Chapter - I: Introduction: General Discussion On The Vidagdhamadhava
Chapter - I: Introduction: General Discussion On The Vidagdhamadhava
Chapter - I: Introduction: General Discussion On The Vidagdhamadhava
The theme of the drama centred round the playful activities of Sri-Krsna
Seven incidents are depicted in the seven Acts of the play, and, ac-
after she heard the Venuvadana of Krsna. Moreover she was mesmer-
rous play along with their friends in the Vrndavana at autumnal season.
in-law and Abhimanyu, husband of Radha and finally they are united
Apart from Radha, Krsna had affairs with another gopi viz, Candravali.
parakiya stri, so the concept of Rasalila with the cowherds’ wives stand
by, and our author does not deviate from the original concept of Rasalila.
Sanskrit Rupaka is divided into ten classes viz, Nataka, Prakarana, Bhana,
a royal sage or a god. This type of heroes may appear in human form.*2
According to the rule, heroic or the erotic sentiment must be the domi-
nant rasa of a Nataka. So in our present play, the erotic sentiment is the
Apart from these, Rupa Goswami followed all the qualities and norms
qualities are most essential to show the general structure and arrange-
(what is capable of being seen or exhibited) and sravya (what can only
be heard or chanted). The drama falls under the first division. Rupaka is
Vastu or the plot of the play, neta or the hero and rasa or the senti-
is called by Nandi. This Nandi suggest the gist of the whole plot. Some-
times the Sutradhara retire after the recital of the Nandi in which case
another actor called Sthapaka takes his place. In the prelude, the
Sutradhara or the Sthapaka suggest the subject in the form of the Bija,
The whole subject matter should be well determined and divided into
acts and scenes. A Nataka may be consisted of from five to ten acts.
The hero should be of the Dhirodatta class. But, in some cases, the
hero may be of any class among the four types of hero viz, Dhirodatta,
not be represented in a play, but they may only be indicated. The death
of the hero must never be exhibited. The play should end and began
be used in a piece, the hero and the higher characters should speak in
and thats why it belongs to the Nataka type of Rupaka in perfect form.
in choosing the title of his drama. As tradition goes, the title of a drama
the very nucleus of the dramatic action.*5 Sagaranandin also says that
3 Introduction of Abhijnanasakuntalam.
edited by M R Kale. pp. 7, 8, 9.
4 “ityadyasesamiha vastuvibhedajatam ramayanadi ca vibhavya vrhatkatham ca /
asutrayettadanu netrrasanugunya ccitram kathamucitacaruvacahprapancaih //”
DR. (I) 68. p. 71
5 “nama kaya natakasya garbhitarthaprakasakam //”
SD. (VI) 142. p. 202
the title may refer to the names of the principal characters or to some
sports of Radha and Krsna. On the other hand, the character of Krsna
fore Rupa Goswami selected this character with his history as the main
theme of the play. Visvanatha Kaviraja also says, the main plot of the
Before discussing about the title of the play, we should first describe
about the playfull character of Radha and Krsna. In the prologue itself
the author delineates about the amorous sports of Hari through which
kind of drink. He means that a traveller can remove his thirst arising
from his journey by drinking this type of drink such as ‘sikharini’ as like
as a ‘jiva’ can remove his thirst arising from the wordly agony by hear-
ing, learning and remembering the sportive activities of Hari. Here the
author uses the ‘sikharini’ to compare the amorous sports of Hari i.e.
that of Krsna. In this way the life of Krsna may be divided in to three
Gakula. Mathuralila occurs in his youth when Krsna along with Balarama
adviced Arjuna to take refuge at His feet renouncing all worldly desires
and then only he will be able to conquer this and the other world. So we
lords and ladies in Vraja. The following verse quoted from the canto
striratnairanvitah pitairanyonyabaddhabahubhih //
At that time Lord Krsna and the gopis confined in their embrace to
Rasamandala. Then Lord Krsna took his position in between each two
of them and started dancing by holding them by their neck. This made
the gopis feel that Krsna was too near to them and so, they enjoyed
purana it is stated that a particular cowherd lady became the most fa-
vorite of Krsna among the ladies of Vrndavana. This has been depicted
was the beloved of Krsna whom the Lord intensely desired. In this purana
we find the birth story of Radha. It is stated that once Lord Visnu di-
vided His body in to two halves to fulfill His desire for sexual union. The
right halve of His body remains Krsna and the left part becomes Radha.*11
like durga, saci, savitri, visnu, krsna etc. This purana tells us that Radha
Radha in Vrndavana.*12
poem of his work that Krsna lovingly blows off the pollens from the face
of Radha for which she becomes a source of jealousy for other lovers
of Krsna.*13
The Pancatantra was written by Visnu Sarma in the fiftt century A.D.
