Haulage Optimisation
Haulage Optimisation
Haulage Optimisation
ABSTRACT: One of the most important factors in the economical operation of an underground metalliferous mine
is the cost associated with ore haulage. Four haulage operating scenarios were examined to optimise the haulage
.system in an Australian underground metal mine based on the economic evaluation of mining at increased depth.
The conclusions drawn suggested that, for the short term, the implementation of the Elphinstone AD55 mining
trucks combined with the implementation of a transfer conveyor on 9 Level would be the most economically
viable solution to the continuation of ore production from the mine. With respect to the long-term future of the
mine, a detailed investigation into the possibility of the establishment of a new shaft and hoisting system was
recommended into the possibility of the establishment of a new shaft and hoisting system was recommended.
station, where it was dumped on a 700 mm 700 mm consisted of a tower mounted ASEA fnction winder
apeiture grizzly Larger rocks, greater than 700 mm hoisting a single 14 t payload skip which was
size, were broken on the grizzly with an impact rock counterbalanced by a 6 t payload skip/cage. Ore was
breaker The broken ore was then weighed and hoisted from the loading station to the surface skip
loaded into an 8 5 tonne skip where it was then dump station that fed an inclined conveyor, which
hoisted to 8 Level. As the skip approaches 8 Level, fed four surface storage bins to the mill. The
it deceleiated until it was stationary in an overturned capacity of the hoisting system was 300 t/hr from a
position. The ore from the skip gravitated down a 3 depth of 860 m and at rope speed of 12 m/s.
m diameter, steel lined ore pass to 9 Level, where it
was then transteired to the 9 Level crushing
facilities via LHD, which is not shown in the Figure
5. / Costs
Apart from capital costs, two other categories of cost
were considered. The first category was the owning
costs, where factors such as depreciation, investment
Figure 3. Elphistone AD/AE 40 II or interest cost, insurance cost and taxes are borne
by the company, regardless whether the machine is
utilised or not. The second category of costs, the
5 OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS operating costs include fuel, lubrication, filters,
repairs, tyre replacement, operator wages and
Operational parameters include costs and production miscellaneous items. As expected, these factors are
rates. widely influenced by the nature of work, local prices
of fuel and lubricants, shipping costs from the
factory, interest rates and local labour rates. The
investigation of various operating costs of mining
operations proved to be very difficult as many
companies regard the operational cost figures as Table I. Production characteristics
confidential, in order to remain competitive. Hence,
the need or reasonable cost estimation procedures
become nevitable, as any attempt to compare
operational ata would be fruitless.
12-hour shifts per day, two truck operators are arrangements. The design of such a system would be
required per truck, which equates to A$260,000 per to ensure that the ore pass will not be empty, ore
truck per year. The capital cost of purchasing and pass hang-ups are minimised and the feed to the
replacing vehicles must also include the capital cost conveyor would be controlled to allow minimum
ot upgrading the mine ventilation system, as the impact and wear. It was also considered that the
increasing fleet size, would contribute to higher implementation of the transfer conveyor would
diesel exhaust output. eliminate the cost incurred from a LHD performing
transfer duties (A$l.39/t). The capital cost per
component of the transfer conveyor system is shown
Table 2. Average Haul Lengths in Table 4.
implementation of the Elphinstone AD55 mining
trucks results in the lowest Net Present Cost by the
end of 2005. Although this is markedly lower than
the current operating costs, the implementation of
the Elphinstone AD55 and transfer conveyor remain
the least expensive.
• The No.2 Shaft is the main ore-hoisting shaft to the necessary installation of a crushing station, loading
surface. Any extension of this shaft would render it station and transfer system similar to the current
inoperative for months. If this shaft was extended, the arrangements on 9 Level.
winding gear and headframe would have to be replaced It has been assumed that the production rate will
or upgraded and it is anticipated when the capital costs remain constant at 747,600 tonnes per year.
and profit losses from the inoperable shaft are However, the specified requirement of a shaft
compared to the reduced haulage costs, the project hoisting system capable of handling 1,000,000
will break even, therefore not achieving any benefit. tonnes per year will be used in the determination of
It has been determined that the hoisting capacity the hoisting system requirements in case production
of the new shaft would be in the region of one is boosted to 1,000,000 tonnes per year. A summary
million tonnes per annum. For shaft construction, the of the hoisting system requirements is shown in
most likely method of development would be by Table 9.
raise boring. As a result of the required shaft depth
of 2000 metres, it is suggested that the raising of the Table 9. Hoisting system requirements
No.3 Shaft be completed in 3 stages, with the first
two stages consisting of raising a distance of
approximately 670 metres and the third stage raising
the remaining metres to the surface, i.e.:
• Shaft bottom at 4715 RL (2000 m below surface)
• Stage 1 raise from 4715 RL to 5385 RL (1330 m
below surface)
• Stage 2 raise from 5385 RL to 6055 RL (660 m
below surface)
• Stage 3 raise from 6055 RL to surface In March
2000, the lmpala Platinum Mine in South Africa
successfully collared a 27 1112, 770 in long
ventilation shaft using a Sandvik CRH 12E reaming
head (Bartlett, 2001). Using this type of reaming
technology, there is no reason why this type of
technology cannot be applied in the construction of
the new No.3 Shaft. A summary of shaft raise boring
capital costs is shown in Table 8.
It is expected that shaft raise boring and hoisting Bartlett, L. 2001. Biggest CRH 12E head to date collars 786
system capital costs will total A$82.37 million. It is metre raise m Soulh Africa
envisaged that when shaft construction has been Rock World. January. Sandvik Tairuock Corp.. Helsinki Media
Business Publications. Finland, p. 15
completed, a main level will be developed at or Chadwick. J. 2000. Underground haulage. Miiiinn MuRazine.
slightly above the 4715 RL. This will allow the September, p. 103
Noıhcote G G and Bdines F L S 1971 Comparison of the mining opeıatıons Pie Au\IMMTnm\p<nlulitm Symposium
economics tit truck, haulage and shall hoisting ot ore from AuslMM Sydney Blanch pp 1 'S — "iO