OM Plan Template

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National Inventory of Dams (NID) No. [Insert NID No.]

[Insert Date]

Prepared for:

[Insert Name]
[Insert Address]
[Insert Address]

Prepared by:

[Insert Name]
[Insert Address]
[Insert Address]

[Insert Date]
[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


1.0  INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4 
1.1  Operation and Maintenance Plan Purpose ....................................................................... 4 
1.2  Plan Organization ............................................................................................................. 4 
2.0  DAM FACILITY DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 5 
3.0  OPERATIONS..................................................................................................................... 6 
4.0  INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING ................................................................... 7 
5.0  INSPECTIONS .................................................................................................................... 8 
6.0  MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................ 9 


Table 1 Contact list

Table 2 Summary of pertinent data
Table 3 Operations and Maintenance Schedule
Table 4 Summary of routine/informal inspection activities
Table 5 Summary of annual inspection activities
Table 6 Special inspection activities
Table 7 Summary of required maintenance activities


Attachment 1 Site Plan
Attachment 2 Typical Cross Section Through Embankment
Attachment 3 Example Operations Logs
Attachment 4 Example Instrument Monitoring Data Forms
Attachment 5 Dam Safety Inspection Form

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Operation and Maintenance Manual

[Insert Dam Name]

No. Description of Revision Made By Date

# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by Date
# Click here to enter text. by date

Operation and Maintenance Manual

[Insert Dam Name]

Copy No. Location

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[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


1.1 Operation and Maintenance Plan Purpose

An Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan (referred to in this document as the Plan) is the
most important reference for management of the [insert dam name] [insert NID No.]. The Plan
will describe the components and will outline the operation, inspection and maintenance
activities necessary to maintain the dependability of the system. This manual is intended to
cover normal operating conditions; for recommended actions during emergency conditions,
please refer to the Emergency Action Plan.

1.2 Plan Organization

The Plan is intended to be used by O&M personnel as a guide for operating, maintaining and
monitoring the dam. As such, it is presented in sections specific to each system component
and/or necessary activity. The Plan is organized into the following sections:

1.0 Introduction – This section outlines the objectives and organization of the Plan.
2.0 Dam Facility Description – This section describes the [insert dam name] and its
components and includes stakeholder contact information and pertinent dam data (Tables
1 and 2).
3.0 Operations – This section describes the operations of the general system components of
the [insert dam name] (Table 3).
4.0 Instrumentation and Monitoring – This section describes the instruments and
instruction for monitoring them.
5.0 Inspection – This section describes the inspection recommendation for the [insert dam
name] (Tables 4, 5, and 6).
6.0 Maintenance – This section describes the routine maintenance activities and procedures
for each system component (Table 7).

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


Insert a description of the following:

 Dam location and access

 Dam ownership
 Maintenance responsibilities
 Physical features of the dam - Include embankment, spillway, outlet, inflow,
instrumentation, operating mechanisms or components, and any other applicable system
features or relevant information.


 A table summarizing all pertinent system data - Table 2 is an example of a pertinent data
summary table and can be used as a guide for developing a summary of pertinent data.
 List of contacts - Table 1 is an example of a contact list and can be used to aid in
developing a contact list.
 Site plan (Attachment 1) showing locations of facility components
 Typical cross section through the embankment - Attachment 2 is a typical cross section of
an earth embankment with places to insert elevations of relevant project features and can
be used to develop a site specific cross section.
 Photographs of each system component, if available.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


Insert a description of the following:

 General reservoir operation, including the regulation of inflow and outlet ditches, the
maximum allowable pool levels for different times of the year, maximum or minimum
carry over storage, and maximum or minimum permissible outlet releases as applicable to
the structure.
 Operation of the outlet to limit or prevent excessive spillway flow
 Method for periodic drainage of the reservoir to permit thorough outlet and upstream
slope inspection.