In the seven or eight century A.D. We find Radha in the Nandi verse of
tatpadapratimanivesitapadasyodbhutaromodgate /
In this way, in Sanskrit literature we have found three stages in the life
regard. In the second stage, we find the name of Radha in the puranas
and his disciples Rupa Goswami and Jiva Goswami have delineated
the character of Radha in their works. They tried to establish that Radha
15 V.S. 1. 2. p. 2.
16 SPV. iv. 35. p. 139.
stands for ‘Laksmi’ and ‘dhana’ stands for wealth. The wealth of Laksmi
means ‘pati’. So the word ‘madhava’ denotes the meaning pati as well
as husband of Laksmi*17
and every act of the play to know the meaning of the word ‘vidagdha’
whether it is appropriate or not for the title of the play. For this purpose
to create purvaraga in the mind of the actors and actresses for comple-
tion of the purpose of the play, i.e. the union of Radha and Krsna. In the
first act we see that Krsna plays his flute with a sweet tune to create the
Her intention is that Krsna Himself creates the feeling of love in the
mind of cowherd ladies. Krsna used his flute as a weapon of love be-
skillfully concealed his feeling and pretended that he does not know
Hearing the sweet tune of the flute, Radha has fallen in love and
became anxious to see the player. Thus Krsna cleverly create the
In the second act we find that Krsna was overwhelmed with love for
Radha, for which he does not mind the presence of his friend
fully said that he has enjoyed the charming shine of the Champaka flow-
maya nopadrsto’si”*19
very much afflicted with love for Krsna. Because of it, to satisfy herself
Madhumangala, read out the letter to Krsna, Krsna knew Radha’s love
for him and was very much pleased and satisfied. But in front of Radha’s
friends he did not show his feelings, instead he showed that he did not
care much for it. After seeing Krsna’s such reactions, Radha’s friends
after showing such reaction for Radha, Krsna regrets for his behaviour
and he decided to write a letter describing his whole hearted love for
Radha and his letter created delight in the mind of Radha. All these
Apart from Radha, Krsna was involved in love affairs with another
cowherd lady, named Candravali. She also loves Krsna whole heartily.
In the fourth act of the play we see that Krsna cleverly tries to give
Moon. (candrapankti). Her face, nail, kundala, forehead etc. every parts
of her body are as shining as the moon.*20 Hearing such a praise of her,
Candravali became very happy. Again Krsna said to her that he hardly
spent his nights without thinking about Candravali. Even he tries to putt
off his fire of love by sinking his body in the rivulet of the forest.*21
But right in between of their talk when suddenly Krsna took Radha’s
using all his might told the disappointed Candravali that he was going to
Moreover, Krsna knew the technique how to attract his beloved to-
wards him. So, in the fifth act of the drama we find that He draws Radha’s
says that the beauty of her teeth, lips and breast surpasses the beauty
Thus, the seven act of the play is more reliable to select Krsna as
an ingenious person. In last scene of this act, Krsna has been por-
test Radha’s mind Krsna and Vrnda hinted out a plan. Krsna uttered
the name of Candravali in half way i.e, Candra— and by saying her
front of Radha. Vrnda also by hiding herself said that “friend’ it should
serious for this, she at once went away from that place for cooling
Gauri which was the proper place for fulfilling his mission. According
Gauri with her friends. Madhumangala and He Himself gone there and
were also present at the Gauri temple and they wished to worship the
Goddess Gauri having a great faith in their heart as the real incarna-
tion of Goddess Gauri. They just started to worship Her, when inci-
dentally they found such mysterious behaviour from Gauri for which it
Mathura the land of Kamsa. But there they knew that Goddess Gauri
instruct Radha to worship her and remain there to avoid some calam-
ity for Abhimanyu. Finding this favour of Gauri for escaping from evil
one, coming to his life, Abhimanyu and his mother were very much
Thus Krsna cleverly pleased the mind of Radha and made her remain
After going through the whole drama it may be suggested that the
events of the play. The word ‘Vidagdha’is used as the adjective of the
word ‘Madhava’ which was the purpose of the author and is unambigu-
ously correct.
To know the life and date of a particular author one may depend on
two factors, those are internal evidences and external evidences. Inter-
nal evidences consist with the biographical data of the author supplied
literary work of that author may help us to know the date of the con-
Now, in regarding the date and life of Sri Rupa Goswami the author of
Jiva Goswami tries to bring light into the life history of Rupa Goswami.
give a reliable information about Rupa Goswami and his family. From
can be gathered.*24
From the life history of Sri Rupa Goswami we know that he was mainly
famous for his devotion and knowledge in the Gaudiya Vaisnva society.
Sri Rupa Goswami was the very revered person among the six svamin
Vedas. The name of his son and heir apparent was Anirudha who was
expert in theYajurveda.
Anirudha had two wives who gave birth to Rupesvara and Harihara
.The first son Rupesvara became an accomplished scholar but the sec-
ond took to evil ways and expelled his elder brother from his principal-
ity, Rupesvara, who by then was some where in the east,had a son
had a son named Sri Kumara and he appeared to have three sons viz,
as followes–
Sarvajna jagadguru
↓ ↓
Rupesvara Harihara
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Sri Kumara
↓ ↓ ↓
Sanatana Rupa Anupama
ing popularity and contains the essence of all the works of Caitanya's
a few others also describe the life history of Rupa Goswami in their own
works .
Goswami had a purpose to make his three sons as perfect ones. For
this purpose he had arranged for Sanskrit learning of his three sons
the Parsi Language was the royal language at that period, the father of
Rupa had the intention to teach this Language to his sons so that they
skrit. Knowing about the accurate knowledge of the two youths in both
the languages, Maladhara Vasu (Gunraj kha) the royal minister of Gauda
they were appointed in the royal court. Sanatana became a high official
his brothers at the village of Ramakeli. Rupa also appears to have held
some official position at the same court. Their manners and customs
malik. Though they spent their life as employees in the court of muslim,
their devotion for Visnu does not become less than before. During
named 'Kanhai murtisala' which was well-known at that time and this
Finding the good advice from Caitanya Deva the life style of Rupa
mind of Rupa Goswami for his royal position and worldly happiness. So
left for home along with his brother to become Caitanyadeva's disciple.
