Peter and The Starcatcher

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The director wants to tell the story of how Peter Pan became a legend through his relationship with Molly Aster without relying on cross-dressing or gender jokes. The play is written in the style of British pantomime.

The director decided to cast only one woman in the play to reflect the historical context of Victorian England in 1885 when the story is set.

The play is written in the style of British pantomime, or panto, which includes physical comedy, satire, stock characters, and references thrown in for modern audiences.


Hello, fellow adventurer, and thank you for climbing aboard the Never-

First, a bit about Pan: Peter Pan was born in 1902 by the hand of Scottish
writer JM Barrie, in his book The Little White Bird. Barrie would go on to
write three books and a play (Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow
Up) about Peter, and Peter himself would go on to capture the imagina-
tions of generations of the world’s children (including two little girls in
our Iowa home almost 100 years later). Pan is the embodiment of child-
hood: he is joy, delight, escapism, occasional self ishness, courage, won-
der, innocence, anarchy--he faces the world believing that it will bend to
his whim. The story of Peter Pan and his f riends would go on to inspire
movies (perhaps most notably Disney’s 1953 animated feature), musicals,
books, psychological theory, and even food and household products.

Which brings me to our play.

Peter & the Starcatcher is the prequel to the Peter Pan story of your child-
hood. Based on Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson’s popular young adult se-
ries Peter & the Starcatchers (Disney Hyperion), the play tells the story
of how an orphan Boy with no name becomes a legend. You’ll note the
change f rom book to script: “Starcatchers” on the book cover becomes
“Starcatcher” on your playbill. Pearson discusses this in several interviews
as being a small but signif icant change. In the books, the Starcatchers
are an elite force of humans charged with protecting a magical element
called “starstuff ” that turns beings into what they truly want to be. In the
play, the titular “Starcatcher” is Molly Aster, an aspiring member of the
force, but more importantly, the brave and precocious young woman who
teaches Peter what being a true leader looks like. This is the story, really,
of Peter and Molly.

Peter & the Starcatcher is written in the British Pantomime, or Panto,

style. Rooted in some elements of the Italian commedia del’ arte, Panto
is generally designed for the retelling of traditional fairy tales or folklore,
and includes physical or slapstick comedy, satire, actors dressed as ani-
mals, a lot of double entendre (if you know what I mean), stock characters
(the villain, the hero, the clown, etc.) and a bunch of modern references
thrown in for good measure. There is often a chorus in a Panto, and you’ll
see that our actors serve that purpose--they are watching over scenes,
sometimes commenting on and even driving the action. Panto also em-
braces a strong “cross-dressing” tradition, and this looms large in cast-
ing the show. The play is written for 11 men and one woman; the woman
plays “Molly”, and the men play everyone else--women, mermaids, Italian
mollusk islanders, everyone. Often directors choose to cast both men and
women in the roles, and to ignore that Panto element of the script. I faced
some serious decisions here, then. First, there’s this: as a celebrator of the
complex and wondrous spectrum of nonbinary gender expression, I have
learned that making a joke of a man in a dress is, among other things,
both small and boring. Since our play is neither of those things, I’m not
interested in f inding the funny there. I don’t want giggling at mer-men
in shell bras, or our Mrs Bumbrake in her dress. In conversation with our
costume designer Samantha, though, we discovered that we could solve
those issues by putting the men in minimal pieces that imply their char-
acters but require a bit of imagination--you’ll have to let me know if you
think it worked.

So then I faced the issue of whether or not it’s even a good or interesting
thing to create this play with 12 actors and only one woman. I decided,
ultimately, that it is. Here’s why:

In the Prologue, we learn that our story starts on a “grey and misty dawn”
in 1885 on the docks at Portsmouth. The history buffs among us will recog-
nize immediately, then, that we are in Victorian England. Queen Victoria
reigned for decades, and was a much beloved monarch who presided over
the then Great Britain in a time of prosperity and peace. It was also a time
of severe restrictions and limitations for women. British society was com-
mitted to the idea that a woman’s only place was in the home, with her
children (not really an original stance for any time or place). Women were
not considered leaders in any way: a notion I f ind deeply ironic, since a
woman helmed the entire Empire. So I decided that the image of a young
woman, our Molly, facing adventure and danger in a world made only of
men, is compelling enough that it’s worthy of that casting decision. Molly
is a born leader, and her ideas about leadership imply a deep understand-
ing of how human beings work. She is unapologetic and smart, and she
knows how to motivate people toward an almost impossible goal. She also
faces non-stop skepticism about her ability to lead, because others feel
that they themselves more closely resemble traditional leaders. Listen for
the moment in the play when she turns to one of the orphans and says,
“Ever notice, Ted--the more you claim leadership the more it eludes you?”

The play you’re about to watch is packed with everything we at DalekoArts

love in a play: it has action, love, mystery, adventure, imagination, joy, heart,
sincerity, and a lot of laughs. It tackles some issues, it embraces life, and
it has more than one hero’s journey. We love these characters, each and
every one of them, and we hope you’ll feel the same when our adventure
today is over. On behalf of Molly, Peter, the orphans, Stache, Smee, Tink,
and the whole gang...thank you for having faith. We’re honored to count
you among our band of Starcatchers.

With love and a little pixie dust,

Amanda and the Peter & the Starcatcher Team
Rick Elice
music by
Wayne Barker
based on the novel by
Dave Barry &
Ridley Pearson
directed by
Amanda White*
music direction by
Anthony J Sofie*

Erik Dagoberg
Jonathan Feld
Molly Aster
Eva Gemlo
Bill Slank/Hawking Clam
Vincent Hannam
Stage Manager Lord Leonard Aster

Samson Perry Tom Karki*

Scenic Designer/ Smee/Greggors
Painter/Carpenter Patrick Kozicky*
Robin McIntyre Mrs. Bumbrake/Teacher
Lighting Designer Michael Lee
Courtney Schmitz Capt. Robert Falcon Scott
Costume Designer Ryan Lee
Samantha Kuhn Staneart Prentiss
Sound Designer/Composer Armando Harlow Ronconi
Joshua Stallings Alf
Props Designer Anthony J Sofie*
Sarah Salisbury Fighting Prawn/Sanchez/
Fight Director Grempkin/Mack
Josh Scharback Mike Swan
Dialect Consultant Black Stache
Keely Wolter Ben Thietje*
* denotes company member
In addition to the roles listed above, most of the Company will also play multiple pirates, sailors, mermaids,
mollusks, and an assortment of the sorts of characters one might find in a tale of adventure and magic.
DalekoArts (DELL-uh-koh), an ensemble theatre
company, works with professional artists to pursue
impactful, live performance in our community of
New Prague, Minnesota and the surrounding region.

Our purpose is to decentralize professional theatre in
Minnesota by increasing engagement and opportu-
nity in New Prague and the surrounding area. It is our
dream that New Prague will be a known destination
for quality performing arts and arts education.

DalekoArts was founded in 2012 by theatre artists
Ben Thietje and Amanda White as a way to help de-
centralize professional theatre in Minnesota.

New Prague was chosen as the company’s home due

to the community’s extraordinary interest in theatre,
the regional growth and development it has experi-
enced in the last decade, its relative proximity to the
Twin Cities, and its close ties to the founders.

“Daleko” — a Czech word meaning “far away” — re-

flects New Prague’s strong bohemian roots, its spa-
tial relationship to the cultural hub that is the Twin
Cities, and the ensemble’s desire to step back and
examine the world f rom a new point of view.

DalekoArts is a member of the Theatre

Communications Group (TCG), the national
organization for the American theatre.

