Keywords and Definitions
Keywords and Definitions
Keywords and Definitions
Abstract:- In Liberia, a country where agriculture plays Innovations in Agriculture: New methods, ideas,
a pivotal role in socio-economic development and food products, or services implemented to improve efficiency,
security, the effectiveness of agricultural extension productivity, sustainability, or profitability in the
services remains crucial yet underexplored, especially in agricultural sector. This includes the adoption of new
the context of transitioning from subsistence to farming techniques, technologies (e.g., improved seed
commercial agriculture. This study focuses on assessing varieties, pest management systems), and practices (e.g.,
the Central Agricultural Research Institute's (CARI) conservation agriculture).
agricultural extension services' impact on the agricultural Technology Adoption: The process by which farmers
productivity and livelihoods of farmers in Suakoko, and agricultural practitioners start to use new technologies
Jorquelleh, and Yealliquelleh districts of Bong County, or innovations. Adoption can be influenced by several
from 2013 to 2017. The objectives were to evaluate the factors, including access to information, perceived
accessibility and adoption of agricultural innovations benefits, and socio-economic and environmental
disseminated by CARI and analyze the effectiveness of its conditions.
extension delivery methods. Employing a mixed-methods Productivity: In the context of agriculture, productivity
approach, the research yielded significant findings: refers to the output (e.g., crop yield) per unit of input (e.g.,
54.1% of respondents were male, indicating a gender land, labor, capital). Higher productivity indicates more
disparity in agricultural engagement. The adoption of efficient use of resources.
new technologies and practices was varied, with 43.3% of Sustainable Practices: Farming methods and practices
farmers reporting access to new fertilizer application that maintain the balance between meeting human needs
methods as the most prominent innovation provided by and preserving the environment so that these needs can be
CARI. Despite the extension efforts, 68.8% of farmers did met not only in the present but also for future generations.
not receive visits from CARI agents, and a considerable This includes practices like soil conservation, water
50% reported no access to new innovations or management, and organic farming.
technologies. The study also highlighted a distinct Gender Disparity: The difference in treatment or
preference for learning through demonstrations (73.7%) outcomes between men and women. In the context of this
and meetings (25%), underscoring the demand for study, it refers to the unequal access to agricultural
practical and interactive extension services. extension services, resources, and opportunities in
farming activities.
Keywords and Definitions:- Socio-Economic Development: The process of social
and economic improvement or growth in a community or
Agricultural Extension Services: A series of educational region. In the context of this study, it pertains to how
activities and support services designed to assist farmers advancements in agricultural practices and productivity
and rural communities in improving agricultural can contribute to improving the quality of life and
productivity, income, and livelihoods through the economic status of individuals and communities.
dissemination of practical information on farming Livelihoods: The means and activities through which
techniques, innovations, and technology. people obtain necessities for living. In rural agricultural
Commercial Agriculture: The production of crops and contexts, livelihoods are often directly related to farming
livestock for sale in the market, often involving large- and related activities.
scale operations, advanced technologies, and significant Integrated Pest Management (IPM): A sustainable
capital investment, in contrast to subsistence farming approach to managing pests by combining biological,
which is primarily for family consumption. cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that
minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks.
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This distribution has implications for agricultural might be more open to adopting new technologies and
extension services and their effectiveness in reaching and innovations introduced by agricultural extension services.
benefiting different segments of the farming community.
Comparative Analysis:
Key Observations:
When comparing these findings with other studies on
Gender Distribution: The data indicates a higher number agricultural extension services' impact, several themes
of male farmers (54.1%) compared to female farmers emerge:
(40.8%). This gender distribution is reflective of broader Gender and Extension Services: The gender disparity in
trends in agricultural sectors in many regions, where access to and utilization of agricultural extension services
farming is predominantly male-oriented due to various is a well-documented challenge. Studies have shown that
socio-economic and cultural factors. female farmers often have less access to agricultural
Age Range Distribution: The age distribution shows a extension services due to factors such as cultural norms,
significant portion of the farming community is relatively responsibilities at home, and less ownership of land and
young, with 72.1% of respondents being under the age of resources (Aduwo et al., 2019). The higher number of
40. This suggests a youthful farming population that male participants in extension programs could reflect
these underlying issues.
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Tailored Approach: There's a need for agricultural In conclusion, the gender and age data from Bong
extension services to tailor their approach to address the County, Liberia, provides valuable insights into the
specific needs and constraints of both male and female demographic makeup of the farming community,
farmers. This includes considering the best times and highlighting the importance of targeted and inclusive
methods to reach female farmers and designing programs extension services. Comparing these findings with similar
that are inclusive and accessible to all genders. studies underscores common challenges and opportunities in
Leveraging Youth: The young demographic represents a enhancing the effectiveness of agricultural extension services
significant opportunity for driving agricultural innovation across different regions.
