PM130 Modbus

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Reference Guide


BG0310 Rev. A1


Modbus Communications Protocol

Every effort has been made to ensure that the material herein is complete and accurate.
However, the manufacturer is not responsible for any mistakes in printing or faulty instructions
contained in this book. Notification of any errors or misprints will be received with appreciation.

For further information regarding a particular installation, operation or maintenance of

equipment, contact the manufacturer or your local representative or distributor.

This book is copyrighted. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the manufacturer.

Modbus is a trademark of Modicon, Inc.

COPYRIGHT  1999, 2000

BG0310 Rev.A1

Table of Contents

1 GENERAL ............................................................................................. 4
2 MODBUS FRAMING ............................................................................. 5
2.1 Transmission Mode ................................................................................................ 5
2.2 The RTU Frame Format ......................................................................................... 5
2.3 Address Field.......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Function Field ......................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Data Field ............................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Error Check Field.................................................................................................... 6
3 MODBUS MESSAGE FORMATS ......................................................... 7
3.1 Function 03 - Read Multiple Registers ................................................................... 7
3.2 Function 04 - Read Multiple Registers ................................................................... 7
3.3 Function 06 - Write Single Register........................................................................ 7
3.4 Function 16 - Write Multiple Registers ................................................................... 8
3.5 Function 08 - Loop-back Communications Test..................................................... 8
3.6 Exception Responses ............................................................................................. 9
4 PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................... 10
4.1 Modbus Register Addresses ................................................................................ 10
4.2 Data Formats ........................................................................................................ 10
4.2.1 16-bit Integer Format ......................................................................................... 10
4.2.2 32-bit Modulo 10000 Format.............................................................................. 11
4.2.3 32-bit Long Integer Format ................................................................................ 11
4.3 User Assignable Registers ................................................................................... 11
5 POWERMETER REGISTERS DESCRIPTION.................................... 13
5.1 Basic Data Registers ............................................................................................ 13
5.2 Basic Setup........................................................................................................... 14
5.3 User Selectable Options Setup ............................................................................ 15
5.4 Communications Setup ........................................................................................ 16
5.5 Reset/Synchronization Registers ......................................................................... 16
5.6 Instrument Status.................................................................................................. 17
5.7 Extended Status ................................................................................................... 17
5.8 Extended Data Registers...................................................................................... 19
5.9 Alarm/Event Setpoints .......................................................................................... 24
5.10 Pulsing Setpoints ................................................................................................ 27
5.11 Relay Operation Control ..................................................................................... 27
5.12 Min/Max Log ....................................................................................................... 28

This document specifies a subset of the Modbus serial communications protocol used to
transfer data between a master computer station and the PM130. The document provides the
complete information necessary to develop a third-party communications software capable of
communication with the Series PM130 Powermeters. Additional information concerning
communications operation, configuring the communications parameters, and communications
connections is found in "Series PM130 Powermeters, Installation and Operation Manual".


In 3-wire connection schemes, the unbalanced current and phase readings for power factor,
active power, and reactive power will be zeros, because they have no meaning. Only the total
three-phase power values can be used.
Most of the instrument advanced features are configured using multiple setup parameters that
can be accessed in some contiguous registers. When writing the setup registers, it is
recommended to write all the registers at once using a single request, or to clear (zero) the
setup before writing into separate registers.

Specification changes

The following indicates specification changes which apply to PM130 instruments with firmware
version 3.54 or later:
Added 32-bit long integer format for extended data registers (see Sections 4.2 and 5.8).


2.1 Transmission Mode

The protocol uses the Modbus Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) transmission mode. In RTU mode,
data is sent in 8-bit binary characters. The 8 bit even parity or 8 bit no parity data format must
be selected when configuring the instrument communications. The data format is shown in the
following table.

Table 2-1 RTU Data Format

Field No. of bits
Start bit 1
Data bits c 8
Parity (optional) 1
Stop bit 1
c Least significant bit first

2.2 The RTU Frame Format

Frame synchronization is maintained in RTU transmission mode by simulating a
synchronization message. The receiving device monitors the elapsed time between receptions
of characters. If three and one-half character times elapse without a new character or
completion of the frame, then the device flushes the frame and assumes that the next byte
received will be an address. The frame format is defined below.
The maximum query and response message length is 256 bytes including check characters.

RTU Message Frame Format

T1 T2 T3 Address Function Data CRC Check T1 T2 T3
8 bits 8 bits N * 8 bits 16 bits

2.3 Address Field

The address field contains a user assigned address (1-247) of the instrument that is to receive
a message. Address 0 is used in broadcast mode to transmit to all instruments (broadcast
mode is available only for functions 06 and 16). In this case all instruments receive the
message and take action on the request, but do not issue a response. In the PM130, the
broadcast mode is supported only for register addresses 287-294 and 301-302 (reset energies
and maximum demands), 3404-3415 (reset/clear registers), and 4352-4358 (real-time clock

2.4 Function Field

The function field contains a function code that tells the instrument what action to perform.
Function codes used in the protocol are shown below in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Modbus Function Codes

Code Meaning in Modbus Action
03 Read holding registers Read multiple registers
04 Read input registers Read multiple registers

Code Meaning in Modbus Action
06 Preset single register Write single register
16 Preset multiple registers Write multiple registers
08 Loop-back test Communications test
NOTE Broadcast mode available only for functions code 06 and 16.

2.5 Data Field

The data field contains information needed by the instrument to perform a specific function, or
data collected by the instrument in response to a query.
IMPORTANT Fields composed of two bytes are sent in the order high byte first, low byte

2.6 Error Check Field

The error check field contains the Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) word. The start of the
message is ignored in calculating the CRC. The CRC-16 error check sequence is implemented
as described in the following paragraphs.

The message (data bits only, disregarding start/stop and optional parity bits) is considered one
continuous binary number whose most significant bit (MSB) is transmitted first. The message is
pre-multiplied by x16 (shifted left 16 bits), and then divided by x16 + x15 + x2 + 1 expressed as a
binary number (11000000000000101). The integer quotient digits are ignored and the 16-bit
remainder (initialized to all ones at the start to avoid the case of all zeros being an accepted
message) is appended to the message (MSB first) as the two CRC check bytes. The resulting
message including CRC, when divided by the same polynomial (x16 + x15 + x2 + 1) at the
receiver will give a zero remainder if no errors have occurred. (The receiving unit recalculates
the CRC and compares it to the transmitted CRC). All arithmetic is performed modulo two (no

The device used to serialize the data for transmission will send the conventional LSB or right-
most bit of each character first. In generating the CRC, the first bit transmitted is defined as the
MSB of the dividend. For convenience, and since there are no carries used in the arithmetic,
let's assume while computing the CRC that the MSB is on the right. To be consistent, the bit
order of the generating polynomial must be reversed. The MSB of the polynomial is dropped
since it affects only the quotient and not the remainder. This yields 1010 0000 0000 0001 (Hex
A001). Note that this reversal of the bit order will have no effect whatever on the interpretation
or bit order of characters external to the CRC calculations.