DalekoArts is a proud member of the Minnesota

Theater Alliance.
Boy/Peter Bill Slank/Hawking
Erik is excited to be performing in Clam
his f irst DalekoArts production. Vincent is delighted to return to
His most recent performances in- New Prague this spring in one of his
clude A Midsummer Night’s Dream favorite stories. Past Daleko shows
(Demetrius), Pride and Prejudice include Wait Until Dark, Snowed
(Mr. Darcy), and [Title of Show] (Jeff), Inn, and Middletown (as assistant
all through Normandale Communi- director). Previously, he has worked
ty College. His last professional pro- with other Minnesota companies
duction was I and You (Anthony) such as Park Square Theatre, Yel-
through Phoenix Theater. Erik will low Tree, Girl Friday Productions,
graduate f rom Normandale this up- Commonweal Theatre, Paul Bunyan
coming spring and will attend the Playhouse, and Lyric Arts. He has
University of Michigan next year in also worked around the country at
pursuit of a BFA in Theatre Perfor- the Hangar Theatre, Alhambra The-
mance (Acting). He would like to atre & Dining, and Heartwood Re-
thank his parents for always sup- gional Theater. Born and raised in
porting him and grandma Rei and central Florida, he earned a BFA in
grandma Mur who come to every Acting f rom the University of Cen-
performance in body and spirit. tral Florida and now celebrates his
f ifth year living and making art in
JONATHAN FELD the state, thanks in large part to
Te d DalekoArts and every single one of
Jonathan is tickled as a pickle to you reading this program.
be performing in his f irst Dale-
koArts show. An Iowa native, he TOM KARKI
graduated f rom Simpson College Lord Leonard Aster
with a theatre degree and migrat- Tom is absolutely tickled to return
ed north because of a marriage ar- for his 7th season at DalekoArts.
rangement. Jonathan took a hiatus On the DA stage, he has performed
f rom theatre since performing in in The Odd Couple (Roy), Forev-
Fat Pig with the Des Moines Social er Plaid (Smudge), Rancho Mirage
Club back in 2009, and is pleasant- (Charlie), Little Shop of Horrors
ly pleased to be back on stage per- (voice of Audrey II), Urinetown (Of-
forming for the f ine folks of New f icer Lockstock), The Rink (Lino/
Prague. In his f ree time Jonathan Papa Antonelli), and Middletown
enjoys cooking, camping, hiking, (Cop). A graduate of the Universi-
and being outdoors as much as hu- ty of MN-Duluth, he has performed
manly possible. numerous theater and opera roles
across the country. Tom would like
EVA GEMLO to thank his f riends and family for
Molly Aster their constant love and support; es-
Eva is a Twin Cities actor, returned pecially his wife, Chris and his awe-
to the ancestral homeland of Saint some son, Deven!
Paul after getting her undergraduate
degree from Luther College in Iowa. PATRICK KOZICKY
She was most recently seen as Mar- Smee/Greggors
got Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank Patrick is delighted to be working
at Park Square Theatre. Some favor- with DalekoArts again. He has per-
ite past roles include Olivia in Twelfth formed with DA in Constellations,
Night (Stillwater Zephyr Theatre), Middletown, A Chris Smith Car-
Ishmael in Moby Dick (Theatre Coup ol, Adventures in Mating, Another
d’Etat), Judith in Equivocation (Walk- Main Street Holiday, Our Town, Main
ing Shadow Theatre Company), Tita- Street Holiday, The Philadelphia
nia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Story and The Odd Couple. He also
and Bianca in Women Beware Wom- directed DA’s production of Ran-
