PE - 7th Semester Syllabus - MO 2016

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Module 1
The competitive environment in the market, The WTO agreement and its effect on Indian
Industries, Manufacturing as a competitive strategy, Competitive Advantages and
Module 2
Product Variety, Modular Design, Design for manufacturability, Selection of manufacturing
technologies, Vendor Development, Vendor rating.
Module 3
Just in time manufacturing, Kanban system, and Agile Manufacturing
Module 4
Reengineering, TQM, MRP
Module 5
ERP, and simulation as tools for competitive manufacturing,Intelligent Manufacturing
Module 6
Elementary of manufacturing systems for different manufacturing scenarios - Dedicated
manufacturing system, Flexible manufacturing system (FMS), cellular manufacturing system
(CMS), and Re-configurable manufacturing system (RMS); Selection of manufacturing
Module 7
Concept of CIM, FOF, Network based manufacturing, and E-Manufacturing

Books Recommended:
1. Manufacturing Excellence in Global Markets W. Euershelm
2. Manufacturing Systems Design & Analysis B. Wa.
3. Computer Automation in Manufacturing T.O.Boucher
4. Intelligent Manufacturing Planning P. Gu.

Module 1: Introduction: Review of electricity generation in Indian context and energy scenario in
India, Principal types of power plants, special feature, application and future trend of developments.
(5 Lectures)

Module 2: Steam Power Plants: Major components of power plant, fuels and their properties,
storage, preparation, handling and burning, Ash handling and dust collection, Feed water treatment
plants, cooling towers, insulation, Heat balance of power plant.
(5 Lectures)

Module 3: Nuclear Power Plants: Principle of power generation by nuclear fission and fusion,
fuels for nuclear power plants, preparation and care, fertile materials and breeding, Different types
of reactor, Breeder reactors, Radioactive waste disposal systems.
(5 Lectures)

Module 4: Diesel and Gas Turbine Power Plants: Introduction, field of use, air supply, and
cleaning system, fuel storage and supply systems, cooling systems, lubricating and starting
systems, Components of gas turbine power plant, Different arrangements of components, Optimum
design of Gas turbine unit for combined cycle plant, comparative study of diesel and gas turbine
(5 Lectures)

Module 5: Hydraulic Power Plants: Different types of hydraulic power plants, rain fall and run-off
measurements and plotting of various curves for estimating power available with or without storage,
Pump storage plant. (5 Lectures)

Module 6: Combined operation of different power plants: Introduction, Advantages of combined

working, load division between power stations, storage type hydro-electric power plant in
combination with steam plant, Coordination of different types of power plants, Instrumentation and
control methods used in different types of power plant.
(5 Lectures)

Module 7: Economic Analysis: Difference between Base load and peak load plants, Different
terms and definitions, Means of meeting the total load demand, Performance and operating
characteristics of power plants, Load division, Tarrif method for Electrical Energy.
(5 Lectures)


1. Power Plant Engineering: by F.T. Morse.

2. Power Plant Engineering: by Arora & Domkundwar, Dhanpatrai Publication
3. Power Plant Engineering: by N.K.Nag, T.M. H. Publication
4. Power Plant Technology: by M.M.E. Wakil, McGraw Hill Publication.
5. Power Plant Engineering: by K.K. Ramalingam, Scitech Publications.

MODULE 1 : Introduction to Mechatronics, Design Process, Modeling Electromechanical systems,

System Interfacing, Instrumentation and Control System Introduction to Micro and Nano technology
( 5L)

MODULE 2 : Mechatronics Sensors and Actuators, Fundamentals of Time and Frequency,

Performance Technology, linear and Rotational Sensors, Acceleration sensors, Flow sensors,
Temperature sensors, distance measuring and Proximity sensors, Light Detection, Image and Vision
Systems ( 5L)

MODULE 3 : Digital Logic, signal Conditioning , Op amplifiers, Filtering, Active and Digital
Filters, digital Outputs and power Drives, A to D converters, voltage Regulators, Power Supplies and
Batteries, Timer ( 5L)

MODULE 4 : Actuators, Permanent Magnet Brushed DC Motor Characteristics, Characteristic

Equations for Constant Voltage, Solenoids, Brushless DC motors, Stepper Motors, Pneumatic and
Hydraulic Systems, Piezo Actuators ( 5L)

MODULE 5: MECHATRONICS projects and Systems Engineering, Rapid Prototyping and

Mechanical Systems, RP techniques, SLA, SLA, FDM, Soft modeling Circuit Prototyping
( 5L)

MODULE 6 : Microprocessors General Aspects, Definition and brief description, Characteristic of

microprocessor, Buses, Memory and Input/ Output, ALU, Timing and Control unit, Microcontrollers
( 5L)

MODULE 7 : Artificial Intelligence, fuzzy Logic, Microsensors, On line Quality Control, PLC,
System Transfer Functions, Data Acqusition Systems ( 5L)

Books: (1). Mechatronics, Sensors and Actuators by Robert H. Bishop , CRC Press

(2). A Text book of Mechatronics by R.K.Rajput, S.Chand Publications

(3). Introduction to Mechatronic Design by Carryer,Ohline, Kenny

(4). An Intruction to Mechatronics, by Devdas Shetty


Module 1
INTRODUCTION; introduction to lean, sustainable, green manufacturing; concept of Eco
friendly manufacturing; the 18 monozukuri principles.
Module 2
REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS: Regulatory considerations and sustainability
strategies, Imperative global warming perspectives, Carbon credits, green power and
renewable energy credits;
Module 3
ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICES; Effect of industrial activity on
environment, measures and metrics; ranking of risks; Environmental Load Units (ELU);
International green manufacturing standards and compliance; ISO 14000;
Module 4
Metals production, Metal recycling, Energy and other advantages of metal recycling,
Module 5
INDUSTRIAL WASTE: Type of wastes, causes of waste generation and its elimination in
manufacturing industries, Hidden waste in industries, workplace organization.
Module 6
ANALYTICAL TOOLS: Lean vision and lean principles, value added and non-value added
activitiesMetrics for sustainable practices; life cycle assessment/impact tools; Product
Stewardship in Industry
Module 7
ECO FRIENDLY MANUFACTURING SYSTEM: Green Design and Manufacturing in
Consumer Products; Green rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing; green packaging;
Green collaboration processes via the Internet; Reverse supply chain, green supply chain.

Text Books
1. Fast Track to Waste Free Manufacturing J.W. Davis, Productivity Press USA
2. Clean Production, K.B. Misra, Springer – Verlog – 1996
Reference Books:
1. Environmentally Benign Manufacturing,WTEC Panel Report, 2001
2. Design for environment: A guide to sustainable product development: Eco- efficient
product development, J, Fiksel. McGraw-Hill.- 2009
3. Green Manufacturing: Case Studies in Lean Manufacturing and Sustainability. ,
AME, Association for Manufacturing Excellence (2007)Productivity Press, Inc.

Introduction to business ethics, ethical principles in life, utilitarianism justice and
Social responsibility of business organisations
Introduction to corporate governance
Ethics of consumer protection, relevance of ethics in marketplace
.Business and its internal constituencies, employee issues
Indian value system and it`s utility in present context
Roles and responsibilities of an individual in the present social context.

1. Business Ethics concept and cases: Valesquez -TMH Publication
2. Human Values-A.N. Tripathi-New age Publication
3. Ethics in Management and Indian ethos-BiswanathGhosh-vikas publication
4. Ethics in Management-aryakumar-Anne books Pvt. limited

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