SP3D Equipment S5 Practice Lab

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SP3D Equipment Practice Lab: Modeling Designed Equipment with Shapes

SP3D Equipment Practice Lab: Modeling Designed

Equipment with Shapes
Placing a Shape:
Exercise Objective: In this exercise you will be Placing a Kettle Heat Exchanger E-102 from the
SP3D Catalog in Unit U01 as Designed Equipment in the model. Then, place a cylinder and an
eccentric cone on E-102. Finally, place two rectangular boxes as stands to mount this Heat
Exchanger and add caps on both sides by using the Place Shape command. The shape placed in
the model should be similar to the object displayed in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Output - The Kettle Heat Exchanger E-102

1. Define the workspace to display Unit U01 and coordinate system U01 CS.

2. Select the View > Fit command.

3. Switch to the Equipment and Furnishings task.

4. Activate the PinPoint by using the Tools > PinPoint command. The PinPoint ribbon

5. Change the active coordinate system to U01 CS in the Coordinate system drop-down list
of the PinPoint ribbon.

6. Select the Set Target to Origin option on the PinPoint ribbon to move the target to the
origin of the current coordinate system.

7. Click the Place Designed Equipment button on the vertical toolbar.

8. The Select Equipment type dialog box is displayed. From the catalog browser select
\Equipment\Process\Heat Exchangers\Kettle Heat Exchanger and click OK.

9. The Design Equipment Properties page is displayed. Key in E-102 for Name.

10. In the Design Equipment Properties dialog box, click the System field and select the

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SP3D Equipment Practice Lab: Modeling Designed Equipment with Shapes

More… option. The Select System dialog box appears. Select the A2 > U01 > Equipment
system and click OK.

11. Switch to the Position and Orientation category. Key in the following specifications in
the Position and Orientation category in the Design Equipment Properties dialog box:

Easting: 5ft

Northing: -20 ft

Elevation: 6 ft

12. Switch to the Definition Tab and make the following changes:

Equipment Classification 0: Process Equipment

Equipment Classification 1: Heat Transfer Equipment

Equipment Classification 2: Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger

Equipment Classification 3: Tubular Reactor

13. Click OK.

14. Click and hold the Place Shape on the vertical toolbar to display the shape selection
palette and then, click RtCircularCylinder to select a cylinder.

15. If prompted, select Equipment E-102 in the Workspace Explorer. This displays the
Shape Properties dialog box. Key in the following specifications:

A: 20ft

B: 6 ft

16. Key in 5 ft for E, -20 ft for N, 6 ft for El on the PinPoint ribbon to specify the position of
the cylinder to be placed.

17. Click in the graphic view to place the cylinder.

18. Click the Place Shape button on the vertical toolbar and select the EccentricCone 001

19. This displays the Shape Properties dialog box. Key in the following specifications in the
Properties dialog box and click OK:

A: 3 ft

B: 6 ft

C: 4 ft

20. On the Place Shape ribbon, set the relationship to Connect in the Positioning
Relationship drop-drown list.

21. Select a point at the east end of the cylinder and click on the end point to place the cone.

22. Click the Place Shape button on the vertical toolbar and select RtCircularCylinder 001.
Click to identify Equipment E-102 in the WSE. Key in the following specifications in the

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SP3D Equipment Practice Lab: Modeling Designed Equipment with Shapes

Shape Properties dialog box:

A: 6 ft

B: 4 ft

23. Using Connect relationship as mentioned in step 20, place it at the free end of the
Eccentric Cone.

24. Now, to place the first rectangular support beneath the equipment object E-102, Click
the Reposition Target option on the PinPoint ribbon to change target to the end of the
first cylinder.
25. Click the Place Shape button on the vertical toolbar and select the Rectangular Solid
shape. Enter the specifications in the Shape Properties dialog box:

A: 4 ft

B: 6 ft

C: 10 in

26. Click O.K

27. Enter in the coordinates as 4 ft for E, 0 ft for N, and -2 ft for El on the Pinpoint Ribbon.

28. Press the Right Arrow key to rotate the rectangle and place it.

29. Repeat steps 24-26 with the same dimensions and the coordinates as 18 ft for E, 0 ft for
N, and -2 ft for El to place the second rectangle beneath the equipment object E-102.

30. Rename all the shapes under the Designed Equipment E-102 as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The Shapes Renamed

31. To place the first cap of the equipment object, click the Place Shape button on the
vertical toolbar and select the Semi Elliptical Head shape (If a Solid or Design Equipment
object is not selected the command prompt will do so at this time). In the Shape Properties
dialog box enter the specifications for dimensions as 6 ft for A and 3 ft for B.

32. Using Connect relationship as mentioned in step 20, place it at the west end of the
equipment object. Use the arrow keys to rotate the shape.

33. Repeat steps 29-30 with dimensions as 4 ft for A and 2 ft for B to place the second cap of

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the equipment object.

34. Turn the Maintenance Aspect on in the Format View dialog box and click OK.

35. To place the Maintenance Envelope on the bigger end of the equipment, click the Place
Shape button and select the RtCircularCylinder 001 option. (If a Solid or Design
Equipment object is not selected the command prompt will do so at this time)

36. Select the Display Aspect… button. Deselect the Simple physical and select the
Maintenance Aspect.

37. Click OK in the Display Aspects dialog box.

38. Key in 6 ft for A and 6 ft for B in the Shape Properties dialog box.

39. Use the arrow keys to rotate the shape and place it at the west end of the equipment

40. Turn the Maintenance Aspect off in the Format View dialog box. If you do not set the
“Equipment Maintenance – Delivered” Surface Style Rule, the volume will be shown in
the default solid green color.

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