Colour Image Restoration
Colour Image Restoration
Colour Image Restoration
Key words: Image restoration, multilayer The various restoration techniques used currently can
morphological (MLM) neural network, morphological be broadly viewed under two categories, namely, the
neuron, random noise, PSNR, RGB, colour space. transform related techniques and the algebraic
restoration techniques [1]. The transform related
1. Introduction techniques involve analyzing the degraded image after
an appropriate transform has been applied. The two
Image Restoration is the process of obtaining the popular transform related techniques are inverse
original image from the degraded image given the filtering and Kalman filtering [2]. Inverse filtering
knowledge of the degrading factors. There are a variety produces a perfect restoration in the absence of noise,
of reasons that could cause degradation of an image and but the presence of noise has very bad effects. The
image restoration is one of the key fields in today's Kalman filter approach can be applied to non stationary
Digital Image Processing due to its wide area of image but it is computationally very intensive.
applications. Commonly occurring degradations include
blurring, motion and noise [1,2]. Blurring can be caused Algebraic techniques attempt to find a direct solution to
when object in the image is outside the camera’s depth the distortion by matrix inversion techniques, or
of field sometime during the exposure, whereas motion techniques involving an iterative method to minimize a
blur can be caused when an object moves relative to the degradation measure. The two popular algebraic
camera during an exposure. The general model for techniques available are pseudo inverse filtering and
image degradation phenomenon is given as y = Hf + n, constrained image restoration. The pseudo inverse
where y is the observed blurred and noisy image, f is spatial image restoration techniques attempt to restore
an image by considering the vector space model of the
image degradation and attempting to restore the image is presented. In section 4, the implementation of the
in this vector space domain. This technique does not approach is presented. In section 5, experimental results
take into account the effects of noise in the calculations are presented which includes fast neural computation
of the pseudo inverse and so is sensitive to noise in the and improvement in signal to noise ratio for various
image. This involves finding an approximation to the sizes of the structural elements. Finally , the conclusion
inverse of the matrix blurring operator which is about the present work is discussed in section 6.
multiplied with the column scanned image vector to
produce the degraded image. Blur matrices are very 2. Mathematical Morphology
large and it is not computationally feasible to invert
them. Constrained restoration techniques are often In essence mathematical morphology is a method to
based on Wiener estimation and regression techniques. extract and describe information contained within an
One of the major drawbacks in most of the image image. Davidson employed morphological neural
restoration algorithms is the computational complexity, network to solve template identification and target
so much so that many simplifying assumptions have classification problems [11]. C. P. Suarez-Araujo
been made to obtain computationally feasible applied morphological neural networks to compute
algorithms. homothetic auditory and visual invariance's [12].
Another interesting network consisting of a
A number of new restoration methodologies have been morphological net and a classical feedforward network
developed in recent years and has interest in new used for feature extraction and classification was
aspects of image restoration problems. Motivated by the designed by P. D. Gader[13] With the help of
biological neural network in which the processing mathematical morphology it is possible to determine
power lies in a large number of neurons linked with qualities such as the shape, size and structure of the
synaptic weights, artificial neural network models objects contained within an image. Furthermore, by
attempt to achieve a good performance via dense choosing to extract only special information, unwanted
interconnection of simple computational elements. elements such as noise can be removed from the image,
Neural network models have great potential in areas while preserving relevant image data. This is achieved
where high computation rates are required and the using a structuring element, which is also an image,
current best systems are far from equaling human although it is usually smaller and of much simpler
performance. Restoration of a high quality image from shape. By choosing a special structuring element and
a degraded recording is a good application area of applying it to the image, any morphological
neural nets. Joon K. Paik and Aggelos. K. Katsaggelos transformation [2] can be calculated.
[9] proposed a Modified Hopfield neural network
model for solving the restoration problem which The input gray image is represented by f(x,y) and
improves upon the algorithm proposed by Zhou et al. structuring element as b(x,y). Let Z denotes the set of
[10]. real integers, the assumption is that (x,y) are integers
from Z2 and that f and b are functions that assign a gray
Among the various neural networks this paper uses a value from 0 to Lmax to each distinct pair of
new nonlinear neural network that differs from the coordinates (x,y).
conventional neural network called morphological The gray-value ‘dilation’ is defined as:
neural network. Operations based on lattice algebra
[3,7] have found widespread applications in the (f b)(s,t) = max { f (s-x, t-y) + b(x,y) |
engineering sciences. Artificial neural network whose (s-x), (t-y) Є Df ; (x,y) Є Db } (1)
computation are based on lattice algebra have become
where Df and Db are the domains of f and b,
known as morphological neural networks (MNNs).