en (both with Classical Actors Ensem- cho Mirage. Previously, he has per-
ble). Eva also freelances as an intima- formed with The Children’s Theatre
cy choreographer, currently working Company, Walking Shadow Theatre
with the History Theatre. Thank you Company, Park Square Theatre,
to Amanda for giving us the chance Theatre Unbound, The Mechanical
to live our dreams and fly.
Division, Theatre in the Round Play- ple all across the Metro with their
ers, Youth Performance Company, home buying and selling adven-
and The New Theatre Group. Pat- tures! Also a seasoned songwriter
rick would like to thank DalekoArts and musician, Ryan has released
for inviting him into their family. He f ive albums of original music and
also thanks you, for buying a ticket toured nationally. Thanks for com-
and supporting local art. Last but ing and enjoy the show!
not least he thanks Dan for letting
him go to Disney World so often. ARMANDO HARLOW
M rs . B u m b ra ke / Te a ch e r Prentiss
DalekoArts: Peter and the Armando is stoked to return to the
Starcatcher, Rancho Mirage; Clas- DalekoArts stage as Prentiss! His
sical Actors Ensemble: Romeo and previous credits include Jakob (City
Juliet, Merchant of Venice; Mixed Council Christmas) and Lucky (The
Blood Theatre: Safe at Home; Yel- Rink). A graduate f rom Marquette
low Tree Theatre: The Pavilion, University, Armando moved to the
Dancing at Lughnasa, On Golden Twin Cities in 2015 where he contin-
Pond, Artistry Theater: Blithe Spirit, ues to pursue his career as an ac-
A Few Good Men; Old Log Theatre: tor. In addition to DalekoArts, he
Leaving Iowa; Jungle Theatre: Mac- has worked with Lyric Arts (Plaid
beth; Children’s Theatre Company: Tidings), Artistry Theatre (Mary
The Diviners, Once Upon a Forest, Poppins), Children’s Theatre Madi-
Grimm Tales, Lyle the Crocodile, Al- son (How I Became a Pirate), Cha-
ice in Wonderland, Guthrie Theater: meleon Theatre (39 Steps), CLIMB
As You Like It; Theatre de la Jeune Theatre (Performing Company),
Lune: The Kitchen; Park Square The- and Valley Fair (Vocal Coasters).
atre: St. Joan, Equus, Fashion; Peter When he is not on stage, you can
Peter Pumpkin Theatre: Edward II; f ind him teaching tap, tutoring
Paul Bunyan Playhouse: The Un- math, and playing D&D! He would
derpants, Boeing Boeing, Picasso like to thank his f riends and family
at the Lapin Agile, The Full Mon- for their constant love and support!
ty, Guys and Dolls, The Rainmaker;
Brave New Workshop: Flanagan’s ANTHONY J SOFIE
Wake, Actors Theatre: Guys on Ice, Alf/Music Director
Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding, We Got-
ta Bingo! Minnesota Shakespeare Anthony is delighted to take the
Company: Romeo and Juliet, Merry stage again at DalekoArts -- where
Wives of Windsor; Pioneer Place he has previously been seen as
Theatre: Arsenic and Old Lace, The “Dino” in the Main Street Holiday
Foreigner, Dogg’s Hamlet/Cahoot’s series -- in addition to having the
Macbeth; Urban Samurai Theatre: privilege of coordinating the many
Slasher; Joking Apart Theatre: Bob- musical aspects of this play. Previ-
by Gould in Hell; Mystery Café: Let’s ously at DA, he has music directed
Kill the Boss, I’ll Be Homicidal for Forever Plaid, Little Shop of Horrors,
Christmas, Death Throws a Curve- Always…Patsy Cline, Urinetown, The
ball. Upcoming Fall 2019: Classical Rink, She Loves Me, and Godspell.
Actors Ensemble: Arden of Faversh- Anthony is an active performer in
am/Much Ado About Nothing the Twin Cities area, assuming the
