Paten 5 Us5998677
Paten 5 Us5998677
Paten 5 Us5998677
Example 3 TABLE 4
The product of cumene oxidation as prepared in Example 55 Phenol yield 98.1%
1 was Subjected to reactions in a reaction System of the same C-MS yield 80.6%
HA concentration 1,100 wt. ppm
type as used in Example 1. The first-stage reaction was
carried out at a temperature of 75 C. and at a sulfuric acid
concentration of 120 wt. ppm for a residence time of 15 Comparative Example 2
minutes. An aqueous Solution of 2.5% Sulfuric acid was 60
Supplied continuously to ensure that the concentration of The product of cumene oxidation as prepared in Example
sulfuric acid in the reactor would be held at 150 wt. ppm. The 1 was Subjected to reactions in a reaction System of the same
conversion of CHP to another component in the first-stage type as used in Example 1. The first-stage reaction was
reaction was 99.1% and the yield of C-MS as produced from carried out at a temperature of 70° C. and at a sulfuric acid
DMPC was 21.0%. 65 concentration of 500 wt. ppm for a residence time of 20
Subsequently, acetone was added in an amount 1.54 times minutes. An acqueous Solution of 5%. Sulfuric acid was
the concentration of acetone in the first-stage reaction mix Supplied continuously to ensure that the concentration of
11 12
sulfuric acid in the reactor would be held at 500 wt. ppm. The (4) without diverting the first stage reaction mixture with
conversion of CHP to another component in the first-stage added acetone Supplying the resultant reaction mixture
reaction was 99.7% and the yield of C-MS as produced from from Step (3) into the plug-flow Second stage reactor
DMPC was 39.4%. without hydrogenation in Said plug-flow reactor, and
Subsequently, acetone was added in an amount 1.54 times (5) Separating and recovering O-methylstyrene from Said
the concentration of acetone in the first-stage reaction mix plug-flow Second Stage reactor.
ture. The added acetone had been Separated from the neu
tralized product of the Second-stage reaction by distillation 2. The process according to claim 1, wherein the cleavage
and it contained 1,000 wt. ppm of an aldehyde having a lower of the cumene hydroperoxide is performed to give
boiling point than acetone and 1.8 wt % of water. The 97-99.5% conversion of the cumene hydroperoxide.
first-stage reaction mixture was then heated in a heat 3. An improved process for producing phenol using a
eXchanger and Supplied into a plug-flow reactor for carrying Single back mixing reactor and a single plug flow reactor
out the Second-stage reaction. The residence time of the which comprises:
reaction mixture in the Second-stage reactor was 17 minutes, (1) cleaving cumene hydroperoxide in a first stage back
the temperature at the exit of the Second-stage reactor was
105 C.; and the Second-stage reaction mixture had a water 15 mixing reactor in the presence of Sulfuric acid and
concentration of 1.7 wt %. The Second-stage reaction prod controlling the yield of C.-methylstyrene as produced
uct was analyzed to determine the yields of phenol and from dimethylphenylcarbinol to no more than 35%, by
C-MS, as well as the concentration of HA. The results are weight of the reaction mixture output from the first
shown in Table 5 below. Stage,
(2) adding acetone to the resultant output of the reaction
mixture from the first Stage reactor, and then without
Phenol yield 97.7% diverting the first stage reaction mixture with added
C-MS yield 78.1% acetone Supplying the So-obtained reaction mixture into
HA concentration 870 wt. ppm the plug-flow Second Stage reactor and dehydrating the
dimethylphenylcarbinol and cleaving the cumene
Thus, according to the invention process, phenol and hydroperoxide, in the Second Stage reactor without
C-MS can be manufactured in high yields with reduced hydrogenation, and
formation of HA and besides the manufacturing operation is (3) Separating and recovering phenol from the output of
very Stable. Therefore, the invention proceSS is of great value the Second Stage reactor.
in practical applications. 4. The process according to claim 3, wherein after the
We claim:
1. An improved process for producing phenol, acetone addition of the acetone to the resultant output of reaction
and C.-methylstyrene from the product of cumene oxidation mixture from the first stage reactor, said reaction mixture is
using a single back mixing reactor and a single plug flow 35
heated to 80-100° C. in a heat exchanger.
reactor, Said process comprising in a first Stage back mixing 5. The process according to claim 4, wherein the thus
reactor reacting cumene hydroperoxide, cumene and dim heated reaction mixture is Supplied into the Second Stage
ethylphenylcarbinol in the presence of Sulfuric acid, Said plug-flow reactor in a non-isothermal State for producing
improved process comprising the Steps of: C.-methylstyrene from the dimethylphenylcarbinol and
(1) cleaving the cumene hydroperoxide in a first stage 40
dicumyl peroxide.
back-mixing reactor, in the presence of 150-350 6. The process according to claim 3, wherein the tem
wt. ppm of Sulfuric acid based on the product of cumene perature of the reaction mixture at the exit of the Second
oxidation, to form a reaction mixture of phenol and Stage plug-flow reactor is no more than 120° C.
acetone having 0.5-3.0 wt % HO while controlling the 7. The process according to claim 3, wherein the tem
temperature in Said first Stage back mixing reactor at 45 perature of the reaction mixture at the exit of the Second
55-80° C. by: Stage plug-flow reactor is no more than 115 C.
(a) withdrawing a part of the reaction mixture and 8. The process according to claim 3, wherein the reaction
passing the part to a heat eXchanger and thus remov mixture emerging from the Second Stage plug-flow reactor is
ing the heat of reaction for the cleavage of the immediately cooled and neutralized to Stop the reaction.
cumene hydroperoxide in the heat eXchanger and 50 9. The process according to claim 8, wherein acetone is
recycling the part of the reaction mixture to the first Separated from the reaction mixture output from the Second
Stage back mixing reactor, or Stage plug-flow reactor with a distillation column after the
(b) by lowering the pressure in said back mixing reactor reaction is stopped and wherein at least part of the Separated
to the vapor pressure of the reaction mixture, thereby acetone is recycled to the reaction mixture output from the
removing the latent heat of evaporation of the Vola 55 first Stage complete back-mixing reactor in Such an amount
tilized acetone and then returning the resultant liq that the acetone concentration of Said reaction mixture
uefied acetone into the back mixing reactor; output is 35-50 wt % before said reaction mixture output is
(2) controlling the yield of C.-methylstyrene in Said first Supplied into the Second Stage plug-flow reactor.
Stage reactor to no more than 35%; 10. The process according to claim 9, wherein the acetone
(3) adding acetone to the output of the reaction mixture 60 to be added to the reaction mixture from the first stage
produced in the first Stage reactor in Such an amount back-mixing reactor contains 100-5,000 wt. ppm of an alde
that the acetone concentration is 1.15-1.8 times as hyde and 0.3–3 wt % of water.
much as in the reaction mixture produced from the first
Stage reactor, k k k k k