United States Patent To: 58) Field of Search ........ 260/671 P, 672 T, 671 R, 260/671 C
United States Patent To: 58) Field of Search ........ 260/671 P, 672 T, 671 R, 260/671 C
United States Patent To: 58) Field of Search ........ 260/671 P, 672 T, 671 R, 260/671 C
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U.S. Patent Feb. 15, 1977 4,008,290
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In the past it has been customary to control the temper
CUMENE PRODUCTION ature rise by catalyzing the reaction in multiple sepa
rate zones and employing a quenching medium be
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED tween each of several successive alkylation zones. This
APPLICATIONS 5 quenching has served to control the temperature at
This application is a continuation-in-part application which the reaction mixture enters each successive Zone
of a copending application Ser. No. 557,010, filed Mar. and thus the temperature rise throughout each Zone.
10, 1975, and now abandoned. The temperature rise from inlet to outlet of the reactor
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION has also been controlled by controlling the molar ex
10 cess of benzene charged to the reactor, the benzene
This invention relates to an improved process for acting as a heat sink to absorb heat released by the
producing cumene from benzene and propylene in the alkylation reaction. Accordingly, increasing the molar
presence of an alkylation catalyst. It also relates to excess of benzene charged to the reactor, with a corre
transalkylating di- and triisopropylbenzene with ben sponding dilution of the propylene reactant therein, not
Zene in the presence of a transalkylation catalyst to 15 only provides more aromatic sites subject to alkylation
produce cumene. and a resulting reduction in oligomers and over alkyl
The present invention is broadly applicable to the ated by-products, but also reduces the formation of
production of alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons. These undesirable by-products resulting from an excessive
compounds are useful in themselves and more fre temperature rise across an alkylation zone or zones.
quently in subsequent chemical synthesis of other com 20 To obtain the desired high molar excess of benzene in
pounds. The present invention is particularly applica the reactor charge, it has been the practice to separate
ble to the production of cumene, or isopropylbenzene, the reaction zone effluent to obtain a benzene-rich
which is a reactant finding utility in the preparation of stream suitable to recycle to the reactor. Since the two
phenol, acetone, alphamethylstyrene and acetophe principal components of the reaction zone effluent are
none. Another application of the process of the present 25 benzene and cumene, it is necessary to make a separa
invention may be found in the preparation of p-cymene tion of the benzene and cumene, the latter being the
which may be oxidized to produce p-cresol. A further higher boiling component. Consequently, to obtain a
application of the process is in the alkylation of a sub purified stream of benzene relatively free of cumene
stituted aromatic compound such as phenol, which and suitable for recycling to the reaction zone, benzene
when alkylated with isobutylene forms o-tertiary-butyl 30 is vaporized and fractionated, thus requiring consump
phenol and p-tertiary-butylphenol, both of which find tion of substantial heat to vaporize benzene and pro
utility in the resin field. vide adequate reflux in a benzene fractionator, the heat
As above stated, the present invention finds particu requirement being substantially proportional to the
lar application in the preparation of cumene. In the ratio of benzene to propylene desired in the charge to
usual commercial process for the production of cu 35 the reactor. At the present time, relatively high fuel
mene, it is the practice to charge liquid benzene and cost necessitates review of processes requiring high
liquid propylene into a reactor and to react the same utility consumption with the result that alternative pro
therein in one or more alkylation zones in contact with cessing schemes which previously were unattractive are
an alkylation catalyst. In order to minimize the produc becoming more desirable if utility consumption is re
tion of dialkylated products of benzene it has been the 40 duced.
