Impact Analysis of Activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra: December 2017

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Guj. J. Ext. Edu. Vol. 28 : Issue 2 : December 2017


S.B. Katole1, J. H. Bhatt2 and G. G. Patel3

1, 2 & 3 Scientist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, AAU, Devataj - 387240

Email : [email protected]


A study was conducted to analyze the impact of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) trainings on farmer’s attitude and
to explore the relationship between attitude and profile of the farmers. The total numbers of farmers studied are 200. The
questionnaire was prepared in accordance with the objectives of the study. The data were collected by personal interview
method. Majority of respondents, who were from middle age with secondary level of education have integrated agriculture
with animal husbandry. The another reason might be that the parental occupation taken up by middle age group, induce in
them a sense of responsibility to keep in touch with KVK training programme, which may not be same with older ones due to
their inability to do farming apart from education and the young ones who are not capable of taking responsibility. Adoption
of improved and newer technology requires decision by farmers. Scientific orientation is a degree to which respondents is
oriented to the use of scientific methods in relation to adoption behavior. It is important psychological factor in decision
making process. Innovations which is the main theme of KVK training, is the degree of an individual interest and desire to
seek changes in farming techniques and to introduce each change into his own operations as and when found practicable
and feasible. Present study revealed that out of nine independent variables, correlation coefficient has shown positive and
significant relationship in case of variables namely, occupation, experience in farming, training received at KVK, scientific
orientation and innovation while, non significant relationship in case of age education, size of land holding and animal
possession with attitude of the farmers toward training organized by KVK. It is concluded that farmers with progressive
attitude will always try to involve themselves in all activities through which more annual income can be achieved. Thus, such
kinds of farmers are always optimistic and try to get maximum information and benefit from KVK trainings.