The step by step procedure to form the CRC-16 check bytes is as follows:
1. Load a 16-bit register with all 1's.
2. Exclusive OR the first 8-bit byte with the low order byte of the 16-bit register, putting the
result in the 16-bit register.
3. Shift the 16-bit register one bit to the right.
4a.If the bit shifted out to the right (flag) is one, exclusive OR the generating polynomial 1010
000 000 0001 with the 16-bit register.
4b.If the bit shifted out to the right is zero, return to step 3.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until 8 shifts have been performed.
6. Exclusive OR the next 8-bit byte with the 16-bit register.
7. Repeat step 3 through 6 until all bytes of the message have been exclusive ORed with the
16-bit register and shifted 8 times.
8. When the 16-bit CRC is transmitted in the message, the low order byte will be transmitted
first, followed by the high order byte.
For detailed information about CRC calculation, refer to the Modbus Protocol Reference Guide.


3.1 Function 03 - Read Multiple Registers

This command allows the user to obtain contents of up to 125 contiguous registers from a
single data table.
Instrument Function Starting Word Count Error Check
Address (03) Address
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes

Starting Address Address of the first register to be read

Word Count The number of contiguous words to be read

Instrument Function Byte Data ... Data Error
Address (03) Count Word 1 Word N Check
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes ... 2 bytes 2 bytes

The byte count field contains quantity of bytes to be returned.

3.2 Function 04 - Read Multiple Registers

This command allows the user to obtain contents of up to 125 contiguous registers from a
single data table. It can be used instead of function 03.
Instrument Function Starting Word Count Error Check
Address (04) Address
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Starting Address Address of the first register to be read
Word Count The number of contiguous words to be read

Instrument Function Byte Data ... Data Error
Address (04) Count Word 1 Word N Check
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes ... 2 bytes 2 bytes
The byte count field contains quantity of bytes to be returned.

3.3 Function 06 - Write Single Register

This command allows the user to write the contents of a data register in any data table where a
register can be written.
Instrument Function Starting Data Error
Address (06) Address Word check
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Starting Address Address of the register to be written
Data Value Data to be written to the register

The normal response is the retransmission of the write request.

3.4 Function 16 - Write Multiple Registers

This request allows the user to write the contents of multiple contiguous registers to a single
data table where registers can be written.

Instrument Function Starting Word Byte
Address (16) Address Count Count
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte

Data Word 1 ... ... ... Data Word N Error Check

2 bytes ... ... ... 2 bytes 2 bytes

Starting Address Address of the first register to be written

Word Count The number of contiguous words to be written
Byte Count The number of bytes to be written

Instrument Function Starting Word Error
Address (16) Address Count Check
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 word 2 bytes

3.5 Function 08 - Loop-back Communications Test

The purpose of this request is to check the communications link between the specified
instrument and PC.

Instrument Function Diagnostic Data Error
Address (08) Code (0) Check
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes

Diagnostic Code Designates action to be taken in Loop-back test. The protocol

supports only Diagnostic Code 0 - return query data.
Data Query data. The data passed in this field will be returned to the
master through the instrument. The entire message returned will
be identical to the message transmitted by the master, field-per-

Instrument Function Diagnostic Data Error
Address (08) Code (0) Check
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes

The normal response is the re-transmission of a test message.

3.6 Exception Responses
The instrument sends an exception response when errors are detected in the received
message. To indicate that the response is notification of an error, the high order bit of the
function code is set to 1.

Exception Response
Instrument Function (high Exception Error Check
Address order bit is set to 1) Code
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 byte

Exception response codes:

01 - Illegal function
02 - Illegal data address
03 - Illegal data value
06 - Busy, rejected message. The message was received without errors, but the instrument is
being programmed from the keypad (only for requests accessing setup registers).

NOTE When the character framing, parity, or redundancy check detects a communication
error, processing of the master's request stops. The instrument will not act on or respond to the


4.1 Modbus Register Addresses

The PM130 Modbus registers are referred to by using addresses in the range of 0 to 65535.
From within the Modbus applications, the PM130 Modbus registers can be accessed by
simulating holding registers of the Modicon 584, 884 or 984 Programmable Controller, using a
5-digit “4XXXX” or 6-digit “4XXXXX” addressing scheme. To map the PM130 register address
to the range of the Modbus holding registers, add a value of 40001 to the PM130 register
address. When a register address exceeds 9999, use a 6-digit addressing scheme by adding
400001 to the PM130 register address.

4.2 Data Formats

The PM130 uses three data formats to pass data between a master application and the
instrument: a 16-bit integer format, a 32-bit modulo 10000 format, and a 32-bit long integer

4.2.1 16-bit Integer Format

A 16-bit data is transmitted in a single 16-bit Modbus register as unsigned or signed integer
(whole) numbers without conversion or using pre-scaling to accommodate large-scale and
fractional numbers to a 16-bit register format. Scaling can be made using either the LIN3 linear
conversion, or decimal pre-scaling to pass fractional numbers in integer format.

Non-scaled data
The data will be presented exactly as retrieved by the communications program from the
instrument. The value range for unsigned data is 0 to 65535; for signed data the range is -
32768 to 32767.

LIN3 (Linear) Scaling

This conversion maps the raw data received by the communications program in the range of 0 -
9999 onto the user-defined LO scale/HI scale range. The conversion is carried out according to
the formula:
Y = (X / 9999) × (HI - LO) + LO
Y - the true value in engineering units
X - the raw input data in the range of 0 - 9999
LO, HI - the data low and high scales in engineering units

When data conversion is necessary, the HI and LO scales, and data conversion method are
indicated for the corresponding registers.

Suppose you have read a value of 5000 from register 256 that contains a voltage reading (see
Table 5-1). If your instrument has the 144V input option, and you use potential transformers
with the ratings of 22,000V : 110V = 200, then the voltage high scale is HI = 144×200 = 28,800,
and in accordance with the above formula, the voltage reading in engineering units will be as
5000 × (28800 - 0)/9999 + 0 = 14401V

When a value is written to the instrument, the conversion is carried out in reverse to produce
the written value in the range of 0 - 9999:
X = 9999 × (Y - LO) / (HI - LO)

Decimal Scaling
Decimal pre-scaling can be used to accommodate fractional numbers to an integer register
format. Fractional numbers pre-multiplied by 10 in power N, where N is the number of digits in
the fractional part. For example, the frequency reading of 50.01 Hz is transmitted as 5001,
having been pre-multiplied by 100. Whenever a data register contains a fractional number, the
register measurement unit is given with a multiplier ×0.1, ×0.01 or ×0.001, showing an actual
register resolution (the weight of the least significant decimal digit). To get an actual fractional
number with specified precision, scale the register value with the given multiplier. To write a
fractional number into the register, divide the number by the given multiplier.

