DLL Sci G8 Feb. 26-March 2
DLL Sci G8 Feb. 26-March 2
DLL Sci G8 Feb. 26-March 2
F. Developing mastery What are anthropods? It carries and transmits through its What is notochord? What are the characteristics of bony
(leads to Formative Assessment bite the virus that causes dengue. and cartilaginous fish?
3) What can you do to prevent
G. Finding practical application of Have you observed what How does the adult of this mosquito How do these vertebrae protect the How do these characteristics help
concepts and skills in daily living grasshoppers, spiders, crabs and look animals? them cope their daily living?
centipedes have in common?
H. Making generalizations and How do arthropods differ from What can you do to stop the What was the highest form of Can you give the similarities between
abstractions about the lesson echinoderms? reproduction of the dengue virus- vertebrates? vertebrae and fishes.
carrying mosquito?
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation