Existing Investor'S Folio Number Unit Holding Options: Transaction Charges OR
Existing Investor'S Folio Number Unit Holding Options: Transaction Charges OR
Existing Investor'S Folio Number Unit Holding Options: Transaction Charges OR
Application No. WEB FORM
Internal Code for Sub-broker/ Employee
I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only”
EUIN transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above
distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship First Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Declaration manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.
RIA “I/We hereby give you my/our consent to share/provide the transactions data feed/portfolio holdings/ NAV etc.
in respect of my/our investments under Direct Plan of all Schemes managed by you, to the above mentioned First Holder Second Holder Third Holder
Declaration SEBI-Registered Investment Adviser/ RIA”
TRANSACTION CHARGES (Please ü any one of the below) (Refer Instruction No. S)
I am a first time investor in mutual funds (` 150 will be deducted) OR I am an existing investor in mutual funds (` 100 will be deducted)
Applicable for transactions routed through a distributor who has 'opted in' for transaction charges. Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered
distributor based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including service rendered by the distributor.
(To be filed in case of demat holding only) (If you have an existing folio with KYC validated, please mention here)
4 FIRST APPLICANT'S DETAILS (Please refer to the Instruction No. A, C, D, R) All fields are mandatory. Gender Male Female
Name (As in PAN
card/KYC records)
Date of birth
(1st Holder / Minor) D D M M Y Y Y Y KIN KYC Identification Number CKYC Form Supplementary CKYC Form
*Aadhar No. GSTIN
Please fill your GSTIN
(*Compulsory) (if applicable).
Name of the Only for Minor
PAN / PERN Date of Birth (Guardian) D
(Guardian) D M M Y Y Y Y
Country of Birth Place of Birth Nationality
For Investments "On behalf of Minor" Passport Specify
(Please provide document for proof of DOB) Birth Certificate School Certificate Other
Guardian named above is Natural Guardian Court Appointed
Correspondence address
(Please note: Address will be replaced as per KYC records)
Resident Individual NRI Repatriation NRI-Non-Repartiation Partnership Pvt. Sector Service Public Sector Defence
Foreign National Resident in India Sole Proprietorship NPO Company Gov. Service Housewife Professional
Status Occupation
Minor through guardian Trust HUF AOP PIO BOI OCI LLP Retired Business Agriculturist Student
Body Corporate Society/Club FPI NPO Other Specify Forex Dealer Other Specify
Address of tax residence would be taken as available in KRA database. In case of any change please approach KRA & notify the changes
Type of address given at KRA Residential or Business Residential Business Registered Office
Permissible documents are Passport Election ID Card PAN Card Govt. ID Card Driving License UIDAI Card NREGA Job Card Others specify
Are you FATCA Compliant with CAMS Registrar (Please ü any one) Yes No (if no, please fill below details)
(If yes, please indicate all countries in which you are resident for
Are you a tax resident of any country other than India? Yes No tax purposes and the associated Tax ID Numbers below.)
Tax Identification Number Identification Type If TIN is not available (Please tick ü the reason
Sr. No. Country of Tax Residency#
or Functional Equivalent% (TIN or Other, please specify) A, B or C (Refer FATCA / CRS Instructions))
1. à Reason A B C
2. à Reason A B C
3. à Reason A B C
To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen / green card holder of the USA. %In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide its functional equivalent ...Continued Overleaf
Net-worth* in ` as on D D M M Y Y Is the entity involved in any of the following:
*Not older than one year Foreign Exchange/ Money Changer Yes No
Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Related to a PEP Gaming/ Gambling/ Lottery (casinos, betting syndicates) Yes No
Not Applicable Money Lending/ Pawning Yes No
Source of Wealth
In case of business / profession,
indicate the details (Including
nature of goods/ services dealt in)
Any other information
SECOND APPLICANT'S DETAILS (All fields are mandatory) Gender Male Female
Name (As in PAN card/
KYC records)
E-mail Id Mobile
/PERN KIN KYC Identification Number CKYC Form Supplementary CKYC Form
*Aadhar Date of KYC Acknowledgment
Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Enclosed Attested PAN card copy
Country of Birth Place of Birth Nationality
Status Resident Individual Foreign National Resident in India Gross Annual Income <1L 1-5L 5-10L 10-25L >25L
NRI Repatriation Net-worth* in ` as on D D M M Y Y
*Not older than one year
Other Specify Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Related to a PEP
Not Applicable
Occupation Source of Wealth
Pvt. Sector Service Public Sector Gov. Service
In case of business/profession,
Housewife Defence Professional Retired
indicate the details (Including
Business Agriculturist Student Forex Dealer nature of goods/ services dealt in)
Other Specify Any other information
Address of tax residence would be taken as available in KRA database. In case of any change please approach KRA & notify the changes
Type of address given at KRA Residential or Business Residential Business Registered Office
Permissible documents are Passport Election ID Card PAN Card Govt. ID Card Driving License UIDAI Card NREGA Job Card Others specify
Are you FATCA Compliant with CAMS Registrar (Please ü any one) Yes No (if no, please fill below details)
(If yes, please indicate all countries in which you are resident for
Are you a tax resident of any country other than India? Yes No tax purposes and the associated Tax ID Numbers below.)
