IN Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which a value belongs
when it exceeds the positive threshold value or falls below the negative threshold value
Event OUT Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which a frequency
value belongs when it falls below the value calculated by subtracting 0.1 Hz from
the positive threshold value or exceeds the value calculated by adding 0.1 Hz to the
negative threshold value
Equivalent to a frequency hysteresis of 0.1 Hz
Multiple-phase system None
Saved waveforms Event waveforms

14. Voltage waveform peak measurement specifications Upk

Measurement method Maximum point and minimum point of the sampled data during the 200-ms aggregation
Displayed items Positive waveform peak value
Negative waveform peak value
Measurement range ±2200.0 V pk
Measurement accuracy With a voltage of between 10% to 150% of the declared voltage input: 5% of declared
input voltage value
With a voltage other than above input: 2% f.s.

15. Current waveform peak measurement specifications Ipk

Measurement method Maximum point and minimum point of the sampled data during the 200-ms aggregation
Displayed items Positive waveform peak value
Negative waveform peak value
Measurement range Ranges added the crest factor to each of the current ranges
Measurement accuracy With a current of 50% f.s. or more input: 5% rdg. + (current sensor accuracy)
With a current of less than 50% f.s. input: 2% f.s.+ (current sensor accuracy)

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

16. RMS voltage measurement specifications Urms

Measurement method Measured during the 200-ms aggregation period in accordance with IEC61000-4-30
When set to 3P3W3M or 3P4W (or 3P4W2.5E [available after the firmware update]),
the phase voltage and line voltage setting is applied to the RMS voltage, Urms
Displayed items RMS voltage on each channel
AVG (average) RMS voltage on multiple channels
(For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Display selection Phase voltage/line voltage (When 3P3W3M/3P4W/3P4W2.5E [available after the
firmware update] are set, both will be stored)
Measurement range 1000.0 V
Measurement accuracy With a voltage of between 10 V and 660 V input: ± 0.2% of the declared voltage input
(at a declared input voltage of 100 V to 440 V but with a voltage of between 10% and
150% of the declared input voltage input)
With a voltage other than above input: ±0.1% rdg. ±0.1% f.s.

17. Voltage DC value measurement specifications Udc

Measurement method Average value of the values obtained during the 200-ms aggregation period 14
Displayed items Voltage DC value

Measurement range 1000.0 V
Measurement accuracy ±0.3% rdg.±0.1% f.s.

18. Voltage CF value measurement specifications Ucf

Measurement method Calculated according to the RMS voltage and the peak value of the voltage waveform
Displayed items Voltage CF Value
Measurement range 224.00
Measurement accuracy Accuracy not defined

19. RMS current measurement specifications Irms

Measurement method True RMS method

Measured during the 200-ms aggregation period based on IEC61000-4-30.
Displayed items RMS current on each channel
AVG (average) RMS current on multiple channels
(For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Measurement range Depends on the current sensor in use
Measurement accuracy ±0.1% rdg.±0.1% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)

20. Current DC value measurement specifications Idc

Measurement method Average value of the values obtained during the 200-ms aggregation period
Displayed items Current DC value
Measurement range Depends on the current sensor in use
Measurement accuracy ±0.5% rdg.±0.5% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

21. Current CF value measurement specifications Icf

Measurement method Calculated from the RMS current and the peak value of the current waveform.
Displayed items Current CF Value
Measurement range 408.00
Measurement accuracy Accuracy not defined

22. Active power measurement specifications P

Measurement method Measured every 200 ms.

Displayed items Active power on each channel
Sum of values on multiple channels (For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Inflow (consumption): Unsigned
Outflow (regeneration): Negative
Measurement range Depends on the combination of voltage and current ranges (see Power range
configuration table)
Measurement accuracy DC: ±0.5% rdg.±0.5% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
AC: ±0.2% rdg.±0.1% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)
Power Factor Influence 1.0% rdg. or less (40 Hz to 70 Hz at power factor = 0.5)
Phase difference between voltage and current of the internal circuit: ± 0.2865°

23. Apparent power measurement specifications S

Measurement method RMS value calculation: Calculated from RMS voltage value, Urms and RMS current,
Fundamental wave calculation: Calculated from fundamental wave active power and
reactive power
Displayed items Apparent power on each channel
Sum of values on multiple channels
(For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Display selection RMS calculation / fundamental wave calculation (Both of them are stored.)
Measurement range Depends on the voltage × current range combination (see Power range configuration
Measurement accuracy ±1 dgt. for calculations derived from the various measured values. (sum is ±3 dgt.)

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

24. Reactive power measurement specifications Q

Measurement method RMS value calculation: Calculated from apparent power S and active power P
Fundamental wave calculation: Calculated from fundamental wave voltage and current.
Lag phase (LAG: current lags the voltage): Unsigned
Lead phase (LEAD: current leads the voltage): Negative
Displayed items Reactive power on each channel
Sum of values on multiple channels
(For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Display selection RMS calculation / fundamental wave calculation (Both of them are stored.)
Measurement range Depends on the voltage × current range combination (see Power range configuration
Measurement accuracy During RMS calculation: ±1 dgt. for calculations derived from the various measured
values. (sum is ±3 dgt.)
During fundamental wave calculation: ±0.3% rdg.±0.1% f.s. + Current sensor
specifications (reactive factor=1) in fundamental wave frequency of 45 Hz to 66 Hz
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)
Influence of Reactive
1.0% rdg. or less (40 Hz to 70 Hz at a reactive factor of 0.5)
Phase difference between voltage and current of the internal circuit: ± 0.2865°
(During fundamental
wave calculation)

25. Active energy, reactive energy, apparent energy measurement specifications

Measurement method Integrated from active power separately by consumption and regeneration
Integrated from reactive power separately by lag and lead
Integration from apparent power
Electric energy is measured from the start of recording
Data update: Every 1 s
Integration starts at the same time as the recording, and ends with the last TREND
Displayed items ••Active energy
WP+ (consumption), WP- (regeneration)
Sum of values on multiple channels (For details, see Calculation Formula.)
••Reactive energy
WQ_LAG (lag), WQ_LEAD (lead)
Sum of values on multiple channels (For details, see Calculation Formula.)
••Apparent energy: WS
Sum of values on multiple channels (For details, see Calculation Formula.)
••Elapsed time
Measurement range Depends on the combination of voltage range, current range, and elapsed time. (See
Power range configuration table.)
Measurement accuracy Active energy: Active power measurement accuracy ±10 dgt.
Reactive energy: Reactive power measurement accuracy ±10 dgt.
Apparent energy: Apparent power measurement accuracy ±10 dgt.
Cumulative time accuracy: ±10 ppm±1 s (23°C [73°F])

26. Energy cost measurement specifications Ecost

Measurement method Calculated by multiplying active energy (consumption) WP+ by the unit energy cost (per
Data update: Every 1 s
Displayed items Energy cost
Measurement accuracy ±1 dgt. relative to calculations from measured values

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

27. Power factor and displacement power factor measurement specifications PF, DPF

Measurement method Power Factor: Calculated from apparent power S and active power P
Displacement Power Factor: Calculated according to fundamental wave active power
and reactive power (Data update: Every 1 s)
Lag phase (LAG: current lags more than the voltage): Positive
Lead phase (LEAD: current leads more than the voltage): Negative
Displayed items Power factor/Displacement power factor on each channel
Sum of values on multiple channels
(For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Display selection RMS calculation / fundamental wave calculation (Both of them are stored.)

28. Harmonic voltage and harmonic current measurement specifications Uharm, Iharm

Measurement method Uses IEC61000-4-7 Ed2.1: 2009

Following the harmonic analysis, indicated added the harmonics components that are
adjacent to the integer order interharmonic components. (For details, see Calculation
Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2 048 points
Displayed items From 0th to 50th order
Options for RMS and content percentage
For content percentage, when the RMS is 0, all orders should be set to 0%.
Measurement range ••Harmonic voltage
RMS value: 1000.0 V
Content percentage: 100%
••Harmonic current
RMS value: Depends on the current sensor in use
Content percentage: 500%
Measurement accuracy ••Voltage
Defined by the declared input voltage of 100 V to 440V
0th order: Same as Voltage DC value
1st order: Same as RMS voltage
2nd order or higher: ±10.0% rdg. when the value is more than 1% of the declared input
voltage, and the value should be ±0.05% of the declared input voltage when the value
is less than 1% of the declared input voltage.
0th order: same as Current DC value
1st to 20th order: ±0.5% rdg.±0.2% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
21st to 30th order: ±1.0% rdg.±0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
31st to 40th order: ±2.0% rdg.±0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
41st to 50th order: ±3.0% rdg.±0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times
the value)

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

29. Harmonic power measurement specifications Pharm

Measurement method Indicates harmonic power for each channel and the sum for multiple channels
(For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2,048 points
Displayed items From 0th to 50th order
Options for RMS and content percentage
For content percentage, when the RMS is 0, all orders should be set to 0%.
Measurement range Depends on the voltage × current range combination (see Power range configuration
Measurement accuracy 0th order : ±0.5% rdg. ±0.5% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
1st to 20th order: ±0.5% rdg.±0.2% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
21st to 30th order: ±1.0% rdg.±0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
31st to 40th order: ±2.0% rdg.±0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
41st to 50th order: ±3.0% rdg.±0.3% f.s. + (current sensor accuracy)
(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance should be 2.5 times

the value)

30. Interharmonic voltage and interharmonic current measurement specifications

Uiharm, Iiharm

Measurement method Following the harmonic analysis, indicated added the harmonics components between
the integer orders harmonics components.
Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2,048 points
Displayed items From order 0.5 to 49.5
Options for RMS and content percentage
For content percentage, when the RMS is 0, all orders should be set to 0%.
Measurement range Interharmonic voltage: 1000.0 V
Interharmonic current: Depends on the current sensor in use
Measurement accuracy Interharmonic voltage:
Harmonic input has been specified with the declared input voltage, 100 V to 440 V,
With a harmonic input of 1% or more of the declared input voltage input: ±10.0% rdg.
With a harmonic input of less than 1% of the declared input voltage: ±0.05% of the
declared input voltage
Interharmonic current: Accuracy not defined

31. Harmonic voltage phase angle and harmonic current phase angle measurement
specifications Uphase, Iphase

Measurement method Applies IEC61000-4-7 Ed2.1: 2009.

Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2,048 points
Displayed items Indicates the harmonic phase angle component of the integer-numbered order
(including the fundamental wave component)
(Where the wave phase angle is 0°.)
Measurement range 0.00° to ±180.00°
Measurement accuracy Accuracy not defined

Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications

32. Harmonic voltage and current phase difference measurement specifications Pphase

Measurement method Uses IEC61000-4-7 Ed2.1: 2009

Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2,048 points
Displayed items Indicates the difference between the harmonic voltage phase angle and the harmonic
current phase angle (including fundamental wave component).
Phase difference between the harmonic voltage and the harmonic current on each
Sum of values on multiple channels (For details, see Calculation Formula.)
Measurement range 0.00° to ±180.00°
Measurement accuracy 1st order to 3rd order: ± 2°
4th order to 50th order: ± (0.05° × k + 2°) (k: Harmonic Orders)
However, current sensor accuracy is added. Harmonic Voltage of every order is
specified as 1% of the declared voltage, and current level is specified as 1% f.s. or

33. Voltage THD and current THD measurement specifications Uthd, Ithd

Measurement method Uses IEC61000-4-7 Ed2.1: 2009

Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2,048 points
Displayed items THD-F (total harmonic distortion factor for the fundamental wave)
THD-R (total harmonic distortion factor for the total harmonics including the
fundamental wave)
Display selection THD-F/THD-R (storage is implemented for both)
Measurement range Voltage: 0.00% to 100.00%
Current: 0.00% to 500.00%
Event threshold Voltage: 0.0% to 100.0%
Current: 0.0% to 500.0%
Event IN Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which a value belongs
when it exceeds the threshold value
Event OUT Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which a value belongs
when it falls below the value calculated by subtracting the hysteresis from the threshold
value during the Event In state
Multiple-phase system Separate by channel
Saved waveforms Event waveforms

34. Voltage unbalance factor (negative-phase unbalance factor, zero-phase unbalance factor)
measurement specifications Uunb, Uunb0

Measurement method Calculated using the fundamental voltage component of each 3-phase in the 3-phase
3-wire (3P3W2M, 3P3W3M) and 3-phase 4-wire wiring (For details, see Calculation
Displayed items Negative-phase unbalance factor (Uunb)
Zero-phase unbalance factor (Uunb0)
Measurement range Component: V
Unbalance factor: 0.00% to 100.00%

Flagging Concept

35. Current unbalance factor (negative-phase unbalance factor, zero-phase unbalance factor)
measurement specifications Iunb, Iunb0

Measurement method Calculated using the fundamental current component of each 3-phase in the 3-phase
3-wire (3P3W2M, 3P3W3M) and 3-phase 4-wire wiring (For details, see Calculation
Displayed items Negative-phase unbalance factor (Iunb)
Zero-phase unbalance factor (Iunb0)
Measurement range Component: A
Unbalance factor: 0.00% to 100.00%.

