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NO Q/Ans Desription Pre-requisites Incident

1 Q How can I make sytem to auto create all sale order date during
Ans Go to VOV8--> and pricing date(tab)---> selct Delivery
plant should be maintained in MMR
propose del date( sytem will pick today date as del date.
propose PO date( PO date will be todays date.

Q Sales order stock 5598965 000010 does not exist when doing PGI we get
this error.
Ans manitain 561-E in mb1c ( 561 E is the movement type for stock against
sales order

Q User have the o/p as 20.09 while we were getting as 209.08

Q sytem user profile-->own data--> default data--> Decimal notation

american system have diffirent decimal notation

Q In subject ticket user have

Q Rounding value in MRP1

Q certificate of analysis for delivery vl71

Q no order ack in add data B of header of order--> even there is no any

o/p mail triggered
Ans NO order ack come from master data( when ordr will save it will mail to


Q SM30-->ZZSD--> MAINTAIN= China material desription

Q No status object is available for SDI/4752456/40000" INC10918031

Ans Sometimes there is inconsistency in system.
SE38--> SDSTATUS1 run this program
SE38--> SDSTATUS2 run this program and save it.
Q Not able to change Juridiction code for payer
Ans maintained in address -->street address generally maintained for US.
combination of Country+region+Postal code

Q Maintain Transit time for for route determination. RITM12751190

Ans thsi is route determination and we used LSMW using SM30.

Q Order is incomplete due to routing sheet data is missing.

Ans Select material from AP

Q no Accounting document created, unable to enter ZI00 pricing condition

Ans �If the Value of PR00 record is 1 or less than 1 at Sales org./Matl
type/ZPROC level, then the code will make it to zero value .
Asked the user to maintain Pr00 Price for Sales org./Matl type/ZPROC as
more than 1.�

Q Late Order Reason Code- configuration

this reason code is maintained at sales order at item level in
additional data B tab

Q Changes in customer master log

Ans OV51

�CDHDR and CDPOS -find change log for documnet

Q Item 020000 requires exactly 1 serial numbers for the asset

Ans Check VL01N/VL02N Extras --> Serial Number assign her�create serial num
automatically after that do the PGI
This error comes when MMR -->sales gemeral plant dta --> serial no
profile is maintained

Q Inconsistency in sales order status.

Ans If you find an inconsistency in the sales order status, the report
SDVBUK00 can be used to correct it. This report runs a check on the sales order
status (like opening the document in VA02 and checking the difference between the
database entries and the status determined by the system), and can be used to
update the values in VBUK and VBUP.

Q Billing issue

Q certificate of analysis for delivery INC10860448

Ans VL71-->processing mode 2 --->

Q create delivery not allowed ( system status EXLS , Obj

Ans ;
save the material master and create new sales order Use tcode � VX22N

Q Item category UZSO is not showing net price as 0

Ans ideally when we change item category to free of charge ( standard item
category = TANN) net price should be 0. but for some it not get updated. So that go
to item level condition tab and click on Update tab then pricing will be

Q what is bill of ladding INC11076136

Ans Bill of Lading is used like say a Tracking number that you get from the
Once a shipment is picked up by the carrier they normally give a
tracking number and this is updated in the delivery note.

Q how Z05 movement type is fetching in delivey

Ans systeem fetches data from zvt0207as per order reason and and plant. Its
not dependent on scedule line cat

Q Factory calender

Q for which company code billing is done is maintained in sales order

header at billing tab and accounting tab

Q Table NAST

Sm36 � JOB creation

Q Proforma invoices
Ans Proforma Invoice:
1. You can create a Proforma invoice with reference to the sales order.
Create a sales order (VA01). Create the Proforma invoice with reference to the
sales order. Select the billing document type F5.
2. You can create a Proforma Invoice with reference to a Delivery
document. Create a delivery document (VL01N). Create a Proforma invoice with
reference e to the delivery document. Select the billing document type F8.
Proforma invoice is a document that is used for the documentation
This is a mirror image of the original Invoice that would be created in
future date.
When creating Proforma invoice the accounting document will not be
We can create u2018nu2019 number of proforma invoices by referring a
same document (Sales order or delivery).
Proforma invoices are used in Export businesses for documentation
purposes before goods movement. But the original invoices will be created during
goods movement.
Some government agencies will require proforma invoices rather than
quotations since the proforma invoices are mirror images of the invoices that will
be received while doing actual transaction.

Q ZBACKLOG table functionality

Ans "Hi Michele and Team ,
From the knowledge that we have on the Backlog Process till now, following are the
details :
1. ZBACKLOG table gets updated from the Program ZSD_OSMO_BACKLOG_FILL_COPY_V1.
2. This Program runs in background in GEB every 1.5 hours.(Need to confirm once
with BASIS).
3. Business Users uses ZRSBLMRP transaction code to get the data daily.
4. This transaction code pulls that data from ZBACKLOG table.
Program Functionality :
1. Pulls out the Orders, STOs from the Standard Tables according to the Input
Parameter but Updates only those documents in table which are yet to be delivered
or partially delivered or PGIed."

Q Tax is coming wrong

Tax amount is greater than tax base
Ans 1. Go to VF02 and Open Invoice#98497400�
2. Go to Line Item -> Conditions Tab.�
3. Hit the Update Button and select Option G.�
4. Do this for all the line items.�
5. SAVE the Invoice.�
Q how to find particular conditiion type used in which Sales document?

Ans Go to SE16 and table name KONV

Enter Condition type in the selection screen and execute. Note the doc
condition number knumv
Copy the document cond. Num and go to table VBAK-KNUMV. Enter the
number in VBAK and you'll get the list of sales doc.

Q Delivey split
Kindly check the following:
Delievery split can occur because of following reasons:
1. Different delivery dates for line items.
2. Different ship to parties for line items.
3. Different routes for line items.
Check whether the above data are same for all your line items.
The following data may cause to split as two deliveries:
- Check the shipping points of the two items it may be different.

