LM6584 TFT-LCD Quad, 13V RRIO High Output Current Operational Amplifier
LM6584 TFT-LCD Quad, 13V RRIO High Output Current Operational Amplifier
LM6584 TFT-LCD Quad, 13V RRIO High Output Current Operational Amplifier
March 2005
TFT-LCD Quad, 13V RRIO High Output Current
Operational Amplifier
General Description Features
The LM6584 is a low power, high voltage, rail-to-rail input- (VS = 5V, TA = 25˚C typical values unless specified)
output amplifier ideally suited for LCD panel VCOM driver and n Input common mode voltage 0.5V beyond rails
gamma buffer applications. The LM6584 contains four unity n Output voltage swing (RL = 2kΩ) 50mV from rails
gain stable amplifiers in one package. It provides a common n Output short circuit current +310/−410mA
mode input ability of 0.5V beyond the supply rails, as well as
n Continuous output current 75mA
an output voltage range that extends to within 50mV of either
n Supply current (per amp, no load) 750µA
supply rail. With these capabilities, the LM6584 provides
maximum dynamic range at any supply voltage. Operating n Supply voltage range 5V to 13V
on supplies ranging from 5V to 13V, while consuming only n Unity gain stable
750µA per amplifier, the LM6584 has a bandwidth of 24MHz n −3dB bandwidth (AV = +1) 24MHz
(−3dB). n Slew rate 11V/µSec
The LM6584 also features fast slewing and settling times, n Settling time 270ns
along with a high continuous output capability of 75mA. This n SO-14 and TSSOP-14 package
output stage is capable of delivering approximately 310mA n Manufactured in National Semiconductor’s
peak currents in order to charge or discharge capacitive state-of-the-art bonded wafer, trench isolated
loads. These features are ideal for use in TFT-LCDs. complementary bipolar VIP10™ technology for high
The LM6584 is available in the industry standard 14-pin SO performance at low power levels
package and in the space-saving 14-pin TSSOP package.
The amplifiers are specified for operation over the full −40˚C Applications
to +85˚C temperature range.
n LCD panel VCOM driver
n LCD panel gamma buffer
n LCD panel repair amp
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13V AC Electrical Characteristics (Note 13) (Continued)
Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for at TJ = 25˚C, VCM = 1⁄2VS and RL = 2kΩ. Boldface limits apply at the tem-
perature extremes.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 6) (Note 5) (Note 6)
Unity Gain Bandwidth Product 15.4 MHz
−3dB Frequency AV = +1 10 24 MHz
Φm Phase Margin 61 deg
ts Settling Time (0.1%) AV = −1, AO = ± 5V, RL = 500Ω 780 ns
tp Propagation Delay AV = −2, VIN = ± 5V, RL = 500Ω 20 ns
HD2 2nd Harmonic Distortion VOUT = 2VPP −53 dBc
FIN = 1MHz (Note 10)
HD3 3rd Harmonic Distortion VOUT = 2VPP −40 dBc
FIN = 1MHz (Note 10)
en Input-Referred Voltage Noise f = 10kHz 23 nV/
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5V AC Electrical Characteristics (Note 13)
Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for at TJ = 25˚C, VCM = 1⁄2VS and RL = 2kΩ. Boldface limits apply at the tem-
perature extremes.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 6) (Note 5) (Note 6)
SR Slew Rate (Note 9) AV = +1, VIN = 3.5VPP 11 V/µs
Unity Gain Bandwidth Product 15.3 MHz
−3dB Frequency AV = +1 24 MHz
Φm Phase Margin 56 deg
ts Settling Time (0.1%) AV = −1, VO = ± 1V, RL = 500Ω 270 ns
tp Propagation Delay AV = −2, VIN = ± 1V, RL = 500Ω 21 ns
HD2 2nd Harmonic Distortion VOUT = 2VPP −53 dBc
FIN = 1MHz (Note 10)
HD3 3rd Harmonic Distortion VOUT = 2VPP −40 dBc
FIN = 1MHz (Note 10)
en Input-Referred Voltage Noise f = 10kHz 23 nV/
Note 1: Note 1: Absolute maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the
device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications and the test conditions, see the Electrical
Note 2: For testing purposes, ESD was applied using human body model, 1.5kΩ in series with 100pF.