4.2.2 32-bit Modulo 10000 Format

The short energy registers 287-294, and 301-302 are transmitted in two contiguous 16-bit
registers in modulo 10000 format. The first (low order) register contains the value mod 10000,
and the second (high order) register contains the value/10000. To get the true energy reading,
the high order register value should be multiplied by 10,000 and added to the low order register.

4.2.3 32-bit Long Integer Format

In a 32-bit long integer format, data is transmitted in two adjacent 16-bit Modbus registers as
unsigned or signed long integer (whole) numbers. The first register contains the low-order word
(lower 16 bits) and the second register contains the high order word (higher 16 bits) of the 32-bit
long number. The low-order word always starts at an even Modbus address. The value range
for unsigned data is 0 to 4,294,967,295; for signed data the range is -2,147,483,648 to

A 32-bit data can be transmitted without conversion as is, or by using decimal pre-scaling to
transform fractional numbers to an integer format as described above (see Decimal Scaling in
Section 4.2.1).

4.3 User Assignable Registers

The PM130 contains the 120 user assignable registers in the address range of 0 to 119 (see
Table 4-1), any of which you can map to either register address accessible in the instrument.
Registers that reside in different locations may be accessed by a single request by re-mapping
them to adjacent addresses in the user assignable registers area.

The actual addresses of the assignable registers which are accessed via addresses 0 to 119
are specified in the user assignable register map (see Table 4-2). This map occupies addresses
from 120 to 239, where map register 120 should contain the actual address of the register
accessed via assignable register 0, register 121 should contain the actual address of the
register accessed via assignable register 1, and so on. Note that the assignable register
addresses and the map register addresses may not be re-mapped.

To build your own register map, write to map registers (120 to 239) the actual addresses you
want to read from or write to via the assignable area (0 to 119). Note that long word registers
should always be aligned at even addresses. For example, if you want to read registers 7136
(real-time voltage of phase A, word) and 7576/7577 (kWh import, long word) via registers 0-2,
then do the following:
- write 7576 to register 120
- write 7577 to register 121
- write 7136 to register 122
Reading from registers 0-2 will return the kWh reading in registers 0 (low word) and 1 (high
word), and the voltage reading in register 2.

Table 4-1 User Assignable Registers
Register contents Address Size, byte Direction Range
User definable data 0 0 c c c
User definable data 1 1 c c c
User definable data 2 2 c c c
... ... ... ... ...
User definable data 119 119 c c c
c - depends on the mapped register

Table 4-2 User Assignable Register Map

Register contents Address Size, byte Direction Range
Register address for user data 0 120 2 R/W 240 to 9999
Register address for user data 1 121 2 R/W 240 to 9999
Register address for user data 2 122 2 R/W 240 to 9999
... ... ... ... ...
Register address for user data 239 2 R/W 240 to 9999


5.1 Basic Data Registers

Table 5-1 Basic Data Registers
Parameter Add- Size, Direc- Unit c
Scale Con-
ress byte tion Low High version
Voltage L1/L12 g 256 2 R V 0 Vmax LIN3
Voltage L2/L23 g 257 2 R V 0 Vmax LIN3
Voltage L3/L31 g 258 2 R V 0 Vmax LIN3
Current L1 259 2 R A 0 Imax LIN3
Current L2 260 2 R A 0 Imax LIN3
Current L3 261 2 R A 0 Imax LIN3
kW L1 (P) 262 2 R kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kW L2 (P) 263 2 R kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kW L3 (P) 264 2 R kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kvar L1 (P) 265 2 R kvar -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kvar L2 (P) 266 2 R kvar -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kvar L3 (P) 267 2 R kvar -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kVA L1 (P) 268 2 R kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kVA L2 (P) 269 2 R kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kVA L3 (P) 270 2 R kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
Power factor L1 (P) 271 2 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000 LIN3
Power factor L2 (P) 272 2 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000 LIN3
Power factor L3 (P) 273 2 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000 LIN3
Total power factor (P) 274 2 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000 LIN3
Total kW (P) 275 2 R kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
Total kvar (P) 276 2 R kvar -Pmax Pmax LIN3
Total kVA (P) 277 2 R kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
Neutral current 278 2 R A 0 Imax LIN3
Frequency 279 2 R 0.01 Hz 45.00 65.00 LIN3
Maximum sliding 280 2 R/W kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
window kW demand f
Accumulated kW 281 2 R/W kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
demand (E)
Maximum sliding 282 2 R/W kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
window kVA demand f
Accumulated kVA 283 2 R/W kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
demand (E)
Max. ampere demand 284 2 R/W A 0 Imax LIN3
Max. ampere demand 285 2 R/W A 0 Imax LIN3
Max. ampere demand 286 2 R/W A 0 Imax LIN3
kWh import (low) (E) 287 2 R/W kWh 0 9999 NONE
kWh import (high) (E) 288 2 R/W kWh x104 0 9999 x104
kWh export (low) (E) 289 2 R/W kWh 0 9999 NONE
kWh export (high) (E) 290 2 R/W kWh x104 0 9999 x104
+kvarh net (low) d (E) 291 2 R/W kvarh 0 9999 NONE
+kvarh net (high) d (E) 292 2 R/W kvarh x104 0 9999 x104

Parameter Add- Size, Direc- Unit c
Scale Con-
ress byte tion Low High version
-kvarh net (low) e (E) 293 2 R/W kvarh 0 9999 NONE
-kvarh net (high) e (E) 294 2 R/W kvarh x104 0 999 x104
Reserved 295 2 R
Reserved 296 2 R
Reserved 297 2 R
Reserved 298 2 R
Reserved 299 2 R
Reserved 300 2 R
kVAh (low) (E) 301 2 R/W kVAh 0 9999 NONE
kVAh (high) (E) 302 2 R/W kVAh x104 0 9999 x104
Present sliding window 303 2 R kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kW demand f (E)
Present sliding window 304 2 R kVA -Pmax Pmax LIN3
kVA demand f (E)
PF at maximum siding 305 2 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000 LIN3
window kVA demand (E)
Reserved 306 2 R
Reserved 307 2 R
Reserved 308 2 R

c The parameter limits are as follows:

Vmax (690 V input option) = 828V @ PT Ratio = 1
Vmax (690 V input option) = 144 × PT Ratio [V] @ PT Ratio > 1
Vmax (120 V input option) =144 × PT Ratio [V]
Imax (50% over-range) = 1.5 × CT primary current [A]
Pmax = (Imax × Vmax × 3)/1000 [kW] if wiring mode is 4LN3 or 3LN3
Pmax = (Imax × Vmax × 2)/1000 [kW] if wiring mode is 4LL3, 3OP2, 3DIR2, 3OP3 or 3LL3
d Positive readings of kvarh net
e Negative readings of kvarh net
f To get block interval demand readings, specify the number of demand periods equal to 1
(see Table 5-2)
g When the 4LN3 or 3LN3 wiring mode is selected, the voltages will be line-to-neutral; for any
other wiring mode, they will be line-to-line voltages.
(P) available in the PM130P and PM130E
(E) available in the PM130E

NOTE Writing a zero to one of registers 280-286 causes reset of all maximum demands.
Writing a zero to one of registers 287-294 and 301-302 causes reset of all accumulated

5.2 Basic Setup

Table 5-2 Basic Setup Registers
Parameter Add- Size, Direc- Range
ress byte tion
Wiring mode c 2304 2 R/W 0 = 3OP2, 1 = 4LN3,
2 = 3DIR2, 3 = 4LL3,
4 = 3OP3, 5 = 3LN3,
6 = 3LL3
PT ratio 2305 2 R/W 10 to 65000 × 0.1
CT primary current 2306 2 R/W 1 to 50000 A

Parameter Add- Size, Direc- Range
ress byte tion
Power demand period 2307 2 R/W 1,2,5,10,15,20,30,60
(E) min, 255 = external
synchronization d
Volt/ampere demand 2308 2 R/W 0 to 1800 sec
Averaging buffer size 2309 2 R/W 8, 16, 32
Reset enable/disable 2310 2 R/W 0 = disable, 1 = enable
Reserved 2311 2 R Read as 65535
The number of demand 2312 2 R/W 1 to 15
periods (E)
Reserved 2313 2 R Read as 65535
Reserved 2314 2 R Read as 65535
Nominal frequency 2315 2 R/W 50, 60 Hz
Reserved 2316 2 R Read as 65535
c The wiring mode options are as follows:
3OP2 - 3-wire open delta using 2 CTs (2 element)
4LN3 - 4-wire WYE using 3 PTs (3 element), line to neutral voltage readings
3DIR2 - 3-wire direct connection using 2 CTs (2 element)
4LL3 - 4-wire WYE using 3 PTs (3 element), line to line voltage readings
3OP3 - 3-wire open delta using 3 CTs (2 1/2 element)
3LN3 - 4-wire WYE using 2 PTs (2 1/2 element), line to neutral voltage readings
3LL3 - 4-wire WYE using 2 PTs (2 1/2 element), line to line voltage readings
d Synchronization of power demand interval can be made through communications using the
Synchronize power demand interval command (see Table 5-5)
(E) available in the PM130E

5.3 User Selectable Options Setup

Table 5-3 User Selectable Options Registers
Parameter Add- Size, Direc- Range
ress byte tion
Power calculation mode (P) 2376 2 R/W 0 = using reactive
1 = using non-active
Energy roll value (E) c 2377 2 R/W 0 = 1×104
1 = 1×105
2 = 1×106
3 = 1×107
4 = 1×108
Phase energy calculation 2378 2 R/W 0 = disable, 1 = enable
mode (E)
(P) available in the PM130P and PM130E (read as 65535 in the PM130)
(E) available in the PM130E (read as 65535 in the PM130 and PM130P)
c For short energy registers (see Table 5-1), the maximum roll value will be 1×108 for positive
readings and 1×107 for negative readings.

5.4 Communications Setup
Table 5-4 Communications Setup Registers
Parameter Add- Size, Direc- Range
ress byte tion
Reserved 2344 2 R Read as 65535
Interface 2345 2 R/W 2 = RS-485 (not
Address 2346 2 R/W 1 to 247
Baud rate 2347 2 R/W 0 = 110 bps
1 = 300 bps
2 = 600 bps
3 = 1200 bps
4 = 2400 bps
5 = 4800 bps
6 = 9600 bps
7 = 19200 bps
Data format 2348 2 R/W 1 = 8 bits/no parity
2 = 8 bits/even parity
When changing the instrument address, baud rate or data format, the new communications
parameters will take effect 100 ms after the instrument responds to the master’s request.

5.5 Reset/Synchronization Registers

Table 5-5 Reset/Synchronization Registers
Register function Add- Size Direc- Reset
ress byte tion value
Clear total energy registers (E) 3404 2 W 0
Clear total maximum demand 3405 2 W 0 = all maximum
registers demands
1 = power demands (E)
2 = volt/ampere
Reserved 3406- 2
Clear event/time counters (E) 3408 2 W 0 = all counters
1-4 = counter #1 - #4
Clear Min/Max log 3409 2 W 0
Reserved 3410- 2
Synchronize power demand 3420 2 W 0
interval (E) c
c 1) If the power demand period is set to External Synchronization (see Table 5-2), writing a
zero to this location will simulate an external synchronization pulse denoting the start of the next
demand interval. The synchronization requests should not follow in intervals of less than 30
seconds, or the request will be rejected.
2) If the power demand period is specified in minutes, writing a zero to this location provides
synchronization of the instrument’s internal timer with the time of reception of the master’s request. If the
time expired from the beginning of the current demand interval is more than 30 seconds, the new demand
interval starts immediately, otherwise synchronization is delayed until the next demand interval.
(E) - available in the PM130E

5.6 Instrument Status
Table 5-6 Instrument Status Registers
Parameter Address Size, Direc Unit Range
byte tion
Instrument reset 2560 2 R/W 0 (when read)
register c 65535 (when written) =
reset the instrument
Reserved 2561 2 R Read as 0
Relay status 2562 2 R see Table 5-7
Reserved 2563 2 R Read as 0
Reserved 2564 2 R
Firmware version 2565 2 R 0-65535
Instrument options 1 2566 2 R see Table 5-8
Instrument options 2 2567 2 R see Table 5-8
c Writing a value of 65535 into register 2560 will cause the instrument to perform a warm

Table 5-7 Relay Status

Bit number Description
0-6 Not used (permanently set to 1)
7 Relay status
8-15 Not used (permanently set to 0)
Bit meaning: 0 = relay operated, 1 = relay released

Table 5-8 Instrument Options

Options register Bit Description
Options1 0 120V option
1 690V option
2-4 Reserved
5 150% current over-range
6-8 Reserved
9 Relays option
10-15 Reserved
Options 2 0-2 Number of relays - 1
3-15 Reserved

5.7 Extended Status

Table 5-9 Extended Status Registers
Register description Addres Size, Direction Value range
s byte
Relay status 3452 2 R see Table 5-10
Reserved 3453- 2 R Read as 0
3454 2
Setpoints status 3455 2 R see Table 5-11
Log status 3456 2 R see Table 5-12
Reserved 3457- 2 R Read as 0
Setpoint alarm status 3474 2 R/W see Table 5-13
Self-check alarm status 3475 2 R/W see Table 5-14

