TEST THREE Part 3 (5 marks) Part 6 (10 marks)
Reading & Writing 1. G 1. of
2. D 2. who
Part 1 (10 marks) 3. F 3. the
4. A 4. other
1. a job 5. E 5. only
2. a mountain 6. mustn’t
3. breakfast Part 4 (6 marks) 7. bouncing
4. doctors 8. if
5. a picnic 1. sand
2. climbed 9. some
6. a mechanic 10. jumping
7. fruit 3. better
8. a chemist’s 4. looking
5. down Part 7 (5 marks)
9. sandwiches
10. a suitcase 6. A – Dog in a dark cave 1. was
2. to
Part 2 (7 marks) Part 5 (7 marks) 3. called
1. the countryside 4. my
1. yes 5. who
2. no 2. balloons
3. no 3. and yellow
4. no 4. cold
5. yes 5. house
6. no 6. was old
7. yes 7. hat
E = Examiner, C = Child
The ‘child’ responses are the minimum responses expected.
Phrases in blue are back-up questions for the examiner if necessary.
Here’s information about Sarah and Betty’s his/her name?)
families. I don’t know anything about Sarah’s E: Tell me about what you do in the evenings after
family, but you do. So I’m going to ask you some school.
What kind of pet has Sarah’s family got? E: Okay, thank you (child’s name). Goodbye.
C: A parrot. C: Goodbye.
E: What’s Sarah’s husband’s name?
C: John.
E: What is Sarah’s family doing? TEST TWO
C: Having dinner.
E: How many children has Sarah got? Speaking
C: Three.
E: Does Sarah live in a house or a flat? Introduction
C: (In a) house. E: Hello, (child’s name), my name’s ____________.
C: Hello
C: What kind of pet has Betty’s family got? E: What’s your surname?
E: (Respond using information on examiner’s card) C: (Child’s surname)( What’s your family name?)
A dog. E: How old are you?
C: What is Betty’s husband’s name? C: 11 (Are you ten?)
E: Nick.
C: What is Betty’s family doing? Find the differences
E: Having dinner. E: (Show candidates both pictures. Give candidate his/
C: How many children has Betty got? her picture the describe things without pointing.)
E: Two.
C: Does Betty live in a house or a flat? Now look at these two pictures. My picture is
E: In a flat. nearly the same as yours, but some things are
different. For example, there are pink and purple
Tell the story flowers in my picture, but in your picture, they
E: (Point to the pictures in the story)These pictures are red and yellow.I’m going to say something
tell a story. The name of this story is ‘The Naughty about my picture. You tell me how your picture is
Monkeys’. Just look at the pictures first. different. In my picture, there’s a square table.
(Point to the first picture) Three boys are walking on C: In my picture, there’s a round table. (Is the table
the beach. One of the boys sees some coconuts square?)
in the trees. He wants to get one. Now you tell the E: In my picture, the cat is sleeping under the car.
story. C: In my picture, the cat is sleeping on the car. (Is the
C: One boy is getting rocks. The others are throwing cat under the car?)
rocks at the coconuts in the trees. E: In my picture, the man has got a map.
There are monkeys in the trees. They are afraid of C: In my picture, the man has got a suitcase. (Has the
the rocks. man got a map?)
The monkeys are throwing coconuts (down) at E: In my picture, the house has got a balcony.
the boys. C: In my picture, the house hasn’t got a balcony. (Has
The boys are eating the coconut. They are happy. the house got a balcony?)
(What is the boy picking up?/What are the boys E: In my picture, the boy is carrying a red rucksack.
throwing?/What animals are in the trees?/What C: In my picture, the boy is carrying a green
are the monkeys doing? etc.) rucksack. (Is the boy carrying a red rucksack?)
E: In my picture, the girl on the swing is wearing an
Personal questions orange dress.
C: In my picture, the girl on the swing is wearing a
E: Now let’s talk about your school.
pink dress. (Is the girl wearing an orange dress?)
What time do you start school?