Note 3: Applies to both single-supply and split-supply operation. Continuous short circuit operation at elevated ambient temperature can result in exceeding the
maximum allowed junction temperature of 150˚C
Note 4: The maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(MAX), θJA, and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature is
PD = (TJ(MAX) - TA)/ θJA . All numbers apply for packages soldered directly onto a PC board.
Note 5: Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm.
Note 6: All limits are guaranteed by testing or statistical analysis.
Note 7: Large signal voltage gain is the total output swing divided by the input signal required to produce that swing.
Note 8: The open loop output current is guaranteed, by the measurement of the open loop output voltage swing.
Note 9: Slew Rate is the average of the raising and falling slew rates.
Note 10: Harmonics are measured with AV = +2 and RL = 100Ω and VIN = 1VPP to give VOUT = 2VPP.
Note 11: Continuous operation at these output currents will exceed the power dissipation ability of the device
Note 12: Power dissipation limits may be exceeded if all four amplifiers source or sink 75mA. Voltage across the output transistors and their output currents must
be taken into account to determine the power dissipation of the device
Note 13: Electrical Table values apply only for factory testing conditions at the temperature indicated. Factory testing conditions result in very limited self-heating
of the device such that TJ = TA. No guarantee of parametric performance is indicated in the electrical tables under conditions of internal self heating where TJ > TA.
See applications section for information on temperature de-rating of this device.
Connection Diagram
Top View
Ordering Information
Package Part Number Package Marking Transport Media NSC Drawing
LM6584MA 95 Units/Rail
14-Pin SOIC LM6584MA M14A
LM6584MAX 2.5k Units Tape and Reel
LM6584MT 95 Units/Rail
14-Pin TSSOP LM6584MT MTC14
LM6584MTX 2.5k Units Tape and Reel
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Typical Performance Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C,
VCM = 1/2VS and RL = 2kΩ.
Gain Phase vs. Temperature Gain Phase vs. Temperature
20059203 20059204
Gain Phase vs. Capacitive Loading Gain Phase vs. Capacitive Loading
20059205 20059206
20059207 20059208
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Typical Performance Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C,
VCM = 1/2VS and RL = 2kΩ. (Continued)
20059209 20059210
Settling Time vs. Input Step Amplitude Settling Time vs. Capacitive Loading
(Output Slew and Settle Time) (Output Slew and Settle Time)
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Typical Performance Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C,
VCM = 1/2VS and RL = 2kΩ. (Continued)
Stability vs. Capacitive Load Unity Gain, VS = 13V Large Signal Step Response
20059217 20059218
Closed Loop Output Impedance vs. Frequency ISUPPLY vs. Common Mode Voltage
20059219 20059220
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Typical Performance Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C,
VCM = 1/2VS and RL = 2kΩ. (Continued)
VOS vs. Common Mode Voltage VOS vs. VOUT (Typical Unit)
20059221 20059222
+ −
VOUT from V vs. ISOURCE VOUT from V vs. ISINK
20059223 20059224
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Application Notes Output Power
Because of the increased output drive capability, internal
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION heat dissipation must be held to a level that does not in-
GENERAL & SPEC crease the junction temperature above its maximum rated
The LM6584 is a bipolar process operational amplifier. It has value of 150˚ C.
an exceptional output current capability of 330mA. The part
Power Requirements
has both rail to rail inputs and outputs. It has a −3dB band-
width of 24MHz. The part has input voltage noise of 23nV/ The LM6584 operates from a voltage supply, of V+ and
, and 2nd and 3rd harmonic distortion of −53dB and ground, or from a V− and V+ split supply. Single-ended
−40dB respectively. voltage range is +5V to +13V and split supply range is ± 2.5V
to ± 6.5V.
The LM6584 has rail to rail inputs and thus has an input
range over which the device may be biased of V− minus
0.5V, and V+ plus V. The ultimate limit on input voltage
excursion is the ESD protection diodes on the input pins.
The most important consideration in Rail-to-Rail input op Best practice design technique for operational amplifiers
amps is to understand the input structure. Most Rail-to-Rail includes careful attention to power sequencing. Although the
input amps use two differential input pairs to achieve this LM6584 is a bipolar op amp, recommended op amp turn on
function. This is how the LM6584 works. A conventional PNP power sequencing of ground (or V−), followed by V+, fol-
differential transistor pair provides the input gain from 0.5V lowed by input signal should be observed. Turn off power
below the negative rail to about one volt below the positive sequence should be the reverse of the turn-on sequence.
rail. At this point internal circuitry activates a differential NPN Depending on how the amp is biased the outputs may swing
transistor pair that allows the part to function from 1 volt to the rails on power-on or power-off. Due to the high output
below the positive rail to 0.5V above the positive rail. The currents and rail to rail output stage in the LM6584 the output
effect on the inputs pins is as if there were two different op may oscillate very slightly if the power is slowly raised be-
amps connected to the inputs. This has several unique tween 2V and 4V The part is unconditionally stable at 5V.
implications. Quick turn-off and turn-on times will eliminate oscillation
• The input offset voltage will change, sometimes from
positive to negative as the inputs transition between the
PSRR and Noise
two stages at about a volt below the positive rail. this
effect is seen in the VOS vs. VCM chart in the Typical Care should be taken to minimize the noise in the power
Performance Characteristics section of this datasheet. supply rails. The figure of merit for an op amp’s ability to
keep power supply noise out of the signal is called Power
• The input bias currents can be either positive or negative. Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR). Observe from the PSRR
Do not expect a consistent flow in or out of the pins.
charts in the Typical Performance Characteristics section
• The part will have different specifications depending on that the PSRR falls of dramatically as the frequency of the
whether the NPN or PNP stage is operating. noise on the power supply line goes up. This is one of the
• There is a little more input capacitance then a single reasons switching power supplies can cause problems. It
stage input although the ESD diodes often swamp out the should also be noticed from the charts that the negative
added base capacitance. supply pin is far more susceptible to power noise. The de-
• Since the input offset voltages can change from positive sign engineer should determine the switching frequencies
to negative the output may not be monotonic when the and ripple voltages of the power supplies in the system. If
inputs are transitioning between the two stages and the required, a series resistor or in the case of a high current op
part is in a high gain configuration. amp like the LM6584, a series inductor can be used to filter
out the noise.
It should be remembered that swinging the inputs across the
input stage transition may cause output distortion and accu-
racy anomalies. It is also worth noting that anytime any amps
inputs are swung near the rails THD and other specs are In addition to the ripple and noise on the power supplies
sure to suffer. there are also transient voltage changes. This can be
caused by another device on the same power supply sud-
OUTPUT SECTION denly drawing current or suddenly stopping a current draw.
The design engineer should insure that there are no damag-
Current Rating ing transients induced on the power supply lines when the op
amp suddenly changes current delivery.
The LM6584 has an output current rating, sinking or sourc-
ing, of 300mA. The LM6584 is ideally suited to loads that
require a high value of peak current but only a reduced value
of average current. This condition is typical of driving the
Ground Planes
gate of a MOSFET. While the output drive rating is 300mA
peak, and the output structure supports rail-to-rail operation, Do not assume the ground (or more properly, the common or
the attainable output current is reduced when the gain and return) of the power supply is an ocean of zero impedance.
drive conditions are such that the output voltage approaches The thinner the trace, the higher the resistance. Thin traces
either rail. cause tiny inductances in the power lines. These can react
against the large currents the LM6584 is capable of deliver-
ing to cause oscillations, instability, overshoot and distortion.
A ground plane is the most effective way of insuring the
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Application Notes (Continued) driven to the rail and the part can no longer maintain the
feedback loop, the internal circuitry will deliver large base
ground is a uniform low impedance. If a four layer board currents into the huge output transistors, trying to get the
cannot be used, consider pouring a plane on one side of a outputs to get past the saturation voltage. The base currents
two layer board. If this cannot be done be sure to use as will approach 16 milliamperes and this will appear as an
wide a trace as practicable and use extra decoupling capaci- increase in power supply current. Operating at this power
tors to minimize the AC variations on the ground rail. dissipation level for extended periods will damage the part,
especially in the higher thermal resistance TSSOP package.