practice to maintain a molar excess of benzene SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
throughout the reaction zone ranging from about 4:1 to
about 16:1, and more preferably about 8:1 of benzene An object of the present invention is to provide an
to propylene. Two competing reactions with the de improved process for the alkylation of benzene with
sired production of isopropylbenzene have created 45 propylene to produce cumene in the presence of an
problems in the prior commercial processes used. One alkylation catalyst. A specific object of this invention is
of these as indicated above has been the formation of to reduce utility consumption in a process for the alky
dialkylated benzenes such as di- and triisopropylben lation of benzene with propylene to produce cumene in
zene rather than the desired monoalkylated product. the presence of an alkylation catalyst. A more specific
This competing reaction has been controlled by means 50 object of this invention is to provide a process for the
of employing large molar excesses of benzene as indi alkylation of benzene with propylene to produce cu
cated above. The other competing reaction causing mene in the presence of a solid phosphoric acid cata
losses in the yield of cumene based on propylene reac lyst, the process requiring a relatively lower molar ex
tant charged is the formation of oligomers of propylene cess of benzene to propylene than prior art processes as
such as propylene dimer and trimer which occur to a 55 provided by recycle of excess benzene separated from
limited extent even with the large molar excesses of the reaction zone effluent.
benzene present. Propylene trimers and some of the One embodiment of the present invention relates to a
propylene tetramers boil with cumene. Since the pres process for the production of cumene which comprises:
ence of these olefins interfere with the oxidation reac (a) reacting propylene with an excess of benzene in the
tion used to make phenol from cumene, this oligomer 60 presence of an alkylation catalyst at alkylation reaction
ization side reaction must be minimized to make a high conditions in an alkylation reaction zone; (b) dividing
purity product. the total liquid effluent of said zone into at least two
The alkylation reaction of the alkylatable aromatic portions of like composition; (c) recirculating one of
compound is exothermic in nature and the temperature said portions of the effluent to said reaction zone; (d)
within the reactor tends to increase at a rapid rate. This 65 introducing another of said portions of said effluent
increase in temperature caused by the exothermic reac and a transalkylation zone effluent stream, formed as
tion likewise tends to increase the production of hereinafter set forth, into a separation zone; (e) separt
cumene bottoms products by the competing reactions. ing from the admixed effluents in the separation zone a
4,008,290 4
benzene-rich stream, a cumene product stream, and a benzene, and recirculated reaction zone effluent is then
di- and triisopropylbenzene-rich stream; (f) transalk introduced into reaction zone 1 via conduit 2. Effluent
ylating the last named stream with benzene in the pres of the alkylation reaction zone 1 is withdrawn via con
ence of a transalkylation catalyst in a transalkylation duit 5, a portion is recirculated via conduit 4 to provide
zone to form additional cumene; (g) supplying the the recirculation stream described hereinabove, and
effluent of the last mentioned zone to said separation the remaining portion is passed via conduit 5 into a
zone as said transalkylation zone effluent stream; (h) separation zone 6. Also introduced into the separation
passing at least a portion of said benzene-rich stream zone 6 is an effluent stream from a transalkylation
from the separation zone to said alkylation reaction reaction zone as described hereinbelow, the transalky
Zone; and (i) recovering said cumene product stream 10 lation zone effluent stream passing through conduit 7.
from the separation zone. A benzene feed stream via conduit 8 is also introduced
In the processing scheme of the present invention, into the separation zone 6 of the present process.
