0046 Programming Languages
0046 Programming Languages
0046 Programming Languages
István Juhász
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5. C .......................................................................................................................................... 39
6. Control flow statements in C ............................................................................................... 40
11. 11 THE STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMS .................................................................................. 41
1. 11.1 Subprograms ............................................................................................................... 42
2. 11.2 The Call Chain and Recursion .................................................................................... 44
3. 11.3 Secondary Entry Points ............................................................................................... 44
4. 11.4 Block ........................................................................................................................... 45
5. 11.5 Compilation Unit ......................................................................................................... 45
6. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 45
12. 12 PARAMETER EVALUATION AND PARAMETER PASSING ........................................ 46
1. 12.1 Parameter Passing ....................................................................................................... 46
2. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 48
13. 13 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 49
1. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 50
14. 14 EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC LANGUAGE FEATURES ...................................................... 51
1. FORTRAN .......................................................................................................................... 51
2. PL/I ..................................................................................................................................... 53
3. Pascal .................................................................................................................................. 54
4. Ada ...................................................................................................................................... 55
5. C .......................................................................................................................................... 57
15. 15 ABSTRACT DATA TYPES AND THE PACKAGE ........................................................... 59
1. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 62
16. 16 ON ADA COMPILATION ................................................................................................... 63
1. 16.1 Pragmas ....................................................................................................................... 63
2. 16.2 Compilation Units ....................................................................................................... 63
3. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 67
17. 17 EXCEPTION HANDLING ................................................................................................... 68
1. 17.1 Exception Handling in PL/I ......................................................................................... 68
2. 17.2 Exception Handling in Ada ......................................................................................... 71
3. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 73
18. 18 GENERIC PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................... 74
1. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 75
19. 19 PARALLEL PROGRAMMING AND THE TASK .............................................................. 77
1. 19.1 Ada Tasks .................................................................................................................... 77
2. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 82
20. 20 INPUT/OUTPUT ................................................................................................................... 84
1. 20.1 I/O Features of Languages .......................................................................................... 85
2. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 86
21. 21 MEMORY MANAGEMENT IN IMPERATIVE LANGUAGES ........................................ 87
1. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 88
22. 22 OBJECT-ORIENTED PARADIGM ..................................................................................... 89
1. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 93
23. 23 JAVA ..................................................................................................................................... 94
1. Java Basics .......................................................................................................................... 94
2. Types ................................................................................................................................... 94
3. Literals ................................................................................................................................ 95
4. Names ................................................................................................................................. 95
5. Block ................................................................................................................................... 96
6. Variables ............................................................................................................................. 96
7. Expressions ......................................................................................................................... 97
8. Statements ........................................................................................................................... 97
9. Packages .............................................................................................................................. 98
10. Classes ............................................................................................................................. 100
11. Fields ............................................................................................................................... 101
12. Methods ........................................................................................................................... 102
13. Instance initializer ........................................................................................................... 104
14. Static initializer ............................................................................................................... 104
15. Constructors .................................................................................................................... 105
16. Instantiation ..................................................................................................................... 106
17. Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 107
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This electronic book was prepared in the framework of project TÁMOP-4.1.2-08/1/A-2009-0046 Eastern
Hungarian Informatics Books Repository. This electronic book appeared with the support of European Union
and with the co-financing of the European Social Fund.
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The present book analyzes the features, concepts, philosophy, and computational models of high level
programming languages. Specifically, it will focus on the particular elements of languages with a significant
impact (FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, Pascal, Ada, C, Java, C#, Prolog). Note however that this book is not
language description per se! It will introduce only certain parts of the languages, often in a simplified,
incomplete form. The aim is to give an overview of programming language features at the model level, and to
provide a general and coherent conceptual framework in which the concrete implementations of various
languages can be placed. Knowledge of a specific language can be learned from books, electronic
documentation, and tutorials. We give special attention to C, Ada and Java languages because of their practical
You cannot learn programming in theory. You must write and execute lots and lots of programs!
To understand the subject of the book you need the following preliminary knowledge:
- data representation;
- basic algorithms;
The following notations will be used for the description of syntactic rules:
Terminal: written form; uppercase characters are used if the signs are letters.
Non-terminal: lowercase category name; names that consist of more than one word employ underscore
characters as word separators.
Alternative: |
Option: []
Iteration: …, it always means the optional repetition of the preceding syntactic item.
Syntactic rules can be formalized by the combinations of above mentioned items. The left side of each rule
contains a non-terminal item, while the right side holds an arbitrary sequence of items. The two sides are
separated by a colon. Terminals and non-terminals are set in Courier New; this font has also been used to
highlight source code. Formal descriptor characters that are part of the given language will be set bold during
the formalization.
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1. 1.1 Modeling
The human species has been anxious to learn the workings of the real world for a long time. The world that we
conceive as real exhibits lots of kinds of objects (persons, animals, institutions, computer programs). These will
be referred to as entities. On the one hand, entities have attributes characteristic of them; on the other hand, they
form intricate relations with other entities. Entities react to the effects of the surrounding entities, enter into
relations, and exchange information, i.e. entities have behavior. Specific entities can be distinguished from each
other on the basis of their different attribute values and their different behavior. At the same time, real world
entities can be categorized or classified by their common attributes and behavior.
The real world is too complex to be grasped in its entirety, which is why the human way of thinking is based on
abstraction and high-level models. The essence of abstraction is to highlight the common, essential attributes
and behavior, while ignoring those that are unimportant or different. The resultant model manages groups or
classes instead of individual entities.
Our thinking relies on models whenever we communicate, teach, learn, face problems to solve or attempt to
understand this writing.
The ability to create models is an innate capacity. A child getting acquainted with the world is in fact learning
how to narrow down the diverse problems into a manageable number of problem classes.
1. Requirement of mapping: There must be an entity to be modeled. This is the ―original entity‖.
2. Requirement of narrowing: Not all the features of the original entity appear in the model, just a select few.
3. Requirement of feasibility: The model must be feasible, i.e. conclusions drawn in the model have to be true
when applied to the original entity.
Requirement 1 does not necessarily imply the actual existence of the original entity. The original entity can be
fictitious (e.g. a character in a novel), hypothetic (e.g. a bacterium on Mars), or in the design phase (e.g. a
machine to be produced).
Because of the second requirement, the model is always poorer, but at the same time more manageable as well
(the original entity is not always manageable).
The reason we create models is formulated in Requirement 3. Since the original entity is often unavailable,
research may be performed only on the model.
The appearance of computers has made it possible to automate certain elements of human thinking. Information
technology has obtained essential importance in modeling. The attributes of entities can be managed via data,
whereas the behavior of entities is managed by programs, which together result in a further model. So we can
talk about data models and functional (procedural) models. This differentiation works only in computational
environment, because the model itself is indivisible. From this perspective, data abstraction and procedural
abstraction are another dimension of abstraction in informatics.
– machine languages;
– assembly languages;
– high-level languages.
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A program written in a high-level language is called a source program or source text. Rules that prescribe the
structure and ―grammar‖ of the source text are called syntactic rules. Rules of content, interpretation and
meaning are called semantic rules. A high-level programming language is determined by its syntactic and
semantic rules, i.e. its syntax and semantics.
Every processor has its own language and can execute only those programs that are written in that language. In
order for the processor to understand the program written in the high-level language (i.e. the source text), some
method of translation must be in place. There are two techniques to achieve this aim: (1) the compiler, and (2)
the interpreter.
The compiler is a special program which creates an object program in machine code from the source program
written in high-level language. The compiler treats the source program as a single unit, and executes the
following steps:
– lexical analysis;
– syntactic analysis;
– semantic analysis;
– code generation.
During lexical analysis, the compiler segments the source text into lexical units (see Section 2.2). The aim of the
syntactic analysis is to check whether syntactic rules are adhered to. Object programs can be derived from
syntactically correct source texts only. The object program is already in a low-level machine language, but it
cannot be run yet; in order to make the program work, the linkage editor has to create an executable program.
The executable program is then placed into the memory by the loader and is given control. The running program
is controlled by the run time system.
In the most general sense, compilers translate from any language to any other language. If a high-level language
allows the source program to contain non-language elements, a precompiler (preprocessor) should be used first
to generate a standard source program in the given language from the source text. This program may then be
processed by the compiler of the language. C is such a language.
Compilers and interpreters share the first three steps, but differ in the fourth one: the interpreter does not create
an object program. Instead, it takes the statements (or other language elements) of the source text one after the
other, interprets the statement, and executes it. We get the results immediately by having a machine code routine
Every programming language has its own standard which is called the reference language. The aim of the
reference language is to define the precise syntactic and semantic rules which govern writing programs in that
language. Syntax is usually given with the help of a specific formalism, while semantics is described for the
most part in natural language (for example, in English). Several implementations may exist alongside the
reference language (sometimes against it); these are compilers or interpreters adjusted to a given platform
(processor and operating system). Sometimes more than one implementation is available even for the same
platform, which may cause trouble as the implementations are neither compatible with each other nor with the
reference language. The issue of program portability (if a program written in one implementation is transferred
to another implementation, it runs there and provides the same results) has not been resolved in the course of the
past 50 years.
Nowadays most programmers use Integrated Development Environments (IDE) with graphical user interfaces to
write programs. Such environments contain a text editor, compiler (maybe interpreter), linkage editor, loader,
run time system and debugger.
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When the programmer writes a program text in these languages, he or she codes an algorithm, and this
algorithm makes the processor work. The program is a sequence of statements. The most important
programming feature is the variable, which provides direct access to the memory, and makes it possible to
directly manipulate the values stored within. The algorithm changes the values of variables, so the program
takes effect on the memory. Imperative languages are closely connected to the von Neumann architecture.
- Procedural languages
- Object-oriented languages
These languages are not connected as closely to the von Neumann architecture as imperative languages. The
programmer has to present only the problem, as the mode of the solution is included in language
implementations. The programmer cannot perform memory operations, or just in a limited way.
- Logic languages
This category comprises languages which do not fall into any of the above mentioned groups. These languages
do not have much in common, apart from the fact that they generally deny one or more imperative features.
4. Questions
1. What is the model?
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This chapter is going to introduce the basic concepts and elements of programming languages.
- lexical units;
- syntactical units;
- statements;
- program units;
- compilation units;
- program.
Every language defines its own character set. Although there may be significant differences between the
character sets, most programming languages categorize characters into the following groups:
- letters;
- digits;
- special characters.
All languages treat the 26 uppercase characters (from A to Z) of the English alphabet as letters. Many of the
languages consider _ , $ , # , @ characters as letters, too, although this is often implementation-dependent.
Languages differ in their way of categorizing the lowercase characters of the English alphabet. Some languages
(e.g. FORTRAN, PL/I) do not consider lowercase characters letters, while others (e.g. Ada, C, Pascal) do. This
latter group of languages is further subdivided into classes that distinguish between capital letters and lowercase
letters (e.g. C), and classes that treat them equal (e.g. Pascal). Most languages do not consider national
characters as letters, except for a few recent languages. These languages allow the programmer to write for
example ―Hungarian‖ source code.
Regarding digits, programming languages are of a uniform opinion: the decimal numbers of the interval [0..9]
are considered digits.
Special characters include mathematical operators (e.g. +, -, *, /), delimiter characters (e.g. [, ], ., :, {, }, ‘, ", ;),
punctuation marks (e.g. ?, !), and other special characters (e.g. %, ~). Space is also treated as a special character
(see Section 2.3).
The character sets of the reference language and the implementations may differ. Every implementation is
equipped with a specific code table (EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE), which determines, on the one hand, whether
it is possible to handle one byte or multi-byte characters; and determines, on the other hand, the order of the
characters. Few reference languages define this order.
- multi-character symbols;
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- symbolic names;
- labels;
- comments;
- literals.
Identifier: A character sequence that starts with letter, and continues with a letter or a digit. Programmers use
identifiers to name and subsequently refer to their own programming constructs anywhere in the text of the
program. Reference languages usually do not constraint the lengths of the identifiers, but for practical reasons
implementations implicitly do so.
The following character sequences are regular identifiers in C (‗_‘ is recognized as a letter):
Keyword (reserved word): A character sequence (usually with the restrictions of an identifier) whose meaning is
defined by the language such that this meaning cannot be changed by the programmer. Not every language (e.g.
FORTRAN, PL/I) acknowledges this construct. Statements usually start with a typical keyword, and are often
referred to by that keyword in programmer jargon (e.g., ―IF statement‖). The keywords, which are often
ordinary English words or abbreviations, characterize programming languages to a very large extent. Keywords
cannot be used as identifiers.
Standard identifier: A character sequence whose meaning is defined by the language, which meaning however
can be changed and reinterpreted by the programmer. Names of implementation constructs (e.g. built-in
functions) are of this kind. Standard identifiers can be used as intended, or as one of the programmer‘s own
identifiers. For example, nil is one of C‘s standard identifiers.
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Technically, a label is special character sequence, which can be either an unsigned integer number, or an
identifier. Languages define labels in the following ways:
- Pascal: In standard Pascal, a label is an unsigned integer number of at most 4 digits. Certain implementations
allow identifiers as labels, too.
Labels are usually positioned before the statement, and are separated by colon. Ada also positions labels before
the statement, but places them between the « and » multi-character symbols.
Note that there are three ways to place a comment in the source code:
• By placing complete comment lines in the source code (e.g. FORTRAN, COBOL). In this case, the first
character of the line (e.g. C) indicates to the compiler that the line is not the part of the code proper.
• By placing the comment at the end of each line. In this case, the first part of a line contains the code to
compile, while the second part contains characters that are to be ignored. In Ada, for example, comments last
from the ‗--‘ sign till the end of the line.
• By placing comments of arbitrary length wherever whitespace characters are allowed, but only if the language
treats the space character as a terminating sign/delimiter (see Section 2.3). In this case, line endings are
ignored; comments must start and end with special characters, or multi-character symbols. Examples of such
comments are the ones placed between the { and } characters in Pascal, or between the /* and */ multi-
character symbols in PL/I and C.
Well-written programs are rich in explanatory comments, which are indicators of good programming style.
Programming languages with fixed form: In the early programming languages (FORTRAN, COBOL), lines
played a fundamental role. There was only one statement per line, and accordingly end of line characters also
indicated the ends of statements. If a statement did not fit into a single line, the programmer had to indicate that
(in order to neutralize the effect of the line terminator). However, placing more than one statement in one line
was not allowed. The order of the program elements within the line was also controlled. Programmers had to
conform to strict rules.
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Programming languages with free-form: These languages do not define any correspondence between the line
and the statement. The programmer is allowed to write any number of statements per line, and one statement
may occupy any number of lines. Program elements can appear at arbitrary locations within the lines. Ends of
lines do not mark the end of statements. In order to help the compiler find where statements end, these
languages introduce the statement terminator, which is generally the semicolon. In other terms, a statement
stands between two semicolons in the source text.
Imperative languages demand that lexical units should be separated with a keyword, a special separator
character (brackets, colon, semicolon, comma, etc.), or whitespace. With the help of these delimiters, the
compiler is able to recognize the lexical units during the lexical analysis. Whitespace characters are universal
delimiters in most (especially recent) languages. In comments, and string and character literals space plays an
ordinary role, where it stands for itself. Wherever a space is allowed as a delimiter, any number of spaces may
occur. Whitespaces are also allowed to occur at both sides of other delimiters, which improves the readability of
the source code in general. FORTRAN allows programmers to put any number of spaces anywhere in the source
code, because compilation starts with the elimination of spaces.
4. Questions
1. How can you categorize characters?
2. What is an identifier?
5. What is a label?
7. What is a literal?
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Chapter 3. 3 LITERALS IN
1. Pascal
• Integer literal:
[{+|-}] digit [ digit ]…
• Real literals:
• Decimal fraction:
• Exponential:
{decimal_fraction | integer}Einteger
• String literal:
’[character]… ’
2. C
• Short integer literals:
• Real literals:
• Character literal:
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Represents the internal code of the given character, can also be used in calculations. Certain implementations
allow more than one character to be put between the apostrophes.
• String literal:
3. Ada
• Numeric literals:
• Integer literal:
digit[[_]digit]… [{E|e}[+]digit[digit]… ]
• Real literal:
• Based literal:
base#integer[.integer_without_sign]# [{E|e}[+|-]digit[digit]… ]
The base stands for the radix of 2-16 numeral system in decimal form. The optional exponent part contains
digits in the decimal system, whereas digits between the # signs are the digits of the base numeral system.
• Character literal:
• String literal:
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Chapter 4. 4 DATA TYPES
Data types are the manifestation of data abstraction in programming languages. A data type is an abstract
programming feature, which always appears as the component of another concrete programming object. The
name of a data type is an identifier.
Some of the programming languages recognize types, while others don‘t; these languages may be referred to as
typed vs. untyped languages, respectively. Imperative languages are generally typed languages.
- domain;
- operations;
- representation.
The domain of a data type comprises those elements that concrete programming objects of the given type may
take as values. With certain types, domain elements may appear as literals in the source code.
Data types define the operations that can be applied to the elements of their domain.
Every data type has an associated inner mode of representation which determines the way values of the given
type are mapped onto memory. In other terms, the representation defines the number of bytes and possible bit-
combinations that domain elements may be mapped onto.
Certain languages allow the programmer to define their own types, which implies a higher level of data
abstraction. Custom data types allow the programmer to model the properties of real world entities more
Defining custom data types is more strongly related to the field of abstract data structures.
In order to create a custom data type, the programmer has to define the domain, operations and representation of
the type. New custom types are often derived from built-in or previously defined custom types. The
representation component is usually derived from that of another type, since only few languages allow custom
representations (e.g. Ada). Languages further differ in whether the programmer is allowed to define custom
operations and operators for new types. Certain languages allow both, while some make it is possible to define
operations with the help of subprograms. The domain component may either be derived from other domains, or
the elements may be given explicitly.
Data types are autonomous and differ from each other, except for one rather special case: when a new type
(subtype) is derived from another type (base type) by restricting the latter‘s domain, the operations and the
representation remain invariant. As a result, the base type and the subtype are not different types.
Scalar or simple data types: Their domains contain atomic values, all values are unique, and cannot be divided
into smaller parts directly with language tools. Values taken from domains of scalar types can be appear as
literals in the source code.
Structured or composite data types: The elements of these domains have their own type. The elements represent
value groups, therefore they are not atomic. Value components may be accessed directly. Structured data types
usually correspond to abstract data structures.
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issues also determine the domain of the types. A few languages recognize the unsigned integer type whose
representation is direct.
Real types are also fundamental; their representation is floating point. Their domain again depends on the
chosen representation, which however varies with the implementations.
Integer types and real types are often referred to as numeric types. Numeric and relational operations can be
executed on values of numeric types.
A few languages provide a complex type, usually implemented as a pair of real values that represent the real and
imaginary Cartesian coordinates.
The domain of the character type comprises single characters, while the domain of the string type includes
character sequences. The representation of these types is usually one or two bytes per character depending on
the code table, their operations are the string and relational operations.
Some of the languages recognize the logical or Boolean type. The domain of the Boolean type consists of the
true and false values; its operations are logical and relational operations. The representation is logical.
The enumeration type is a custom simple type that must be defined by the programmer by enumerating the
elements of the domain. The elements are identifiers. Relational operations apply to these elements.
Another special class of simple types is the discrete or ordinal type, recognized by a few programming
languages. Integer, character, logical and enumerated types are considered discrete or ordinal types by these
languages. The domain elements of a discrete type are internally organized as a list (an abstract data structure),
which means that there is a first and a last element, that every element is preceded by another element (except
the first item), and that every element has a successor (except the last item). The order of the elements is
therefore straightforward. The 0, 1, 2, … ordinal numbers are in bijective assignment with the domain elements
except for integer types, where each domain element is assigned to itself.
- Querying the ordinal number of a given value in the domain, and vice versa.
- Querying the value of the preceding (predecessor) and the following (successor) elements.
The ordinal type can be conceived of as the generalization of the integer type.
The array type is the programming language manifestation of the array abstract data structure. The array type is
a static and homogeneous composite type. Its domain elements are value groups that have the same number of
elements which are all of the same type.
There are languages (e.g. C) that do not recognize multidimensional arrays, and instead manage them as one-
dimensional arrays of one-dimensional arrays.
Multidimensional arrays can be represented in either a row-major or a column-major order. Although the
representation is widely implementation-dependent, the row-major order is the more frequent approach.