- Check the item level partner functions in the Sales order is there
different ship to parties available for the two items.
- Check the Delivering plant of the items.
- Check the shipping conditions are different for the two items.
- Check the loading group of the two items

VBUV� -->� Sales Documents: Incompletion Log

In T-Code SU3, add paramter

SD_SWU_ACTIVE with a value of X
Now you should see the Services for Object icon in VA02 and VA03

"Checkpoints for failed PGI:

1. Shipping tab present in PO or not
2.Check PO release
3. Stock in supplying plant
4. Planned delivery time should not be zero
5. Dates
6. Master data - Vendor - Supplying plant assignment / Customer - receiving plant
7. Standard STO Configuration check"

Q Goods Movement" not allowed (Sys. status CLSD, object

Ans Go to line item status tab,
click on change button and reset the complete log
save the order then try to create PGI

Q orerdres still coming in VL10G

Ans SA38-->RVV05IVB-->give doc num
Select shipping date due index chekbox and execute

Q item cat KN ZGPR can not be invoiced with billing type ZFSD or item cat
ZOR ZPGR cannot invoice with billing type ZF2
Ans check copy control VTFA

Q How to upload file in sap directory

Ans CG3Z

Q Confirm quantity goes to zero after saving the order in 3rd party.

Ans At the moment in sales order we apply credit check. Therefore if a

sales order is block while saving automatically the confirmed quantity is made 0.

As soon as the person responsible for unblocking the sales order,

unblocks the sales order then the confirmed quantity is set again equal to the
order quantity.

"1) First release the sales order from credit block.

2) Recheck the ATP for both the line item and check confirm quantity before saving
the order( it should not be zero).

3) Save the order, PR will be generated automatically. "

Backward scheduling does based on the customer requested date and

forward scheduling does based on the order creation date.
Q Forward scheduling formulas
Loading date = Material availability date + pick/pack time Transit
time: Time required in order to ship a delivery to the ship-to party
Transportation Planng date = Loading date - Trp lead time Loading
time: Time required for loading the goods
Goods issue date = Loading date + Loading time Pick/pack time: Time
required for picking, packing
Confirmed delivery date = Goods issue date + Transit time
Transportation lead time: Time required for organizing the transportation

Q backword scheduling formula

Ans The system calculates backward scheduling as follows:
Requested delivery date - transit time = Goods issue date Transit time
in defined in route
Goods issue date � loading time = Loading date The loading time is
defined in shipping point.
Loading date - transportation lead time = Transportation scheduling
date The transportation lead time is defind in route.
Loading date - pick/pack time = Material availability date The
pick/pack time is defined in shipping point.

Q Incoterms determination in sales order

Ans In standard SAP system incoterms are determined from Sold to party.

If we want the incoterm to be determined from ship to party then we

have to use user exist MV45AFZZ

Q What is accrual in pricing

Ans in simple terms, if any amount that should be posted separately to a
particular G/L Account without affecting the net sales value in SD, you can use
accruals. In case of Rebates and Freights, this can be used. That is as and when
billing documents are generated with these condition types, the corresponding value
will hit the assigned G/L Account and later, once the amount is settled to customer
/ transporter, relevant FI entry (debit / credit) will be updated. "1. If you
check the statistics option in your pricing procedure it will not post to Account
key .

2. if you check the statistics option in your pricing procedure and if you
maintain accrual key ,then system will post to accrual account

3. In VKOA if you maintain account key in your pricing and no statistics then you
have to maintain only one GL account . then system will post the value to
respective GL accounts .

4. if you maintain Accrual key in pricing procedure then here you have to maintain
GL account and provision account , to knock of the values from customer account .

5.if you not maintain statistics check in your pricing then you have to check the
accrual in your condition type so that value will post to your FI accounts.(for

note -- if statistics check is there in your pricing procedure then you cant able
to pass the values to normal account key . this is standard behavior ."

Q difference between account key and accrual key

Ans "Account key is mainly used for Frieghts.

Account key enables amount to post to certain revenue accounts, for example freight
charges. When you add freight related condition types, it will be added to separate
G/L accounts, means this will not be added to material price.

Accruals mean accumulating.

With the aid of the account key, the system can post amounts to certain types of
accruals accounts. For example, rebate accruals which are calculated from pricing
conditions can be posted to the corresponding account for rebate accruals."

Q How to find billing of particular output type

Ans go to table-->NAST--->(in message type) enter output type--->(in object
key we will get the invoices of that output type.
copy that invoices and paste in VBRK table and also give billing type

at the output we will get billing for particular output type and
billing type

Q how to check mail is sent or not to user

Ans Tcode- SOST

Q "In transaction XD03 we can print details for a single

customer. Is there any transaction code to print all the
customers� address or details at one time?
A: For this requirement check TC: S_ALR_87012179 &

Q what is alt condition type and condition base value in SAP pricing
Ans "Pricing � Alternate Calculation type, Alt Condition base value and
2 Replies
The alternate condition base value (Alt CBV) is used as the calculation basis only,
while the alternate calculation is used to modify the final value.

For example, imagine you have a condition type ZPR1, with a condition record
maintained (master data) for $10. Now, condition ZPR2 also exists lower in the
schema, but with a rate of 10%. The standard calculation would result in a final
value of $11.

The alternate base value could say, �don�t use $10 as the basis � use the original
price PR00 only, which was $9.� Then, the final value would be $10 + (10% of $9) =

The alternate calculation routine says, �ignore the 10% altogether. Instead, use an
externally calculated 20%.� Then, you end up with a final value of $10 + (20% of
$10) = $12.

Put them both together, and you could end up with $10 + (20% of $9) = $11.8.

Alternative Calculation Type:

Normally if you want to calculate a value you have to use a calculation type for
determining the value. This calculation type is either addition, subtraction or
multiplication. Similarly SAP also has got a default calculation type in the
control data of the condition type. There you have the options of either Qty
based , Fixed Amount Based or Percentage based.

Here suppose if you define your condition type that calculates the base price of a
material on Qty based. Then the calculation will be done based on the quantity of
the material. If the customer orders 10 Nos and you have maintained a unit price of
$10,- for each material then the value determined is $100,-. Similarly if the
discount condition type , you maintain the calculation type as %. This means if you
maintain the value of 10% in the condition record. Then this percentage is taken as
the calculation type and the condition value is determined.

In some cases you have to forego the default calculation types and use the customer
specific method for calculating a value. For ex if you are calculating the Freight
charges for a Material . it depends on so many criteria like, the weight, volume
and also the minimum amount etc etc, in those cases, you forego the default value
and then use the alternative calculation type in calculating the condition value
against the particular condition.

Alternative Condition Base value :

If you have to calculate any value then you have to have a base value for it. For
ex if you want to calculate the discount of 10 % for a material then you have to
have a base value on which this 10% is calculated. Normally you take the condition
value of the base price of the material to calculate the value.

Now you don�t want to take the base value and take other values as base value which
are derived on some formula. So you create a routine which will do the mathematical
operations in the routine and derive you a value which is now used as the base
value for calculating the condition value for a particular condition type.