 Complete, clear, step-by-step instructions for operating each mechanism or component

described in Section 2.0.
 The correct method of opening and closing gates and valves. Emphasize proper
 Sketches, drawings, and photographs to identify specific handles, cranks, buttons, etc.
 A schematic diagram for hydraulic and electric gates, showing each component
(including back-up equipment) and its place in the operating sequence.
 An Operations Schedule - Table 3 can be used as an aid to develop the schedule.
 An Operations Log that provides information that may be of importance to their specific
structure. An example Operations Log is included as Attachment 3 and may be
developed a site-specific Operations Log or the Operations Log may be in the form of an
electronic record or database, as applicable to the structure.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


Insert a description of the following:

 All instruments used to monitor the dam with locations shown on the site plan
(Attachment 1) or other maps, as appropriate.
 A discussion of the purpose of each instrument
 Clear step-by-step instructions on how to use each instrument and how to take
measurements at each monitoring point
 Instructions on how to document each measurement.
 Discussion of results and recommendations for data reduction and subsequent
calculations, and comparison to existing data.


 Recommended instrument monitoring frequencies on the Operation Schedule. Table 3

can be used as an aid to develop the schedule.
 Information on what is considered a normal or abnormal reading
 Relevant threshold values
 Procedures to be followed when abnormal readings are recorded or threshold values are
 Instrument Monitoring Data forms applicable to the structure for recording instrument
monitoring data. Example Instrument Monitoring Data forms are included as Attachment
4 and may be used as an aid in developing site-specific forms or electronic data recording
procedures may be developed, as applicable to the structure.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Insert a description of the following:

 Inspection requirements, including the types and frequency of recommended inspections

 An Inspection Schedule. An example Inspection Schedule is included as Table 4 and
can be used to develop the schedule for the structure.


 Specific inspection procedures

 Clear, step-by-step set of instructions for conducting routine/informal inspections,
annual inspections and special inspections of the dam and its surroundings.
 A list or table of what to look for during an inspection for each of the physical features
of the system described in Section 2.0. Tables 4, 5, and 6 are examples of the types of
things to look for during an inspection, presented by system component. These tables
can be used as an aid in developing specific inspection instructions for the structure.
 Dam Safety Inspection Forms. Attachment 5 is an example form that can be used to
develop site specific inspection forms.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Insert a description of the following:

 General maintenance requirements for the dam

 Specific maintenance requirements for each operational component and all monitoring
instruments described in Section 2.0
 A schedule for general and specific maintenance activities. An example Maintenance
Schedule is included as Table 5 and can be used to develop the schedule for the


 Clear and detailed instructions for performing maintenance so that new personnel can
understand the tasks required and experienced personnel can verify that they have
completed the work properly.
 A list or table of recommended maintenance activities for each of the physical features of
the system described in Section 2.0. Table 7 is an example summary of the types of
maintenance activities common for earth embankments and can be used as an aid in
developing specific maintenance procedures for the structure.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 1. Example Contact List – [Insert dam name]

Role Organization Office Address Representative and Phone Number

Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact
State Dam Safety
County Emergency
S i C di
Emergency Services
Others as Needed

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 2. Example Summary of Pertinent Data – [Insert dam name]

Item Description
State/National ID & Name
County/Island/Nearest Town
Size Classification
Drainage Area
Control device(s)
Reservoir family
Control location
Conduit type
Conduit size
Conduit invert
Type of dam
Minimum crest width
Upstream slope
Upstream slope protection
Downstream slope
Downstream slope protection
Crest Elevation
Normal Pool Elevation
Available Freeboard
Maximum Discharge
Normal Storage
Maximum Storage
Surface Area
Access Surface
Access Method

Access Description

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 3. Example Operations Schedule – [Insert dam name] 


Forms (2)
Dam Visit  Operations Log
Operations Transmit Log & Forms 
Flood Operations 
Reservoir Staff Gauge Monitoring Data
Instrumentation Reservoir Staff Gauges  Form

Survey Points  Survey Point Monitoring Data Form

Table 4. Example Inspection Schedule – [Insert dam name] 




Inspection Inspection  Operations Log
Annual Inspection  Dam Safety Inspection Form
Unusual or Special Inspection  Dam Safety Inspection Form
Emergency Event Emergency Action  Operations Log

Table 5. Example Maintenance Schedule – [Insert dam name] 