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The name of a programming object with array type can be used to refer to all the elements as one value group
(the sequence of the elements is determined by the representation). The elements of the value group can be
accessed with indices written after the name of the programming object. Some of the languages enclose indices
in round brackets, other languages prescribe the use of square brackets. Certain languages (e.g. COBOL, PL/I)
allow the programmer to access all the elements of a given dimension of an array in a single operation (e.g. to
access one row of a two-dimensional array).
Languages must answer the following questions about the array type:
3. When defining an array type, how can the index domain be declared?
• With an interval type value (Pascal, Ada), i.e. by providing the lower and upper bounds.
• Other languages (e.g. PL/I) have fixed lower bounds (in most cases numbering starts with 1), and the
programmer is required to provide only the upper boundary of the domain.
• A small group of languages require that the programmer provides only the lower boundary; upper boundaries
are fixed by the language.
• In rare cases (e.g. in C) it is the number of elements at a given dimension that the programmer has to declare;
language derives the index domain.
4. How can the programmer declare the upper and lower index boundary, or the number of elements?
• With literals or named constants (e.g. in FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal), or with constant expressions (for
example in C). Such languages rely on static array boundaries, which implies that the number of value group
elements is determined at compile time.
• With expressions (e.g. in PL/I, Ada). These languages support dynamic array boundaries, i.e. the number of
value group elements is determined during run time. However, once the element numbers are determined,
they do not change.
The string type is often implemented as an array of characters, and is often supported by special purpose
operations not available for other arrays.
The array type also plays an important role in implementations realizing the array representation of abstract data
The record type is the programming language manifestation of the abstract data structure that bears the same
name. The record type is always heterogeneous. Its domain elements are value groups which—as opposed to
arrays—may be of different types. Value group elements are called fields. Every field has a unique name (which
is an identifier), and a type. Fields of different record types may have the same name.
Certain languages consider the record type static (e.g. C), which means that the number of fields is the same in
each value group. In other languages (e.g. Ada), there is a common field set in every value group (called the
fixed part of the record), and another field set whose fields vary across value groups (that field set is the variable
part of the record). A special language feature, the discriminator determines which variable fields should be
present in the record and under what circumstances.
Former languages (PL/I, COBOL) preferred the multilevel record type where fields may be divided into further
fields at any depth. Only the lowest-level fields have types, and these types must be simply ones. More recent
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languages (like Pascal, C, Ada) manage one-level record types; one-level record types do not recognize
subfields, but field types can be composite.
The name of a programming object with record type can be used to refer to all value group fields (in order of
declaration) in one operation.
Individual fields are accessed through a qualified name of the following form:
It is compulsory to qualify the field with the name of object, because names of fields are not necessarily unique.
The pointer type plays an all-important role in abstract data structure implementations.
In some of the languages, pointers are restricted to point only to objects in the dynamic area (heap). The only
way to create a new pointer value is to call a built-in function that allocates a new object in the heap and returns
a pointer to it. In other languages, one can create a pointer to a non-heap object by using an „address of‖
operator. The question that both methods have to cope with is how and when the storage space is reclaimed for
objects that are no longer needed.
A few languages require that the programmer should reclaim space explicitly. Other languages require that the
implementation reclaim the unused object automatically. Explicit memory reclamation raises the possibility that
the programmer will forget to reclaim the objects that are no longer alive (which will cause memory leaks), or
will reclaim objects that are still in use (thereby creating dangling references). Automatic memory reclamation
(known as garbage collection) raises the question of how the implementations distinguish garbage from active
4. Questions
1. What is a data type?
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1. 5.1 Named constant
A named constant has 3 components:
- name;
- type;
- value.
A named constant is represented in the source code by its name. The name always stands for the value
component. The value component cannot be changed during run-time, it is determined at declaration.
The role of the named constant is to allow the programmer to give descriptive names to recurring, frequent
values. The name of a named constant is therefore indicative of the value‘s role. A further advantage of using
named constants is that should the given value be modified in the source code, it is sufficient to modify the
declaration statement, instead of looking up all the occurrences of the value.
There are no named constants in FORTRAN and PL/I. There are predefined named constants in COBOL. There
are predefined named constants in C, and the programmer may also create custom named constants in various
ways. The most simple way is using the
#define name literal
macro. In this case, the precompiler substitutes all the occurrences of the name with the literal in the source
There are predefined named constants in Pascal and Ada. The programmer may also define custom named
constants of both simple and composite types. In Pascal, the value is expressed with literals; in Ada, with the
help of expressions.
2. 5.2 Variable
A variable has 4 components:
- name;
- attributes;
- address;
- value.
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The name is an identifier. Variables are always represented by their names in the source code, which may refer
to any of the four components.
Attributes are characteristic features that determine the behavior of the variable during run time. Imperative
languages consider the type as the most fundamental attribute, which delimits the values that the variable can
take. Attributes are assigned to variables through declaration. Declarations are of many different kinds.
Explicit declaration: The programmer writes an explicit declaration statement which assigns attributes to the
variable‘s name. Languages usually allow the same attributes to be assigned to different variable names.
Implicit declaration: The programmer assigns attributes to letters in a special declaration statement. If a variable
is not listed in any of the explicit declaration statements, it will have the attributes assigned to the first letter of
the variable‘s name; i.e. variables beginning with the same letter will have the same attributes.
Automatic declaration: The compiler assigns attributes to variables. These variables are not declared in any
explicit way, nor are they assigned attributes based on their first letter in an implicit declaration statement. The
compiler assigns the attributes to the variable by virtue of arbitrary characters (usually the first character) of
All imperative languages support explicit declaration, with some of them recognizing only this kind of
declaration. More recent languages demand that every named programming object must be declared explicitly.
The address component of the variable defines the part of the memory where the value of variable is placed.
The run-time period during which the variable has an address component is called the lifetime of the variable.
Static memory allocation: The address of the variable is determined before run-time, and it remains unchanged
during the execution. When the program is loaded into memory, variables with static allocation occupy their
fixed place in memory.
Dynamic memory allocation: The address is assigned by the run time system. The variable gets its address
component when the program unit that defines it as a local variable is activated; the address component is taken
away once the given program unit stops working. The address component is subject to change during run time;
there may be time periods when the variable has no address component at all.
Programmable memory allocation: The address component is assigned to the variable by the programmer at run
time. The address component may change, and the variable may also exist without an address component in
certain time intervals. There are three basic ways of programming memory allocation:
- The programmer assigns an absolute address to the variable and specifies its exact place.
- The programmer assigns the address of the variable relative to the address of another programming object in
the memory (relative address). It is possible that the programmer does not know the absolute address of the
- The programmer defines only that moment in time from which on the given variable has an address
component. Allocation is catered for by run time system. The programmer does not know the absolute address.
In all of the above described cases the programmer must be provided with features to help take away the address
Programming languages exhibit a great variety of address assignment techniques. Dynamic address assignment
is typical of imperative languages.
Multiple memory reference is the phenomenon when two variables with different names (and potentially
different attributes) share the same address component, and as a result the same value component in a given
moment during run time. This entails that if the programmer changes the value of one of the variables, the other
variable changes too. Early languages (e.g. FORTRAN, PL/I) provided explicit language features to manage
multiple references, since certain problems were solved only in this way. Similar situations may arise in more
recent languages as well—sometimes accidentally—, which leads to unsafe code.
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The value component of the variable is the bit combination that occupies the memory address defined by the
variable‘s address component. The representation prescribed by the value type determines the structure of the bit
Assignment statement: This is by far the most frequent statement in imperative languages, and is also
fundamental in coding algorithms. The following are examples of the assignment statement in various
variable_name = expression
value TO variable_name [, variable_name ]…
variable_name [,variable_name ]… = expression;
variable_name := expression
C, Java, C#:
variable_name = expression;
variable_name := expression;
On the left side of the assignement statement, the name of the variable generally stands for the address
component. As opposed to this, the name of the variable stands for the value component in expressions. The
order of executing the operations within an assignement statement is implementation-dependent. In most cases,
the address component of the left side variable is evaluated first.
In languages with type equivalence, the type of an expression must be the same as the type of the variable,
whereas in languages with type compatibility, the type of the expression is always converted to the type of the
Input: The value component of the variable is determined by a piece of data received from a peripheral device
(see Chapter 20).
Initialization: There are two kinds of initialization. In explicit initialization, the programmer has to declare the
value component of the variable in the expicit declaration statement. Once the variable obtains its address
component, the bit sequence which represents the value is also set. The value component can be expressed with
the help of a literal or an expression.
Certain reference languages claim that the value component of the variable is undefined until the programmer
sets its value. Undefined values should not be used because the address component of the variable may contain
arbitrary bit combinations (―junk‖), which is useless. Other reference languages support automatic initialization,
which means that if the programmer does not initialize explicitly the value of the variable, the address
component is set to a predefined bit combination determined by the reference language (variables are ―set to
zero‖). A third class of reference languages does not claim anything about the initialization of variables.
However, most implementations do accomplish automatic initialization, sometimes even against the reference
3. Questions
1. Describe the named constant.
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Chapter 6. 6 TYPES AND
1. Turbo Pascal
The programmer must declare every programming object explicitly in Pascal.
• simple types
• ordinal
• predefined
• character (char)
• logical (boolean)
• enumeration
• interval
• real
• string (can be conceived of as a simple and complex type at the same time, i.e. a character sequence, or as a
one-dimensional array of characters)
• composite types
• array (array)
• record (record)
• set (set)
• file (file)
• object (object)
• pointer (pointer)
Custom types declared in this manner will be different from every other type.
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2. Ada
The programmer must declare every programming construct explicitly.
• scalar types
• enumeration
• integer (integer)
• character (character)
• logical (boolean)
• real (float)
• composite types
• array (array)
• record (record)
• pointer (access)
• private (private)
The keyword CONSTANT indicates that a named constant is being declared; otherwise this is a variable
declaration. The expression element is compulsory in named constant declarations; it defines the value of the
constant. In variable declarations, the expression is used for setting the initial value of the variable.
A: constant integer:=111;
B: constant integer:=A*22+56;
X: real;
Y: real:=1.0;
Declaring a subtype:
SUBTYPE name IS base_type;
type BYTE is range 0..255;
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Array boundaries are dynamic in Ada. It is possible to define a custom array type without setting the index
domain beforehand; in this case, the index domain is set only when the type occurs in a declaration statement.
type T is array(integer<>,integer<>);
3. C
C has the following type system:
• arithmetic types
• integral types
• character (char)
• enumeration
• derived types
• array
• function
• pointer
• structure
• union
• void type
Arithmetic types are simple types, while derived types are composite types in C. Arithmetic operations can be
performed on the elements of an arithmetic type‘s domain. There is no logical type in C: true is expressed as
int 1, false corresponds to int 0. The term unsigned used before an integer or a character type indicates
direct representation, while signed is used to mark signed representation. Records have a fixed structure. A
union is a record that contains only a variable part, which part comprises exactly one field on every occasion.
The domain of the void type is empty, which is why it has no representation or operations.
Enumeration type domains are not allowed to overlap. Domain elements may be considered as named constants
of int type. Element values can be set explicitly with integer literals; if no explicit assignment is used, the
values start from 0 and increase by 1 in accordance with their relative position within the enumeration. If the
value of an element is explicitly set, but the value of the subsequent element is not, the latter one will be larger
by one than the previous item‘s value. It is possible to assign the same value to different elements. The
enumeration type is declared as follows:
ENUM name {identifier [=constant_expression ] [, identifier [=constant_expression ] ]…
enum color {RED=11, PINK=9, YELLOW=7, GREEN=5, BLUE=3, MAGENTA=3};
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The keyword CONST indicates that a named constant is being declared (in this case the expression sets the
value of the constant, type_spec defines the type, and object_identifier must be a valid identifier);
otherwise the statement declares a programming object of type type_spec and with the name
object_identifier. Variables may be assigned explicit initial values with the help of the expression
element. In the latter case, the object_identifier may be substituted by one of the following items:
(identifier): pointer type variable pointing to a function with type_spec return type;
identifier[]: variable of the type array that contains elements of type type_spec;
and any combination of these. The type_spec may include the same constructions next to the type name.
int i, *j, f(), *g(), a[17], *b[8];
In this declaration i is an integer type variable; j is variable of a pointer type pointing to an integer; a is a
variable of one-dimensional array type containing integers, it has 17 elements; b is a variable of one-
dimensional array type containing pointer type elements pointing at integers, it has 8 elements; f is a function
with integer return type; g is a function with pointer return type.
This statement does not create a true new type, it only defines a synonym for the type_spec.
Declaring a structure:
STRUCT [structuretype_name] {field_declarations} [variable_list]
Declaring a union:
UNION [uniontype_name] {field_declarations } [variable_list]
C supports one-dimensional arrays. The number of indexes must be stated in the declaration statement; the range
of indices is between 0..number-1. The reference language recognizes static array boundaries, but certain
implementations manage the boundaries dynamically.
Arrays are mapped onto the pointer type in C. The name of an array type variable is in fact a pointer type
variable that points to the elements of the array.
C supports automatic declaration. If the programmer does not define the type of the name of a function, it will
be a type int construct by default.
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Chapter 7. 7 EXPRESSIONS
Expressions are syntactic features which are used to derive a new value from other values known at a given
point in the program. An expression has two components: a value and a type.
- operands: An operand may stand for a literal, a named constant, a variable or a function call.
- round brackets: They affect the order in which the operations are executed. Languages allow the redundant use
of brackets.
Depending on the number of operands required to performs an operation we distinguish between unary, binary
and ternary operators.
Expressions are of three types based on the relative order of the operator and the operands if the operators have
two operands. The three possible forms are:
Operators with one operand generally precede the operand, occasionally follow it. Operators with three
operands are generally infix.
The process that determines the value and the type of an expression is the expression evaluation. When
evaluating an expression, the operations are executed, values are calculated and the type is determined.
The infix form is ambiguous. Infix operators are usually not of the same strength; therefore, languages which
support the infix form define the order of operators in a precedence table. The precedence table consists of lines
where operators in the same line are of equal precedence. The relative strength of the operators decreases from
top to bottom. Each line defines the binding direction, which determines the order of evaluating neighboring
operators in the given line. The binding direction is left to right or right to left.
The evaluation starts at the beginning of the expression (left-to-right rule). If there is only one operand, its value
determines the value of the expression, and its type determines the type of the expression. If there is only one
operator, we execute the appropriate expression. Otherwise, we compare the precedence of the first and the
second operator. If operator 1 is stronger than operator 2, or they are of the same strength, and the relevant line
of the precedence table prescribes a left-to-right binding direction, the left operator is executed first. Otherwise
we proceed towards the next two operators (provided we have not yet reached the end of the expression) and
compare their precedence. This approach makes it easy to determine the first operation, but the evaluation order
of the rest of the expression is implementation-dependent. Once the first operator is determined and executed,
the evaluation may continue at the beginning of the expression, or may proceed until the end of the expression,
when the evaluation returns to and continues with the beginning of the expression.
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Comment: Expressions are evaluated at run time. It is the compiler that creates unambiguous postfix
expressions from infix expressions, which implies that the previous steps apply to the rewriting of infix
expressions, and not their evaluation as such.
Before executing an operation the value of the operands must be determined. Most reference languages
prescribe the (usually left-to-right) order of operand evaluation. Other reference languages do not take sides.
The order of operand evaluation is implementation dependent in C, for example.
Infix expressions may employ round brackets in order to override the execution order as determined by the
precedence table. Expressions enclosed in brackets are always evaluated first. Certain languages indicate round
brackets in the first line of the precedence table.
A completely bracketed infix expression is unambiguous, there is only one possible order of evaluation.
Expressions containing logical operators are special from the perspective of evaluation, because sometimes the
final value of the whole expression is obvious before all the operations are executed. For example, if the first
operand of an AND operation evaluates to false, the result will also be false irrelevant of the value of the second
operand (no matter how complex the second part of the expression may be).
The following are examples of how specific languages treat the evaluation of expressions that contain logical
- Logical expressions must be completely evaluated; this is the complete evaluation (e.g. FORTRAN).
- The evaluation of the expression lasts only until the result is unambiguously revealed. This is the short-circuit
evaluation (e.g. PL/I).
- There are short-circuit and non-short circuit operators in the language. The programmer may decide the
manner of evaluation (e.g. Ada‘s non-short circuit operators are: and, or; short-circuit operators: and then, or
- The manner of evaluation is set as a run time parameter (e.g. Turbo Pascal).
The manner of evaluating the type of an expression is determined by whether the programming language
supports type equivalence or type compatibility. This issue is also relevant for assignment statements (see
Section 5.2) and parameter evaluation (see Chapter 12).
Languages with type equivalence say that a binary operator may only have operands with of the same type.
There is no conversion, the type of the result is either the shared type of the two operands, or depends on the
operator. For example, in the case of relational operations the result will be an instance of the logical type.
Languages may consider the type of two programming objects identical in the following cases:
- declaration equivalence: the objects have been declared in the same declaration statement, with the same type
- name equivalence: the objects have been declared with the same type name (not necessarily in the same
declaration statement).
- structural equivalence: the two objects are of a composite type, and the structure of their types is identical (e.g.
two array types containing 10-10 integers each, irrespective of the index domains).
Languages that support type compatibility allow binary operators to have operands that are of different types.
However, the operations may be executed only if the two operands have identical inner representation, in which
case there is conversion between the operands. In this case, the language defines, on one hand, the valid type
combinations, and on the other hand, the type of the result of the operation. When evaluating an expression, the
type of the sub-expressions is calculated after each operation is executed; the type of the whole expression is
calculated after the last operation has been performed.
Ada strictly prohibits all forms of type mismatch. PL/I supports total conversion.
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1. Constant expressions
An expression which is evaluated by the compiler and whose value is therefore determined at compile time is
called a constant expression. Its operands are literals and named constants.
2. Questions
1. How can expressions building up?
4. Short-circuit evaluation.
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C is an expression-oriented language, and supports conversion between arithmetic types.
The domain elements of the pointer type may be operands of addition and subtraction operators, in which case
they behave as unsigned integers.
The name of a variable with an array type is pointer type such that the expression a[i] is the same as *(a+i) if
a and i are declared as int i; int a[10];.
{ primary_expression |
lvalue++ |
lvalue-- |
++lvalue |
--lvalue |
unary_operator expression |
SIZEOF(expression) |
SIZEOF(type_name) |
(type_name)expression |
expression?expression:expression |
expression,expression }
{ literal |
variable |
(expression) |
function_name(actual_parameter_list) |
array_name[expression] |
lvalue.identifier |
primary_expression ->identifier}
{ identifier |
array_name[expression] |
lvalue.identifier |
primary_expression ->identifier |
*expression |
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[1] ( ) [] . -> →
[2] * & + - ! ~ ++ -- SIZEOF ←
[3] * / % →
[4] + - →
[5] >> << →
[6] < > <= >= →
[7] == != →
[8] & →
[9] ^ →
[10] | →
[11] && →
[12] || →
[13] ?: →
[14] = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ←
^= |=
[15] , →
Formal descriptions of expressions in C may rely on the following shorthand operator names:
This operator serves two distinct purposes. First, it helps the programmer override the precedence of operators;
second, it is the function operator.
Indirection operator; provides access to the value at the memory address referenced by its pointer type operand.
Plus sign.
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Minus sign.
Logical NOT operator available for integral and pointer type operands. If the value of the operand is not zero,
the result will be zero; otherwise returns 1. The result is of type int.
++ and –-
The increment and decrement operators (post and pre). Increase or decrease the value of their operand by 1,
Example 1:
int x,n;
Example 2:
In Example 1, x evaluates to 5, because the assignment operator is applied on the former value of n, i.e. the one
before the post increment operator is executed.
In Example 2, x evaluates to 6, because assignment takes place after the value of n has been increased.
Casting operator.
The operator of division; integer division if the operands are of integer type.
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Shift operators. Shifts the left operand to the right (or to the left) by the number of bits determined by the right
operand. The left shift operator introduces zeros from the right side, while the right shift operator shifts the sign
bit along the left side. Works with integral type operands.
Relational operators. The result is int 1 if the expression evaluates to true, int 0 otherwise.
&, ^, |
Non-short circuit logical operators (AND, exclusive OR, OR). Work with integral types and perform bit
&& and ||
Short circuit logical operators (AND, OR). Work with int 0 and 1 values.
? :
The only ternary operator in C, also called the conditional operator. If the value of the first operand is not 0, the
result of the operation is determined by the value of the second operand, otherwise it is determined by the third
For example, the expression (a>b)?a:b selects the greater value from a and b.