A factor in the condition technique that restricts access to a condition table. The
system only accesses a condition table to determine the price if the requirement
specified has been met."

Q Freight scenario in sap

If you are delivering some physical goods by using some vehicle and
paying its transportation cost to vednor then you can have various options or
requirements that how this freight should be calculated and posted.
KF00 is standard condition type used to calculate the freight

Q Customer expected price concept in SAP SD

Ans Condition type EDI1 and EDI2

Q Condition type VPRS ( cost)

Ans "It cost is mainly used to determine whether the material is having the
standard price or moving average price.
The condition type VPRS is labeled as a statistical condition in the pricing
in this, using the condition category G, the condition type VPRS goes into the
valuation segment of the material master and determines from here the standard or
average price.
The condition category S always accesses the standard price whereas condition
category T always accesses the average price."

Q Group condition in sap sd
Ans If I have to give discount or specify some price to particular material
then we use this control in condition type.
Group Condition: You can use this is feature of a condition type to
apply price or discount for a material based on common property
If i have to give discount to the customers who orders particular
material which have total quantity greater than 100 then we create condition record
for that material with condition type K020. Which will add the price of all line
items and give discount on total price. In normal scenario we have total price in
header but we dont have any accesss sequence at header level. So we create
condition type K020 which wil add values of all line itema nd give us the discount.

Q Condition exclusion group

Ans "Condition Exclusion Groups

It is quite possible that you may have more than one condition type in your pricing
procedureoffering a discount to a customer. Should the discounts be automatically
determined, there is the risk that the customer will receive all the relevant
discounts and thus purchase the product lower than heshould. By using condition
exclusion groups, you can ensure the customer does not receive all discounts, but
instead only receives, for example (the best of the four discount condition types).

Menu Path

The path here is IMG, Sales and distribution, Basic functions, Pricing, Pricing
control, Condition

exclusion, Condition exclusion for groups of conditions, Define condition exclusion


Transaction Code

The code here is [OV31]. A condition exclusion group is merely a grouping of

condition types thatare compared to each other during pricing and result in the
exclusion of particular condition types within a group or entire groups.

There are four possible methods of using the condition exclusion groups:

Selection of the most (or least) favorable condition type within a condition
exclusion group

Selection of the most (or least) favorable condition record of a condition type, if
more valid condition records exist (such as selection from different condition
records of the condition type PR00)

Selection of the most (or least) favorable of the two condition exclusion groups
(in this case, all condition types of the two groups are cumulated and the totals
are compared)

An exclusion procedure in which if a condition type in the first group exists in

the document, all condition types in the second group are set to inactive

We will use the example of the most (or least) favorable condition type within a
condition exclusion group as an example, using the two discount condition types
K005 and our created Z007.

Thus, we will place both these condition types in an exclusion group.

Proceed by defining an exclusion group by using a four-character alphanumeric key.

In our example, we will call our group Z100 Menu Path

One now proceeds to assign the condition types to the exclusion group.

Go to IMG, Sales and

distribution, Basic functions, Pricing, Pricing control, Condition exclusion,

Condition exclusion for

groups of conditions, Assign condition types to the exclusion groups.

Transaction Code

The code here is [OV32]. , assign the relevant condition types to the condition

exclusion group.

Menu Path

After completing the assignment of the condition types to the exclusion group,
proceed with

assigning the condition exclusion group to the pricing procedure as follows: IMG,
Sales and

distribution, Basic functions, Pricing, Pricing control, Condition exclusion,

Condition exclusion for

groups of conditions, Maintain condition exclusion for pricing procedures.

Transaction Code

The code here is [VOK8]. After selecting the pricing procedure for which you want
the condition

exclusion to be active, select the button “—> Exclusion.” This

will take you to

NOTE: Do not forget the condition types that you want the system to

compare must exist in the pricing procedure and have valid condition

records created for them.If you now create a sales order using the same pricing
procedure that the exclusion group is

assigned to, you will find that the condition offering the most favorable discount
to the customer is

represented in the pricing procedure that the condition type Z007 has offered a
discount of 10 percent off

the sale price or a real value of 30 DEM, while condition type K005 has offered a
real value discount

of 10 DEM. The system then takes the best discount for the customer between the
two, which is

Z007, and makes the other discount, K005, inactive. This can be seen by double-
clicking on K005.

Note the entry “Inactive A condition

exclusion item.”

It is possible to see the advantages of the exclusion groups in the previous

example. Imagine

the product has a lower sales price of, say, 90 DEM per item. The result would be
that condition type

Z007 offers a 10 percent discount, which is a real value of DEM, while K005 still
offers a discount

of 10 DEM. In this case, Z007 would be inactive and the system would use K005.

Condition type K005 is inactive."


Ans "Basically the pricing procedure is assigned to delivery because of
different changes in it before it ultimately reaches the customer.

e.g. like after a sales order is created, it has many discounts, taxes,surcharges.

But during delivery also there are additional charges, like octroi, freight,etc

These cannot be tolerated into company profits, hence they are calculated at
delivery level to capture their exact value.

Also these cannot be pre-defined and be operated at any location, hence they are
alloted at delivery level.

For delivery related pricing procedure,

To see pricing in delivery follow this path

SPRO>Logistics Execution>Shipping>Basic Shipping Functions>Pricing>Define Pricing

Procedures for Delivery> in that screen select your delivery document type and
assign the corresponding ""pricing procedure"" then u can see the pricing in
delivery "
pricingg in delivery is used in cases where packaging costs nedd to be
displayed at delivery level

Q Delivery without any ref to order

Ans "1. When we want to tap a new customer who will be using our product
for the first time. In this case we want to send him/her a sample of our product.
So the customer will not give a PO. But we will send him/her the material on trial
basis. On successful trial then we will receive the PO from the customer.

