Think of Yourself As A King
Think of Yourself As A King
Think of Yourself As A King
Some minor changes that have a huge impact on how others perceive us
are not easily noticeable to us. That's why I recommend you to analyze
your growth on a one to two month basis. If you only think about
comparing to how you were yesterday or last week you are most likely
going to think that you are stuck and that you are not changing. This is
one of the most important lessons I've learned from self
development. Evaluate your progress on a bigger time-span and keep on
trying to improve even if you can't really feel any improvement on any
given skill over a short period of time.
Try to have a king image in your head, this way, you will easily come up
with rationalizations to how your best behavior would look like. For
instance, if a king comes into a place, do you think he will be looking
around trying to see what's happening and who are the people that are
in the place right at the time he opens the door? Not really, he will
undoubtedly be unconcerned and nonchalant. He will just walk in, take
his time, and maybe he will look around, because he is the one who's
running the show anywhere he goes.
RELAXATION - I can't stress enough how important this is. It
conveys only good qualities and control, which means that you
are assertive and a high status person. Always focus on all your
body tensions, and release them. Imagine that every time you
feel a tension you have this power of making it melt until you no
longer feel any tension. Visualization, meditation, and so many
other things may help. Look up for ways to become truly
relaxed. Bear in mind that most people they don't really know
what it is to be truly relaxed. Proof of this is a technology
called biofeedback. In short, it analyzes through precise
measurement equipment how relaxed your body is. Why do we
need equipment for that? As it turns out, researches found out
that most people think they're relaxed but in fact, most of the
time they aren't. That's why they've come up with this
technology. In order to help people evaluate their tension level,
it is required all this, so the person can consciously control that
better and improve on that. (They actually use it to help the
person change heart-beat ratio, stress level, and so many other
things, that are all tied to being relaxed and all this is done
through MANY sensors and monitors attached to the person.
They’re monitoring from body warm and sweat to muscle
tension, heart-beat, EEG, etc. all of which are tied to the body
overall relaxation.)
SLOW MOVEMENTS - One of the best ways to portray
relaxation is by moving slow. It is something quite hard to be
done. If you think you are not doing things in a hurry, in fact,
you probably are. I came to realize that the great majority of
people move too fast. This is one of the best giveaways to tell if
someone is important or not. Remember the king analogy I told
you about? Do you think he would rush to do anything? He would
take an hour and a half bath, make people walk as slow as he is
walking, speak without the slightest hint of anxiety and
nervousness. Try imagining that you're underwater or that
you're the king I told you about. You can take as much time as
you want, because you are the one running the show. Try to slow
your body language and pronunciation as much as you can, really,
as much as you can. It is important that you know that you
probably will not overdo it due to the fact that it is amazingly
challenging to remain that calm to behave like that every time.
This is my second best tip to anyone.
BE STILL AND MOVE DELIBERATELY - Being is still is one of
the most underrated things regarding body language, the more
still you are the better people will perceive you. What I want to
say is that when you are using the computer or reading a
newspaper, or watching TV, the less you move, the more control
and self-assurance you show. With that said, try to move
deliberately. This one is also hard to implement into your
repertoire because it requires a lot of focus at first. If you
only move when you have to, you display an unbeatable level of
power to those around you. You know when some people have a
hard time trying to say what makes someone in particular
confident? They say you just kind of feel that. That's one of
the traits that pushes you to achieving that. Bear this in
mind: Being confident is not about doing something, it is
actually about NOT doing the wrong things. I don't even need
to mention the importance of not fidgeting or having nervous
facial/body movements is something that you should avoid at all
costs, I think at this point you understand why this is
something you should NEVER do.
NON-REACTIVE - Imagine the king is here, and you have a
gun. You point the gun at him. You can actually kill him. Do you
think he will display even the slightest hint of fear? Do you
think he will scream, be disturbed or annoyed? Probably he will
just say, "If you do that, you'll have your entire family,
including you, tortured and killed." (Actually, through his
nonchalant and non-reactive body language he doesn't even need
to say that in order for the person to understand that) He
knows his followers will take care of it, he knows he is so
important that even after he dies people will avenge his death.
