Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, Therapy, and Implications For Respiratory Care
Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, Therapy, and Implications For Respiratory Care
Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, Therapy, and Implications For Respiratory Care
Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure
Evaluation of the Patient With Congestive Heart Failure
Therapy for Congestive Heart Failure
Pulmonary Complications of Congestive Heart Failure
Exacerbations of Heart Failure: Use of CPAP and NPPV
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a common clinical disorder that results in pulmonary vascular
congestion and reduced cardiac output. CHF should be considered in the differential diagnosis of
any adult patient who presents with dyspnea and/or respiratory failure. The diagnosis of heart
failure is often determined by a careful history and physical examination and characteristic chest-
radiograph findings. The measurement of serum brain natriuretic peptide and echocardiography
have substantially improved the accuracy of diagnosis. Therapy for CHF is directed at restoring
normal cardiopulmonary physiology and reducing the hyperadrenergic state. The cornerstone of
treatment is a combination of an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor and slow titration of a
blocker. Patients with CHF are prone to pulmonary complications, including obstructive sleep
apnea, pulmonary edema, and pleural effusions. Continuous positive airway pressure and nonin-
vasive positive-pressure ventilation benefit patients in CHF exacerbations. Key words: heart failure,
diastolic dysfunction, systolic dysfunction, obstructive sleep apnea, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, respira-
tory failure, noninvasive ventilation. [Respir Care 2006;51(4):403– 412. © 2006 Daedalus Enterprises]
ing for patients with CHF accounts for 2–3% of the federal
health-care budget. The estimated direct and indirect cost
of CHF in the United States in 2005 was $27.9 billion.1
There are 2 mechanisms of reduced cardiac output and
heart failure: systolic dysfunction and diastolic dysfunc-
tion. The most common causes of systolic dysfunction
(defined by a left-ventricular ejection fraction of 50%)
are ischemic heart disease, idiopathic dilated cardiomyop-
athy, hypertension, and valvular heart disease. Diastolic
dysfunction (defined as dysfunction of left-ventricular fill-
ing with preserved systolic function) may occur in up to
40 –50% of patients with heart failure, it is more prevalent
in women, and it increases in frequency with each decade Fig. 1. Determinants of cardiac output.
of life. Diastolic dysfunction can occur in many of the
same conditions that lead to systolic dysfunction. The most standing the pathophysiologic consequences of heart fail-
common causes are hypertension, ischemic heart disease, ure and the potential treatments. Furthermore, an appreci-
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and restrictive cardiomyop- ation of cardiopulmonary interactions is important in our
athy. Many patients who have symptoms suggestive of understanding of heart failure. In the simplest terms, the
heart failure (shortness of breath, peripheral edema, par- heart can be viewed as a dynamic pump. It is not only
oxysmal nocturnal dyspnea) but also have preserved left- dependent on its inherent properties, but also on what is
ventricular function may not have diastolic dysfunction; pumped in and what it must pump against. The preload
instead, their symptoms are caused by other etiologies, characterizes the volume that the pump is given to send
such as lung disease, obesity, or occult coronary isch- forward, the contractility characterizes the pump, and the
emia.3 This article will review the pathophysiology, diag- afterload determines what the heart must work against.
nosis, and treatment of CHF, with specific discussion of The preload is often expressed as the end-diastolic pres-
the pulmonary manifestations and their treatment, includ- sure/volume of the left ventricle and is clinically assessed
ing noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) strat- by measuring the right atrial pressure. However, the pre-
egies. load is not only dependent on intravascular volume; it is
also influenced by any restriction to ventricular filling.
Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure Since the heart resides in the thoracic cavity, an increased
positive pleural pressure (as seen with dynamic hyperin-
The syndrome of CHF arises as a consequence of an flation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma)
abnormality in cardiac structure, function, rhythm, or con- can reduce right-atrial pressure (which equals central ve-
duction. In developed countries, ventricular dysfunction nous pressure minus pleural pressure) and thus reduce ven-
accounts for the majority of cases and results mainly from tricular filling. The cardiac pump is a muscle and will
myocardial infarction (systolic dysfunction), hypertension respond to the volume it is given with a determined output.
(diastolic and systolic dysfunction), or in many cases both. If volume increases, so will the amount pumped out in a
Degenerative valve disease, idiopathic cardiomyopathy, normal physiologic state, to a determined plateau; this
and alcoholic cardiomyopathy are also major causes of relationship is described by the Frank-Starling law (Figs. 2
heart failure. Heart failure often occurs in elderly patients and 3).5
who have multiple comorbid conditions (eg, angina, hy- A concept that is often poorly understood is the diastolic
pertension, diabetes, and chronic lung disease). Some com- function of the heart. Diastolic function is determined by
mon comorbidities such as renal dysfunction are multifac- 2 factors: the elasticity or distensibility of the left ventri-
torial (decreased perfusion or volume depletion from cle, which is a passive phenomenon, and the process of
overdiuresis), whereas others (eg, anemia, depression, dis- myocardial relaxation, which is an active process that re-
orders of breathing, and cachexia) are poorly understood.4 quires metabolic energy.6 Relaxation of the myocardium
CHF indicates not only an inability of the heart to main- occurs in early diastole, and the “untwisting” of the left
tain adequate oxygen delivery; it is also a systemic re- ventricle is an active process that produces a suction effect
sponse attempting to compensate for the inadequacy. The that augments left-ventricular filling. Loss of normal left-
determinants of cardiac output include heart rate and stroke ventricular distensibility or relaxation by either structural
volume (Fig. 1). The stroke volume is further determined changes (eg, left-ventricular hypertrophy) or functional
by the preload (the volume that enters the left ventricle), changes (eg, ischemia) impairs ventricular filling (preload).
