Demeter Presentation
Demeter Presentation
Demeter Presentation
Business Overview
Years in Financial
• Karvy Group is a premier integrated financial services provider, ranked among the Top-5 in Services
the country across its business segments with high reputation and financial strength
• Member of BSE, NSE, MCX, NCDX, MCX-SX and registered with NSDL, CDSL, RBI and SEBI 467
Service Offerings
• Equity & Commodity Broking • Realty Services
• Depository Participant • Registry Services for Corporate Franchisees
• Distribution of Financial Products • Merchant Banking
• Forex & Currencies • Insurance Repository
• Wealth Management • Investment Advisory
• Portfolio Management • NBFC ET 500
Marquee Base Of Investors
Touch Points
56 l 177
27% 1,500 Cr
Telangana Orissa 60%
20 l 27 14 l 43
Robust Macro Fundamentals with Growing Uptrend >7% GDP Growth Rate 1
Improving Regulatory Framework Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Note (1) World Bank Indicators Database, 2017 (2) RBI Inflation Targeting – Urjit Patel Committee, 2014 (3) IMF, RBI Weekly Statistical Supplement, Dec 2017 (4)
PTI - “RBI Raises Foreign Investment Limit in Bond Market” BLOOMBERG- “India’s Corporate Bond Market Heats Up”
REDIFF- “FPI Renew Interest in Indian Bonds” ET BUREAU – “Exuberance in Debt Market”
Public Bond Market Capitalisation as % of GDP Private Bond Market Capitalisation as % of GDP
80% 130%
30% 32% 32%
chile India China UK Singapore USA Italy India Singapore China UK Spain USA
Note (1) Calculated using BIS Statistics for Debt Securities Issues & Amounts Outstanding, SEBI Outstanding Corporate Bonds Data &
Cumulative Debt Outstanding Repo Rate & Sovereign Yield Bond Return & Sovereign Yield
(Rs. Lakhs Crores)
92.0 8.2%
81.4 8.0% 11.5%
71.3 10.6%
7.5% 7.5%
8.2% 8.0%
6.0% 6.7%
FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17
Note: (1) * Repo Rate as on Dec 08, 2017 (2) ^ 10 Year Government Bond Yield as on Dec 01, 2017 (3) ** Bond Return Calculated based on NIFTY Corporate Bond Index as on Oct 03, 2017
Public Sector Banks while being recapitalized by Banks are currently facing Rs. 8,29,3382
Rs. 2.11 lakh crore1 would be able to grow their Crores of NPAs and will only see higher
credit by only 10%-15% post adjusting for provisioning going forward
provisions and write-offs
Excess supply in sectors like Steel, Real estate
Poor Profitability has led to limited to fund etc can further aggravate the situation
generation from internal accruals
Difficult to raise capital from outside sources RBI has become more vigilant & forcing banks
due to weak operating performance to make aggressive provision in riskier loans
Infrastructure sector alone would need more than Rs 50 lakh crores3 by 2022 to fund the capital expenditure
Source: (1) (2) NPAs in Banks (June 2017) , CARE (Aug 2017)
270% of Corporate Bonds witnessed 270%
growth in term of amount raised
500 6,407
1,404 5,500.0
500 1,041
3,615 4,041 4,500.0
500 2,188
1,733 2,500.0
500 1,500.0
FY 09 FY 11 FY 13 FY 15 FY 17
Amount raised via Private Placement of Corporates Bonds rose 40% to Rs. 6,400 Billion
in Financial Year 2017 against Rs. 4,041 Billion in Financial Years 2016
• Market prefers very safe AA and above
• Customised solutions needed to address industry rated assets which has resulted in a thin
or business requirements compared to market for lower rated bonds
standardized solutions offered by banks
• This has resulted in the exclusion of small
• Funding needed for specific purposes like and medium enterprises, which are
Acquisitions, PE Exits which are generally not generally rated between AA and BBB,
given by Banks from the debt market
• Secondary market activity is also marginal
• Faster deal closure in relation to Banks which take
with most of the volumes dominated by a
inordinate time due to credit logjam
few large issuances by PSUs and banks
• Preference Capital
Benchmark S&P BSE India Corporate Bond Index
Moderate to High
Note: (1) * Demeter is a moderate risk instrument compared to bank FD and thus returns may be higher compared to the same
Demeter PMS strives to seek interest income as well as capital appreciation by investing in debt securities and
trading in debt securities in the secondary market.