respectively. b is the structuring element of the
morphological process and is now a function rather than
Mathematical morphology is a non linear filtering
a set. Dilation is based on choosing the maximum value
method applicable for two value or gray images but for
of f+b in a neighborhood defined by the shape of the
colour images, the researchers are still in the
structuring element.
preliminary stage. In this paper colour image is divided
into RGB distribution and is processed by
The gray-value ‘erosion’ is defined as:
morphological way used in gray images. The
organization of this paper is as follows: In section 2, the
basic concept of mathematical morphology is (f b)(s,t) = min { f (s+x, t+y) - b(x,y) |
presented. In section 3, the new MLM neural network s+x), (t+y) Є Df ; (x,y) Є Db } (2)
model, training of MNN and the MLM neural network
colour morphological filter based on RGB distribution
Erosion is based on choosing the maximum value of f-b n
in a neighborhood defined by the shape of the Ti (t + 1) = ∑ a j (t).w ij (5)
structuring element. j =1
3.2 Morphological Neural Network Model
The mathematical model of the morphological neuron
is shown in Figure 1. ⎧n ⎫
⎪ ⎪
u j (t) = f j ⎨ ∧ x i (m) + w ij ⎬ (13)
i =1
⎪⎩ ⎪⎭
Output is
composed of just one node, and can be described as:
⎧N ⎫
v(t) = f ⎨∑ w ij u j (t)⎬ (14)
⎩ j=1 ⎭
J(winp, Wout) = ∑∑ (y it − d it )2 (15)
∂J The four basic operators of colour morphological
w ij (t + 1) = w ij (t) − η. + algorithm can be extensively defined from gray scale
∂ w ij (t)
values [6,8]. Let Y be the output image of the filter. The
α w ij (t) − w ij (t − 1) ] definition of erosion and dilation operators, and the
realization of them based on morphological neural
network are given as follows:
= w ij (t) + ηδ j x i (t) + α.∆w ij (t) (18)
Erosion operator:
and Y= X S = { y*(I,j) = Λ (x*(I-k,j+l) +
s*(-k,-l),(k,l) ε S } (22)
W j1 (t + 1) = W j1 (t) − η +
∂ W j1 (t) where
α W j1 (t) − W j1 (t − 1) ]
x ∗ (i − k, j + 1) = X i (t), s ∗ (k, l) = Wij and *
η -learning rate, α - moving factor rate Open and close operators are the composite of both of
f(.) = U j (t)(1 − U j (t )))
Open operator:
X ο S = (X S) S (24)
3.4 Colour Morphological Filter Based On RGB
Distribution Close operator:
X • S = (X S) S (25)
The colour image is divided into RGB distribution, as
X=[XR,XG,XB] and structure elements as S =
[SR,SG,SB].The basic colour morphological operators
4. Implementation
In this paper, colour images are divided into RGB
are defined as follows: distribution. Then each subspace can be regarded as a
gray image space, and is processed by morphological
Erosion operator: way used in gray image. The block diagram of the
X S = [ XR SR, XG SG, XB SB] proposed method is shown in Figure 3:
Dilation operator:
X ⊕ S = [X R ⊕ S R , X G ⊕ S G , X B ⊕ S B ]
Open operator:
X o S = [X R o S R , X G o S G , X B o S B ]
Close operator:
X • S = [X R • S R , X G • S G , X B • S B ] Figure: 3 Block diagram of the proposed method
Lena image. Three morphological sub networks are
applied to process the degraded image divided into
RGB distribution, with each network works for one
colour band. A morphological sub network is shown in
figure 4. 3 x 3 pixels are chosen as structure elements,
and a group of gray values of pixels are selected as
input signals, which are considered to be the
3 x 3 mask that has the pixel(i,j) as center. The learning
ratio is set to 0.5 with moving factor rate set to 0.3. The
initial values for synaptic values are set randomly by Figure 5.1
random distribution function.
Table.1 PSNR values of restored image for different sizes of structuring elements
Type of PSNR of PSNR of PSNR of PSNR of the PSNR of the
degradation corrupted the the restored restored image
image restored restored image (Erosion )
image image (Erosion)
(Erosion) (Erosion)
(dB) (3*3) (5*5) (7*7) (9*9)
Image with 10 13 14 15
Random noise
Restored image with blur
35.5 Restored image with blur and random noise
Restored image with random noise
PSNR in db
3*3 5*5 7*7 9*9
structural elements
From figure 6, it is found that as the size of the structuring element is increased the reconstructed image quality is
also improved considerably.
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