2. Suppose an old customer wants some material from us. But due to some conditions
the PO cannot be sent by the customer. In this case we will create the delivery
without reference to an order."
Delivery Type LO and tcode is VL01NO

Q what is KOMK and KOMP fields of pricing procedure
Ans KOMP and KOMK are pricing comunication structures for item and header.
You can have values in them during run time and values are not stored permanatly.
Hence you cant see them. Tables will have values stored permanently.
The field catalog is a structure (KOMG) that consists of two tables
(KOMK and KOMP). These tables contain the header and item data for pricing
respectively. They are called KOM �x� because they are communications structures
used to communicate the transaction data with the pricing procedure. Table KOMG
contains the fields of tables KOMK and KOMP.
If you require a field that is not in KOMG, it means that it is not in
KOMK or KOMP. This means that the field you require cannot be used in pricing
because there is no communication of this field from the transaction to the pricing
procedure via the communication structures.�
To use a field not defined in the field catalog, you need to add this
field to the KOMK or KOMP structures, and then write the ABAP code to transfer the
data in the field from the transaction tables to the communication structure.
Follow these steps:
Q Where the subtotal value is stored in pricing
Ans "
Yes the value of subtotal are stored in data base. The Value for the Subtotal are
stored in data base and sub total determines where the value for the sub total is
going to be stored in data base . For eg. SUB TOTAL 1 is stored in KOMP-KZWI 1 and
for the SUB TOTAL 2 is stored in KOMP-KZWI 2"

Q pricing at item level

Ans "in item category configuration in VOV7 select pricing we click icon
bar it will display some information

........... no pricing

x..........pricing standerd

A..........pricing for emptyees

B..........pricing for free goods"

for 3rd party scenario case item cat TAS use no pricing ( blank)
For free goods use B
"A-pricing for empties--Pricing for empties - What is enpties? Normally
Material is packed in Packets & these Packets are given to Customer for free. But,
take a example of Chemical Company - they are selling Chemicals in specially packed
Metal Cointainers. Now these Containers are not free & Customer is supposed to
return these Containers after using the Chemicals.

In above scenario the Selling Company need to ensure that the Empty Containers are
returned by Customer within a specified period of time. If the Customer does not
returns the Containers they will will either raise a additional Invoice for
Containers or raise a Debit Memo.

These is where the indicator A - Pricing for empties in Item Category (VOV&) comes
into picture. Which means that at time of creating Sales Order for Chemicals the
Containers will be included in Sales Order & Invoice but will not be Priced for
i.e. Customer is not charged for the same. But if Customer does returns them then
we will charge them in future."

Q which are pricing relevant master data

Ans "1) pRICE LIST-Price list type: It Identifies a price list or other
condition type (for example, a surcharge or discount).


You can define price list types according to the needs of your own organization.
Price list types can be grouped according to:

the kind of price list (for example, wholesale or retail)

the currency in which the price appears

the number of the price list type

You can use price list types to apply conditions during pricing or to generate

In the customer master record, enter one of the values predefined for your system.
The system proposes the value automatically during sales order processing. You can
change the value manually in the sales document header."
"2) Price GROUP-Generally the usage of customer group is to group the
customers into One group so that whenever you want to give some additional discount
to that customer group then you can give

Example :

Say you have 2 customers and 2 customers have 2 pricing groups. Customer A belongs
to Wholesale Pricing grp and Customer B belongs to Retail Pricing grp. Maintain a
condition record With the help of the Customer / Pricing grp key combination. Now
for wholesale you give extra discount and for retail you give less discount. Now
when you create the sales order with Customer A then he will be getting extra
discount But if you create the sales order with Customer B then he will be getting
normal discount


Q tax juridication of USA AND customizing


Q plant wise tax calculation in GL ac configuration

Tcode-OB40 used to assign GL to particular tax code combination

Q we can change the adress of partners in sales document, but this will
cause billling split
Ans "In you case Invoice is split due to different Bill to party address,

I face almost same issue in my last project in which one user change the Bill to
party address after few minutes another user just change the Bill to party address
by copy paste from customer master record. when I was checking the Billing split
criteria I checked bill to party address and it was same. finally went through
Split analysis and came to know Address code is different. when I went further
analysis and came to know address was changed once.

As per standard SAP functionality when ever we create the Sales

order/Delivery/Billing system copies the Address code from ADRC of customer master
and put the same code in our sales document.

BUT when we change the address in our sales document it generates new address code.
every time it generate new code no matter Address is same or different.

If you want to avoid Billing address from your split criteria you have to update
the Data VBRK/VBRP and copying requirement in copy control."

Q What if we change the address of any partner in sales document is that

will change the master data of that customer ?

Q What is the contact person partner in sap sd

Ans See, sometimes it happens like business needs some MEDIATOR who cracks
the deal and manage relation ship with the Client and customer. In this case the
mediator only contacts the company and settles the things. For example, say your
end customer did not pay you the bills on time or his cheque bounced on that case
you can contact Contact person and he has to settle the things.
"The moment you add Contact person in Customer master and save it,it
automatically assigned to internal number range,You can see relation between
customer and contact person in KNVK table and intresting point is Contact Person
Does not have any account group so the Question is from where does it is picking
Number Range? and the answer is in Configuration ----VPN1, We can maintain number
range over here with AP. This AP is further assigned with Business partner CP which
we assigned to partner determination of customer master.

We can create/Change/Display Contact person through VAP1/VAP2/VAP3"

If we want contact person to be in billing document then first create a
contact person and assign the same in the contact person tab in the customer master
then you have assign cp in vopan to sales document header and billing header. so
that it will popoup while raising billing document.

Q Loading and pick pack time in shipping point should be in hours

Ans "Loading Time and Pick/Pack time are taken from the Shipping Point.

You can use either ""Daily scheduling"" or ""Precise scheduling"" for your Shipping

If you ""Precise scheduling"" , then the above Lead Times are calculated in hours
and minute and if you are using ""Daily scheduling"" then the above Lead Times are
also calculated in hours and minutes but ultimately resulting in days (calculated
in days).

Daily scheduling uses the Factory calender for calculating the above lead times and
ultimately gives in days.

Precise scheduling uses the working time of the shipping point and calculates the
above lead times down to hours and minutes.

If you have specified a ""Working time"" for the Shipping Point, that indicates
that you are using Precise scheduling for your Shipping point.

I think, you have not specified the working time for the Shipping point by which
system considers as Daily scheduling, therefore system is taking the lead time in

Q Shipping location detrmination rule MALA

Ans Shipping point+ Storage condition( MMR-storg plant data view) + plant

Q what is the reason to batch split

Ans "Reasons:
Legal requirements (hazardous material)
Defect tracing, callback activities, and regression requirement
Production or procedural requirements (for example, settlement of material
quantities on the basis of different batch specifications)."
Q serially managed material
Ans "1. Serial number profile is created. -OIS2
2. Assigned sales order procedure (SDAU) and delivery proceedure to serial number
3. Profile is assigned in material master record
4. Assume there is a stock of 10 quantity without serial number (you can do 561
for initial stock posting )
5. IQ01 created serial number for all the 10 stock.
6. VA01 created sales order for one quantiy
7. Assigned one serial number for this material
8. Sales order is saved and delivery and PGI is done for the same serial number
and material
9. MMBE stock is reduced with one quantity
10. MB51 if check the material document in serial number TAB i can see a message
that ""The material is managed in serial numbers"" "

Q what is the confirmation of transfer order

Ans "By confirming the transfer order, you verify the quantities removed
from the warehouse. If you are
working with a confirmation requirement, you must perform this step separately. If
there is no
confirmation requirement, the system automatically confirms the quantities when you
create the
transfer order."
An instruction to move materials from a source storage bin
to a destination storage bin in a warehouse complex at a
specified time.