Rupa Goswami met Caitanyadeva along with his brothers. After hear-
ing the news that Caitanyadeva was going to Vrndavana Rupa and
Anupama, the youngest brother of Rupa renounced their home for liv-
ing a religious life. They met Caitanyadeva at Prayaga and Kashi. They
stayed at Prayaga with Caitanya for ten days. During this period these
two brothers took lessons from him in the Bhakti cult under his direc-
tion. They and their nephew Jiva, settled at Vrndavana in the district of
on the Lilas of Sri Krsna. Among them two special work of Rupa which
eficial that they were praised by the disciples of Caitanya and also by
Kunda near Nandigrama. Though Sri Rupa was younger than Sanatana
he was popular as the eldest one in the Vaisnava society for his initia-
Rupa was the first reformer to turn the Bhakti-cult of Caitanya into a
In this way the life of Rupa may be divided in to two parts. First part
includes the period from childhood to service of the royal court of the
In the first part of his life, he was a perfect ruler as a royal minister of
mation is available. But from his relation to Sri Caitanyadeva and from
the dates of composition recorded at the end of some of his own works
observe the life history of Rupa Goswami we find mainly two kinds of
evidences to fix the actual date of Rupa Goswami. Firstly we may re-
Hussain-Shah was the last part of 15th century to first of the 16th cen-
tury A.D.*26
In this way the rising time of Caitanya was the 1485 A.D.*27
as 1485 A.D*28
From these two historical data we may say that Rupa was the con-
A.D. So we find that there is only four years difference between these
times at the end of their works. But Rupa Goswami doesnot mention
The composition time of the some works are mentioned in the Puspika
we have found two kinds of Samvat viz. Vikrama Samvat and Saka
in 1537A.D.(1459)*32
A.D.) In this process we find that Utkalikavallari the last work of Rupa
literary compositions. So, the life circle of Rupa Goswami may be di-
When Rupa met Caitanyadeva for the first time he was twenty-seven
years old young man. But at the time of initiation under Caitanyadeva,
he was thirty years old. On the other hand, according to historical data
But we have found the different opinions about the death of Rupa
But on the basis of historical data Rupa died in 1591 A.D.and it was
proved by the copper plate of the temple of 'Govinda' which was built
Goswami in 1590A.D.*35
to meet Rupa Goswami and Sanatana in 1592 A.D. But to his misfor-
tune he did not meet them by then as Sanatana had died four months
back and Rupa Goswami had died four days before.With this consider-
ation it may be assumed that the date of the death of Rupa Goswami
In this way the date of Rupa Goswami was fixed starting from
peror Akbar ruled the throne of Delhi one after another.Manasimha who
that the date of Rupa Goswami was the last part of 15th century to first
But the Bhakti Ratnakara quotes some traditional verses from which
four more works are added to the list of Rupa Goswami's literary ef-
forts. They are named as (1) Sri Ganoddesa Dipika (both Brhat and
Laghu). (2) Prayuktakhyata Candrika (3) Krsna janmatithi Vidhi and (4)
This two poetical works may be regarded as the first effort of Rupa
Vidagdhamadhava :
'Story in brief'.
Lalitamadhava :
scribes not only the episode of Sri Krsna's erotic sports at Vrndavana
they were sisters, but they themselves were unaware of this fact. In this
drama it has been shown that Candravali and Radhika were wives of
Gopa Kumaras.
married to Sri Krsna.This is true in case of other gopis also, when their
so called husband, the Gopas, could never look upon them as their
In the third Act Akrura comes to fetch Sri Krsna and Balarama as
scribed, but the main theme of this act is called 'unmatta Radika'. Be-
cause it consists of Radhika’s wailing and mad search for Krsna. Along
with Visakha she jumped in to Yamuna and Lalita also jumped from the
peak of mountain.
The fourth Act changes the scene from the joyless Vrndavana to
Mathura and reveals the sorrows of Sri Krsna due to separation from
The eight act continues the love affairs at Dvarika in a new atmo-
sphere. This act makes a little comedy of errors based upon Candravali's
The ninth act reports similar rescue of Padma, Bhadra and Syamala
as well as sixteen thousands one hundred Gopis, but its pricipal theme
The tenth i.e. last act describes the denouncement with an allround
happy ending. The Syamantaka jewel at last is sent by Satrajita king. Sri
Krsna enters in the disguise of one of the maids sent by the king with
approved style of Natika. The ends with reunion affected by the efforts
of Nanda, Yasoda and others who came to Dvarika, which is now con-
Haribhaktirasamrtasindhu :
ture of Bhakti Rasa is the main theme of this work. It is divided in to four
parts (Vibhagas). Those are -(I) Purva (ii) Daksina (iii) Pascima and (iv)
scription of these three kinds of Bhakti are given. In the Daksina Vibhaga,
Rasa is given.
discussed in the Uttara Vibhaga along with discussions about their simi-
principal one. Others Rasas like Adbuta etc. are originated from Bhakti
Ujjvalanilamani :
the Ujjvalanilamani Rupa Goswami has divided the four kinds of Nayaka
Pati and Upapati. These two types are further divided in to three as
and it has two divisions 'Muni' and 'Upanisada'. The types of Nayika in
which the sages take birth as Gopis of Vraja is known as Muni types of
Nayika and the other in which Gopis acquired the attribute of Goddess
There are two division of Ayauthikya Nayika viz. Pracina and Navina.But
three kinds viz. Mugdha, Madhya and Pragalbha. In fact through this
There are six kinds of Srngara viz. sneha, mana, pranaya, raga, anuraga
Natakacandrika :
lated some new rules in this works so that the principle of Gaudiya
paramanand for which one may feel delight in his/ her mind.