36. K Factor (multiplication factor) measurement specifications KF

Measurement method Calculated using the harmonic RMS current value of 2nd order to 50th order. (For
details, see Calculation Formula.)
Analysis window width 10 cycles/12 cycles
Window point count Rectangular 2,048 points
Displayed items
Measurement range
K factor KF
0.00 to 500.00

37. RMS frequency characteristics

Frequency Voltage Current Power

40 Hz to 70 Hz Specified as RMS value Specified as RMS value Specified as RMS value
70 Hz to 1 kHz ±3% rdg.±0.2% f.s. ±3% rdg.±0.2% f.s. ±3% rdg.±0.2% f.s.
1 kHz to 10 kHz ±10% rdg.±0.2% f.s. ±10% rdg.±0.2% f.s. ±10% rdg.±0.2% f.s.
40 kHz −3 dB −3 dB -

(Note: While using 2000 A range of Model CT7742, f.s. tolerance of the current and power should be 2.5 times the

14.3 Flagging Concept

IEC61000-4-30 Flagging concept
If an unreliable values are produce during a dip, swell, or interruption, the 200-ms aggregation will be “flagged.”
An interval data including the flagged 200-ms aggregation will also be flagged.
Flagged data are referenced to decide the frequency for an interruption, and are recorded in status information
of the TREND data. If events of a dip, swell, or interruption are set to off, the values are also flagged.

QUICK SET Specifications

14.4 QUICK SET Specifications

QUICK SET screen

Start confirmation Confirmation of whether to launch the settings after initialization of the concerned
measurement settings and recording settings
Basic settings CH123: 1P2W/1P3W/1P3W1U/3P3W2M/3P3W3M/3P4W
3P4W2.5E (available after the firmware update)
Connected devices Diagrams for connecting voltage codes and current sensors as well as inserting SD
memory card
Automatic sensor recognition (Manual setting when a legacy model sensor is
Implementation of zero adjustment
Voltage wiring Make voltage wiring
Sets the declared input voltage and confirm the level, phase and frequency.
Current wiring Make current wiring
Sets the range.
Wiring check Check the wiring
Event settings Select “Easy Settings Course”
Recording settings Recording interval: 1/2/5/10/15/30 s, 1/2/5/10/15/30 min, 1/2 h, 150 cycles (only at
50 Hz) / 180 cycles (only at 60 Hz)
Display the available save time
Recording start: Interval time (*) / manual / specified time / repeat (Recording period is
00:00 to 24:00)
Recording stop: Manual (*)/specified time/timer
Folder/file name: Auto (*)/variable
Settings confirmation After confirming the settings, start the measurement (otherwise, complete the settings
Recording start without starting)

*: Default Settings

QUICK SET Specifications

Easy settings course

Voltage events Inrush current Trend record only EN50160
Setting items
Wiring Set in advance
Current sensor Set in advance
Current range Switches to an
upper range when
Set in advance the reference value Set in advance
is 1/5th or more of
the rated range
Measurement frequency Set in advance
Declared input voltage Set in advance
Selection of Urms type Default
method THD type THD_F
RMS value calculation
Recorded item settings Yes harmonic

Recording interval 1 min 10 min
Event hysteresis 1% 2%
Transient overvoltage 70% of the 100% of the
declared input Off declared input
voltage voltage
Voltage Swell 110% of the 110% of the
declared input Off declared input
voltage voltage
Voltage Dip 90% of the 90% of the
declared input Off declared input
voltage voltage
Interruption 10% of the
5% of the declared
declared input Off
input voltage
Frequency (200 ms) Nominal input Nominal input
frequency ±5 Hz frequency ±0.5 Hz
Frequency (1 wave) Off Off
Inrush current 200% of the
Off Off
reference value
Voltage total harmonic
5% Off 8%
Current total harmonic
Off Off

••Range settings for inrush current should not be changed without considering the reference value when the prior set
range is at its maximum. A value of 10% of the range is used as threshold value when the reference value (measured
value at the effective time of the easy setting) is 10% or less of the range.
If the reference value of 200% exceeds the rated range, the rated range value is set as the threshold value.
••Voltage THD is set as off if the RMS voltage value is 3% f.s. or less of the range.
••After easy setting, (not only for easy setting) if the VT, CT are changed after setting the threshold value, the
threshold value does not change. (Event threshold value is set again after setting the VT, CT)
••Fundamentally, the settings that are not included in the table are taken as default values.

Event Specifications

14.5 Event Specifications

Event detection method It can be detected in the recording interval of 1 s or more.
The detection method relative to measured values for each event target is listed in the
measurement specifications.
External events: Event is detected by detecting the signal towards the EVENT IN
Manual events: Events are detected by pressing the [MANUAL EVENT] key.
Enabled measurement item events are detected using OR logic.
Events cannot be detected using maximum (MAX), minimum (MIN), and average (AVG)
Event-synchronized Event waveform: Approx. 200-ms aggregation (12.5 kS/s)
save functionality Event Trend Data: Trend data of the RMS value at each corresponding half wave, 0.5
s before and 29.5 s after the occurrence of an event.

Event contents
: Yes, —: No

Event list IN/OUT Event Event trend

Event parameter Measurement Items
notation support waveforms data
Transient overvoltage Tran IN/OUT All instantaneous values  —
Swell Swell IN/OUT  
Frequency, voltage,
Dip Dip IN/OUT current, electric power,  
power factor, unbalance
Interruption Intrpt IN/OUT factor, harmonic voltage,  
Frequency (200 ms) Freq IN/OUT harmonic current,  —
harmonic power, voltage
Frequency (1 wave) Freq_wav IN/OUT THD, current THD (event  —
Voltage total harmonic Uthd IN/OUT
 —
Inrush current Inrush IN/OUT  
Current total harmonic Ithd IN/OUT
 —
Timer event Timer —  —
External event Ext —  —
Manual event Manu —  —
Pre-event recording Before —  —
Post-event recording After —  —
Recording start Start —  —
Recording stop Stop —  —

Interface Specifications

14.6 Interface Specifications

1. SD memory card

Slot SD standard compliant × 1

Compatible card SD memory card/ SDHC memory card (Use only Hioki-approved card)
Format SD memory card format
Supported memory SD memory card: up to 2 GB
capacity SDHC memory card: up to 32 GB
Functions Save and read the following content:
••Binary data (measurement data)
••Settings file
••Screen copy (save only)
Deleting of files

2. LAN interface
Connector RJ-45 × 1

Electrical specifications IEEE802.3 compliant
Transmission method 100BASE-TX
Protocol TCP/IP
Functions HTTP server function (Compatible software: Internet Explorer Ver. 9 or later)
Remote control application function
Recording Start and End control function
Configuration Function
Event list function (capable of displaying event waveforms, event vectors, and event
harmonic bar graphs)
Settings according to the communication commands, acquisition of measurement data,
and data download

3. USB interface

Connector Series B receptacle × 1

Method USB 2.0 (full-speed, high-speed), mass storage, class
Connection destination Computer: Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit) or Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit)
Functions When connected to the computer, the computer recognizes the SD memory card to be
a removable disk, and downloads the data from the SD memory card.
Note: The instrument cannot be connected while recording (including standby).

Interface Specifications

4. RS-232C interface

Connector D-sub 9-pin × 1

Method Compliance with RS-232C “EIA RS-232D,” “CCITT V.24,” and “JIS X 5101.”
Transmission mode Full-duplex, start-stop synchronization method
Communication speed 19 200 bps / 38 400 bps

Data length 8 bits

Parity check None
Stop bit 1
Connection destination Computer: Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit) or Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit)
Functions Measurement and acquisition of measurement data by sending communication

5. External control interface

Connector 4-pin screwless terminal block ×1

Details External event input: input terminal [IN] ×1, ground terminal [GND1] ×1
External event output: output terminal [OUT] ×1, ground terminal [GND2] ×1
Event Input Recognizes as an event input by the fall in the pulse signal or the short-circuiting (active
LOW) of the GND1 terminal and the IN terminal each other.
Non-insulated (GND1 is common with this instrument ground)
Maximum rated power between terminals: 45 V DC
Voltage input (High: 2 V to 45 V, Low: 0 V to 0.5 V)
High duration: 100 ms or more, Low duration: 100 ms or more
Event output Open Collector 30 V, max 5 mA (isolation using photo-couplers)
TTL low output at event generation between GND2 terminal and OUT terminal
Low-level output pulse Short pulse: approx. 10 ms
width Long pulse: approx. 2.5 ms

Calculation Formula

14.7 Calculation Formula

The 3P4W2.5E wiring will be available after the firmware update.

1. RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle (Urms1/2), Dip, Swell, Interruption (Intrpt), RMS current
refreshed each half-cycle (Irms1/2), Inrush current (Inrush)
Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
1P2W 1P3W
Urms1/2 U1 U1 U1 Line voltage U1
Dip U2 U2 1 M −1
U12= ∑ (U − U 2s )

U3 (U3S=U2S−U1S) U3
Swell M s =0

Intrpt U4 U4 U4 1 M −1 U4
U23= ∑ (U − U 3s )
[Vrms]=Uc Uc= M

During 1P3W1U s =0
1 M −1

∑ (U ) Without U2
1 M −1
U31= ∑ (U − U 1s )
cs 2
s =0
s =0 U3 (U3S=U1S−U2S)

(U1S+U2S+U3S= 0 is
the assumption)
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1S−U2S+U3S= 0
••For 3P3W3M wiring, phase voltage U is measured from the virtual neutral point, and line voltage is

determined by calculation.
••Dip, Swell and Intrpt excludes U4 and U3 of 3P3W2M
Irms1/2 I1 I1 I1 I1
Inrush I4 I2 I2 I2
[Arms]=Ic Ic= I4 I3 (I3S=I1S−I2S) I3
1 M −1 I4 I4
∑ (I )
M s =0

••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1S+I2S+I3S=0.

c: Measurement channel, M: Number of samples per period, s: Number of sample points

Calculation Formula

2. Voltage waveform peak (Upk), Voltage crest factor (Ucf), Current waveform peak (Ipk), Current
crest factor (Icf)
Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
1P2W 1P3W
Upk+ Up1 Up1 Up1 Up12 Up1
Upk− Up2 Up2 Up23 Up2
[V]=Upc Up4 Up4 Up3 Up31 Up3
Up4 Up4
During 1P3W1U
Without Up2
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1S−U2S+U3S= 0
••For 3P3W3M wiring, phase voltage U is measured from the virtual neutral point, and line voltage is
determined by calculation.
Ucf[ ] Ucf1 Ucf1 Ucf1 Ucf12 Ucf1
Ucf4 Ucf2 Ucf2 Ucf23 Ucf2
Upc Ucf4 Ucf3 Ucf31 Ucf3
Ucfc= Ucf4 Ucf4
Uc During 1P3W1U
Without Ucf2
••The larger absolute value among +, − is used for UpC.
Ipk+ Ip1 Ip1 Ip1
Ipk− Ip2 Ip2
[A]=Ipc Ip3
Ip4 Ip4 Ip4
••With 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1S+I2S+I3S=0.
Icf[ ] Icf1 Icf1 Icf1
Icf4 Icf2 Icf2
Ipc Icf3
Icfc= Icf4 Icf4

••The larger absolute value among +, − is used for IpC.

c: Measurement channel

Calculation Formula

3. RMS voltage (Urms), RMS current (Irms)

Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
1P2W 1P3W
Urms U1 U1 U1 Line voltage Phase voltage
[Vrms]=Uc U2 U2 1 M −1
∑ (U 1s − U 2 s )
U3 (U3S=U2S−U1S) M s =0 U2
U4 U4 U4 1 M −1 U3
∑ (U − U 3s )
Uc= U23= M
2s U4
s =0
1 M −1

∑ (U )
During 1P3W1U 1 M −1 During 3P4W2.5E
∑ (U − U 1s )
M U31=

Without U2 U3 (U3S=−U1S−U2S)
s =0 3s
M s =0

(U1S+U2S+U3S= 0 is
the assumption)
Phase voltage Line voltage
U1 1 M −1
U12= ∑ (U − U 2s )

M s =0

U3 1 M −1
U23= ∑ (U − U 3s )

M s =0

1 M −1

∑ (U − U 1s )
U31= M
s =0


Uavg= Uavg= Line voltage Phase voltage
1 1 1 1
(U 1 + U 2 ) (U 1 + U 2 + U 3 ) Uavg= (U 12 + U 23 + U 31 ) Uavg= (U 1 + U 2 + U 3 )
2 3 3 3

During 1P3W1U Phase voltage Line voltage

Without Uavg 1 1
Uavg= (U 1 + U 2 + U 3 ) Uavg= (U 12 + U 23 + U 31 )
3 3

••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1S−U2S+U3S= 0

••For 3P3W3M wiring, phase voltage U is measured from the virtual neutral point, and line voltage is
determined by calculation.
Irms I1 I1 I1 I1
[Arms]=Ic I4 I2 I2 I2
Ic= I3 (I3S=−I1S−I2S) I3
1 M −1 I4 I4 I4
∑ (I )
M s =0

Iavg= Iavg= 1 (I1 + I 2 + I 3 )

1 3
(I 1 + I 2 )

••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1S+I2S+I3S=0.

c: Measurement channel, M: Number of samples per period, s: Number of sample points

Calculation Formula

4. Active power (P)

Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
1P2W 1P3W
P [W] P1 P1 P1 P1
Pc= P2 P2 P2
1 M −1
∑ (U
s =0
cs × I cs ) During 1P3W1U
Psum=P1+P2 Psum=P1+P2+P3

••The polarity symbols of active power P, indicate the current flow direction of the power during
consumption (+P), and during regeneration (−P).
c: measurement channel, M: number of samples per period, s: number of sample points

5. Voltage DC value (Udc), Current DC value (Idc)

Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
1P2W 1P3W
Udc [V] Udc1 Udc1 Udc1 1 M −1 Udc1
∑ (U − U 2s )

Udc4 Udc2 Udc2 Udc12= M

s =0

Udcc= Udc4 Udc3 (U3S=U2S−U1S) Udc3

1 M −1

Udc4 ∑ (U − U 3s ) Udc4
1 M −1 Udc23=
M s =0
M s =0
During 1P3W1U During 3P4W2.5E
1 M −1