Table 5-10 Relay Status
Bit Description
0 Relay status
1-15 Not used (permanently set to 0)
Bit meaning: 0 = relay released, 1 = relay operated

Table 5-11 Setpoints Status

Bit Description
0 Setpoint # 1 status
1 Setpoint # 2 status
2 Setpoint # 3 status
3 Setpoint # 4 status
4 Setpoint # 5 status
5 Setpoint # 6 status
6 Setpoint # 7 status
7 Setpoint # 8 status
8 Setpoint # 9 status
9 Setpoint # 10 status
10 Setpoint # 11 status
11 Setpoint # 12 status
12 Setpoint # 13 status
13 Setpoint # 14 status
14 Setpoint # 15 status
15 Setpoint # 16 status
Bit meaning: 0 = setpoint is released, 1 = setpoint is operated

Table 5-12 Log Status

Bit Description
0 Reserved
1 New Min/Max Log
2-15 Not used (permanently set to 0)
Bit meaning: 0 = no new logs, 1 = new log recorded (the new log flag is reset when the user reads the first
log record after the flag has been set)

Table 5-13 Setpoint Alarm Status

Bit Description
0 Alarm #1
1 Alarm #2
2 Alarm #3
3 Alarm #4
4 Alarm #5
5 Alarm #6
6 Alarm #7
7 Alarm #8
8 Alarm #9
9 Alarm #10
10 Alarm #11
11 Alarm #12
12 Alarm #13
13 Alarm #14
14 Alarm #15
15 Alarm #16
Bit meaning: 1 = setpoint has been operated

The setpoint alarm register stores the status of the operated setpoints by setting the appropriate
bits to 1. The alarm status bits can be reset all together by writing zero to the setpoint alarm
register. It is possible to reset each alarm status bit separately by writing back the contents of
the alarm register with a corresponding alarm bit set to 0.

Table 5-14 Self-check Alarm Status

Bit Description
0 Reserved
1 ROM error
2 RAM error
3 Watchdog timer reset
4 Sampling failure
5 Out of control trap
6 Reserved
7 Timing failure
8 Loss of power (power up)
9 External reset (warm restart)
10 Configuration corrupted
11-15 Reserved

The self-check alarm register indicates possible problems with the instrument hardware or
setup configuration. The hardware problems are indicated by the appropriate bits which are set
whenever the instrument fails self-test diagnostics or in the event of loss of power. The setup
configuration problems are indicated by the dedicated bit which is set when either configuration
register is corrupted. In this event, the instrument will use the default configuration. The
configuration corrupt bit may also be set as a result of the legal changes in the setup
configuration since the instrument might implicitly change or clear other setups if they are
affected by the changes made.

Hardware fault bits can be reset by writing zero to the self-check alarm register. The
configuration corrupt status bit is also reset automatically when you change setup either via the
front panel or through communications.

5.8 Extended Data Registers

The following table lists all registers containing the data measured by the instrument. Notice
that these registers are arranged into groups which are not located at adjacent addresses. You
can re-map these registers into adjacent addresses to access multiple data from different data
groups by using a single request. Refer to Section 2.9 for information on the user assignable

Along with the register address, the table shows for each data item its data identifier (ID). This
is a one word containing a data group ID in the high byte and the parameter offset in a group in
the low byte. Data IDs are used to specify input or output parameters whenever a data
parameter specification is needed, for example, when selecting analog output parameters or
reading Min/Max log records.

Table 5-16 Extended Data Registers
Parameter 16-bit Register 32-bit Data Dir. Unitd Range/Scalec
Reg. Conv. Register ID Low High
None 6656 11776-11777 0 R 0 0
Relay status 6976 12800-12801 2048 R 0 3
(see Table 5-10)
Event/time counters
Counter #1 7056 13056-13057 2560 R/W 0 99999
Counter #2 7058 13058-13059 2561 R/W 0 99999
Counter #3 7060 13060-13061 2562 R/W 0 99999
Counter #4 7062 13062-13063 2563 R/W 0 99999
Real-time values per phase (power values - P)
Voltage L1/L12 g 7136 LIN3 13312-13313 3072 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L2/L23 g 7137 LIN3 13314-13315 3073 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L3/L31 g 7138 LIN3 13316-13317 3074 R V 0 Vmax
Current L1 7139 LIN3 13318-13319 3075 R A 0 Imax
Current L2 7140 LIN3 13320-13321 3076 R A 0 Imax
Current L3 7141 LIN3 13322-13323 3077 R A 0 Imax
kW L1 7142 LIN3 13324-13325 3078 R kW -Pmax Pmax
kW L2 7143 LIN3 13326-13327 3079 R kW -Pmax Pmax
kW L3 7144 LIN3 13328-13329 3080 R kW -Pmax Pmax
kvar L1 7145 LIN3 13330-13331 3081 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
kvar L2 7146 LIN3 13332-13333 3082 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
kvar L3 7147 LIN3 13334-13335 3083 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
kVA L1 7148 LIN3 13336-13337 3084 R kVA 0 Pmax
kVA L2 7149 LIN3 13338-13339 3085 R kVA 0 Pmax
kVA L3 7150 LIN3 13340-13341 3086 R kVA 0 Pmax
Power factor L1 7151 LIN3 13342-13343 3087 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Power factor L2 7152 LIN3 13344-13345 3088 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Power factor L3 7153 LIN3 13346-13347 3089 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Reserved 7154 13348-13349 3090 R 0 0
Reserved 7155 13350-13351 3091 R 0 0
Reserved 7156 13352-13353 3092 R 0 0
Reserved 7157 13354-13355 3093 R 0 0
Reserved 7158 13356-13357 3094 R 0 0
Reserved 7159 13358-13359 3095 R 0 0
Reserved 7160 13360-13361 3096 R 0 0
Reserved 7161 13362-13363 3097 R 0 0
Reserved 7162 13364-13365 3098 R 0 0
Reserved 7163 13366-13367 3099 R 0 0
Reserved 7164 13368-13369 3100 R 0 0
Reserved 7165 13370-13371 3101 R 0 0
Voltage L12 7166 LIN3 13372-13373 3102 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L23 7167 LIN3 13374-13375 3103 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L31 7168 LIN3 13376-13377 3104 R V 0 Vmax
Real-time total values (P)
Total kW 7256 LIN3 13696-13697 3840 R kW -Pmax Pmax
Total kvar 7257 LIN3 13698-13699 3841 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
Total kVA 7258 LIN3 13700-13701 3842 R kVA 0 Pmax