i.e.internal and external evidences. The date of our present work under
In this regard, the poet himself declares the date of the completion
In this expression the word 'Nava'stand for the nine number (be-
cause 'Nava means nine number) the word 'sindhura' stands for eight
of eight directions) the word bana stands for the five number (five ar-
rows or pancasara of kama deva) and the word indu stands for number
we read the numbers reversely, we find the year viz 1589 AD. It implies
the period of Hussain- Shah, the ruler of Gauda and his contemporary
of Gauda in 1493A.D.*39
So his reigning period was the last part of the 15th century to the first
Brahmacari, we have come to know that our athour Rupa Goswami was
the time of Rupa Goswami has to be taken from 1492 to 1591 A.D. So
the birth time of Rupa Goswami should be taken as 1491 A.D.*42 An-
other famous poet sri Prabhu datta Brahmacari has admitted the time
of Rupa Goswami from 1488 to 1545 A.D. So, the time of Rupa Goswami
can be accepted in the last part of 15th century A.D., because we have
To know the date of our present play we must collect the other con-
be said that these three works have been composed in 1427 A.D. which
ety. In both the works of Rupa Goswami, there are reverence verses to
have inspired him for composing these works. We find the eulogy for
From the above discussion, it may be said that the date of the
seven acts. The main theme of the drama is taken from the
Act - I
The first act of the play is started with a benedictory verse. After the
that the devotees of Krsna, who came to Vrndavana from various parts
Krsna happy, Lord Siva had told him in his dream to setup a drama on
Krsna Lila.
her companions. She told them that her first job was to unite Krsna and
Radha as they are attracted to each other. She disclosed the secret
and told her friends that a false marriage was set up for Abhimanyu and
Radha with the help of Yogamaya. But in reality Radha’s love was only
for Krsna. This marriage was performed only to betray Kamsa. But when
her away to Mathura in order to keep her away from Krsna. But
Paurnamasi tried her best to stop Abhimanyu from doing so. So, for
and show it to Radha who, in turn, will be very happy and satisfied. Right
at that moment Nanda and Yasoda came to the stage along with Krsna.
They all had long time discussions on various topics. And right in the
for Krsna. But Yasoda refused the suggetion of Nanda and told him that
Krsna’s age was not suitable for marriage and prevented Nanda from
doing so. Krsna didn’t take part in their talk and instead took a look in the
scenic beauty of Vrndavana and started playing his flute in joy. The
pleasent sound of the flute made everyone very happy and Balarama
and Madhumangala praised him. Even the gods came down from heaven
to listen it. Krsna along with his friend Madhumangala move around in
and told them that the ladoos were made for the marriage ceremony of
Radha. Having heard Radha’s name, the expression that struck over
the other hand Radha also along with her friend Lalita came over to
have a look at the scenic beauty of Vrndavana. Radha felt the presence
of Krsna as soon as she stepped out. After having heard Krsna’s name
from Lalita’s mouth Radha felt very shy to come to the front of Krsna.
When they were moving around, they heard the sound of the flute and
Radha was very anxious to see the flute player. Right at that moment
Visakha came over there with Krsna’s portrait and handed it over to
Radha. They all wanted to see the portrait and so they all sat under a
Act - II
worse day by day. After having known about this, Nandimukhi went to
Mukhara’s house who was Radha’s grandmother and what she saw there,
was very terrible. Nandimukhi saw that Mukhara was crying for Radha’s
ill-health and she was in a very pitiable condition. So, Nandimukhi went
to Radha herself and saw there that the depressed Radha was sitting
with her friends Lalita and Visakha. When Nandimukhi asked why was
Radha so upset, they told her in reply that her condition was so bad only
her. Radha also told her that her love rose for three persons i.e. Krsna,
Vainavika and Syamala Kisora at the same time. But her friends told to
her that these three persons were no other than the one and only mighty
Krsna. On the other hand, when Mukhara asked Paurnamasi about how
Radha can be cured of her bad condition, Paurnamasi told her in reply
that it was because of some evil spirits tookover Radha and to remove
that spirit her meeting with Krsna is essential, But Mukhara told that it
would stand on their way. Then Paurnamasi told Mukhara to tell Jatila
After seeing Radha’s deep love for Krsna and to satisfy her mind
At this moments Krsna was also eager to meet Radha and was
suddenly appeared there and hand over him Radha’s love letter. After
Madhumangala had read out the letter to Krsna, Krsna knew Radha’s
love for him and was very pleased and satisfied. But in front of Radha’s
didn’t care much for it. After seeing Krsna’s such reactions, Radha’s
friends wanted to see whether Krsna has the same feelings, for Radha
as Radha had for him or not. So, they played a trick to read Krsna’s
mind and garlanded Krsna with Radha’s garland. But Krsna didn’t
accepted the garland and he gave back the garland to Radha’s friend.
one. After they got Krsna’s garland, Radha’s friends became very happy
and moved out from there. On the otherhand after showing such
reactions for Radha; Krsna decided to write a letter to her. After that
Visakha and Lalita went to give Radha Krsna’s garland to make her
happy. Thereafter, Visakha and Radha both went to perform Surya puja.
After having heard the sound of anklet, Krsna and Madhumangala who
were present there beforehand listened to all their talks. When Krsna
knew from their talks that Radha was very much attached to him Krsna
Radha was overjoyed. But her happiness was soon parted from her as
Act - III
Radha’s love for Krsna, they met Krsna and his friend Madhumangala
Radha and also added that none other but Krsna himself can cure her.
And hence she told him that a gopi will be standing under the Mango
tree after the sun set and he will be taken to a desired place. Krsna took
leave of them and left with his friend. And Paurnamasi and Lalita also
Visakha informed Radha that she will soon meet Krsna. It makes
Radha’s love for Krsna, lied to her that Krsna was not attracted to her.
After hearing this, Radha turned very sad and depressed. Purnamasi
then told her, about her plan and she told her the real fact. Visakha, who
was sent by Paurnamasi to bring Krsna with her, was present there
along with Krsna right at that time. In order to test Krsna’s love for Radha
Visakha told him that Abhimanyu has taken away Radha to Mathura.
and when Visakha saw such condition of Krsna she told him the truth.