Forms (2)
Mow Grass (1)
Maintain, Valves, Gates Per Manufacturer’s
Maintenance & Operators Recommendations
Control Vegetation (1)
General Maintenance 
(1) At least twice during growing seasons.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 4. Example summary of routine/informal inspection activities – [Insert dam name]

Component What to Look For What to Record
 Personnel on-site
Safety  Take safety seriously.  Weather conditions
 Reservoir water level
 File completed Operations Log in
Reporting  Operations Log project O&M Plan

 Condition of gates and locks

 Location
Access  Condition of signage
 Description
 Evidence of vandalism
 Obvious problems and/or damage (erosion,  Location
Inflow structure
cracks or spalling, deterioration, etc.).  Description
 Obvious problems and/or damage (erosion,  Location
Inflow control device
cracks or spalling, deterioration, etc.).  Description
 Obvious problems and/or damage (cracks
 Location
Outlet and spalling, deterioration, blocked
 Description
trashracks etc.).
 Location (station and offset)
Embankment (crest,  Obvious problems and/or damage (erosion,  Description
slopes, toes) excessive vegetation, sinkholes, etc.).  Limits (length, width, depth,
 Location
 Obvious problems and/or damage (erosion,  Description
damage, riprap displacement, etc.).  Limits (length, width, depth,
 Location
Staff Gauges  Obvious problems and/or damage
 Description
 Location
Survey Monuments  Obvious problems and/or damage
 Description
 Obvious problems (debris buildup, upstream  Location
development, etc.).  Description

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 5. Example summary of annual inspection activities – [Insert dam name]

Component What to Look For What to Record
 Personnel on-site
Safety  Take safety seriously.  Weather conditions
 Reservoir water level
 File completed Dam Safety
Reporting  Dam Safety Inspection Form Inspection Form in project O&M
 Condition of gates and locks
 Condition of signage  Location
Access 
 Evidence of vandalism Description
 Condition of crest road
 Obstructions or blockage hampering flow
 Structural integrity of concrete  Location
Inflow structure 
 Damage, deterioration or malfunction of Description
 Obstructions, blockage, leakage or
significant structural cracks
 Location (station and offset)
 Deterioration and structural integrity of
 Description
 Limits (length, width, depth,
Inflow control device  Evidence of any abnormal settlements,
heaving, deflections or lateral movements in
 Flow rate in channel (if
the concrete channel
 Erosion or sedimentation in inlet channel
and energy dissipater

 Obstructions or blockage hampering flow  Location

 Structural integrity of concrete  Description

 Settlement, depressions, sinkholes,

cracking, slides, sloughing, erosion, crest
 Location (station and offset)
and downstream alignment seepage
 Description
 Piping, boils, low spots on crest
Embankment  Limits (length, width, depth,
 Unauthorized activity (construction,
excavation, etc.) on or adjacent to the dam
 Flow rate (if applicable)
 Excessive vegetation
 Rodent activity
 Erosion or lining damage (loss, disturbance,
weathering or abrasion of lining material)
 Sloughing or cracking on side slopes  Location
 Displacement of riprap  Description
 Erosion or scour of upstream or  Limits (length, width, depth,
downstream ends height)
 Rodent activity
 Excessive vegetation growth.
 Location
Staff Gauges  Damage or deterioration
 Description
 Location
Survey Monuments  Damage or deterioration
 Description

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

 Changes to the surface of the drainage basin

(changed agriculture practices, railroad or  Location (station and offset)
highway construction or real estate  Description
developments)  Limits (length, width, depth,
 Evidence of any abnormal settlements, height)
heaving, deflections or lateral movements in  Flow rate in culvert (if
the culvert applicable)

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 6. Example Special inspections – [Insert dam name]

Type of inspections Inspection items Operational duties
 Conduct during floods and high water events  Initiate and take corrective
High water
 Monitor performance of flood control works actions, as required.
 Monitor landside slope and toe for excessive seepage
and piping problems
 Conduct after a flood event  Inspect and assess
Post flood
condition of flood control
 Conduct immediately after an earthquake in  Conduct a rapid overall
Post earthquake
accordance with Hawaii Dam Safety guidelines. assessment of the
Conduct a follow-up inspection after a period of remaining level of
several days to two weeks, depending on site-specific protection
considerations.  Identify immediate danger
of secondary damage