∑ (U − U 1s )
Without Udc2 Udc31= M
U3 (U3S=U1S−U2S)
s =0
(U1S+U2S+U3S= 0 is
the assumption)

Idc [A] Idc1 Idc1 Idc1 Idc1

Idc4 Idc2 Idc2 Idc2
Idcc= Idc4 Idc3 (I3S=−I1S−I2S) Idc3
1 M −1 Idc4 Idc4
∑ I cs
M s =0

c: Measurement channel, M: Number of samples per period, s: Number of sample points

Calculation Formula

6. Apparent power (S)

Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
1P2W 1P3W
S [VA] PF/Q/S calculation selection: RMS value calculation
••S1, S2 and S3 of 3P3W3M uses phase voltage, while Ssum uses line voltage.
S1 S1 S1
Sc=Uc×Ic S2 S2
During 1P3W1U
Ssum=S1+S2 Ssum= Ssum= Ssum=S1+S2+S3
3 3
(S1 + S 2 + S3 ) (U12 × I1 + U 23 × I 2 + U 31 × I 3 )
3 3

PF/Q/S calculation selection: fundamental wave calculation

••This apparent power S is defined as the fundamental wave apparent power.
••(1): Harmonic calculation fundamental wave (1st order)
2 2
Pc (1) + Qc (1)

Ssum= Psum(1) 2 + Qsum(1) 2

c: Measurement channel

7. Reactive power (Q)

Wiring Single phase
Single phase 2-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
1P2W 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P3W
Q [var] PF/Q/S calculation selection: RMS value calculation
••When S < |P| due to the effects of measurement errors or unbalance, S = |P| and Q = 0.
••Si: indicates lag and lead. The sign of reactive power Q (fundamental wave reactive power) is used.
Sign +: lag
Sign −: lead
Q1 Q1 Q1
Qc= Si S c 2 − Pc 2 Q2 Q2

Qsum= Si S sum2 − Psum2

PF/Q/S calculation selection: Fundamental wave calculation

••This reactive power Q is defined as the fundamental wave reactive power.
••(1): Harmonic calculation fundamental wave (1st order)
••r: resistance after FFT, i: reactance after FFT
••Sign +: lag
Sign −: lead
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
Qc= − U c (1) r × I c (1) i + U c (1) i × I c (1) r Q2 Q2 Q2
Qsum=Q1+Q2 Qsum=Q1+Q2+Q3

c: Measurement channel

Calculation Formula

8. Power factor (PF), Displacement power factor (DPF)

Wiring Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P2W 1P3W
PF [ ] PF1 PF1 PF1
PF/Q/S PFc= si c PF3
Selection: PFsum= si
S sum
RMS value
calculation ••Si: indicates lag and lead. The sign of reactive power Q (fundamental wave reactive power) is used.
Sign +: lag
Sign −: lead
••When S < |P| due to the effects of measurement errors or unbalance, S = |P| and PF = 1.
••When S = 0, PF is taken as invalid data.
Pc (1) DPF2 DPF2
PF/Q/S DPFc= si DPF3
S c (1)
Selection: DPFsum= si
S sum(1)
tal wave ••Si: indicates lag and lead. The sign of reactive power Q (fundamental wave reactive power) is used.
calculation Sign +: lag
Sign −: lead
••(1): indicates the harmonic calculation fundamental wave (1st order)
••When Sc(1) = 0, DPF is taken as invalid data.
c: Measurement channel

9. Active energy (WP+/WP−), Reactive energy (WQ_LAG/WQ_LEAD), Apparent energy (WS),

Energy cost (Ecost)
Wiring Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P2W 1P3W
WP+ [Wh] WP+= k ∑ Psum (+)
(consumption) 1

••P(+): Only the consumption component of active power (positive component) is used.
WP− [Wh] WP−= k ∑ Psum (−)
(Regeneration) 1

••P(−): Only the regeneration component of active power (negative component) is used.

k ∑ Qsum ( LAG )
[varh] 1

(Lag) ••Q(LAG): Only the lag component of reactive power is used.


WQ_LEAD= k ∑ Qsum ( LEAD )

[varh] 1

(Lead) ••Q(LEAD): Only the lead component of reactive power is used.

WS [VAh] WS= k ∑ S sum

Ecost Ecost= WP + ×rate

••rate: Electrical unit cost (variable setting from 0.00000 to 99999.9/kWh)
k: Calculation unit time [h], h: Measurement duration

Calculation Formula

10. Voltage negative-phase unbalance factor (Uunb), Voltage zero-phase unbalance factor (Uunb0),
Current negative-phase unbalance factor (Iunb), Current zero-phase unbalance factor (Iunb0)
Wiring Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P2W 1P3W
U neg
Uunb[%] Uunb= × 100
U pos

Uunb0[%] U zero
Uunb0= × 100
U pos
I neg
Iunb[%] Iunb= × 100
I pos

I zero
Iunb0[%] Iunb0= × 100
I pos

3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire

3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Uzero 1
(U 1 • cos(α ) + U 2 • cos(β + seq 2) + U 3 • cos(γ + seq3))2 + (U 1 • sin (α ) + U 2 • sin (β + seq2) + U 3 • sin (γ + seq3))2
Upos 3

••The fundamental RMS voltage (phase voltage) from the results of harmonic calculations is used.
••α: Phase angle of U1, β: Phase angle of U2, γ: Phase angle of U3
••Use 3P3W2M after vector calculations in phase voltage as it is detected by line voltage.

Izero 1
(I1 • cos(α ) + I 2 • cos(β + seq2) + I 3 • cos(γ + seq3))2 + (I1 • sin (α ) + I 2 • sin (β + seq2) + I 3 • sin (γ + seq3))2
Ipos 3
••The fundamental RMS current (phase voltage) from the results of harmonic calculations is used.
••α: Phase angle of I1, β: Phase angle of I2, γ: Phase angle of I3
••For 3P3W2M, the calculations are performed with I2 and I3 replaced with each other.

Seq2 Seq3
Uzero, Izero 0° 0°
Upos, Ipos 120° 240°
Uneg, Ineg 240° 120°

Calculation Formula

11. Harmonic voltage (Uharm), Harmonic current (Iharm), Interharmonic voltage (Uiharm),
Interharmonic current (Iiharm)
Wiring Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P2W 1P3W
Uharm [Vrms]=Uck U1k U1k U1k U12k U1k
(including adjacent U2k U2k U23k U2k
interharmonic U3k U31k U3k
components) U4k U4k U4k U4k
U’ck= (U ckr )2 + (U cki )2
During 1P3W1U
Without U2k
 
Uck= ∑  
U ' 
  10k + n  
c 
n = −1
  10 

••For 60 Hz measurement, the value 10 in the formula is replaced with 12.
••Harmonic voltage content percentage (%): Uck/Uc1 × 100 (%)
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1s−U2s+U3s= 0
•• Uc0 component is treated as DC for 0th order when k = 0.
Iharm [Arms]=Ick I1k I1k I1k I1k
(including adjacent I2k I2k I2k
interharmonic I3k I3k
components) I4k I4k I4k I4k
I’ck= (I ckr )2 + (I cki )2
 
Ick= ∑  
I' 
  10k + n 
c  
n = −1
  10  

••For 60 Hz measurement, the value 10 in the formula is replaced with 12.
••Harmonic voltage and current content percentage (%): ICk/IC1 × 100 (%)
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1s+I2s+I3s=0.
•• Ic0 component is treated as DC for 0th order when k = 0.
Uiharm [Vrms]=Uck U1k U1k U1k U12k U1k
U2k U2k U23k U2k
U3k U31k U3k
U4k U4k U4k U4k
U’ck= (U ckr )2 + (U cki )2 During 1P3W1U
 
Without U2k
U ' 
∑   c  10k + n  
n = −3
  10  

••For 60 Hz measurement, the value 10 in the formula is replaced with 12; 3, with -3; and 4,
with −4.
••Intermediate harmonic voltage content percentage (%): UCk/UC1 × 100 (%)
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1s−U2s+U3s= 0
Iiharm [Arms]=Ick I1k I1k I1k I1k
I2k I2k I2k
I3k I3k
I4k I4k I4k I4k
I’ck= (I ckr )2 + (I cki )2
 
Ick= ∑  
I' 
  10k + n 
c  
n = −3
  10  

••For 60 Hz measurement, the value 10 in the formula is replaced with 12; 3, with −3; and 4,
with −4.
••Intermediate harmonic current content percentage (%): ICk/IC1 × 100 (%)
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1s+I2s+I3s=0.
c: Measurement channel

Calculation Formula

12. Harmonic power (Pharm), Harmonic reactive power (Qharm), K factor (KF)
Wiring Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P2W 1P3W
Pharm P1k P1k (P1k) P1k
[W]=Pck Pck= U ckr × I ckr + U cki × I cki P2k (P2k) P2k
During 1P3W1U
Psumk=P1k+P2k Psumk=P1k+P2k+P3k

••Harmonic voltage content percentage (%): PCk/|PC1| × 100 (%)

••The P1k, P2k values of the 3P3W2M wiring are used in internal calculations, but are not displayed.

Qharm (Q1k) (Q1k) (Q1k) (Q1k)

[W]=Qck Qck= U ckr × I cki − U cki × I ckr (Q2k) (Q2k) (Q2k)
During 1P3W1U

(Qsumk)=Q1k+Q2k (Qsumk)=Q1k+Q2k+Q3k

••Harmonic reactive power Qck is used in internal calculations, but is not displayed.

KF [ ] KF1 KF1 KF1
∑ (k )
2 2
× I ck
KFc= k =1
k =1

••K factor, also referred to as multiplication factor, indicates the power loss caused due to the
harmonic current RMS value in the transformer.
c: Measurement channel, k: Order of analysis, r: Resistance after FFT, i: Reactance after FFT

Calculation Formula

13. Harmonic voltage phase angle (Uphase), Harmonic current phase angle (Iphase), Harmonic
power phase angle (Pphase)
Wiring Single phase Single phase
3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
2-wire 3-wire
3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P2W 1P3W
Uphase φU1k φU1k φU1k φU12k φU1k
[deg]=φUk φU4k φU2k φU2k φU23k φU2k
 U  φU3k φU31k φU3k
φUck= tan −1  ckr 
 −U cki  φU4k φU4k φU4k
Without φU2k
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1−U2+U3= 0
••When Uckr=Ucki=0, φUck=0°
Iphase [deg]=φIk φI1k φI1k φI1k
φI4k φI2k φI2k
 I ckr  φI3k
φIck= tan −1  
 − I cki  φI4k φI4k

••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1 + I2 + I3 = 0.

••When Ickr = Icki = 0, φIck = 0°
Pphase[deg]=φPk φP1k φP1k φP1k
Q  φP2k φP2k
φPck= tan  ck 

 Pck  φP3k


••When Pck = Qck = 0, φPck = 0°.

c: Measurement channel, k: Order of analysis, r: Resistance after FFT, i: Reactance after FFT

Calculation Formula

14. Voltage THD (Uthd-F/Uthd-R), Current THD (Ithd-F/Ithd-R)

Wiring Single phase
Single phase 2-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 4-wire
1P2W 3P3W2M 3P3W3M 3P4W
Item 1P3W
[%]=THD-F_ THD-F_U4 ck THD-F_U2 THD-F_U2 THD-F_U23 THD-F_U2
k =2
Uc THD-F_Uc= × 100 THD-F_U4 THD-F_U3 THD-F_U31 THD-F_U3
U c (1)
Without THD-F_
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1−U2+U3= 0

Ithd-F THD-F_I1 K
[%]=THD-F_ THD-F_I4 ck THD-F_I2 THD-F_I2
k =2
Ic THD-F_Ic= × 100 THD-F_I4 THD-F_I3
I c (1)

Without THD-F_
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1+I2+I3= 0.
••The numerator of the mathematical formula is recorded but is not displayed (MAX, MIN, AVG)

Uthd-R THD-R_U1 K
[%]=THD-R_ ck


k =2
× 100

∑ Uck THD-R_U4 THD-R_U4


k =1
Without THD-R_
••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that U1−U2+U3= 0

Ithd-R THD-R_I1 K
[%]=THD-R_ THD-R_I4 ∑I THD-R_I2 THD-R_I2

Ic THD-R_Ic= k =2
× 100 THD-R_I4 THD-R_I3
k =1

••For 3P3W2M wiring, it is assumed that I1+I2+I3= 0.

••The numerator of the mathematical formula is recorded but is not displayed (MAX, MIN, AVG)
c: Measurement channel, K: Total number of analyzed orders, k: Analysis order, (1): Harmonic calculation fundamental
wave (1st order)

Calculation Formula

15. Averaging method

CH 1 to 4 sum/AVG Comment
Freq Signed average Freq10s is similar
as well
Upk (+/−) Signed average
Ipk (+/−) Signed average
Ucf Calculated from the average of Upk
(absolute values of the positive one
or the negative one, whichever is
larger) and the average of Urms.
Icf Calculated from the average of Ipk
(absolute values of the positive one
or the negative one, whichever is
larger) and the average of Irms.
Urms Root mean square (RMS) Average results for all channels
are averaged.
Irms Root mean square (RMS) Average results for all channels
are averaged.
Udc Signed average
Idc Signed average
P Signed average Average results for all channels
are added.
S Signed average Average results for all channels
are added.
Q Signed average Average results for all channels
are added.
PF Calculated from Pavg and Savg.
DPF Calculated from P(1)avg and S(1)avg.
Uunb Calculated from mean square of Uneg
and Upos
Uunb0 Calculated from mean square of Uzero
and Upos
Iunb Calculated from mean square of Ineg
and Ipos
Iunb0 Calculated from mean square of Izero
and Ipos
Uharm (Level)/ Root mean square (RMS) 0th order is signed
Uiharm (Level) average.
Iharm (Level)/ Root mean square (RMS) 0th order is signed
Iiharm (Level) average.
Pharm (Level) Signed average Average results for all channels
are added.
Uharm (Content {(N-th order harmonic average value)
percentage)/ / (Fundamental average value)} ×
Uiharm (Content 100%
Iharm (Content {(N-th order harmonic average value)
percentage)/ / (Fundamental average value)} ×
Iiharm (Content 100%

Calculation Formula

CH 1 to 4 sum/AVG Comment
Pharm (Content {(N-th order harmonic average value)
percentage) / (Fundamental average value)} ×
Uphase Vector average
Iphase Vector average
Pphase Vector average
Uthd-F/Uthd-R Calculated from mean squared RMS
Ithd-F/Ithd-R Calculated from mean squared RMS
KF Calculated from mean squared RMS
Signed averaging: Signs of values are included in average calculation.