Decoupling Because of this phenomenon, unused parts should not have
A high-speed, high-current amp like the LM6584 must have the inputs strapped to either rail, but should have the inputs
generous decoupling capacitors. They should be as close to biased at the midpoint or at least a diode drop (0.6V) within
the power pins as possible. Putting them on the back side the rails.
opposite the power pins may give the tightest layout. If
ground and power planes are available, the placement of the Self Heating
decoupling caps are not as critical. As discussed above the LM6584 is capable of significant
power by virtue of its 300mA current handling capability. A
Breadboards TSSOP package cannot sustain these power levels for more
The high currents and high frequencies the LM6584 oper- then a brief period.
ates at, as well as thermal considerations, require that pro-
totyping of the design be done on a circuit board as opposed TFT Display Application
to a “Proto-Board” style breadboard.
In today’s high-resolution TFT displays, op amps are used
for the following three functions:
1. VCOM Driver
High speed parts with large output current capability require
special care to insure lack of oscillations. Keep the “+” pin 2. Gamma Buffer
isolated from the output to insure stability. As noted above 3. Panel Repair Buffer
care should be take to insure the large output currents do not All of these functions utilize op amps as non-inverting, unity-
appear in the ground or ground plane and then get coupled gain buffers. The VCOM Driver and Gamma Buffer are buffers
into the “+” pin. As always, good tight layout is essential as is that supply a well regulated DC voltage. A Panel Repair
adequate use of decoupling capacitors on the power sup- Buffer, on the other hand, provides a high frequency signal
plies. that contains part of the display’s visual image.
In an effort to reduce production costs, display manufactur-
Unity Gain
ers use a minimum variety of different parts in their TFT
The unity gain or voltage-follower configuration is the most displays. As a result, the same type of op amp will be used
subject to oscillation. If a part is stable at unity gain it is for the VCOM Driver, Gamma Buffer, and Panel Repair Buffer.
almost certain to work in other configurations. In certain To perform all these functions, such an op amp must have
applications where the part is setting a reference voltage or the following characteristics:
is being used as a buffer greater stability can be achieved by
1. Large output current drive
configuring the part as a gain of −1 or −2 or +2.
2. Rail to rail input common mode range
Phase Margin 3. Rail to rail output swing
The phase margin of an op amps gain-phase plot is an 4. Medium speed gain bandwidth and slew rate
indication of the stability of the amp. It is desirable to have at The LM6584 meets these requirements. It has a rail-to-rail
least 45˚C of phase margin to insure stability in all cases. input and output, typical gain bandwidth and slew rate of
The LM6584 has 60˚C of phase margin even with it’s large 15MHz and 15V/µs, and it can supply up to 320mA of output
output currents and Rail-to-Rail output stage, which are current. The following sections will describe the operation of
generally more prone to stability issues. VCOM Drivers, Gamma Buffers, and Panel Repair Buffers,
showing how the LM6584 is well suited for each of these
Capacitive Load functions.
The LM6584 can withstand 30pF of capacitive load in a unity
gain configuration before stability issues arise. At very large BRIEF OVERVIEW OF TFT DISPLAY
capacitances, the load capacitor will attenuate the gain like To better understand these op amp applications, let’s first
any other heavy load and the part becomes stable again. review a few basic concepts of how a TFT display operates.
The LM6584 will be stable at 330nF and higher load capaci- Figure 1 is a simplified illustration of an LCD pixel. The top
tance. Refer to the chart in the Typical Performance Char- and bottom plates of each pixel consist of Indium-Tin oxide
acteristics section. (ITO), which is a transparent, electrically conductive mate-
rial. ITO lies on the inner surfaces of two glass substrates
OUTPUT that are the front and back glass panels of a TFT display.
Sandwiched between the two ITO plates is an insulating
Swing vs. Current
material (liquid crystal) that alters the polarization of light to a
The LM6584 will get to about 25mV or 30mV of either rail lesser a greater amount, depending on how much voltage
when there is no load. The LM6584 can sink or source (VPIXEL) is applied across the two plates. Polarizers are
hundreds of milliamperes while remaining less then 0.5V placed on the outer surfaces of the two glass substrates,
away from the rail. It should be noted that if the outputs are which in combination with the liquid crystal create a variable
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TFT Display Application (Continued) the Column Drivers supply this voltage via the column lines.