Assignment operators. Expressions of the form x operator= y are shorthand for x=(x)operator(y).
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Chapter 9. 9 STATEMENTS
Statements are imperative tools which on the one hand help formalize the steps of an algorithm, and on the other
hand are used by the compiler to generate the object program. The two major groups of statements are the
declaration and executable statements.
Declaration statements do not translate into object code. The vast majority of declaration statements address the
compiler in order to ask for a service, set a mode of operation, or supply information which is used by the
compiler in generating the object code. These statements influence the object code fundamentally, but the
statements themselves are not compiled. Declaration statements allow the programmer to introduce their own
named programming objects. Object code is generated from executable statements by the compiler. Normally, a
high-level executable statement is translated into more than one (sometimes a surprisingly large number of)
machine code statement(s).
1. Assignment statements
4. Selection statements
5. Loop statements
6. Call statements
7. Control statements
8. I/O statements
9. Other statements
Statements 3 to 7 are called control flow statements. Most procedural languages support the first five statements,
a few recognize statements 6 to 8 as well. The most marked difference between the languages is whether the
language permits other statements (group 9). Some languages do not contain such statements (e.g. C), while
others abound in such language constructs (e.g. PL/I).
The empty statement makes the processor execute an empty machine instruction.
The empty statement is indicated by a separate keyword in certain languages (e.g. CONTINUE in FORTRAN,
NULL in Ada). Other languages do not mark the empty statement (e.g. there is nothing between two statement
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The GOTO statement is used in order to transfer control from one point in the program to a labeled executable
In early languages (FORTRAN, PL/I), it was impossible to write a program without the GOTO statement. Later
languages provide sophisticated control constructions which virtually deem the GOTO statement unnecessary,
although these languages usually do contain the statement itself. The irresponsible use of the GOTO statement is
inherently dangerous as it may easily lead to unsafe, jumbled, and unstructured code.
The question is what kind of constructs may stand for an action in programming languages. Certain languages
(e.g. Pascal) allow only one executable statement to be written. If the activity is too complex to be described
with a single statement, several statements may be enclosed in so-called statement brackets Pascal‘s statement
brackets are the BEGIN and END keywords. Statements enclosed in such brackets form a statement group. The
statement group is formally considered a single statement. Another group of languages (because of their special
syntax) allow that actions be expressed as a sequence of any number of executable statements (e.g. Ada).
Finally, the third group of languages (e.g. C) claim that an action is either a single executable statement or a
block (see Section 11.4).
Conditional statements may take a short (without ELSE) or a long (is ELSE) form.
First, the condition is evaluated. If the condition evaluates to true, the activity specified in the THEN branch is
executed, and the program continues with the statement that follows the IF statement. If the condition evaluates
to false, and an ELSE branch is included, the activity of the ELSE branch is executed; then the program continues
with the statement immediately following the IF statement. If no ELSE is provided, an empty statement is
IF statements may include other IF statements embedded in the THEN branch or the ELSE branch, which may
give rise to the ―dangling ELSE‖ problem. Consider the following scenario:
IF ... THEN IF ... THEN ... ELSE ...
Which conditional statement does the ELSE branch belong to? Is this a short IF statement which contains a long
conditional statement, or is this a long IF statement with a short one in it THEN branch?
a. One way to resolve the ―dangling ELSE‖ problem is to always use long IF statements: if one of the branches
would otherwise be unnecessary, an empty statement may be used.
b. If the reference language is silent on the issue, the solution is implementation-dependent. Most
implementations claim that a free ELSE branch belongs to the nearest THEN branch that has no corresponding
ELSE, i.e. interpretation takes place from the inside outwards. If applied on the example above, a long IF
statement is embedded into a short one.
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c. The syntax of the language makes the pigeonholes straightforward. The syntax of conditional statement in
Ada is the following:
IF condition THEN executable_statements
[ ELSE executable_statements]
Turbo Pascal
CASE expression OF
constant_list : action
[ constant_list : action ]…
[ ELSE action ]
The constant_list is a series of literals or intervals separated by commas. Literals may be used only once (i.e.
two constant lists must not contain the same literal). The expression and the constant_list must be of
enumeration type. The action is a statement or a statement group. It is not obligatory to specify an activity for
every possible value of the expression.
The semantics of Pascal‘s case statement is the following. After the expression is evaluated, its value is
compared with the values of the constants in the order they are listed. If the value of the expression matches one
of the constants, the activity identified by the constant list is executed. Control is transferred to the statement
that follows the CASE statement. If the value of the expression does not match any of the constants, and there is
an ELSE branch, the activity specified in the ELSE branch is executed. Control is transferred to the statement that
follows the CASE statement. If there is no ELSE branch, an empty statement is executed.
CASE expression1 IS
=> executable_statements
The values of the expressions and domains in WHEN branches must not overlap. Only one WHEN OTHERS branch
is allowed; if it is present, it must also be the last branch. expression1 must be of a scalar type. The
programmer is expected to provide activities for all the possible values of expression1.
The semantics of Ada‘s case statement is the following. After expression1 is evaluated, its value is compared
with the values of the expressions or domains in the WHEN branches. If the value of the expression fits one of
these value ranges, the statements in the corresponding WHEN branch are executed, and the program continues
with the statement after the CASE statement. If there is no matching value, but there is a WHEN OTHERS branch,
the statements of the WHEN OTHERS branch are executed, and the program continues with the statement after the
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CASE statement. If there is no WHEN OTHERS branch, a run-time error (exception) will occur. If we would rather
not cater for some of the values, a WHEN OTHERS branch with an empty statement should be employed.
SWITCH (expression) {
[ DEFAULT: action]
The type of the expression must be convertible to the integer type. The integer_constant_expression
values of the CASE branches must be different. The action can be an executable statement or a block.
The semantics of C‘s switch statement is the following. After expression is evaluated, its value is compared
with the values of the CASE branches from top to bottom. If the value of the expression matches any of the
values listed in the CASE branches, the activity in the specified branch is executed. Next, all the activities of the
following branches are executed. If there is no matching value, but there is DEFAULT branch, the activity
specified by the DEFAULT branch is executed, and control is transferred to the statement following the SWITCH
statement. Note that in order to skip the rest of the branches of a switch statement in C a special statement
should be used in the CASE branches (see the BREAK statement, Chapter 10).
SELECT [ (expression1) ] ;
[ OTHERWISE action ]
The semantics of PL/I‘s case statement is the following. If expression1 is present, its function is the same as in
Ada, and similarly, all the possible values of expression1 must be taken into consideration. If there is no
expression1, the value of every expression specified in the WHEN branches is converted into bit sequences.
The first branch whose expression evaluates to a non–zero bit sequence is selected. If all the expressions
evaluate to zero, an empty statement is executed.
- head
- body
- tail
Information concerning the specifics of the repetition is specified in the head or in the tail.
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There are two extreme cases when executing loops. One extreme is when the body is never executed, which is
called an empty loop. The other extreme is if loop never ends, which is called an infinite loop.
Programming languages distinguish between the following kinds of loops: (1) conditional, (2) count-controlled,
(3) enumerated, (4) infinite, (5) composite loop.
The condition is specified in the head. First, the condition is evaluated. If it is true, the body of the loop is
executed once. Then the condition is evaluated again, and the body is executed again, until the condition turns
false. There must be one or more statements in the body that contribute to changing the value of the condition.
A pre-conditional loop may be an empty loop if the condition evaluates to false when the control reaches the
loop; the pre-conditional loop is an infinite loop if the condition is true when the control reaches the loop, and
remains true.
The post-condition generally belongs to the tail, but some languages put the post-condition in the head.
In post-conditional loops the body is executed first, and then the condition is evaluated. Generally, if the
condition is false the body is executed repeatedly. The iteration lasts until the condition turns true. Note that
there are languages which repeat under a true condition. Apparently it is necessary to ensure that the value of the
condition is altered in the body. Post-conditional loops can never be empty loops, since the body is always
executed at least once. They can, however, turn into infinite loops if the value of the condition never changes.
• The type of the lower bound value, the upper bound value and the step size must be of the same type as the
loop variable, or compatible with it.
2. How are the lower bound, upper bound and the step size specified?
• Every language allows these parameters to be specified with a literal, a variable or a named constant.
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• In languages which support only numeric type loop variables the direction depends on the sign of the step
size. If the step size is positive the direction is ascending; a negative step size indicates descending direction.
• With a keyword.
• Usually once, when the control first reaches the loop, and the parameters remain unchanged while the loop is
being executed.
• Loop parameters are evaluated each time before the body is executed.
• Regular execution
6. What is the value of the loop variable after the loop terminates?
• If control has been transferred as a result of a GOTO statement, the value of the loop variable will be the last
value it was assigned.
• If the loop has terminated regularly, the value of the variable depends on what the reference language claims.
Certain languages do not state anything about the issue, while other languages consider the value of the loop
variable undefined.
- The value of the loop variable is the value it was assigned before the execution of the last loop.
- The value of the loop variable is the value it was assigned after the last loop was executed.
Based on their semantics, count-controlled loops take either the test before or test after approach. Since few
reference languages specify their approach, it is implementation-dependent in most cases. Most implementations
support a variant of the test before approach.
First the loop parameters are evaluated, after which the run time system examines whether the specified range is
empty or not in the specified direction. If the range is empty (e.g. the [10..1] range in ascending order), the loop
is considered an empty loop. Otherwise the loop variable is assigned the lower bound as initial value, and the
body is executed. Then the run time system examines whether the specified range includes the next value in the
specified direction at the given step size, compared to the present value of the loop variable. If such a value is
found the variable accepts it as the next value, and the body is executed. If there is no such value the loop
terminates (regular termination).
First the loop parameters are evaluated, after which the loop variable is assigned the lower bound as initial value
and the body is executed. Then the run time system examines whether the specified range includes the next
value in the specified direction at the given step size, compared to the present value of the loop variable. If such
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a value is found the variable accepts it as the next value, and the body is executed. If there is no such value the
loop terminates.
Procedural languages usually allow the programmer to assign a new value to the loop variable in the body of the
Test-before count-controlled loops may be empty loops, but test-after loops cannot. However, it is possible for
both test-before and test-after loops to turn into infinite loops in certain languages.
Certain languages support statements that transfer control to another part of the program. When used in the body
of loops, such statements cause the regular termination of the loop, and are the only way of regularly
terminating an infinite loop.
6. Questions
1. How can we classify statements?
2. Assignment statement.
3. Empty statement.
4. Goto statement.
5. Conditional statement.
6. Case/switch statements.
8. Conditional loop.
9. Enumeration-controlled loop.
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Chapter 10. 10 EXAMPLES OF LOOP
Count-controlled loops:
DO label variable = l, u[, s]
label statement
The variable, l, u, s must be of an integer type. l, u, s (lower bound, upper bound, step size) must be declared
as variables; the use of expressions is not allowed. If the step size s is not specified, its default value is 1, and
the direction is ascending. If s is given, its sign determines the direction. Implementations prefer the test after
approach. Control flow statements are not allowed at the end of the loop, an empty statement should be written
there instead.
2. PL/I
PL/I support all the loop types introduced earlier.
Pre-conditional loop:
DO WHILE(expression);
The expression must be convertible to a bit sequence; evaluates to false if every bit is 0, otherwise evaluates to
Post-conditional loop:
DO UNTIL(expression);
Count-controlled loop:
DO variable = l TO u [BY s]
The variable must be of an arithmetical or a bit sequence type. The direction is determined by the sign of the
step size s. An infinite loop if TO u is omitted.
Enumeration-controlled loop:
DO variable = expression1 [, expression2 ]… ;
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3. Pascal
Pre-conditional loop:
WHILE condition DO executable_statement;
Post-conditional loop:
REPEAT executable_statements UNTIL condition
Count-controlled loop:
FOR variable = l { TO | DOWNTO } u DO executable_statement;
The count-controlled loop takes test before approach. The direction depends on the keyword: TO indicates
ascending, DOWNTO descending direction. Pascal does not recognize the concept of the step size.
4. Ada
Pre-conditional loop:
WHILE condition
Count-controlled loop:
FOR variable IN [ REVERSE ] range
The count-controlled loop takes test before approach. REVERSE indicates a descending direction. If REVERSE is
omitted, the direction is ascending. The range is of an enumeration type. Ada does not recognize the notion of
step size. The loop variable is declared implicitly, its type is the same as that of the range elements. The loop
variable is considered a named constant in the loop body, which implies that its value cannot be changed.
Infinite loop:
It is possible to terminate the loop with the EXIT statement in Ada. Besides, this is the only way to end an
infinite loop.
5. C
Pre-conditional loop:
WHILE(condition) executable_statement;
The condition is of an integral type. The loop body is repeated if the condition evaluates to other than 0.
Post-conditional loop:
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DO executable_statement WHILE(condition);
FOR([expression1]; [expression2]; [expression3]) executable_statement;
expression1 is called the initializer expression, it is evaluated before loop body is executed. expression2 is
responsible for terminating the loop, it is a condition; expression2 is evaluated each time loop body has been
executed. If there is no expression2, the FOR-loop is an infinite loop, which can be terminated regularly with
the BREAK statement.
It can be included in the body of a loop. This statement makes the run time system skip the remaining statements
of the loop body, examine the loop condition, and either start a new loop step, or end the loop.
It can be placed in the body of a loop or in the CASE branch of a SWITCH statement. It makes the loop end
regularly, and exits the switch statement.
RETURN [expression];
It causes a function to end regularly, and gives back the control to the caller (see chapter 14.).
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Chapter 11. 11 THE STRUCTURE OF
In procedural languages, the text of the program can be broken down into more or less independent parts, called
program units.
1. It is necessary to compile the full text of the program in one piece, or is it possible to break the text into
smaller parts which can be compiled independently?
• In certain languages, the program consists of physically independent parts which can be compiled separately.
These parts are not structured in depth.
• In other languages, the program comprises only one compilation unit; however, the text of such program units
may be structured. The units are not independent physically.
• Languages which support the combination of the former types allow programmers to compose physically
independent program units with optional inner structure.
2. If program units can be compiled separately, what does an independent compilation unit consist of?
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- subprogram;
- block;
- package;
- task.
1. 11.1 Subprograms
Subprograms are the first manifestation of procedural abstraction in procedural languages. Subprograms play a
fundamental (in fact, determining) role in the procedural paradigm. A subprogram maps an input data group
onto an output data group. The specification of the subprogram provides the description of the data, but the
actual mapping is not revealed. The programmer has knowledge of the specification, but is not acquainted with
the implementation.
Subprograms are an essential means of code reuse. It is good practice to use subprograms when a certain piece
of program is repeated at various points in the source code. By extracting the recurring piece of program the
code has to be written only once, and referred to wherever the code is meant to be reused (originally repeated),
i.e. the subprogram is called or activated.
It is the use of formal parameters that makes subprograms a means of abstraction; parameterized code is more
general than its specific occurrences.
- head or specification;
- body or implementation;
- end.
- name;
- body;
- context.
A name is an identifier which always belongs to the head. The formal parameter list is also part of the
specification; a formal parameter list contains identifiers which (1) name custom programming objects in the
body of the subprogram; (2) describe the role of the parameters to be concretized at specific subprogram calls
with actual parameters.
In the early languages, the formal parameter list contained only the names of the parameters. Later languages
allow additional information to be specified that control the behaviour of the parameters during the execution of
the subprogram. The formal parameter list is enclosed in round brackets. Languages differ in whether they
consider brackets part of the formal parameter list, or the name.
The formal parameter list can be empty, in which case the subprogram has no parameters.
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The body is composed of declarations and executable statements. Certain languages require that these two kinds
of statements should be separated from each other; the body has a declaration part and an executable part. Other
languages allow the two kinds of statements to be mixed in an arbitrary fashion.
The programming objects declared within a subprogram are the local objects of the subprogram; their names are
local names to the subprogram. Local names are not accessible from outside the subprogram, they are hidden.
Global names, as opposed to local names, are declared ―outside‖ relative to the subprograms, but can be referred
to in the body of subprograms in a regular way.
A procedure is a subprogram that performs a particular activity. The results of the activity can be used at the
point where the procedure was called. The effects of a procedure call include changes to the parameters of the
subprogram, changes to the context, and the execution of the tasks determined by executable statements in the
A function is a subprogram whose role is to determine a single value of the type declared as the return type in
the specification of the function. The name of a function stands for its return value, which is transferred to the
point of the function call. The role of the executable statements of the function‘s body is to determine the return
The phenomenon of a function‘s changing any of its parameters or the context is called the side effect of the
function. Side effects are usually considered harmful.
Procedures are activated in a statement-like fashion, i.e. procedure calls can be placed wherever an executable
statement may stand. Certain languages dedicate a keyword (very often the keyword CALL) to the act of calling a
procedure. Other languages do not designate a word to procedure calls. Control is transferred to the procedure
when the procedure is called.
- the procedure is terminated with a dedicated statement in the body of the procedure.
In the case of regular completion the program continues with the statement immediately following the procedure
- Most languages make it possible to leave the procedure with a GOTO statement and continue the program on the
given label.
- There exist language features which cause the whole program to terminate. Terminating the program results in
the abrupt completion of the procedure, too; control is transferred back to the operating system.
Functions must be invoked in expressions. The form of the function call is the following:
On regular completion of the function the control returns into the expression and continues its evaluation.
The return value of a function may be determined in any of the following ways:
- The name of the function can be used as a variable in the body of the function (e.g. as in FORTRAN); its value
can be changed in the body as required. The last value is the return value.
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- A value must be assigned to the name of the function in the body of the function. The name of the function
carries the value it was assigned the last time.
- A special statement is used to determine the return value, which also terminates the function at the same time.
- control reaches the end of the function, and a return value has been specified;
- control reaches the end of the function, but the return value is not specified;
- a terminating statement is applied which does not determine the return value, and the return value has not been
specified in any other manner;
In the last case, control is transferred to the label, therefore we do not return to the evaluation of the containing
expression. It is best to avoid such constructs as they result in unsafe code. In the first two cases, control returns
to the evaluation of the expression, but the return value of the function is undefined. This might not pose any
difficulties for certain languages (e.g. C) in particular situations, but it is generally regarded as a semantic error.
Every program written in a procedural programming language must contain a special program unit, the main
program. Formally, the main program is similar to a subprogram; this is the program unit to which the loader
transfers control, and it is responsible for coordinating the other program units. A program completes regularly
when the end of the main program is reached, and control is transferred back to the operating system.
- direct: a subprogram calls itself, i.e. the body includes a reference to the self.
- indirect: a subprogram calls another subprogram which precedes it in the call chain.
Certain languages do not support recursion (e.g. FORTRAN). Another group of programming languages claims
that every subprogram is recursive by default. Other languages allow the programmer to decide whether a given
subprogram should be recursive or not.
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subprogram is entered through the head, the whole body of the subprogram is executed, while in the case of
secondary entry points only a part of the body is executed.
4. 11.4 Block
A block is a program unit which may occur only within another program unit. Formally, a block consists of a
beginning, a body and an end. The beginning and the end of a block are indicated by a special character
sequence or a reserved word. The body contains declarations and executable statements. Similarly to what has
been mentioned about the structure of subprograms, these statements may either be mixed in an arbitrary
fashion, or there is a separate declaration part and an executable part. Blocks cannot have parameters, but may
have a name in certain languages (usually specified in the form of a label placed before the beginning of the
block). Blocks may occur anywhere in the source code where executable statements are allowed.
A block is activated when it is reached by the control sequentially, or a GOTO statement jumps to its beginning.
A block terminates if control reaches its end, a GOTO statement is used to leave the block, or if the whole
program is terminated from within the block.
Not all procedural languages recognize blocks. The role of blocks is to help define the scope of names.
6. Questions
1. What are the components of a subprogram?
3. What is a procedure?
4. What is a function?
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Chapter 12. 12 PARAMETER
Parameter evaluation is the process of mapping formal and actual parameters when a subprogram is called;
evaluation also determines the information which governs the communication of the parameters.
The formal parameter list is primary for parameter evaluation; formal parameters are defined in the
specification of the subprogram, and they are declared only once. As opposed to formal parameters, actual
parameters (or arguments) are specified in the calls themselves, which implies that there may be as many actual
parameters as the number of times the subprogram is called. Therefore, it is always the formal parameter list
which is determinative to parameter evaluation, since actual parameters are assigned to formal parameters.