propylene and excess benzene are reacted in an alkyla The propylene-rich feed stream supplied to the alky
tion reaction zone wherein an alkylation catalyst is lation reaction zone via conduit 2 can be prepared as
employed, and a portion of the resultant effluent is 15 an effluent stream from various processes such as fluid
recirculated without separation to the inlet of the reac catalytic cracking or pyrolysis, and will normally in
tion zone. A second portion of reaction zone effluent, clude non-reactive paraffins, principally propane, but
i.e., net effluent, is passed into a separation zone in also substantially smaller quantities of ethane and bu
which excess benzene, cumene, di- and triisopropyl tane. Olefins other than propylene result in undesirable
benzene, and other components are separated. As 20 products in the alkylation reaction to produce cumene,
stated hereinabove, it is desirable to reduce the quan therefore propylene normally comprises at least 99
tity of excess benzene separated from the net effluent percent of the olefin content of this stream. The ben
stream in order to reduce utility consumption, while at zene feed stream introduced into the process in conduit
the same time it is desired to maintain a sufficient quan 8 is a high purity stream commonly containing at least
tity of excess benzene in the reaction zone to prevent 25 99.5 percent benzene which is frequently available as
excessive formation of propylene oligomers. This is an effluent stream from an aromatics extraction pro
accomplished by recirculation of a portion of the resul cess. Other aromatics are harmful in the sense that
tant reaction zone effluent without separation. The undesirable by-products result from their presence, and
principal effects of process operation in the herein non-aromatics are normally undesirable because of
above described manner include: (1) a reduction of 30 difficulty in separation of these non-aromatics from
utility consumption resulting from a reduction of ex benzene in the separation zone 6. Accordingly, in the
cess benzene separated from cumene in the net reac present process, the streams introduced into the sepa
tion zone effluent stream; and (2) formation of rela ration zone 6 include principally benzene, cumene,
tively more di- and trialkylated benzene products than propane, and di- and triisopropylbenzene, with rela
in processes known in the prior art. In the separation 35 tively smaller amounts of light paraffins (ethane and
zone of the present process, di- and triisopropylben butane), aromatics (toluene and xylene), butylben
zenes are concentrated and passed in admixture with zene, and oligomers of propylene.
excess benzene into a transalkylation reaction zone, In the separation zone 6, by suitable combination of
wherein a transalkylation catalyst is employed in a flashing, fractionation, absorption, and stripping, sev
preferred embodiment. The cumene-rich transalkyla 40 eral streams are separated to withdraw the inlet compo
tion reaction zone effluent stream is returned to the nents stated hereinabove. A propane-rich product
separation zone. stream including other light praffins is withdrawn via
conduit 9; a benzene-rich product drag stream includ
ing non-aromatic components is withdrawn via conduit
This invention can be more clearly described and 45 10; an excess benzene-rich stream is withdrawn via
illustrated with reference to the attached drawing. conduit 3, a portion is recycled to the alkylation reac
While of necessity, certain limitations must be present tion zone 1 via conduit 3 as hereinabove described and
in such a schematic description, no intention is meant a second portion is passed via conduit 11 to a transalky
thereby to limit the generally broad scope of the inven lation reaction zone as described hereinbelow; a butyl
tion. As stated hereinabove, the first step of the process 50 benzene-rich product stream is withdrawn via conduit
of the present invention comprises alkylating benzene 12; a cumene product stream is withdrawn via conduit
with propylene in an alkylation reaction zone in the 13; a propylene oligomer product stream is withdrawn
presence of an alkylation catalyst. In the drawing, this via conduit 14; and a di- and triisopropylbenzene-rich
first step is represented as taking place in alkylation stream is withdrawn via conduit 15.
reaction zone 1. However, a mixture of benzene and 55 The di- and triisopropylbenzene-rich stream with
propylene must be furnished to this reaction zone. Ins drawn from the separation zone via conduit 15 is ad
the drawing, a propylene-rich feed stream is supplied to mixed with recycle benzene via conduit 11, and the
the alkylation zone 1 via conduit 2; benzene is prepared mixture is passed into a transalkylation reaction zone
as a recycle stream as hereinbelow described and fur 16, which in a preferred embodiment contains a solid
nished to the alkylation zone 1 via conduit 3, which 60 phosphoric acid catalyst. Cumene-rich effluent of the
combines with conduit 2; and an alkylation zone efflu transalkylation reaction zone is passed via conduit 7
ent recirculation stream including principally benzene into the separation zone 6, as described hereinabove.