AVG calculation of Uphase
 U
tan −1  ckr
 − U cki

 14
Here, Uckr and Ucki use the signed average values for each channel.

AVG calculation of Iphase
 I 
tan −1  ckr 
 − I cki 
Here, Ickr and Icki use the signed average values for each channel.

AVG calculation of Pphase

 
(Averaging process for each channel) tan −1  Qharmk 
 Pharmk 

Here, Qharmk and Pharmk use the signed average values for each channel.

Q 
(Averaging process of the sum) tan −1  sumk 
 Psumk 

Here, Qsumk and Psumk use the sum calculation of the signed average results for each channel.

Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy

14.8 Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy

The 3P4W2.5E wiring is available after the firmware update.

1. While using the Model CT7131 AC Current Sensor

Power range configuration

Current range
5.0000 A 50.000 A 100.00 A
1P2W 5.0000 kW 50.000 kW 100.00 kW
1P3W 10.000 kW 100.00 kW 200.00 kW
3P4W 15.000 kW 150.00 kW 300.00 kW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

100.00 A 0.4% rdg+0.12% f.s.
50.00 A 0.4% rdg+0.14% f.s.
5.000 A 0.4% rdg+0.50% f.s.

2. While using the Model CT7136 AC Current Sensor

Power range configuration

Current range
5.0000 A 50.000 A 500.00 A
1P2W 5.0000 kW 50.000 kW 500.00 kW
1P3W 10.000 kW 100.00 kW 1.0000 MW
3P4W 15.000 kW 150.00 kW 1.5000 MW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

500.00 A 0.4% rdg+0.112% f.s.
50.00 A 0.4% rdg+0.22% f.s.
5.000 A 0.4% rdg+1.3% f.s.

Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy

3. While using the Model CT7126 AC Current Sensor

Power range configuration

Current range
500.00 mA 5.0000 A 50.000 A
1P2W 500.00 W 5.0000 kW 50.000 kW

1P3W 1.0000 kW 10.000 kW 100.00 kW

3P4W 1.5000 kW 15.000 kW 150.00 kW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

50.000 A
5.0000 A
0.4% rdg.+0.112% f.s.
0.4% rdg.+0.22% f.s.
500.0 mA 0.4% rdg.+1.3% f.s.

4. While using Model CT7731 AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor
Power range configuration

Current range
10.000 A 100.00 A
1P2W 10.000 kW 100.00 kW
1P3W 20.000 kW 200.00 kW
3P4W 30.000 kW 300.00 kW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range DC 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

100.00 A 1.5% rdg.+1.0% f.s. 1.1% rdg.+0.6% f.s.
10.000 A 1.5% rdg.+5.5% f.s. 1.1% rdg.+5.1% f.s.

Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy

5. While using Model CT7736 AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor

Power range configuration

Current range
50.000 A 500.00 A

1P2W 50.000 kW 500.00 kW

1P3W 100.00 kW 1.0000 MW
3P4W 150.00 kW 1.5000 MW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range DC 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

500.00 A 2.5% rdg.+1.1% f.s. 2.1% rdg.+0.70% f.s.
50.000 A 2.5% rdg.+6.5% f.s. 2.1% rdg.+6.10% f.s.

6. While using Model CT7742 AC/DC Auto-Zero Current Sensor

Power range configuration

Wiring Current range

500.00 A 1000.0 A 2000.0 A
1P2W 500.00 kW 1.0000 MW 2.0000 MW
1P3W 1.0000 MW 2.0000 MW 4.0000 MW
3P4W 1.5000 MW 3.0000 MW 6.0000 MW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range Input DC 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

2000.0 A I > 1800 A 2.0% rdg.+1.75% f.s. 2.1% rdg.+0.75% f.s.
I ≤ 1800 A 1.6% rdg.+0.75% f.s.
1000.0 A - 2.0% rdg.+1.5% f.s. 1.6% rdg.+1.1% f.s.
500.00 A - 2.0% rdg.+2.5% f.s. 1.6% rdg.+2.1% f.s.

Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy

7. While using the Model CT7044, CT7045, CT7046 AC Flexible Current Sensor
Power range configuration

Current range Sensor range within ( )

50.000 A (600A) 500.00 A (600A) 5000.0 A (6000A)
1P2W 50.000 kW 500.00 kW 5.0000 MW
1P3W 100.00 kW 1.0000 MW 10.000 MW
3P4W 150.00 kW 1.5000 MW 15.000 MW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

5000.0 A
500.00 A
1.6% rdg.+0.4% f.s.
50.000 A 1.6% rdg.+3.1% f.s.

8. While using the Model CT7116 AC Leakage Current Sensor
Power range configuration

Current range
50.000 mA 500.00 mA 5.0000 A
1P2W 50.000 W 500.00 W 5.0000 kW

1P3W 100.00 W 1.0000 kW 10.000 kW

3P4W 150.00 W 1.5000 kW 15.000 kW
Display format varies according to the declared voltage settings.

Combination Accuracy

Current range 45 ≤ f ≤ 66 (Hz)

5.0000 A 1.1% rdg.+0.16% f.s.
500.00 mA 1.1% rdg.+0.7% f.s.
50.000 mA 1.1% rdg.+6.1% f.s.

Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy

15 Maintenance and Service
Customers are not allowed to modify, disassemble, or repair the instrument. Doing
so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury.

The calibration frequency varies depending on the status of the instrument or installation
environment. We recommend that the calibration period be determined in accordance with the
status of the instrument or installation environment. Please contact your Hioki distributor to have
your instrument periodically calibrated.

15.1 Troubleshooting
If damage is suspected, check the “Troubleshooting” section before contacting your authorized
Hioki distributor or reseller.
Before having the instrument repaired

Maintenance and Service

Symptom Check Item, or Cause Remedy and Reference
Unable to write data to the The write-protected lock of Check the position of the write-protect lock and
SD memory card. the SD memory card is in disengage it.
Unable to manipulate an intermediate position. The connector of the SD memory card is used to judge
folders and files, or format whether the card is write-protected.
the card. If the write-protected lock is in an intermediate position,
the determination of whether the card is write-protected
will depend on the connector.
For example, even if the instrument determines that the
card is not write-protected and allows data to be written
to it, a computer may determine that it is write-protected,
preventing data from being written to it.
“2.4 Inserting the SD Memory Card” (p. 42)
The display does not If powering the instrument Verify that the power cord and AC adapter are connected
appear when you turn the with the AC adapter properly.
power on. ••Are the power cord and “2.5 Power Supply” (p. 43)
AC adapter connected
If powering the instrument Verify that the battery pack has been charged and
with the battery installed.
••Has the Z1003 Battery “Installing the battery pack” (p. 38)
Pack been properly
••Has the Battery Pack
been charged properly?
Keys do not work. ••Has the key lock been Press and hold the ESC key for at least 3 s to cancel the
activated? key lock.


Symptom Check Item, or Cause Remedy and Reference

Voltage or current ••Are the voltage cord Verify the connections and wiring.
measured values are not and current sensors See “4.3 Connecting Voltage Cords to Instrument”
displayed. connected properly? (p. 51) through “4.9 Checking Wiring” (p. 59).
••Are the input channels
and displayed channels
••Has an appropriate
current range been
Measured values do not ••Is the frequency of The instrument can only be used with 50/60 Hz lines.
stabilize. the measuring line 400 Hz frequency cannot be measured.
50 Hz/60 Hz?
The instrument is not
supporting 400 Hz
frequency lines.
••Is there any voltage input The instrument may not be able to perform stable
applied? measurement without voltage input to U1 (Sync source).

Unable to charge the ••Verify that the ambient The instrument’s battery can be charged within the
Z1003 Battery Pack (the temperature is within the ambient temperature range of 10°C to 35°C.
Charge LED does not light range of 10°C to 35°C.
••Has the instrument been The battery pack may be degraded. Please purchase
stored for an extended a new battery pack. Contact your authorized Hioki
period of time with the distributor or reseller. If you do not want to use the
battery pack installed? instrument for one month or longer, remove the battery
pack and store at −20°C to 30°C.

If the cause of the issue remains unclear, execute a system or factory reset. Doing so will initialize
settings to their factory defaults.
See “System reset (Default)” (p. 76) and “Factory reset (Default)” (p. 77).

Replaceable parts and operating lifetimes

The characteristics of some of the parts used in the product may deteriorate with extended use. To
ensure the product can be used over the long term, it is recommended to replace these parts on a
periodic basis.
When replacing parts, please contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller.
The service life of parts varies with the operating environment and frequency of use. Parts are not
guaranteed to operate throughout the recommended replacement cycle.

Part Life Notes

Lithium battery Approx. 10 years The instrument contains a built-in backup
lithium battery. The backup battery offers
a service life of about 10 years. If the date
and time deviate substantially when the
instrument is switched on, it is the time to
replace that battery. Contact your authorized
Hioki distributor or reseller.
Electrolytic Capacitors Approx. 10 years The service life of electrolytic capacitors
varies with the operating environment.
Requires periodic replacement.
LCD backlight (with 50% Approx. 50,000 hr Requires periodic replacement.


Part Life Notes

Model Z1003 Battery Pack Approx. 1 year Requires periodic replacement.
or approx. 500
cycles whichever
comes first

15.2 Cleaning
•• To clean the instrument, wipe it gently with a soft cloth moistened with water or mild detergent.
•• Wipe the LCD gently with a soft, dry cloth.

15.3 Error Indication

<System Error>
Code Error indication Cause Corrective action/more information

SY01 The internal The internal programming The instrument must be repaired.
programming of the of the instrument is corrupt. Contact your authorized Hioki distributor or
PQ3100 is corrupted and reseller.
the instrument must be

Maintenance and Service

SY02 The SDRAM of the The memory of the
PQ3100 is corrupted and instrument is corrupt.
the instrument must be
SY03 The adjustment values of The adjustment values of
the PQ3100 are corrupted the instrument are corrupt.
and the instrument must
be repaired.
SY04 The display memory of The display memory of the
the PQ3100 is corrupted instrument is corrupt.
and the instrument must
be repaired.
SY05 BACKUP ERROR. Backed-up system Initialize and reconfigure the settings.
The PQ3100 must be variables are incorrect or If you experience backup errors frequently,
returned to default contradictory. the backup battery may have deteriorated.
factory condition. The instrument needs to be repaired.
Initialize? Contact your authorized Hioki distributor or
YES: ENTER key reseller.

Error Indication

<File Error>
Code Error indication Cause Corrective action/more information
FL01 Save failed. The instrument was unable Format the SD memory card (p. 126).
to save the file due to
a problem with the SD
memory card.
The instrument was unable Format the internal memory (p. 126).
to save the file due to a
problem with its internal
FL02 Load failed. The instrument was unable Save the settings file once again (p. 122)
to load settings data due to and load it (p. 123).
a problem with the settings
FL03 File or folder could not The SD memory card is in If the SD memory card is locked, unlock it
be deleted. the locked (write-protected) (p. 42).
state, or the file or folder If the file or folder attribute is set to “read-
attribute is set to “read- only,” change the attribute using a computer.
FL04 A file of the same name The instrument was unable Delete the data with the same filename from
exists. to copy data from its the SD memory card (p. 125) or change the
internal memory to the SD filename using a computer.
memory card because data
with the same filename
already existed on the SD
memory card.
FL05 Formatting failed. An SD memory card error Reinsert the SD memory card and format it
occurred, or the card was again (p. 126).
ejected, during formatting If the card cannot be formatted, the card may
it. be damaged and should be replaced with a
new one.
An internal memory error The instrument must be repaired. Contact
occurred. your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller.
FL06 Maximum files reached. The maximum number of Execute any of the following.
Additional files cannot files or folders that can be ••Replace the SD memory card with a new
be created. created was exceeded. one.
••Copy the data on the SD memory card to
a computer (p. 129), delete unnecessary
data on the card with the instrument
(p. 125), or format the card (p. 126).

Error Indication

<SD Card Error>

Code Error indication Cause Corrective action/more information
SD01 SD card not found. Data cannot be saved Insert an SD memory card (p. 42).
Insert an SD card. to the SD memory card
because no SD memory
card has been inserted into
the instrument. Otherwise,
data cannot be loaded
from the SD memory card.
SD02 Error while attempting to You attempted to access a Copy the data on the SD memory card to
access the SD card. corrupt file or a corrupt SD a computer (p. 129) and format the SD
memory card. memory card with the instrument (p. 126).
Or, the SD memory card
was removed while it was
being accessed.
SD03 Unlock the SD card. The SD memory card is in Unlock the SD memory card (p. 42).
the locked (write-protected)
SD04 SD card is full. Data cannot be saved Execute any of the following.
Delete files or reformat. to the SD memory card ••Replace the SD memory card with a new
because the card is full. one.
••Copy the data on the SD memory card to

a computer (p. 129), delete unnecessary
data on the card with the instrument
(p. 125), or format the card (p. 126).
SD05 SD card is not formatted SD memory card is not Format the SD memory card (p. 126).