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

Table 7 – Example summary of required maintenance activities – [Insert dam name]


Component Maintenance activity Person 1 Person 2

 Promptly repair or replace damaged lining and components.
 Remove sediment that has accumulated to maintain capacity of the
Inlet structure  Vegetation shall be maintained and trees and brush controlled by chemical
or mechanical means. Control noxious weeds.
 Keep machinery away from steep side slopes. Keep equipment operators
informed of all potential hazards.
 Promptly repair or replace damaged components.
Inlet control  Exercise gate valve regularly.
device  Lubricate in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Repair deteriorated concrete as soon as possible.
 Exercise regularly.
Outlet  Lubricate in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Promptly repair or replace damaged components.
 Fill rills and gullies that occur on the embankment slopes and in the
vegetated spillway and reseed the filled areas.
 When animal burrows are found, remove the burrowing animals, replace
embankment materials and reseed.
 Maintain a vigorous sod in the emergency spillway and on embankment by
regular mowing and fertilization. Remove excess growth. Do not burn or
Embankment overgraze.
 Prevent trees and brush from growing on embankment slopes, crest, or toe.
Control tree and bush growth by hand cutting, mowing, or chemicals.
Avoid damaging grass with herbicide sprays.
 Maintain a fencing to keep livestock of embankment, where applicable.
 Operate mowing and other equipment on slopes in accordance with
machinery operation manual.
 Fill rills and gullies that occur in the vegetated spillway and reseed the
filled areas.
 Maintain a vigorous sod in the spillway by regular mowing and
fertilization. Remove excess growth. Do not burn or overgraze.
 Do not graze livestock during establishment of vegetation and when soil
conditions are wet.
 Protect spillway from damage by farm equipment and vehicles. Do not
use spillway as a road and practice care when crossing to prevent tillage
marks or wheel tracks.
 Prevent trees and brush from growing in the spillway. Control tree and
bush growth by hand cutting, mowing, or chemicals. Avoid damaging
grass with herbicide sprays.
 Reestablish vegetative cover immediately where scour erosion has
removed established seeding.
 Where there is rock lining, replace any dislodged rock and fill back to
grade if displacement or settlement occurs.
Staff gauges  Promptly repair or replace damaged components
Monuments  Promptly repair or replace damaged components

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

[Insert Site Plan]

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

[See Example Below]

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

[See Example on Next Page]

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

State of Hawaii Date:

Number: ____________
_________ Page __ of __

Reservoir Water Surface Elevation:
Spillway Discharge (cfs):
Diversion Structure Discharge (cfs): ______________________________________________________



Other Items:

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan

[See Examples on Following Pages]

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


Height of water
Read above weir Discharge
Date Time By (feet) (cfs) Comments

Use the follow ing equation to compute flow in gallons per minute (gpm): Q = 461.558 (H)5/2
Where H = height (in feet, measured to nearest hundredth) of water flowing over the weir.

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


PIEZOMETER NO. ____________
Reservoir Water
Surface Elevation Top of PVC Pipe Elevation Depth to Water
Date (feet) (feet msl) (feet) Water Elevation (feet)

Water elev ation = Top of PVC pipe elev ation - depth to w ater

[Insert Dam Name] Operations and Maintenance Plan


Staff Gage Reservoir Water
Reading Surface Elevation
Date (feet) (feet) Comments

Where applicable, use real time data av ailable from USGS /nw is



Elevation Survey
Date (ft) Surveyor Data Original Current Original Current Original Current Original Current

06/20/12 6.25 mf Northing


All points w ill be surv ey ed by a licensed surv ey or to measure northings, easting, and elev ations to the nearest 0.01 foot.
Composite Monitoring Data Form Example

Dam Name, Dam #

Water Gate Piezometer Drain Operations, Maintenance and
Date Operator
Level Opening Reading Measurement Observation
Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