roles of music director, vocal coach,
RYAN LEE accompanist, and dialect coach.
Captain Robert Falcon As a singer and actor, Anthony has
performed with Artistry, Minneap-
Scott olis Musical Theatre, Dale Warland
Ryan is absolutely overjoyed to be Singers, St. Paul Chamber Orches-
back in New Prague for his fourth tra Chorale, Minnesota Opera, and
DalekoArts show! Recently, Ryan Chameleon Theatre Circle. He also
has been fortunate to perform with currently serves as music director
several fantastic theaters around at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, and
the Twin Cities including Lyric Arts, music director and accompanist
Theater Latte’ Da, Uprising Theatre, for Park Center High School.
and Seasons Dinner Theater. Ryan
also works as a Realtor, serving peo-
MIKE SWAN Steppenwolf Theatre Company in
Chicago. Amanda is in her third
Fighting Prawn/ year as a member of the Theatre
Sanchez/Grempkin/Mack Department faculty at Normandale
Mike is so excited to return to Dale- Community College. She is proud to
koArts for what he considers one of serve on the Board of Directors at
his “bucket list shows.” Past cred- Walking Shadow Theatre Compa-
its at Daleko include Middletown, ny, on the New Prague Chamber of
Our Town, and The Shape of Things. Commerce Board of Directors, and
Other Twin Cities credits include on the Fine Arts Board at Plymouth
The Skin of Our Teeth and Idiot’s Congregational Church in Minne-
Delight (Girl Friday Productions/ apolis. This one is for our Ethan: the
Park Square Theatre), Wit and All greatest Captain the Neverland will
My Sons (Artistry), My Barking Dog ever know, and a true Starcatcher.
(Market Garden Theatre), and two
seasons as a member of the Com- SAMSON PERRY
monweal Theatre Company. Mike Stage Manager
holds a B.A. in Theatre Performance
f rom James Madison University and Samson has previously worked with
wants to pet your dog. DalekoArts on Middletown. He cur-
rently travels around the Twin Cit-
ies theatre scene as a Stage Man-
BEN THIETJE ager, Director, and Playwright. His
Black Stache recent credits include Stage Man-
Ben has been working as a profes- aging Evita and Guys and Dolls (Lyr-
sional theatre artist and educator in ic Arts), Winnie the Pooh (Old Log
the Twin Cities for the past fifteen Theater), and Actually (Minneso-
years. He teaches and directs the- ta Jewish Theater). He also directs
atre at New Prague High School, and works with students at Elk Riv-
and holds a degree in Theatre Arts er High School each winter, and at-
f rom Minnesota State Universi- tempts to f ill in the down time with
ty, Mankato. In addition to being a his writing.
Daleko founding Artistic Director,
he’s appeared in the company’s ROBIN MCINTYRE
productions of The Odd Couple, Scenic Designer/
Forever Plaid, Almost, Maine, Ran-
cho Mirage, Little Shop of Horrors, Painter/Carpenter
Love Letters, Urinetown, Stones in Robin graduated with a BFA and an
His Pockets, The Rink, Middletown, MFA in Theatre Design and Stage
and City Council Christmas in ad- Technology f rom The University
dition to serving as director for the of North Carolina at Greensboro.
DA holiday productions. Since 1991 Robin has designed for
a variety of local theatres including
AMANDA WHITE Lakeshore Players, Mounds View
Community Theatre, Park Square
Director Theatre, The History Theatre, Ac-
Amanda is proud and delighted to tor’s Theatre, The Flying Foot Fo-
be on this joyful adventure with rum, North Star Opera, The Phipps
this company of artists. In addi- Center for the Arts, local colleges,
