Credit Memo Debit Memo Cypress File Document
Credit Memo Debit Memo Cypress File Document
Credit Memo Debit Memo Cypress File Document
When the interface is executed, the following billing type needs to be considered:
File type 6
- ZFBP- Recurrent billing
File type 5
- ZF2 – Invoice
- ZRE- Credit for returns
- ZG2- Credit Memo
- ZL2- Debit Memo
File type 5
- ZF2 – Invoice
- ZRE- Credit for returns
- ZG2- Credit Memo
- ZL2- Debit Memo
As a general extraction rule: Items with 0 qty should not appear on the S00X lines of the
interface. A complete billing document with all line items at 0qty, should not be part of the
files sent to Cypress and Datagroup (CR 100052 –wave1)
- ZF2 – Invoice
- ZRE- Credit for returns
- ZG2- Credit Memo
- ZL2- Debit Memo
A batch job should be set to run VF31 daily to send invoices to Cypress and Datagroup
As a general extraction rule: Items with 0 qty should not appear on the S00X lines of the
interface. A complete billing document with all line items at 0qty, should not be part of the
files sent to Cypress and Datagroup (CR 100052 –wave1)
- ZF2 – Invoice
- ZRE- Credit for returns
- ZG2- Credit Memo
- ZL2- Debit Memo
A batch job should be set to run VF31 daily to send invoices to Cypress and Datagroup
100070: Change Redefine logic for sending Invoices to Cypress and Data
The program should allow 2 processing methods (Radio button available to switch from one method to
the other).
Method 1: Existing selection screen.
Method 2: Using time stamps of latest runs.
Method 1: No change
Method 2:
When processing files the program should check table BKPF (Accounting document header), for all
documents with BKPF-AWTYP = ‘VBRK’, get all new documents BKPF-BELNR created from last run,
get all BKPF-AWKEY (Reference key= Billing doc #), remove duplicates and send the corresponding
Billing document information out to Cypress and Datagroup (Billing type: ZF2, ZL2, ZG2, ZRE &
Only when run with the second method:
- Date and time will need to be manually initialized and stored in TVARVC table before the first run of
the program, ex: d0, t0.
- Store the execution start date and time in TVARVC table, ex: d1, t1. The program should pick every
BKPF documents for which date and time stands between [d0, t0] and [d1, t1]. Proceed this same
way for next runs, ex: [d1, t1] and [d2, t2] and store d2, t2 in TVARVC and so on.
- Keep track of previous runs time stamp
Maintain ALV log with:
- The table will be initialized by a separate program to make sure we get all previous invoice
information sent to Cypress and Datagroup before the first exaction of the program with the new
Interface File Type Customer Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Site Sending Date Sending time
FSINTOTC028AB 5 3317500 90002345 2011/07/05 8006 2011/07/05 23:13:55
File Type: “5”= Warehouse (Billing type: ZF2, ZL2, ZG2, ZRE). “6” = Recurrent Billing (Billing
Type: ZFBP).
Customer Number: VBPA-KUNNR (Partner PY).
Invoice Number: VBRK-VBELN.
Invoice date: VBRK-FKDAT.
Site: KNVV- VWERK from the Payer Master data.
Sending date: Start date of execution of the interface program.
Sending time: Start time of execution of the interface program.
CR 100314
Change the field delimiter from colon to Pipe.
Description of the requirement: Customer wants to see the WD price on the invoice.
The WD price is the net price that the customer will pay per unit. This amount can be
taken from VBRP-KWZI5/VBRP-FKIMG. There are five changes that need to be
done: changes to the interface FSINTOTC028a, FSINTOTC028b, the SAP form, the
invoice form at datagroup and the invoice form at Cypress.
1 Change to the interface FSINTOTC028A. You need to add the WD price: VBRP-
KWZI5/VBRP-FKIMG at the line level at the end of each line (this needs to be the last
field of the line. This file is pipe delimited. The value need to be calculated if it is a line
with identifier S001 and a with Base line indicator set to B. With the other lines type with
identifier S001 add a pipe to keep the same number of field for the line.
2 Change to the interface FSINTOTC028B. You need to add the WD price: VBRP-
KWZI5/VBRP-FKIMG at the line level at the end of each line (this needs to be the last
field of the line. This file is pipe delimited. The value need to be calculated if it is a line
with identifier S001 and a with Base line indicator set to B. With the other lines type with
identifier S001 add a pipe to keep the same number of field for the line.
This an example of the content of the new file from D2E:
Uni-Select has two 3rd party company that are receiving the data of invoices in order to
create an invoice, display it and print them to be sent to customer – these are
FSINTOTC028A and B (warehouse invoices to Datagroup and Cypress). At the bottom
of the warehouse invoice, there is a line showing the total of handling fee. This total is
all the handling fee amount of every delivery on the invoice.
There are 2 changes that need to happen, which are changes to interfaces
FSINTOTC028A and FSINTOTC028B. Two sections that the Shipment Handling needs
to be changed – T001 and F1.
There is no change to the SAP invoice form, which is showing the correct amount.
Fetch unique sales order # and packing slip from VBRP
Fetch Document Condition in VBRK where VBRK-VBELN=VBRP-VBELN
Fetch document conditions of all line items from table VBRP whose VBRP-AUBEL is
the same - step 1
and KONV-KINAK = ' '
For each T001 entry, calculate Shipment Handling = sum the values from KONV-
KWERT for each sales order
1 Fetch Document Condition in VBRK
2 Fetch document conditions for all line items
and KONV-KINAK = ' '
3 For F1 table, Shipment Handling = sum the values from KWERT for each unique