The order in which actual parameters are mapped onto formal parameters is determined by binding, which can
be ordinal or name binding.
In the case of ordinal binding, actual parameters are assigned to formal parameters based on their relative order
in the parameter list: the first argument is assigned to the first formal parameter, the second argument to the
second parameter, and so on. All languages support ordinal binding, and it is the default for most languages.
In the case of named parameter binding, the mapping of the parameters is specified in the actual parameter list
by supplying the name of the formal parameter next to the actual parameter in compliance with the relevant
syntactic conventions; the order of the formal parameters is irrelevant. Few programming languages support
name binding.
It is possible to combine ordinal and named binding in such a way that the first parameters in the list are bound
by order, while the rest are bound by name.
The number of formal parameters is fixed if the formal parameter list contains a predefined number of
parameters. In this case, parameter evaluation takes place in one of the following ways:
- The number of actual parameters must equal with the number of formal parameters.
- The number of actual parameters may be less than the number of formal parameters, provided that parameters
are called by value. Formal parameters which have not been assigned an actual parameter receive a default value
in the formal parameter list.
In some languages, the number of formal parameters is not necessarily fixed, i.e. their number is arbitrary. If the
formal parameter list is of arbitrary length then the number of actual parameters is also arbitrary. It may be
possible to specify the lower bound of the number of actual parameters that must be passed onto a subprogram
3. What is the relation between the types of the formal and the actual parameters?
Certain languages support type equivalence, which means that the type of the actual parameter must be exactly
the same as the type of the formal parameter. Other languages recognize the principle of type compatibility, i.e.
the type of an actual parameter must be convertible to the type of the corresponding formal parameter.
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Parameter passing is a means of communication between subprograms and other program units. Parameters are
passed by the caller (any kind of program unit) to the called subprogram. Languages differ in the direction and
the type of information they allow to be passed to the subprogram.
- call by value;
- call by reference;
- call by result;
- call by value-result;
- call by name;
- call by need.
Call by value (or pass by value) means that the formal parameters have an address component at the area of the
called subprogram, while the actual parameters necessarily have a value component at the calling side. The
value of the actual parameter is determined during parameter evaluation, and then transferred to the area
allocated to this component on the subprogram‘s side. The formal parameter receives an initial value, which is
used by the subprogram. The information flow is unidirectional (from the caller to the called). The called
subprogram is not aware of its caller; it works with its own memory area. The call-by-value mode always entails
copying a value of arbitrary complexity. A definite drawback of call-by-value is that copying large value groups
may take a long time. On the other hand, call-by-value allows the interacting program units to work
independently, since they do not affect each other apart from the initial value copy. Actual parameters are
In call-by-reference evaluation, formal parameters have no address component at the memory region allocated
to the called subprogram. Actual parameters, on the other hand, have an address component in the region that
belongs to the caller. Parameter evaluation involves determining the address of the actual parameter and passing
it to the called subprogram, more specifically, assigning the address component to the appropriate formal
parameter. The called subprogram operates on the caller‘s side. Information flow is bidirectional: the
subprogram may receive values from the caller, and it is allowed to write to the caller‘s region that it has access
to. Call-by-reference is much faster and more efficient than call-by-value as values are not copied; however,
call-by-reference may be unsafe since the called subprogram can abuse its privileges and use the information
stored at the caller‘s region in an undesirable way. The actual parameter is a variable.
In the case of call-by-result evaluation, both the formal and the actual parameters have an address component in
the region of the called subprogram. The address of the actual parameter is determined and passed to the
subprogram during evaluation. The subprogram operates on its own memory region, and uses the address of the
actual parameter only to copy the result once it has finished its operation. Communication is unidirectional,
information flows from the called to the caller. Call-by-result involves copying values. The actual parameter is a
In call by value-result, formal parameters have an address component at the region of the called subprogram,
while actual parameters possess both value and address components. Parameter evaluation determines the value
and the address of actual parameters and passes these components to the subprogram. The subprogram makes
use of the received value in its operation, and copies the value of the formal parameter to the address of the
actual parameter once it finishes its operation. Communication is bidirectional; values are copied twice. The
actual parameter is a variable.
In call-by name evaluation, actual parameters are symbol sequences whose interpretation depends on the given
context. During evaluation, the context of the subprogram is recorded first, which specifies the interpretation of
the actual parameters. This is followed by the replacement of formal parameter names with the corresponding
symbol sequences in the source code. Finally, the body of the subprogram is executed. The direction of the
information flow depends on the interpretation of the actual parameters in the given context.
Call-by-need is a variant of call-by-name evaluation, the only difference being that the subprogram is launched
before parameter evaluation. In call-by-need, evaluation is on demand in the sense that the context of actual
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parameters is recorded and formal parameter names are replaced only when the execution of the subprogram
reaches the first occurrence of a formal parameter‘s name.
- The language supports only one parameter passing mode (e.g. C).
- The parameter passing mode must be specified explicitly in the formal parameter list (e.g. Ada).
- Evaluation depends on the type of the actual and the formal parameters at the same time (e.g. PL/I).
- Input parameters: allow the subprogram to receive information from the caller (e.g. call by value);
- Output parameters: the called subprogram passes information to the caller (e.g. call by result);
- Input-output parameters: information may flow in both directions (e.g. call by value-result).
2. Questions
1. Describe the process of parameter evaluation.
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Chapter 13. 13 SCOPE
The scope of a name refers to that part of the source code where the name refers to the same programming
entity, i.e. its meaning, use, and characteristics are the same. Note that only names have scope. Scope is also
known as visibility.
A name declared within a program unit is a local name to that program unit. Names declared outside the
program unit but referred to from therein are free names.
The process of determining the scope of a name is called scoping. Scoping may be static or dynamic.
Static scoping is a compile-time activity performed by the compiler. Static scoping is based on the program unit
structure of the source code. If the compiler comes across a free name, it exits the current program unit to check
whether the name is declared locally by the containing unit. If it is, the process ends; otherwise the compiler
keeps looking for the declaration of the name in the containing units until it finds the declaration or reaches the
outmost level. If the compiler reaches the outmost level without having found the declaration of the name, there
are two possibilities:
- A compilation error occurs if the language requires that programmers declare every custom name.
- The name is considered local to the outmost unit if the language supports automatic declaration. The compiler
assigns the required attributes to the name according to the rules of automatic declaration.
With static scoping, the scope of a name includes the program unit in wich it was declared and every nested
program unit in wich the name is not redeclared.
Scopes spread inwards, never outwards. Program units encapsulate their local names so that they are not visible
to the outside world. A name which is not local to a program unit but is visible from there is called a global
name. The issue of whether a name is global or local is relative and context-dependent. The very same name can
be local to program unit A, global from the perspective of unit B, and may remain invisible to unit C.
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Figure 13-1 illustrates nested program units. Variable x of type int is declared in unit 1; x is a local name of 1.
x can be referenced by program units 2, 4 and 5, its name is global to these units. The name x is redeclared in
unit 3 with a float type; the redeclared name in unit 3 is now a different variable. The variable x of type float
is local to unit 3, and cannot be seen by any other program units. Note that it is impossible to reference variable
x of type int in unit 3 since it is hidden by the new declaration. In other terms, there is a ―hole‖ in the scope of
the x declared by unit 1.
Dynamic scoping is a run-time activity performed by the run-time system. Dynamic scoping is based on the call
chain. If the run-time system finds a free name, it steps back up the call chain until it finds the name as a local
name or reaches the root of the chain. In the latter case, either a run-time error occurs, or the name is declared
With dynamic scoping, the scope of a name includes the program unit in which it was declared and every other
unit in the call chain starting from this program unit unless the name is redeclared afterwards. In the latter case,
only the redeclared name is visible to the further elements of the call chain, there is no ―hole‖ in the scope.
With static scoping, every name has a clear scope based on the structure of the source code. In the case of the
dynamic scoping, however, scopes may change during run-time and between the program calls.
Procedural languages support static scopes. The formal parameters of subprograms are considered local objects
from the perspective of the subprogram, and their names are local to the subprograms. On the other hand, names
of program units are global to the various units. Keywords as names are visible from every point of the program.
Standard identifiers as names are accessible to those program units in which they are not redeclared.
1. Questions
1. What is the scope?
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Chapter 14. 14 EXAMPLES OF
This chapter illustrates the implementation of features mentioned in Chapters 11-13 in specific languages
(FORTRAN, PL/I, Pascal, Ada, C).
FORTRAN programs are composed of physically independent program units, which can be compiled
separately, but cannot be nested. FORTRAN supports only subprograms. A compilation unit is either a single
program unit, or any combination of several program units. Since there are no global variables in FORTRAN,
program units use common blocks for communication. The common block can be read and written by each
program units that contains the following declaration:
COMMON [/n/] a1 [(d1)] [, a2 [(d2)]]…
• a is a variable of a scalar or an array type; the type of a must be declared in a separate declaration
i i
A program may define any number of common blocks, which in turn may contain any number of variables. The
system places the variables in a dedicated area of the memory in the order they are listed. The organization of
the common memory area may differ from subprogram to subprogram; the types of the variables may also vary.
The shared memory area is distributed evenly among named blocks; variables which occur in unnamed common
blocks are placed at the end of the shared memory region.
The formal parameter list contains only names whose type must be specified in the declaration section.
Procedures are activated by the CALL keyword, and terminated regularly by the RETURN [n] statement, where n
is an unsigned integer.
Parameter evaluation is characterized by ordinal binding, type equivalence, and numerical matching. Parameters
in the formal parameter list may have any of the following forms:
1. The formal parameter is an identifier which may be used in the body as an ordinary variable, or as name of a
2. Identifiers enclosed within slashes (/) may only name variables with a scalar type.
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Formal parameters of a scalar type accept expressions as actual parameters. Array type parameters take array
type or indexed variables as arguments. Subprogram names are parameters require subprogram name arguments.
If the formal parameter is *, it will accept a label argument of the form &label; in the latter case, RETURN n is
also applicable, which may be used to transfer control back to the n-th label of the actual parameter list.
* &label call-by-reference
FORTRAN functions are required to have at least one formal parameter, but the * cannot be included among the
formal parameters. The type of the function must be declared in the head or in the declaration section.
Secondary entry points are also allowed. The name of the function can be referred to as a local variable in the
body of the function. The RETURN statement is used to exit the function; however, it does not determine the
return value. The return value is calculated by assigning values to the function name in the body. It is the last
value assigned to the function name which will be returned when the RETURN statement is executed. Functions to
be called from a subprogram must be declared with their names in the subprogram.
The following FORTRAN function illustrates how factorial values are calculated:
DO 20 K=2,I
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2. PL/I
PL/I supports the following program units: subprogram, block, and task. Subprograms may be independent, or
nested within each other. PL/I also distinguishes the main program, which is a special subprogram. A
compilation unit is composed of the main program, the subprograms and their arbitrary combination.
[RECURSIVE] [RETURNS(attributes)];
END [name];
The declaration and the executable part are not separated, statements can be mixed. The name of the subprogram
is specified as a label. The formal_parameter_list contains only the names of the parameters; their specifics
must be declared in the body.
The option_list controls the run-time behaviour of the subprogram. The option MAIN indicates that the
subprogram is the main program; this option excludes all other options. If MAIN is not specified, the subprogram
is a function or a procedure. The programmer may decide whether the subprogram should be recursive or not
with the RECURSIVE keyword.
The keyword RETURNS indicates that the subprogram is a function; attributes specify the attributes of the
return value.
The procedure completes regularly if control reaches the end of the procedure‘s body, or if a RETURN statement
is executed in the body.
A function completes regularly as result of the RETURN(expression); statement, where expression denotes
the return value of the function.
Secondary entry points to functions must have the same attributes and formal parameter list as those specified in
the head; secondary entry points to procedures may differ.
Parameter evaluation is characterized by ordinal binding, numerical matching and type compatibility.
• passed-by-reference, if the actual parameter is a label or a variable of the same type as the formal parameter;
• passed-by-name, if the actual parameter is the name of an entry point or a file name;
• passed-by-value otherwise.
END [label];
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• CONTROLLED: memory allocation is controlled by the programmer. The programmer may use the following
• BASED: refers to the use of based variables. Variables are assigned an address component by the programmer
relative to the address of an object allocated previously. The address is relative, absolute addresses are usually
hidden. This mode does not support absolute memory allocation by the programmer.
It is possible to declare variables with the same name in different compilation units global by the EXTERNAL
attribute if all their attributes are the same. Subprogram names at the external level have EXTERNAL attribute.
The following code demonstrates the iterative version of a PL/I function which calculates the factorial:
DO L=2 TO I;
The following code shows the recursive version of the same function:
3. Pascal
The compilation unit of Pascal is the main program. Pascal supports only the subprogram from among the
possible program units; certain versions also support packages (e.g. the unit of Turbo Pascal).
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The main program has a formal parameter list, but the number of formal parameters is not fixed. The formal
parameters of the main program play an important role in communicating with the operating system.
Subprograms must be nested in the declaration section of the main program. The structure of subprograms is
similar to the structure of the main program, including the way of nesting other subprograms.
The formal parameter list consists of parameter groups separated by semicolons. Parameter groups have the
following syntax:
[ VAR ] identifier [, identifier]… : type
If the VAR keyword is included in the parameter group, parameter passing is call-by-reference, otherwise it is
call-by-value. Parameter evaluation is characterized by ordinal binding, numerical matching, and type
The name of the function must be assigned a value by the executable statements; upon regular completion, the
function returns with the value it was assigned the last time. A procedure completes regularly if control reaches
its end.
4. Ada
Ada supports all the program units that have been introduced in earlier chapters. Whereas other languages use a
linkage editor to relate physically independent units which have been compiled separately, the Ada compiler
applies consistency checking during compilation. There is no dedicated main program; it is implementation
dependent which subprogram starts first.
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END [name];
END [name];
There is no dedicated keyword for procedure calls. A procedure completes regularly as a result of a RETURN
statement, or if the END is reached. Functions are terminated by the following statement:
RETURN expression;
The formal parameter list consists of parameter groups separated by semicolons. Parameter groups are declared
with the following syntax:
name[,name]… : [mode] type [:= expression]
mode determines the direction of parameter passing. Ada defines three keywords to this end: IN, OUT, and IN
OUT. Parameters marked with IN are called by value. OUT parameters are called by result. Parameters which have
both keywords IN OUT are called by value-result. If mode is not specified, IN is applied by default. Call-by-
value (IN) parameters may be initialized via expression. Functions must have IN parameters; in other terms,
functions are not allowed to change their parameters. However, a function may have side effects, because it may
change its context.
Parameter evaluation features strict type equivalence. By default, parameters are bound by order; however, it is
also possible to bind actual parameters by name with the syntax formal_parameter_name =>
actual_parameter. It is not necessary to pass arguments to formal parameters initialized by expressions. The
subprogram will operate with the actual parameter if provided, otherwise the initial value is used.
In the first and the third case, C=2 and D=9. In the second example, C=2 and D=0 because the latter has been
initialized in the specification. The third case demonstrates binding by name, i.e. the formal parameters to which
values are assigned are named explicitly.
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END [blockname];
If blockname is specified at the beginning of the block it must be provided after the keyword END, too.
Although scopes are static, Ada resolves the ―hole in the scope‖ problem by qualifying the names of global
objects with the name of the program unit to which they are local.
The following source code shows an Ada function calculating the factorial:
function FACT(I : integer) return real is
F : real:=1.0;
end if;
end FACT;
5. C
The C language supports functions and blocks. Functions cannot be nested within other program units. Blocks
may be nested in any depth.
If type is not specified, the function‘s return type is int by default. If the return type is void, the function acts
as a procedure. The main program is a function with the name main.
- RETURN expression: the return value of the function is the value of the expression.
- RETURN: functions of the type void do not return a value; functions with other types will return an undefined
- If control reaches the closing } the return value of the function is undefined.
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The formal_parameter_list is a comma-separated list of names optionally with its types. It is possible to
declare a function with a variable number of parameters by closing a non-empty parameter list with … . The
empty formal parameter list can be marked explicitly with the keyword void.
Parameter evaluation is subject to ordinal binding and type compatibility. If the number of parameters is fixed
numerical matching applies.
The compilation unit of C is the source file, which contains external declarations (of named constants, variables,
types, and functions). It is possible to import other compilation units (features to be used in the given unit) by
the #include <source_file_name> preprocessor statement at the beginning of the file.
C employs the following storage class specifiers for controlling the scope and lifetime of programming objects:
- extern: The default storage class of names declared at the level of compilation units; must be indicated
explicitly for local names. The scope of extern names spans the whole program, their lifetime lasts for the
program‘s run-time. extern variables are initialized automatically.
- auto: The default storage class of local names. The scoping of auto names is static; they are visible from their
declaration. auto names have a dynamic lifetime, and are not initialized automatically.
- register: A special case of auto where the value is stored in the register if there is enough space, otherwise
the same rules apply.
- static: May be applied explicitly to all kinds of names. The scope of static variables encompasses the
compilation unit; their lifetime lasts for the program‘s run-time; variables are initialized automatically.
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Chapter 15. 15 ABSTRACT DATA
An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type that implements the principles of information hidding, which means
that the representation of the data and the implementation of the operations are unknown to the outside world.
The information hidded within such data types can only be reached via the interface of the type, i.e. via its set of
operations. Abstract data types are an essential means of secure programming in the sense that it is not possible
to corrupt the values accidentally or intentionally. Abstract data types have become prevalent in the
programming languages of the last few decades, and radically influenced the development of new languages.
A package is a program unit which satisfies the criteria of both procedural and data abstraction.
Packages as a manifestation of procedural abstraction are the collection of the following reusable programming
- type;
- variable;
- named constant;
- custom exception;
- subprogram;
- package.
Packages were employed first in Ada. An Ada package has two parts: a specification and a body.
END [name];
public_declarations constitute the visible part of the package specification. The programming objects
declared in this section can be referred to from outside the package. Only the specifications of subprograms may
be declared public, implementations are hidden. References must be qualified with the name of the package.
private_declarations cannot be accessed from outside. Objects declared here are closed by the package, and
hidden from the outside world.
The body of the package is optional. However, if the package specification includes subprogram specifications
then it is obligatory to provide the implementation of the subprogram in the body. The body is not visible from
[ BEGIN executable_statements]
END [name] ;
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Ada packages may be compiled independently, or can be included in the declaration section of another program
unit. In the latter case, the visibility of the nested package is controlled by the static scoping of the containing
program unit. Packages compiled independently must be made visible to other parts of the program in an
explicit way (see Section 16.2).
The following example is the sketch of a package which defines operations on rational numbers.
type RATIONAL is
NUMERATOR : integer;
end record;
The specification of the package contains only visible (public) elements. The example package defines a private
type, RATIONAL, which represents fraction values. A record type is used to implement the fraction‘s
representation, where the numerator and the denominator are stored in two fields. The representation also
defines the range (e.g. denominators can only be positive integers). The rest of the specification of the package
defines five operations.
Note that Ada does not constrain function names to identifiers; built-in operators may be overloaded, as
illustrated in the example. Beside the usual identifiers, special characters enclosed between double quotes may
also be used as function names.
Since the specification of the package contains subprogram specifications, the package must have a body, which
provides the implementation of the previously declared subprograms. The implementation of the operations
must reflect the typical behavior of fractions. Private methods may be employed to extract behaviour common to
several operations (e.g. SAME_DENOMINATOR).
In the example above, RATIONAL is not an abstract data type because it does not hide the details of the
representation, even though the implementation of the operations is not visible. The programmer is expected to
exert self-control and manipulate fractions via the operations provided with the package, instead of manipulating
the values stored in the record fields directly.
Data abstraction is implemented by encapsulation in Ada, which is manifest in PRIVATE types and the hidden
parts of the package specification. Objects of a type declared private in the public section of the specification
support only the equality check (=) and the assignment (:=) operators by default; the programmer has to
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implement any other operations for the manipulation of object values. The internal representation of private
types is unkown.
If the public section of the specification contains the declaration of a private type, the private section must also
be present in order to specify the representation of the type.
The following code demonstrates the abstract version of the RATIONAL type; we have left the body unmodified,
and have revised the specification as follows:
type RATIONAL is
NUMERATOR : integer;
end record;
The representation of the type has been transferred to the private section of the specification to accomplish
proper encapsulation. From now on the values stored in the fields may only be accessed via predefined operators
and the operations implemented by the programmer.