Q What is the difference between LEAN WM and WM

Ans "If you have a warehouse with random storage , you need to use the WM
System with full
functionality. Since a material can be stored in different storage bins or even
several storage bins at the same time, precise inventory management at the level of
the storage bin is required."
"Lean WM does not have inventory management at the level of the storage
bin and is therefore more
suitable for fixed bin warehouses. In a fixed bin storage area, the material is
always in the same
storage bin."
"Some of the WM functions not included in Lean WM are listed below:
. Storage sections
. Reserve storage bins
. Strategies for putaway and picking
. Replenishment
. Inventory at storage-bin level"
Q what is the Shipping materials
Ans materials used for packing or transporting goods (packaging materials

"You must create material master records for the different shipping
materials. You can use material
type VERP for these materials in the standard system. You define special data such
as packing
weight and volume permitted for each shipping material in the material master.
You can activate these fields for each material type."

Q SD and QM integration
Ans "In two stages, Quality will integrate with SD.

1) Before dispatching the final goods to customer, there will be a final inspection

2) Once goods dispatched to end customer and in that if there is any quality issues
and customer returns the material, at this juncture also, quality inspection will
be carried out on the issue raised by customer. For this SD will raise a necessary
quality notification thru which, the message will be passed on to quality.

For both the above stages, in material master under Quality view, we would assign
inspection type (one for pre despatch and another one for post despatch).

In material master --> go to quality management view --> select inspection set up
--> select inspection type --> In inspection give 06 and 10 and click on active -->
save it."
"When the outbound delivery is created in SD, QM automatically creates
an inspection lot for the
delivery items that are relevant for inspection. The inspection lot tells the
quality assurance
department that the goods need to be inspected."
"You initiate printing of a certificate of quality from output control
of the outbound delivery at item
level. This function is primarily used for materials that are handled in batches."

Q Plant and sales organisation assignment

Ans "By making the plant dependent on the distribution channel, you can
differentiate further between
plants within a sales organization from a sales view. The distribution channel
Direct sales, for
example, may be allowed for certain plants in a sales organization but not for

Q What is business area in SAP

Ans Defining a business area is optional. They can be used to prepare
balance sheets and profit and loss statements not only for company codes, but also
for other internal areas (for example, divisionrelated).
The business area represents an organizational unit for which you can
carry out internal reporting. A company code may be divided into multiple business
areas. A business area may also be shared by several company codes. For this
reason, business areas must have the same description in all company codes.

Example- Description of business area 1 is same in all company code1,

complany code2, company code 3

Q Billin type F1
Ans F1- Order related Billing, Ex-If you want to invoice a customer for
services rendered, you would normally create an invoice with reference to the sales
order, because deliveries are not usually created for services.
F2- Delivery related billing

Q Cerdit memo/ Debit memo with ref to billing documnet

Ans "if your company does not require a release procedure in the case
complaints -
directly with reference to a billing document"
If we dont want any item in credit memo then put the reason of
rejection for that particular item that will not copy into the billing
documnet( Credit memo)

Q what is invoice correction request

Ans An invoice correction request is a type of sales order, like the
standard order. For more information on sales documents
"The invoice correction request must be created with reference to the
corresponding billing document
(no reference to order or inquiry)."
The system calculates the difference between the amount that was
originally calculated and the corrected amount for each item.
Regardless of whether the invoice correction request is a credit or
debit memo, the first item is always a credit item and the second is a debit item

Quantity difference
(damaged or sub-standard goods.)

Price Difference
incorrect pricing of goods

Q Return process in sap sd

Ans "In standard SAP credit memo billing RE is created with reference to
credit memo order type RE not with reference to return delivery and PGR

The basic reason is return order item category REN is billing relence is Order
releted billing hence it doesnot refer to return delivery"

Q Cash sales billing type control

Ans "The order and the delivery are created in one step, although you
receive a document for each.
. Goods issue is posted at a later time as a separate transaction so the customer
does not have to
"Order-related billing
No output determination, as this has already been carried out in the order
No new price determination, as the pricing should not differ from the printed
Posting in FI is made to a cash settlement account, not to the customer
Billing type SV is used for cancellations in cash sales"
Billing documnet is created via standard process after PGI of

Q How to change the billing quantity at the time of billing for delivery
related billing?
Ans you can only change the item quantities for item categories that have
billing relevance K.

Q what is criteria for collective invoices ? What is the process of

collective invoices?
Ans "As per standard config the criteria for collective billing are, If
your sales order has:
same Payer
same Billing Type
same Terms of Payments
same Billing Date
same Incoterms"
So, if the invoice are getting split on the bases of Ship-to party
region, which not standard.
"Go to VTFL select for your delivery type and billing type and then go
to item category and its details in the data VBRK/VBRP fields ensure that 001 is
maintained if it is for deliveries.

Go to VTFA select for your order type and billing type and then go to item category
and its details in the data VBRK/VBRP fields ensure that 001 is maintained if it is
for orders."
Field VBRK-ZUKRI is used in the billing header to store these
additional split criteria.
It is possible to include both order-related and delivery-related items
in the same billing document.

Q what is CFOP code determination ?

"CFOP � C�digo Fiscal de Opera��o e Presta��o (Fiscal Code of
Operations and Services)

Before I show you some hints on the CFOP configuration on SAP, let me introduce
first a little bit about the CFOP concept.

The Brazilian Tax System is formed by several codes that are used to organize and
facilitate the companies� statements. CFOP is one of them.

The CFOP is a code defined by the Brazilian authorities that describes the type of
business transaction.

A CFOP code contains information on the good�s origin as well as the type of
operation, such as sales, returns, stock transfers, or services"

Q how to set individual billing document should get created for each
sales document
Ans select data transfer routine 3 in Customizing for copying control

number of the reference document is set in field VBRK-ZUKRI).

Q what is make to order scenario ?