Keywords: KVK trainings, impact, farmers, economy, attitude

INTRODUCTION country towards prosperity. In this regards, the role of Krishi

Vigyan Kendra (KVK) or Farm Science Centre come into
Analysis of impact refers to the outcome of the
play. KVK’s having district as jurisdiction, are playing vital
results of activities and net effect of activities (done by any
role agricultural technology transfer and in turn increasing
agency) on economic and social status of the farmers (Dipak
productivity and income of the farming community. Prime
& Basavaprabhu, 2005). Since ancient time more emphasize
focus on “Learning by doing” to impart training. As in
has been laid of the training as it is one of the integral
agricultural research system no other agricultural system
components of development programmes. The major pre-
either large or small has front line decentralized research
requisites for training are special skills and positive attitude
capacity at district level. KVKs are a model for adaptive
of the trainer at the same time trainees should have positive
research to diagnose and solve problems emerging from
attitude and ability of listen and grasp the information.
district agro-ecosystems. KVKs are perfectly located to lead
Otherwise these qualities need to be developed in order
and incubate local innovation to achieve desire goal. KVKs
to achieve the successful training programmes. Trainings
are very vital in the 21st century as farmers faces natural
develops the skilled human resources which are in turn are
resource constraints i.e. water, land, biodiversity; climate
the major wealth of the nation to transform socio-economic
change i.e. drought, warming, extremes; increasing trans-
status of country. These skilled human resources lead the
boundary risks i.e. from trade and traffic and finally market
Guj. J. Ext. Edu. Vol. 28 : Issue 2 : December 2017
demands and price volatility. Considering all these challenges result of training programmes conducted by KVK Devataj,
KVKs lead local innovations. KVKs are best placed to draw implemented by Anand Agricultural University, Anand,
in feedback from district, block, village level institutions, Gujarat. For measuring the attitude of farmers towards
NGOs, PCs, and Farmers’ Federations, on Location-Specific, training, scale developed listing 1-10. The total numbers
Context-dependent problems. KVKs are best placed to of farmers studied are 200 selected by random sampling
diagnose field problems, characterize field conditions, then technique from different villages. The questionnaire was
apply informed, evidence-based “pressure” on the NARS i.e. prepared in accordance with the objectives of the study.
SAUs, ICAR, State research centres and the entire network of The data were collected by personal interview method. The
fellow KVKs. In short, KVKs will enable the entire NARS to information pertaining to the status of farmers with respect to
become more locally relevant, more useful. age, education, occupation, land holding, animal possession,
experience, trainings with KVK, scientific orientation,
At all front KVK’s are unique. Say in terms of
innovation, and attitude towards trainings was collected.
creation of valuable resources in terms of manpower and
assets, confirmation of technologies to suit local specificity, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
showcasing the frontier technologies, capacity building
Table 1: Profile of the farmers n=100
among stakeholders, front runner in technological application,
information and inputs, participatory approaches in planning, Sr Category Percent
implementing, executing and evaluation etc. No.
1 Age
KVK’s draws all the information requirement of Young (Up to 35 years) 35
farmers, most appropriate technological options, management Middle age (36 to 50 years) 48
of technologies, including optimal use of inputs, changing Old age (above 50 years) 17
farm system options (mixed farming and diversification, 2 Education
animal husbandry, fisheries), sourcing reputed input Illiterate 00
suppliers, collective action with other farmers, consumer Primary (up to VII Std.) 17
and market demands for products, quality specifications Secondary school (VIII to X Std.) 39
for produce, time to buy inputs and sell produce, off-farm Higher secondary (XI to XII Std.) 28
income-generation options, access to credit and loans, College education 16
sustainable natural resource management and coping with 3 Occupation
Farming 00
climate change. Therefore, it is desirable to know the impact
Farming + Animal husbandry 77
of KVK trainings on farmer’s life. Keeping this in mind, an
Farming + Animal husbandry + service 23
attention was therefore, focused in present study to assess the 4 Size of land holding
impact of the activities conducted by KVK’s on attitude and Marginal (up to 1 ha) 31
to explore the relationship between attitude and profile of the small (1.01 to 2.0 ha) 40
farmers. Medium size of land holding
(above 2.00 ha). 29
OBJECTIVES 5 Animal possession
No animal 00
(a) To know the Profile of the farmers Up to 1 animal 17
2 to 5 animal 73
(b) To know the Details of farmer land, animals and Above 5 animal 10
experience 6 Experience in Farming
<5 years 12
(c) To know the Effect of Training at KVK on farmer’s 5 to 10 years 32
attitude 11 to 15 years 27
16 to 20 years 13
METHODOLOGY >20 years 16
This study was undertaken to assess attitude and This study assesses the impact of the activities
to explore the relationship between attitude and profile conducted by KVK’s on attitude and to explore the
of the farmers towards KVK training programmes as a relationship between attitude and profile of the farmers.
Guj. J. Ext. Edu. Vol. 28 : Issue 2 : December 2017
Majority of respondents, who were from middle age with Table 2: Effect of Training at KVK on farmer’s attitude
secondary level of education have integrated agriculture
with animal husbandry (Table 1). Availability of high school
education near their home might be reason for majority (67%) Sr. Category Percent
of respondent are literate up to higher secondary schooling. No. (%)
Similar finding are also observed by Chauhan et al. (2004) 1 Training Received at KVK
and Durgga (2009). The another reason might be that the Low 14
parental occupation taken up by middle age group, induce Medium 69
High 17
in them a sense of responsibility to keep in touch with KVK
Mean=4.71 SD=2.02
training programme, which may not be same with older ones
2 Scientific orientation
due to their inability to do farming apart from education and Low 13
the young ones who are not capable of taking responsibility Medium 72
or there may be easy availability of jobs in various industries High 15
in Gujarat (Sabapara, 2009; Sabapara et al., 2012; Prajapat, Mean= 53.18 SD=9.09
2012). 3 Innovative proneness
Low 9
Majority of farmers have 1-2 ha of land. Similar Medium 71
observations are also recorded by Durgga (2009). Land High 20
fragmentation is the major problem. This leads to less land Mean= 13.09 SD=1.89
holding of most of the farmers. In present study, it was 4 Attitude towards training programmes
observed that majority of farmers have integrated agriculture Low 10
Medium 73
with animal husbandry (77%). Similarly, Patel (2005) and
High 17
Patel (2016) also reported that 86% of the farmers have
Mean=40.82 SD=5.55
integrated agriculture with animal husbandry. Most of the
farmers (73%) have medium size of herds i.e. 2-5 animals. Table 3: Correlation Coefficient of trainees of KVK
This is significantly higher than those reported by Gour Devataj according to independent variables
(2002). Probable reason might be that over period of time
farmers learnt that more animals will definitely added to the
more economic returns which is evident in present study. Sr. Independent Variables Correlation
No. Coefficient
Innovations which is the main theme of KVK X1 Age -0.1121NS
training, is the degree of an individual interest and desire to X2 Education 0.0852NS
seek changes in farming techniques and to introduce each X3 Occupation 0.2891*
change into his own operations as and when found practicable X4 Size of land holding -0.0419NS
and feasible (Table 2). X5 Animal possession -0.1426NS
X6 Experience in Farming 0.3934*
Adoption of improved technology requires decision X7 Training Received at KVK 0.3123*
by an individual. Scientific orientation is a degree to which X8 Scientific orientation 0.6856*
respondents is oriented to the use of scientific methods X9 Innovative proneness 0.3115*
in decision making in relation to adoption behavior. It is * Significant at 0.05 level of probability
important psychological factor in decision-making process of
Age, occupation, education and family had
the farmers. Similar to present study, Sharma et al. (2013) also significant influence on the adoption decision (Singh et al.,
infer that the on-campus trainees had more favorable attitude 2010). Years of formal education, social status, upward social
and exposure to KVK training programmes significantly mobility, land holdings are positively related with adoption
changed the attitude of farmers in desired direction. Dubey & (Rogers, 2003) of newer technologies. Innovative proneness
Srivastava (2007) are also indicated that KVK training have is a socio-psychological orientation of farmers to get linked
major impact on farmers to adoption of newer technologies or closely associated with change, adopting innovative ideas
and knowledge than those farmers who have not undergone and practices. This study revealed that out of nine independent
any training. variables, correlation co-efficient has shown positive
and significant relationship in case of variables namely,
Guj. J. Ext. Edu. Vol. 28 : Issue 2 : December 2017
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Received : September 2017 : Accepted : December 2017


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