Elements in Ls Dyna PDF
Elements in Ls Dyna PDF
Elements in Ls Dyna PDF
Elements in LS-DYNA
Session Topics
Description of Elements
1. Solids
Purpose: To define section properties for solid continuum and fluid
• 8-node solid element by default uses one point integration plus
viscous hourglass control.
• Fully integrated brick elements are also available. They perform
better where element distortions are large (like soft materials, such as
foam). but are about four times more costly.
•When full integration is used no hourglass control is needed, as
there are no zero-energy modes.
•Wedges and tetrahedral are simply degenerate bricks (i.e. some of
the nodes are repeated). They cause problems in some situations so
these type of solid elements are avoided
2. Shells
Purpose: Define section properties for shell elements
Belytschko Tsay element (B-T):
•Default shell element is the Belytschko Tsay (B-T) element.It uses
reduced one-point integration
•Not recommended when element experiences excessive warping.
• Hughes Liu:Hughes Liu (HL) element available in reduced
integration and fully integrated formulations. Substantially slower than
B-T formulation
S/R Co-rotational Hughes-Liu: This type of formulation uses fully
integrated element, so hourglass deformations does not occur (but
much more costly).
Hourglassing is a zero energy mode of deformation that
oscillates at a frequency much higher than the structure’s global
Hourglassing typically have no stiffness and give a zig zag
deformation appearance to a mesh.
Undesirable phenomenon that occurs due to reduced integration
(single point).
The expression “full
integration” refers to the
number of Gauss points
required to integrate the
polynomial terms in an
element's stiffness matrix
exactly when the element has
a regular shape.
M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru 9
1. Avoid Single point loads
- Single point loads are known to excite hourglass modes.
Since one excited element transfers the mode to its
neighbors, point loads should not be applied.
2. Use fully integrated elements
- Fully integrated elements do not experience Hourglassing
modes. Hourglass control implemented through the use of
the keyword *HOURGLASS section
3. Globally adjust the models bulk viscosity
- Hourglass deformations are resisted by a structures bulk
viscosity. It is possible to increase the bulk viscosity of a
model by using various Hourglass viscosity type which is as
shown below
M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru 14
•In materials that undergo extremely large deformations, such as
soft foams, an element may become so distorted that the volume
of the element is calculated as negative.
• When FE model contains a few small or stiff elements, the
efficiency of explicit time integration method is compromised
severely, since the time step of the entire mesh is set by these
very stiff elements. Several techniques are available for
overcoming this difficulty.
dz dy
d n f(d CG ) f(R CG )
Rigid body has 6 degrees of freedom, 3 transnational
and 3 rotational.
n1 Fb
•Avoid small elements whenever possible as they will
significantly reduce the time step size.If small elements are
required,use mass scaling.
• Minimize the use of triangular/tetrahedron/prism elements.
Although these elements are supported,they are highly not
• Avoid acute angled elements and warped shells, as they will
degrade the accuracy of the results.
• Fully integrated elements can be defined in regions of a
model where hourglass control is needed.
Session Topics
Plasticity Models
•Bilinear Isotropic (MAT3)
•Temperature Dependent Bilinear Isotropic (MAT4)
•Bilinear Kinematic (MAT3)
•Plastic Kinematic (MAT3)
•Powerlaw Plasticity (MAT18)
•Rate Sensitive Powerlaw Plasticity (MAT64)
•Strain Rate Dependent Plasticity (MAT19)
•Piecewise Linear Plasticity (MAT24)
Foam Models
•Low Density Foam (MAT57)
•Viscous Foam (MAT62)
•Mooney-Rivlin Rubber (MAT27)
•Viscoelastic (MAT6)
Spring Damper Models
•Linear Elastic Spring (MAT18)
•Linear Viscous Damper
•Nonlinear Elastic Spring
•Nonlinear Viscous Damper
•Elasto-plastic spring
•General Nonlinear Spring
Composite Models
•Composite Damage (MAT22)
•Enhance Composite Damage(MAT54-55)
•Laminated composite Fabric (MAT58)
•Rigid (MAT20)
•Cable (MAT71)
This is Material Type 2. This material is valid for modeling the elastic-
orthotropic behavior of solids,shells and thick shells.Anisotropic
option is available for solid elements.
This is material Type 6. This model allows the modeling of
viscoelastic behavior for beams (Hughes-Liu),shells,and solids.
- This is Material Type 3. This model is suited to model isotropic
and kinematic hardening plasticity with the option of including
rate effects.
- It is a very cost effective model and is available for
beam(Hughes-Liu),shell and solid elements.
- This is Material Type 24. It is an elasto-plastic material with an
arbitrary stress verses strain curve and arbitrary strain rate
dependency is defined.
- Here failure based on a plastic strain or a minimum time step
size can be defined
s s ep
200 0.0
220 0.0002
235 0.0008
245 0.002
250 0.005
e 252 0.010
- This is Material Type 73.It is mainly for Modeling Low Density
Urethane Foam with high compressibility and with rate sensitivity.
- Its main applications are for seat cushions,padding on the side impact
Dummies (SID),bumpers and interior foams.
- Optionally, a tension cut-off failure can be defined
- This is Material Type 62. This type of Material represents the Con-
Foam on the ribs of EuroSID side impact dummy.
- It is only valid for solid elements,mainly under compressive loading
-This is Material Type 26. The major use of this material model is
for honeycomb and foam materials with real anisotropic behavior.
- A nonlinear elastoplastic material behavior can be defined
separately for all normal and shear stresses.
- This type of material model is developed for the front end material
of a side impact bumper and for aerospace structures.
-This is Material Type 22. This model is developed for failure of
Composite materials which is used for energy absorption.
- An orthotropic material with optional brittle failure for composites
can be defined.
- This is Material Type 20.Parts made from this material are considered
to belong to a rigid body.
- The coupling of a rigid body with MADYMO can be defined via this
- Here global and local constraints on the mass center can be optionally
-This is Material Type 71.This model permits elastic cables
to be realistically modeled.
- In this model during compression no forces are developed