and cumene is prepared as described hereinbelow and DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
furnished to the alkylation zone inlet via conduits 4 and
2. The lastly mentioned stream provides additional 65 Suitable reactants in the present inventive process to
benzene for the purpose of increasing the molar ben produce cumene are propylene and benzene. Propyl
zene/propylene ratio in the alkylation reaction zone. ene is normally supplied in admixture with propane in
The combined mixture of propylene reactant, recycle an effluent stream from a fluid catalytic cracking unit,
5 6
a pyrolysis unit, a thermal cracking unit, or other refin certain crystalline aluminosilicates or Zeolites, particu
ing unit. Other light paraffinic hydrocarbons such as larly acid-extracted mordenite and the Type Y Zeolite,
ethane and butane may be present in limited quantity in are useful as catalysts in the process of this invention.
a propylene-rich feed stream to the present process, The present invention is particularly directed to an
but olefinic compounds other than propylene lead to 5 alkylation reaction in the presence of a solid phospho
production of alkylaromatics other than cumene and ric acid catalyst. Thus solid phosphoric acid catalyst
accordingly are undesirable as a feedstock. A typical which may be utilized in the method of the present
propylene feed stream is illustrated as follows in mole invention may be made by mixing an acid of phospho
percent: ethane 0.10, propane 24.80.propylene 74.95, rous, such as ortho-, pyro-, or tetraphosphoric acid and
isobutane O. 11, n-butane 0.01, and butylene O.03. Ben 10 a finely divided, generally siliceous, solid carrier (such
Zene is supplied to the present process in high purity, as diatomaceous earth, prepared forms of silica, reacti
greater than 99.5 percent, to prevent undesirable side vated clays, and the like) to form a wet paste. The paste
reactions and to eliminate additional fractionation re is then calcined at temperatures generally below about
quirements to separate benzene and close boiling non 500° C. to produce a solid cake which is threafter
aromatic components within the present process. A 15 ground and sized to produce particles of useable mesh.
typical benzene feed stream is prepared in an aromatics If the calcination is carried out at temperatures above
extraction unit and contains the following components about 400° C., it may be desirable to rehydrate the
in mole percent: benzene 99.90, toluene 0.05, and catalyst granules at a temperature between about 200
non-aromatics 0.05. While in the accompanying sketch C. and 350° C., typically 260° C., to produce an acid
the benzene feed stream is introduced into the separa 20 composition corresponding to high alkylating activity.
tion zone of the present process, this stream may also The catalyst preparation procedure may be varied by
be introduced into the alkylation reaction zone or the forming particles of the original paste by extrusion or
transalkylation reaction Zone. by pelleting methods after which the formed particles
The inlet stream to the alkylation reaction zone of are calcined and, if necessary, rehydrated. A solid
the present process comprises three streams in admix 25 phosphoric acid catalyst prepared from a major pro
ture; the fresh propylene-rich feed stream, a recircu portion by weight of a phosphoric acid having at least
lated portion of the resultant effluent from the alkyla as large a water content as that of the pyro acid and a
tion reaction zone as described hereinbelow, and a minor proportion of the siliceous carrier, such as kie
benzene-rich stream which may be supplied to the selguhr, is preferred for use in the present process. In a
present process as a fresh feed stream, or more prefer 30 preferred embodiment of the present invention, the
ably, as a recycle benzene-rich stream as described alkylation catalyst includes about 50 to 75 percent by
hereinbelow. Operating conditions in the alkylation weight phosphoric acid. A further description of a satis
reaction zone include an inlet temperature of about factory solid phosphoric acid catalyst is available in
150 to 260° C. with a preferred temperature of about U.S. Pat. No. 1,933,513.
195° to 215° C.; about 20 to 60 atmospheres pressure; 35 The resultant effluent of the alkylation reaction Zone
about 0.2 to 2.0 volumes of catalyst per volume/hour of is divided into two streams, the first being a recircu
net reaction zone effluent hereinbelow defined, about 2 lated effluent stream and the second being a net reac
to 6 moles of benzene in the recycle benzene-rich tion zone effluent stream. An important part of the
stream per mole of propylene in the inlet stream to the inventive concept of the present process concerns re
alkylation reaction zone, with a preferred molar ratio 40 circulating a portion of the alkylation reaction zone
of recycle benzene to propylene in the inlet stream of effluent to the inlet of the alkylation zone to admix with
about 3; and about 1 to 100 moles of benzene in the the fresh propylene-rich feed stream and the recycle
recirculated effluent stream per mole of propylene in benzene-rich stream to form the inlet stream to the
the inlet stream to the alkylation reaction zone, with a alkylation reaction zone as described hereinabove.
preferred molar ratio of recirculated benzene to pro 45 Composition of the alkylation zone effluent is princi
pylene in the inlet stream 3 to 20. The process of the pally benzene with relatively lesser amounts of pro
present invention may comprise a single reactor or pane, cumene, and di- and triisopropylbenzene, and
multiple reactors in series or parallel flow, flow through relatively smaller amounts of butylbenzene, propylene,
each reactor being downflow, upflow, radial flow, or oligomers, non-aromatics, etc. Propylene is essentially
other, there being no limitation to the inventive con 50 100 percent reacted in the alkylation reaction zone,
cept of the present process by the configuration of while benzene forms at least 50 molar percent and
reaction zone design. preferably 60 to 80 molar percent of the effluent. Ac
The process of the present invention can be effected cordingly, recirculation of a portion of the effluent to
utilizing any conventional or otherwise available alky the inlet of the alkylation reaction zone increases the
lation catalyst. Such catalysts are typically described as 55 benzene/propylene ratio in the alkylation reaction
acid-acting catalysts and may be of the homogeneous 2O
; or heterogeneous variety. Thus, the catalyst can be a Several benefits result as the benzene/propylene ratio
supported or unsupported Friedel Crafts metal halide, increases in the alkylation reaction zone, including (1)
; for example anhydrous aluminum chloride, ferric a dilution of propylene molecules with benzene mole
chloride, stannic chloride, boron fluoride, zinc chloride 60 cules favoring formation of isopropylbenzene (cu
and the like. Certain mineral acids, especially sulfuric mene) and limiting formation of propylene oligomers;
acid, hydrofluoric acid, and phosphoric acid are known and, (2) a benzene/propylene ratio greater than one is
for their capacity to catalyze the alkylation reaction. indicative of the presence of excess benzene, which
Sulfuric acid containing less than about 10 wt.% water, acts as a heat sink to absorb heat generated by the
hydrofluoric acid of at least 83% concentration, or 65 exothermic alkylation reaction, and limit the formation
liquefied anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, are suitably of propylene oligomers and solid hydrocarbon deposits
employed. Acid-acting inorganic oxides including on the catalyst, both of which increase with higher
phosphorous pentoxide, amorphous silica-alumina, and temperature in the alkylation reaction zone. In prior art
4,008,290 8
processes, a temperature increase from inlet to outlet The present inventive concept is not limited by a
of the alkylation reaction zone of about 20 to 40° C. is specific combination of separation steps, however the
typical without quench, and in the present process, a separation of excess benzene and cumene is at present
similar temperature increase or lower is desired, and is most economically accomplished by fractional distilla
attained by suitably increasing the flow rate of recircu tion, in which benzene and lighter components are
lated effluent. separated into an overhead fraction and cumene and
The recirculated effluent stream may be indirectly heavier components are separated into a bottoms frac
cooled by cooling means such as a water cooled ex tion. The separation of excess benzene in prior art
changer, an air cooled exchanger, or an exchanger in processes has a relatively large capital and utility re
which another hydrocarbon stream is used as the cool 0 quirement resulting from the greater quantity of excess
ant, to a temperature of about 150 to 260 C., i.e., to benzene separated from cumene as compared with the
a temperature essentially equivalent to the temperature present process. While benzene/cumene molar ratios in
of the reaction zone inlet stream, or it may be admixed the reaction zone net effluent of prior art processes is