Ans "In MTO will follow the below steps,

1. Create a Sale order for the Header Material.

2. Run MRP for the Header Material, so the procurement proposals will generate for
the BOM items.

3. Do the procurement for the components.

4. Once all the component stock is in place, convert the Header Material Planned
order to Production order through MD04/CO08.

5. Issue the components from Inventory to Shop floor (261).

6. Confirm the Production order and receive to stock (101).

7. Now the assembly is in sale order stock.

8. Create delivery to the customer (VL02N).

9. Create billing (VF01).

10. Close the order (TECO).

For MTO the cycle will start from Customer order / Sale order and end with the

In Master data you should mention the strategy Group in MRP3 and set in MRP 4
Indiv/coll as ""1""."

Q What is the prerequisite configuration for MTO scenario ?

Ans "1) You need to have a material with item category group 0001 = MTO
(Normal Item)

In MM01, basic data tab, Gen.Item category field 0001= MTO , 0002 for configurable

2) In MTO availability check - checking group is 02 (individual requirement) in

General/Plant tab.

3) Create an order VA01 there you will see item category as TAK, schedule line as
CP, and requirement type as KE

In VOV7 TAK Billing relavence is A and pricing is X.

In VOV6 for CP the movement type is 601

4) MB1C to initialize the stock with special stock indicator E (means 561E)

5) MMBE to check the stock if it has been created or not."

Q Difference between periodic and milestone billing?

Ans "Periodic billing is often used for rental and service agreements, in
order to bill the full amount
periodically at certain dates."
"Milestone billing is often used in plant engineering and construction,
in order to spread billing of the
full amount over several dates within a billing plan."
"The billing plan type is determined from the document item category
and the relevance for billing
(billing relevance I means relevant for order-related billing - billing plan)."

Q What is downpayment processing in sap sd

Ans "Down payments are usually arranged with the customer when dealing with
plant engineering and
construction or capital goods."
"When posting an incoming payment for a down payment, the incoming
payment is assigned to the
down payment request. The down paid amount is also account assigned for the sales
order. The item has special G/L indicator A.
n When processing partial/final invoices, the down payments made are transferred as
down payments to be cleared. Within FI, the down payments are deducted from the
special reconciliation account and entered in the standard reconciliation account.
The down payments for clearing then appear as open items for the customer and
reduce the total of receivables."
"n The value of the agreed down payment can be entered either as a
fixed amount or as a percentage of
the value of the item."
"The special condition type AZWR is used for down payment items in
sales documents, rather than the
usual condition type PR00. Condition category e and calculation rule B (fixed
amount) are assigned
to condition type AZWR. When condition type AZWR is determined, all the other
condition types are
set to inactive"
"n As soon as the billing date (in the billing plan) for the down
payment has been reached, the system
creates a down payment invoice and sends it to the customer. Billing type FAZ is
used for creating
the down payment request"
n The down payment request in FI is created automatically from the down
payment request in SD.

Q What is the downpayment business process in SAP SD

Ans "This scenario consists of the following steps:

Sales order with a billing plan is created(VA01)

Billing block is removed(VA02)
Down payment request is created(VF04-order related,Select a row and choose
Individual Billing Document
Down payment is posted- F-29
Delivery is created-VL01n
Goods issue is posted-vl02n
Billing block is removed-va02
Billing is created-vf01
Down payment is cleared-F-39"

Q how to configure down payment without billing plan

Ans "the second one is without billing plan, that's to say:

creation of the customer Sales Order entering manually the advance-payment price
condition AR03 beside the normal price condition;
creation of the Downpayment request Sales Order (with reference to the previuos
Sales Order): in this case the price of the Downpayment Sales Order should be equal
to condition AR03 entered on the original Sales Order;
Creation of the downpayment invoice from the Downpayment request;
When the ""real"" Sales Order will be invoiced, the AR03 condition entered will be
deducted from the invoiced amount;"

Q Program to clear downpayament


Q What is account assignment criteria in billing?

Q What is the purpose of business area ?
Ans "n A company code represents an independent accounting unit. The
balance sheet and the profit and
loss statement required by law are created at this level"
"n A business area can report financial information across several
company codes with regard to
specific fields of activity (for example, division-related)."
n Business area balance sheets and profit and loss statements can only
be used for internal reporting.
n G/L accounts can be posted by business area.

Q What is rule for business area determination in sap sd?

Ans IMG>Enterprise structure>Assignment>Sales and Distribution>Business
Area Account Assignment-->Define Rules By Sales Area
there are total 3 rules in determination

Q Which field we can change before accounting document creation ?

Ans "The following data can be changed before an accounting document is
. Billing date
. Pricing
. Account determination
. Output determination data"
Once the billing document has been released to accounts, you can only
change output data.

Q What is the logistic execution is all about ?

Ans Inbound shipment process
"The basis of the procurement process is the purchase order. The
subsequent document is the
inbound delivery that is used by the vendor to confirm the delivery. The inbound
delivery is an R/3 document and is created with reference to the purchase order.
n The inbound delivery is the basis for creating the inbound shipment, that is, the
shipment of the ordered goods from the vendor to the company's plant.
n Goods receipt is then posted. Invoice verification completes the purchasing

Outbound Shipment process

"The basis of the Sales and Distribution process is the sales order.
The subsequent document is the outbound delivery, which documents the shipping of
the goods.
n The outbound delivery is the basis for creating the outbound shipment, that is,
the shipment of the goods from the company's plant to the customer.
n Goods issue is then posted and the invoice is created.
n Shipments can also be used for stock transfers between plants."

Shipment is not done

Q What is the credit control area ?

Ans "n The credit control area is an organizational unit that specifies and
controls the credit limit for a
"n A sales organization is assigned to only one company code. A
business transaction is assigned to
only one credit control area."
"With a decentralized credit policy, each company code can determine
its own credit data for its
"In a centralized organization, company codes are combined into one
credit control area for Credit

Q How credit area is determined ?

Ans "1. User exit (EXIT_SAPFV45K_001)
2. Sales area segment from payer master record (Credit control area field in the
Billing view)
3. Sales area
4. Company code for the sales organization"

Q How credit control area is divided internally ?

Q Points at which credit check is carried out ?
Ans Credit check is carried out at
Sales order
Goods issue

Q what are the various check type in credit control ?


Q How checking against maximum documnet value is in creit ?

Ans "This value is stored in the currency of the credit control area. It is
particularly applicable if a credit limit
has not yet been defined for a new customer. You can initiate this check using a
risk category
defined for new customers."