Parameter 16-bit Register 32-bit Data Dir. Unitd Range/Scalec
Reg. Conv. Register ID Low High
Total PF 7259 LIN3 13702-13703 3843 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Reserved 7260 13704-13705 3844 R 0
Reserved 7261 13706-13707 3845 R 0
Real-time auxiliary values
Reserved 7296 13824-13825 4096 R 0 0
Neutral current 7297 LIN3 13826-13827 4097 R A 0 Imax
Frequency d 7298 LIN3 13828-13829 4098 R 0.01Hz 0 100.00
Voltage unbalance (P) 7299 LIN3 13830-13831 4099 R 1% 0 300
Current unbalance (P) 7300 LIN3 13832-13833 4100 R 1% 0 300
Average values per phase (power values - P)
Voltage L1/L12 g 7336 LIN3 13952-13953 4352 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L2/L23 g 7337 LIN3 13954-13955 4353 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L3/L31 g 7338 LIN3 13956-13957 4354 R V 0 Vmax
Current L1 7339 LIN3 13958-13959 4355 R A 0 Imax
Current L2 7340 LIN3 13960-13961 4356 R A 0 Imax
Current L3 7341 LIN3 13962-13963 4357 R A 0 Imax
kW L1 7342 LIN3 13964-13965 4358 R kW -Pmax Pmax
kW L2 7343 LIN3 13966-13967 4359 R kW -Pmax Pmax
kW L3 7344 LIN3 13968-13969 4360 R kW -Pmax Pmax
kvar L1 7345 LIN3 13970-13971 4361 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
kvar L2 7346 LIN3 13972-13973 4362 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
kvar L3 7347 LIN3 13974-13975 4363 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
kVA L1 7348 LIN3 13976-13977 4364 R kVA 0 Pmax
kVA L2 7349 LIN3 13978-13979 4365 R kVA 0 Pmax
kVA L3 7350 LIN3 13980-13981 4366 R kVA 0 Pmax
Power factor L1 7351 LIN3 13982-13983 4367 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Power factor L2 7352 LIN3 13984-13985 4368 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Power factor L3 7353 LIN3 13986-13987 4369 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Reserved 7354 13988-13989 4370 R 0 0
Reserved 7355 13990-13991 4371 R 0 0
Reserved 7356 13992-13993 4372 R 0 0
Reserved 7357 13994-13995 4373 R 0 0
Reserved 7358 13996-13997 4374 R 0 0
Reserved 7359 13998-13999 4375 R 0 0
Reserved 7360 14000-14001 4376 R 0 0
Reserved 7361 14002-14003 4377 R 0 0
Reserved 7362 14004-14005 4378 R 0 0
Reserved 7363 14006-14007 4379 R 0 0
Reserved 7364 14008-14009 4380 R 0 0
Reserved 7365 14010-14011 4381 R 0 0
Voltage L12 7366 LIN3 14012-14013 4382 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L23 7367 LIN3 14014-14015 4383 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L31 7368 LIN3 14016-14017 4384 R V 0 Vmax
Average total values (P)
Total kW 7456 LIN3 14336-14337 5120 R kW -Pmax Pmax
Total kvar 7457 LIN3 14338-14339 5121 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
Total kVA 7458 LIN3 14340-14341 5122 R kVA 0 Pmax
Total PF 7459 LIN3 14342-14343 5123 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
Reserved 7460 14344-14345 5124 R 0 0
Reserved 7461 14346-14347 5125 R 0 0
Average auxiliary values
Reserved 7496 14464-14465 5376 R 0 0
Neutral current 7497 LIN3 14466-14467 5377 R A 0 Imax
Frequency d 7498 LIN3 14468-14469 5378 R 0.01Hz 0 100.00

Parameter 16-bit Register 32-bit Data Dir. Unitd Range/Scalec
Reg. Conv. Register ID Low High
Voltage unbalance (P) 7499 LIN3 14470-14471 5379 R 1% 0 300
Current unbalance (P) 7500 LIN3 14472-14473 5380 R 1% 0 300
Present demands
Volt demand L1/L12 (P) g 7536 LIN3 14592-14593 5632 R V 0 Vmax
Volt demand L2/L23 (P) g 7537 LIN3 14594-14595 5633 R V 0 Vmax
Volt demand L3/L31 (P) g 7538 LIN3 14596-14597 5634 R V 0 Vmax
Ampere demand L1 7539 LIN3 14598-14599 5635 R A 0 Imax
Ampere demand L2 7540 LIN3 14600-14601 5636 R A 0 Imax
Ampere demand L3 7541 LIN3 14602-14603 5637 R A 0 Imax
Block kW demand (E) 7542 LIN3 14604-14605 5638 R kW 0 Pmax
Reserved 7543 14606-14607 5639 R 0 0
Block kVA demand (E) 7544 LIN3 14608-14609 5640 R kVA 0 Pmax
Sliding window kW demand 7545 LIN3 14610-14611 5641 R kW 0 Pmax
Reserved 7546 14612-14613 5642 R 0 0
Sliding window kVA demand 7547 LIN3 14614-14615 5643 R kVA 0 Pmax
Reserved 7548 14616-14617 5644 R 0 0
Reserved 7549 14618-14619 5645 R 0 0
Reserved 7550 14620-14621 5646 R 0 0
Accumulated kW demand 7551 LIN3 14622-14623 5647 R kW 0 Pmax
(import) (E)
Reserved 7552 14624-14625 5648 R 0 0
Accumulated kVA demand 7553 LIN3 14626-14627 5649 R kVA 0 Pmax
Predicted sliding window kW 7554 LIN3 14628-14629 5650 R kW 0 Pmax
Reserved 7555 14630-14631 5651 R 0 0
Predicted sliding window kVA 7556 LIN3 14632-14633 5652 R kVA 0 Pmax
demand (E)
PF at maximum sliding 7557 LIN3 14634-14635 5653 R 0.001 -1.000 1.000
window kVA demand (E)
Total energies (E)
kWh import 7576 14720-14721 5888 R kWh 0 108-1
kWh export f 7578 14722-14723 5889 R kWh 0 108-1
Reserved 7580 14724-14725 5890 R 0 0
Reserved 7582 14726-14727 5891 R 0 0
kvarh import 7584 14728-14729 5892 R kvarh 0 108-1
kvarh export f 7586 14730-14731 5893 R kvarh 0 108-1
Reserved 7588 14732-14733 5894 R 0 0
Reserved 7590 14734-14735 5895 R 0 0
kVAh total 7592 14736-14737 5896 R kVAh 0 108-1
Phase energies (E)
kWh import L1 7616 14848-14849 6144 R kWh 0 108-1