without cooling with a mixture of the propylene feed about 6.5, this ratio in the present process is about 2 to
stream and the recycle benzene stream, the mixture 15 5 at constant molar benzene/cumene ratio in the alky
being at a suitable temperature to provide an alkylation lation reaction zone. Excess benzene separated from
reaction zone inlet temperature of about 150 to 260 the alkylation reaction zone effluent may be withdrawn
C., and preferably about 195° to 215 C. Furthermore, from the process as a product stream, but preferably a
a third portion of the reaction zone effluent stream may first portion is passed to the inlet of the alkylation reac
be indirectly cooled by similar cooling means as stated 20 tion zone as a recycle benzene-rich stream and a sec
hereinabove to a temperature of about 35° to 150° C. ond portion is passed into a transalkylation reaction
and passed into the reaction zone at suitable points to zone in admixture with a di- and triisopropylbenzene
act as quench to cool the reactants and prevent exces rich stream, also separated and withdrawn from the
sive increase of temperature from inlet to outlet of the separation zone. The admixture of benzene and di- and
alkylation reaction zone. When the alkylation catalyst 25 triisopropylbenzene is passed into a transalkylation
employed is a supported catalyst, for example solid reaction zone, wherein the reactants combine to pro
phosphoric acid, suitable quench points may be chosen duce cumene.
by dividing the catalyst bed into several successive The inventive process of the present invention is not
separate beds and passing a portion of the quenching limited by the catalyst incorporated in the transalkyla
medium between each of the successive beds. In a 30 tion reation zone. Various catalyts are known to one
preferred mode of operation, a portion of alkylation skilled in the art, such as a boron tri-fluoride-modified
reaction zone effluent is cooled to about 35'-95 C. inorganic oxide catalyst described in U.S. Pat. No.
and introduced into the reaction mixture as a quench 3,200, 163, an acid extracted crystalline aluminosilicate
ing medium between at least two successive catalyst catalyst described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,551,510, or a
beds in an amount sufficient to reduce the temperature 35 fluorine containing refractory inorganic oxide de
of the reaction mixture to within about -4° C. of the scribed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,205,277. Preferred as a tran
temperature of the reaction mixture entering the last salkylation catalyst in the present invention is a solid
preceding catalyst bed. phoshoric acid catalyst prepared in a similar manner as
As recirculation of alkylation reaction zone effluent the one used hereinabove in the alkylation reaction
to the inlet of the reaction zone increases, the concen 40 zone, or especially preferred is a solid phosphoric acid
tration of cumene in the alkylation reaction zone also catalyst containing 70 to 90 weight percent phospho
increases, thus providing more potential sites for poly rous. The transalkylation zone may be equipped with
alkylated benzene products and resulting in increased heat transfer means, baffles, trays, heating means,
production of di- and triisopropylbenzene as compared pumping means, etc. The reaction zone is preferably of
to prior art processes. Whereas di- and triisopropylben 45 the adibatic type, and is not limited by reactor design or
zene production in prior art processes is typically less configuration. Conditions utilized in the transalkylation
than 5 mole percent as compared with cumene produc reaction zone may be varied over a relatively wide
tion, the present process results in 5 to 20 mole percent range; the transalkylation reaction may be effected at
Or Ore. temperatures of from 35° to 370° C., at pressures of
Propane, butane, benzene, and cumene comprises 50 about 15 to 200 atmospheres, at molar benzenef
about 90 to 95 mole percent of the alkylation reaction polyisopropylbenzene ratio of about 4 to 16, and liquid
zone effluent, and toluene, butylbenzene, di- and triiso hourly space velocity based on reaction zone effluent
propylbenzene, propylene oligomers and other compo of 0.1 to 20. With the preferred solid phosphoric acid
nents in trace amounts comprise 10 to 5 mole percent. catalyst, transalkylation reacton conditions include a
The net alkylation zone effluent stream withdrawn 55 about temperature of about 175 to 290° C., a pressure of
from the alkylation reaction zone is passed separately 20 to 40 atmospheres, molar benzene/polypro
or in admixture with a transalkylation reaction Zone pylbenzene ratio of about 4 to 16, and liquid hourly
effluent stream set forth hereinbelow into a separation space velocity based on reaction zone effluent of 0.5 to
zone, wherein by means of a combination of fractional 60 5.0 As described hereinabove, effluent of the transalky
distillation, absorption, stripping, and flashing, the de lation reaction zone is passed into the separation zone.