contractility, and afterload (the impedance of the flow from The exercise intolerance seen with diastolic dysfunction
the left ventricle). These variables are important in under- largely results from the impairment of ventricular filling,
Table 1. Modified Framingham Criteria for the Diagnosis of Table 2. New York Heart Association Classification of Congestive
Chronic Heart Failure* Heart Failure*
drive leads to a fall below the apneic threshold, which tion improves physiologic variables in both groups, but no
creates a cessation of breathing, a rise in CO2, and repe- trials in OSA have shown a mortality benefit, and its use
tition of the cycle. in CSR/CSA has not been proven beneficial.55
Nocturnal oxygen therapy is effective in patients who Patients with chronic CHF have decreased lung volume,
have CSR/CSA and CHF. Hanly et al, in a one-night study, decreased compliance, increased airway-closing pressure,
discovered that nocturnal oxygen improved oxygenation increased work of breathing, and greater oxygen consump-
and sleep architecture and decreased sleep-disordered tion.57 These pathological effects lead to the progression
breathing.49 Javaheri et al found that nasally administered and worsening of an already stressed system. Diffusion
oxygen, titrated up from 2 L/min to 4 L/min (based on capacity is also altered by CHF, but the extent of the
desaturation below 90%) decreased the incidence of CSA.50 change in diffusion capacity depends on the timing of the
Nocturnal oxygen decreases the incidence of sympathetic disease. Acute CHF usually presents with an increased
stimulation, which is a major determinant of poor prog- diffusion capacity secondary to intra-alveolar red blood
nosis in CHF.51,52 Multiple mechanisms have been hy- cells, which increase the uptake of carbon monoxide. In
pothesized to explain the effect of oxygen on CSR/CSA. contrast, patients with chronic CHF present with decreased
Administration of oxygen increases PCO2 by decreasing diffusion capacity and a restrictive lung defect, which is
tidal volume and is hypothesized to increase ventilation- probably from chronic interstitial edema and the resulting
perfusion mismatch.53,54 This rise in CO2 allows a wider interstitial fibrosis.58 Furthermore, this change in pulmo-
variation between the daytime CO2 and apneic threshold, nary mechanics is not reversed in patients who undergo
which decreases sleep-disordered breathing. cardiac transplantation.59 Pulmonary rehabilitation im-
As with OSA, the use of CPAP for CSR/CSA has mul- proves quality of life and exercise capacity in patients with
tiple physiologic effects. The majority of clinical trials chronic heart failure.
have been limited to small groups of patients and short
duration, and with varied results. However, a recent large Exacerbations of Heart Failure:
randomized controlled trial (the CANPAP trial), which Use of CPAP and NPPV
included 258 patients followed over a mean of 2 years,
provided the first long-term-follow-up data. The patients Acute pulmonary edema with respiratory distress is a
were predominantly older, white, and male, and had isch- common presentation to the hospital. The RT often be-
emic cardiomyopathy and an average ejection fraction of comes involved in NPPV, to prevent the need for intuba-
24%. Two thirds of the patients were in NYHA class II, tion. The rationale for using CPAP and NPPV in acute
and the rest were in NYHA class III or IV. Consistent with pulmonary edema is that positive pressure may limit the
previous trials, early analysis showed an improvement in decrease in functional residual capacity, improve respira-
the occurrence of central apnea, increases in mean oxygen tory mechanics and oxygenation, and decrease left-ven-
saturation, improved ejection fraction, and suppression of tricular preload and afterload. Theoretically, NPPV could
plasma catecholamine levels. However, the primary out- improve hypercarbia, with a greater decrease in work of
comes (death and cardiac transplantation) did not differ breathing.60 The patients who will most benefit from NPPV
between the 2 groups with the use of CPAP. Furthermore, are probably those presenting to the emergency room and
no difference was observed in morbidity measured by qual- who have a narrow time-window for intervention. The
ity-of-life assessment and hospitalization.55 These out- skill of the RT is critical in improving synchrony between
comes may reflect the difficulty in changing outcomes for the patient and the NPPV device.
patients who have a poor prognosis with CHF at this stage. Pang et al performed the first meta-analysis concerning
Only one prior study reported a mortality benefit with the the use of positive-pressure airway support. They found a
use of CPAP, and greater use of blockers in the treat- lower rate of intubation and a trend toward lower mortality
ment group may have accounted for the difference.56 By with CPAP.61 Later studies, however, failed to show a
decreasing sympathetic surge, CPAP may have provided a clear mortality benefit.62– 64 One of the early randomized
nonpharmacologic benefit that vanished with the increased controlled trials, by Mehta et al, raised the concern that
use of blockade in the CANPAP trial. It remains spec- NPPV might increase the rate of myocardial infarction,
ulative whether patients who have CSR/CSA and are in- compared to CPAP.65 However, the randomization of pa-
tolerant of blockers should be treated with CPAP. tients differed with the NPPV patients, such that there was
Sleep-disordered breathing occurs in approximately half a difference in the number of patients with chest pain
of patients who have chronic CHF, and the physiologic (71% vs 31%), and several patients in the NPPV group had
consequences are detrimental to the struggling cardiovas- evidence of evolving myocardial infarct at the time of
cular system. The respiratory therapist (RT) becomes in- randomization. NPPV (at 15/5 cm H2O) more rapidly im-
volved in providing means of support for patients who proved dyspnea, arterial blood gases, and vital signs than
have both OSA and CSR/CSA. Positive-pressure ventila- did CPAP (at 10 cm H2O).
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