Maintenance and Service

properly. formatted properly.
Format card?
No: ESC key
SD06 SD card not compatible. An unsupported card such Use the instrument’s optional SD memory
as an SDXC memory card card (p. 3).
has been inserted into the
SD07 This is a read-only file. The SD memory card is in If the SD memory card is locked, unlock it
the locked (write-protected) (p. 42).
state, or the file or folder If the file or folder attribute is set to “read-
attribute is set to “read- only,” change the attribute using a computer.

Error Indication

<Internal Memory Error>

Code Error indication Cause Corrective action/more information
ME01 Internal memory is full. The instrument’s internal Perform this procedure.
Delete files or reformat. memory is full. 1. If recording is in progress, stop
2. Copy the data on the internal memory to
the SD memory card (p. 125).
3. Delete all the files on the internal
memory (p. 125) or format the internal
memory (p. 126).
ME02 Cannot be used because The instrument’s internal Format the internal memory (p. 126).
internal memory is memory is corrupt.
Proceed with
No: ESC key

<Operation Error>
Code Error indication Cause Corrective action/more information
OP01 This folder cannot be You attempted to delete The [PQ3100] base folder cannot be deleted.
deleted. the [PQ3100] base folder. If you wish to delete it, you must do so on a

Code Error indication Cause Corrective action/more information
ER01 Invalid setting value. You attempted to configure Configure the setting with a value that falls
the setting with a value that within the valid setting range.
is outside the valid setting See “5 Setting Change (SET UP Screen)”
range. (p. 63)
ER02 Maximum number of The number of events Stop the recording and change the event
recordable events exceeds the upper limit, threshold value in order that 10000 events
exceeded. 9999. No further events do not occur.
can be recorded. See “5 Event Settings” (p. 72)

Disposing the Instrument

15.4 Disposing the Instrument

When disposing of this instrument, remove the lithium battery and dispose of battery and instrument
in accordance with local regulations.

To avoid electric shock, turn off the power switch, disconnect all the cords and
cables from the device to be measured, and remove the lithium battery.


Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply.
See www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate

Required items

 Phillips screwdriver (No. 2)

1 Turn off the instrument. (p. 44)
2 Remove all the cords connected to the

Maintenance and Service

3 Remove the 10 screws shown in the
following diagram with the Phillips head 4 If the Z1003 Battery Pack has been
installed, remove the battery and the
screwdriver and remove the battery screw at the battery pack holder.
pack cover and side covers.

Disposing the Instrument

5 Remove the rear cover and remove one

screw of the metal plate. 6 Remove the 2 screws on the front cover
and then remove the front cover and
rubber key.

7 Remove the 17 screws shown in the

following diagram and then remove 8 Insert the tweezers between the battery
holder and the battery
the key printed circuit board and upper and lift the battery up to remove it.

Appx. 1 Fundamental Measurement Items 1
Item Display Item Display
Transient overvoltage
Frequency (1 wave)
Power factor
Displacement power factor
RMS voltage refreshed each Urms1/2 Active power demand quantity Dem_WP+
half-cycle (Consumption)*
RMS current refreshed each
Irms1/2 Active power demand quantity
Swell Swell Active power demand value Dem_P+
Dip Dip Active power demand value
Interruption Intrpt Reactive power demand quantity Dem_WQ_LAG
Inrush current Inrush Reactive power demand quantity Dem_WQ_LEAD
(Lead)* 5
Frequency (10 s) Freq10s, F10s Reactive power demand value Dem_Q_LAG
Interharmonic voltage Uiharm Reactive power demand value
Interharmonic current Iiharm Apparent power demand Dem_WS

Frequency (200 ms) Freq Apparent power demand value* Dem_S
Voltage waveform peak+ Upk+ Power factor demand value* Dem_PF
Voltage waveform peak- Upk- Harmonic voltage (0th to 50th Uharm
order harmonics)
Current waveform peak+ Ipk+ Harmonic current (0th to 50th
order harmonics)
Current waveform peak- Ipk- Harmonic power (0th to 50th Pharm
order harmonics)
RMS voltage (phase/line) Urms Harmonic voltage phase angle
(1st to 50th order harmonics)
Voltage DC Udc Harmonic current phase angle Iphase
(1st to 50th order harmonics)

Voltage CF Ucf Harmonic voltage-current phase Pphase
difference (1st to 50th order
RMS current Irms Total harmonic distortion Uthd
(THD-F/THD-R) (voltage) (Uthd-F or Uthd-R)

Current DC Idc Total current harmonic Ithd

distortion (current) (THD-F/ (Ithd-F or Ithd-R)
Current CF Icf Voltage negative-phase Uunb
unbalance factor

*: Available after the firmware update

Fundamental Measurement Items

Item Display Item Display

Active power P Voltage zero-phase unbalance Uunb0
Apparent power S Current negative-phase Iunb
unbalance factor
Reactive power Q Current zero-phase unbalance Iunb0

Active energy WP+ K factor KF

Active energy WP-
Reactive energy (Lag) WQ_LAG
Reactive energy (Lead) WQ_LEAD
Apparent energy WS
Energy cost Ecost

Event Item

Appx. 2 Event Item

Category Sub-category Display
Transient overvoltage - Tran
Swell - Swell
Dip - Dip
(Available after the firmware
RVC (Fixed)
(Available after the firmware
Inrush current - Inrush
Frequency (200 ms) Upper frequency limit exceeded
Lower frequency limit exceeded
Freq Up
Freq Low
Frequency (1 wave) Upper frequency limit exceeded, lower Freq_wav
frequency limit exceeded
Voltage total harmonic
- Uthd
Current total harmonic - Ithd
External event External input event
Manual key event
Starting recording event Start

Stopping recording event Stop
Timer event Timer
Recording before/after event Recording before the event Before
Recording after the event After


Explanation of Power Quality Parameters and Events

Appx. 3 Explanation of Power Quality Parameters

and Events
Power quality parameters are necessary to investigate and analyze power supply issues*1.
By measuring these parameters, it is possible to assess power quality.
To allow instrument to detect abnormal values and abnormal waveforms, you set the threshold
values. When these threshold values are exceeded, events are generated.
(Threshold values are set based on an estimation of abnormal values, so events do not necessarily indicate
an error.)

Transient overvoltage (Impulse)

Waveform and event An event caused by lightning strikes, circuit-
breaker and relay contact obstruction and
tripping, etc. Often occurs when there is a steep
change in voltage or when the peak voltage is

Primary fault Close to the source of the break, the power supply of the device is damaged
because of the exceptionally high voltage and this may cause the device to reset.
Event to be detected Transient (A transient of 5 kHz or higher occurred*2)

Voltage swell (Surge)

Waveform and event Mainly occurs under following circumstances and
the voltage rises momentarily.
••Open/close of power line with heavy load
••When switching capacitor bank with large
••One-line ground fault
••Disconnection from high capacity load
••Voltage surges due to grid-tied dispersed power
supplies (solar power, etc.) during reverse
power supply
Primary fault A surge in voltage may cause the power supply of the device to be damaged
or the device to reset.
Event to be detected Swell

*1: Issues caused by a reduction in the power quality. These issues cause failures of substation equipment
and electronically controlled devices. (Lighting flicker, frequent burning out of incandescent light bulbs,
malfunctioning office equipment, occasional malfunctioning of machine operations, overheating of reactor-
equipped capacitor equipment, and occasional malfunctioning of overload, negative-phase, and open-
phase relays.)
*2: Measurement band for the transient overvoltage of the instrument is 40 kHz (200 kHz sampling). Use
Model PW3198 Power Quality Analyzer to capture higher-speed transient overvoltage. Measurement band
of Model PW3198 is 700 kHz (sampling: 2 MHz).

Explanation of Power Quality Parameters and Events

Voltage dip (Sag)

Waveform and event Most dips are caused by natural
phenomena such as lighting.
Short-term voltage drops occur under the
following conditions:
••An equipment fault is detected and the
power supply is switched off, due to the
occurrence of a power system ground
fault or short-circuit

••When there is a inrush current with a
large load, such as when a motor starts.
Primary fault Power supply voltage dips may cause the following events:
••Equipment stops operating or is reset
••Lamps turn off
••Speed fluctuation or stopping of motors
••Synchronized motors and generators lose synchronization 3
Event to be detected Dip

Waveform and event

Interruptions are caused by momentary,
short/long-term power supply outages,
mainly under the following circumstances:
••Fault at the power company (interruption
of power due to lightning strikes, etc.)
••Circuit breaker tripping due to power
supply short-circuits
Primary fault Interruptions may cause the device to stop operating or to reset.
Event to be detected Interruption
Frequency fluctuations
Waveform and event Occurs due to line separation caused by
changes in the supply/demand balance
of active power, the shutdown of a high-
capacity generator, or circuit issues.
Primary fault Changes in the speed of synchronized motors may cause product defects.
Event to be detected
Measurement Items
Frequency: 200 ms (Freq), frequency 1 wave (Freq_wav)
IEC61000-4-30 Average frequency of frequencies obtained for 10-s periods (Freq10s)
Waveform and event Harmonics are caused by distortions of
the voltage and current waveforms when a
device’s power supply uses semiconductor
control devices.

Primary fault Larger harmonic components may cause any of the following major failures:
••Abnormal heat or increased noise of motors and transformers

••Fire of reactor connected to phase advance capacitor

Event that may be Total harmonic distortion (THD) (voltage)
Measurement Items Harmonic voltage, harmonic current, harmonic power

Explanation of Power Quality Parameters and Events

Waveform and event Frequency components that are not a
whole multiple of the fundamental wave
caused by distortions of the voltage and
current waveforms due to any of the
••Static frequency conversion equipment
••Scherbius machines
••Induction motors
••Welder machines
••Arc furnaces
Primary fault Displacement of the voltage waveform zero-cross may damage equipment, cause it to
malfunction, or degrade its performance.
Event that may be Total harmonic distortion (THD) (voltage)
Measurement Items Interharmonic voltage, interharmonic current

Inrush current
Waveform and event Voltage waveform Inrush current is a large current that flows
momentarily, for example, when the electric
equipment is turned on.
Current waveform

Primary fault Inrush current may cause the following events:

••Fusing of power switch contact or relay
••Fuse blowouts
••Circuit breaker disconnections
••Failure of rectifying circuits
••Supply voltage instability
••Equipment sharing the same power supply stops operating or resets due to supply
voltage instability
Event to be detected Inrush current

Flicker (Available after the firmware update)

Waveform and event Voltage fluctuation caused by blast furnace,
arc welding, and thyristor control loads.
This causes flicker in light bulbs etc.

Primary fault Because this phenomenon reoccurs regularly, it may cause the light to flicker or the
device to malfunction.
Large flicker values indicate that most people would find the flickering of lighting
Measurement Items ∆V10 flicker, IEC flicker Pst, Plt

Explanation of Power Quality Parameters and Events

Waveform and event Unbalance is caused by increase or
decrease in the load connected to each
phase of a power line, or by distortions in
voltage and current waveforms, voltage
drops, or negative-phase voltage caused
by the operation of unbalanced equipment
or devices.

Primary fault Voltage unbalance, negative-phase voltage, and harmonics generation may cause the
following events:
••Variations in motor rotation and noise
••Reduced torque
••Tripping of 3E breakers
••Overloading and heating of transformers

Measurement Items
••Increased loss in rectifiers with smoothing capacitor
Voltage unbalance factor, current unbalance factor
High-order harmonic component
Notes This cannot be measured with the instrument. Use Model PW3198 Power Quality
Analyzer for such measurements.
Waveform and event The high-order harmonic component
consists of noise components of
several kHz or more caused by voltage
and current waveform distortions
when equipment power supply uses
semiconductor devices. It includes various
frequency components.

Primary fault The high-order harmonic component can damage the equipment power supply, cause
the equipment operation to be reset, or result in abnormal sound from TV and radio. 6
Event that is detected High-order harmonic voltage component RMS values, high-order harmonic current
by the instrument component RMS values


Event Detection Methods

Appx. 4 Event Detection Methods

Transient overvoltage
Measurement method
Transient overvoltage event is detected when the waveform obtained by eliminating the
fundamental component (50 Hz/60 Hz) from a waveform sampled at 200 kHz exceeds a threshold
value specified as an absolute value.
Detection occurs once for each the fundamental voltage waveform, and voltages of up to ±2,200 V
can be measured.
Recorded data
Transient voltage value Waveform peak value during 3 ms period after elimination of fundamental
Transient width Period during which threshold value is exceeded (2 ms max.)
Max. transient voltage value Max. peak value of waveform obtained by eliminating the fundamental
component during the period from transient IN to transient OUT (leaving
channel information)
Transient period Period from transient IN to transient OUT
Transient count during Number of transients occurring during period from transient IN to transient
period OUT
(Transients occurring across all channels or simultaneously on multiple
channels are counted as 1)
Transient waveform
(Available after the firmware

Transient waveform
Elimination of fundamental
component (5 kHz or less)

Transient voltage
Sampled waveform Transient waveform
200 kHz with fundamental
eliminated (5 kHz or
Transient width
Event IN

1 ms 2 ms

Event Detection Methods

Event IN and OUT

Event IN Time when the first transient overvoltage is detected (the waveform
exceeded the threshold value) in an approx. 200 ms aggregation interval.

Event OUT Start time of approx. 200 ms aggregation in which no transient overvoltage
was detected for any channel within the first approx. 200 ms aggregation
period following the transient event IN state.

