Anakbayan Constitution
Anakbayan Constitution
Anakbayan Constitution
Under the light of our noble cause to serve the people and contribute our intellect and strength in the struggle
to bring down imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism and to achieve national liberation, democracy
and socialism, we the youth, workers, peasants, fishermen, students, professionals, migrants, urban poor youth,
church people, national minorities, Moro, together in unity shall fight for the immediate and long term
interests of the Filipino youth, and stands on the historical role of the youth in the people’s movement, firmly
stand by, unite on and uphold this constitution.
Sec 2. Its emblem is a golden alibata letter Ka surrounded by three golden stars forming a triangle. The three
stars symbolizes light and hope and the national character of the organization, Luzon, Visayans and Mindanao.
The triangular formation symbolizes the triangular character of Philippine society. The alibata Ka represents the
continuation of the Katipunan’s aims in 1896 and of Kabataang Makabayan’s in the 60s and 70's.
Sec 3. The organization's flag is red with a golden emblem in the middle. Underneath the emblem, the name
Anakbayan is written in black letters. The color Red represents militancy and bravery. The color Gold stands for
the golden objectives of the organization. The color Black reflects the present dark Philippine society that the
organization wants to change.
Sec 4. The National Office of Anakbayan is in the national capital city. The regions can also establish their own
in their respective area.
Sec 2. Anakbayan believes that the Philippine Society is semi-colonial and semi-feudal wherein huge numbers
of youth are exploited and abused. Anakbayan recognizes education, employment, land, rights and social
services as immediate and long term problems of the Filipino youth. These problems are part and cannot be
separated from the overall problem of the Filipino people, imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.
Anakbayan is a part of the struggle to end the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and win the struggle for
NationalDemocracy towards Socialism.
Sec 3. Anakbayan recognizes the historical role of the youth as a powerful force that advocates and advances
social change against a rotten and old social system. The majority of the youth comes from the laboring class
(uring anakpawis) who are the most determined in winning National Democracy towards Socialism.
Article III: Goals
Sec 1. Goals of Anakbayan:
a) Build the firm unity of the Filipino Youth; young workers, peasants, students, professionals, out of
school youth, migrant, Moro and other national minorities and women wherever they maybe.
b) Study and propagate the line, program and analysis of National Democracy among the youth and
c) Fight for employment, land, education, rights, social services as just demands and interests of the
d) Actively participate and join the people's movement to continue the historical mission of the people to
achieve genuine freedom and democracy.
e) Connect and collaborate with other youth groups for concrete demands and struggles.
f) Firmly unite with other organizations of the youth overseas and build a broad anti-imperialist front.
Build chapters of Anakbayan among the ranks of Filipino youth overseas.
Sec 2. All members of affiliated organizations will be treated as individual members of Anakbayan.
Sec 2. All individual members of the affiliate organization will be treated as members of Anakbayan and will
enjoy equal standing within the organization.
Sec 3. The affiliated organization is directly answerable to Anakbayan wherever it is affiliated to (national,
regional, provincial or local).
Sec 4. In the case of disaffiliation, members of the org who wish to stay members of Anakbayan will become
members in their individual capacity.
Sec 5. An affiliated org may be removed upon proof of serious offenses against the principles, policies and
responsibilities of Anakbayan.
Article VI: Anakbayan Pledge
Sec 1. The pledge to Anakbayan is a statement of loyalty and readiness of the members to uphold the basic
principles and program of the organization. Whoever wishes to be a member must pledge before the flag of
I, (state your name), wholeheartedly declare my readiness to enthusiastically arouse, organize and mobilize
the youth for their democratic interests and to firmly integrate it with the national democratic aims and
struggle of the entire people.
I stand by and embrace the constitution, principles, and cause of Anakbayan. I pledge to implement its
overall tasks and programs at all times. I will uphold all the decisions and policies of the National Congress
and all the higher organs and collectives that I belong to.
I will forge myself into an activist for the masses. I will resolutely study Philippine society. I will uphold
simple living and aggressive struggle.
I pledge to uphold the revolutionary tradition of the Filipino youth. I will continue the unfinished struggle
for national liberation and democracy. I will be loyal, enthusiastic, and arduously serve the interests of the
youth and the people, even if it means offering my life.
a) All are free to attend and participate in the meetings and activities of the Chapter (Balangay),
Committee and collective that one belongs to and may represent at any meeting outside the Chapter if
this is agreed upon by the Chapter or collective one belongs to.
d) Present suggestions, grievances within or with other units, committee or organs of Anakbayan
e) Appeal any decision of any higher organ through the correct process.
f) Everyone has the right to resign from the organization after providing basis of resignation.
Sec 2. All the rights mentioned will be enjoyed by “honorary members” and “probationary members” with the
exception of being elected and voting.
Sec 3. The following are the tasks of every member of Anakbayan:
c) Encourage other youth to join Anakbayan. Assist in establishment Chapters in schools, communities or
place of work that does not have Anakbayan Chapters.
e) Actively respond/participate in activities, programs of the Chapter and other formations of Anakbayan
Sec 2. Any member may be subjected to disciplinary action for not fulfilling their tasks in the organization,
violating the principles and policies especially if this compromises the security and prestige of the
organization. The weight of the disciplinary action will be based on the gravity of the violation committed.
Sec 3. Loss of status of membership can be through resignation or expulsion from the organization. Each
individual member is responsible for any actions that may harm the organization or shows disrespect and
disloyalty to it.
Sec 4. No individual member can be given any disciplinary action without undergoing due process.