Q Checking against changes in critical field in credit control

Ans "n Payment conditions, fixed value date and additional fixed value
dates are defined as critical fields.
This check is used to monitor changes to this default data in the customer master
"Remember, when carrying out this type of check, the system cannot
distinguish between changes
that are favorable or unfavorable for the customer. The credit check is simply
called every time the
default data is changed in the customer master record"

Q Checking against next review date ?

Ans "n Here, you do not have to specify a number of days. Without these
�buffer days�, the system will
carry out the check as soon as it recognizes that the next check date has been

Q Checking against Open items ?

Ans "The relationship between open items that are more than a certain
number of days overdue and the
customer balance may not exceed a certain percentage."

Q What is the purpose of serial number management

Ans To track the material based on following requiremnt
"Whether it is under blocked or unrestricted inventory status
Which plant it is available in
Whether it is at your warehouse or at a customer's location
When and to whom it was sold
What its warranty coverage is
Whether it came back for repairs and how many times it has undergone repairs
Whether it came back into the warehouse as a return
Whether it was it resold after being refurbished
Whether the item was installed at a customer site or it was kept dismantled"
Serial numbers during various inventory transactions resulting from
goods receipts, goods issues, stock transfers, stock transport orders, and physical
inventory processing
In SALESs and services application, you can assign serial numbers to
the individual units that are delivered to the customers via a delivery document.
You can also capture serial numbers in the return delivery document
When a serialized unit is registered, it creates a direct relationship
between the consumer and the manufacturer/service provider, thus providing a
platform to organizations for strengthening the relationship with their customers
and improving brand presence. Product recalls are easier when the material is
serialized and registered.
The field length is a maximum of 18 characters.

Q When serial number management is used ?

Ans You can assign serial numbers when the goods are produced/procured,
when the goods are delivered to the customer, during the handling unit management
A serialization procedure controls whether the serial number can be
assigned in a particular business transaction. You can switch on/off the use of the
serial number in a particular business transaction using serialization procedures.
For example, if you don't want to use a serial number in order, don't assign the
SDAU procedure to the serial number profile

Q Table to check serial number used in sales documnet

Ans Go to VBAP-ANZSN field enter serial number


Q What is split valuation in material master

Ans Split valuation refers to the valuation type on a material master.
Typically, organisations will want to track material costs, for example, for new,
used or repaired stock. The valuation type field on the material master allows you
to track this stock separately, and specify what type of stock is being moved or
purchased, and charge appropriately. There are follow-on effects, of course, in
finance account assignments etc.
"Split valuation is necessary if, for example:
1. Stock from in-house production has a different valuation price than externally
procured stock.
2. Stock obtained from one manufacturer is valuated at a different price than stock
obtained from another manufacturer.
3. Different batch stocks of a material have different valuation prices.
4. Value damaged and repair part differently from a new part.
To used split valuation, you have to activate it using 'OMW0'."
"B procurement type( Valuation category)
with the valuation types:
� ""EIGEN"" for in-house production
� ""FREMD"" for external procurement"

Q Priofit centre determination in sales order

Ans 1) Material master Sales /genrel plant data
2) Substitution rule -0KEM
Define a substitution for the Field: Profit Center (PCASUB-PRCTR). In
the pre-requisite, include your Division (Table field - CASUB-SPART). Then state
substitutions for your profit center
Later-on, Assign the substitution rule to your controlling area and set
it as active.-0KEL

Q What is the condition update in SAP condition type ?

Ans Special discount and offers are always given to the customer to make
the business. Suppose particular customer has give 5000 discount then it is
necessary to track that discount so that he/she does not exceed the limit. If he
made purchase worth 40000 RS then he will get 4000 rs discount. Now when next time
for new order he will maximally get 1000 rs discount. To accumulate this or to
track this we have to make condition update in that particular condition type.

, the system subsequently updates the corresponding condition records

whenever you process relevant sales and billing documents.
"Pricing Function Support
Condition update provides the basis for the following pricing functions:
Maximum Value
Maximum quantity
Maximum Number of Sales Orders"

Q What is the pricing type and how it works

Ans "Use
When a sales document is created, the system automatically carries out pricing.
During billing you have the option to copy the prices from the sales document to
the billing document or to have the system carry out pricing again. You can also
trigger pricing manua"
Prerequisites-in copy control for billing maintain pricing type

A: Copy pricing elements and update according to scale

At the

When an order was entered, the system used the January price list to
determine a price of $9.00 per piece based on the rate for 20 pieces. At billing,
the system uses the same price list, but uses the rate for 10 pieces (delivery
quantity) to determine a price of $9.50 per piece

B: Carry out new pricing

System carries out total new pricing based on conditions maintained at
the time of billing
Ex- In march price for 10 pc is 10.5 and also additinal discount were
created after march.
Manual discount at the time of sales order creation will not copy to

C: Copy manual pricing elements and redetermine the others

"With this pricing type, the system:
redetermines pricing (as above)
Copies manually entered pricing elements from the sales order
Redetermines the taxes"
Used for billing type F1
Note: Customer loses quantity-based discount.

D: Copy pricing elements unchanged

It take ref of order for condition master ( thats why even after 10 pc
delivered but price shown is 9 which is becasue of order quantity is 20 and price
is 9)
also keep manuallly entered dicount
Does not redetermine the tax

E: Copy pricing elements and values unchanged

Same as D but it take quantity of order as ref in billing even
delivered quantioty is less

F: Only used within the program

used witin program when using group conditon

G: Copy pricing elements unchanged and redetermine taxes

Redefines the taxes, rebate, intercompany billing conditioins, cash
Used for billing type F2,F5,F8

H: Copy pricing elements and redetermine freight

"redefines the following condition types:
� Freight conditions (condition category B, F)
� Condition types with condition category L
All other condition types are treated as in pricing type A."

Q AT what different levels we can maintain batch?