This is why, he WON'T react, he won't get scared, flinch, or
even blink.
The less you react to the environment around you, the more you
appear to be in control, poised and with every aspect of your
life neatly handled.
posture at all times and also being open, avoid any leg-crossing
or arms-crossing behavior. Even when you are at home watching
TV. This will have an amazing impact on your energy, you will
feel better after this becomes part of you. You will feel more
energized and ready to do anything just because your body
feels it is not closed off. This one is a must.
AVOID SELF-TOUCHING - This means that you shouldn't
touch your face, rub your hands, or anything else if you don't
NEED to take something off of your face or other parts of
your body. Don't try to find reasons to do that. "...But I did
that because it was itching." As it turns out, even when it itches
you should avoid doing that. If you read some books about body
language, you'll find out that sometimes your nose itches or
some part of your face because of increased blood flow in your
face (sign of nervousness) and subsequently you're touching
your face because you want the itch to stop, but actually you're
touching it because you are nervous. This goes for any part of
the body that you feel you need to touch when you are under
pressure. So, avoid at all cost letting this become a habit for
USE SOME SPACE- Territorial displays are one of the best
ways to portray confidence and high status. Have an expansive
body language, use the space around you. This is a sign of being
relaxed, and being relaxed is CRUCIAL to amazing body
USE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE - I know it's a little hard
to imagine, but imagine you could see your body language
through other people's eyes, how would you judge yourself?
What assumptions would you make? How would you think of the
way you are sitting or your facial expression if you could see
yourself through another person’s eyes? This is one of my
greatest discoveries to get my body language to the next level.
Trying to do this has allowed me to notice and change some
things that I wasn't paying attention. Just because I shifted
the way I thought of myself, and started trying to imagine how
other people would perceive me at a given moment, I could
understand what I was doing wrong. Take this one seriously, it
will surely make a huge difference. After a while practicing the
other things try implementing this one.
DO AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN- I know it's going to be
counter-intuitive to understand this at first, but have in mind
the best body language training methods have this concept that
you should train your body to use only the required muscles and
do only the needed movement to do anything. It is a concept
called “Movement economy”. This means that when you are doing
something, the less effort/muscles/movement you put into play
the better it'll be for your health and the better it will look.
This is the basis for awesome body language. Remember I
mentioned the king in the beginning opening the door? Do you
actually think he would be the one opening the door? Would he
need to fan himself or would he have someone fan him while he
seats there doing nothing?
Hint: When he wants to kill somebody, just nodding at a guard
will do the job.
Attention: I'm not saying that you should wait someone open
the door for you, or make people do things on your behalf, but
rather, use as less effort as it is possible for you to do
ANYTHING. Open the door using as less
movements/muscles/effort as it's possible.
The idea behind this is that you are efficient and use gestures,
facial expressions, and movements, only when needed. There is
no wasted energy, no wasted spacious or tiny movement. You are
in control of yourself.
ANALYZE- The last tip, isn't really a body language hit, but a
behavioral one. Try paying attention to people deliberately. Try
using these patterns that I showed you to guess who's the
boss, who controls the relationship, who is the most important
person in any given setting. But not only this, look out for people
that you think that have good body language, be it in the movies
(by the way, one of the best ways to get high quality body
language examples is from movies), or with your friends. The
more you pay attention, the better you'll become
Give it some time, body language isn't something easy to change,
because it is like the scars of a warrior that shows all his past battles.
It is something that you have been doing and projecting whether you
noticed or not. So it will take time, and A LOT of effort if you truly
want to master the art of body language. How much time? I would say
that AT LEAST 2 years of attentive and focused practice. This
assuming that you really want to excel at it. There are some people
that just want to get a little better, so they put only a little effort and
don't see amazing results. I guarantee that if you keep on pushing, and
trying to get better at it even when you seen to have it all figured out,
this is where you start getting the best out of it. After a while you'll
notice that even how much you blink has an effect on people.
You'll be more attractive, more confident, appear more trustworthy,
more inteligent, more valuable and because of all this, people will treat
you MUCH better and respect everything you do, and the best part is
that you won't have to say a word. Body language is truly one of the
most important skills someone can develop.