The LIMITED PRIVATE type of Ada is a restricted variant of the private type, to which built-in operators
(equality check and assignment) cannot be applied. The programmer is required to implement these operations
Should the limited private type be used, the skeleton of the example package would change as follows:
type RATIONAL is
NUMERATOR : integer;
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end record;
Variables declared in the public section of the package specification are of the type OWN, which means that these
variables retain their values between two consecutive subprogram calls. This feature is a further means of
communication between the subprograms.
Note that the unit of Turbo Pascal satisfies the criteria of a package. Pascal units have the following structure:
UNIT name;
1. Questions
1. What is meant by an abstract data type?
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Chapter 16. 16 ON ADA
This chapter gives a brief overview of some of the most intriguing aspects of compilation in Ada. Special
attention is given to pragmas and tasks.
1. 16.1 Pragmas
Pragmas are instructions placed in the source code which effect the compiler‘s functionality. Pragmas target the
compiler by invoking its services, or setting its parameters. Although pragmas are not translated into source
code, they do have an impact on the workings of the code. Some of the pragmas may be placed anywhere in the
program text, while others are restricted to fixed locations.
Pragmas are one of those few programming constructs which are only partially regulated by the Ada reference
language. In other terms, implementations may vary. Ada systems include on average about 50 types of
Here are a few examples of Ada pragmas to give a flavour of their syntax and purpose:
INTERFACE(programming_language, subprogram);
May be set after a subprogram specification to indicate the language in which the specific subprogram body is
LIST ({ ON | OFF })
Compilation may produce a listing from the program text on the standard output ( ON); the feature can be
disabled with (OFF). This pragma may be placed anywhere in the code.
If the compiler does not recognize the name of a pragma, the pragma is ignored.
- subprogram specification;
- subprogram body;
- package specification;
- package body;
- compilation subunit;
Compilation units which do not depend on other units are called library units. The programmer may define any
number of library units provided their names are unique.
In order for a particular compilation unit to use a specific object declared in another unit, the specification of
that object must be in an already compiled state, i.e. compilation units must be compiled before their contents
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may be referred to. It follows that the main program must be written last. The Ada compiler performs a
consistency check during compilation.
If the specification changes, it is necessary to recompile the compilation unit in which the specification is
declared and also the units which have references to the specification. If the implementation changes only the
compilation unit containing the implemenation must be recompiled. The separate recompilation of specific parts
facilitates developing large programs in parallel, makes the modification of programs more simple, and
advances safe programming.
Every compilation unit must be preceded by a so-called context clause in the form of WITH statements. The
context clause specifies the library units whose objects are referred to in the given compilation unit.
The library units specified in the WITH statements constitute the context of the compilation unit; objects
specified in the referenced units are accessible to the compilation unit.
The nine standard library units of Ada make up the Ada system itself. These libraries must be specified
explicitly in the context except for the one named STANDARD, which is appended automatically to all compilation
units by the compiler. The STANDARD library defines the basic language objects (e.g. character set, built-in types,
etc.) that are indispensible to any program.
Compilation subunits are compilation units that do not exist independently, but are attached to another
compilation unit.
Ada allows the programmer to include the implementation of a subprogram, package or task within another
compilation unit as a compilation subunit, rather than implementing the body next to its specification. In this
case, the implementation is replaced with a stub at its ―original‖ location. The context of the compilation subunit
is determined by the stub. The compilation subunit is required to refer to the name of the program unit which
contains the stub. The compilation of the unit containing the stub must always precede the compilation of the
subunit. It is possible to create a chain of any number of related compilation subunits.
The keyword SEPARATE indicates the stub which replaces the body. Stubs must be referred to in the form
SEPARATE(name) at the beginning of compilation units.
procedure F is
package D is
LIMIT : constant:=1000;
procedure RESTART;
package body D is
procedure RESTART is
end loop;
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end D;
procedure Q(X:integer) is
end Q;
end F;
The example demostrates a procedure which contains a package and an another procedure. Compilation
produces a library unit called F.
The previous source code can be split into three distinct compilation units:
-- first compilation unit
package D is
LIMIT : constant:=1000;
procedure RESTART;
end D;
package body D is
procedure RESTART is
end loop;
end D;
with D;
procedure F is
procedure Q(X:integer) is
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end Q;
end F;
Since the specification of the referred features must be compiled first, the first compilation unit must be
compiled first, followed by the second and the third units – the order of the latter two is irrelevant.
procedure T is
R,S : REAL:=1.0;
package D is
PI: constant:=3.14159;
procedure G(X,Z:REAL);
end T;
—- compilation subunit
end Q;
—- compilation subunit
package body D is
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end D;
–- compilation subunit
. . .
end F;
procedure G(Y,Z:REAL) is
. . .
end G;
3. Questions
1. What is a pragma?
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Chapter 17. 17 EXCEPTION
Exception handling is a means of taking the handling of interruptions from the operating system to the level of
the program. Exceptions are events that cause interruptions. Exception handling is an activity performed by the
program if an exception occurs. The exception handler is the part of the program that runs after the occurrence
of a given exception as a reaction to the event.
Similarly to the way in which certain interruptions may be masked at the operating system level, it is also
possible to mask exceptions at the language level by making the monitoring of certain exceptions disabled or
enabled. Disabling the monitoring of an exception is the simplest form of exception handling: an event causes
an interruption, which propagates to the level of the program raising an exception, of which the program takes
no notice and continues running. The effect of the unhandled exception on the further functioning of the
program is completely unknown, it is possible that the program cannot recover from the exception at all, or its
operation will be corrupted.
Exceptions usually have a name (which usually plays the role of the message describing the event) and a code
(an integer).
Exception handling was introduced first in PL/I and later in Ada, too. However, the two languages have vastly
different principles concerning the details of the exception handling mechanism. According to PL/I, the reason
why an exception was raised is that the algorithm implemented by the program has not been prepared to handle
an exceptional situation, therefore it is the cause of the exceptional event that needs to be managed. The
exception handler extinguishes the extraordinary situation, and returns to the normal functioning of the program.
The program continues from the point where the exception was thrown.
As opposed to this, Ada claims that exceptional situations cannot be ―cured‖; the original activity should be
abandoned. Exception handlers in Ada perform activities which are adequate substitutes to the original event,
and do not return to the point where the exception was thrown.
8. Is it possible to write a general exception handler that can handle all kinds of exceptions?
There are no parameterized and built-in exception handlers in PL/I and Ada.
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The first five built-in exceptions are monitored by default but can be disabled if required. The following five
exception are disabled by default but can be enabled. The rest of the built-in exceptions and all programmer-
defined exceptions are always enabled and cannot be disabled.
Every statement can be preceded by a rule that specifies whether the monitoring of exceptions possibly thrown
by the statement should be disabled or enabled. Any number of exceptions separated by commas can be
enclosed in round brackets
(exception_name [, exception_name]…):statement
To disable the monitoring of an exception, the keyword NO must precede the name of the exception, as in the
following example:
If the monitoring rule is placed before the first statement of a block or a subprogram its scope spans the entire
program unit including the contained program units as well. It is possible to override the rule by individual
statements of the program unit. If the rule precedes a statement that contains an expression, the rule applies to
the expression alone rather than the entire statement. If the statement contains no expressions, the rule applies to
the entire statement.
The statement SIGNAL exception_name; is used to throw an exception explicitly. This is the only way of
throwing programmer-defined exceptions.
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The scope of an exception handler lasts from the moment the control reaches it until:
• control reaches another exception handler intended to handle the same exception, which overrides the effect
of the previous handler;
• control reaches the statement REVERT exception_name; which undoes the effect of the last ON statement;
including every program unit called from inside the scope of the exception handler.
If an exception is raised in a programming unit, the run-time system examines whether the monitoring of the
given exception is enabled or not. If monitoring is disabled, the execution of the program unit continues. If
monitoring is enabled, the run-time system examines the availability of an exception handler which contains the
name of the given exception. If such an exception handler is found, the exception handler is executed. If the
exception handler contains a GOTO statement, the program continues on the statement with the given label. If
there is no GOTO statement, control returns either to the statement in which the exception occurred or to the
following statement, depending on the nature of the exception. For example, in the case of a CONVERSION
exception, the same statement which caused the error will be executed again; in the case of arithmetical errors
and custom exceptions, the program continues with the statement immediately following the one which threw
the exception.
If a proper named exception handler is not available in the given program unit, control steps back on the call
chain and continues looking for appropriate handlers in the caller. If none of the calling units contain an
appropriate handler, the exception ERROR is raised. Now it is the ERROR which needs to be handled. The ON
ERROR exception handler is used to manage all sorts of unnamed exceptions; it is the general exception handler
of PL/I. If no general exception handler is specified, control returns to the operating system. The program failed
to handle the given exception.
To assist the programmer in handling exceptions, PL/I provides special built-in functions which can be called
only from exception handlers. The ON functions have no parameters, and are used to specify the event, place or
cause of exceptions.
- ONCODE: Returns the unique code of the error; useful for handling built-in exceptions (e.g. KEY) which name
event groups, in which case the individual events can only be identified via their code.
- ONCHAR: If a conversion error is caught, the function returns the character which caused the error during data
transfer. Since the function behaves as a pseudo variable (i.e. it can be assigned a value), it is possible to replace
the troublesome character; as a result, the I/O operation may be repeated.
- ONKEY: Returns the primary key of the record which caused an I/O error.
- ONLOCK: Returns the name of the subprogram in which the exception was raised.
The dynamic scoping of exception handlers sometimes cause problems. While names have static scoping,
exception handlers support dynamic scoping, which may lead to conflicts. The called program unit inherits the
effects of the exception handler activated in the caller program unit. This is considered dangerous, because it
may cause non-local jumps. If the exception is not handled by the same program unit in which it occurs, another
exception handler may be activated which is located considerably earlier in the call chain, and this conduct may
be entirely wrong.
Although programmer-defined exceptions are of a great benefit for testing purposes, they are not considered
effective during run-time.
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1 S,
2 ID PICTURE ’9999’,
- CONSTRAINT_ERROR: The event group that occurs if a declaration constraint is violated, for example, an index
bound is exceeded.
- NUMERIC_ERROR: Arithmetic errors, including underflow and overflow errors, division by zero, etc.
- STORAGE_ERROR: Memory errors (including all allocation-related problems): the memory region referred to is
not available.
Every exception is monitored by default, but the monitoring of certain events (especially checks) can be
disabled with the pragma SUPPRESS:
SUPPRESS(name [,ON => { object_name | type }] )
where name is the name of the event to be disabled; identifies a single event, and does not correspond to built-in
exception names. A name can take the following values:
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The object_name identifies a programming object (e.g. a variable). If the optional part is not specified,
monitoring the event is disabled in the entire program. If, however, the optional part is present, monitoring is
disabled only on objects of the type or of the object_name specified.
Exception handlers can be placed after the body of every program unit, right before the closing END. Exception
handlers have the following syntax:
The statements part comprises any number and kind of executable statements. An exception handler may
include any number of WHEN branches, but at least one is mandatory. The WHEN OTHERS branch may occur only
once, and it must be the last branch. The WHEN OTHERS branch is used to handle unnamed exceptions (i.e. it is
the general exception handler of Ada).
The exception handler is accessible to the entire program unit and those program units which have been called
from it, unless they specify their own exception handlers. In Ada, exception handlers have dynamic scoping,
which is inherited via the call chain.
The statement
RAISE exception_name;
is used to throw exceptions of any type. Programmer-defined exceptions can only be raised in this way.
If an exception is raised in a program unit, the run-time system first examines whether the monitoring of the
given exception is disabled or not. If monitoring is disabled, the execution of the program continues; otherwise,
the program unit terminates. Then the run-time system examines the availability of exception handlers within
the program unit. If an exception handler is found, the run-time system examines if the handler contains a WHEN
branch which names the given exception. If one of the branches satisfies this condition, the run-time system
executes the statements contained therein. If the statements include a GOTO statement the program continues on
the statement with the given label; otherwise the program continues as if the program unit terminated regularly.
If none of the branches match the name of the exception the run-time system examines the availability of a WHEN
OTHERS branch. If the WHEN OTHERS branch is specified, the statements contained therein are executed subject to
the same rules as in the previous case. If none of branches match and no WHEN OTHERS branch is specified or the
unit does not contain an exception handler at all, the program unit propagates the exception. This means that the
exception is raised by the program unit call, and the process of looking for an appropriate handler is repeated.
The run-time system keeps searching for a proper exception handler up the call chain. If control reaches the
beginning of the call chain without having found a proper exception handler the program does not handle the
exception and control is transferred to the operating system.
The RAISE; statement can be used to propagate the exception only in exception handlers.
Exceptions thrown in nested packages are propagated to the containing unit, while exceptions thrown in
compilation-level packages abort the main program.
The dynamic scopes of exception handlers raise the same problems as in PL/I, the only difference being that the
program units on the call chain terminate regularly. The Ada compiler cannot check the operation of exception
Custom exceptions have an essential role in Ada programs as they provide a means of communication between
program units via event control.
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function FACT(N : natural) return float is
end if;
If the function is called with a value too large to calculate its factorial, an overflow error occurs, which is caught
by the NUMERIC_ERROR exception handler such that the function returns the largest floating-point value.
3. Questions
1. What is an exception? What is meant by exception handlers?
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Chapter 18. 18 GENERIC
Generic programming is a means of reusability and thus a cornerstone of procedural abstraction. Generic
programming is orthogonal to all other paradigms; therefore its feature system can easily be built into all sorts of
programming languages. The essence of generic programming is that it enables the parameterization of the
source code. The generic text (i.e. the one which contains parameters) is managed be the compiler. Actual
parameters are used to generate the concrete text which may then be compiled. Code reuse lies in the fact that
any number of concrete texts can be generated from a single generic text. What is more, generic texts may
contain type parameters.
where body stands for the declaration of an entire subprogram or a package in which the formal parameters
A generic unit may accept variables, types and subprogram specifications as a parameter. The syntax of the
formal_parameter_list is the following:
[{ declaration_of_variable |
TYPE name IS {(<>) | RANGE <> | DELTA <> | DIGITS <> | arraytype | pointertype | [
The following statement is used to generate a concrete subprogram or package from the generic text:
{ PROCEDURE | FUNCTION | PACKAGE } new_name IS NEW generic_name
This is how generics are ―called‖. The generation of concrete code involves parameter evaluation and parameter
The number of generic formal parameters is always fixed. By default, parameters are bound by order, but named
binding may also be used. It is not necessary to pass actual parameters to the formal parameters of subprogram
specifications if the invocation statement includes the keyword IS. Variables accept constant expressions of the
same type as actual parameters, while subprogram specifications take procedure or function names with the
appropriate specification. Type parameters may be assigned the name of an enumeration, integer, fix-point,
floating point, array, pointer, or an arbitrary type (in the order indicated by the syntax of formal parameter list).
Parameters are passed by value for variables, and passed by name for type names. If a subprogram specification
is assigned an actual subprogram name, the name of the actual subprogram replaces the name of the subprogram
parameter in the generated text. If the name of the actual subprogram is not specified, it is the name declared
after the keyword IS that replaces the generic parameter. In the case of IS<>, the generated name is the same as
the name of the formal parameter.
The following example illustrates a generic package that implements the abstract data type stack.
SIZE : integer;
package STACKS is
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type STACK is
AREA:array(1..SIZE) of ELEMENT;
end record;
end PUSH;
end POP;
The generic unit has two formal parameters: SIZE determines the maximal size of the stack, while ELEMENT
defines the type of the elements stored on the stack. Since ELEMENT is of a limited private type it may accept all
kinds of type names as actual parameter. The generic implementation of the package allows the generation of
stacks with an arbitrary number of elements of any type.
Stacks may be represented as one-dimensional arrays. The last-in-first-out (LIFO) behavior requires the
implementation of two operations (PUSH and POP). Extraordinary situations (the stack is empty, or the stack is
full) are handled by throwing custom exceptions. Since there are no exception handlers in the package itself the
exceptions are propagated to the calling environment.
The following two examples show how to generate concrete stack packages:
package INTEGER_STACK is new STACKS(ELEMENT=>integer, SIZE=>1024);
The first line illustrates named binding, while the second shows parameters bound by order.
1. Questions
1. What is meant by generic programming?
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Chapter 19. 19 PARALLEL
Computers built using the von Neumann architecture are sequential: the processor executes statements broken
down into atomic steps in the order prescribed by the program.
The machine code currently executed by the processor is called a process or a thread. The difference between
processes and threads is that processes own the resources exclusively, while threads share the resources they
Synchronization: Parallel processes must meet in certain moments. Data exchange and communication takes
place at synchronization points. For example, a process may be waiting for information to be produced by
another process without which it cannot continue its operation.
Mutual exclusion: Since the processes use resources exclusively, it must be ensured that only one process is
allowed to modify a resource at a time, and other processes are excluded.
Parallel programming features were first introduced in PL/I. Both Pascal and C have versions with features for
parallel programming.
In order to support the writing of parallel programs, languages must have features for:
- synchronization,
- scheduling processes.
With multiprocessor systems, it is feasible that each task is executed on a different processor, which is a
manifestation of true parallelism. Single processor systems are also suitable for executing programs with parallel
structures; however, in this case it is the operating system that simulates parallelism—this is virtual parallelism.
A task begins its operation when its parent unit starts (initial synchronization takes place). It follows that in Ada,
the structure of the program determines the schedule of the processes; practically, scheduling is controlled by
the programmer.
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- the task is terminated by its parent unit or one of its sibling tasks with the statement ABORT name,
The parent unit terminates if (1) it finishes its operation as a program unit, and (2) all the sibling tasks it owns
end. This is a form of end-synchronization from the perspective of the parent unit.
[ IS entry_declarations
END [name] ];
[ declarations ]
[ exception_handler ]
END [name];
The specification part is made up of entry specifications, which declare entry points. Formally, entry
specifications are identical to procedure specifications, the only difference being that they are introduced by the
keyword ENTRY instead of the keyword PROCEDURE. Entry points are a means of synchronisation in Ada. The
type TASK is considered a limited private type.
Based on their purpose, tasks are of two kinds: passive and active. Passive tasks provide services and contain
entry-specifications which define these services. Active tasks consume the services provided by passive tasks.
In Ada, synchronization is called rendezvous. An active task creates a rendezvous point by calling an entry,
which formally corresponds to procedure calls.
A passive task is expected to specify at least one accepting statement for each of its entry specifications.
Accepting statements are of the following form:
ACCEPT entry_name[(formal_parameter_list)]
This is how the passive task creates a rendezvous point. The services offered by the passive task are enclosed
between the keywords DO and END.
The rendezvous of an active and a passive task follows a fixed protocol. The active task initiates the rendezvous
by calling an entry defined by the passive task, which accepts the invitation via the appropriate accepting
statement. The two tasks start their operation and execute statements sequentially until one of the tasks reaches a
rendezvous point. The task which reaches the rendezvous point first waits for the other task, and suspends its
operation in the meantime. Once the other task arrives at the rendezvous point, information is transmitted from
the active task to the passive via the IN and IN OUT parameters. Then the DO-END section is executed if present.
At the end of the rendezvous, information moves from the passive task to the active via the OUT and IN OUT
parameters. Consequently, a rendezvous always entails synchronisation, but does not necessitate communication
or common activity.
Althoug the primary aim of rendezvous is to serve synchronization, they also allow for data exchange via the
formal parameters of the entry points.
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Tasks may also communicate through variables declared in the parent unit, since their names are global to
sibling tasks. The sibling tasks are allowed to use the shared variables at the same time. Mutual exclusion is
achieved with the help of the pragma
The SHARED pragma must be specified at the declaration of the variable in the parent unit.
Another pragma pertaining to tasks helps define the priority of the tasks, and is included in the specification of
the task:
Tasks with lower priority or no priority at all may not hinder the operation of tasks with higher priority.
If a service offered by a passive task is called by more than one active task at the same time the active tasks line
up in a priority queue.
The statement DELAY expression; may be used in the body of tasks to suspend operation for the number of
seconds specified by the expression, which evaluates to a decimal integer. A DELAY statement with a negative
value is equivalent to a DELAY statement with a zero value.
The occurance of a rendezvous can be influenced with the SELECT statement from within the tasks. However,
SELECT statements play a different role in active and passive tasks: whereas actives tasks initiate rendezvous by
calling an entry point themselves, passive tasks may never know for certain whether the services they offer will
ever be utilized by an active task.
