The Sixth Sense Technology PDF
The Sixth Sense Technology PDF
The Sixth Sense Technology PDF
Mandar Ghate
Department Of Computers, Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Pratisthans College Of Engineering, Mumbai.
[email protected]
Contact no. 8082495498/9029019950.
Abstract— Sixth Sense is a wearable gestural interface that augments objects or even people and project out information regarding what
the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use you are looking at.
natural hand gestures to interact with that information. Steve Mann is Sixth Sense Technology is a perception of augmented reality
considered as the father of Sixth Sense Technology who made concept. Sixth Sense is in fact, about comprehending information
wearable computer in 1990. He implemented the Sixth Sense more than our available senses. And today there is not just this
Technology as the neck worn projector with a camera system (which physical world from where we get information but also the digital
Mann originally referred to as “Synthetic Synesthesia of the Sixth world which has become a part of our life. This digital world is now
Sense”). He was a media lab student at that time. Then his work was as important to us as this physical world. And with the internet the
carried forward by Pranav Mistry (Ph.D student in the Fluid digital world can be expanded many times the physical world. God
Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab). By using a camera and a hasn’t given us sense to interact with the digital world so we have
tiny projector, Sixth Sense sees what you see and visually augments created them like smartphones, tablets, computers, laptops, net books
any surfaces or objects we are interacting with. It projects and other gadgets. These gadgets enable us to communicate with the
information onto surfaces, walls and physical objects around us, and digital world around us.
lets us interact with the projected information through natural hand But we are humans and our physical body isn’t meant for digital
gestures, arm movements, or our interaction with the object itself. world so we can’t interact directly to the digital world. For instance
This wearable gestural interface attempts to free information from its we press keys to dial a number; we type text to search it and so on.
confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality, and thus making This means for an individual to communicate with the digital world
the entire world your computer. To a layman, it would be something he/she must learn it. We don’t communicate directly and efficiently
supernatural. Some might just consider it as a superstition or to the digital world as we do with the real world. The Sixth Sense
something psychological. But the invention of Sixth Sense Technology is all about interacting to the digital world in most
Technology has completely shocked the world. Although it is not efficiency and direct world.
widely known as of now but the time is not far when this technology
will change our perception of the world. COMPONENTS
INTRODUCTION The devices which are used in Sixth Sense Technology are:
We've evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. 1. Camera.
When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our 2. Coloured Marker.
five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information 3. Mobile Component.
helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. But 4. Projector.
arguably the most useful information that can help us make the right 5. Mirror.
decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the
data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated
about everything and which is increasingly all available online.
Although the miniaturization of computing devices allows us to carry
computers in our pockets, keeping us continually connected to the
digital world, there is no link between our digital devices and our
interactions with the physical world. Information is confined
traditionally on paper or digitally on a screen. Sixth Sense bridges
this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible
world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural
hand gestures. Sixth Sense Technology is the newest jargon that has
proclaimed its presence in the technical arena. This technology has
emerged, which has its relation to the power of these six senses. Our
ordinary computers will soon be able to sense the different feelings
accumulated in the surroundings and it is all a gift of the “Sixth
Sense Technology” newly introduced. Sixth Sense will allow us to
interact with our world like never before. We can get information on 1.Camera:
anything we want from anywhere within a few moments! We will It captures the image of the object in view and tracks the user’s hand
not only be able to interact with things on a whole new level but also gesture. The camera recognizes individuals, images, pictures,
with the people! One great part of the device is its ability to scan gestures that user makes with his hand. The camera then sends this
data to a smartphone for processing. Basically the camera forms a 4. The information that is interpreted through the smartphone can be
digital eye which connects to the world of digital information. projected into any surface.
2. Coloured Marker: 5. The mirror reflects the image on to a desired surface.
There are colour markers placed at the tip of users fingers. Marking
the user’s fingers with red, yellow, green and blue coloured tape
helps the webcam to recognize the hand gestures. The movements
and arrangement of these markers are interpreted into gestures that
act as a interaction instruction for the projected application
3. Mobile Component:
The Sixth Sense device consists of a web enabled smartphone which
process the data send by the camera. The smartphone searches the
web and interprets the hand gestures with the help of the coloured
markers placed at the finger tips. Basic processing works on
computer vision algorithms where approx. 50,000 lines of code are
used written in Symbian C++.
4. Projector:
The information that is interpreted through the smartphone can be
projected into any surface. The projector projects the visual
information enabling surfaces and physical objects to be used as
interfaces. The projector itself consists of a battery which have 3
hours of battery life. A Tiny LED projector displays the data sent
from the smartphone on any surface in view-object, wall or person.
The downward facing projector projects the image on to a mirror.