Column Drivers ‘write’ this voltage to the pixels one row at a
light filter that modulates light transmitted from the back to time, and this is accomplished by having the Row Drivers
the front of a display. A pixel’s bottom plate lies on the select an individual row of pixels when their voltage levels
backside of a display where a light source is applied, and the are transmitted by the Column Drivers. The Row Drivers
top plate lies on the front, facing the viewer. On a Twisted sequentially apply a large positive pulse (typically 25V to
Neumatic (TN) display, which is typical of most TFT displays, 35V) to each row line. This turns-on NMOS transistors con-
a pixel transmits the greatest amount of light when VPIXEL is nected to an individual row, allowing voltages from the col-
less ± 0.5V, and it becomes less transparent as this voltage umn lines to be transmitted to the pixels.
increases with either a positive or negative polarity. In short,
an LCD pixel can be thought of as a capacitor, through VCOM DRIVER
which, a controlled amount of light is transmitted by varying The VCOM driver supplies a common voltage (VCOM) to all
VPIXEL. the pixels in a TFT panel. VCOM is a constant DC voltage that
lies in the middle of the column drivers’ output voltage range.
As a result, when the column drivers write to a row of pixels,
they apply voltages that are either positive or negative with
respect to VCOM. In fact, the polarity of a pixel is reversed
each time its row is selected. This allows the column drivers
to apply an alternating voltage to the pixels rather than a DC
signal, which can ‘burn’ a pattern into an LCD display.
When column drivers write to the pixels, current pulses are
injected onto the VCOM line. These pulses result from charg-
ing stray capacitance between VCOM and the column lines
(see Figure 2), which ranges typically from 16pF to 33pF per
column. Pixel capacitance contributes very little to these
pulses because only one pixel at a time is connected to a
column, and the capacitance of a single pixel is on the order
of only 0.5pF. Each column line has a significant amount of
series resistance (typically 2kΩ to 40kΩ), so the stray ca-
pacitance is distributed along the entire length of a column.
This can be modeled by the multi-segment RC network
shown in Figure 3. The total capacitance between VCOM and
the column lines can range from 25nF to 100nF, and charg-
ing this capacitance can result in positive or negative current
FIGURE 1. Individual LCD Pixel
pulses of 100mA, or more. In addition, a similar distributed
capacitance of approximately the same value exists be-
tween VCOM and the row lines. Therefore, the VCOM driver’s
load is the sum of these distributed RC networks with a total
capacitance of 50nF to 200nF, and this load can modeled
like the circuit in Figure 3.
FIGURE 3. Model of Impedance between VCOM and
Column Lines
FIGURE 2. TFT Display A VCOM driver is essentially a voltage regulator that can
source and sink current into a large capacitive load. To
Figure 2 is a simplified block diagram of a TFT display,
simplify the analysis of this driver, the distributed RC network
showing how individual pixels are connected to the row,
of Figure 3 has been reduced to a single RC load in Figure
column, and VCOM lines. Each pixel is represented by ca-
4. This load places a large capacitance on the VCOM driver
pacitor with an NMOS transistor connected to its top plate.
output, resulting in an additional pole in the op amp’s feed-
Pixels in a TFT panel are arranged in rows and columns.
back loop. However, the op amp remains stable because
Row lines are connected to the NMOS gates, and column
CLOAD and RESR create a zero that cancels the effect of this
lines to the NMOS sources. The back plate of every pixel is
pole. The range of CLOAD is 50nF to 200nF and RESR is 20Ω
connected to a common voltage called VCOM. Pixel bright-
to 100Ω, so this zero will have a frequency in the range of
ness is controlled by voltage applied to the top plates, and
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TFT Display Application (Continued) to C4 models the distributed RC load of a VCOM line. This RC
network is a gross simplification of what the actual imped-
8KHz to160KHz, which is much lower than the gain band- ance is on a TFT panel. However, it does provide a useful
width of most op amps. As a result, the VCOM load adds very test for measuring the op amp’s transient response when
little phase lag when op amp loop gain is unity, and this driving a large capacitive load. A low impedance MOSFET
allows the VCOM Driver to remain stable. This was verified by driver applies a 5V square wave to VSW, generating large
measuring the small-signal bandwidth of the LM6584 with current pulses in the RC network. Scope photos from this
the RC load of Figure 4. When driving an RC load of 50nF circuit are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. Figure 6 shows
and 20Ω, the LM6584 has a unity gain frequency of 6.12MHz the test circuit generates positive and negative voltage
with 41.5˚C of phase margin. If the load capacitor is in- spikes with an amplitude of ± 3.2V at the VCOM node, and
creased to 200nF and the resistance remains 20Ω, the unity both transients settle-out in approximately 2µs. As men-
gain frequency is virtually unchanged: 6.05MHz with 42.9˚C tioned before, the speed at which these transients settle-out
of phase margin. is a function of the op amp’s peak output current. The IOUT
trace in Figure 7 shows that the LM6584 can sink and source
peak currents of −310mA and 320mA. This ability to supply
large values of output current makes the LM6584 extremely
well suited for VCOM Driver applications.
