High Voltage Engineering (2003 Course) (Elective - II) (Sem. - II) (403150)
High Voltage Engineering (2003 Course) (Elective - II) (Sem. - II) (403150)
High Voltage Engineering (2003 Course) (Elective - II) (Sem. - II) (403150)
of Pages : 3
[4064] - 94
B.E. (Electrical)
(2003 Course) (Elective - II) (Sem. - II) (403150)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :100
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer any one question from each unit.
2) Answer three questions from section I and three questions from section II.
3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books.
4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
5) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
6) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket
calculator and steam tables is allowed.
7) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
Unit - I
Q1) a) Derive Townsends current growth equation in the presence of primary
and secondary ionization processes in gaseous material. From the current
growth equation state the breakdown criterion in gaseous insulating
material. [9]
b) What is time lag for breakdown in gases. State and explain the components
of time lag. State the factors affecting the time lag. [7]
Q2) a) State the drawbacks of Townsends Theory. To overcome these
limitations explain the streamet theory proposed by scientists. State
streamet breakdown criterion. State the expression for the field due to
space charge. [9]
b) Explain the meaning of corona discharge. State its bad effects and uses.[7]
Unit - II
Q3) a) State the oxternal factors which affect the breakdown in solid dielectrics
under normal industrial conditions. Explain the breakdown in solid
dielectrics due to tracking. State the precautions to be taken to avoid
tracking. [9]
b) What is intrinsic breakdown strength of solid dielectrics. Explain the
intrinsic breakdown theory. [7]
Q4) a) Explain the two breakdown theories accepted for commercial liquids.[12]
b) Explain the terms pure liquids and commercial liquids. [4]
Unit - III
Q5) a) State and explain the causes of over voltages due to switching surges
and system faults. [10]
b) Write note on shielding of overhead line by ground wire. State the
precautions to be taken while providing ground wire protection. [8]
Q6) a) What is lightning stroke? Explain the direct and indirect lightning
stroke. [8]
b) State the desired characteristics of lightning arrester. Write note on Zn O
gapless type lightning arrester. [6]
c) Explain the terms residual voltage and spark over voltage in connection
with lightning arrester. [4]
Unit - IV
Q7) a) With neat diagram explain series resonance test system. How is resonance
condition achieved? State the advantages and drawbacks of this method
of generation of high ac voltage. [8]
b) A cock roft type voltage multiplier has 8 stages with capacitances all
equal to 0.05 microfarad. The secondary voltage of supply transformer
is 125 kV peak at frequency 150 Hz. If the load current to be supplied is
5 milliampere calculate i) ripple ii) voltage drop iii) regulation
iv) optimum number of stages. [8]
Q8) a) Draw cascading circuit for generation of high dc voltage. State the voltages
to which capacitors are charged. Explain the basic voltage doubler circuit
of this cascading unit. State the reason for calling one column of unit as
oscillating and other one as smoothing column. What is effect of increase
in supply frequency? Explain the meaning of optimum number of
stages. [10]
b) An impulse generator has 8 stages with each condenser rated 0.16
microfarad at 125 kV. The load capacitor available is 1000 picofarad.
Find series resistance and damping resistance needed to produce
1.25/50 microseconds impulse wave. State magnitude of wave front time
and wavetail time of impulse wave. [6]
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Unit - V
Q9) a) State different types of shunts for measurement of ac current of high
frequency. Explain the advantage of using 4 terminal shunt instead of z
terminal shunt. With neat diagram explain bifilar flat strip shunt. Label
various parts in the diagram. Explain how stray inductance is reduced.[10]
b) With neat diagram explain chubb fortescue method of measurement of
peak of voltage. State and explain the sources of error in measurement.[6]
Q10)a) With neat diagram explain CVT. Explain its advantages also. [8]
b) State the hall effect. With neat diagram explain its use for measurement
of high current. [8]
Unit - VI
Q11)a) Write note on testing of isolators and circuit breakers. [10]
b) With neat diagram explain the method of measurement of partial discharge.
What is partial discharge? What is its unit for measurement. [8]
Q12)a) Explain the operation of high voltage Schering Bridge for measurement
of dissipation factor and capacitance of insulators and bushings. State
the features of high voltage Schering bridge. State method of protecting
low voltage arms from high voltage arms. [12]
b) Write note on testing of cables. [6]
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