Active tasks may utilize two forms of the SELECT statements, one for conditional rendezvous, another for timed
[ executable_statements ]
If nothing prevents the rendezvous initiated by the entry_call then the rendezvous takes place immediately,
possibly followed by the execution of other statements, after which the task exits from the SELECT statement. If
the immediate rendezvous is not possible then instead of waiting the active task executes ―supplemental
activity‖ specified by the statements of the ELSE branch. Finally, the task exits from the SELECT statement.
If nothing prevents the rendezvous initiated by the entry_call then the rendezvous takes place immediately,
possibly followed by the execution of other statements, after which the task exits from the SELECT statement. If
immediate rendezvous is not possible then the active task waits for the time specified in the delay statement. In
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the meantime, the task makes repeated attempts to initiate the rendezvous, and executes the ―supplemental
activity‖ of the ELSE branch only when the delay ends. Finally, the task exits from the SELECT statement.
[ ELSE executable_statements]
- accepting alternative:
accept_statement [executable_statements]
- delaying alternative:
delay_statement [executable_statements]
- terminating statement:
At least one accepting alternative must be specified; there is no upper limit on the number of accepting
alternatives. A passive SELECT may specify any number of delaying alternatives; however, only one terminating
alternative is allowed. Delaying and terminating alternatives are mutually exclusive.
- The conditions are evaluated in order to determine which alternatives are open and which are closed;
- For those open alternatives that contain a DELAY statement the delaying expressions are evaluated in order to
determine the waiting times;
- An open accepting alternative is chosen if an active task exists which wants to rendezvous with this point (the
active task has called the current entry). In this case, the rendezvous takes place, other possible statements are
executed, and the task exits from the SELECT statement. If more than one accepting alternative is suitable any of
the alternatives may be executed; the choice is not deterministic. However, only one rendezvous may be
- An open delaying alternative is chosen if none of the accepting alternatives are suitable. If a choice has to
made between more delaying alternatives the one with the minimal waiting time is chosen. In this case, the
passive task waits for the given time period, and listens for incoming rendezvous requests which may be
matched with open accepting alternatives. If such a request is noticed the rendezvous takes place; otherwise the
task executes other statements if specified after the waiting time has elapsed, and then exits from the SELECT
- The open terminating alternative is chosen if the sibling tasks, the parent unit, and all the tasks contained by
the given task have finished their operation. In this case the passive task terminates its operation.
- If none of the open alternatives are suitable but an ELSE branch is specified the statements contained therein
are executed and the task exits from the SELECT statement. If there is no ELSE branch the task waits until an
open alternative becomes suitable or a closed alternative becomes open and suitable.
- If all the alternatives are closed but an ELSE branch is specified the statements contained therein are executed
and the task exits from the SELECT statement. If there is no ELSE branch a SELECT_ERROR exception is raised.
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Active tasks may initiate a rendezvous only with passive tasks which still operate. If an active task initiates a
rendezvous with another task that is not available (e.g. it has stopped) a TASKING_ERROR exception is raised.
Beside the ordinary exception handling mechanism provided by Ada additional rules apply to tasks. Exceptions
raised in a rendezvous effect both participants of the rendezvous. Ada provides a few task-specific exceptions
which can only occur in tasks, therefore it makes sense to handle such exceptions only within the tasks; in other
terms, task-specific exceptions are not propagated.
The rest of the chapter demonstrates a producer-consumer pattern in Ada. Two processes are involved, one
which creates characters at its own pace, and another which processes these characters at a different pace. The
processes operate in parallel, but are not synchronized.
We are going to write three tasks: an active producer task, an active consumer task, and a passive task used for
receiving, storing and dispatching the characters.
First, we define the parent unit whose only task is the synchronisation of the producer and the consumer. The
following block will play the role of the parent:
-- tasks
The body of the producer and the consumer tasks contains an infinite loop:
end loop;
end loop;
The passive task stores the data (i.e. the characters) in a cyclic queue:
task BUFFER is
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or terminate;
end select;
end loop;
The body of the passive taks contains an infinite loop with one SELECT statement. The role of the SELECT
statement is to synchronise the active tasks. The SELECT statement provides three alternatives. The terminating
alternative is always open.
First, the parent unit starts and finishes its operation immediately waiting for the tasks it contains to end. The
three tasks start their infinite loops. The passive task accepts a rendezvous with the producer task first, from
which it receives a character that it stores in its pool. The passive task exits from the SELECT statement. Since
the loop is infinite control returns to the SELECT statement immediately. As the character pool managed by the
passive task is not empty the second alternative becomes open and the passive task may accept a rendezvous
wither from the producer or the consumer task. During the rendezvous with the consumer the passive task
dispatches the first character to the consumer stored in the pool. After a time the two active tasks exit from their
infinite loops with the EXIT statement, after which they reach the end of their body and finish their operation. As
the parent unit is in a waiting state the terminating alternative is chosen and all the processes terminate.
2. Questions
1. Explain the fundamental concepts of parallel programming.
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Chapter 20. 20 INPUT/OUTPUT
The management of input-output (or I/O for short) is the area where programming languages differ mostly. I/O
operations are platform-, operating system- and implementation-dependent. Certain programming languages do
not even specify I/O features, delegating the issue entirely to the implementation.
The I/O is responsible for the communication with the peripherals by sending data from the memory to the
peripherals and vice versa. I/O tools are centred on the concept of the file, which corresponds to the notion of
the abstract file. From the point of view of I/O tools, it is important to distinguish between logical files and
physical files. A logical file is a programming feature which has a name and bears the characteristics (record
format, access, structure, blocking, and record identifier) of abstract files in the form of attributes. A physical
file is the ordinary file which exists at the level of the operating system. Physical files are concrete, may be
presented on peripherals and contain data.
- input: must exist before processed; remains invariant during processing; a read-only file.
- output: if it does not exist before processing, it is created automatically; a write-only file.
- input-output: usually exists both before and after processing, but its content may change; both readable and
I/O operations move data between the memory and the peripherals. Both the memory and the peripherals have
their preferred data representation format, which means that sometimes it is necessary to translate between the
two formats. Based on whether the movement of data involves conversion or not two modes of data transfer
must be distinguished: continuous (with conversion) and binary or record mode (without conversion).
The continuous mode is required if the representation formats of the memory and the peripherals differ. In the
continuous mode, languages regard the data on the peripherals as a continuous character string, while the
memory stores bit strings in compliance with the representation of the type. Data transfer means the transfer of
individual data by conversion. When reading data, it is necessary to specify how the continuous character string
can be split into character groups which represent pieces of data, and also the mapping between the character
groups and the data types. When sending data to the peripherals (i.e. writing), the mapping of in-memory data to
a continuous string needs to be defined, including the number of characters required to represent the data and
their location within the string.
- formatted data transfer: the type of data and the number of characters must be specified explicitly for each
individual piece of data.
- edited data transfer: each piece of data is masked, where the mask consists of editor characters and
transferable characters. The number of mask elements determines the number of characters to handle; editor
characters specify which character category is expected at the given position; the remaining characters are
transferred without change.
- listed data transfer: it is the continuous character string which contains special delimiting characters that
separate the individually meaningful pieces of data. Types are not marked explicitly.
In the case of binary data transfer, the representation format of the data stored in the memory and on the
peripherals is the same. This is only possible when communicating with mass storages. Data are transferred by
1. Declaration: It is always mandatory to declare logical files in the program with the appropriate name and
attributes, according to the rules of the given language. Languages specify the file types they support. Certain
languages claim that the function of the file is also an attribute, therefore it must be decided at the declaration.
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2. Assignment: A physical file is assigned to the logical file. The assignment is controlled either from within the
source code with the help of specific language features, or mapping is performed by the operating system. Once
the files are properly mapped, all the operations directed at the name of the logical file are performed on the
corresponding physical file.
3. Opening of the file: In order to use a file it must be opened first. On opening a file, operating system routines
check whether the attributes of the logical file are in line with the characteristics of the physical file. In certain
languages, the function of the file is decided on opening the file (e.g. ―opening for input‖). A file may be opened
several times for different purposes during the execution of a single program.
4. Processing: After the file has been opened, it can be read or written as required. In order to read a file it is
necessary to provide the name of the logical file and an arbitrary variable list if data transfer is continuous. The
variables get their value components from the file. Each variable must be accompanied by a format in the case
of formatted mode, or a mask in the case of edited mode. In the listed mode, conversion is determined by the
type of the variables. Binary data transfer may be controlled by a single (rarely more) variable of a record-type.
In order to write a file (or print to the file) the name of the file must be specified as well as an expression list
whose value will be written into the file. The expressions must be accompanied by a format or a mask
depending on the mode of continuous transfer. Listed mode is based on the type of the expressions. In the case
of binary data transfer the expression must evaluate to a value of a record type.
5. Closing: Closing a file invokes operating system routines, which update the contents of directories. Output
and input-output files must be closed, input files should be closed. Closing a file terminates the connection
between the logical file and the physical file. Most languages are of the opinion that upon the regular
termination of a program all the open files are closed automatically.
High-level programming languages allow the programmer to think about I/O operations in terms of the
peripherals instead of files; this is the concept of implicit files. The logical file and the physical file still exist,
but they are managed automatically by the run-time system such that their details are invisible to the
programmer. Implicit files need not be declared, assigned, opened or closed. The implicit input file is the
standard system-input peripheral unit (generally the keyboard). The implicit output file is the standard system-
output peripheral unit (generally the monitor). The programmer may perform any of the file-related operations
explicitly (e.g. assign the printer to the implicit output file). However, if the programmer does not specify the
name of the logical file during writing or reading operations apply to the implicit file.
Supports serial, sequential and direct access file structures. Its features system is poor. Manages only the fixed
record format. Earlier versions introduce formatted data transfer; listed transfer is added in later versions. Binary
data transfer is performed by data rather than by record.
The feature-rich I/O system of COBOL is characterized by continuous conversion, and a support for serial,
sequential, direct access, indexed and inverted file structures; however, only one secondary key is used for
lookup at a time. COBOL is the first language to introduce edited data transfer. Prefers the fixed record format.
Blocking is possible.
The file management support of PL/I is highly outstanding. The language supports all known file structures,
data transfer types, record formats, and blocking possibilities.
Pascal has a weak file management support. The language manages serial files with both fixed and variable
record formats. Implementations support both binary and continuous transfer (the latter one is a special
combination of formatted and listed data transfer), and may employ direct access. Blocks are not supported. The
language does not define any I/O statements, integrated subprograms are used instead.
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I/O operations are not part of the language, standard library functions are used instead. Supports both binary and
continuous transfer, the latter one being a mixture of formatted and edited transfer. Serial structure is managed
with fix and variable record formats. I/O functions implement the writing and reading of single characters,
groups of characters, bytes, and groups of bytes.
Supports the management of every peripheral directly from the language. I/O is not part of the Ada language,
the operations are defined in packages. The following packages define I/O operations:
- SEQUENTIAL_IO: For managing sequential files; works with indexed types as well.
- LOW_LEVEL_IO: Bridges the communication gap between language constructs and the peripherals.
Once the logical file declaration is mapped onto a physical file, the function of the file may be changed
dynamically during run-time, for example if an exception occurs. On closing the file, it is possible to specify
whether the file should be retained or removed.
2. Questions
1. What is meant by a logical file?
4. How can the different representation formats be mapped with continuous transfer?
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Chapter 21. 21 MEMORY
Most imperative languages divide the available program memory into the following areas:
• Static area: contains the code segment and run-time system routines.
The code segment contains the compiled machine-language statements of the program, system information, and
the tables of literals.
Imperative languages use the so-called activation record for the management of run-time program units, and the
implemention of the call stack. An activation record comprises the following elements:
• Dynamic pointer: a field of pointer type that addresses the activation record of the caller program unit.
Dynamic pointers are employed upon the successful completion of a program unit, when the relevant
activation record is deleted.
• Static pointer: a field of pointer type that adresses the activation record of the containing program unit. The
static pointer provides access to the container environment if static scoping are used.
• Return address: Addresses the part of the code segment where the program must continue on regular
• Local variables
Local variables of a simple scalar type are allocated the amount of memory required by the internal
representation of their specific type (fixed point, floating point, logical, character, address, enumeration).
Memory allocation is a more complicated process for composite types. A popular method of allocating memory
for arrays is to place an array descriptor at the beginning of the reserved memory area; the descriptor provides
information on both the lower and upper index bounds for each dimension, the type of the elements, and also the
number of bytes required for storing one element. The array descriptor is followed by the array elements in raw-
major or column-major representation. The representation of a record type is determined by the type of the
record‘s fields, which are positioned one after the other. Records of variable length are allocated the largest
amount of memory they may possibly occupy. Strings may be stored at fixed length or variable length; in the
latter case, the length is indicated by a length descriptor or with an end of string sign. Small sets (i.e. which
contain few elements) are represented with a characteristic function, while large sets are frequently mapped onto
hash tables.
The allocation of memory for formal parameters depends on the parameter passing mode. Call by value
paramaters are allocated the amount of memory required by the type of the parameter. Call by reference and call
by result parameters are reserved only a few bytes appropriate for storing a memory address. Call by value-and-
result parameters combine the allocation techniques of the two modes. Call by name and call by need
parameters invoke a system routine which has no parameters; this routine is executed for each occurance of the
formal parameter references. The routine determines the context and evaluates the actual parameter by
overwriting the names of the formal parameters.
Activation records are stored on the stack. The activation record of the main program is always positioned at the
bottom of the stack. On regular program completion the stack is emptied. Whenever a subprogram or block is
invoked, an activation record is constructed and placed on the top of the stack. (The specific program unit is
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considered active.) It is always the currently running program unit whose activation record is on top of the stack.
On regular program completion the activation record is deleted.
In the case of tasks, a ―cactus‖ stack is constructed (on single processor). The activation record of the parent unit
is set on the top of the stack, and the activation records of each non-task program unit invoked are placed on top
of that. Each sibling task has a separate stack with the activation record of the parent unit at its bottom. These
stacks exist simultaneonusly and contain the activation records of the chain of invokation generated by the
specific task. The activation record of the parent unit can be deleted only when the stacks of all the sibling tasks
are empty.
1. Questions
1. How do imperative languages manage memory?
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Chapter 22. 22 OBJECT-ORIENTED
The object-oriented (OO) paradigm focuses on increasing the abstraction level of programming languages, as a
result of which modeling becomes easier and simpler, the real world can be better described, and problems can
be solved more efficiently.
According to the object-oriented approach, data and functional models are inseparable; the two models cannot
be managed in isolation. The real world has to be described with a single unified model, in which static (data)
and dynamic (behavior) features are managed together; this is the principle of encapsulation. The encapsulation
mechanism enables the programmer to group the data and their operations together in one place, and hide the
irrelevant details from the users.
The object-oriented paradigm is based on the notion of abstract data types. The most important feature of object-
oriented languages is the class; classes implement abstract data types. Classes are an abstract language
construct. Implementations of object-oriented languages are often simple collections of classes.
Classes may have attributes and methods. Attributes help the programmer describe data structures of arbitrary
complexity, while methods encode behavior. Methods are the object-oriented counterparts of the subprograms
of procedure-oriented languages.
Another fundamental OO programming construct is the object, which is a concrete language feature. An object
is always generated as an instance of a class through the process of instantiation. All instances of a specific
class bear the same data structure and have the same behavior.
Every object has an address. It is the memory space where the elements of data structures are placed. The value
group located at the specific address is the state of the object. As a result of the instantiation process the object
comes to its initial state.
In the object-oriented paradigm, objects exist in parallel and are in interaction with each other. Objects
communicate by sending messages. The object‘s class determines the interface which defines what instance
attributes and method specifications are visible to other objects. (Visibility features will be explained later.) An
object sends a message to another (usually by invoking one of its visible methods), and the other object replies
with the return value of the method or with an output parameter. The object may change its state as a result of
the message.
Objects are self-conscious; every object is identical only with itself, and differs from every other object. Objects
have a unique object identifier (OID) generated by language-specific mechanisms.
Attributes and methods may be of class or instance level. Instance level attributes are placed into the memory
during instantiation, and their values comprise the state of the instance. Class level attributes are bound to the
class, they do not replicate. An example of such an attribute may be the extent of the class, which registers the
number of the instances of the specific class in a specific moment.
Instance level methods determine the behavior of instances. Such methods must be invoked through a specific
object. The object on which a method is currently operating is called the current instance. Current instances are
referenced by the this or self keywords in most languages.
There is no current instance in class level methods; class level methods are used for manipulating class level
Instance level methods can be setters or getters. Setter methods cause the current instance to change its state by
modifying one (or perhaps all) of its attributes. Setter methods bear the characteristics of procedures; new
attribute values are specified with the help of parameters. Getter methods are more similar to ordinary functions;
such methods return the current state of the current instance.
The process of instantiation includes reserving memory space, allocating instance level attributes, and setting
the initial state of the object. The language system sets the object identifier (OID). From this point the object is
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alive and knows which class created it. Object-oriented languages use a special programming construct, the
constructor to set the initial state of the object.
Object-oriented languages define a special asymmetric relation between classes, the inheritance relation.
Inheritance is a primary means of reusability.
The inheritance relation attaches a new class (child class, derived class, or subclass) to an already existing class
(the parent, base or superclass). The essence of inheritance is that the subclass receives (inherits) all the
attributes and methods (subject to visibility constraints) of its own superclass, and can use them immediately.
Furthermore, the subclass may define new attributes and methods, rename inherited constructs, redeclare
inherited names, modify visibility, and re-implement methods.
We distinguish between single and multiple inheritance. In the case of single inheritance, a class is allowed to
have exactly one superclass, while multiple inheritance supports more than one parents. It is true in both cases
that any number of subclasses may be derived from a given superclass.
A subclass may be the superclass of another class, resulting in a hierarchy of classes. A class hierarchy is a tree
in the case of single inheritance, and an acyclic graph in the case of multiple inheritance. All languages,
however (even those supporting multiple inheritance) distinguish a dedicated root class which has no super
class. Leaf classes, on the other hand, have no subclass.
Identical names in different super classes may cause conflicts in the case of multiple inheritance.
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In the inheritance hierarchy, classes on the same path are in a direct or indirect inheritance relation. From one
direction, the subclasses are called derived classes, while classes in the opposite direction are called ancestors.
In the example above, Closed shape, Polygon and Triangle are derived from the Shape class, while
Ellipse, Closed shape, and Shape are the ancestors of the Circle class.
Classes that are not connected to each other with a derived-ancestor relation are called client classes.
A class may constrain the visibility of its elements. In general, object-oriented languages support the following
visibility levels. Elements of public visibility are accessible to all client classes. Elements at the protected level
are accessible only to derived classes. Private elements can only be used in the specific class; more specifically,
a subclass inherits the private attributes and methods, too, but it is unable to refer to these elements directly
(invisible inheritance). Several object-oriented languages distinguish a fourth level as well, which is usually
based on the structural units of the program.
A subclass may re-implement its inherited methods, which implies that identical method specifications in
different classes may have different implementations. Such methods are called polymorphic. Polymorphism
raises the question as to which method implementation will be executed if such a method is invoked. The
answer is given by a language mechanism, the binding.
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Object-oriented languages may support two types of binding. With static binding, the question is decided at
compile-time; substitutability is not an issue. The method of the object‘s declared class —as specified in the
source text—will be executed in every case.
Dynamic binding chooses the appropriate method implementation at run-time, on the basis of substitutability.
The method implemented in or inherited by the object‘s instantiating class will be executed.
Thus, if there is a Perimeter method in the Polygon class which is re-implemented in the Quadrangle class,
then, in the case of static binding, when the Perimeter method is invoked on a polygon object Polygon‘s
implementation is executed, even if that polygon object is in fact a quadrangle object. If the language supports
dynamic binding, the implementation of the Quadrangle class will be chosen.
One group of object-oriented languages supports dynamic binding. Other languages provide for both types of
binding: one is the default; the other must be set by the programmer in an explicit manner.
Object-oriented languages usually allow the programmer to overload method names. This means that it is
possible to define methods with the same name but with different implementations in the very same class.
However, in this case the method specifications must differ (at least) in the number, order and type of their
parameters in order to help resolve the references.
Most object-oriented languages recognize the notion of the abstract class. An abstract class is a language feature
which specifies behavior patterns that are to be refined by derived classes.
An abstract class contains abstract methods, i.e. methods which have specifications alone, without any
implementation. Both abstract and concrete classes may be derived from an abstract class. All methods of a
concrete class must have implementations. A class remains abstract as long as at least one of its methods is
Certain object-oriented languages enable the programmer to create classes which may have no subclass (such
classes are the ―leafs‖ of the inheritance hierarchy). Leaf classes cannot be abstract because that would make it
impossible to ever concretize the class.
There are object-oriented languages that support the concept of parameterized class (collection). Parameterized
classes are essentially the generics of the object-oriented world.
Objects are OO constructs managed in the memory. An object is always transient, which means that it ceases to
exist after the program that created it ends. However, I/O tools make it possible to save the state of any object,
and later reconstruct another object with the same state. Non-language OO systems (e.g. database management
systems) manage persistent objects. A persistent object survives the application it was created by. A persistent
object loaded into memory again retains its identity, i.e. it remains the same object.
Every now and then the memory should be freed from objects that are no longer used. Object-oriented
languages provide two kinds of solution to this end. One group of languages requires that the programmer
should terminate or destroy objects in an explicit manner. The other group of languages offers automatic
memory reclamation (garbage collection). Garbage collection is an asynchronous, automatic background
mechanism which looks for unused objects and reclaims the memory wasted by such objects.
Object-oriented languages are of two kinds. Pure object-oriented languages follow closely the OO paradigm,
and contain no features from other paradigms. Certain pure OO languages support only one class hierarchy,
which provides the language system and the development environment at the same time. In such languages,
programming consists of defining custom classes, placing them in the class hierarchy, and instantiating these
Hybrid object-oriented languages are based on a non-OO paradigm (e.g. procedural, functional, logic etc.),
whose basic features are complemented with object-oriented features. It is possible to write programs along both
paradigms in hybrid languages. Generally, hybrid languages do not contain built-in class hierarchies (class
libraries may be used instead). The programmer is expected to create his or her own class hierarchies.
Certain pure object-oriented languages advocate the principle of uniformity. Such languages support only one
programming feature, the object. All other constructs—e.g. methods, classes—are expressed as objects.
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The object-oriented paradigm has been designed along the principles of the imperative paradigm. As a result,
OO languages are algorithmic, and are originally compiler based. SIMULA 67 was the first language to contain
object-oriented features. Later the developer group of Smalltalk completed the OO paradigm with other features.
A great variety of hybrid object-oriented languages has emerged since that time, including the more recent trend
of declarative object-oriented languages (CLOS, Prolog++).
1. Questions
1. What is an object?
2. What is a class?
3. What is instantiation?
5. What is inheritance?
6. What is binding?
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Chapter 23. 23 JAVA
This chapter has been written on the basis of The Java™ Language Specification Third Edition, often taking
over certain parts directly.
1. Java Basics
The Java programming language has a compiler. The object code does not contain code that is native to the
processor; it instead contains bytecodes — the machine language of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM
is an abstract machine, it is an interpreter. The JVM is a platform-independent solution; it can be a bit slower
than native code. However, advances in compiler and virtual machine technologies are bringing performance
close to that of native code without threatening portability. The JVM is available on many different operating
systems. Some virtual machines perform additional steps at runtime to give the application a performance boost.
The Java programming language includes automatic storage management, typically using a garbage collector, to
avoid the safety problems of explicit deallocation. High-performance garbage-collected implementations can
have bounded pauses to support systems programming and real-time applications. The language does not
include any unsafe constructs, such as array accesses without index checking, since such unsafe constructs
would cause a program to behave in an unspecified way.
Java programs are written using the Unicode character set. Java differentiates upper and lower case letters. Most
Java keywords have been taken over from C. There are no standard identifiers. The length of identifiers is
2. Types
The built-in type system of Java is the following:
• primitive types
• numeric types
• reference types
• class
• interface
• array
Primitive values do not share state with other primitive values. A variable whose type is a primitive type always
holds a primitive value of that same type.
The operators of primitive types are the following: comparison, numerical, string concatenation, conditional,
and logical operators.
An object is a class instance or an array. The reference values (often just references) are pointers to these
objects, and a special null reference, which refers to no object.
• Field access
• Method invocation
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There may be many references to the same object. Objects have state, stored in the fields of objects that are
instances of classes or in the variables that are the components of an array object. If two variables contain
references to the same object, the state of the object can be modified using one variable‘s reference to the object,
and then the altered state can be observed through the reference in the other variable.
Java handles one-dimensional arrays. The number of indexes must be given; the range of indexes is
0..number-1. Arrays also have class, which is of a reference type.
There is also a special null type, the type of the expression NULL, which has no name. Because the null type has
no name, it is impossible to declare a variable of the null type or to cast to the null type. The null reference is the
only possible value of an expression of null type. The null reference can always be cast to any reference type. In
practice, the programmer can ignore the null type and just pretend that NULL is merely a special literal that can
be of any reference type.
3. Literals
Literals are the following:
• integer
• decimal
• hexadecimal
• octal
• floating point
• decimal
• hexadecimal
• character
• string
• null (NULL)
4. Names
Names are used to refer to entities declared in a program. A declared entity is a package, class type, interface
type, member (class, interface, field, or method) of a reference type, type parameter (of a class, interface,
method or constructor), parameter (to a method, constructor, or exception handler), or local variable.
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Names in programs are either simple, consisting of a single identifier, or qualified, consisting of a sequence of
identifiers separated by ―.‖ .
Every declaration that introduces a name has a scope, which is the part of the program text within which the
declared entity can be referred to by a simple name.
Access control can be specified in a class, interface, method, or field declaration to control when access to a
member is allowed. Access is a different concept from scope; access specifies the part of the program text
within which the declared entity can be referred to by a qualified name. The default access is that a member can
be accessed anywhere within the package that contains its declaration; other possibilities are PUBLIC,
5. Block
Java supports the block program unit.
6. Variables
Java distinguishes the following kinds of variables:
• class
• instance
• array components
• method parameters
• constructor parameters
• local
A local variable declaration statement declares one or more local variable names.
type variable_declarators;
variable_declarator [, variable_declarator]…
variable_declarator_id [= variable_initializer]
{identifier | variable_declarator_id[]}
{expression | array_initializer}
Every local variable declaration statement is immediately contained by a block. Local variable declaration
statements may be intermixed freely with other kinds of statements in the block.
A local variable declaration can also appear in the header of a FOR statement. In this case it is executed in the
same manner as if it were part of a local variable declaration statement.
Each variable_declarator in a local variable declaration declares one local variable, whose name is the
identifier that appears in the declarator.
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The scope of a local variable declaration in a block is the rest of the block in which the declaration appears,
starting with its own initializer and including any further declarators to the right in the local variable declaration
The name of a local variable v may not be redeclared as a local variable of the directly enclosing method,
constructor or initializer block within the scope of v, or a compile-time error occurs. The name of a local
variable v may not be redeclared as an exception parameter of a CATCH clause in a TRY statement of the directly
enclosing method, constructor or initializer block within the scope of v, or a compile-time error occurs.
However, a local variable of a method or initializer block may be shadowed anywhere inside a class declaration
nested within the scope of the local variable.
A local variable cannot be referred to using a qualified name, only a simple name.
If a name declared as a local variable is already declared as a field name, then that outer declaration is shadowed
throughout the scope of the local variable. Similarly, if a name is already declared as a variable or parameter
name, then that outer declaration is shadowed throughout the scope of the local. The shadowed name can
sometimes be accessed using an appropriately qualified name.
In Java a local variable declaration statement is an executable statement. Every time it is executed, the
declarators are processed in order from left to right. If a declarator has an initialization expression, the
expression is evaluated and its value is assigned to the variable. If a declarator does not have an initialization
expression, then a Java compiler must prove that every reference to the variable is necessarily preceded by the
execution of an assignment to the variable. If this is not the case, then a compile-time error occurs. Each
initialization (except the first) is executed only if the evaluation of the preceding initialization expression
completes normally. Execution of the local variable declaration completes normally only if evaluation of the last
initialization expression completes normally; if the local variable declaration contains no initialization
expressions, then executing it always completes normally.
7. Expressions
The Java programming language guarantees that the operands of operators are evaluated from left to right. The
left-hand operand of a binary operator is fully evaluated before any part of the right-hand operand is evaluated.
When an expression in a program is evaluated, the result denotes one of three things:
• A variable
• A value
The evaluation of an expression can also produce side effects, because expressions may contain embedded
assignments, increment operators, decrement operators, and method invocations.
An expression denotes nothing if and only if it is a method invocation that invokes a method that does not return
a value, that is, a method declared void. Such an expression can be used only as an expression statement,
because every other context in which an expression can appear requires the expression to denote something. An
expression statement that is a method invocation may also invoke a method that produces a result; in this case
the value returned by the method is quietly discarded.
8. Statements
The assignment, expression, empty, IF, SWITCH, WHILE, DO, FOR, and RETURN statements correspond to the
respective statements in C. There is no GOTO statement.
BREAK [label];
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A BREAK statement with no label attempts to transfer control to the innermost enclosing SWITCH, WHILE, DO, or
FOR statement of the immediately enclosing method or initializer block; this statement then immediately
completes normally.
A BREAK statement with label label attempts to transfer control to the enclosing labelled statement that has the
same label as its label; this statement then immediately completes normally.
A BREAK statement must refer to a label within the immediately enclosing method or initializer block. There are
no non-local jumps.
A CONTINUE statement may occur only in a WHILE, DO, or FOR statement. Control passes to the loop-continuation
point of an iteration statement.
A CONTINUE statement with no label attempts to transfer control to the innermost enclosing WHILE, DO, or FOR
statement of the immediately enclosing method or initializer block, then immediately ends the current iteration
and begins a new one.
A CONTINUE statement with label label attempts to transfer control to the enclosing labelled statement that has
the same label as its label, then immediately ends the current iteration and begins a new one. The labelled
statement must be a WHILE, DO, or FOR statement or a compile-time error occurs. A CONTINUE statement must
refer to a label within the immediately enclosing method or initializer block. There are no non-local jumps.
9. Packages
Java programs are organized as sets of packages. Each package has its own set of names for types, which helps
to prevent name conflicts. A top level type is accessible outside the package that declares it only if the type is
declared PUBLIC. The naming structure for packages is hierarchical. The members of a package are class and
interface types, which are declared in compilation units of the package, and subpackages, which may contain
compilation units and subpackages of their own.
A package consists of a number of compilation units. A compilation unit has automatically access to all types
declared in its package and also imports automatically all of the public types declared in the predefined package
For small programs and casual development, a package can be unnamed or have a simple name, but if code is to
be widely distributed, unique package names should be chosen. This can prevent the conflicts that would
otherwise occur if two development groups happened to pick the same package name and these packages were
later to be used in a single program.
The members of a package are its subpackages and all the top level class types and top level interface types
declared in all the compilation units of the package.
Types declared in different compilation units can depend on each other, circularly. A Java compiler must
arrange to compile all such types at the same time.
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PACKAGE package_name ;
A package declaration in a compilation unit specifies the name of the package to which the compilation unit
The package_name mentioned in a package declaration must be the fully qualified name of the package.
An import declaration allows a static member or a named type to be referred to by a simple name that consists
of a single identifier. Without the use of an appropriate import declaration, the only way to refer to a type
declared in another package, or a static member of another type, is to use a fully qualified name.
{single_type_import_declaration |
type_import_on_demand_declaration |
single_static_import_declaration |
IMPORT type_name;
IMPORT package_or_type_name.*;
A single-type-import declaration imports a single type by giving its fully qualified name, making it available
under a simple name in the class and interface declarations of the compilation unit in which the single-type
import declaration appears.
A type-import-on-demand declaration allows all accessible types declared in the type or package named by a
fully qualified name to be imported as needed.
A single-static-import declaration imports all accessible static members with a given simple name from a type.
This makes these static members available under their simple name in the class and interface declarations of the
compilation unit in which the single-static-import declaration appears.
A static-import-on-demand declaration allows all accessible static members declared in the type named by a
fully qualified name to be imported as needed.
Each compilation unit automatically and implicitly imports all of the public type names declared in the
predefined package java.lang, as if the declaration
import java.lang.*;
appeared at the beginning of each compilation unit, immediately following any package statement. So the names
of all those types are available as simple names.
{class_declaration | interface_declaration | ;}
A top level type declaration declares a top level class type or a top level interface type.
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By default, the top level types declared in a package are accessible only within the compilation units of that
package, but a type may be declared to be public to grant access to the type from code in other packages. The
scope of a top level type is all type declarations in the package in which the top level type is declared.
10. Classes
A class declaration specifies a new named reference type. A nested class is any class whose declaration occurs
within the body of another class or interface. A top level class is a class that is not a nested class.
class_modifier [class_modifier]…
type_parameters :
<type_parameter [, type_parameter]…>
EXTENDS class_type
identifier is the name of class. A named class may be declared ABSTRACT (that means an abstract class) and
must be declared ABSTRACT if it is incompletely implemented; such a class cannot be instantiated, but can be
extended by subclasses. A class may be declared FINAL, in which case it cannot have subclasses (it is a leaf
If a class is declared PUBLIC, then it can be referred to from other packages. Not all modifiers are applicable to
all kinds of class declarations. The access modifier PUBLIC pertains only to top level classes and to member
classes. The access modifiers PROTECTED and PRIVATE pertain only to member classes within a directly
enclosing class declaration. The access modifier STATIC pertains only to member classes.
A class is generic if it declares one or more type variables. These type variables are known as the type
parameters of the class and given by type_parameters. A generic class declaration defines a set of
parameterized types, one for each possible invocation of the type parameter section. All of these parameterized
types share the same class at runtime.
The EXTENDS clause in a class declaration specifies the direct superclass of the current class. Java supports
single inheritance. If there is no EXTENDS clause the direct superclass is Object. Object is the root of the
inheritance tree in Java. All other classes are derived from this class.
The IMPLEMENTS clause lists the names of interfaces that are direct superinterfaces of the class being declared.
{class_body_declaration |
class_body_declarations class_body_declaration}
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A class body may contain declarations of members of the class, that is, fields, classes, interfaces and methods. A
class body may also contain instance initializers, static initializers, and declarations of constructors for the class.
These are not members and therefore are not inherited.
11. Fields
field_modifier [field_modifier]…
variable_declarator [, variable_declarator]…
variable_declarator_id [= variable_initializer]
{identifier | variable_declarator_id[]}
{expression | array_initializer}
PUBLIC fields are accessible in all packages, PRIVATE field are accessible only in the class where they are
declared, PROTECTED fields are accessible in derived classes and in the package where the class is declared. If
there is no modifier, the field is accessible in the package where the class is declared.
If a field is declared STATIC, there exists exactly one incarnation of the field, no matter how many instances
(possibly zero) of the class may eventually be created. A static field, sometimes called a class variable, is
incarnated when the class is initialized.
A field that is not declared static is called an instance variable. Whenever a new instance of a class is created, a
new variable associated with that instance is created for every instance variable declared in that class or any of
its superclasses.
Every field can be declared FINAL. A final field may only be assigned to once. A blank final is a final field
whose declaration lacks an initializer. It is a compile time error if a blank final class variable is not definitely
assigned by a static initializer of the class in which it is declared. A blank final instance variable must be definite
by the end of every constructor of the class in which it is declared; otherwise a compile time error occurs. Once
a final variable has been assigned, it always contains the same value. If a final variable holds a reference to an
object, then the state of the object may be changed by operations on the object, but the variable will always refer
to the same object. This also applies to arrays, because arrays are objects; if a final variable holds a reference to
an array, then the components of the array may be changed by operations on the array, but the variable will
always refer to the same array.
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Declaring a field final can serve as useful documentation that its value will not change and can help avoid
programming errors.
12. Methods
method_header method_body
method_modifier [method_modifier]
type_parameters :
<type_parameter [, type_parameter]…>
{type | VOID}
identifier ( [formal_parameter_list] )
THROWS exception_type_list
exception_type [, exception_type]…
{class_type | type_variable}
{block | ;}
The access modifiers PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and PRIVATE have been discussed above. An abstract method
declaration introduces the method as a member, specifying its method_header, but does not provide an
implementation. The declaration of an abstract method m must appear directly within an abstract class (let it be
A). Every subclass of A that is not abstract must provide an implementation for m, or a compile-time error occurs.
A method that is declared static is called a class method. A class method is always invoked without reference to
a particular object. It is a compile time error for a static method to be declared abstract. A method that is not
declared static is called an instance method. An instance method is always invoked with respect to an object,
which becomes the current object to which the keywords THIS and SUPER refer during the execution of the
method body.
A method can be declared final to prevent subclasses from overriding or hiding it. It is a compile time error to
attempt to override or hide a final method. A private method and all methods declared immediately within a
final class behave as if they are final, since it is impossible to override them. It is a compile-time error for a final
method to be declared abstract.
A method is generic if it declares one or more type variables. These type variables are known as the formal type
parameters of the method.
The result_type of a method declares the type of value a method returns, if it returns a value, or states that the
method is VOID.
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identifier is the name of the method. It is a compile-time error for the body of a class to declare as members
two methods with override-equivalent signatures (name, number of parameters, and types of any parameters).
Methods and fields may have the same name, since they are used in different contexts and are disambiguated by
different lookup procedures.
Two methods have the same signature if they have the same name and argument types.
Two method or constructor declarations M and N have the same argument types if all of the following conditions
• Let <A1,...,An> be the formal type parameters of M and let <B1,...,Bn> be the formal type parameters of N.
After renaming each occurrence of a Bi in N‘s type to Ai the bounds of corresponding type variables and the
argument types of M and N are the same.
- the signature of m1 is the same as the erasure of the signature of m2. (Type erasure is a mapping from types
(possibly including parameterized types and type variables) to types (that are never parameterized types or type
{last_formal_parameter | formal_parameters,last_formal_parameter}
{identifier | variable_declarator_id[]}
If a method or constructor has no parameters, only an empty pair of parentheses appears in the declaration of the
method or constructor.
It is a compile-time error if a method or constructor parameter that is declared FINAL is assigned to within the
body of the method or constructor.
When the method or constructor is invoked, the values of the actual argument expressions initialize newly
created parameter variables, each of the declared type, before the execution of the body of the method or
constructor. The identifier that appears in the declaratorId may be used as a simple name in the body of
the method or constructor to refer to the formal parameter.
If the last formal parameter is a variable arity parameter of type T, it is considered to define a formal parameter
of type T[]. The method is then a variable arity method. Otherwise, it is a fixed arity method. Invocations of a
variable arity method may contain more actual argument expressions than formal parameters. All the actual
argument expressions that do not correspond to the formal parameters preceding the variable arity parameter
will be evaluated and the results stored into an array that will be passed to the method invocation.
The scope of a parameter of a method or constructor is the entire body of the method or constructor. These
parameter names may not be redeclared as local variables of the method, or as exception parameters of catch
clauses in a try statement of the method or constructor. However, a parameter of a method or constructor may be
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shadowed anywhere inside a class declaration nested within that method or constructor. Such a nested class
declaration could declare either a local class or an anonymous class.
Formal parameters are referred to only using simple names, never by using qualified names.
A THROWS clause is used to declare any checked exceptions that can result from the execution of a method or
A method body is either a block of code that implements the method or simply a semicolon, indicating the lack
of an implementation. The body of a method must be a semicolon if the method is abstract.
An instance method m1 declared in a class C overrides another instance method, m2, declared in class A if all of
the following are true:
1. C is a subclass of A.
3. Either
• m1 overrides a method m3, m3 is distinct from m1, m3 is distinct from m2, such that m3 overrides m2.
Moreover, if m1 is not abstract, then m1 is said to implement any and all declarations of abstract methods that it
If a class declares a STATIC method m, then the declaration m is said to hide any method mi, where the signature
of m is a subsignature of the signature of mi, in the superclasses and superinterfaces of the class that would
otherwise be accessible to code in the class. A compile time error occurs if a static method hides an instance
If two methods of a class (whether both declared in the same class, or both inherited by a class, or one declared
and one inherited) have the same name but signatures that are not override-equivalent, then the method name is
said to be overloaded. This fact causes no difficulty and never of itself results in a compile time error. There is
no required relationship between the return types or between the throws clauses of two methods with the same
name, unless their signatures are override-equivalent.
Methods are overridden on a signature-by-signature basis. If, for example, a class declares two public methods
with the same name, and a subclass overrides one of them, the subclass still inherits the other method. When a
method is invoked, the number of actual arguments (and any explicit type arguments) and the compile time
types of the arguments are used, at compile time to determine the signature of the method that will be invoked.