And then Visakha took Krsna to Radha. Seeing Krsna standing in front,
sudden appearance Radha was very much surprised and she felt shy
to appear before him. So she quickly hide in the back of the bushes.
Having seen Krsna’s eagerness for her, Radha stepped out from the
scolded Krsna for making the girls mad by playing his flute. Krsna calmed
away from there. Visakha and Lolita decided to leave Krsna and Radha
all alone to talk and so they moved away from that place. So, for their
union Radha and Krsna went to the bank of the river Yamuna.
Act - IV
friend Padma came to her and told her that Candravali was eager to
meet Krsna. And so Nandimukhi told her to tell Candravali that Krsna
loved all the gopis as He did to Radha. Right at that moment they heard
otherhand Candravali along with Vrnda was also coming to find Padma.
After hearing, Krsna playing his flute, Candravali, who was coming by
that way, met Him along with his friend Suvala and was taken aback with
expressed his love for her. To give pleasure in Candravali’s mind, Krsna
explained the meaning of the name Candravali very fruitfully. Krsna’s friend
Suvala told Candravali about Krsna’s love for her. Right in their conversation
displeased with him. Krsna by using all his might told the disheartened
disheartened. But Candravali was not pleased with Krsna’s words and so
she went with her friend Padma to worship Goddess Kali. After this
incident Suvala, seeing his friend Krsna very upset, gave him the idea to
meet Radha. When Padma was coming by that way with Madhumangala
she saw Krsna very upset and thought that the only reason for this could
name again from the lips of grief striken Krsna, Candravali was again left
Then Candravali who was filled with shame went to Krsna and put the
alone. Krsna also left with Candravali to some other place fearing Radha’s
presence there.
Radha along with Lalita came to meet Krsna in that place. But Krsna was
not there. So she started searching Krsna behind the bushes. Krsna also
came to that place depicting the Radhas condition and sat on the alter of
Sun worship. After some time Radha saw him sitting on an altar and went to
meet him. Having been made waited by Krsna for a long time, Radha got
angry. So in order to make Radha satisfied and happy Krsna brought some
flowers for her. Radha, as soon as saw the flowers was very much affected
by them and begged to Krsna for them. Krsna was so pleased that without
Krsna together and went to meet them. Right in between their talk
dissatisfied Radha very much. But the witty Krsna satisfied her by saying
her that she was the only girl whom he loved. After that, when
realized that his flute was missing and when he asked Radha about it,
she told him that she didn’t know even a pie about it. Right at that moment,
Act - V
Right in the beginning of the act five Suvala and Vrnda showed their
know about Radha and Krsna’s affair and was going to take Radha
along with him to Mathura. This is the only cause for Paurnamasi’s tension.
And then after having told Vrnda and Suvala to wait under the Kadamba
tree, Paurnamasi herself went to meet Radha. She met Lalita on the
way, and Lalita also told Paurnamasi about Radha’s love for Krsna, When
Paurnamasi and Lalita saw Radha very sad they decided to take her to
from Suvala in her hands which she handed over to Lalita, and she read
about Krsna’s flute has been stolen, Radha took out the hidden flute of
Krsna and played it. When Jatila, the mother in law of Radha, heard
Radha playing the flute, appeared along with Vrnda. No sooner had
Jatila saw the flute in Radha’s hand, she became furious and snatch the
flute away from Radha. And when as Suvala saw that Jatila was taking
away the flute, he in order to take it away from her, played a trick with her
and told her that some evil monkey has entered her house. But Suvala’s
trick about the monkey came to be true. A monkey had really entered
Jatila’s house. Jatila, who became furious by that time, threw the flute at
the monkey and as a result the monkey took away the flute with him and
On the other hand Suvala and Vrnda made a plan to get back Krsna’s
flute. To get back Krsna’s flute Suvala disguise as Radha and Vrnda
disguise as Lalita and when they got it they threw it to Krsna. As soon as
Krsna got the flute he was much over joyed and played the flute. After
hearing the sound of flute real Radha and Lalita came there and Krsna
between of their talk, Jatila appeared suddenly and took away Radha
Act - VI
When Jatila heard that Radha was wearing a pitamvara, she asked
she saw Radha wearing that Pitamvara, she became angry. When Radha
sought help from Visakha, she wittily told Jatila that while they were
Radha’s cloths and became yellow. Jatila insulted and scolded Visakha
for taking Radha to the festival. After this scene Padma along with Lalita
came to meet Radha and Visakha Seeing the pitamvara that Radha
was wearing, Padma teased Radha like anything. But Lalita has managed
the situation. On the other hand Krsna sent a letter to Radha through
Lalita. As per Krsns’s letter Radha and Lalita went up to him. At that
moment Krsna played his flute. Having heard the sound of Krsna’s flute
they went along with their companions to Vrndavana. Having met Krsna
bank of the river Yamuna. But Krsna obstructed her way. To satisfy Radha,
Krsna wanted to make a crown out of the feathers of a peacock for her.
taken that golden chance Radha hide herself behind a tree. But Krsna
found Radha easily and they went to play on the bank of the river Yamuna.
Act - VII
her beauty from crual Kamsa. And therefore it was not indeed good to
take Radha to Mathura. While Paurnamasi and Vrnda were busy talking
about Radha, just then Lalita stepped in and interrupted them in their
talk. Lalita told them that she had seen the garland which was given to
that she was about to create union between Radha and Krsna in the
night of the full moon day. On the other hand Padma also wanted to
unite Candravali and Krsna on that day. So, she brought Candravali to
that place where Krsna and Radha were about to meet. Right at that
moment Visakha told them that Candravali’s mother in law Karala had
ordered Candravali to stay with her husband on the full moon night.