tion to being a founding Artistic and many local high schools. For 10
Director of DalekoArts, Amanda seasons Robin created hundreds of
has directed Godspell, Our Town, sets for both main stage musicals
Little Shop of Horrors, Barefoot in and Black Box theatre productions
the Park, and The Odd Couple. She at Bloomington Civic Theatre and
has also been privileged to join Art Center. He is currently f ree-
the companies of Middletown, The lance designing in the Twin Cities
Rink, The Complete Works of Wil- and working with The University of
liam Shakespeare (abridged),The Northwestern in St. Paul.
Philadelphia Story, Rancho Mirage,
and Proof. She is a graduate of Co-
lumbia University’s MA Program in COURTNEY SCHMITZ
Arts Administration, MSU Manka- Lighting Designer
to’s MFA in Theatre Performance, Courtney earned her MFA in lighting
Truman State University’s Theatre design f rom the University of Iowa
Arts program, and the School at in 2009. Since relocating to Minne-
apolis in 2012, she has designed lo- credits include Stones in His Pock-
cally with Yellow Tree Theatre, Col- ets, The Rink, The Complete Works
lective Unconscious Performance, of William Shakespeare (abridged),
Workhaus Collective, nimbus the- Middletown, She Loves Me, God-
atre, SPARK theatre + dance, 20% spell, and Constellations. Sarah is
Theatre Company, and Bucket Bri- also a stage manager for such com-
gade Theatre, among others. Pre- panies as Jagged Moves, Rhythmi-
vious designs with DelakoArts in- cally Speaking, Eclectic Edge En-
clude Wait Until Dark, Stones In semble, Alternative Motion Project,
His Pockets, The Complete Works as well as being an Assistant Stage
of William Shakespeare (abridged), Manager at Ted Mann Concert Hall.
She Loves Me, Godspell, City Coun- On top of all of that, Sarah is the
cil Christmas, and Constellations. Production Manager for The Haunt-
ed Basement.
SAMANTHA KUHN Fight Director
STANEART Josh is thrilled to be back with the
Costume Designer amazing team at DalekoArts. He
was last seen with DA as an actor in
At DalekoArts: Our Town, Urine- The Philadelphia Story and Stones
town, Little Shop of Horrors, God- In His Pockets, and as f ight direc-
spell Representative Experience: tor for Wait Until Dark. Recent f ight
At Pro Rata: Rocketman, Henry direction at Normandale Communi-
V, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, ty College: She Kills Monsters, Pic-
1984, Isaac’s Eye; Minneapolis Mu- nic, Noises Off, The Gravedigger,
sical Theatre: Love Comics; Lyric and Dr. Seward’s Dracula. Previ-
Arts: Guys and Dolls, She Loves Me, ous theater includes: Playwrights’
Always...Patsy Cline, Shrek the Mu- Center, Portland Stage, Merrimack
sical, The Explorers’ Club, Grease, Repertory, American Shakespeare
Boeing Boeing, Into The Woods; Center, Philadelphia Shakespeare,
Theater Unbound: Mere Trifles, Silk- Fairbanks Shakespeare, Penobscot
worms; Apple Valley High School: Theater, Seacoast Repertory, and
The 25th Annual Putnam County seven seasons as an actor, director,
Spelling Bee, 9 to 5; Actors’ The- and f ight director with the Theater
atre of Columbus, OH: A Comedy at Monmouth – The Shakespearean
of Errors, The Merchant of Venice Theater of Maine. Josh trained at
Training/Education: The Ohio State the London Academy of Music and
University, Columbus, OH: M.F.A. Dramatic Art..
Costume Design and Construction;
Hamline University, St. Paul, MN:
B.A. Economics and Theatre Arts. KEELY WOLTER
Samantha is the the Makeup/Retail Dialect Consultant
Buyer at Norcostco, Inc. Keely holds an MA in Voice Studies