The marital status and educational level of farmers have innovation, suggesting that education, along with marital
a profound impact on agricultural innovation and status and family responsibilities, entices people towards
productivity. Studies indicate that married farmers, especially innovation in agriculture. This is particularly true for
women, face distinct challenges and opportunities in the smallholder women, whose capacity to innovate in
agricultural sector. Married women, in particular, can agriculture is positively influenced by their marital status.
innovate successfully provided they are in collaborative The education and empowerment of women farmers are
relationships with their husbands. This collaboration can essential for fostering innovation and achieving sustainable
mitigate some gender-specific constraints related to socio- agricultural development (Badstue et al., 2020).
cultural forces that otherwise reduce agricultural productivity
and limit their ability to ensure production. Additionally, These insights underscore the importance of considering
marital status influences land ownership and control over socio-demographic factors such as marital status and
production decisions and expenditures, with single women educational level in the development and implementation of
more likely to own land but facing struggles to obtain agricultural policies and programs. Addressing these factors
resources due to customary norms (Badstue et al., 2020). can enhance the effectiveness of agricultural extension
services, improve access to resources and innovative
The level of education among farmers also plays a technologies, and ultimately contribute to sustainable
critical role in their capacity to adopt agricultural innovations. agricultural development and food security.
Educated farmers are more likely to engage in agricultural
The findings from the CARI Extension Services findings, we can look into existing studies on the impact of
outcome result, showing the distribution of farmers' agricultural extension services.
production levels, indicate varied impacts of extension
services on farm productivity. To contextualize these
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A study analyzing the effects of ACDEP extension knowledge on best practices, new technologies, and market
programs in Northern Ghana found no significant difference opportunities. However, the impact varies significantly based
in maize yields between participants and non-participants of on how the services are implemented, the local context, and
the agricultural extension program. However, there was a the specific needs and capabilities of the farmers involved
20% difference in income from maize in favor of the (Orivel, 1981).
participants, which was significant. This suggests that while
extension services may not always lead to higher yields, they The findings from the CARI Extension Services
can contribute to increased farm income, possibly through outcome, showing a relatively high percentage of farmers
better market linkages. The total household income and per experiencing low production despite extension services,
capita income were significantly higher for participating underscore the need for a nuanced understanding of the
households, indicating that extension services can have a conditions under which these services can be most effective.
broader positive impact on farmers' economic well-being It points to the importance of tailoring extension services to
(Danso-Abbeam et al., 2018). the specific needs of the farmers and ensuring that these
services are part of a broader strategy to support farmers,
The variation in the effectiveness of extension services which may include access to credit, inputs, and market
can be attributed to several factors, including the nature of the information.
extension activities, the local agricultural context, and the
specific challenges faced by farmers in different regions. For In summary, while agricultural extension services have
instance, extension services that focus on linking farmers to the potential to significantly impact farm productivity and
markets or provide specific knowledge on crop management income, the outcomes depend heavily on various factors
could lead to different outcomes in terms of production and including the design and focus of the extension services, local
income. agricultural conditions, and the socio-economic
characteristics of the farmer households. This underscores the
The general literature on agricultural extension services complexity of agricultural development efforts and the need
supports the idea that these services can play a crucial role in for tailored, context-specific approaches to extension
improving farm productivity and income, by disseminating services.
The data presented on the CARI extension methods used They are particularly effective in complex agricultural
and the distribution of respondents by method highlight the decisions that require back-and-forth communication,
predominant reliance on mass media (73.3%) for agricultural such as pest management or the adoption of new
extension, followed by individual discussion (13.8%) and technologies.
group discussion (12.9%). This distribution raises several Integration of Methods: The effective integration of
points for discussion and comparison with existing literature various extension methods could enhance the overall
on agricultural extension services. impact of extension services. Combining mass media with
interactive methods like group and individual discussions
Implications: can provide both the efficiency of broad reach and the
effectiveness of personalized support. This approach can
Reach and Scalability: Mass media's dominance as an help bridge the gap between general information
extension method underscores its potential for broad reach dissemination and the application of knowledge to
and scalability. It's an efficient way to disseminate specific local contexts.
