Haulage Optimisation

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läh International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey-IMCET 2003, <ö 2003, ISBN 975-395-605-3

Haulage Optimisation in An Australian Underground Metal Mine

N. Aziz & W. Keilich
Faculty af Engineering, University of Wollongong, 2522 NSW, Australia

ABSTRACT: One of the most important factors in the economical operation of an underground metalliferous mine
is the cost associated with ore haulage. Four haulage operating scenarios were examined to optimise the haulage
.system in an Australian underground metal mine based on the economic evaluation of mining at increased depth.
The conclusions drawn suggested that, for the short term, the implementation of the Elphinstone AD55 mining
trucks combined with the implementation of a transfer conveyor on 9 Level would be the most economically
viable solution to the continuation of ore production from the mine. With respect to the long-term future of the
mine, a detailed investigation into the possibility of the establishment of a new shaft and hoisting system was
recommended into the possibility of the establishment of a new shaft and hoisting system was recommended.

I INTRODUCTION of possibly 2000 m. The geology of the deposit is

shown in Figure I.
Most underground mining operations that utilise ore
transportation in the form of shaft hoisting, truck
haulage or conveyor systems will reach a stage in 2 MINING AND ORE TRANSPORT
which increasing distances between production areas
underground and the surface, or crushing/hoisting The main levels in the mine are numbered l to 11. 9
system start to have an adverse effect on operational Level (5909 RL) housed the crushing facilities and
costs. If this problem were not properly addressed, 11 Level (5715 RL) was the existing main level,
the economic viability of mining, particularly from with production ore being sourced from beneath this
deeper deposits would be questionable. A case study level. The mining method used was longhole open
involving an underground metal mine in western sloping.
New South Wales, Australia, was conducted with The ore handling facilities at the mine was based
respect to the various options available for the on diesel Load-Haul-Dump vehicles, which loaded
expansion of the ore handling facilities. The aim of broken ore from the draw points into low profile
this case study was to determine the most diesel trucks (Elphinstone AD/AE 40 II) that hauled
economical and effective proposal that will allow the the ore to the crushing/hoisting facilities. The ore
continuation of mining at depth. handling facilities include:
The mine, known as MINE A, is located
approximately 750 km North-West of Sydney, • No.l Shaft hoisting system
NSW. The production capacity of the Mine at the • No.2 Shaft hoisting system
time of study was set at approximately 500,000 • Crushing station (9 Level)
tonnes per annum with future plans to expand the • Loading station
production to 747,600 tonnes per annum.
Mineralisation of the ore deposit occurs in several The No.l Shaft was used as an upcast ventilation
copper and copper-lead-zinc systems in parallel shaft and emergency escape way for underground
zones in sequence of thinly inter-bedded siltstones personnel until. 1991. Increasing truck haulage costs,
and fine-grained greywacke. Each system consisted when mining commenced below 11 Level,
of veins, veinlets, stockworks, and disseminations of necessitated the installation of the internal winding
base metal sulphides. Economic mineralisation system in the 4.2 m diameter shaft. Ore was trucked
occurred over a strike length of 400 m and at a depth from the production levels to the 10 Level tipping

station, where it was dumped on a 700 mm 700 mm consisted of a tower mounted ASEA fnction winder
apeiture grizzly Larger rocks, greater than 700 mm hoisting a single 14 t payload skip which was
size, were broken on the grizzly with an impact rock counterbalanced by a 6 t payload skip/cage. Ore was
breaker The broken ore was then weighed and hoisted from the loading station to the surface skip
loaded into an 8 5 tonne skip where it was then dump station that fed an inclined conveyor, which
hoisted to 8 Level. As the skip approaches 8 Level, fed four surface storage bins to the mill. The
it deceleiated until it was stationary in an overturned capacity of the hoisting system was 300 t/hr from a
position. The ore from the skip gravitated down a 3 depth of 860 m and at rope speed of 12 m/s.
m diameter, steel lined ore pass to 9 Level, where it
was then transteired to the 9 Level crushing
facilities via LHD, which is not shown in the Figure

Figure 2. No. 1 shaft internal winder

Fıguıe 1 Deposit geology 3 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE

Production rates were based upon 500,000

Schematic ot the internal hoisting system is shown tonnes/year, increasing to a maximum 747,600
in Fıguıe2. tonnes/year, most of which was obtained initially
The No.2 Shaft (5.5 m diameter) hoisting system from Ore System 3 and later on, in 2003, the
consists ot three sections that are the crushing production will come from Ore System 1.
system, loading station and the shaft hoist. The Production form Ore System 1 would prolong the
ciushing system was located at 9 Level and working life of the mine for a maximum five years,
facilitated the loading of uncrushed ore at the tipping based upon current proven and probable reserves.
Deep drilling conducted in Ore System 3 showed a
grizzly. The gnzzly is positioned above a storage bin
strong continuity of the orebody to a depth 550
and ore was fed into a Jaques single oscillating jaw
meters below the current workings. This provided
crushei that crushed the material to -150 mm. The
the potential to extending the life of the mine beyond
crushedmatenal was stored in two 1300 t capacity
five years. The opportunity also existed to mine ore
storage bins located directly below the crusher.
below the planned cut-off grade at marginal cost
The loading station was located directly below the once the operation was profitable and stabilised.
ciushed ore storage bins and adjacent to the No.2
Shaft Ore is fed onto the loading station belt where
the ore is weighed before being transferred into the
skip foi hoisting to the surface.The shaft hoist


The transportation of ore, men and materials in an

underground mining environment contributes
significantly towards the mine's running costs, every
underground mining environment the ideal objective
of transport is to provide a means whereby
transportation is achieved at the lowest unit cost. In
terms of ore transportation, the unit cost is often
expressed in dollars per tonne ($/t). Recent activity
in Australia with open pit gold mines looking to
develop into underground has seen a great deal of
comparative work being undertaken on the question Figure 4. Elphistone AD55
ot shafts or declines. As a result, tonnages of 1.5
Mt/yr were achievable with truck haulage from a
depth of 1000 m, via decline alone (Chadwick,
2000). As mine A was equipped with shaft hoisting
facilities, the renewed application of truck haulage
was timely and essential.
The trucks that this paper have examined were the
Elphinstone AD/AE 40 II, the recently released
Elphinstone AD55, the Tamrock Toro 50D and the
Atlas Copco Wagner MT5010. The reason behind
this selection was that all were low profile
articulated trucks, with dimensions very similar the
existing AD/AE 40 II trucks. Any trucks that were Figure 5. Tamrock Toro 50D
bigger could not fit down the decline and the cost of
dismantling for transportation underground via the
No.2 Shaft proved prohibitive. The trucks included
in this study are shown in Figure 3 to 6. The capital
costs of these trucks were as follows:

Elphinstone AD/AE 40 II: A$950,000

Elphinstone AD55: A$1,250,000
Tamrock Toro 50D: A$ 1,188,000
Atlas Copco Wagner MT5010: A$l ,300,000

Figure 6. Atlas Copco Wagner MT5010

5. / Costs
Apart from capital costs, two other categories of cost
were considered. The first category was the owning
costs, where factors such as depreciation, investment
Figure 3. Elphistone AD/AE 40 II or interest cost, insurance cost and taxes are borne
by the company, regardless whether the machine is
utilised or not. The second category of costs, the
5 OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS operating costs include fuel, lubrication, filters,
repairs, tyre replacement, operator wages and
Operational parameters include costs and production miscellaneous items. As expected, these factors are
rates. widely influenced by the nature of work, local prices
of fuel and lubricants, shipping costs from the
factory, interest rates and local labour rates. The
investigation of various operating costs of mining
operations proved to be very difficult as many

companies regard the operational cost figures as Table I. Production characteristics
confidential, in order to remain competitive. Hence,
the need or reasonable cost estimation procedures
become nevitable, as any attempt to compare
operational ata would be fruitless.

5.2 Production Rates

Production rates are also affected by a range of
anables such as rolling resistance, acceleration nd
deceleration, variations in haulage grade, oading and
queuing time. However, it is ecessary to generalise
and make assumptions or the variables involved in
production rates, ften this may be based upon
personal experiences or when access to a computer
simulation package does not exist. The following
formula for the calculation of cycle time was used: 6 CONTINUED TRUCK HAULAGE TO 10
The evaluation of diesel trucking requirements was
based on the production schedule. The average haul
distances were used to simulate trucking
requirements and a number of variables were also
incorporated into this simulation. The operating
costs of the existing system was also examined,
including the unit costs of road maintenance,
hoisting, transfer, crushing, and the implementation
of the four different mining trucks and a conveyor
performing transfer duties on 9 Level. The ultimate
objective was to determine the lowest operating cost
Where, per tonne. Table 2. shows the average haul lengths.
Ti. = Cycle time (min.) A list of parameters that was used in the simulation
SL = Spot and load time (min.) is shown in Table 3.
SUL = Spot and unload time (min.) The costs of continued truck haulage to 10 Level
d = Haulage distance (m) consisted of the following:
Vu= Uphill travel speed (m/s) • Road maintenance = A$0.26/t
Vd= Downhill travel speed (m/s) • Internal hoisting = A$0.78/t
• 9 Level transfer LHD = A$l .39/t
To calculate the productivity of each truck, factors • 9 Level crushing = A$1.50/t
such as machine utilisation and availability were • Hoisting 9 Level to surface = A$2.00/t
taken into account. Assuming a machine utilisation
lactor of 75 % (available time per shift after cribs, The operational costs for the mining trucks
shift meetings and travel time to jobs) and an (excluding driver costs) are:
availability factor of 80 % (available time per shift
• AD/AE 40 II = A$65/hr (from mine cost
after mechanical breakdowns, repairs and
maintenance), productivity can thus be calculated
• AD55 = A$79/hr (Six Tenths Rule)
usine the following formula:
• 50D = A$75/hr
• MT5010 = A$80/hr (sourced from Atlas Copco)

