PCA - CI-Concrete-Building-Design-Fire-Effects PDF

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New Engineers


espite concretes inherent fire-resistive properties,

concrete structures must still be designed with due
consideration for fire effects. In this article, well take an
introductory look at how fire affects concrete and masonry
structures, as well as how to determine if a structure
meets building code requirements for fire endurance. As
we will see, member sizes are not simply functions of
load, span, and formwork costs, but they can also be
functions of requirements for fire safety. Fire considerations
must, therefore, be part of the preliminary design stages.


As you probably know, the architect works directly

with the owner to define the functional and aesthetic
requirements for a building. You may not know, however,
that the architect (either directly or through consultants)
is also responsible for ensuring that the building and its
various components meet minimum fire resistance
requirements. These requirements are normally defined
by the building code and will be a function of the building
use (for example, assembly, business, or educational),
floor areas, number of stories, property line setbacks,
and the presence or lack of automatic fire sprinklers. For
this article, well only focus on concrete structures, but
keep in mind that other structural materials will have
similar requirements.

most of their compressive strength up to about 1200 F

(650 C). The strength retention of concrete containing
siliceous aggregate begins to drop off at about 800 F
(430 C). Because of its superior insulating properties,
lightweight concrete also transfers heat more slowly than
normalweight concrete with the same thickness, and
therefore generally provides increased fire resistance.
Reinforcing steel is much more sensitive to high
temperatures than concrete. As indicated in Fig. 2,
hot-rolled steels (reinforcing bars) retain much of their
yield strength up to about 800 F (430 C), while cold-drawn
steels (prestressing strands) begin to lose strength at
about 500 F (260 C). Fire resistance ratings therefore
vary between prestressed and nonprestressed elements,
as well as for different types of concrete.
Boundary conditions also influence the fire rating of
a structural component. Most concrete construction
provides resistance to thermal expansion and is therefore


As shown in Fig. 1, the effect of temperature on the

compressive strength of concrete varies depending on
the type of coarse aggregate used. Concrete containing
lightweight aggregates (expanded clay, shale, or slate)
and carbonate aggregates (limestone or dolomite) retain
This point of view article is presented for reader interest by the
editors. However, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of
the American Concrete Institute. Reader comment is invited.

Fig. 1: Compressive strength of concrete at high temperatures.1

The values shown are for concrete that was stressed to
approximately 0.4f c during heating and then tested to failure
while still hot. Tests of unstressed concrete and concrete that
is cooled before testing exhibit even lower strength retention
Concrete international

/ JULY 2005


Fig. 2: Strength of flexural reinforcement steel bar and strand at

high temperatures2

classified as restrained. However, single spans, simplysupported end spans of multiple bays in bearing wall
buildings, and end spans in flat slab construction, among
others, are generally classified as unrestrained.


Fire ratings are defined as the amount of time that an

assembly (roof, floor, beam, wall, or column) can endure
a standard fire as defined in ASTM E 119.3 Although the
idea of a standard fire may seem nonsensical, its necessary
to have some way of quantitatively comparing the fire
endurance of various systems and materials. This fire is
defined by a time-versus-temperature relationship that is
equivalent to burning about 10 lb of wood for each square
foot of exposed floor surface area each hour and produces
a temperature of 1700 F (927 C) in the first hour.
It is interesting to note that, because of concretes
large heat capacity, test furnaces actually use more
energy when testing assemblies constructed of concrete
than when testing assemblies constructed of other
materials.1 In addition, when combustible assemblies are
fire tested, less outside energy is used because burning
of the combustible material also contributes heat.


For an assembly, fire endurance is judged mainly by

satisfaction of three conditions (end points) defined in
ASTM E 119. The flame passage end point is reached
when a roof, floor, or wall assembly fails to stop the
passage of flame or gases hot enough to ignite cotton
waste. The heat transmission end point is when the
surface temperature of a roof, floor, or wall assembly
increases by 250 F (139 C) on the side opposite the fire.
The structural end point for load-bearing assemblies
occurs when the assembly fails to support the applied
loads, if any, that are included in the test. The applied
load is often the maximum service load expected for
the assembly.