After hearing this news everyone was over joyed. After that Lalita was
way. After the union of Krsna and Candravali Radha’s friends, Vrnda
along with her. Right at that moment Vrnda and Radha appeared before
Krsna. Then to test Radha’s mind Krsna and Vrnda hinted out a plan.
state in front of Radha. Vrnda also by hiding herself said that “friend, you
Being serious for this, she at once went away from there to calm-down
temple of Gauri which was the proper place for ful-filling his mission.
there and disguised Himself as Goddess Gauri. Radha and her friend
Lalita were also present at the Gauri temple and they wished to worship
the Goddess Gauri having a great faith in their heart as the real incarnation
they found such mysterious behaviour from Gauri for which it was possible
of Radha. They have a intention to take away Radha to Mathura, the land
of Kamsa. But there, they knew that Goddess Gauri instruct Radha to
worship her and remain there to avoid some incoming calamity for
Abhimanyu. Finding this favour of Gauri to escape from evil one coming
to his life, Abhimanyu and his mother were very much pleased on Her.
They took a decision not to send Radha to Mathura. Thus Krsna cleverly
pleased the mind of Radha and made her remain there so that he may
Then Paurnamasi appeared that place and all of them showed their
poems and dramas apart from puranic literature. Regarding the puranic
(1) The following element of the story are adopted from the
Brahmavaivartapurana :
(a) Lord Krsna plays his flute to excite Radha along with cowherd
ladies of Vrndavana.*46
(3) The elements of the story have taken from the Gitagovida are
as follows :
46 BVP– (krsnajanmakhanda) 28. 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23. pp. 324, 325, 326.
47 ibid–28. 135–141. pp-335.
48 BVP. (Assamese) pp-312-320.
49 Pdmp. Patalakhanda- 52. 48, 49, 50.
50 Pdmp. (patalakhanda) 52. 77, 78, 79, 80.
51 Introducetion of Gitagovinda. p-1.
52 GG Dasavatara stotram. canto - 1, 1-10, pp 11-23
(4) Srikrsnakarnamrta :
53 GG–5, 9. p. 117
54 ibid–4, 6. p. 96
55 ibid–7, 11. p. 141
56 ibid–7, 42. p. 160
57 Skrk Hindi commentary of V. N. 21. p. 36.
58 Sargasca pratisargasca vamsamanvantarani ca /
vamsanucaritam caiva puranam pancalaksanam. //
59 Matsyapurana. 53. 70.
purana delineates the glories of Lord Visnu. This purana is divided into
describing His mervellous deeds from his birth to youth. This purana
also narrates the different stories of the divine couple ie. Lord Krsna
Our author has selected the story for his play from the
upon the story of union between Radha and Krsna which covers the
Rupa Goswami made up the story and composed his play. However
new characters.
the autumnal season Lord Krsna plays his super-natural flute with a
sweet tune. Lord Krsna was very much attracted to the beautiful scenery
of Vrndavana. The place with its scenic beauty made his mind a fruitful
with his whole heart and soul. Krsna as everyone knew was the master
of one’s mind and heart. He and his super-natural flute were just enough
to attract the gopis towards him. And it so happen that beautiful Radha
of Vrndavana, when she heard Krsna play his flute, she was very much
eager to see his face as she thought that she would find a lover’s face
in this player’s outlook. So, to find this lover of her she came out to find
him by giving up all her bondage of a wordly life. Just like Radha, the
other cowherd ladies also left their household works and moved out to
heard the sweet tune of the flute, Radha’s condition is depicted by the
Though the tune of the flute is neither hot nor cold or sharp, the sound
pinches Radha’s heart every now and then by piercing, burning and
60 VM act–1. 35.
a hint that Radha had taken away the flute from Krsna. Once Radha and
other cowherd ladies took part in a jalakrida along with Krsna. During
their play, suddenly Radha became angry with Krsna due to his ill
behaviour. Only because of it, excited Radha snatch-away the flute from
But our author took the incident and modulated it and created such a
situation so that Radha could get the flute without hurting Krsna’s
We came to know from the 4th act that when Radha went to meet
Krsna under the bushes of the Kesara tree, she found that Krsna was
not present there, at that moment. And only for this reason Radha
became very anxious as she thought that her beloved Krsna was busy
Krsna was waiting for Radha at the altar. When Radha with her
companions came to that place where Krsna was waiting for Radha,
and they i.e. Krsna and Radha met each other. At the very first moment
Radha was angry with Krsna because he made her wait for a long time
but the clever Krsna tried to console her by saying that he went to bring
some Vakula flowers which she liked the most. After hearing this, Radha
was very much satisfied and happy. She was very much pleased with
her beloved Krsna and begged from him the flowers, he had brought
for her. When Krsna saw that he had pleased his Radha he let the
flowers move on Radha’s lap. But uncosiously, he also gave the flute
with the flowers to Radha. This scene is describes in the following way–
“Krsna was so attracted to Radha’s fruitful glance of eyes that with his
mind lost in her eyes, he gave the flute with the flowers to Radha.”*61
Radha as well as everyone knew that it was very rare to fetch Krsna’s
flute. So, when Radha got the flute so easily from Krsna she tried to
(c) The story of the union of Radha and Krsna is narrated in the
a youngman of Braja. But Radha falls in love with Krsna and consider
him to be her beloved. Radha and Krsna often met each-other and
played in their youth along with Radha’s friends. Radha was so deeply
in love with Krsna that she secretly cameout to meet Him during the
night time.