Parameter 16-bit Register 32-bit Data Dir. Unitd Range/Scalec
Reg. Conv. Register ID Low High
kWh import L2 7618 14850-14851 6145 R kWh 0 108-1
kWh import L3 7620 14852-14853 6146 R kWh 0 108-1
kvarh import L1 7622 14854-14855 6147 R kvarh 0 108-1
kvarh import L2 7624 14856-14857 6148 R kvarh 0 108-1
kvarh import L3 7626 14858-14859 6149 R kvarh 0 108-1
kVAh total L1 7628 14860-14861 6150 R kVAh 0 108-1
kVAh total L2 7630 14862-14863 6151 R kVAh 0 108-1
kVAh total L3 7632 14864-14865 6152 R kVAh 0 108-1
Reserved 8296 17024-17025 10496 R 0 0
... ... ...
8313 17058-17059 10513
Reserved 8336 17152-17153 10752 R 0 0
... ... ...
8339 17158-17159 10755
Minimum real-time values per phase (M)
Voltage L1/L12 g 8416 LIN3 17408-17409 11264 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L2/L23 g 8417 LIN3 17410-17411 11265 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L3/L31 g 8418 LIN3 17412-17413 11266 R V 0 Vmax
Current L1 (P) 8419 LIN3 17414-17415 11267 R A 0 Imax
Current L2 (P) 8420 LIN3 17416-17417 11268 R A 0 Imax
Current L3 (P) 8421 LIN3 17418-17419 11269 R A 0 Imax
Minimum real-time total values (M) (P)
Total kW 8456 LIN3 17536-17537 11520 R kW -Pmax Pmax
Total kvar 8457 LIN3 17538-17539 11521 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
Total kVA 8458 LIN3 17540-17541 11522 R kVA 0 Pmax
Total PF e 8459 LIN3 17542-17543 11523 R 0.001 0 1.000
Minimum real-time auxiliary values (M)
Reserved 8496 17664-17665 11776 R 0 0
Neutral current (P) 8497 LIN3 17666-17667 11777 R A 0 Imax
Frequency (P) d 8498 LIN3 17668-17669 11778 R 0.01Hz 0 100.00
Minimum demands (M) - Reserved
Reserved 8536 17792-17793 12032 R 0 0
... ... ...
8547 18814-18815 12043
Maximum real-time values per phase (M)
Voltage L1/L12 g 8736 LIN3 18432-18433 13312 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L2/L23 g 8737 LIN3 18434-18435 13313 R V 0 Vmax
Voltage L3/L31 g 8738 LIN3 18436-18437 13314 R V 0 Vmax
Current L1 (P) 8739 LIN3 18438-18439 13315 R A 0 Imax
Current L2 (P) 8740 LIN3 18440-18441 13316 R A 0 Imax
Current L3 (P) 8741 LIN3 18442-18443 13317 R A 0 Imax
Maximum real-time total values (M) (P)
Total kW 8776 LIN3 18560-18561 13568 R kW -Pmax Pmax

Parameter 16-bit Register 32-bit Data Dir. Unitd Range/Scalec
Reg. Conv. Register ID Low High
Total kvar 8777 LIN3 18562-18563 13569 R kvar -Pmax Pmax
Total kVA 8778 LIN3 18564-18565 13570 R kVA 0 Pmax
Total PF e 8779 LIN3 18566-18567 13571 R 0.001 0 1.000
Maximum real-time auxiliary values (M)
Reserved 8816 18688-18689 13824 R 0
Neutral current (P) 8817 LIN3 18680-18681 13825 R A 0 Imax
Frequency (P) d 8818 LIN3 18682-18683 13826 R 0.01Hz 0 100.00
Maximum demands (M)
Max. volt demand L1/L12 (P) 8856 LIN3 18816-18817 14080 R V 0 Vmax
Max. volt demand L2/L23 (P) 8857 LIN3 18818-18819 14081 R V 0 Vmax
Max. volt demand L3/L31 (P) 8858 LIN3 18820-18821 14082 R V 0 Vmax
Max. ampere demand L1 8859 LIN3 18822-18823 14083 R A 0 Imax
Max. ampere demand L2 8860 LIN3 18824-18825 14084 R A 0 Imax
Max. ampere demand L3 8861 LIN3 18826-18827 14085 R A 0 Imax
Reserved 8862 18828-18829 14086 R 0 0
Reserved 8863 18830-18831 14087 R 0 0
Reserved 8864 18832-18833 14088 R 0 0
Max. sliding window kW 8865 LIN3 18834-18835 14089 R kW 0 Pmax
demand (E)
Reserved 8866 18836-18837 14090 R 0 0
Max. sliding window kVA 8867 LIN3 18838-18839 14091 R kVA 0 Pmax
demand (E)
c For the parameter limits, see note c to Table 5-1
d The actual frequency range is 45.00 - 65.00 Hz
e Absolute min/max value (lag or lead)
f The exported energy registers are read as positive unsigned long (32-bit) integers
g When the 4LN3 or 3LN3 wiring mode is selected, the voltages will be line-to-neutral; for any
other wiring mode, they will be line-to-line voltages.
(M) These parameters are logged to the Min/Max log
(P) available in the PM130P and PM130E (E) available in the PM130E

5.9 Alarm/Event Setpoints

Table 5-16 Setpoint Registers
Setpoint Setup registers (see Table 5-17)
Setpoint #1 2576-2583
Setpoint #2 2584-2591
Setpoint #3 2592-2599
Setpoint #4 2600-2607
Setpoint #5 2608-2615
Setpoint #6 2616-2623
Setpoint #7 2624-2631
Setpoint #8 2632-2639
Setpoint #9 2640-2647
Setpoint #10 2648-2655
Setpoint #11 2656-2663
Setpoint #12 2664-2671
Setpoint #13 2672-2679
Setpoint #14 2680-2687
Setpoint #15 2688-2695
Setpoint #16 2696-2703

Table 5-17 Setpoint Setup Registers
Parameter Offset Size, Direction Range
Trigger parameter ID +0 2 R/W see Table 5-18
Action +1 2 R/W see Table 5-19
Operate delay +2 2 R/W 0-9999 (× 0.1 sec)
Release delay +3 2 R/W 0-9999 (× 0.1 sec)
Operate limit +4 4 R/W see Table 5-18
Release limit +6 4 R/W see Table 5-18
The setpoint is disabled when its trigger parameter is set to NONE. To disable the setpoint,
write zero into this register.
When writing the setpoint registers (except the event when the setpoint is to be disabled), it is
recommended to write all the setpoint registers using a single request, or disable the setpoint
before writing into separate registers. Each value being written is checked for compatibility with
the other setpoint parameters; if the new value does not conform to these, the request will be
Operate and release limits for the trigger parameters and their conversion scales are indicated
in Table 5-18. Each limit value occupies two contiguous registers, the first of which (low word)
contains the limit value, and the second (high word) is reserved for long parameters. This
register is always read as zero. When written, its value is ignored.
Limits indicated in Table 5-18 by a N/A mark are read as zeros. When writing, they can be
omitted or should be written as zeros.
When a setpoint action is directed to a relay allocated to output energy pulses, an attempt to re-
allocate it for a setpoint will result in a negative response.