sired components are separated at separation condi I claim as my invention:
tions selected to minimize utility consumption. Product 1. A process for the production of cumene which
streams withdrawn from the separation zone include a comprises the steps of:
propane-rich stream, a cumene stream, a butylben a. reacting propylene with an excess of benzene in
zene-rich stream, a propylene oligomer stream, and a 65 the presence of an alkylation catalyst at alkylation
benzene drag stream, the lastly stated stream serving to reaction conditions in an alkylation reaction Zone;
remove trace quantities of non-aromatic components b. dividing the total liquid effluent of said zone into at
boiling between propane and cumene. least two portions of like composition;
4,008,290 10
c. recirculating one of said portions of the effluent to 5. The process of claim 1 further characterized in
said reaction zone; that at least a portion of the benzene-rich stream from
d. introducing another of said portions of said efflu the separation zone is supplied to said transalkylation
ent and a transalkylation zone effluent stream, ZO.
formed as hereinafter set forth, into a separation 5 6. The process of claim 1 further characterized in
that said alkylation catalyst is a solid phosphoric acid
e. separating from the admixed effluents in the sepa catalyst.
7. The method of claim 1 further characterized in
ration zone a benzene-rich stream, a cumene prod that said transalkylation catalyst is a solid phosphoric
uct stream and a di- and triisopropylbenzene-rich O acid catalyst.
Stream, 8. The method of claim 1 further characterized in
f. transalkylating the last named stream with benzene that said alkylation catalyst is a solid phosphoric acid
in the presence of a transalkylation catalyst in a catalyst containing from about 50 to about 75 wt.%
transalkylation zone to form additional cumene; phosphorus, and said transalkylation catalyst is a Solid
g. supplying the effluent of the last mentioned zone to 15 phosphoric acid containing from about 70 to about 90
said separation zone as said transalkylation zone wt.% phosphorus.
effluent stream; 9. The method of claim 1 further characterized in
h. passing at least a portion of said benzene-rich that the molar ratio of benzene to propylene in said
stream from the separation zone to said alkylation alkylation zone is from about 2:1 to about 6:1 without
reaction zone, and 20 inclusion of said one portion of the alkylation Zone
i. recovering said cumene product stream from the effluent stream.
separation Zone. 10. The process of claim 1 further characterized in
2. The process of claim 1 further characterized in that said phosphoric acid catalyst in said alkylation
reaction zone is in the form of at least two successive
that at least a portion of the benzene for reaction with 25 catalyst beds and a third portion of said effluent from
the propylene in step (a) is supplied to said separation the alkylation zone is cooled to a temperature of from
about 35 to about 150° C. and introduced into the
3. The process of claim 1 further characterized in reaction mixture between at least two successive cata
that at least a portion of the benzene reactant for step lyst beds as quenching medium.
(f) is supplied to said separation zone and then to the 30 11. The process of claim 1 further characterized in
transalkylation Zone. that said first portion of the effluent from the alkylation
4. The process of claim 1 further characterized in zone is cooled to a temperature of from about 150 to
that the benzene for reaction in steps (a) and (f) is about 260' C.
supplied to said separation zone. k k