Once Radha pretended to pluck the flowers and worship God in order
to meet her beloved Krsna secretly. But Radha was not blessed
Kutila followed her and when she saw Radha and Krsna together, she
humiliated Radha for her character. The evil Kutila also tried to divert
Ayana’s mind by telling him that his wife was a crook and she was deeply
engrossed in love with Krsna. She even didn’t spare Radha’s friend
Vrnda and scolded and blamed her for inspiring Radha to do this
misdeed. The wicked Kutila told her mother Jatila about the misdeed of
Radha. She also added that Radha was known as a spotted woman of
Vraja. Jatila, the mother in law of Radha became furious and warned
Radha felt very much depressed after hearing this as she knew that
she wouldn’t be able to meet Krsna for a long time. She became very
the people of Vraja will be sleeping soundly at night. But the evil kutila
followed Radha to Rasamandala to find out the real fact. After seeing
give this message to her brother. “She told her brother that his wife is a
wicked woman. She is not a pure woman instead she is a woman who
plays tricks with her husband in the midnight.”*62 Hearing this evil report
about his wife from Kutila, Ayana was furious and he promised, if it
in the Rasamandala from far away, he became very angry with Radha.
Seeing furious Ayana, Radha was very much frightened and she began
to pray Lord Krsna to save her somehow from Ayana. By rescuing her
from danger Lord Krsna told her not to fear Ayana. Then Krsna himself
his own position. Radha also shows her devotion by worshiping the
image of Goddess ‘Kali’. When Ayana saw that Radha was worshiping
from the original one some what like this. He describes this scene in
the seventh act of the play. According to the scene, to test Radha’s
mind Krsna and Vrnda made a plan. Krsna, at first uttered the name of
Vrnda also by hiding herself said that “friend, it should not be opposite
diappointed by the thought that her lover has been confined to a chamber
him to go to the temple of Gauri which was the proper place for full-
Radha and her friend Lalita were also present at the Gauri temple and
they wished to worship the Goddess Gauri having a great faith in their
heart for the real incarnation of Goddess Gauri. They just started to
from Gauri for which it was possible for Radha to recognise Krsna
to take away Radha to Mathura. But there, they knew that Goddess
Gauri instruct Radha to worship her and remain there to avoid some
danger Abhimanyu and his mother were very pleased and took a
the mind of Radha and made her remain there so that he may meet her
(2) Padmapurana :
63 Pdmp 1. 56 (Srstikhanda).
This purana is pure and spotless due to the greatness of Visnu, which
Hari, the God of gods first narrated to Brahma and whichever portion
Padma in the world. That (purana), the refuge of all beings, is called
About its importance it says that it is a great holy text and gives the
fruit of all the Vedas.*65 It says that every purana is a part of the body of
This purana has seven khandas– (i) Srsti, (ii) Bhumi, (iii) Svarga, (iv)
Srsti khanda tells how Brahma was born in the padma. It then
by this purana. It describes the lunar dynasty more elaborately than the
Vrtrasura, as also of Vena, Prthu etc. It deals mainly with the geography
the gods. If describes the four varnas and the four asramas and their
describes in detail the exploits of the kings of the Solar dynasty. The
Bhagavata purana is praised in this purana as the last and the best of
detaits. The last part of the purana is the uttara khanda, which deals with
can be taught to all classes including the sudras and women after diksa.
(a) We find in the Padmapurana that Krsna went to herd the cattles
and then spent time with his friends playing a lot of games. And some
times Krsna along with some of his friends went to see his beloved with
that Krsna also had gone to the forest, she also in order to meet him
pretended to fetch some flowers for Surya puja and went to the forest.
After having met Krsna in the forest she played a lot with him. Thus,
they met each other and spent time playing different games with their
friends. Sometimes they set on swings and one of their friends used to
hide Krsna’s flute out of fun. Then Krsna used to find his missing flute
by saying “where my flute is?” Radha and her friends also played various
tricks so that Krsna couldn’t find his flute for a long time. When Krsna
got tired of finding his flute and sat down, the gopis used to hand over
him the flute laughingly. Krsna was also very happy to get his flute back.
But our author dscribes this event in his own manner. In the 4th act of
the play Rupa Goswami has told that Radha was very angry when Krsna
for making her waiting for a long time. And then Krsna brought the most
lovable flowers of Radha’s choice to satisfy her. Radha was very pleased
to see the flowers and begged them from him. Seeing Radha was
pleased on him, Krsna mistakenly gave his flute with the flowers in to
the laps of Radha. This event is already described clearly in the context
of Brahmavaivartapurana.
It has been described in the Padmapurana that Radha and her friends
had hidden the flute of Krsna to have fun with it. And they themselves
gave back the flute to Krsna. But our author describe that Krsna gave
his flute mistakenly with the flowers in to the laps of Radha. He creates
a new incident to find the flute back by Krsna in his own way. For this
purpose he makes Suvala and Vrnda as Radha and Lalita who help
after having done jalakriya with his friends felt very tired and took rest in
a divine palace and slept there. After rising from his sleep he took
In the mean time Radha also along with her friends went to Surya-
grha to worship God Surya. But omnipotent Lord Krsna after having
gone a little far, came back again disguised as a Brahmana and set
forth to the Surya grha. Having seen the Brahmana (Krsna) Radha and
her friends requested him to perform their ceremony. And so, the
Brahmana i.e. Krsna merrily accepted their request and started to recite
the Vedamantra. As soon as, the clever gopis heard the Brahmana recite
the Vedamantras they quickly guessed that the Brahmana was none
other than Krsna and so they were overjoyed to find Him present near
them. This story has been described in the Padmapurana in the following
The impact of this Krsna’s story has been found in the play of Rupa
Goswami. But the author has described it completely in his own way.