Inspection Type: Visual Dam Safety Inspection

Persons Present Affiliation Phone Number

Weather Condition:  Rain previous day  Rainy  Drizzle / Mist  Cloudy/Overcast  Partly Cloudy  Sunny  Dry

1. General: (Information currently on file, update as required)

Dam/Res. Name
Owner Contact Owner Ph.
Lessee Lessee Ph.
O & M Contractor O & M Ph.
Nearest City Latitude  (decimal)
County Longitude  (decimal)
Tax Map Key(s)

Dam Status Hazard Potential Dam Size

Year Completed Dam Length ft. Dam Height ft.
Normal Storage ac. ft. Max. Storage ac. ft. Max. Surface Area ac.
Offsite Drainage Area sq mi. Spillway Type Max. Spillway Q cfs

Owner owns land under dam facility:

Emergency Action Plan on file with the Department:
Reports on file with the Department:

Sheet 1 of 11
Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

2. Questions for Owner’s Rep.: Yes No Unknown Comments

Construction Plans Available   
Site / Facility Map   
Operation & Maintenance Manual   
Emergency Action Plan   
Modifications / Improvements   
Conduct Routine Inspections   
Conduct Routine Maintenance   
Vehicle access to site     Not accessible  With Standard car  Requires 4-Wheel Drive
Access during heavy rains     Not accessible  With Standard car  Requires 4-Wheel Drive
Access when spillway is flowing     Not accessible  With Standard car  Requires 4-Wheel Drive
Incident History     Breached  Overtop  Slide  Down stream Flooding
 Other:
Reservoir’s Current Use     Sediment  Irrigation  Recreation  Flood Control  Drinking Water
 Power Generation  Other:

Findings and Corrective Actions:

 a. The Owner shall maintain documentations including Construction plans, specifications, improvements,
modifications, Operations and Maintenance Manuals and routine inspection logs for this dam facility.
 b. An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is on file with the department, submit any updates as applicable.
 c. An EAP is required for High and Significant Hazard Dams. Submit an updated EAP for this facility.
 d. An EAP is recommended for all dams regardless of hazard class. Submit EAP if developed for the facility.
 e. Submit current Operations and Maintenance Manual or Procedures for this dam / reservoir facility.
 f. Submit Site or Facility Map of this Dam which identifies the location of major features including outlet works
controls and conduits.
 g. Submit narrative and additional information detailing the improvements, modifications, and/or alterations at the
dam site, unless covered by approved dam permit.
 h. Routine inspection logs were not inspected.
 i. Dam owners shall provide for routine inspection of the dam.
 j. The dam did not appear to be maintained on a regular basis.
 k. Access to site appears to be satisfactory.
 l. There is no vehicular access to the dam site. Operational and emergency plans need to reflect this deficiency
or access provided.
 m. Access to dam is questionable during severe weather conditions and/or spillway overflows. Operational plans
and emergency plans need to reflect this deficiency or access provided.
 n. Provide a detailed narrative of the incident, responses taken, and any damages incurred. Dam owners are
required to promptly advise the department of any sudden or unprecedented flood or unusual or alarming
 o.

Additional Requirements:
The following investigative study(s) are:
Required Recommended
  Phase I Study
  Hazard Classification
  Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
  Hydrology and Hydraulics (including Probable Maximum Flood and spillway capacity)
  Seepage Analysis
  Stability Analysis
  Seismic Analysis
  Other:

Sheet 2 of 11
Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

Physical Dam Features: (Check All Applicable. Provide description of Items Observed and/or Take Photos. Indicate photo # in description.)

3. Reservoir:
Level during inspection ft per (gage / other)
Normal Operating Level/Range ft per (gage / other)

Typical Operation  Spillway always flowing  Kept within normal range  Kept Empty  Drained Daily  Only filled by Storms
 Other:

Sinkhole in Res.:  # Observed: Size: by in. Deep  Not Visible  None Observed

Staff Gage: Description:

 a. The reservoir was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. The staff gage needs maintenance and/or repair. Description:
 h. A staff gage was not observed at the reservoir. Provide some method of quantifying the water level.
 i. A sinkhole was observed in the upstream reservoir. Conduct additional investigations and monitoring to
identify the cause, risk and appropriate action.
 j.