Note: (1) * Refers to cash corporate benefits paid out by Company whose debt instrument the portfolio is subscribed to (2) ^Demeter is a moderate risk instrument compared to bank FD and thus returns may be higher
compared to the same. To view weighted average returns of the portfolio, please refer to the Disclosure Document. Performance is net of transaction costs and before management fees. Past performance may or may
not be sustained in the future. Returns of individual clients may vary depending on time of entry.
Kedar Deshpande Phani Sekhar Ponangi Santosh Natrajan Punita Sood Sohal
Director Fund Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager
• Kedar has been serving as • 13+ years of experience in • 10+ years of experience in • 20+ years of experience in
Director since 2015. Prior to Indian Markets on sell and credit analysis of SMEs & Financial Services
this, he was country head buy side debt and equity Corporate with a strong • Expertise in Structuring and
for Karvy Stock Broking . background in credit
• Previously, worked as Fund Investment Structuring
• He is the founder of Repeat underwriting and credit
Manager for Angel Broking Activities and has advised
Purchase India Pvt Ltd & ratings
and managed Equity on various complex
Financial Catalysts Pvt Ltd Midcap and Large-cap • Evaluated innumerable structuring transactions in
• He has set up Edelweiss Portfolio for 8 years with SMEs in his previous roles individual capacity
Broking retail business. Prior stellar returns for investors in a Leading Private Bank • Qualified Engineer & MBA
to that he worked as retail and Credit Rating Agency
• Holds the CFA and CAIA
business head of charters • Chartered Accountant and M.Com from Mumbai
• MBA from Pune University • MBA in Finance and BE in
Mechanical Engineering
Growing profit & Ensures regular Preference for Top priority while
sustainable ROE servicing businesses with investing
Sector-agnostic investment philosophy with a focus on growing companies with profitable track record
Preference Capital: Ideal for Investors in the Highest Marginal Bracket because of Post Tax Yield nature
Commercial Paper: Debt instruments with maturity of less than one year
Pass Through Certificates: Securitized Debt
Available^ NA NA
Periodic Payouts
Note: (1) * Subject to exit load (2) Subject to exit load and regular servicing of obligations by the Investee Company (3) ^ Refers to cash corporate benefits paid out by Company whose debt instrument the portfolio is subscribed to
(4) # Demeter is a moderate risk instrument as compared to Bank FD and therefore, the returns may be higher as compared to Bank FD. (5) These are the views of Karvy Capital Limited
Low Bank
5% - 7% 8% - 11% 15%-17%
Pre-tax Returns*
Note: (1) * This is the XIRR. To view weighted average returns, please refer to the Disclosure Document. Performance is net of transaction costs and before management fees. Past performance may or may not be sustained in
future. Returns of individual clients may vary depending on time of entry. (2) Demeter is a moderate risk instrument as compared to Bank FD and thus returns compared to the same may be higher.
Daily Average NAV of the
Management 1.50 % p.a. Quarterly/Monthly~
Upto 2.50 % On each corpus infusion Corpus
3% in 1st Year,
2% in 2nd Year,
Exit Load 1% in 3rd Year On Exit NAV of the Portfolio^
& NIL thereafter
Note: (1) All charges are exclusive of GST. These charges are stated as an example. Actual charges will be levied as per agreement between client and portfolio manager at time of opting for PMS . For other charges levied on
actual, for details please refer the Disclosure Document. (2) ^ Inclusive of all securities and cash/ bank balances. (3)~ as agreed with the client.
Katalyst Software
Services Pvt. Ltd.
Chemicals Ltd.