Approx. 200 ms aggregation Approx. 200 ms aggregation Approx. 200 ms aggregation Approx. 200 ms aggregation

Event IN
Event period
Event OUT
Threshold Threshold

1 ms
Event IN
2 ms 1 ms 2 ms
Transient waveform Transient waveform

(including fundamental component) (including fundamental component)
The first detected transient waveform after The waveform with the largest transient
event IN is saved. voltage value from the IN to the OUT point
is saved at event OUT.


Event Detection Methods

Voltage swells, Voltage dips, Interruptions

Measurement method
•• Voltage swell, voltage dip, and interruption events are detected using the RMS voltage refreshed
each half-cycle that is calculated from the voltage waveform obtained over a 1-cycle time,
refreshed each half-cycle.
•• Events are detected using line voltage for 3-phase 3-wire wiring and phase voltage for 3-phase
4-wire wiring.
•• Voltage swells are detected when RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle exceeds the threshold
•• Voltage dips and interruptions are detected when RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle falls
below the threshold value.

Event IN and OUT

Event IN Voltage swells: Time when RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle exceeds
the threshold value.
Voltage dip/Interruption: Time when RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
falls below than the threshold value.
Event OUT Voltage swells: The time when an RMS voltage refreshed each half-
cycle falls below the value calculated by subtracting the hysteresis from
the threshold value after once the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle
exceeds the threshold value
Voltage dip/Interruption: The time when an RMS voltage refreshed each
half-cycle exceeds the value calculated by adding the hysteresis to the
threshold value after once the RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle falls
below the threshold value


RMS voltage
refreshed each Event IN
Event OUT

Voltage swell

RMS voltage
refreshed each
Threshold Hysteresis

Event OUT
Event IN

Voltage dip, interruption

Event Detection Methods

RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle

1 3 5

RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle


Frequency (200 ms)

2 4 3
Measurement method (Reciprocal method)

Values of Frequency (200 ms) are calculated from the reciprocal of the accumulated time over
the approximately 200-ms (10/12-cycle for 50 Hz / 60 Hz, respectively) aggregation period on U1
(reference channel). This value is detected when this value exceeds the positive threshold value or
falls below the negative threshold value.

Approx. 200 ms aggregation Approx. 200 ms aggregation 5

Frequency (200 ms) Frequency (200 ms)

Event IN and OUT

Event IN Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which the
frequency value belongs when it exceeds the positive threshold value or
falls below the negative threshold value
Event OUT Starting time of the approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which
a frequency value belongs when it falls below the value calculated by 8
subtracting 0.1 Hz from the positive threshold value or exceeds the value
calculated by adding 0.1 Hz to the negative threshold value
(Equivalent to a frequency hysteresis of 0.1 Hz)


Event Detection Methods

Frequency (1 wave)
Measurement method (Reciprocal method)
Frequency for every U1 (reference channel) waveform.

Approx. 200 ms aggregation

Frequency Frequency
(1 wave) (1 wave)

Event IN and OUT

Event IN Time when a frequency exceeds the positive threshold value or falls below
the negative threshold value
Event OUT Time when a frequency falls below the value calculated by subtracting 0.1 Hz
from the positive threshold value or exceeds the value calculated by adding
0.1 Hz to the negative threshold value
(Equivalent to a frequency hysteresis of 0.1 Hz)

Voltage total harmonic distortion, Current total harmonic distortion

Measurement method
Measured values are calculated for a rectangular window of 2 048 points over the approximately
200-ms (10/12-cycle for 50 Hz / 60 Hz, respectively) aggregation. Events are detected when the
calculated values are greater than or less than the corresponding threshold value.

50 Hz: 10 waveforms, 60 Hz: 12 waveforms

Harmonic calculation using rectangular window

Event IN and OUT

Event IN Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to whicha

value belongs when it exceeds the threshold value
Event OUT Starting time of an approximately 200-ms aggregation period to which a
value belongs when it falls below the value calculated by subtracting the
hysteresis from the threshold value


Event OUT
Event IN

Harmonic distortion

Event Detection Methods

Inrush current
Measurement method
Inrush current events are detected when the RMS current (inrush current) calculated for every half

cycle exceeds the threshold value.

Threshold Hysteresis


Event IN

0.5 s 29.5 s

Inrush current, Inrush is saved from 0.5 s before the event to 29.5 s after the event as event trend

Event IN and OUT
Event IN Starting time of a half-cycle voltage waveform to which an inrush current
(Inrush) belongs on each channel when it exceeds the threshold value
Event OUT Starting time of a half-cycle voltage waveform to which an inrush current
(Inrush) belongs when it falls below the value calculated by subtracting the
hysteresis from the threshold value
Voltage waveform



Event IN
Event OUT

Event Detection Methods

Timer event
•• Events are generated at the set interval.
•• Once recording is started, timer events will be recorded at a fixed interval (the set time) from the
start time.
Interval Interval Interval Interval

Recording start Event recorded Event recorded Event recorded Event recorded
Timer Timer Timer Timer

External event
External events are detected when any of the following occurs due to the input signal for the
EXT I/O terminals.
•• When a falling of the pulse signal input to Pin 1 (EVENT IN) is detected
•• When Pin 1 (EVENT IN) and Pin 3 (GND1) are short-circuited each other

The voltage and current waveforms and measured values are recorded, when the external event
See “13 External I/O” (p. 147).

Manual event
Pressing the [MANUAL EVENT] key generates an event.
The voltage and current waveforms as well as measured values are recorded, when the manual
event occurs.

Recording Trends and Event Waveforms

Appx. 5 Recording Trends and Event Waveforms

Trend screen recording method

Basic trend and harmonics trend (available after the firmware update)
SET UP, Record Settings screen: Recording Interval Settings
Approx. 200 ms aggregation (50 Hz: 10 waveforms, 60 Hz: 12 waveforms)

RMS value 1 RMS value 2 RMS value 3 RMS value N 3

MAX RMS value
AVG RMS value
MIN RMS value
Recording 4
Example: When interval: 1 min, N = 300

Detailed trend 5
SET UP, Record Settings screen: Recording Interval Settings
Approx. 200 ms aggregation (50 Hz: 10 waveforms, 60 Hz: 12 waveforms)

When interval: 1 min,

Recording Recording
N=7200 (Frequency: 60 Hz)

RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle (Urms1/2) is calculated for one waveform shifted over half a wave.
Example: There are 24 RMS voltage refreshed each half-cycle in approx. 200 ms aggregation at 60 Hz (12


Recording Trends and Event Waveforms

Recording event waveforms

Waveforms observed in the approximately 200-ms aggregation period are recorded as event

Event waveform recording period

50 Hz: Waveform observed for a 10-cycle period
60 Hz: Waveform observed for a 12-cycle period

When an event occurs on a measured value obtained over an approximately 200-

ms aggregation period
SET UP, Record Settings screen: Recording Interval Settings
Approx. 200 ms aggregation (50 Hz: 10 cycles, 60 Hz: 12 cycles)

RMS calculation Event occurrence RMS calculation RMS calculation

When an event is occurred on a measured value obtained a 1-cycle or half-cycle

SET UP, Record Settings screen: Recording Interval Settings
Approx. 200 ms aggregation (50 Hz: 10 cycles, 60 Hz: 12 cycles)

••On the SET UP, Event settings 2 screen, Event waveform recording time: “Before event occurs” setting
allows an immediately previous waveform with a length of a set time to be stored in addition to an event
waveform with a length of a 200-ms aggregation period observed at an event (p. 74).
Event waveform recording time: “Before event occurs”: OFF, 200 ms, 1 s
••On the SET UP, Event settings 2 screen, Event waveform recording time: “After event occurs” setting
allows an immediately previous waveform with a length of a set time to be stored in addition to an event
waveform with a length of a 200-ms aggregation period observed at an event. (p. 74).
Event waveform recording time: “After event occurs”: OFF, 200 ms, 400 ms, 1 s, 5 s, 10 s

Recording Trends and Event Waveforms

Method for verifying aggregation values required by IEC61000-4-30

3-s aggregated values 10-min aggregated

2-h aggregated values
(= 150/180-cycle data) values
Magnitude of the supply Applies to the average value of Urms values obtained on each channel over
voltage the recording interval.
Voltage harmonics Measurement condition: Recording items*1 is set to Yes harmonic.

Applies to the average value of the values obtained over the recording
Voltage interharmonics interval.
Supply voltage unbalance Applies to the average value of unb values and unb0 values of Uunb obtained
over the recording interval.

Measurement conditions ••Recording interval*1 ••Recording interval*1 ••Recording interval*1
is set to 150/180 is set to 10 min. is set to 2 hour.
••TREND screen check requires that Tdiv (horizontal axis) be set to the
minimum value to make cursor measurements.*2

*1: See “5.2 Recording Settings” (p. 69).

*2: See “8.1 Verifying the Basic Trend” (p. 98).
IEC flicker (available after the firmware update)
When measuring IEC flicker based on the standard, set the Recording interval to 2 hour and use
only a Plt value with even-numbered but 2 hours after the recording starts (e.g., 2 hours, 4 hours 5
and more).


Detailed Explanation of IEC Flicker and ∆V10 Flicker (available after the firmware update)

Appx. 6 Detailed Explanation of IEC Flicker and

∆V10 Flicker (available after the firmware

IEC flicker meter

The IEC flicker function is based on the international standard IEC61000-4-15, “Flickermeter -
Functional and design specifications.”

IEC flicker meter function diagram

Block 1
Input Voltage Adapter
Block 2 Block 3
Square Multiplier Weighted Filter
Waveform Data

Voltage A/D Luminosity

Waveform Conversion AGC Square LPF HPF

Block 4 Block 5
Square Smoothing Online Statistics Analysis

Classifica- Pst Plt Long-term Flicker
Square Smoothing and
tion Calculation Calculation Plt
Averaging Filter

Instantaneous Flicker
Value Short-term Flicker
S(t) Pst

Weighting filter
You can select a weighted filter for either a 230 V lamp system or a 120 V lamp system.

Statistical processing
Statistics on flicker are compiled by applying the cumulative probability function (CPF) to 1,024
divisions of instantaneous flicker values Pinst in the range from 0.0001 P.U.* to 10000 P.U. on the
logarithmic axis to obtain cumulative probabilities P0.1, P1s, P3s, P10s, and P50s.

*: The unit [P.U.] stands for perceptibility unit. Various filters are designed in order that the maximum
value of Pinst corresponds to 1 [P.U.] when a voltage fluctuation that human beings recognize as a
flicker is input to them.

Detailed Explanation of IEC Flicker and ∆V10 Flicker (available after the firmware update)

Short interval flicker (Pst)

This indicates degree of perceptibility (severity) of flicker measured over a 10-min period.

Short interval flicker value is defined with the following expression.

Pst = 0.0314P0.1+0.0525P1s+0.0657P3s+0.28P10s+0.08P50s
P50s = (P30+P50+P80)/3
P10s = (P6+P8+P10+P13+P17)/5
P3s = (P2.2+P3+P4)/3
P1s = (P0.7+P1+P1.5)/3
P0.1 is not smoothed 2
Long interval flicker (Plt)
Indicates the degree of perceptibility (severity) of flicker determined from successive Pst
measurements over a 2-hour period. 3
The displayed value is updated every 10 min because Pst is calculated with the moving average.

Long interval flicker value is defined with the following expression.

Plt = 3 ∑ (Psti)


Detailed Explanation of IEC Flicker and ∆V10 Flicker (available after the firmware update)

∆V10 flicker meter

∆V10 flicker
The ∆V10 flicker function is calculated using the “perceived flicker curve” calculation method, which
is based on the digital Fourier transformation.

The ∆V10 flicker is defined with the following expression.

∆V10 = ∑ (a
n =1
n ⋅ ∆Vn ) 2

∆Vn: RMS value [V] for voltage fluctuations in frequency fn.

an: Luminosity coefficient for fn where 10 Hz is 1.0. (0.05 Hz to 30 Hz)
Evaluation period: for 1 min

∆V10 flicker function diagram

RMS RMS One-minute RMS

Calculation Single-wave RMS Calculation Average

Voltage A/D Voltage ΔV10 100 V
Waveform Conversion Square LPF HPF Storage Fluctuation FFT Calculation Calculation ΔV10
Waveform Data

ΔV10 Luminosity

∆V10 Perceived flicker coefficient

Frequency [Hz]

3-phase 3-wire Measurement

Appx. 7 3-phase 3-wire Measurement

3-phase 3-wire
3-phase 3-wire

. .
U3 . U1


. .
u3 u2

3 . 2

. . .
Similar circuit of 3-phase 3-wire line
U1, U2, U3: The vectors of line-to-line voltage
u. 1, .u2,. u3: The vectors of phase to neutral voltage

I1, I2, I3: The vectors of line (phase) current

3-phase/3-wire/3-wattmeter measurement (3P3W3M)

. . . . . .
In 3-wattmeter measurement, 3 phase voltages u1, u2, u3 and three line (phase) currents I1, I2, I3 are
Measuring actual phase voltages are not possible because of the lack of a neutral point in the
3-phase, 3-wire line, therefore, phase voltages are measured from a virtual neutral point.
The. 3-phase
. . . active
. . power P is calculated as the sum of all the phase active power values.
P = u1I1 + u2I2 + u3I3 (1)

3-phase/3-wire/2-wattmeter measurement (3P3W2M)

. . . .
In 2-wattmeter measurement, two line-to-line voltages U1, U2 and two line (phase) currents I1, I3 are

The 3-phase active power P can be derived from two voltage and current values, as shown below:
. . . . . . . . . .
P = U1I1 + U2I3 (from U1 = u1 - u2, U2 = u3 - u2)
. . . . . .
= (u1 - u2)I1 + (u3 - u2)I3
. . . . . . . . . .
= u1I1 + u2(-I1-I3) + u3I3 (from I1+I2+I3=0 as the precondition of a closed circuit)
. . . . . .
= u1I1 + u2I2 + u3I3 (2)
Since equations (1) and (2) agree, it is possible to prove that 2-wattmeter measurement can 10
be used to measure the power of a 3-phase, 3-wire line. The circuit allowing 3-phase power
measurements with this method is a only closed circuit without leakage current. Since there are no

special conditions other than the above, it is possible to calculate 3-phase power regardless of the
balanced or unbalanced state of the electric circuit.
Additionally, since the sum of the voltage and current vectors always . equals 0 under
. these
. . . the instrument internally calculates the third voltage U 3 and current I 2 values as follows:
. 3 = .U1 -. U2

I2 = -I1 - I3

3-phase 3-wire Measurement

. .
Since the values calculated internally U3 and I2 are also applied to the 3-phase total reactive power
Q, apparent power S, and power factor PF values, these values can also be calculated accurately in
the event of an unbalanced state. [When PF/Q/S setting (p. 66) is RMS]

However, because the three phases are calculated from two power values in 2-wattmeter
measurement, it is not possible to check the power balance between respective phases. If you wish
to check the power balance for individual phases, use 3-wattmeter (3P3W3M) measurement.