The costs associated with truck drivers/operators

were made up with basic wages. However,
secondary costs such as employee insurance, payroll
tax and superannuation contributed to the total cost
d = Truck capacity (tonnes) carried by the company. A common method to
a = Machine utilisation factor (%) approximate total employee costs was to use
b = Machine availability factor (%) multiplication factor, which, in this case, was 2.0.
Thus a typical wage for a truck driver/operator with
The production characteristics for the four trucks an annual salary of A$65,000 a year, would amount
arc as shown in Table 1. to about AS 130,000. Since the mine operates on two

12-hour shifts per day, two truck operators are arrangements. The design of such a system would be
required per truck, which equates to A$260,000 per to ensure that the ore pass will not be empty, ore
truck per year. The capital cost of purchasing and pass hang-ups are minimised and the feed to the
replacing vehicles must also include the capital cost conveyor would be controlled to allow minimum
ot upgrading the mine ventilation system, as the impact and wear. It was also considered that the
increasing fleet size, would contribute to higher implementation of the transfer conveyor would
diesel exhaust output. eliminate the cost incurred from a LHD performing
transfer duties (A$l.39/t). The capital cost per
component of the transfer conveyor system is shown
Table 2. Average Haul Lengths in Table 4.

Table 4. Transfer conveyor capital cost

The following annual costs were estimated:

• Rollers = A$ 10,000
• Feeder/discharge maintenance =A $ 15,000
Table 3. Parameters used in simulation
• Misc. parts/lube = A$5,000
• Maintenance labour = A$30,000

The cost comparison between the resulting Net

Present Cost (NPC) and cost in dollars per tonne for
the implementation of the various trucks for the
continued truck haulage to 10 Level is shown in
Figures 7 and 8 and Table.
The cost comparison between the resulting NPC
and cost in dollars per tonne for the implementation
of the various trucks for the continued truck haulage
to 10 Level, including the implementation of the
transfer conveyor on 9 Level is shown in Table 6.


The option of installing a Transfer conveyor system

was under consideration for some time and it was
anticipated that it will become a reality in near
future The conveyor drive was already completed
and all that required was an investigation into the
design and operation of such a system. The
operating cost of such a system was expected to be
low, as it is largely dependant on the conveyor Figure 7. Comaprison of option total NPC
design and operation of the ore pass discharge

implementation of the Elphinstone AD55 mining
trucks results in the lowest Net Present Cost by the
end of 2005. Although this is markedly lower than
the current operating costs, the implementation of
the Elphinstone AD55 and transfer conveyor remain
the least expensive.



If the operation of the mine was to continue for the

next fifteen years, it is evident that a shaft extension
Fıguıe 8 Comparison of option costs per tonne of either the No. 1 or No.2 Shafts, or the
establishment of a new shaft hoisting system in a
separate new shaft would be required. It has been
Table 5 Costs for truck haulage to 10 level suggested that the construction of new shaft, known
as No.3 shaft, from the surface down to 2000m deep
X® \1. 4U 11 A I ) « w MT«I n
would be desirable alternative to extending the
lOIAJ.NIT 4ÏXS8 45.44 4A5.1
tASltf'l existing shafts for the following reasons:
AIXAI 4111 • The No.l Shaft was primarily designed as a return
COST astı S.I7 7.47 «0 S.» ventilation shaft. It has been decided to keep the
internal winder in place as part of the solution for
the short-term truck haulage problem. Once
Table 6. Costs for truck haulage to 10 level, including production reaches the point where truck haulage to
transfer eonveyoi 10 Level becomes uneconomical, it is planned to
A t i . « i 4011 SD55 «015 MT5H10
remove the internal winder and restore the No.l
Shaft to its primary purpose as a return ventilation
10 K l NIT
40.1« Ï6M 40.«) 41.*) shaft, resulting in a substantial decrease in
COSTrA&tj 7.54 (\(A 7,470 7.67
ventilation costs due to the reduced resistance in the

It can be seen from Table 6 that the combined

implementation of both the Elphinstone AD55, and
the transfer conveyor results in the lowest Net
Present Cost at the end of 2005. This represented a
saving of 27.03 % in operating costs compared to
the existing system discussed previously (i.e., haul
to 10 Level with AD/AE 40 II, June 2001 ).