Satin Credit Care Pudhuaaru Financial
Network Ltd. Services Pvt. Ltd.
Nov 2016 Jan 2017 FY 2018E
Domestic Clients
• INR 11 Cr • Commencement of • INR 200 Cr
Investment through the Plant Revenue
Fully Redeemable
100+ Preference Capital • INR 5 Cr Revenue • 60% YoY Revenue
per month from Growth
International Clients • Utilization: new plant
Expansion of • 16% Profit Margin
capacity by 1x at
Crisil Rating
Karvy Capital Limited (Karvy), a wholly owned subsidiary of Karvy Stock Broking Limited, is an Investment NBFC registered with the RBI and also acts as Sponsor and Manager
to Karvy Capital Alternative Investment Fund (Trust)apart from being a SEBI registered portfolio manager bearing registration number INP000004524.The information and
views presented here, pertaining to the portfolio management services[PMS] offered by Karvy Capital Limited [Karvy] are prepared by Karvy and are subject to change without
any notice. Also there are references to data collected from third parties, public sources and sources believed to be reliable but no independent verification has been made
nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. This presentation and information herein is solely for informational purpose and may not be used or considered as an offer
document or invitation or solicitation of any kind to subscribe or to use PMS offered by Karvy and is not intended to create any rights or obligations. This presentation and
information contained herein is strictly confidential and meant solely for the selected recipient and may not be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed, in
part or in whole, to any other person or to the media or reproduced in any form, without prior written consent of Karvy. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future
performance. Karvy and its Group companies or any person connected with it accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of this presentation or for the consequences of
any actions taken on the basis of the information provided therein or for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of this presentation. Karvy and its affiliates,
officers, directors, and employees worldwide may from time to time, be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities/commodities and earn brokerage or other
compensation or act as a market maker in the securities/commodities discussed herein or have other potential conflict of interest with respect to any recommendation and
related information and opinions. Karvy operates from within India and is subject to Indian regulations. This presentation is not directed or intended for distribution to, or use
by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction, where such distribution, publication, availability or use
would be contrary to law, regulation or which would subject Karvy or its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. Certain category of
investors in certain jurisdictions may or may not be eligible to avail the PMS offered by Karvy as mentioned in this presentation. Persons in whose possession this document
may come are required to inform themselves of and to observe such restriction. Nothing in this presentation constitutes investment, legal, accounting and tax advice or a
representation that is suitable or appropriate to your specific circumstances. The information given in this document on tax is for guidance only, and should not be construed
as tax advice. Investors are advised to consult their respective tax advisers to understand the specific tax incidence applicable to them. While we would endeavor to update
the information herein on reasonable basis, Karvy, its associated companies, their directors and employees (“Karvy Group”) are under no obligation to update or keep the
information current. Also, there may be regulatory, compliance or other reasons that may prevent Karvy from doing so. Karvy will not treat recipients as customers by virtue of
their receiving this brochure. The PMS discussed and opinions expressed in this presentation may not be suitable for all recipients, who must make their own investment
decisions, based on their own investment objectives, financial positions and needs of specific recipient. This may not be taken in substitution for the exercise of independent
judgment by any recipient. Persons interested in availing the portfolio management services from Karvy are advised to read and understand the Disclosure Document and its
annexures and other documents provided by Karvy to get acquainted with the terms and conditions of the offering and the risks associated therein prior to availing the said
service. Except for the historical information contained herein, statements in this presentation which contain words or phrases such as 'will', 'expected to', etc., and similar
expressions or variations of such expressions may constitute 'forward-looking statements'. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and
other factors that could cause actual results, opportunities and growth potential to differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking statements. Prospective
investors and others are cautioned that any forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. Karvy’s proprietary trading and
investment businesses may make investment decisions that are inconsistent with the recommendations expressed herein. Karvy Group may have issued other reports that are
inconsistent with and reach different conclusion from the information presented in this document.
Registration Nos
SEBI: INP000004524 I AIF: IN/AIF 3/13-14/0045 I NBFC: B-13.00462