f rom the Royal Central School of
JOSHUA STALLINGS Speech and Drama in London. She
Sound Designer/ has served as a voice and accent
coach with HBO, the Guthrie The-
Composer ater, Park Square Theater, Jungle
Joshua is excited to be returning Theater, Children’s Theater Com-
to DalekoArts after designing God- pany, Theater Latte Da, Artistry,
spell earlier this season. A designer the University of Minnesota/Guth-
and composer, his work includes rie BFA Actor Training Program,
shows with Twin Cities Public Tele- St. Olaf College, and many others.
vision, History Theatre, CLIMB The- Keely was named a 2018 Best Vo-
atre, SteppingStone Theatre, Yellow cal Dialogue Coach by Lavender
Tree Theatre, and countless music Magazine for her work on Artistry’s
and corporate events across the Awake and Sing. This is her fourth
midwest. production working with Dale-
koArts (Stones in His Pockets, The
Rink, and Constellations).
Props Designer
Sarah is overjoyed to be back for
her eighth Daleko production. Past
FRIEND Michaela Kronlage Dianne Weiers Vera Schoenecker Joy Seema
up to $99 Mike Lagerquist Hannah Weinberg- Kristin & Nick Schroers Amy “Aim Face”
Anonymous Matthew Lasch Goerger Pete & Heather Surber
Richard & Angie Chris & Joel Loose Lisa Widmer Schuller Kay & Mike Wilcox
Andersen Duayne & Dianne Chad & Kyle Wieskus Jim & Karla Schultz Brad & Deb Yopp
Emily Rose Skinner & Malewicki Gretchen & Garrett Erin K. Shadwick PRODUCER
Gregory Angel Gregory McClenahan Ykema Dennis & Winnifred $5,000 - $9,999
Sheena Arias Matt McNabb Anita York Simon Brad & Kytyn
Maggie Arko Callie Meiners ADVOCATE Donald & Lisa Simon Schoenbauer family
Greg & Jymme Bark Florence & Dave $100 - $249 Greg & Ginny ARTISTIC
Kate Barr Minar Anonymous Spurlock DIRECTOR’S
E.V. Moebius Amy & Darrin Ahrens Ken & Marge Sticha CIRCLE
John & Ann Berg $10,000+
Jeff & Deb Bergeson Dana Newman Joan Anderson D.R. Svobodny
Amy & Mike Newman Angonimous Mike Swan Betty Jean Smith
David Beukema - Arts ink, Inc. Audrey & Bob Austin Shelly Tietz
Jean Bartusek $10+/month recurring
Jane & George Tom Nieman Marsha & Tom Topka gift
Brezina Dan Norman Mark & Mary Bartusek Thanh & FrankiJo Tran Anonymous
Renee Brinkman Vickie Novak Kris Beatrez Bob & Mary Vanasek Audrey & Bob Austin
Anne & Sean Byrd Brandon & Gina Bill Belkengren Mary & Jerry Walerius Jean Bartusek
Carol Cafarelli O’Connell Bill & Mary Kay Bill & Carolyn Bill & Mary Kay
Cory Carlson Vicki Palmer, in Bergevin Wehrmacher Bergevin
Carol Coburn memory of Frank Beyonce Judith & Dennis Josh Campbell
Don & Judy Conn Deierling Joan Bohnsack White Cary Coop
Dann Peterson Jeannie Buckner Joe & Mary Widmer The Deihls
Karrie Deutsch Shelbi Eckman
Jaslyn Dobrahner Kathy Peterson Rev. Kevin Clinton Sara Wilcox
Matthew Peyer- Chuck & Kate Croatt Richard & Cathy Beth & Jerry Geis
Kristin Dohm Andy Giesen
Pj Doyle Stensrud Terry & Valerie Wornson
Drommerhausen Donna Giesen
Robert Droddy Nathan Peyer- Dick & Mary Zweber Eric & Lois Hyde
Janeil Dropik Stensrud Shelbi Eckman PARTNER Mike & Terri Jacobson
Debra Dvorak Patrick Pribyl Jill Evans & David $250 - $499 Kallal family
Gary Eagen Amy Prochaska Christensen Anonymous Christine & Tom Karki
Linda Ebersole Debra Que Jane Fox, in honor of Steve & Elaine Vonnie McWilliams
Karen Eckman Kendra & Paul Steven R. Gernes Bruchman Dr. Tim & Deb Miller
Julie Eide Rasmusson Paul & Angie Frykman The Deihls Dave & Florence
Steve & JeNean Paul Reyburn Lizzie & Bobby Marv & Kim Deutsch Minar
Kimberly Ries Gardner Barbara Droher Kline Sean & Jamee O’Neill