Tax Identification Number Identification Type If TIN is not available (Please tick ü the reason
Sr. No. Country of Tax Residency#
or Functional Equivalent% (TIN or Other, please specify) A, B or C (Refer FATCA / CRS Instructions))
1. à Reason A B C
2. à Reason A B C
3. à Reason A B C
To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen / green card holder of the USA. %In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide its functional equivalent
THIRD APPLICANT'S DETAILS POA / PROPRIETOR / GUARDIAN (All fields are mandatory) Gender Male Female
Name (As in PAN card/
KYC records)
E-mail Id Mobile
/PERN KIN KYC Identification Number CKYC Form Supplementary CKYC Form
*Aadhar Date of KYC Acknowledgment
Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Enclosed Attested PAN card copy
Country of Birth Place of Birth Nationality
Status Resident Individual Foreign National Resident in India Gross Annual Income <1L 1-5L 5-10L 10-25L >25L
For Financial Transactions For Non Financial Queries/Requests Please note our investor
Toll free 1-800-2-666688 Toll free 1-800-300-66688
Available between 8.00 am to Available between 8.00 am to service email id www.idfcmf.com
7.00 pm on business days only. 7.00 pm on business days only. [email protected]
(If yes, please indicate all countries in which you are resident for
Are you a tax resident of any country other than India? Yes No tax purposes and the associated Tax ID Numbers below.)
Tax Identification Number Identification Type If TIN is not available (Please tick ü the reason
Sr. No. Country of Tax Residency#
or Functional Equivalent% (TIN or Other, please specify) A, B or C (Refer FATCA / CRS Instructions))
1. à Reason A B C
2. à Reason A B C
3. à Reason A B C
To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen / green card holder of the USA. %In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide its functional equivalent.
Ø Reason A à The country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue Tax Identification Number to its residents. Ø Reason B à No TIN required. (select this reason Only if
the authorities of the respective country of tax residence do not require the TIN to be collected) Ø Reason C à others, please state the reason thereof.
5 BANK DETAILS (Mandatory) Redemption / Dividend / Refund payouts will be credited into this bank account in case it is in the current list of banks with
whom IDFC MF has DC facility (Please refer to the Instruction No. I)
Mode of payment Self Third Party Payment (Please fill the ‘Third Party Payment Declaration Form’)
Payment mode Instrument/ IDFC OTM no. Amount (Rs.) Account No. Account type
Cheque/ DD Savings
RTGS/ NEFT Current
DD Charges (if any) Bank & Branch
Funds Transfer NRO
...Continued Overleaf
Folio No. /
Application No.
• This is to confirm the declaration has been carefully read, understood & made by me/us. I am authorizing the user entity/corporate to debit my account, based on the instructions as agreed & signed by me.
• I have understood that I am authorised to cancel/amend this mandate by a appropriately communicating the cancellation/ammendent request to the user entitly/corporate or the bank where I have authorised the debit.
SIP DETAILS (Please fill in IDFC OTM available on previous page)
Monthly SIP Top-up%
SIP date* Installment Amount From To Date
Scheme (any date
(Rs.) Top-up Frequency
except Date (default Dec 2099)
29,30,31) Amount (Rs.) (default yearly)
8 NOMINATION DETAILS Individuals (single or joint applicants) are advised to avail Nomination facility. Witness Name Signature
I/We DO NOT wish to nominate and sign here 1st Applicant signature (mandatory)
Nominee 1 D DMMY Y Y Y
Nominee 2 D DMMY Y Y Y
Nominee 3 D DMMY Y Y Y
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
First / Sole Applicant /
Guardian / Second Applicant Third Applicant POA Holder
Authorised Signatory