Item 3P3W2M 3P3W3M
. . . .
Voltage U1 U1 U1 = u1- u2
. . . .
U2 U2 = U2 = u2- u3
. . . . . .
U3 U3 = U2 - U1 U3 = u3- u1
. .
Current I1 I1 I1
. .
I2 I3 = I2
. . . .
I3 I2 = I1 - I3 I3
. . . .
Active power P1 U1I1 Since the three phases are u1I1 It is possible to check the
calculated from 2-wattmeter, active power balance for
. . . .
P2 U2I3 it is not possible to check < u2I2 individual phases.
the active power balance for
. .
P3 - individual phases. u 3I 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P U1I1 + U2I3 = u1I1 + u2I2 + u3I3 u1I1 + u2I2 + u3I3
See equation (2).
Apparent S1 U1I1 Since calculations are based u1I1 Since calculations are
power on the line-to-line voltage based on the phase
(When PF/Q/S and phase (line) current, voltage and phase (line)
setting is RMS) apparent power values are current, it is possible to
not generated for individual < check the apparent power
phases. for individual phases.
S2 U2I3 u2I2
S3 U3I2 u3I3
S 3 3
(U1I1+U2I3+U3I2) = (U1I1+U2I2+U3I3)
3 3

In 3P3W2M measurement, the instrument inputs the 3-phase line’s T-phase current as each current’s I2
parameter. For display purposes, a current value of Phase T in the 3-phase line is displayed as the current I2;
and a calculated value of Phase S in the 3-phase line, as the current I3.

Method for Calculating Active Power Accuracy

Appx. 8 Method for Calculating Active Power

The accuracy of active power calculations can be calculated as follows, taking into account the
phase accuracy:
Example measurement conditions
Wiring: 3-phase/4-wire (3P4W)
Current sensor: Model CT7136
Current range: 50 A (power range: 150 kW)
“14.8 Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy” (p. 188)
Measured values: Active power of 30 kW, power factor lag 0.8
Current sensor combined accuracy (Model CT7136 sensor, 50 A range): ±0.5% rdg.±0.22% f.s.

Internal circuit voltage of the instrument - current phase difference: ±0.2865° (Effect of power factor:
1.0% rdg. or less)
Phase accuracy of the CT7136: ±0.5°
“14.2 Input Specifications/Output Specifications/Measurement Specifications” (p. 155)
“14.8 Range Configuration and Combination Accuracy” (p. 188)
Phase accuracy shown in “Specifications” of the CT7136 Instruction Manual
Power factor accuracy based on phase accuracy
Phase accuracy (in combination with current sensor) = Instrument internal circuit phase accuracy
(±0.2865°) + CT7136 phase accuracy (±0.5°) = ±0.7865°
Phase difference θ = cos (power factor)= cos 0.8= 36.87°
−1 −1

Power factor error range based on phase accuracy = cos(36.87°±0.7865°) = 0.7916 to 0.8082

Power factor accuracy based on phase accuracy (minimum) =

0.7915 − 0.8
×100% = −1.05%
use the worst value as the power factor accuracy.
Power factor accuracy based on phase accuracy (maximum) = 0.8083 − 0.8 ×100% = +1.025%
The value, whichever is 8
worse, is specified to be
the phase accuracy.
Power factor accuracy based on phase accuracy: ±1.05% rdg.

Active power accuracy

Active power accuracy = current sensor combined accuracy + power factor accuracy based on

phase accuracy
= ±0.5% rdg. ±0.22% f.s. ±1.05% rdg.
= ±1.55% rdg.±0.22% f.s.
Accuracy relative to measured values = active power 30 kW × ± 1.55% rdg. + 150 kW range × 0.22% f.s.
= ±0.795 kW

= ±0.795 kW/30 kW = ±2.65% rdg.



Appx. 9 Terminology
Active power Power that is consumed doing work.
Active power The average active power used during a set period of time (usually 30 min).
Apparent power The (vector) power obtained by combining active power and reactive power.
As its name suggests, apparent power expresses the “visible” power and comprises the
product of the RMS voltage and RMS current.
Binary data All data other than text (character) data.
Since the measured data of the instrument is written in binary format, the data cannot
be directly opened in commercially available spreadsheet software. Use the supplied
software to load the data from the instrument to your computer for analysis.
Declared input The value calculated from the nominal supply voltage using the transformer ratio. The
voltage (Udin) declared input voltage is defined by IEC61000-4-30.
Declared voltage The same voltage as the nominal supply voltage (Uc) or the rated voltage (Un) defined by
(Uref) IEC61000-4-30 .
Declared voltage (Uref) = declared input voltage (Udin) × VT ratio
Dip A short-lived voltage drop caused by the occurrence of a inrush current with a large load,
such as when a motor starts.
When recording voltage and current trends at the power service inlet, you can determine
whether you should look for the cause of the dip inside or outside the building.
If the voltage drops while the building’s current consumption rises, the likely cause lies
inside the building. If the voltage and current are both low, the cause is likely to lie outside
the building.
EN50160 A European power quality standard that defines limit values for supply voltage and other
Obtaining statistics from the instrument data with the supplied application software PQ
One allows standard-compliant evaluation and analysis (version upgrade supported).
Event Power quality parameters are necessary in order to investigate and analyze power
supply issues. These parameters include disturbances such as transients, dips, swells,
interruptions, and frequency fluctuations. As a rule, the term “event” refers to the state
detected based on threshold values for which abnormal values and abnormal waveforms
for these parameters have been set.
Events also include the timer and manual event settings that are unrelated to power
quality parameters.
External event Functionality for generating events by detecting a signal input to the instrument’s external
function event input terminal and recording measured values and event waveforms at the time of
In this way, events are generated based on an alarm signal from a device other than the
By inputting an operating signal from an external device, an operation start or stop trigger
can be applied in order to record waveforms with the instrument.
Flag A marker used to distinguish unreliable measured values occurring due to disturbances
such as swells, dips, and interruptions.
Flags are recorded as part of the trend record data status information.
The concept is defined by the IEC61000-4-30 standard.
Flicker A disturbance caused by a voltage drop resulting when equipment with a large load starts
up or when a large current flows under a temporary high-load state. For lighting loads,
flicker primarily manifests itself as blinking. Electric-discharge lamps such as fluorescent
and mercury-vapor lights are particularly prone to the effects of flicker.
When temporary dimming of lights due to voltage drop occurs frequently, a flickering effect
that causing an extremely unpleasant visual sensation is produced.
Measurement methods can be broadly divided into IEC flicker and ∆V10 flicker. In Japan,
the ∆V10 method is most frequently used.
Frequency (1 wave) The frequency of a single waveform. By measuring the frequency (1 wave), it is possible
(Freq wav) to monitor frequency fluctuations on an interconnected system at a high degree of detail.


Frequency 10 s The frequency measured value as calculated according to IEC61000-4-30. This value
(Freq10s) is an average of the frequencies measured for 10 s. It is recommended to measure this
characteristic for at least one week.
Harmonics A phenomenon caused by distortions in the voltage and current waveforms that affect
many devices with power supplies using semiconductor control devices. In the analysis of
non-sine waves, the term refers to one RMS value among the components with harmonic
Harmonic content The ratio of the K-th order size to the size of the fundamental wave, expressed as a

percentage percentage using the following equation:
(K-th order wave) / (fundamental wave) × 100 [%]
By observing this value, it is possible to ascertain the harmonic component content
for individual orders. This metric provides a useful way to track the harmonic content
percentage when monitoring a specific order.

Harmonics phase The harmonic voltage phase angle and harmonic current phase angle are expressed in
angle and phase terms of the synchronized source’s fundamental component phase.
difference The difference between each order’s harmonic component phase and the fundamental
component phase is expressed as an angle (°), and its sign indicates either a lagging
phase (LAG) “−” (negative) or leading phase (LEAD) “+” (positive). Angle signs of the
above are the opposite of those for power factor.
The harmonic voltage-current phase angle expresses the difference between each order’s
harmonic voltage component phase angle and harmonic current component phase angle
for each channel as an angle (°).
When using the sum display, the sum of each order’s harmonic power factor (calculated
from the sums of harmonic power and harmonic reactive power) is converted to an
angle (°). When the harmonic voltage-current phase angle is between −90° and +90°,
that order’s harmonics are flowing toward the load (influx). When the harmonic voltage-
current phase angle is between +90° and +180° or between −90° and −180°, that order’s
harmonics are flowing from the load (outflow).

Voltage and
current phase difference
Outflow Inflow
Voltage and
±180° current phase 0°
Harmonics phase angle 8
IEC61000-4-7 An international standard governing measurement of harmonic current and harmonic
voltage in power supply systems as well as harmonic current emitted by equipment. The
standard specifies the performance of a standard instrument.
IEC61000-4-15 A standard that defines testing techniques for voltage fluctuation and flicker measurement
as well as associated measuring instrument requirements.



IEC61000-4-30 A standard governing testing involving power quality measurement in AC power supply
systems and associated measurement technologies. Target parameters are restricted
to phenomena that are propagated in power systems. The target parameters consist
of frequency, supply voltage amplitude (RMS), flicker, supply voltage dips, swells,
(momentary) interruptions, transient overvoltage, supply voltage unbalance, harmonics,
interharmonics, supply voltage carrier signals, and high-speed voltage variations.
The standard defines measurement methods for these parameters as well as the
necessary instrument performance. It does not define specific threshold values.
Measurement classes:
The standard defines three classes (A, S, and B) for various instrument measuring
methods and measurement performance levels:

Class Applications
Class A Used in applications where accurate measurement is required, for
example verification of standard compliance and dispute settlement. In
order to ensure accurate measurement, the standard includes detailed
stipulations concerning instrument time clock accuracy, RMS value
calculation methods, and trend data grouping.
Class S Used in surveys and power quality evaluation.
Class B Used in applications where a high level of accuracy is not required, for
example troubleshooting.

Inrush current A large current that flows temporarily, for example when an electric device is turned on.
An inrush current can be equal to or greater than 10 times the current that flows when the
device is in the normal operating state.
Inrush current measurement can be a useful diagnostic when setting circuit breaker
The inrush current measurements by the instrument use the RMS value refreshed each
Interharmonics All frequencies that are not a whole-number multiple of the fundamental frequency.
The interharmonics include inter-order harmonics. The term refers to RMS values for
the spectral components of electrical signals with frequencies between two contiguous
harmonic frequencies.
(Interharmonics of the order 3.5 assume a drive of 90 Hz or similar rather than a
frequency synchronized to the fundamental wave of an inverter or other device. However,
interharmonics do not generally occur in high-voltage circuits under present-day
conditions. Most interharmonics are currently thought to be caused by the circuit load.)
Interruption A phenomenon in which the supply of power stops momentarily or for a short or long
period of time due to factors such as a circuit breaker tripping as a result of a power
company accident or power supply short-circuit.
ITIC curve This curve was created by the Information Technology Industry Council.
Voltage disturbance data for detected events is plotted on a graph using the event duration
and worst value (as a percentage of the declared input voltage). The graph format makes
it easy to clearly identify which event data distribution should be analyzed.
The supplied software PQ One can be used to create ITIC curves using the data of the
instrument (available after the firmware update).


K factor Shows the power loss caused by the harmonic current in transformers. Also referred to as
the “multiplication factor.”
The K factor (KF) is formulated as shown below:

∑ (k 1
× I k2 )
KF = k =1

k =1

k: Order of harmonics
Ik: Harmonic current value [A]
Higher-order harmonic currents have a greater influence on the K factor than lower-order
harmonic currents.
Purpose of measurement:
To measure the K factor in a transformer when subjected to maximum load.
If the measured K factor is larger than the multiplication factor of the transformer used,
the transformer must be replaced with one with a larger K factor, or the load on the
transformer must be reduced.

