Contingency Plan: Pre-Production
Contingency Plan: Pre-Production
Contingency Plan: Pre-Production
Keep in email contact and work from
home, send Pre-Production
paperwork to your cast / crew and
continue to make decisions. Pre-
Production paperwork to be found in
the Pre-Production area on Moodle.
No Camera Equipment
Make an earlier opportunity to film or
agree to share with other production
Damaged Footage
Have a multiple amount of footage
for certain shots and download to
computer asap.
Location no longer available
Find an alternative location that fits our
vision of the scene or change the scenes
location to fit our resources at hand.
Some cast back out Plan some backup actors who are willing to
step in if the main ones can’t make it
Continuity problems (This could be Plan a time to record which the areas
changing weather patterns, time of day, should be near empty and make sure to
unwanted public etc.) check the weather before we go out to film.
Too many people walking around too If the area we plan to film in gets to busy
film then we will move to a new similar location
which has the same view of what we are
looking are
Weather suddenly changing If the weather goes from sun to rain, then
we will create a plan to film on another day
when people are available and set it at the
same time, so the lighting should be ok.