If the method that is to be invoked is an instance method, the actual method to be invoked will be determined at
run time, using dynamic method lookup.
An instance initializer declared in a class is executed when an instance of the class is created.
STATIC block
Any static initializers declared in a class are executed when the class is initialized and, together with any field
initializers for class variables, may be used to initialize the class variables of the class.
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15. Constructors
constructor_modifier [constructor_modifier]…
type_parameters :
<type_parameter [, type_parameter]…>
{last_formal_parameter | formal_parameters,last_formal_parameter}
{identifier | variable_declarator_id[]}
THROWS exception_type_list
exception_type [, exception_type]…
{class_type | type_variable}
{[explicit_constructor_invocation] [block_statements]}
{THIS([parameter_list]} | SUPER([parameter_list])}
The access modifiers PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and PRIVATE have been discussed above.
It is possible for a constructor to be declared generic, independently of whether the class the constructor is
declared in is itself generic. A constructor is generic if it declares one or more type variables. These type
variables are known as the formal type parameters of the constructor.
The formal parameters and formal type parameters of a constructor are identical in structure and behavior to the
formal parameters and formal type parameters of a method.
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The simple_type_name must be the simple name of the class that contains the constructor declaration;
otherwise a compile-time error occurs. In all other respects, the constructor declaration looks just like a method
declaration that has no result type.
Constructors are invoked by class instance creation expressions and by explicit constructor invocations from
other constructors. Constructors are never invoked by method invocation expressions.
Constructor declarations are not members. They are never inherited and therefore are not subject to hiding or
The THROWS clause for a constructor is identical in structure and behavior to the THROWS clause for a method.
The first statement of a constructor body may be an explicit invocation of another constructor of the same class
or of the direct superclass. If a constructor body does not begin with an explicit constructor invocation and the
constructor being declared is not part of the primordial class Object, then the constructor body is implicitly
assumed by the compiler to begin with a superclass constructor invocation super();, an invocation of the
constructor of its direct superclass that takes no arguments.
Except for the possibility of explicit constructor invocations, the body of a constructor is like the body of a
method. A return statement may be used in the body of a constructor if it does not include an expression.
• Alternate constructor invocations begin with the keyword THIS (possibly prefaced with explicit type
arguments). They are used to invoke an alternate constructor of the same class.
• Superclass constructor invocations begin with the keyword SUPER (possibly prefaced with explicit type
arguments). They are used to invoke a constructor of the direct superclass.
If a class contains no constructor declarations, then a default constructor that takes no parameters is
automatically provided:
• If the class being declared is the primordial class Object, then the default constructor has an empty body.
• Otherwise, the default constructor takes no parameters and simply invokes the superclass constructor with no
A compile time error occurs if a default constructor is provided by the compiler but the superclass does not have
an accessible constructor that takes no arguments.
It follows that if the nullary constructor of the superclass has a THROWS clause, then a compile time error will
16. Instantiation
A class instance creation expression is used to create new objects that are instances of classes.
A class instance creation expression specifies a class to be instantiated, possibly followed by type arguments (if
the class being instantiated is generic), followed by (a possibly empty) list of actual value arguments to the
constructor. It is also possible to pass explicit type arguments to the constructor itself (if it is a generic
constructor). The type arguments to the constructor immediately follow the keyword NEW.
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17. Interfaces
An interface declaration introduces a new reference type whose members are classes, interfaces, named
constants and abstract methods. This type has no implementation, but otherwise unrelated classes can implement
it by providing implementations for its abstract methods.
A nested interface is any interface whose declaration occurs within the body of another class or interface. A top-
level interface is an interface that is not a nested interface.
Programs can use interfaces to make it unnecessary for related classes to share a common abstract superclass or
to add methods to Object.
An interface may be declared to be a direct extension of one or more other interfaces, meaning that it implicitly
specifies all the member types, abstract methods and named constants of the interfaces it extends, except for any
member types and named constants that it may hide.
A class may be declared to directly implement one or more interfaces, meaning that any instance of the class
implements all the abstract methods specified by the interface or interfaces. A class necessarily implements all
the interfaces that it‘s direct superclasses and direct superinterfaces do. This multiple interface inheritance
allows objects to support multiple common behaviors without sharing any implementation.
A variable whose declared type is an interface type may have as its value a reference to any instance of a class
which implements the specified interface. It is not sufficient that the class happen to implement all the abstract
methods of the interface; the class or one of its superclasses must actually be declared to implement the
interface, or else the class is not considered to implement the interface.
type_parameters :
<type_parameter [, type_parameter]…>
The modifiers PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE, and STATIC have been discussed above. Not all modifiers are
applicable to all kinds of interface declarations. The access modifiers PROTECTED and PRIVATE pertain only to
member interfaces within a directly enclosing class declaration. The access modifier STATIC pertains only to
member interfaces. Every interface is implicitly ABSTRACT. This modifier is obsolete and should not be used in
new programs.
Each interface_type in the EXTENDS clause of an interface declaration must name an accessible interface
type; otherwise a compile-time error occurs.
{[ interface_member_declarations ]}
{interface_member_declaration | interface_member_declarations
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All interface members are implicitly PUBLIC. They are accessible outside the package where the interface is
declared if the interface is also declared PUBLIC or PROTECTED.
Every named constant declaration in the body of an interface is implicitly PUBLIC, STATIC, and FINAL. It is
permitted, but strongly discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify any or all of these modifiers.
Every method declaration in the body of an interface is implicitly ABSTRACT and PUBLIC. It is permitted, but
strongly discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify these modifiers.
• An abnormal execution condition was synchronously detected by the Java virtual machine.
• the evaluation of an expression violates the normal semantics of the language, such as integer division by
These exceptions are not thrown at an arbitrary point in the program, but rather at a point where they are
specified as a possible result of an expression evaluation or statement execution.
• An asynchronous exception occurred (for example an internal error has occurred in the virtual machine).
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The possible exceptions in a program are organized in a hierarchy of classes, rooted at class Throwable, a direct
subclass of Object. The classes Exception and Error are direct subclasses of Throwable. The class
RuntimeException is a direct subclass of Exception. Programs can use the pre-existing exception classes in
THROW statements, or define additional exception classes as subclasses of Throwable or of any of its subclasses,
as appropriate. To take advantage of the Java platform‘s compile-time checking for exception handlers, it is
typical to define most new exception classes as checked exception classes, specifically as subclasses of
Exception that are not subclasses of RuntimeException. The class Exception is the superclass of all the
exceptions that ordinary programs may wish to recover from.
A compiler for the Java programming language checks, at compile time, that a program contains handlers for
checked exceptions, by analyzing which checked exceptions can result from execution of a method or
constructor. For each checked exception which is a possible result, the THROWS clause for the method or
constructor must mention the class of that exception or one of the superclasses of the class of that exception.
This compile-time checking for the presence of exception handlers is designed to reduce the number of
exceptions which are not properly handled.
The unchecked exceptions classes are the class RuntimeException and its subclasses, and the class Error and
its subclasses. All other exception classes are checked exception classes. The Java API defines a number of
exception classes, both checked and unchecked. Additional exception classes, both checked and unchecked, may
be declared by programmers.
The checked exception classes named in the THROWS clause are part of the contract between the implementor and
user of the method or constructor. The THROWS clause of an overriding method may not specify that this method
will result in throwing any checked exceptions which the overridden method is not permitted, by its THROWS
clause, to throw. When interfaces are involved, more than one method declaration may be overridden by a single
overriding declaration. In this case, the overriding declaration must have a THROWS clause that is compatible
with all the overridden declarations.
{identifier | variable_declarator_id[]}
A TRY statement executes a block. If an exception is thrown and the TRY statement has one or more CATCH
clauses that can catch it, then control will be transferred to the first such CATCH clause. If the TRY statement has a
FINALLY clause, then another block of code is executed, no matter whether the TRY block completes normally or
abruptly, and no matter whether a CATCH clause is first given control.
A TRY statement may have CATCH clauses (also called exception handlers). A CATCH clause must have exactly
one parameter (which is called an exception parameter); the declared type of the exception parameter must be
the class Throwable or a subclass of Throwable. The scope of a parameter of an exception handler that is
declared in a CATCH clause of a TRY statement is the entire block associated with the CATCH.
If the execution of the TRY block completes abruptly because an exception E has been detected, the exception is
handled in one of the following ways:
• If the run-time type of E is assignable to the parameter of any of the CATCH clauses of the TRY statement, then
the first (leftmost) such CATCH clause is selected. The exception E is assigned to the parameter of the selected
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CATCH clause, and the block of that CATCH clause is executed. If that block completes normally, then the TRY
statement completes normally; if that block completes abruptly for any reason, then the TRY statement
completes abruptly for the same reason.
• If the run-time type of E is not assignable to the parameter of any CATCH clause of the TRY statement, then the
TRY statement completes abruptly.
A THROW statement causes an exception to be thrown. The result is an immediate transfer of control that may
exit multiple statements and multiple constructor, instance initializer, static initializer and field initializer
evaluations, and method invocations until a TRY statement is found that catches the thrown value. If no such TRY
statement is found, then execution of the thread that executed the throw is terminated after invocation of the
uncaughtException method for the thread group to which the thread belongs.
Threads are represented by the Thread class. The only way for a user to create a thread is to create an object of
this class; each thread is associated with such an object.
The details of parallel programming and further language features are beyond the scope of this book.
20. Questions
1. What is the JVM?
3. What is meant by access control? What levels of access does Java distinguish?
6. What is the difference between instance level and class level members?
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Chapter 24. 24 THE FUNCTIONAL
Functions are the focal constructs of the functional paradigm. A program written in a functional (or applicative)
language is composed of type declarations, class declarations, function declarations, function definitions, and an
initial expression. The initial expression is a series of (possibly nested) function calls. The execution of the
program boils down to the evaluation of the initial expression. The evaluation of expressions can be conceived
of as the textual replacement of function calls with the body of function definitions (with the appropriate
parameters). The exact semantics of replacement is determined by the evaluation (transcription) model of the
given language.
In the case of functional languages, the language system cannot be separated from the development
environment. Functional languages are predominantly interactive interpreter-based systems, but they also
contain a compiler. The central component of a functional language is the reduction (transcription) system. The
reduction system is confluent if the order of the transcription of expressions does not affect the outcome.
The most important building blocks of functional programs are custom functions. In theory, custom functions
are the same as the functions of procedural languages. The body of the function determines how the return value
should be calculated in light of the actual parameters. The body consists of functional language expressions.
Functional language systems offer a great number of built-in functions. Custom functions may be defined with
the help of built-in and previously defined functions (function combination).
Most functions of a functional language are recursive by default; it is also possible to define mutually recursive
The reduction of the original expression (based on the evaluation strategy implemented in the language) starts
with the transcription of a reducible sub-expression (redex). Expressions that cannot be reduced any further are
normal form expressions.
With lazy evaluation, the outer redex at the left side of the expression is reduced first. This entails that if the
expression is a function call actual parameters are evaluated only if they are needed (this is essentially the call
by need parameter passing). Lazy evaluation always arrives at the normal form, if such exists.
Eager evaluation starts with the inner redex at the left; actual parameters are evaluated first (call by name
parameter passing). Eager evaluation is often more effective, but it is not guaranteed to terminate, even if the
normal form exists.
1. Questions
1. What is the initial expression?
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Chapter 25. 25 THE LOGIC
The logic paradigm was born in the early 1970‘s when the first logic programming language, Prolog was
released. The logic paradigm builds upon the concepts and features of mathematical logic. Prolog is based on
first-order predicate calculus and the resolution algorithm.
A logical program is a set of logical statements about an abstract model. The statements formalize the attributes
of the elements of the model and the relations between them.
The subset of statements that describe a concrete relation is called a predicate. In general, the execution of a
logic program is the constructive proof of the thesis that follows from the statements. The statements of a
program define a solution environment, and the question (or the task) is formulated in this environment; the
question is answered by the inference engine or theorem-prover.
A statement can be a fact or a rule. Phrase is the umbrella term for statements and questions. Certain logic
languages contain phrases that go beyond the logical paradigm. Declarations refine the application of
predicates, while directives define the run-time environment of the program.
In Prolog, the task of solving a problem is distributed between the programmer, who is responsible only for
ensuring the truth of the programs expressed in logical form, and the theorem-prover, which is responsible for
solving problems efficiently.
Prolog is a general-purpose high-level language. The full version of Prolog contains metalogical and non-logical
language elements beside the logical feature system, and is embedded into an interactive development
environment. First, we introduce the functionality of pure (abstract) Prolog, and then take a look at other
elements at the end of the chapter.
A program written in pure Prolog is a collection of user-defined predicates which do not reference build-in
Prolog is an untyped language with an interpreter. Its character set is standard; certain versions include national
language characters among letters. The language distinguishes between upper case and lower case letters.
The programmer may place a comment after the % sign; comments last until the end of the line.
The building block of Prolog programs is the term, which can be simple or complex. A simple term is a constant
or a variable. Constants are names or numbers.
A name is an identifier which starts with a lower case letter or one of the following characters: +, –, *, /, \, ^, <,
>, =, ~, :, ., ?, @, #, &, $. The following are reserved names: ;, !, [], {}.
A number is a character string that formally corresponds to the integer and real numeric literal of procedural
Variables in Prolog are special since they have no type, and their address is not accessible. The name of a
variable is an identifier that starts with an underscore sign or an upper case letter. The value component is also
managed in a special way. Prolog variables correspond to the unknown of mathematical equations. Prolog
variables are subject to the rule of single assignment. A variable either has a value or not. If the variable does
not have a value, its name represents itself as a character string inside its scope. If the variable has a value
component the name stands for the value component. The value cannot be overwritten. A variable in pure
Prolog receives its value from the Prolog inference engine.
The scope of a variable is the phrase in which its name occurs. An exception to this rule is the variable whose
name is the _ (unnamed variable); every occurrence of _ marks a different variable.
The aim of executing a pure Prolog program is to determine the possible values of the variables in questions.
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It is a general Prolog convention to start the name of variables irrelevant to the result with an underscore sign.
where argument is an arbitrary term, or an arbitrary character string enclosed in single quotes.
Rules consist of a head and a body separated by a delimiter, namely the :- character sequence in Prolog. The
head is a complex term; the body is a sequence of complex terms separated by commas (these are predicates).
Rules are inference rules: the head is true if the body is true; the comma represents a short-circuit and operation.
Variables in Prolog statements are universally quantified, while variables in questions are existentially
Facts are rules without a body, which implies that the body can always be considered true. Questions are rules
without a head, and may express inquiries about which elements of the solution environment make the
predicates true, or may express a ―YES/NO‖ type question.
Any number of rules may have identical heads. In such cases, the relation between the arguments is the union of
the relations between the statements.
father(john,frank). % this is a fact
The Prolog inference engine builds a search tree in the memory and traverses it in a preorder manner. The
engine never builds the tree completely, only the current path is available. The nodes of the tree represent the
actual form of the question; edges are labelled by the variable substitutions performed in the given step.
Answering a question operates on the facts and the rules in the order of writing. Two techniques are available to
solve a question: matching and backtracking.
1. The root of the search tree contains the original question; this is the current node at the beginning of the
program‘s execution.
2. If the body of the question is empty in the current node, a solution is found. The system prints the solution,
and then asks the user if he or she wants another solution. If the user responds with a no, the program ends. If
the user requires further solutions, the search continues at Step 4.
3. If the body of the question is not empty in the current node, the inference engine takes the first predicate of
the body, and performs a match on the first fact. If the match fails, the engine takes the next fact and attempts to
match it. Once a matching fact is found, a new node is created which contains the actual form of the question as
it has left the first predicate. The edge is labelled with the variable substitutions required by the matching.
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If no matching facts are found, the engine tries to match the heads of the rules. If a match is found, a new node
is added to the tree and the edge is labelled. The predicate in the current node is overwritten by the body of the
matching head.
If no facts or heads of rules match, Prolog reports that it has reached a dead end, and continues at Step 4.
Otherwise the new node becomes the current node and execution continues at Step 2.
4. This is the backtracking step. If the current node is the root of the tree the program terminates, and there are
no further solutions (including the case when no solutions have been found at all). Otherwise the current node is
deleted, and the previous node will become the current node; at the same time variable substitutions that label
the edge connecting the two nodes are also deleted. Then the execution continues at Step 3, and tries to find a
match with the help of statements that follow the statements previously used.
1. If both term series to match are empty the algorithm ends (successful match). Otherwise the algorithm
compares the first elements of the two sequences according to Step 2. If these match, the remaining elements of
the sequences are examined as specified in Step 1.
2. If both terms are constants, matching is successful or fails depending on whether the terms are identical as
character strings or not.
4. In the case of two complex terms, matching is unsuccessful if the names of the terms or the number of their
arguments are different. Otherwise the argument sequences are compared as specified in Step 1.
5. If both terms are variables, any one of them can be substituted with the other. Usually statement variables are
assigned values.
6. If only one of the terms is a variable, it is substituted with the other (constant or complex) term.
We are going to illustrate the workings of the matching algorithm with the following example. The tree is of the
following form at the beginning:
Step 4 of the algorithm rules out matching the predicate with facts (because of their different names); however,
Steps 4, 5, and 6 (variable substitution steps) allow the predicate to be matched with the head of the rule.
Following the variable substitution and the single value assignment, the tree is built as follows.
Now the first predicate can be matched with the first fact on the basis of Steps 4 and 6:
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Considering Steps 4 and 2, the second fact matches, while the first fails:
The body of the question is now empty, which means that we have arrived at the first solution: john. Prolog
prints the name and asks if we wish to continue searching for further solutions. Should we continue, backtracks
and dead ends would result in the following tree sequences and no further solutions:
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Since the next step would require the engine to backtrack from the root, the algorithm ends; no further solutions
have been found.
Matching the predicates corresponds to the procedure calls of procedural languages. The call itself is the
predicate, and matching determines which procedure to call. The evaluation of the parameters is characterized
by sequential binding and numerical matching. Matching substitutes parameter passing; finally, the procedure
call is overwritten with the body (similarly to macros).
Variable arguments act as output parameters; other kinds of arguments are input parameters.
The arguments of the ―YES/NO‖ type questions may not contain variables.
Practical problems (e.g. counting) often require solutions where pure logical constructs cannot be applied or
they are not efficient enough. This is where Prolog‘s metalogical features are of great use.
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The expression construct in Prolog is evaluated only in certain contexts. Prolog has built-in operators (e.g.
arithmetic and relational operators), and the programmer is allowed to define custom operators, or even overload
the built-in ones, usually with the help of directives.
The +, -, *, /, ** arithmetic operators of Prolog bear a conventional meaning (the last operator being the
exponentiation operator). Arithmetic operators can be infix or prefix; their operands must be numbers. Note that
these operators are complex term names, i.e. the expression 2+3 in fact corresponds to the complex term
+(2,3). As a result, expressions that contain arithmetic operators are evaluated only in specific contexts, such
as the right side of the infix binary operator is. The is operator expects an arithmetic expression on its right
side, which is evaluated and then matched with the left operand.
The is operator can be employed by the programmer to assign a value to a variable relying on the rules of
matching. Namely, if the left side of the is operator contains a variable which has not been assigned a value yet,
the variable is assigned the value of the right-side expression.
Since the evaluation of an is-expression relies on matching, the expression S is S+1 is completely meaningless.
Namely, if S already has value, matching will be unsuccessful (the values of S and S+1 cannot be identical). If S
has no value, an error occurs (it is impossible to increase a non-existing value by 1).
One of the built-in operators of Prolog is the cut operator !, which has no operands (it is a complex term
without any arguments). The cut operator is used to control the process of searching for solutions. If it occurs in
a question body as a predicate it ―cuts‖ the search tree at the given node; more specifically, the cut operator
causes the program to terminate if a backtrack is required from the given node. The role of the cut operator is
essential in the definition of recursive rules as it helps avoid infinite recursion.
The following example of factorial calculation illustrates the proper use of the cut operator:
factorial(0,X) :- !, X is 1.
Effective programming languages support features like I/O, string handling, exception handling, or graphics.
Such features also exist in Prolog, but these are non-logical predicates, and have no declarative interpretation.
1. Questions
1. Define the following concepts:
• term;
• fact, rule.
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History of Programming Languages T. J. BerginR. G. Gibson Addison-Wesley 1996
The Programming Language Ada, Reference Manual, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 106 Springer-Verlag
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