Summary Constructing Grounded Theory By: by A Hamzah Fansury

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A Hamzah Fansury



1.1 Background

One of the most important achievements of human beings in their historical

civilization so far is language. It is through the language that they can communicate

and interact one another and even disseminate their achievements and advancements

in science, technology, economics, education, religion and culture as well to a much

wider world. Among the existing 5000-6000 human natural languages, as being

predicted by well-known futurologists, Naisbitt and Aburdance (1991:142), English

will be the most influential and dominant language in the third millennium. They

believe that more than 80 percent of scientific information on various field are

conveyed in English, a global language whose users are no less than one billion

(Crystal, 2002 : 2). From all information accessible via world electronic media, 80

percent is available in English. More over, it is more than one third of the world

scientists write in English (Crystal, 1987 : 358). In addition, from thousands of

scientific books and articles published in various academic journals are no less than

half of them presented in English.

The touched upon reality implies that in order not only to be able to follow the

latest world development but also participate and engage in the world civilization

enrichment, proficiency in English is undeniably a must. The English mastery level of

most Indonesians are still very low. This means that translators, produced by higher

education institutions, are still badly needed to bridge the gap. Accordingly they

should be able to translate both from English into Indonesian and vice versa.
However, since the study of translation from English into Indonesian has been

discussed abundantly, the present study will be focused to deal with the translation of

idioms from English into Indonesian.

Translation has been offered as one of main subjects, but most students especially

at English education still have problem in coping with translation, especially the

translation of idioms from English into Indonesian as indicated by their low

achievement in the subject.

There are many linguistic and non-linguistic factors or variables potentially

influencing and contributing to the problems that students face. Among the linguistic

factors are their low proficiency in both languages, Indonesian as well English, such

as writing, reading, speaking, listening, structure, syntax, morphology and semantic.

Where as among non linguistic factors may include of age, sex, learning duration,

learning style, learning environment, learning facility, knowledge of relevance

subjects, and psychological factors such as motivation, interest, attitude, aptitude,

intelligence, emotional, and spiritual as well.

Every language has its own idioms, a special kind of set expressions that have

developed within a language. English are abundant in idioms. As an important part of

the general vocabulary of every language, idioms are the gems of a language, which

have been described as the crystallization of human wit and wisdom. Webster’s New

World Dictionary of the American English (1988) defines “idiom” as: 1) the language

proper or peculiar to a people or to a district, community or class; the syntactical,

grammatical or structural form peculiar to a language; 2) an expression established in

the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either in grammatical construction or

in having a meaning that cannot be derived as a whole from the conjoined meanings

of its elements; 3) style or form of artistic expression (as in painting, writing,

composing) that is characteristic especially of an individual, a period or movement, or

a medium or instrument.

We may conclude from the definitions that an idiom is an expression whose

meaning is not compositional, and does not follow from the meaning of the individual

words which make up of it. It is “an accepted phrase, construction, or expression

contrary to the usual patterns of the language or having a meaning different from the

language or having a meaning different from the literal.” (Webster’s New World

Dictionary of the American language, 2nd college edition,

1972) In some senses, idioms are the reflection of the environment, life, historical

culture, etc. of the native speakers and are closely associated with their innermost

spirit and feelings. They are commonly used in all types of language, informal and

formal, spoken and written.

As idioms are important part of languages, understanding of a language

requires understanding of its idioms and the tactics for idiom translation. Translation

is no easy job, especially the translation of idioms because idioms are the most

difficult part to render. In general, three ways are possible in translating idioms, to

name only a few : (1) to translate the idiom literally ; (2) to render the sense of the

idiom ; or (3) to use an equivalent idiom in the receptor language. To make people

better understand idioms, in this paper, according to Nida’s “dynamic equivalence”

translating theory, literal translation method of English idioms is to be discussed

because it is the most commonly used tactics in translating idioms as well as a means

of culture exchange.

Referring to explanation above, the researcher is interested in conducting a

research under the title “Students Ability in Translating Idioms Into Bahasa Indonesia

(A Case Study) at the 5th Semester English Education Department Graduate Program

Bosowa University Makassar”.

1.2 Problem Statement

Based upon the background above, the writer formulates the problem as


1. The students ability in translating.

2. The students ability in translating of idioms into bahasa Indonesia at the 5 th

Semester English Education Department Graduate Program Bosowa University


1.3 Research Questions

Based upon the background above, the writer formulates the problem as


1. How is the students ability in translating?

2. How is the students ability in translating of idioms into bahasa Indonesia at the

5th Semester English Education Department Graduate Program Bosowa

University Makassar?
1.4 The Objective of the Research

To the main objective of the research are follows:

1. To identify the students ability in translating.

2. To identify the students ability in translating of idioms into bahasa Indonesia

at the 5th Semester English Education Department Bosowa University


1.5 The Significance of Research

To the main significance of the research are follows:

a. Giving motivation to students to study English, especially in translating.

b. Expected to be important information and reference for the lectures and

students of English Education Department, especially those who are interested

in and concerned with the field of translation.

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