information to a large audience, which is crucial in
regions with many farmers and limited extension workers. Comparison with Previous Studies:
However, the effectiveness of mass media can vary based Research indicates that the effectiveness of agricultural
on the quality of the content, accessibility for the target extension methods varies widely, influenced by factors such
audience, and the extent to which the information meets as the nature of the information being disseminated, the socio-
the farmers' needs. economic characteristics of the farmer population, and the
Personalization and Interaction: The relatively lower agricultural context. For example, a study on the impact of
percentages for individual (13.8%) and group discussions extension services in Ethiopia found that face-to-face
(12.9%) suggest a lesser focus on methods that allow for extension methods, including group and individual
personalization and interaction. These methods are crucial discussions, were more effective in improving agricultural
for addressing specific concerns, providing tailored productivity compared to non-personal methods. This was
advice, and facilitating a two-way exchange of attributed to the interactive nature of these methods, which
information between farmers and extension workers. allowed for a more nuanced understanding and application of
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the agricultural advice provided (Danso-Abbeam et al., implemented, can play a significant role in improving
2018). agricultural knowledge and practices. They offer an efficient
way to reach a vast number of farmers, complementing more
In support of the notion that mass media can personalized extension methods like individual and group
significantly impact agricultural extension by rapidly discussions. The effectiveness of mass media in agricultural
increasing awareness and knowledge among farmers, extension underscores the need for a multi-channel extension
especially in areas with a high ratio of farmers to extension strategy that combines the broad reach of mass media with
agents, a study highlights the importance of mass media in the the depth of personal interactions to address the diverse needs
agricultural extension and development process. Mass media, of the farming community.
encompassing print, broadcast, and digital media, is crucial
for disseminating information that helps farmers make The findings from the CARI extension methods used
knowledgeable decisions regarding agricultural activities. align with global trends indicating a shift towards more
The study points out that broadcast media, such as radio and scalable and cost-effective extension approaches, such as
television, are particularly effective in reaching farmers with mass media. However, the literature emphasizes the
vital information and knowledge. However, it also notes the importance of complementing these broad-reach methods
limitations of printed materials in educating farmers with with more interactive and personalized approaches to address
limited literacy, suggesting that information intended for a complex issues and facilitate the practical application of
broad audience may not address the specific needs of every knowledge.
farmer across different communities (Anyanwu & Udoh,
2022). In summary, while mass media provides an efficient
way to reach a large audience, the effectiveness of
Additionally, a World Bank document discusses the role agricultural extension services is significantly enhanced by
of mass media in supporting basic education and agricultural incorporating interactive methods that allow for
extension. It emphasizes the extension and educational personalization and two-way communication. The integration
services' goals, underlining mass media's potential to enhance of various extension methods, tailored to the specific needs
the reach and effectiveness of these services (Orivel, 1981). and contexts of the target population, is crucial for
maximizing the impact of agricultural extension services on
These findings align with the broader literature, farm productivity and livelihoods.
suggesting that mass media campaigns, when effectively
The data on farmers' most preferred CARI Extension Social Learning Environment: The preference for
Service Methods reveals a significant preference for meetings suggests that farmers also value the social aspect
demonstrations, with 73.7% (177 respondents) favoring this of learning, where they can share experiences, ask
method, followed by meetings at 25% (60 respondents). questions, and learn from each other in a group setting.
Other methods such as public address, posters, leaflets, and This aligns with adult learning theories that emphasize the
letters received minimal to no preference, with public address importance of social interaction and experiential learning.
garnering only 1.3% (3 respondents) and the others receiving Limited Engagement with Print and Broadcast Media:
0%. The negligible preference for posters, leaflets, and letters
suggests that these methods may not be as effective in
Implications: engaging farmers or conveying complex agricultural
information. This could be due to literacy barriers, the
Practical Learning Preference: The strong preference for passive nature of these communication methods, or both.
demonstrations indicates that farmers value practical, Need for Interactive Extension Services: The data
hands-on learning experiences. Demonstrations allow underscores the importance of interactive and engaging
them to see firsthand how to implement new techniques extension methods that facilitate active learning and
or technologies, which can increase their confidence in participation among farmers. Extension services may
adopting these practices on their own farms. need to focus more on these methods to effectively reach
and impact the farming community.
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Comparison noted for their ability to meet specific needs and foster
The preference for demonstration methods and meetings productive discussions, emphasizing the value of interaction
among farmers, as indicated by the findings, reflects broader and participation in the learning process (Oakley & Garforth,
trends observed in agricultural extension studies. 1983).
Demonstrations, being highly favored at 73.7%, align with
the principle that farmers prefer to see firsthand how new Comparatively, a study on improved agricultural
ideas work and the impact they can have on crop production. extension approaches in Tunisia explored the design of
This method provides tangible, visible proof of the benefits innovative and cost-effective technology transfer systems.
of new practices, which is crucial for convincing farmers to This research highlighted the need for extension methods to
adopt these practices themselves. The emphasis on be locally emergent, based on experimentation, learning, and
demonstrations is supported by research indicating that adaptation to both prevailing and evolving conditions. The
practical demonstrations are an invaluable method in study suggested that extension should be demand-driven,
extension work, particularly for farmers who may not easily with extension staff receiving appropriate training to ensure
absorb information through reading or lectures. services meet end-users' needs effectively. It also pointed to
Demonstrations allow farmers to observe directly the the use of partnerships and information and communication
differences between recommended new crop practices and technologies (ICTs) as means to enhance the efficiency of
traditional ones, highlighting the simplicity and effectiveness resource use in extension services (Dhehibi et al., 2022).
