Different Sources of Water: Description
Different Sources of Water: Description
Different Sources of Water: Description
Water resources are natural resources of water that are potentially useful. Uses of water include
agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. All living things
require water to grow and reproduce. Wikipedia
Water resources include all the things that have to do with water; things are derived from water bodies
and are of great benefits to man and his environment. Water resources are also referred to sources of
water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include for agricultural uses, generation of
electricity, industrial uses, household uses, recreational uses and environmental activities. Some sources
of water include, rain, sea, stream, lake, pond, bore hole and well.
Water possess important economic, legal and political aspects as well as it is not uniformly
distributed all over the surface of the earth, however the knowledge of the physical distribution
of water is basic to the understanding of the social, economic and political problems that
surround water resources management.
Some areas of the earth are blessed with fairly uniform and more than adequate supply for
human needs whereas, many other places have a greater need of water than the supply. Dry
conditions in arid or semi-arid regions exist far much if not throughout the year. Water is in great
demand in dry region and considerable time and efforts are expected by the people of such
region in searching for it, in transporting it to regions of greatest need and in storing it for longer
use. In such areas, water is quite costly and ownership of supply is something to be prized.
Money and labor are required to developed available supplies of water
Even in more humid areas economy enters into the picture for example, to purify existing water
sources for a particular human and industrial purposes, or to keep polluted wastewater out of the
ground water or surface water supplies requires huge sum of money. Since water is vital, for
most domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes, the economy of water is an important issue
in water supply management.
Seawater, or salt water, is water from a sea or ocean. On average, seawater in the world's oceans
has a salinity of about 3.5%. This means that every kilogram of seawater has approximately 35
grams of
Fresh water
Lake type
Fresh water is any naturally occurring water except seawater and brackish water. Fresh water
includes water in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and
even underground water called groundwater. Wikipedia
Groundwater is the water present beneath Earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures
of rock formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can
yield a usable quantity of water. Wikipedia