The usage of a mirror is important as the projector dangles pointing
downward from the neck. The mirror reflects the image on to a desire The Sixth Sense Technology finds a lot of applications in the modern
surface. Thus finally the digital image is freed from its confines and world. The Sixth Sense devices bridge the gap by bringing yhe
placed in the physical world. digital world into the real world and in the process allowing the users
to interact with the information without the help of any machine
KINDS OF GESTURES RECOGNIZED interfaces. Prototypes of the Sixth Sense device have demonstrated
viability, usefulness and flexibility of this new technology.
The software recognizes three kinds of gestures: Acoording to the words of its developers the extend of use of this
new device is only limited bythe imagination of human beings.Some
1.Multi-Touch Gestures: practical apllications of the Sixth Sense Technology is given below:
Like the ones we see in the iphone-where we touch the screen and
make the map move by pinching and dragging. 1.Viewing Map:
With the help of a map application the user can call upon any map of
2. Freehand Gestures: his/her choice and navigate through them by projecting the map on to
Like when you take a picture or Namaste gesture to start the any surface. By using the thumb and index fingers movements the
projection on the wall. user can zoom in, zoom out or pan the selected map.
3. Iconic Gestures:
Drawing an icon in the air. Like, whenever we draw a star, shows us
the weather details. When we draw a magnifying glass, shows us the
1.It captures the image of the object in view and track the user’s hand
2. There are colour markers placed at the tip of users finger. Marking
the user’s fingers with red, yellow, green and blue coloured tape
helps the webcam to recognize the hand gestures. The movements
and arrrangement of these markers are interpreted into gestures that
act as a interaction instruction for the projected application
interfaces. 2. Taking Pictures:
3. The smartphone searches the web and interprets the hand gestures Another application of Sixth Sense devices is the implementation of
with the help of the coloured markers placed at the finger tips. a gestural camera. This camera takes the photo of the location user is
looking at by detecting the framing gesture. After taking the desired
number of photos we can project them onto any surfaces and then use
gestures to sort through those photos and organize and resize them.
6. Getting Information:
Sixth Sense devices can be used for getting various information
relating to our everyday life by getting in contact with objects.
(a)Product information:
3. Drawing Application: Sixth Sense Technology uses marker technology or image
The drawing application allows the user you to draw on any surface recognition techniques to recognize the objetcs we pick in our hand
by tracking the fingertip movements of the user’s index finger. The and then provide information realting to the product.
pictures that are drawn by the user can be stored and replaced on any
other surface. The user can also shuffle through various pictures and (b) Book Information:
drawing by using the hand gesture movements. By holding and shuffling through the book pages, the Sixth Sense
provides Amazon ratings on that book, other reviews and other
4. Making Calls: relevant things related to the book.
We can make calls with the help of Sixth Sense device. The Sixth
Sense device is used to protect the keyboard into your palm and (c) Flight Updates:
using that virtual keypad we can make calls to anyone. With the help of the Sixth Sense Technology it is no longer required
to log into any sites for checking the status of the flights. The system
will recognize your boarding pass and let you know whether the
flight is on time or not.
One of the main advantages of the Sixth Sense devices is its small
size and portability. It can be easily carried around without any
difficulty. The prototype of the Sixth Sense is designed in such a way
that it gives more importance to the portability factor. All the devices
are light in weight and the smartphone can easily fit into the user’s
In this paper, I would like to acknowledge Mr. Pranav Mistry for the
Radio Frequency Identification: great and deep research work he has done in this field.
Radio frequency identification systems transmit the identity of an
object wirelessly, using radio magnetic waves. The main purpose of a REFERENCES
radio frequency identification system is to enable the transfer of a
data via a poratble device. The portable device is commonly kknown 1.
as a tag. The data send by the tag is received and processed by a
reader according to the needs of the application. The data send send
by the tag cotains varioous information’s identification or location of 2.
the information, or specifies aboout the product that has been tagged, 039-Device-Created-at-MIT-103879.shtml
for example price, colour, date of purchase,etc. This technology
gained imporatance because of its ability to track moving object. A 3.
typical radio frequency tag consists of a microchip attached to a radio
antenna which is mounted on a substrate. To retrieve data from the
tag a reader is needed. A typical radio frequency reader consists of
two antennas that emit radio waves and at the same time are capable 4.
of accepting the signals from the tag. The reader then passes the se.html
information that it has received to a computer device in digital
format. The computer then interprets this digital data and processes 5.
it. Radio frequency identification tehniques are widely used in the
fields like asset tracking, supply chain management, manufacturing,
payment systems,etc. One of the major advantages of devices using
radio frequency technology over other similar devices is that RFID 6.
devices need not be positioned precisely relative to the scanner. But TRID=816
till then there are certain areas of concern fot this technology. Some
problem realted to this technology is tag collosion and reader 7.
collision. Usually the reader collision occurs when the signals from
the signals from two or more readesr overlap, while tag collision
occurs when many tags are present in a small area.