C: (Quarter past nine.) (Do you start school at 9 Information exchange
E: What subjects are you good at? E: (Briefly show candidates both cards, then give
C: (Maths and Music.) (Are you good at Maths?) candidate his/her card. Point to the pictures of
E: What sports do you play at school? the families and the questions about them on the
C: (Football.) (Do you play football?) candidate’s card.)
E: Who do you sit next to in class? Here’s information about Mr. Green and Mr. White.
C: (Juan.) (Do you sit next to a boy or a girl? What’s I don’t know anything about Mr. Green, but you
do. So I’m going to ask you some questions. bedroom?)
What’s Mr. Green’s job? E: Tell me what you do in the evenings at home.
C: (He’s a) secretary.
E: Where does Mr. Green work? E: Okay, thank you (child’s name). Goodbye.
C: (In an) office. C: Goodbye.
E: Does Mr. Green wear a uniform?
C: No.
E: How does Mr. Green go to work? TEST THREE
C: (By) car.
E: Is Mr. Green married? Speaking
C: Yes.
C: Is Mr. White married? E: Hello, (child’s name), my name’s ____________.
E: (Respond using information on examiner’s card) No. C: Hello
C: What’s Mr. White’s job? E: What’s your surname?
E: He’s a fireman. C: (Child’s surname) (What’s your family name?)
C: Does Mr. White wear a uniform? E: How old are you? (Are you ten?)
E: Yes. C: 11
C: Where does Mr. White work?
E: At a fire station. Find the differences
C: How does Mr. White go to work? E: (Show candidate both pictures. Give candidate his/
E: By train. her picture then describe things without pointing)
Tell the story Now look at these two pictures. My picture is
nearly the same as yours, but some things are
E: (Point to the pictures in the story) different. For example, the tables are yellow in my
These pictures tell a story. The name of this picture, but in your picture, they are white.
story is ‘The Shell That Can Walk’. Just look at the I’m going to say something about my picture. You
pictures first. tell me how your picture is different.
(Point at the first picture) Two girls are on the In my picture, it’s raining.
beach. They are making a castle in the sand. C: In my picture, it’s foggy. (Is it raining?)
They are putting shells on the walls of the castle. E: In my picture, there’s a blue bag under the table.
One of the girls has found a very big shell. C: In my picture, there’s a blue bag on the table. (Is
Now you tell the story. the bag on the table red?)
C: The castle is finished. The big shell is in the middle E: In my picture, the chef is wearing black trousers.
of the castle. The children are leaving the castle C: In my picture, the chef is wearing blue trousers. (Is
(to get their mum and dad). There is an octopus in the chef wearing black trousers?)
the shell. E: In my picture, there is a woman opening a
The girls are showing their parents the castle. cupboard.
They are very surprised. The big shell isn’t there. C: In my picture, there is a woman opening a fridge.
The octopus is going to the sea. The girls are (Is the woman opening a cupboard?)
pointing at the shell and the octopus. E: In my picture, there is a man drinking a cup of
The girl is putting the octopus (back) into the sea. coffee.
(Is the castle finished?/Where is the big shell?/ C: In my picture, there is a man reading a newspaper.
What is inside the big shell?/Who is looking at (Is the man drinking a cup of coffee?)
the castle?/Can the girls see the shell and the
octopus? etc.) Information exchange
C: (At) Lucy’s house. story.
E: How old is Lucy? C: The boys play football near a café. They break a
C: Eleven. window. The man from the café tells the boys to
E: How many children are at Lucy’s party? play in a different place.
C: Fifteen. The boys are playing football on the road. A
E: What are the children doing at the party? policeman is telling the boys to play football in
C: Dancing. the park.
E: What time does the party finish? The boys arrive at the park. It is starting to rain.
C: (At) half past ten. The boys go (back) home. They are playing
football on the computer (again).
C: Where is Katy’s birthday party? (Where are the boys?/What happened to the
E: (Respond using information on examiner’s card) window?/Can the boys play football in the
At a restaurant. road?/Where does the policeman tell them to go?