Illumination in a TFT display, also referred to as grayscale, is
set by a series of discrete voltage levels that are applied to
FIGURE 5. VCOM Driver Test Circuit
each LCD pixel. These voltage levels are generated by
Figure 5 is a common test circuit used for measuring VCOM resistive DAC networks that reside inside each of the column
driver response time. The RC network of RL1 to RL3 and C1 driver ICs. For example, a column driver with 64 Grayscale
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TFT Display Application (Continued)
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TFT Display Application (Continued) rails. Therefore, op amps used as panel repair buffers should
have rail-to-rail input and stages. Otherwise, they may clip
lay and slew limited response time (t = 0 to TSR) can be the column driver signal.
calculated from data sheet specifications, the small signal The signal from a panel repair buffer is stored by a pixel
settling time (TSR to TSET) cannot. This is because an op when the pixel’s row is selected. In high-resolution displays,
amp’s gain vs. frequency has multiple poles, and as a result, each row is selected for as little as 11µs. To insure that a
small-signal settling time can not be calculated as a simple pixel has adequate time to settle-out during this brief period,
function of the op amp’s gain bandwidth. Therefore, the only a panel repair buffer should settle to within 1% of its final
accurate method for determining op amp settling time is to value approximately 1µs after a row is selected. This is
measure it directly. hardest to achieve when transmitting a column line’s maxi-
mum voltage swing, which is the difference between the
upper and lower gamma levels (i.e. voltage between VGMA1
and VGMA10). For a LM6584, the most demanding applica-
tion occurs in displays that operate from a 13V supply. In
these displays, voltage difference between the top and bot-
tom gamma levels can be as large as 12V, so the LM6584
needs to transmit a ± 12V pulse and settle to within 60mV of
its final value in approximately 1µs (60mV is approximately
1% of the dynamic range of the high or low polarity gamma
levels). LM6584 settling times for 12V and –12V pulses were
measured in a test circuit similar to the one in Figure 11. V+
and V− were set to 12.5V and –0.5V, respectively, when
measuring settling time for a 0V to 12V pulse. Likewise, V+
and V− were set to 0.5V and –12.5V when measuring set-
tling time for a 0V to –12V pulse. In both cases, the LM6584
output was connected to a series RC load of 51Ω and 200pF.
When tested this way, the LM6584 settled to within 60mV of
FIGURE 11. Gamma Buffer Settling Time Test Circuit 12V or –12V in approximately 1.1µs. These observed values
are very close to the desired 1µs specification, demonstrat-
The test circuit in Figure 11 was used to measure LM6584 ing that the LM6584 has the bandwidth and slew rate re-
settling time for a 2V pulse and 1kΩ load, which represents quired for repair buffers in high-resolution TFT displays.
the maximum transient amplitude and output load for a
gamma buffer. With this test system, the LM6584 settled to
within ± 30mV of 2V pulse in approximately 170ns. Settling
time for a 0 to –2V pulse was slightly less, 150ns. These
values are much smaller than the desired response time of
1µs, so the LM6584 has sufficient bandwidth and slew rate
for regulating gamma line transients.
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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted
14-Pin SOIC
NS Package Number M14A
14-Pin TSSOP
NS Package Number MTC14
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LM6584 TFT-LCD Quad, 13V RRIO High Output Current Operational Amplifier
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