Colonel. P Nallathambi. ME (Structural Engg), MBA, FIE, FIV, Structural Consultant

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Colonel. P Nallathambi. ME(Structural Engg), MBA, FIE, FIV, Structural Consultant,

Mobile: 094440 20706, Mail id : [email protected]


Rigid pavements are constructed using plain cement concrete (PCC). The load carrying
capacity of pavement is mainly due to the rigidity and high modulus of elasticity of the slab.
H. M. Westergaard is considered the pioneer in providing the rational treatment of the rigid
pavement analysis. Rigid pavements are constructed for many requirements. Apartment
for major road surface, PCC floor is constructed for heavy vehicle movements, interior
roads, foot paths, car parking areas etc.

The compressive strength of the concrete used for slab is much higher than the soil
strength under the pavement. To make use the full compressive strength of PCC
pavement effectively, sub grade modulus reaction (K) of the soil has to be increased by
stabilising sub soil. Then the loads from top of the pavement to bottom of the sub soil is
transferred smoothly.

A concrete pavement is a structure comprising of a layer of cement concrete (base) which

is usually supported by a sub-base layer on the sub-grade. Concrete pavements may be
either unreinforced (plain) or reinforced depending on how the designer prefers to control
shrinkage cracking, which will occur in the pavements. The cross section of the concrete
pavement is shown:

Concrete Road Pavement Structure

Modulus of sub-grade reaction

Westergaard considered the rigid pavement slab as a thin elastic plate resting on soil sub-
grade, which is assumed as a dense liquid. The upward reaction is assumed to be
proportional to the deflection. Base on this assumption, Westergaard defined a modulus of
sub-grade reaction K in kg/cm3 given by K = P/ where is the displacement level
taken as 0.125 cm and p is the pressure sustained by the rigid plate of 75 cm
diameter at a deflection of 0.125 cm. The value of K ranges from 2 kg/cm 3 to 9 kg/cm3
depending on the type of sub base and base layer properties. The empirical equations to
estimate k value both in clay and sand are: In Clay soil : k = 40 – 50 su (t/m3) in Sandy
3 2
soil : k = 70 – 100 NSPT (t/m ) where su is an undrained shear strength (t/m ) and NSPT is a
value of Standard Penetration Test.
The strength of the sub-grade is assessed in terms of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
and N values. For the benefit of designers who use the Modulus of Sub-grade Reaction
(k), the relationship with CBR is approximately:

Equivalencies of CBR and Modulus of Sub-grade Reaction

CBR % k (kPa/mm) 2 3 4 5 7 10

k (kPa/mm) 20 25 32 35 45 53

Therefore, sub-grade reaction (K) can be obtained from any one of the method such as
deflection method using 75 cm diameter plate or from N value obtained by SPT or from
CBR value of sub soil

Relative stiffness of slab to sub-grade

A certain degree of resistance to slab deflection is offered by the sub-grade. This is

dependent on the stiffness of pressure – deformation properties of the sub grade
materials. The tendency of the slab to deflection is dependent upon its properties of
flexural strength. The sub-grade deformation is same as the slab deflection. Hence the
slab deflection is direct measurement of the magnitude of the sub-grade pressure. The
pressure deformation characteristic (l) of rigid pavement is a function of relative stiffness
of slab to that of sub grade
Radius of relative stiffness
Eh 3
( )
12 K 1 - m 2
where E is the modulus of elasticity of cement concrete in kg/cm 2 (3.0x105), μ is the
Poisson's ratio of concrete (0.15), h is the slab thickness in cm and K is the modulus of
sub-grade reaction.

Critical load positions over rigid pavement

Since the pavement slab has finite length and width, either the character or the intensity of
maximum stress induced by the application of a given traffic load is dependent on the
location of the load on the pavement surface. There are three typical locations namely the
interior, edge and corner, where differing conditions of slab continuity exist. These
locations are termed as critical load positions.

Equivalent radius of resisting section

When the interior point is loaded, only a small area of the pavement is resisting the
bending moment of the plate. Westergaard's gives a relation for equivalent radius of the
resisting section in cm

� 1.6a 2 + h2 - 0.675 h if a < 1.724 h �

where a is the radius of the bwheel
= � load distribution in cm and h is the � slab thickness in cm.
�a otherwise �
Various stresses developed in Rigid Pavement Slab

Wheel load stresses by Westergaard's stress equation

The cement concrete slab is assumed to be homogeneous and to have uniform elastic
properties with vertical sub-grade reaction being proportional to the deflection.
Westergaard developed relationships for the stress at interior, edge and corner regions,
denoted as , , in kg/cm2 respectively and given by the equation
si se sc

0.316 P � l �
si = 2
� log10 + 1.069 �
h � b �

0.572 P � l �
se = 2
4 log10 + 0.359 �

h � b �

3 P � �a 2 ��
sc = 2 � 1- � � �
h �� l ��
�� ��
where h is the slab thickness in cm, P is the wheel load in kg, a is the radius of the wheel
load distribution in cm, l the radius of the relative stiffness in cm and b is the radius of the
resisting section in cm.

Temperature stresses

Temperature stresses are developed in cement concrete pavement due to variation in slab
temperature. This is caused by (i) daily variation resulting in a temperature gradient across
the thickness of the slab and (ii) seasonal variation resulting in overall change in the slab
temperature. The former results in warping stresses and the later in frictional stresses.