4. Inflow Works Description:

 Number of Inflows
 Inflow Culvert / Pipe
Size: in.  DIP  Corrugated Metal  PVC  HDPE  Concrete  Other
Control:  Gate  Valve  Flow can either be Shut off or Bypassed
From:  Stream Diversion  Pump  Reservoir  Other

 Inflow Ditch / Flume

Dimension: (Size x Depth) Shape
Surface:  Dirt  Wood  Concrete  Lined w/
Control:  Gate  Valve  Flow can either be Shut off or Bypassed
From:  Stream Diversion  Pump  Reservoir  Other

 a. The inflow works were not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. The inflow works needs maintenance and/or repair. Description:
 h.

Sheet 3 of 11
Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

5. Upstream Slope: (Typical Slope ± : )

Slope Protection:  None  Dumped Rock  Fitted Rip Rap  Grouted Rip Rap  Liner  Other:
 Defect in Protection: Description:
Erosion:  Loose soil w/ little vegetation  Rut (<6”)  Gully (>6” deep)  Not Visible  None Observed
Cracks:  Parallel with crest  Perpendicular to crest  Slide visible  Not Visible  None Observed
Sinkholes:  # Observed: Size: and Depth  Not Visible  None Observed
Vegetation:  None  Low Ground Cover  Bushes or Tall Grass  Trees #  <6”  >6” & <20”  >20”

 a. The upstream slope was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. Slope protection needs maintenance or repair. Description:
 h. Rut and/or Gully erosion was observed on the slope, which requires maintenance and/or repair.
 i. A crack was observed on the slope, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining cause.
Monitor the area and/or repair as required.
 j. A sinkhole was observed on the slope, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining cause.
Repair and monitor the area.
 k. The upstream slope was not visible due to high grass and bush vegetation. Clear high vegetation and
maintain low to enable easy visual inspection.
 l. Tree(s) were observed on the dam embankment. Trees have been identified as the probable cause of piping
failures, and can possibly cause severe damage to the embankment if they are uprooted during a high winds.
Corrective action is required to remove the tree hazards from the dam. All repair work shall be accomplished
as per the requirements of licensed geotechnical or civil engineer. Routinely monitor the damaged area for
signs of settlement and seepage.
 m.

Sheet 4 of 11
Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

6. Crest: Approximate Crest Width:

Access:  None  Walking Path  Roadway, Surface / Width / Usage:
Erosion:  Loose soil w/ little vegetation  Rut (<6”)  Gully (>6” deep)  Not Visible  None Observed
Cracks:  Parallel with crest  Perpendicular to crest  Slide visible  Not Visible  None Observed
Sinkholes:  in. Wide x in. Long x in. Deep  Not Visible  None Observed
Vegetation:  None  Low Ground Cover  Bushes or Tall Grass  Trees #  <6”  >6” & <20”  >20”

 a. The crest was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. Access along the crest was satisfactory.
 h. Access along the crest was not possible. Description:
 i. Rut and/or Gully erosion was observed on the crest, which requires maintenance and/or repair.
 j. A crack was observed on the crest, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining cause.
Monitor the area and/or repair as required.
 k. A sinkhole was observed on the crest, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining cause.
Repair and monitor the area.
 l. Portions of the crest were not visible due to high grass and bush vegetation. Clear high vegetation and
maintain low to enable easy visual inspection.
 m. Tree(s) were observed on the dam embankment. Trees have been identified as the probable cause of piping
failures, and can possibly cause severe damage to the embankment if they are uprooted during a high winds.
Corrective action is required to remove the tree hazards from the dam. All repair work shall be accomplished
as per the requirements of licensed geotechnical or civil engineer. Routinely monitor the damaged area for
signs of settlement and seepage.
 n.