The seventh act of the play describes the story in which Krsna took
Gauri Devi and entered the Gauri Temple. When Radha and her friend
Lalita entered the Gauri temple to worship the Goddess, Krsna in disguise
Goddess, both of the girls quickly recognised that it was Krsna and
they were very happy to find him there. The author Rupa Goswami has
created this scene of Krsna’s disguise in his play to fulfil the purpose of
the drama. He had tried to solve the main purpose of the drama i.e. the
From this event we have found that our author finishes his work with
love of Krsna and Radha in the form of conversation among Krsna, Radha
contains some dramatic elements. It touches all the phases of love. Krsna
stands for the Supreme Being and Radha for the individual soul. The
as existing between the God and the individul souls. It bears all the
Rupa Goswami have taken the ideas from the Gitagovinda for his
play as follows :
to the act of the characters he has named each act of the drama as the
From these titles of the cantoes, it is clear that Jayadeva keeps the
He named the acts according to the incidents of every act of his drama.
Therefore the name of the seven acts of the play are as follows – (1)
song describing the ten (10) incarnations of Lord Visnu. These ten
ten rasas. Such as Mina (fish) is the presiding deity of the disgusting
But Rupa Goswami has described the ten (10) incarnations of Lord
Visnu as compared to the parts of the body of Radha. In the 4th act of
Her eyes as mina (fish), Her breasts as turtle, her chest as boar, her
lips as sphinix, her triboli as dwarf, her face as Ram, Parasurama and
Valarama. Just like her sridhanata as Buddha and her mind as kalki
(c) Jayadeva has described the playing of Krsna’s flute as a trick to give
a hint to his beloved Radha to meet him. In his play he has described it as–
The gopis always told Radha that Krsna plays his flute only as a sign
to meet her and spend time with her. But our author Rupa Goswami has
Lord Krsna plays his flute only because he was in love with the scenic
well that by hearing it, the gopis were much attracted to it and a feeling
(d) Keeping Radha’s love for Krsna in his mind Jayadeva has
described it as –
To satisfy the eagerness of love for Krsna Radha often used to sit
alone in a lonely place and draw the portrait of her beloved Krsna.
Rupa Goswami. But the author has shown us that the portrait of Krsna is
not drawn by Radha but it is drawn by one of her friends named Visakha.
woman. And that is why he has described that when once Krsna had not
come to the bower of a cane where Radha was waiting for a long time
she became very anxious for him. She had thought in her mind that
Krsna was busy spending his precious time with some other girl. The
sanketikrtamanjuvanjulalatakunje’pi yannagatah /
But though our author Rupa Goswami derived the incident from
Jayadeva he has cleared in his new description that the woman was no
(f) In the 7th canto of Gitagovinda it has been described that Radha
has worn the yellow garments of Krsna and Krsna has worn Radha’s
blue garment. In the morning the gopis started laughing at the sight of
the couple’s wearing each other’s garments. Radha was filled with
shame when she saw her friends laughing at her like that.
pratarnilanicolamacyutamurah sambitapitansukam /
But our author Rupa Goswami has described this scene in the 6th act
of his play as– when Radha’s mother-in-law, Jatila saw Radha in Krsna’s
garment, she was very angry and furious with her. The frightened Radha
sought help from Visakha in order to save herself from her mother-in-
law. Visakha’s mind ran as fast as wind. She has proved to be very
while playing, the mixture of turmaric and kesara fell upon the clothes of
Radha which made her clothes yellow. In his play Rupa Goswami has
payahpuraih pitikrtamatiharidradravamayaih”
(4) Srikrsnakarnamrta :
wherein he dedicates his body and mind to Lord Krsna. He must have
flourished about 12th century AD. He was the son of Damodara and
72 VM 6. 1. pp 254-255
Nivi. Somagiri and Isandeva were his preceptors. Lilasuka was a devotee
of Lord Krsna and his devotion for Krsna is known as ‘Madhura bhakti.
of Radha and Krsna. Here we have found some devotional poems which
that the event ‘venu harana’ is an impact of this lyrical poem on the
take a chance to steal the flute of Lord Krsna. One day, when they were
roaming in the Vrndavana, they found that Lord Krsna was sleeping,
a cowherd lady who was plucking flowers saw Krsna and called other
cowherd ladies along with Sripriya in order to steal the flute of Lord
Krsna. None but Sripriya had the courage to steal Krsna’s flute. Being
flute without making a sound of her anklet. But Krsna proved to be too
smart for her and while Sripriya was going to steal his flute, he quickly
But our author took the scene to suit his idea and created such a
We came to know from the 4th act that when Radha went to meet
Krsna under the bushes of the kesara tree, she found that Krsna was
not present there at that moment. And only for this reason Radha became
very anxious as she thought that her beloved Krsna was busy spending
time with another girl named Candravali. On the otherhand and at the
same time Krsna was waiting for Radha at the altar. When Radha with
her companions came to that place where Krsna was waiting for Radha,
they i.e. Krsna and Radha met each other. At the very first moment
Radha was angry with Krsna for he made her wait for a long time but the
clever Krsna tried to console her by saying that he went to bring some
bokula flowers which she likes the most. After hearing this, Radha was
very much satisfied and happy. She was very much pleased with her
beloved Krsna and begged from him the flowers he had brought for
her. When Krsna saw that he had pleased his Radha he let the flowers
move on Radha’s lap. But without his knowledge, he also gave the flute
with the flowers to Radha. This scene is described by the author in his
Radha as well as everyone knew that it was very hard to fetch Krsna’s
flute. So, when Radha got the flute so easily from Krsna she tried to
Thus we find that our author has described the heroine as Radha