Agriculture (agr)
Farm structure (ef)
Main farm indicators by NUTS 2
regions (ef_mainfarm)
Farm indicators by agricultural area, type of farm, standard
output, legal form and NUTS 2 regions (ef_m_farmleg)
Farm indicators by agricultural area, type of farm, standard
output, sex and age of the manager and NUTS 2
regions (ef_m_farmang)
Farm land use by NUTS 2
regions (ef_landuse)
Main farm land use by NUTS 2 regions (ef_lus_main)
Crops by classes of utilised agricultural area in number of farms and hectare by NUTS 2
regions (ef_lus_allcrops)
Arable crops farms by NUTS 2 regions (ef_lac)
Permanent crops farms by NUTS 2
regions (ef_lpc)
Permanent grassland by NUTS 2
regions (ef_lus_pegrass)
Under glass by NUTS 2 regions (ef_lus_unglass)
Special areas and other farmland by NUTS 2
regions (ef_lus_sparea)
livestock (ef_livestock)
Main livestock indicators by NUTS 2
regions (ef_lsk_main)
Bovine animals by NUTS 2 regions (ef_lsk_bovine)
Share of main land types in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions (aei_ef_lu)
Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2
regions (aei_ef_ir)
Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2
regions (aei_ef_ls)
Manure storage facilities by NUTS 3 regions (aei_fm_ms)
Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source:
JRC) (aei_pr_soiler)