Table 5-18 Setpoint Trigger Parameters

Trigger parameter Trigger Size, Unit Limit/scale c Con-
ID byte Low High version
None 0 2 N/A N/A NONE
Phase reversal
Positive phase rotation reversal 35073 2 N/A N/A NONE
Negative phase rotation 35074 2 N/A N/A NONE
High/low real-time values on any phase
High voltage f 3584 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
Low voltage f 36096 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
High current 3585 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
Low current 36097 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
Reserved 3591 2
Reserved 3592 2
Reserved 3593 2
Reserved 3594 2
High/low real-time auxiliary values
High frequency e 4098 2 0.01Hz 0 100.00 LIN3
Low frequency e 36866 2 0.01Hz 0 100.00 LIN3
High/low average values per phase
High current L1 4355 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High current L2 4356 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High current L3 4357 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
Low current L1 37123 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
Low current L2 37124 2 A 0 Imax LIN3

Trigger parameter Trigger Size, Unit Limit/scale c Con-
ID byte Low High version
Low current L3 37125 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High/low average values on any phase
High voltage f 4864 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
Low voltage f 37376 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
High current 4865 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
Low current 37377 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
High/low average total values (P)
High total kW import 5126 2 kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
High total kW export 5127 2 kW -Pmax Pmax LIN3
High total kvar import 5128 2 kvar -Pmax Pmax LIN3
High total kvar export 5129 2 kvar -Pmax Pmax LIN3
High total kVA 5122 2 kVA 0 Pmax LIN3
Low total PF Lag 37892 2 0.001 0 1.000 LIN3
Low total PF Lead 37893 2 0.001 0 1.000 LIN3
High/low average auxiliary values
High neutral current 5377 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High frequency e 5378 2 0.01Hz 0 100.00 LIN3
Low frequency e 38146 2 0.01Hz 0 100.00 LIN3
High present demands
High volt demand L1/L12 (P) f 5632 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
High volt demand L2/L23 (P) f 5633 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
High volt demand L3/L31 (P) f 5634 2 V 0 Vmax LIN3
High ampere demand L1 5635 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High ampere demand L2 5636 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High ampere demand L3 5637 2 A 0 Imax LIN3
High block kW demand (E) 5638 2 kW 0 Pmax LIN3
High block kVA demand (E) 5640 2 kVA 0 Pmax LIN3
High sliding window kW 5641 2 kW 0 Pmax LIN3
demand (E)
High sliding window kVA 5643 2 kVA 0 Pmax LIN3
demand (E)
High accumulated kW demand 5647 2 kW 0 Pmax LIN3
High accumulated kVA demand 5649 2 kVA 0 Pmax LIN3
High predicted kW demand (E) 5650 2 kW 0 Pmax LIN3
High predicted kVA demand (E) 5652 2 kVA 0 Pmax LIN3
c For parameter limits, see Note c to Table 5-1
d The setpoint is operated when the actual phase sequence does not match the indicated
phase rotation
e The actual frequency range is 45.00 - 65.00 Hz
f When the 4LN3 or 3LN3 wiring mode is selected, the voltages will be line-to-neutral; for any
other wiring mode, they will be line-to-line voltages.
(P) available in the PM130P and PM130E
(E) available in the PM130E

Table 5-19 Setpoint Actions

Action ID
No action 0
Operate relay 12288
Increment counter #1 16384
Increment counter #2 16385
Increment counter #3 16386

Action ID
Increment counter #4 16387
Count operating time using counter #1 17408
Count operating time using counter #2 17409
Count operating time using counter #3 17410
Count operating time using counter #4 17411
c This action converts a common event counter to the time counter which measures time at
0.1 hour resolution while the setpoint is in the operated state. Each time counter has a non-
volatile shadow counter which counts time at 1 second resolution before the corresponding time
counter is incremented.

5.10 Pulsing Setpoints

Table 5-20 Pulsing Registers
Setup registers (see Table 5-21)

Table 5-21 Pulsing Setup Registers

Parameter Offset Size, Direction Range
Output parameter ID +0 2 R/W see Table 5-22
Number of unit-hours per +1 2 R/W 1-9999

Table 5-22 Pulsing Output Parameters

Pulsing parameter ID
None 0
kWh import 1
kWh export 2
kvarh import 4
kvarh export 5
kvarh total (absolute) 6
kVAh total 7

5.11 Relay Operation Control

These registers allow the user to manually override a relay operation that is normally operated
via alarm setpoints.

A relay allocated as a pulsing relay may not be manually operated or released. When a relay is
allocated for pulsing, it automatically reverts to normal operation.

Table 5-23 Relay Operation Control Registers

Parameter Address Size, Direction Range
Relay control status 3244 2 R/W see Table 5-24

Table 5-24 Relay Operation Status
Operation status Value
Normal operation 0
Force operate 1
Force release 2

5.12 Min/Max Log

The Min/Max log registers are supported only for compatibility with other models of instruments.
Because the Min/Max log is not time stamped in the PM130, reading these registers returns you
only values of the Min/Max log parameters which you can read directly via extended data
registers (see Table 5-15).
Table 5-25 Min/Max Log Windows Registers
Min/Max log window Registers (see Table 5-26)
Min/Max log window #1 4174-4181
Min/Max log window #2 4182-4189
Min/Max log window #3 4190-4197
Min/Max log window #4 4198-4205
Min/Max log window #5 4206-4213
Min/Max log window #6 4214-4221
Min/Max log window #7 4222-4229
Min/Max log window #8 4230-4237
Min/Max log window #9 4238-4245
Min/Max log window #10 4246-4253
Min/Max log window #11 4254-4261
Min/Max log window #12 4262-4269

Table 5-26 Min/Max Log Window Registers

Parameter Offset Size, Direction Range
Second +0 2
R 0
Minute +1 2
R 0
Hour +2 2
R 0
Day +3 2
R 0
Month +4 2
R 0
Year +5 2
R 0
Parameter value c +6 4
R see Table 5-15
c The Min/Max parameter value can be read in one or two registers depending on the value
type. For the value length and conversion scales, refer to Table 5-15. The time stamp is not
available in the PM130 and is read as zeros.

Table 5-27 Min/Max Log Mapping Register

Parameter Address Size, Direction Range
Min/Max log start parameter 4172 2 R/W see Table 5-15
ID for window #1
From 1 to 12 adjacent Min/Max log records can be read at a time via the Min/Max log windows. The
starting window #1 can be mapped to any Min/Max log parameter listed in Table 5-15 by writing the
parameter ID to the Min/Max log mapping register. This must be written before reading the Min/Max log
windows. Note that through Min/Max log windows, you can read only adjacent parameters within the same
Min/Max log data group. Reading parameters outside of the selected Min/Max log data group will return


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