Sec 5. The Acceptance, suspension, resignation and expulsion will be decided, overseen and implemented by
the organ or formation of Anakbayan that is directly involved.
Sec 6. The National Executive Committee or the Executive Committee of every organ or formation will receive
and investigate the cases that will be presented. It will conduct an investigation as basis of making a decision
of every organ or formation of Anakbayan.
Sec 2. Membership dues will be paid by every individual member of Anakbayan. This will amount to P20.00
Sec 3. It is the duty of every member to pay their monthly dues determined by the chapter or any other
formation that is established before the establishment of a chapter.
Sec 4. Affiliated organizations shall pay institutional dues that will be determined by the formation that they
are affiliated to (national, regional, provincial, municipal, district or chapter)
Sec 5. The national funds in the bank and other legal transactions will be managed by the National Secretary
General and National Treasurer.
Sec 6. It is the responsibility of each chapter of Anakbayan to contribute to the central fund that is determined
by the National Council.
Sec 2. The National Council is the second highest decision making body on policies, programs and plans of
Anakbayan. It is the highest decision making body during times when the Congress is not in session. It shall
call a meeting twice a year to make tactical programs, assess activities and come up with amendments on the
plans. The National Council will be comprised of the National Executive Committee and representatives of
each region and other sectors determined by the Congress. It is also the task of the National Council to elect a
new National Chairperson, National Vice-chairperson, Vice-chair for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, National
Secretary General. The National Executive Committee may hold special meetings of the National Council in
times when important decisions need to be made that is beyond the mandate of the National Executive
Committee, the members will be given written memos 10 days prior to the meeting.
Sec 3. The National Executive Committee (NEC or PKT) will be comprised of the National Chairperson, the
National Vice-chairperson, the Vice-chair for Luzon, the Vice-chair for Visayas, the Vice-chair for Mindanao, the
National Secretary General, National Deputy Secretary for Organization, National Deputy Secretary for
Education and the National Treasurer. The tenure of the members of the National Executive Committee shall
be two years.
Sec 4. The powers and duties of the NEC are the following:
a) Outline policies and supervise the daily activities of the whole organization.
b) Form committees and supervise them in order to implement the program and objectives of Anakbayan.
d) Ensure the regular issue of publications and theoretical and political journals of Anakbayan.
e) Determine the position of the organization on important and timely issues, concerns and to release
Article XI: Power and Duties of the National Leaders
Sec 1. Power and Duties of the National Chairperson:
b) Call and facilitate the meetings of the National Congress, National Council and the National Executive
d) Form and appoint leaders of committees to be formed based on the unities of the NEC
a) Take the role of the Chairperson if the National Chairperson is unable to function, is sick or have
resigned from the position
c) Manage and ensure the regular issue of publication and journal of Anakbayan
Sec 3. Power and Duties of the Vice-chairperson for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
a) Take on the task as the head officer of the organization in each major island of responsibility.
a) Supervise the day to day running of the organization and work in close coordination with other lower
b) Secure and keep all records, writings, documents and other letters of the National Congress, National
Council and the National Executive Committee.
c) Come up with reports of activities, plans and accomplishments that are approved by the Chairperson
and the NEC, that will be submitted to the National Council and the National Congress.
Sec 5. Power and Duties of the Vice Secretary General for Organization:
a) Take on the task of the National Secretary General in the event that the latter cannot perform such
b) Serve as the partner of the National Secretary in his/her tasks of managing the organization
Sec 6. Power and Duties of the Vice Secretary General for Education:
a) Chair the Committee on Education and ensure the implementation of education work throughout the
c) Regularly submit updates on finance of the National Congress, Council and Executive Committee.
Article XII: Assembly of Regions, Provinces, Districts, Cities, Municipalities & Barangay / Barrio
Sec 1. The assembly in the region, province, district, city, municipality and barangay/barrio is the highest
decision making body composed of every member in every level.
Sec 2. The regional, provincial,district, city, municipal and barangay/barrio assembly will be held annually to
elect the leadership, form plans and particular program and according to the program of the National
Congress and other higher organs of each level.
Sec 3. A special Assembly can be called anytime based on the recommendation of the territorial formations
and unities of the executive committee.
Article XIII: Council of Regions, Provinces, Districts, Cities, Municipalities and Barangay/Barrio
Sec 1. The council in the regional, provincial, district, city, municipality and barangay/barrio is the second
highest decision making body in every level during times when there is no Assembly in every level.
Sec 2. The council will be comprised of the executive committee and representatives of all organs under it.
Sec 3. The Council shall meet twice or more a year based on the necessity.
Article XIV: Implementing Committee of Regions, Provinces, Districts, Cities, Municipalities and
Sec 1. The executive committee is composed of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary general, treasurer
and the officer for propaganda and education. The first three are elected by the assembly and the others are
appointed by the elected officers.
Sec 2. Each chapter will be composed of no less than fifteen (15) individual members.
Sec 3. Each chapter must elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary general and officers for education
and finance.
Sec 4. To perform the tasks of Anakbayan, it forms various committees. This also serves as the venue for the
democratic participation of the membership.
c) Recruit new members, collect membership dues and form new chapters.
e) Study and investigate the needs, conditions and interests of the youth.
f) Advance the struggle for the interest and welfare of the youth and the people.
c) Treachery to the organization and conducting of activities that places the organization in danger.
Sec 2. Any impeachment shall undergo due process. An impeachment tribunal will be formed at the level
where the officer is involved after a study of the case filed.
Sec 2. This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the National Congress.
Sec 3. Any suggested amendments must be submitted to the National Executive Committee six (6) months
prior to the holding of the National Congress.