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Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

7. Downstream Slope: (Typical Slope ± : )

Access:  lower roadway along toe  roadway to outlet works  walkway to outlet works  None Observed
Slope Protection:  None  Dumped Rock  Rip Rap  Grouted Rip Rap  Concrete
Erosion:  Loose soil w/ little vegetation  Rut (<6”)  Gully (>6” deep)  Not Visible  None Observed
Cracks:  Parallel with crest  Perpendicular to crest  Slide visible  Not Visible  None Observed
Sinkholes:  in. Wide x in. Long x in. Deep  Not Visible  None Observed
Vegetation:  None  Low Ground Cover  Bushes or Tall Grass  Trees #  <6”  >6” & <20”  >20”
Seepage: Seep Spot Number 1
 Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:
Seep Spot Number 2
 Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:

 a. The downstream slope was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.
Corrective Actions:
 g. Slope protection needs maintenance or repair. Description:
 h. Rut and/or Gully erosion was observed on the slope, which requires maintenance and/or repair.
 i. A crack was observed on the slope, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining cause.
Monitor the area and/or repair as required.
 j. A sinkhole was observed on the slope, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining cause.
Repair and monitor the area.
 k. The down stream slope was not visible due to high grass and bush vegetation. Clear high vegetation and
maintain low to enable easy visual inspection.
 l. Tree(s) were observed on the dam embankment. Trees have been identified as the probable cause of piping
failures, and can possibly cause severe damage to the embankment if they are uprooted during a high winds.
Corrective action is required to remove the tree hazards from the dam. All repair work shall be accomplished
as per the requirements of licensed geotechnical or civil engineer. Routinely monitor the damaged area for
signs of settlement and seepage.
 m. Seepage/Ponding water was observed. Monitor and conduct further investigation to locate the source of water
and extent of any possible hazardous or developing condition.
 n. Seepage was observed flowing and particles were observed to be removed by the flow. Take immediate
action to stop the loss of soil from the embankment. Conduct further investigation to determine the underlining
cause and take corrective action. Monitor the area.
 o. The slope was very steep, around a 1 to 1 slope, further study is required to verify slope stability.
 p.

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Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

8. Abutments:
Erosion:  Loose soil w/ little vegetation  Rut (<6”)  Gully (>6” deep)  Not Visible  None Observed
Cracks:  Parallel with crest  Perpendicular to crest  Slide visible  Not Visible  None Observed

Vegetation:  None  Low Ground Cover  Bushes or Tall Grass  Trees #  <6”  >6” & <20”  >20”
Seepage: Seep Spot Number 1
 Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:

Seep Spot Number 2

 Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:

 a. The abutments were not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. Slope protection needs maintenance or repair. Description:
 h. Rut and/or Gully erosion was observed, which requires maintenance and/or repair.
 i. A crack was observed along the abutments, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining
cause. Monitor the area and/or repair as required.
 j. The abutment area was not visible due to high grass and bush vegetation. Clear high vegetation and maintain
low to enable easy visual inspection.
 k. Tree(s) were observed on the dam embankment. Trees have been identified as the probable cause of piping
failures, and can possibly cause severe damage to the embankment if they are uprooted during a high winds.
Corrective action is required to remove the tree hazards from the dam. All repair work shall be accomplished
as per the requirements of licensed geotechnical or civil engineer. Routinely monitor the damaged area for
signs of settlement and seepage.
 l. Seepage/Ponding water was observed. Monitor and conduct further investigation to locate the source of water
and extent of any possible hazardous or developing condition.
 m. Seepage was observed flowing and particles were observed to be removed by the flow. Take immediate
action to stop the loss of soil from the embankment. Conduct further investigation to determine the underlining
cause and take corrective action. Monitor the area.
 n.

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Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

9. Toe:
Erosion:  Loose soil w/ little vegetation  Rut (<6”)  Gully (>6” deep)  Not Visible  None Observed
Cracks:  Parallel with crest  Perpendicular to crest  Slide visible  Not Visible  None Observed
Vegetation:  None  Low Ground Cover  Bushes or Tall Grass  Trees #  <6”  >6” & <20”  >20”
Seepage: Seep Spot Number 1
 Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:

Seep Spot Number 2

 Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:

 a. The toe was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. Slope protection needs maintenance or repair. Description:
 h. Rut and/or Gully erosion was observed, which requires maintenance and/or repair.
 i. A crack was observed along the near the toe, which requires further investigation to determine the underlining
cause. Monitor the area and/or repair as required.
 j. The toe area was not visible due to high grass and bush vegetation. Clear high vegetation and maintain low to
enable easy visual inspection.
 k. Tree(s) were observed on the dam embankment. Trees have been identified as the probable cause of piping
failures, and can possibly cause severe damage to the embankment if they are uprooted during a high winds.
Corrective action is required to remove the tree hazards from the dam. All repair work shall be accomplished
as per the requirements of licensed geotechnical or civil engineer. Routinely monitor the damaged area for
signs of settlement and seepage.
 l. Seepage/Ponding water was observed. Monitor and conduct further investigation to locate the source of water
and extent of any possible hazardous or developing condition.
 m. Seepage was observed flowing and particles were observed to be removed by the flow. Take immediate
action to stop the loss of soil from the embankment. Conduct further investigation to determine the underlining
cause and take corrective action. Monitor the area.
 n.

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Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

10. Outlet Works:

Culvert / Pipe
Type / Size:
Culvert:  Concrete  Masonry  unlined earth  Other
Pipe:  DIP  Corrugated Metal  PVC  HDPE  Concrete  Other
Control Type:  Gate  Valve  Other
Location:  Control on Upstream side  Control on Downstream side
Seepage:  Green Vegetation  Wet or Muddy Ground  Ponding Water  Not Visible  None Observed
 Flowing, Description:
Water Clarity:  Clear  Some particles  Muddy  Other:
 a. The outlet works were not tested
.  b. The outlet works were not inspected
 c. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 d. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 e. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 f. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 g. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 h. Seepage/Ponding water was observed. Conduct further investigation to locate the source of water and extent
of any possible hazardous or developing condition.
 i. Seepage was observed flowing and particles were observed to be removed by the flow. Take immediate
action to stop the loss of soil. Conduct further investigation to determine the underlining cause and take
corrective action. Monitor the area. Failures caused by seepage/piping along the outlet conduit are very
common and are considered to be a dangerous situation.
 j. Were not visible due to high grass and bush vegetation. Clear high vegetation and maintain low to enable
easy visual inspection.
 k.

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Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

11. Spillway:
Type:  None  Culvert/Pipe  Channel
Dimension: ft. Invert elevation: ft. per staff gage
Slope Protection:  None  Grass  Dumped Rock  Fitted Rip Rap  Grouted Rip Rap  Concrete
 Defect in Protection: Description:
Approach:  Clear  High Veg.  Trees  Other:
Erosion:  Scour  Gully  Headcut  Not Observed  Other:
Vegetation:  None  Low Ground Cover  Bushes or Tall Grass  Trees #  <6”  >6” & <20”  >20”
 a. The spillway was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g. Slope protection needs maintenance or repair. Description:
 h. The spillway approach was blocked. Clear approach.
 i. Severe scour erosion was observed which requires maintenance and/or repair.
 j. A headcut was observed downstream of the spillway. Corrective / mitigative action is required to prevent this
problem from moving upstream.
 k. Trees are unacceptable in the spillway channel and approach. Take corrective action to address the woody
vegetation problem and repair the damaged area.
 l. Unclear if spillway is adequately sized. Spillway should pass the probable maximum flood. Verify spillway
capacity and take corrective action as required.
 m.

12. Downstream Channel:

Downstream:  Sump  Open Area  Un-Defined Drainage-way  Defined Drainage-way  Other
Items along Stream Bank:  None  Road  Houses  Town  Not Inspected

 a. The downstream channel was not inspected.
 b. Satisfactory – Expected to fulfill intended function – no corrective action required.
 c. Fair - Expected to fulfill intended function, but maintenance or other actions are recommended.
 d. Poor – May not fulfill intended function; maintenance, repairs, or other actions are necessary.
 e. Unsatisfactory – Is not expected to fulfill intended function; repair, replacement, or modification is necessary.
 f. Unknown – Not visible, not accessible, not inspected, or unable to determine based on the observation taken.

Corrective Actions:
 g.

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Dam ID: HI-#### Inspection No:
Hawaii Reservoir Date: Month Day, Year

Additional Comments:

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