C: How old is Katy? etc.)
E: Eight.
Personal questions
C: How many children are at Katy’s party?
E: Eighteen. E: Now let’s talk about your friends.
C: What are the children doing at the party? Where do you play with your friends?
E: Watching clowns. C: (In the park.) (Do you play with your friends in the
C: What time does the party finish? park?)
E: At half past nine. E: How often do you play with your friends?
C: (Every day.) (Do you play every day?)
Tell the story
E: What’s your best friend’s name?
E: (Point to the pictures in the story) C: (Maria.) (Is her name Maria?)
These pictures tell a story. The name of this story E: Why do you like (Maria)?
is ‘A Place to Play Football’. Just look at the pictures C: (Because she is very kind.) (Is she kind?)
first. E: Tell me what you do at the weekends.
(Point at the first picture) Some boys are playing C: I (go skating). (Do you go skating?)
football on the computer. The sun is shining. One
of the boy’s mums says it’s a sunny day. She tells E: Okay, thank you (child’s name). Goodbye.
them to go out and play football. Now you tell the C: Goodbye.
Part 1 (5 marks) Part 3 (5 marks) • Colour the smaller suitcase –
Lines should be drawn between: • Eldest sister Sarah: B blue
• Emma: mechanic. • Brother Nick: H • Draw – a sausage on the empty
• Sarah: nurse (light blue). • Brother Michael: G plate on the table
• Alex: pirate. • Little sister Helen: E • Write – T-R-A-I-N above the word
• Harry: fireman. • Uncle Peter: D ‘tickets’
• Nick: astronaut. • Colour the dog under the table
Part 4 (5 marks) - brown
Part 2 (5 marks) 1. B
• Swimming pool 2. C TEST TWO
• Saturday 3. A
• 10.30/half-past ten 4. C Listening
• Summer 5. A
• Five six nine double oh Part 1 (5 marks)
two/569002 Part 5 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
• Colour the beard of the man on • Michael: on the phone, light blue
the train reading the newspaper suit.
– yellow • David: green hat, behind the
plant. Part 5 (5 marks) Part 2 (5 marks)
• Robert: purple jumper, pointing • Colour the gloves of the boy • Wednesday
at David. who’s fallen over on the lake – • 9.30/half past 9
• Peter: red scarf, rushing through green • Bridge
the door. • Colour the hat of the girl putting • disco
• Emma: holding the teddy, long the snowman’s scarf on – red • 311025/three double one oh
black hair. • Draw – a snowball in the sky two five
near the boy that’s skiing
Part 2 (5 marks) • Write – F-I-S-H-I-N-G on the Part 3 (5 marks)
• Photographer board after ‘No’ • Mr Field: H
• Greenhill • Colour the sledge being pulled • Youngest daughter Jane: B
• Her mum by the girl - blue • Son David: E
• A pirate • Grandpa: A
• The Treasure Map
TEST THREE • Mrs Field: F
Part 3 (5 marks) Part 4 (5 marks)
• Youngest son Ben: H
1. B
• Youngest daughter Daisy: D 2. B
Part 1 (5 marks)
• Wife Mrs. Sugar: E 3. A
• Oldest daughter Alex: A Lines should be drawn between:
4. C
• Son Harry: F • Katy: on the towel with green
5. A
and yellow stripes, reading a
Part 4 (5 marks) magazine.
Part 5 (5 marks)
• David: playing volleyball,
1. A • Colour the bigger toy plane –
wearing a purple t-shirt.
2. A blue
• Harry: climbing, wearing blue
3. A • Write – L-U-N-C-H on the board
and white striped shorts.
4. C above ‘Salad’, ‘Pasta’, ‘Pizza’
• Nick: wearing white shorts with
5. C • Colour the dress of the baby in
red spots.
• Lucy: crying, wearing an orange the pram – pink
t-shirt. • Draw – a bird in the sky, and
colour it – red
• Colour the helicopter between
the boys - green