There are several points to note regarding this

haulage option:
• Increased simplicity as the conveyor 8 Level to 9
Level ore pass and internal hoist infrastructure Figure 10. comparison of option costs per tonne
system would become obsolete,
• The longer haul distances to 9 Level will result in
greater trucking requirements, Table 7. Costs per truck haulage to 9 level
• The increased trucking requirement would result
in a poorer mine environment in tenus of heat, Jia'Ai'4ti it A D « SOD WT50I0

contaminants and dust. 'JOTAL-OTC 41X81 17.98 •5S.W 4u.f>S

IAS 10")
The cost comparison between the resulting Net
CÜSI (AS.ll 7.46 (>.9i 7.12 7.41
Present Cost and cost in dollars per tonne for the
implementation of the various trucks for truck
haulage to 9 Level is shown in Figures 9 and 10 and
Table 7. It can be seen from Table 7 that the

• The No.2 Shaft is the main ore-hoisting shaft to the necessary installation of a crushing station, loading
surface. Any extension of this shaft would render it station and transfer system similar to the current
inoperative for months. If this shaft was extended, the arrangements on 9 Level.
winding gear and headframe would have to be replaced It has been assumed that the production rate will
or upgraded and it is anticipated when the capital costs remain constant at 747,600 tonnes per year.
and profit losses from the inoperable shaft are However, the specified requirement of a shaft
compared to the reduced haulage costs, the project hoisting system capable of handling 1,000,000
will break even, therefore not achieving any benefit. tonnes per year will be used in the determination of
It has been determined that the hoisting capacity the hoisting system requirements in case production
of the new shaft would be in the region of one is boosted to 1,000,000 tonnes per year. A summary
million tonnes per annum. For shaft construction, the of the hoisting system requirements is shown in
most likely method of development would be by Table 9.
raise boring. As a result of the required shaft depth
of 2000 metres, it is suggested that the raising of the Table 9. Hoisting system requirements
No.3 Shaft be completed in 3 stages, with the first
two stages consisting of raising a distance of
approximately 670 metres and the third stage raising
the remaining metres to the surface, i.e.:
• Shaft bottom at 4715 RL (2000 m below surface)
• Stage 1 raise from 4715 RL to 5385 RL (1330 m
below surface)
• Stage 2 raise from 5385 RL to 6055 RL (660 m
below surface)
• Stage 3 raise from 6055 RL to surface In March
2000, the lmpala Platinum Mine in South Africa
successfully collared a 27 1112, 770 in long
ventilation shaft using a Sandvik CRH 12E reaming
head (Bartlett, 2001). Using this type of reaming
technology, there is no reason why this type of
technology cannot be applied in the construction of
the new No.3 Shaft. A summary of shaft raise boring
capital costs is shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Shaft raise boring capital costs


For the short term, it was recommended that the

mine management proceed with the installation of
the transfer conveyor system on 9 Level and
implement the Elphinstone AD55 mining trucks at
the end of June 2002. For the long-term future, the
option of establishing a new shaft to 2000 m depth
would be a desirable option, provided that the results
from the diamond drilling prove the existence of
sufficient reserves for the continuation of mining
well into the next decade.


It is expected that shaft raise boring and hoisting Bartlett, L. 2001. Biggest CRH 12E head to date collars 786
system capital costs will total A$82.37 million. It is metre raise m Soulh Africa
envisaged that when shaft construction has been Rock World. January. Sandvik Tairuock Corp.. Helsinki Media
Business Publications. Finland, p. 15
completed, a main level will be developed at or Chadwick. J. 2000. Underground haulage. Miiiinn MuRazine.
slightly above the 4715 RL. This will allow the September, p. 103

Noıhcote G G and Bdines F L S 1971 Comparison of the mining opeıatıons Pie Au\IMMTnm\p<nlulitm Symposium
economics tit truck, haulage and shall hoisting ot ore from AuslMM Sydney Blanch pp 1 'S — "iO


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