of new methods in a way that written materials cannot
(Oakley & Garforth, 1983). These findings, both from the preference data and the
study in Tunisia, underline the critical need for agricultural
Meetings, preferred by 25% of respondents, underscore extension services to focus on interactive, engaging methods
the importance of social learning environments where that facilitate active learning and participation among
farmers can share experiences, ask questions, and learn from farmers. Demonstrations and meetings serve as effective
each other. The structure and conduct of meetings, whether platforms for such engagement, offering practical insights
formal or informal, play a significant role in facilitating and fostering a community-based approach to learning and
effective communication and decision-making among innovation in agriculture.
community members. Smaller meetings, in particular, are
The findings indicate a significant portion of farmers and profit. Frequent extension contacts were associated with
(68.8%) did not receive visits from CARI agents, suggesting better outcomes, including less overuse of urea fertilizer and
potential gaps in extension service delivery. Previous studies, higher crop yields and profits, indicating the quality and
such as one assessing the impact of agricultural extension on frequency of extension interactions can significantly
farmers in Bangladesh, highlight the importance of extension influence farming practices and outcomes (Rahman &
service attributes like frequency of contact and provider type Connor, 2022)
(government or private) on outcomes like fertilizer use, yield,
The key findings from the data on new innovations and Integrated Pest Management (IMP) methods, alongside a
technology provided by CARI reveal a notable emphasis on substantial percentage of respondents (50%) indicating no
fertilizer application, with a significant portion of respondents access to new innovations or technologies.
(43.3%) identifying it as a new innovation or technology they
have accessed. This interest in fertilizer application might be Comparing these findings with recent studies offers
reflective of the critical role fertilizers play in enhancing crop valuable insights. For instance, a study on the adoption of
yields and soil fertility. However, the distribution also fertilizer application in agriculture from Ethiopia explored the
highlights a relatively low engagement with other sustainable complex relationship between technology adoption and
practices like compost making, pesticide application, and market participation, emphasizing that success in agricultural
Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
growth through the adoption of modern agricultural Improve Service Delivery and Reach: Efforts should be
technologies primarily depends on market opportunities. The intensified to bridge the current gaps in extension service
study underscores the importance of promoting smallholders' delivery, ensuring that more farmers receive visits from
technology adoption to enhance productivity and enable CARI agents. A targeted approach, focusing on
broader market participation, with a positive impact of underrepresented and hard-to-reach segments, could
inorganic fertilizer on market participation of Kenyan maize enhance the overall effectiveness of the services.
suppliers also highlighted (Tesfay, 2020). Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Given the
global shift towards sustainable agriculture, CARI's
Another relevant study conducted in Bangladesh extension services should incorporate more training and
focused on Boro rice farmers' adoption decisions regarding resources on sustainable practices like compost making,
recommended fertilizer doses. This study pointed out the Integrated Pest Management (IMP) methods, and efficient
long-term inefficiencies within the agricultural sector despite pesticide application. This shift is crucial for aligning
previous productivity gains from fertilizer subsidies. It Liberia's agricultural sector with global sustainability
underlined a significant shift towards sustainable trends and ensuring long-term environmental and
intensification methods to adjust fertilizer use, aiming to economic viability.
reduce environmental degradation while enhancing Leverage Technology and Innovation: To overcome the
agricultural practices. The emphasis was on understanding challenges of scale and reach, incorporating ICT and other
the factors influencing farmers towards balanced nutrient innovative tools in extension services could provide a
application and promoting sustainable agriculture practices scalable solution. Digital platforms can complement
(Sunny et al., 2022). traditional extension methods, offering wider accessibility
and tailored agricultural advisories.
These comparative studies highlight the global trend Strengthen Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing robust
towards not just enhancing agricultural productivity through feedback mechanisms to gather insights directly from
modern technologies like fertilizer application but also the farmers about their needs, preferences, and challenges can
growing recognition of sustainable practices. The focus on guide the continuous improvement of extension services.
balanced nutrient application, efficient use of resources, and This approach can help CARI to adapt and evolve its
sustainable intensification reflects a broader shift in strategies in real-time, ensuring they remain relevant and
agricultural practices towards sustainability. In contrast, the impactful.
high percentage of "None" responses in the CARI data could
signal barriers to access, adoption, or awareness of these By implementing these recommendations, CARI can
technologies and innovations. Bridging these gaps could be significantly enhance the efficiency, reach, and impact of its
crucial for integrating more farmers into sustainable agricultural extension services, ultimately contributing to
agricultural practices, aligning with global trends towards improved agricultural productivity, sustainability, and the
environmental sustainability and increased productivity. socio-economic well-being of farmers in Bong County,
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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165