Scientology Workbook: Any Two People Can Do It
Scientology Workbook: Any Two People Can Do It
Scientology Workbook: Any Two People Can Do It
INTRODUCTION m o re effectiv ely th ro u g h th e v ario u s sections, or a s a book
u sed to su p p lm en t in d iv id u al or g ro u p p rocessing ap p lied b y
T h e SC IEN T O L O G Y W O R K B O O K fills a need, o ften e x a tra in e d S cientologist. T h e p ro p er use of th is w o rk b o o k h elp s
p ressed b y a u d ito rs, fo r a h a n d y re fe re n c e of processes to b e a p erso n in crease h is p ercep tio n , h is aw aren ess, h is h ap p in ess
used on p re c le a rs a n d fo r use b y v o lu n te e r au d ito rs on people an d h is self-d eterm in ism .
th e y w o u ld help. A ny tw o in te llig e n t people, a fte r a th o ro u g h
stu d y of th is volum e, ca n do it. A lth o u g h th o u sa n d s of h o u rs a re sp e n t in schools g ain in g
an ed u cation, m ost of th is tim e is sp e n t in assim ilatin g in fo r
T h e processes in th is v o lu m e a re ta k e n fro m th e notes m a tio n an d echoing it w h e n dem an d ed . T h e re a so n a p erso n
an d le c tu re s of L. R on H u b b ard . W hile b y no m ean s a com sp en d s tim e in p rocessing is to in c re ase h is p erc ep tio n so th a t
p le te re su m e of h is c u rre n t w o rk , th e se processes in clu d e m u ch h e ca n use h is m in d an d k n o w ho w h e is u sin g it, so m eth in g
th a t h e h as ta u g h t to th e A d v an ced C linical C ourse stu d e n ts w h ich is n o t o rd in a rily ta u g h t or ev en k n o w n a b o u t in ed u ca
in P h o en ix , A rizo n a a n d w h ich h a v e b ee n fo u n d re m a rk a b ly tio n a l in stitu tio n s. P ro cessin g h as th e ad v a n ta g e of in c re asin g
effectiv e in th e h a n d s of au d ito rs. se lf-d eterm in ism as opposed to su p p ressin g it. I t also b rin g s
th e p re-cle ar to th e p o in t w h e re h e c a n fu n c tio n w ith o u t th e
T his b o o k w as com piled b y D r. J a c k H o rn e r a fte r a c a re lim ita tio n s a n d re stric tio n s w h ich w e re d rille d in to h im
fu l stu d y a n d u se of H u b b a rd ’s la te s t developm ents. I t does th ro u g h o u t h is “ed u catio n .”
n o t su p p la n t S O P 8C o r ex teio riz atio n techniques. I t is w o rk ed
b e tte r w h ile “e x terio rize d .” I t is h oped th a t it w ill b e of se r T h e processes in th is book a re th e re s u lt of th o u sa n d s of
vice. h o u rs of ap p lied rese arch b y L. R on H u b b a rd an d th e assist
ance of m a n y tra in e d field w o rk ers. T h ey a re pro cesses w h ich
w ill in crease a p erso n ’s ab ilities an d se lf-d e term in ism w ith a
THE SCIENTOLOGY WORKBOOK m in im u m of e ffo rt in a m in im u m am o u n t of tim e. T h is book
is b est used in co n ju n ctio n w ith a n o th e r p erso n . P eo p le w ith
S cientology is d efin e d as th e science of kn o w in g ho w to serio u s p ro b lem s sh o u ld co n su lt a tra in e d S ciento lo g ist before
know . I t em b races th e e n tire field of kn o w led g e an d includes u sin g th is book as th e re a re processes w h ich a r e ev e n m o re
as p a rt o f th is th e h u m a n m in d , w hich could b e considered as effectiv e w h e n ap p lied b y a p erso n tra in e d in th e te ch n iq u e s
a c o m p u ter of a n d v essel fo r know ledge. A pplied S cientology an d p rin cip les of th is science. W hile th e re is little p o ssib ility
h a s as its goal th e c re a tio n of th e u ltim a te fre ed o m of in d iv id of b ecom ing d an g ero u sly d istu rb e d w h ile u sin g th is book it
u a l bein g ness, in c lu d in g fre ed o m of action, em otion, th o u g h t, can n o t b e o v er-stressed th a t if th is should h a p p e n on e sh o u ld
p ercep tio n , com m u n icatio n a n d know ingness. S cientolog y also im m ed iately tu r n to th e E nd-of-S ession exercises in S ectio n
h a s as its goal th e e x te n sio n of a ll m a n k in d ’s p re se n t ab ilities X I. If one th e n goes th ro u g h S ectio n X I a n d s till feels d is
a n d p o te n tia litie s, an d th e discovery of b o th fo rg o tten a n d as tu rb e d h e sh o u ld th e n co n tact th e n e a re st tra in e d S cien to lo g ist
y e t u n d isc o v ered ab ilities. T h e ap p lica tio n of Scientology is (au d ito r) w ho w ill b e q u ick ly a b le to reso lv e a n y d isco m fo rt
d esig n ed “to m a k e th e ab le m o re ab le,” alth o u g h it is also a p created as a re su lt of th e se processes. E m p h asis m u st also b e
p licab le to a ll lev els of h u m a n ac tiv itie s an d can d ea l w ith th e p laced u p o n th e m u ch g re a te r lik lih o o d th a t th e u se r of th is
p ro b lem s of th e ch ro n ically ill in d iv id u a l as w ell as w ith th e book, th e p reclear, w ill feel h a p p ie r an d m o re cap ab le a fte r
g ro w th of th e m o st able. T h e c re a to r a n d m a in d ev elo p er of ev e ry session.