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/ Concrete international

In addition, ASTM E 119 limits the temperature of

tension reinforcement in beams of concrete floor and
roof assemblies spaced more than 4 ft (1.2 m) on center
to 800 and 1100 F (427 and 593 C) for cold-drawn
prestressing steel and hot-rolled steel bars, respectively.
The period of time that the steel temperature must
remain below these limits depends on whether the
assembly is restrained or unrestrained. The first end
point to be reached determines the fire resistance rating
of the assembly.
Walls and partitions are also required to pass a hose
stream test. In many cases, a duplicate specimen is exposed
to the standard fire for a minimum of 1 h or half the rated
exposure time. Its then sprayed with a stream of water
from a firefighters hose. The assembly fails this test if
any openings develop that allow the stream to pass beyond
the unexposed surface of the wall. Wall assemblies
incorporating gypsum wallboard are normally tested using
this procedure. In contrast, concrete and masonry walls
are generally subjected to the hose stream test after the
full fire test duration (no duplicate specimen is tested).
Although this is a more severe test, the robustness of concrete
allows the wall to easily withstand the hose stream.


The governing building code for any project will

include provisions required to achieve a specific fire
rating. However, the client may require that your design
comply with additional requirements, such as finance or
insurance company standards. Be aware that these
requirements may be stricter than those found in the
building code.
Many building assemblies comprise proprietary
systems of various materials. Building codes require these
assemblies to be tested and listed as rated assemblies by
certified testing agencies. The results are specific to the
manufactured components and therefore cant be described
in a generic or prescriptive manner.
One well-known testing agency is Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc. (UL). Fire ratings for assemblies
composed of various building materials can be found in
the UL Fire Resistance Directory,4 which can also be
viewed on the Internet (go to www.ul.com/regulators/
QuickGuide.pdf for a guide to viewing the online directory).
Numerous floor and roof assemblies that use precast
concrete components are listed. However, very few listed
assemblies incorporate cast-in-place concrete because
concrete is not a proprietary material.
The 2003 International Building Code (IBC)5 contains
prescriptive requirements for building elements in
Section 720. This section contains tables describing
various assemblies of building materials and finishes that
meet specific fire ratings. If your specific assembly is not
included in the tables, IBC Section 721 contains methods
and design values to calculate the fire rating that are

based on data from decades of fire

testing. This section also allows
calculations per ACI 216.1/TMS
Cover for corresponding fire resistance, in.
0216.1,2 which is in general agreement
with the IBC provisions.
The calculation method in ACI
4 or less
1-1/2 h
Aggregate type
216.1/TMS 0216.1 is by far the most
commonly used in typical design
situations. Although testing according
to ASTM E 119 is probably the most
reliable method, the time and expense
required to build and test the assemblies
makes this method impractical and
unnecessary for most situations. The
fire resistance (based on the heat
transmission end point) of a concrete
or masonry assembly is found by
calculating the equivalent thickness
for the assembly and then finding the
corresponding rating in the charts and
tables provided in ACI 216.1/TMS 0216.1. Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
The equivalent thickness of solid
walls and slabs with flat surfaces is the actual thickness.
The equivalent thickness of walls and slabs that have
voids, undulations, ribs, or multiple layers of various
materials (for example, a sandwich of concrete, insulation,
and concrete) must be calculated using equations found
in ACI 216.1/TMS 0216.1.
Once youve established that your assembly has enough
equivalent thickness to satisfy the heat transmission end
point, you must also determine whether there is enough
cover on the reinforcing steel to prevent excessive heat
from reducing the yield strength to the point where it
can no longer carry the loads (remember the structural
end point?). The cover requirements for slabs are
functions of the required fire rating, aggregate type,
restrained or unrestrained construction, and prestressed
or non-prestressed reinforcement.
Building codes seldom require fire ratings of slabs to
be greater than 2 h. As shown in Table 1, a 2 h fire rating
can be achieved with only 3/4 in. (20 mm) of cover (the
minimum allowed by ACI 3186 for slabs) for all restrained
conditions and in all unrestrained conditions except
where siliceous aggregate concrete is used. The cover
requirements for unrestrained prestessed slabs are higher
due to the more detrimental effect of heat on cold-drawn
strands (Fig. 2). These increased values are most prevalent
in prestressed flat slab construction, where the end spans
are considered unrestrained because there is not sufficient
stiffness or end fixity to create a restrained condition.7
The cover requirements for beams are also tabulated,
but because the bars in the corners are exposed to high
temperatures on two sides, a weighted average cover
must be used. For interior bars, the cover is the actual
minimum cover. For the bars in the corners, the cover
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used is half of the actual minimum cover. The weighted