Warping stress

The warping stress at the interior, edge and corner regions, denoted as in
s ti , s te , s tc
kg/cm2 is given by the equation

E �t P �C x + m C y �
s ti = � �
2 � 1- m2 �

�C E �t C y E �t �
s te = Max � x , �
� 2 2 �

E �t a
s tc =
3(1 - m ) l
where E is the modulus of elasticity of concrete in kg/cm 2 (3x105), is the thermal coefficient
of concrete per oC (1x10 7) t is the temperature difference between the top and bottom of
the slab, Cx and Cy are the coefficient based on Lx=l in the desired direction and Ly =l right
angle to the desired direction, is the Poisson's ration (0.15), a is the radius of the contact
area and l is the radius of the relative stiffness.

Frictional stresses
The frictional stress in kg/cm2 is given by the equation

sf =
2 �106
where W is the unit weight of concrete in kg/cm 2 (2400), f is the coefficient of sub grade
friction (1.5) and L is the length of the slab in meters.

Combination of stresses

The cumulative effect of the different stress give rise to the following thee critical cases.
Summer, mid-day: The critical stress is for edge region given by critical = .
s s + s -s e te f

Winter, mid-day: The critical combination of stress is for the edge region given by critical =
. Mid-nights: The critical combination of stress is for the corner region given by
s e + s te + s f
critical =
s sc +st c

Sample rigid pavement design calculations is given as appendix A. The range of Grade of
concrete and sub grade modulus of reaction of soil K and slab thickness for varies wheel
load is given in Table - 1 for ready reference.


Max Wheel Load in kgs kg 150 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3500 5000
Min Grade of Concrete M15 M15 M15 M20 M20 M25 M25 M30 M30
Modulus of reaction of sub base
kg/cm3 2 2 3 3 5 5 7 7 7
course, K
Min thickness of slab cm 10 10 12.5 12.5 15 15 20 20 25
Max Slab Length cm 200 200 200 200 300 300 500 500 500
Spacing of 25cm wide
m 140 140 140 120 120 90 90 90 90
Construction Joint
Spacing for Expansion joint m 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Reinforcement for Contraction
kg/sqm 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.5
Joint and Shear Keys
Spacing of reinforcement to
8# @ 25 cm c/c
prevent cracks and temperature - - - 8# @ 20 cm c/c
Both ways
stress (If designer considered) Both ways

The reinforcement in PCC pavement are intended to prevent the deterioration of the
cracks due to temperature variation and shrinkage stress in concrete. One should
remember that the reinforcement in PCC slab will not increase the flexural strength of the
concrete. Site executives should ensure that the reinforcement used in pavement is kept
at 50mm from top surface of the pavement. if reinforcement is kept at middle or bottom
of slab, it will not give any benefit, since there is no bending action in the pavement slab.

The most important in rigid pavement is provision of construction joints and expansion
joints. They are designed and shear keys are provided based on temperature and type of
loads and stresses applied over it..


Rigid pavements are provided for various use in our day to day construction. It is
necessary to know the importance and its implications of various technical aspects of rigid
pavement. Generally Engineer ignore the sub grade modulus strength of soil while
planning and construction of rigid pavement. The failure of pavement is not due to PCC.
strength but due to sub soil settlement . Similarly the reinforcement to be placed at 50mm
below top of PCC. to arrest shrinkage and temperature stress.


Stress due to

Maximum wheel
load P = 1000 kg
E value of concrete = 300000 kg/cm2
thickness h = 15 cm
µ value = 0.15
Modulus of reaction of sub base course,K = 5 kg/cm3
Radius of contact area a = 15 cm

E h. 3 /1 4
 12. K1( -m2 ) 

Radius of relative stiffness,l = = 64.46 cm

Equivalent of resisting section:

a/h = 1.00 < 1.74

b = sqrt(1.6*a2+h2)-0.675*h b = 14.06 cm
Stress at the edge
Se =(0.529*P*(1+0.54µ)*(4*log10 l/b+log10b-0.4048))/h2

Se = 8.61 kg/cm2

Stress at the
Sc=(3*P*(1-(a*1.414/l)1.2))/h2 Sc = 9.82 kg/cm2

Stress at the
Si = 5.22 kg/cm2

Warping stress:
thickness h = 15 cm
Thermal coefficient of concrete e = 0.00001 per oC
Radius of contact area a = 15 cm
E value of concrete = 300000 kg/cm2
µ value = 0.15
Temperature differential in slab t = 12.5 C
Modulus of reaction of sub base course,K = 5 kg/cm3

Slab dimension along X Lx = 300 cm

Slab dimension along Y Ly = 300 cm

/1 4
E h. 3
 12. K1( -m2 ) 

Radius of relative stiffness,l = = 64.46 cm

Lx/l = 4.654
Ly/l = 4.654

Warping stress coefficient

Cx for
Lx/l = 1.03
Cy for
Ly/l = 1.03

Warping stress at the edge

We=Cx*E*e*t*0.5 We = 19.31 kg/cm2

Warping stress at the corner

Wc = (E*e*t*sqrt(a/l))/(3*(1-µ)) Wc = 7.09 kg/cm2

Warping stress at the interior

Wi=E*e*t*0.5*((Cx+µCy)/(1-µ2)) Wi = 22.72 kg/cm2
Stress due to Friction:

Unit weight of concrete W = 2400 kg/m3

Slab length Lx = 3 m
Slab length Ly = 3 m
Friction coeffecient f = 1.5

Fx =W*Lx*f/2*104 Fx = 0.54 kg/cm2
Fy=W*Ly*f/2*104 Fy = 0.54 kg/cm2

Combined stress

At Edge = 28.46 kg/cm2

corner = 16.91 kg/cm2
interior = 28.48 kg/cm2

Flexural strength of concrete =0.084*K*sqrt(Fc')

K = 9
Fc' = 20 N/mm2 M 20 Concrete

Flexural strength of concrete = 3.38 N/mm2

= 33.81 kg/cm2 > 28.48 kg/cm2
Hence OK

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