The replacement transformer should have a K factor one rank higher than the measured K
factor for the transformer being replaced.
LAN LAN is the abbreviation of Local Area Network. The LAN was developed as a network
for transferring data through a computer within a local area, such as an office, factory, or

The instrument is equipped with the LAN adapter Ethernet 100BASE-TX. Use a twisted-
pair cable and connect with a star connection to the device generally called the hub (central
computer) of your LAN. The maximum length of the cable that can be used for connecting
the terminal and the hub is 100 m. Communications using TCP/IP as the Ethernet
interface protocol are supported.
Manual event
Functionality for generating events when the [MANUAL EVENT] key is pressed and
recording the measured value and event waveform at that time.
In this way, events can be generated as a snapshot of the system being measured.
Use this functionality when you wish to record a waveform but cannot find an event that
defines the desired phenomenon or when you wish to record data manually to avoid the

generation of too many events.
Measurement The nominal frequency of the system being measured. Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
frequency (fnom)

Multiple-phase Method for defining the start and end of events such as dips, swells, and interruptions in
system treatment multiple-phase systems, for example systems with 3 phases
A swell begins when the voltage on at least one channel exceeds the threshold and ends
when the voltage readings on all measurement channels falls below the value calculated 9
by subtracting the hysteresis from the threshold value.

A dip begins when the voltage on at least one channel falls below the threshold and ends
when voltage readings on all measurement channels exceeds the value calculated by
adding the hysteresis to the threshold value.
An interruption begins when voltage readings on all channels falls below the threshold

and ends when the voltage on a user-specified channel exceeds or is equal to the value
calculated by adding the hysteresis to the threshold value.
Nominal supply Typically, the system’s rated voltage Un. When a voltage that differs from the rated voltage
voltage (Uc) is applied to the contact in accordance with an agreement between the electricity provider
and the customer, that voltage is used as the nominal supply voltage Uc. The nominal
input voltage is defined by IEC61000-4-30.


Power factor demand The power factor calculated using the active power demand value (consumption) and the
value reactive power demand value (lag) for the set interval time (usually 30 min).
Pdem +
PFdem =
( Pdem+) 2 + (Qdem _ LAG ) 2
Power factor (PF/ Power factor is the ratio of active power to apparent power.
DPF) The larger the absolute value of the power factor, the greater the proportion of active
power to the apparent power, and greater the efficiency. The maximum absolute value is 1.
Conversely, the smaller the absolute value of the power factor, the greater the reactive
power with the apparent power, and lower the efficiency. The minimum absolute value is 0.
For this device, the sign of the power factor indicates whether the current phase is lagging
or leading the voltage.
A positive value (no sign) indicates that the current phase is lagging the voltage. Inductive
loads (such as motors) are characterized by a lagging phase.
A negative value indicates that the current phase is leading the voltage. Capacitive loads
(such as capacitors) are characterized by a leading phase. These signs are the opposite
of those for the harmonics phase angle and phase difference.
The power factor (PF) is calculated using RMS values that include harmonic components.
Larger harmonic current components cause the power factor to deteriorate.
By contrast, since the displacement power factor (DPF) calculates the ratio of active
power to apparent power from the fundamental voltage and fundamental current, no
voltage or current harmonic component is included.
This is the same measurement method used by reactive power meters installed at
commercial-scale utility customers’ facilities.
Displacement power factor, or DPF, is typically used by the electric power system,
although power factor, or PF, is sometimes used to measure equipment in order to
evaluate efficiency.
When a lagging phase caused by a large inductive load such as a motor results in a low
displacement power factor, there are corrective measures that can be taken to improve
the power factor, for example by adding a phase advance capacitor to the power system.
Displacement power factor (DPF) measurements can be taken under such circumstances
to verify the improvement made by the phase advance capacitor.
Reactive power Power that does not perform actual work, resulting in no power consumption as it travels
between the load and the power supply.
Reactive power is calculated by multiplying the active power with the sine of the phase
difference (sinθ). It arises from inductive loads (deriving from inductance) and capacitive
loads (deriving from capacitance), with reactive power derived from inductive loads known
as lag reactive power and reactive power derived from capacitive loads known as lead
reactive power.
Reactive power The average reactive power used during a set period of time (usually 30 min).
RMS current The RMS current is calculated using a value measured over a 1-cycle time refreshed each
refreshed each half- half-cycle.
cycle (Irms1/2) Model PW3198 Power Quality Analyzer uses the RMS for every half-cycle.
RMS value The root mean square of instantaneous values for a quantity obtained over a particular
time interval or bandwidth.
RMS voltage The RMS voltage is calculated using a value measured over a 1-cycle time refreshed
refreshed each half- each half-cycle.
cycle (Urms1/2)
RS-232C The RS-232C is a serial interface established by the EIA (Electronics Industries
Association). RS-232C also conforms with the specifications of DTE (data terminal
equipment) and DCE (data circuit terminating equipment) interface conditions.
SD memory card A type of flash memory card.
Swell A phenomenon in which the voltage rises momentarily due to a lightning strike or the
switching of a high-load power line.
Text data A file containing only data expressed using characters and character codes.


Timer event function Functionality for generating events at a set time interval and recording the measured value
and event waveform at that time.
This function allows you to capture instantaneous waveforms and other data regularly,
even if no abnormalities have occurred. Use this functionality when you wish to record a

waveform at a fixed time interval.
Total harmonic THD-F:
distortion factor The ratio of the size of the total harmonic component to the size of the fundamental wave,
expressed as a percentage using the following equation:

∑ (2nd order and above)


×100[%] (for the instrument, calculated to the 50th order)

Fundamental wave
This value can be monitored to assess waveform distortion for each item, providing a
yardstick that indicates the extent to which the total harmonic component is distorting the
fundamental waveform.
As a general rule, the total distortion factor for a high-voltage system should be 5% or
less; it may be higher at the terminal point of the system.
The ratio of the size of the total harmonic component to the size of the RMS, expressed
as a percentage using the following equation:

∑ (2nd order and above)


×100[%] (for the instrument, calculated to the 50th order) 4

THD-F is typically used.

Transient An event caused by lightning strikes, circuit-breaker and relay contact obstructions and
overvoltage tripping, and other phenomena. Transient overvoltage are often characterized by steep
voltage changes and a high peak voltage.
Unbalance factor Unbalanced (symmetrical) 3-phase voltage (current):
3-phase AC voltage (current) with equal voltage and current magnitude for each phase
and 120° phase separation.
Unbalanced (asymmetrical) 3-phase voltage (current):
3-phase AC voltage (current) with unequal voltage magnitude for each phase or without
120° phase separation.

Degree of unbalance in 3-phase alternating voltage

Normally described as the voltage unbalance factor, which is the ratio of negative-phase
voltage or zero-phase voltage to positive-phase voltage
Negative-phase voltage
Voltage negative-phase unbalance factor = ×100[%]
Positive-phase voltage

Voltage zero-phase unbalance factor =

Zero-phase voltage
Positive-phase voltage
×100[%] 8
Zero-phase/positive-phase/negative-phase voltage:

The concept of a zero-phase-sequence/positive-phase-sequence/negative- phase-
sequence component in a three-phase alternating circuit applies the method of
symmetrical coordinates (a method in which a circuit is treated so as to be divided into
symmetrical components of a zero phase, positive phase, and negative phase).

Zero-phase- Voltage that is equal in each phase. Described as [V0] (Subscript 0:

Zero-phase-sequence component).
Positive- Symmetrical three-phase voltage in which the value for each phase
phase- is equal, and each of the phase is delayed by 120 degrees in the

sequence following phase sequence: a, b, and c. Described as [V1] (Subscript 1:

component Positive-phase-sequence component).
Negative- Symmetrical three-phase voltage in which the value for each phase
phase- is equal, and each of the phases is delayed by 120 degrees in the
sequence following phase sequence: a, b, and c. Described as [V2] (Subscript 2:
component Negative-phase-sequence component).


If Va, Vb, and Vc are applied as the three-phase alternating voltage, the zero-phase
voltage, positive-phase voltage, and negative-phase voltage are formulated as shown
⋅ ⋅ ⋅

V a + V b +V c
Zero-phase Voltage V 0 =
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ V a + aVb + a2Vc
Positive-phase Voltage V 1 =
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ V a + a2 V b + aV c
Negative-phase Voltage V 2 =
a is referred to as the “vector operator.” It is a vector with a magnitude of 1 and a phase
angle of 120 degrees. Therefore, the phase angle is advanced by 120 degrees if multiplied
by a, and by 240 degrees if multiplied by a2.
If the three-phase alternating voltage is balanced, the zero-phase voltage and negative-
phase voltage are 0, and positive phase voltage is equal to the RMS value of the three-
phase alternating voltage.

Unbalance factor of three-phase current:

Used in applications such as the verification of power supplied to electrical equipment
powered by a 3-phase induction motor.
The current unbalance factor is several times larger than the voltage unbalance factor.
The less a three-phase induction motor slips, the greater the difference between these two
Voltage unbalance causes phenomena such as current unbalance, an increase in
temperature, an increase in input, a decline in efficiency, and an increase in vibration and
The requirements may require that Uunb does not exceed 2%, and Iunb is 10% or less. In
a 3P4W system with an unbalanced load, the Uunb0 and Inub0 components indicate the
current that flows to the N (neutral) line.
Zero, positive, and The positive phase can be considered normal 3-phase power consumption. The negative
negative phases phase functions to operate a 3-phase motor backwards. The positive phase causes the
motor to operate in the forward direction, while the negative phase acts as a brake. This
negative phase causes heat to be generated. This heat has a negative impact on the
motor. Like the negative phase, the zero phase is not necessary. With a 3-phase 4-wire
wiring, the zero phase causes current to flow and heat to be generated. Normally, an
increase in the negative phase causes an increase of the same magnitude in the zero

Symbols Flag..................................................................  Appx.24

Flicker...........................  104, Appx.6, Appx.18, Appx.24
∆V10........................................................................  150 Folder/file name.........................................................  71
Formating................................................................  126
Frequency...........................................................  40, 66
A Frequency (1 wave)..........................................  Appx.12

AC adapter................................................................  43 Frequency (200 ms).......................................... Appx.11
Alligator clips.......................................................  51, 55 Frequency fluctuations.......................................  Appx.5
Fundamental wave....................................................  67

Backlight....................................................................  75
Basic trend.................................................  98, Appx.15 Grabber clip.........................................................  51, 55
Battery.......................................................................  38
Baud rate.................................................................  145

Beep sound...............................................................  75
Hard copy................................................................  121
Harmonics..................................................  103, Appx.5
C Harmonics trend...............................................  Appx.15
Calculation method....................................................  67 High-order harmonic component........................  Appx.7
Clock.............................................................  40, 69, 75
Crest factor..........................................................  86, 87
Hold...........................................................................  81
HTTP server............................................................  142 5
CT..............................................................................  66
Currency....................................................................  67
Current......................................................................  87
Current phase............................................................  59
Current range......................................................  58, 65
IEC61000-4-30..................................  Appx.17, Appx.26
Impulse...............................................................  Appx.4
Current sensor...............................................  52, 56, 65 Inrush current......................................  Appx.6, Appx.13
Installation environment..............................................  7

Interharmonics....................................................  Appx.6
D Internal memory........................................................  69
Declared input voltage.........................................  49, 64 Internet browser......................................................  142
Default gateway.......................................................  138 Interruption....................................  94, Appx.5, Appx.10
Demand...................................................................  102 Interval.................................................................  70, 92

Detailed trend...................................................  Appx.15 IP address...............................................................  138
Detail Trend.............................................................  100 ITIC curve.................................................  133, Appx.26
Display color..............................................................  75

E Key lock.......................................................  21, 33, 193
Electric energy...................................................  85, 101 K factor.......................................................  87, Appx.27
Electric power............................................................  84
Energy cost.........................................................  67, 85

Event input..............................................................  148
Event list..................................................................  108 LAN.........................................................................  138
Event output............................................................  149 Language............................................................  40, 75
Event trend data............................................... 106, 112 Leakage current........................................................  57
Event waveform recording time.................................  74 Line voltage.........................................................  67, 84

Event waveforms......................................  106, Appx.15 Load................................................................  123, 124

External event............................................  74, Appx.14
External output........................................................  150

F MAC address...........................................................  138


Manual event....................................................  Appx.14

Factory reset.............................................................  77 Measurement procedure...........................................  16


MONITOR..................................................................  81 Unbalance factor..............................................  Appx.29

Negative phase................................................  Appx.30 Vector........................................................................  88
Voltage......................................................................  86
Voltage cord........................................................  51, 55
O Voltage dip...........................................  Appx.5, Appx.10
Voltage phase............................................................  59
Overrange.................................................................  34
Voltage range............................................................  64
Voltage swell.......................................  Appx.4, Appx.10
P VT..............................................................................  65

Phase difference........................................................  62

Phase name..............................................................  75 W
Phase voltage......................................................  67, 84
Warm-up....................................................................  44
Positive phase..................................................  Appx.30
Waveform..................................................................  82
Wiring..................................................................  49, 64
R Wiring check..............................................................  59
Wiring diagram..........................................................  50
Recording interval.....................................................  69 Wiring method...........................................................  49
Recording items........................................................  69
Recording period.......................................................  70
Recording start....................................................  70, 91 Z
Recording stop....................................................  70, 91
Zero adjustment........................................................  54
Repeat.................................................................  70, 92
Zero phase.......................................................  Appx.30
RMS value.................................................................  67
RMS voltage..............................................................  67
RS-232C..................................................................  145

Sag.....................................................................  Appx.5
Save time..................................................................  71
Screen copy..............................................................  69
SD memory card.................................................  42, 69
Settings files....................................................  122, 123
Strap..........................................................................  39
Subnet mask...........................................................  138
Surge..................................................................  Appx.4
System reset.............................................................  76

THD...........................................................................  67
Timer.........................................................................  70
Timer event.................................................  74, Appx.14
Total harmonic distortion.............  67, Appx.12, Appx.29
Transient overvoltage............................  Appx.4, Appx.8
Transient waveform............................. 106, 113, Appx.8
Trend..........................................................  95, Appx.15
TREND......................................................................  95

Unbalance..........................................................  Appx.7

16-01 EN

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