average is obtained by summing the covers for each
individual bar and dividing by the total number of
bars. None of the bars in the beam should have an
actual cover less than half of the tabulated cover
values or 3/4 in. (20 mm), whichever is greater. As
with slabs, substantial fire ratings can be achieved in
beams using ACI 318 minimum cover requirements.
A separate analytical method of calculating fire
resistance for flexural members is also contained in
ACI 216.1/TMS 0216.1. This method may be the most
interesting because it involves estimating the actual
temperatures of the concrete and reinforcing steel and
using the properties of the materials at those temperatures
in the analysis. The method takes into account the fact
that the bottom, positive moment steel will reach elevated
temperatures and begin to weaken before the top concrete
and reinforcement. This allows the moment in the
member to be redistributed from the weaker, positive
moment region to the negative moment region where little
reduction in strength will have occurred.
A precise analysis of this behavior would be quite complex,
but the document contains equations and procedures
that are fairly easy to follow and simplify the analysis.
Also, because a factor of safety is already built into the
fire rating, the full nominal moment capacity Mn is
compared to the service load moments (no load factors).
Obviously, this procedure will take a considerable
amount of design time, so keep your boss happy and use
it only when necessary (for example, in evaluating an
existing structure for a change in use, it may not be
possible to use simple cover checks to show the structure
meets the required fire rating). If the analytical procedure
is used, however, be aware that the redistribution of
moments will cause a shift in the moment diagram. Top
bar cutoff points must therefore be carefully checked to
be sure that the bars are adequately developed and meet
ACI 318 requirements.


We hope you now have a basic understanding of the

effects of fire on concrete structures and how to determine
fire ratings. As we have seen, determining fire ratings can
vary in complexity from a simple table lookup to a fairly
sophisticated structural analysis. Often, other requirements
(such as strength or constructibility) will govern your
design. You will therefore find that a little design time
near the beginning of a project reviewing the tables,
charts, and text of some of the documents mentioned in
this article will be all the time you need to properly
protect your structure in the event of a fire.
Do you have another topic that might be worthy of an
article? As a young engineer, is there something that you
find confusing? Seasoned engineersdo you remember


JULY 2005

/ Concrete international

back when you were a new designerthe problems you

had? Please send in your ideassuggestions for additional
topics are welcome.

1. PCI Industry Handbook Committee, PCI Design Handbook:
Precast and Prestressed Concrete, 5th Edition, Precast/Prestressed
Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL, 1999, pp. 9-29 to 9-50.
2. Joint ACI-TMS Committee 216, Standard Method for Determining
Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies
(ACI 216.1-97/TMS 0216.1-97), American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, MI, 1997, 26 pp.
3. ASTM E 119-00a, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2000, 21 pp.
4. Underwriters Laboratories, Fire Resistance Directory, Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL, 2005.
5. 2003 International Building Code, International Code Council,
Inc., Falls Church, VA, 2002, pp. 109-155.
6. ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary (318R-05),
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2005, 430 pp.
7. Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons, 3rd
Edition, Post-Tensioning Institute, Phoenix, AZ, 2004, 82 pp.
Selected for reader interest by the editor.

Michael L. Tholen is the Engineering Editor

for Concrete International. He received his BS
in architectural engineering and MS and PhD
in civil engineering from the University of
Kansas, where he conducted research on the
effects of deformation pattern on bond of
reinforcing bars. Tholen was previously a
structural engineer at Burns & McDonnell
Engineering Co. in Kansas City, MO, where
he served for over 8 years and is a licensed Professional Engineer
in the state of Kansas.
Amy Reineke Trygestad is the Central
United States Regional Structural Engineer
for the Portland Cement Association (PCA).
Trygestad provides technical assistance in
all areas of building design to engineers,
architects, contractors, owners, and
universities throughout the U.S. Prior to
joining PCA, she practiced structural
engineering for 7 years. Trygestad received
an MS in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota. She
is an active member of ACI and ASCE, and is on the board of
directors for the Minnesota Concrete Council. Trygestad is a
licensed engineer in the state of Minnesota.

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