Erickson Kathy O’Neill
Songe Family Alice & Massimo Den Gardner Mike & Terri Jacobson
Ronconi in honor Beth & Jerry Geis Duane & Amy Jirik Scott & Jennifer Pierce
Doug & Lori Faust Valerie Reiter
Kayla & Jonathan Feld of Armando Harlow Andy Giesen Murphy Family
Donna Giesen Mike Maske & Jessie Lou Ring
Karista Filopoulos Ronconi Grif & Jenny Sadow
Edward Flathers Sue Ruprecht Joan Goggins Park Jen & Greg Sayler
Mike Fotis Christi & Chad Ryburn Mark Goodman & Bruce & Carol Olness Brad & Kytyn
Jane Fox Rita Sapp Debra Buss Joann & Jim Petersen Schoenbauer family
Phillip Galligan Richard & Joanne Bob & Barb Gullickson Debra & Fred Savage Pete & Heather
Janice Geis Sayles, in memory of Heid Family Roy & Lori Seurer Schuller
Michele Germscheid Frank Deierling Thomas Herrmann Rodney & Darlene Rodney & Darlene
Werner & Kathy Rebecca Schaecher Jerry & Cathy Seurer Seurer
Jill Schafer Herrmann Kim & Eric Snyder Roy & Lori Seurer
Giesen Greg & Ginny
Cynthia Giles Ann Schoenbauer Wayne & Kathleen Anthony Sofie
Sandra & Larry Hines Ron & Kathy Sofie Spurlock
Maggie & Matthew Ken & Marge Sticha
Goldade Schoenecker Teresa Hopke Pat & Margaret
Cynthia & Joe Hrabe Sullivan Mike Swan
Peter Gudlewski Carol Schwie Marsha & Tom Topka
Karen Guentzel Jennifer Shepard Eric & Lois Hyde STAGE MANAGER Richard & Cathy
Ann Marie Simon Marlys Johnson $500 - $999
Jill Gunderson-Gernes Wornson
Sharon Simon David & Susan Karan Anonymous Brad & Deb Yopp
Robin Gunning
Cassy Simon Lana Knoke Daisy Babione BUSINESS
Keri Guthridge
Debra Skluzacek Ari Koehnen BOOM! Theater FRIENDS
Jason & Kacey Hamlin
Megan Smith in Linda Maloney Josh Campbell Back & Neck Clinic of
Mary Hanson-Busch
memory of Betty Jean Jen & Troy The Frank Deierling New Prague
Ann Hartman
Smith McDonough Memorial Fund Goldsmith Eye Care
Lisa Haugen New Prague Floral &
Tommy & Denise Vonnie McWilliams Kathy & Renae Gage
Linnea & Jim Such, Inc.
Spies, in memory of Dawn Meyer Pamela Geeding in
Hautman in honor of Nick Slavik Painting &
Frank Deierling Laura Meyer memory of Uncle Jim
Grandma Thietje Restoration Co.
Michael Stevens Judy & Ted Nelson Jim & Sandi Jensen
Janet Havlicek Pool & Spa Patrol
Norm & Bernadine Kathy O’Neill Barb & Chuck
Sheryl Hennen
Anna & Marty Sticha Sean & Jamee O’Neill FRIENDS
Terri Sticha Marvin & Mary Peters Deb & Virgil Pint INDIVIDUAL
Julie Stroud Scott & Jennifer Pierce Jim Scharback & Gail SPONSORS
Mary Higgins
Jeremy Sundheim Larry & Carol Pint Weiner Ettlin’s Cafe
Mary & Kevin Higgins
Miriam Swenson Todd & Mary Kay Phil & Leanne German Days, Inc.
Nickie & Paul Hill
Laura Tahja-Johnson Proshek Scheiber New Prague Chamber
Keith Hovis
Tim & Laurie Thorp Greg & Sally Toby & Nicole Thietje of Commerce
Gemma Irish New Prague Fire
Pamela Tietz Rademacher Franny Tuma
Jane Isaacs DIRECTOR Department
Carol Jackson Greg Trettel Valerie Reiter
Stefeni Tupy Whitney Rhodes $1,000 - $4,999 FRIENDS OF
Brianne Jirik Anonymous FRIENDS SERIES
Jeanae Justen Becky Valek Grif & Jenny Sadow
Jen & Greg Sayler John Bigelow SPONSOR
Jared & Erica Sandra Vanden Einde Bruzek Funeral Home
LuAnn Villwock Patricia & William Mike & Bonnie
Scheidt Fullerton DALEKOARTS
Margaret Kartak The Vilt Family SEASON
Wesley Volkenant Robert & Tami Christine and Tom
Heather King Karki SPONSORS
Heather Kohoutek Alex & Kate Wagner Schmitz Giesenbräu Bier Co.
Jennifer Waller Steven & Connie Stephanie Kivi
Lenore Krava Alecia & Josh
Fred Kreider Anna Weggel-Reed Schoenbauer
Scharback family

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