Ans Client-Batch unique throughout the client
Material-batch master record is maintained for a combination of the
material number and the batch number
Material/plant-combination of material number, plant, and batch number

If we have started batch management at particular level and if we want

to switch to another leve the we can switch from lower level to higher level
Ex-we cna swith from mat/plant level to material level but not from
material to mat/plant level

Q what are the field usage of batch master data(MSC3N)

Ans Basic data1
1) Exp date
2) Batch Status � when we change status of batch corresponding material
documnet will be send to all storage location where material is stored.
Ex-when status changed from restricted to unrestricted then
corresponding stock movement will happen
3) Trading data-if material is purchased from vendor then vendor
details are here
4) Classification-we can mainatain additional characteristics of batch.
That will be used for batch searcgh strategy condition master.
Ex-If we mainatin US as producer of this batchj then in search strategy
we can select Batch produced in US as one of the parameter

Q Can we define external number range to batch

Ans In standard Sap it provides 02 as external number range. If we want our
own defined number range for batch then we have to use user exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_003

Q How toa add new field in field catlaouge of condition table


Q Tax determination in sap SD


Q payment card procedure

Q G/L for taxes determined

Q what is the difference between MM and SD consignment

Ans In SD consignment stock is stored at customer premises so that it is
called at customer consignment. In MM consignment stock is stored at company's
Stock in consignment can be of following 3 type
1) Unrestricted 2) Quality 3) blocked
to move stock from one stock type to other transfer posting is required

to withdraw material it is necessary that stock should be in

unrestricted stock.

Q after consignment fillup for consignment issue why we again want to

create issue order (KE)
Ans After consignment fillup stock type changes from unrestricted to
consignmnent ( to make that happen it create order (KB) , delivery,and GI ). Now,
in consignment issue stock type will change from consignment to usable unrestricted
stock, to make that happenwe again have to create order that will have schedule
line that will change the stock type to unrestricted. At the same time ownership is
also changed so that we have to create billing also.

Q what is product hierarchy

Ands "Product hierarchy is defined in SPRO and the transaction for that is
V/76. Product hierarchy is alphanumeric 18 character string. Each character is
alphanumeric � typically numerical values are used as we can increment on them.
The product hierarchy that comes right out of the box is divided into 3 levels. The
first level is 5 characters, second level is 5 characters and the third level is 8
characters, which in total are 18 characters. And that is how product hierarchy is
structured right out of the box in SAP.
Let�s take an example of the same PC manufacturer. He has desktops, laptops and
servers. The five characters for the first level of the desktops is say (00001),
laptops is (00002), servers is (00003). There are five characters in the first
"Underneath the first level there could be further categorization like
gaming machines, corporate machines and regular machines � Say 0001 is for gaming
machines, 00002 for corporate machines and 00003 for regular machines. We can use
whatever terminology we like, it doesn�t matter. Under corporate, say there are so
many different models like model 1 (00000001), model 2 (00000002).
Now if I want to tell the product hierarchy of model 2, we have to start all the
way from the beginning. The first level is 00002, the second level is 00002 and the
third level is 00000002. So now the product hierarchy associated with model 2 is
000020000200000002. And similarly you can define how product hierarchies will be
given to each of these products based on where they stand in hierarchy first level,
second level or third level."

Q Q. What is Material Group?

Ans "
Let us take an example of a retailer who is selling a whole bunch of products (say
electronics, household, clothing etc).
Reporting � The CEO, CIO, Sales manager wants to know the answer to a question say
� What is the total sales of electronics this month? Or what is the year on year
growth in the clothing division ? This is an example of an �ANALYTICAL� question.
Classification � Other actions are to say run a 10% discount on all electronics or
run a free shipping on all clothing with a sales value >150$. This is an example of
an operational requirement � meaning day to day operations.

If a company (say Walmart) has thousands of products, you have to identify that
these belong to Electronics division or clothing division � only then you will be
able to do any operational or analytical operations as shown above. So, a material
group is a means of classifying or tagging a material for operational or analytical

Q Q. When to use Material Group vs Product Hierarchy?

Ans "Take the same retailer and he sells electronics, clothing and so on.
In clothing, there is designer wear, regular clothing and then say sportswear. Say
designer wear does a revenue of $100 M, regular does $50M and sports does 50 $50M.
What is the total revenue in clothing? 100+50+50 that�s 200 million.
Now you see that when you put things hierarchically you can do a �ROLL UP�. Where
you roll up revenues, roll up costs or profit margins any common parameter can be
rolled up towards next highest level. This is not possible when you have a flat
"So both material groups and product hierarchy are a logical way of
grouping materials. So what�s the difference? The relationship between one product
and the other can be specified in Product hierarchy whereas Material Groups is
flat. Product structure typically is a more intuitive and a natural way to group
these products together that would result in much better business decisions when
you put things in hierarchy. Whereas Material Group on the other hand is flat,
there is no relationship between one Material Group and the other, and if there is
any you would have to explicitly specify it in your coding or reporting.
Nevertheless both Material Groups and Product hierarchies are used in companies.
Material Groups are simpler because you don�t need to put them in hierarchy on the
other hand Product hierarchies are a little complicated, but they serve a purpose.
Customer Master"

Q "Q. What is a Rush Order?

A Rush Order is when the customer is really in a rush to get his goods. In terms of
SAP, the delivery has to happen immediately. As soon as the goods are shipped the
customer will be invoiced."

Q what is the 'GR in third party process"

Ans "Third Party Process without Shipping Notification

In third-party order processing, your company does not deliver the items requested
by a customer. Instead, you pass the order along to a third-party vendor who then
ships the goods directly to the customer and bills you. The standard sales order
automatically creates a purchase requisition for the materials to be delivered by
the third-party vendor.

The incoming invoice from the vendor updates the billing quantity, so that the
customer-billing document can only be created after entering the invoice from the

Process flow: Third party Sales Order --> Convert purchase requisitions to purchase
order --> Approval of purchase orders --> Invoice verification --> Billing

Third Party Process with Shipping Notification

For this process, the vendor sends a shipping notification. The incoming invoice
from the vendor updates the billing quantity, so that the customer-billing document
is only possible after entering the invoice from the vendor.

The vendor then sends a shipping notification. After that a statistical goods
receipt is posted. The incoming invoice from the vendor updates the billing
quantity, so that the customer-billing document can only be created after entering
the invoice from the vendor.

Process flow: Third Party Sales Order --> Convert Purchase Requisitions to Purchase
Order --> Approval of Purchase Orders --> Post Statistical Goods Receipt -->
Invoice verification --> Billing" "Connfiguration- Connfiguration for wether GR
will be required or not is done in item category of PO which is defined from
schedile line category
Schedule line category CS is assigned to Item cat = 5 .This 5 get linked to Goods
receipt with reference to a purchase order through

MM>Purchasin>Statistic-->assign update groups to item category


Q Sales order valuated stock in SAP SD


Q SD Interview question

Q Chunking

Q Useful Standard report to check SD Customizing and Transaction



Q Profit centre derivation in SAP SD


Q Free goods determination in SAP SD


Q Fixing the Date after the Availability Check in the Sales Order� or
maybe not?

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