S cientology, L. R on H u b b a rd , sp e n t tw e n ty -fiv e y ea rs doing
th e b asic re se a rc h le ad in g to th e b ro a d ly ap p licab le an d p re T h e co rrec t u se of S cien to lo g ical processes w ill o b tain ,
d ic tab le tc h n iq u e s of today. w ith o u t e v a lu a tio n or f u rth e r in d o c trin atio n on th e p a r t of th e
recip ien t, th e c e rta in k n o w led g e th a t h e is n o t a body. H e w ill
S cien tology is a m e n ta l science b u ilt u p o n axiom s. W o rk p erceiv e fo r him self th a t h e is a c re ativ e e n e rg y -p ro d u ctio n
a b ility in te rm s of c o n stru c tiv e re su lts r a th e r th a n ivory- u n it w ho, th ro u g h th e se processes, becom es a w a re of h is p u r
to w e re d th e o rizin g h as b ee n th e p rim a ry d e te rm in a n t of its poses an d ab ilities. T h e e n e rg y -p ro d u ctio n u n it w h ich is in
d ev elo p m ent. A lm o st a n y of its p a rts can be fo u n d som e h e re n tly se lf-aw are an d im m o rtal is called a “th e ta n ” in S cie n
w h ere in h isto ry , e v e n w h e n th e y w e re in d e p e n d e n tly evolved tology. F u rth e r discussion of th e th e ta n w ill b e fo u n d in Scien
b y L. R on H u b b ard . T h e re a re no p rin c ip a l sources, an d w h ere tology 8-8008 an d in issue 16-G of th is Jo u rn a l.
a p rac tice of p rin cip le is b o rro w ed fro m som e p a st school th e T he basic d riv e of life is su rv iv al. A s long as th e th e ta n ,
co n n ectio n is u su a lly ac cid en ta l o r co in cid en tal an d does n o t a n im m o rtal u n it of aw aren ess, uses a life fo rm it te n d s to
ad m it an y f u rth e r u se or v a lid ity of th a t school. S cientology fo rw a rd th e su rv iv a l goal. T h e lo w est com m on d en o m in ato r
w orks, an d can on ly b y w ork ed , w h e n re g a rd e d a n d u sed as a of th e fin ite u n iv e rse is su rv iv al. As it re la te s to m an , a g ra d
u n ity . E la b o ra tio n u p o n th e axiom s, th e o ries a n d te ch n iq u es ie n t an d d iffe re n tia te d scale of su rv iv a l can b e o b serv ed in
of S cientology can b e fo u n d in th e books listed in th e b ib lio te rm s of re la tiv e d eg re es of su rv iv a l in re la tio n to n o n -su r
g ra p h y on p ag e eight. v ival, o r succum b; th is re la tiv e scale is k n o w n in S cientology
T h is w o rk b o o k is in te n d e d to assist th e ab le in m ak in g as th e to n e scale w h ich in te rm s of em o tio n e x te n d s fro m th e
th em selv es m o re able. I t is to b e u sed as a book used in con d e a th of th e body u p th ro u g h p re te n d e d d ea th , a p a th y , grief,
ju n c tio n w ith a n o th e r p erso n to h elp d ire c t th e u se rs a tte n tio n ( C o n tin u e d , o n p a g e 2)
P age Two jo u rn a l of SC IEN TO L O G Y
( A u d i t o r s C o d e , C o n t.)
The Journal of
it s ex isten ce. A gain , th e p re-clea r is a tte m p tin g to in crea se
h is ow n a w a ren ess w h ich h a s had su ffic ie n t n eg a tio n from
SCIENTOLOGY o th ers already.
The au d itor should rem ain in tw o -w a y com m u n ication w ith the
Published twice m onthly by the p re-clear.
H U B B A R D A S S O C IA T IO N O F S C IEN T O L O G IST S, T h e auditor sh ou ld a lso be tru stw o rth y and cou rteou s. H e m u st
also be cou rageou s by carryin g through w ith th e p ro cess no
IN T E R N A T IO N A L m a tter w h a t h appens. H e m u st be p ersisten t and p a tien t,
thorough and on ly com m u n icative en ou gh to in su re th e e x
806 N orth Third S treet Phoenix, Arizona ecu tion of th e p rocessin g.
C opyright, 1954 b y th e A ctu ally, th e se are b asic ru les of good hu m an beh avior. If you
H u b b a rd A ssociation of S cientologists, In te rn a tio n a l feel you can n ot follow th e au d itor’s code, th e n y o u sh ou ld be a p re
clear u n til you can do so. On th e other hand, do* n ot h e sita te b eca u se
4 a n d 8 page issues 25c each; 12 an d 16 page issues 50c each you can n ot follow it p erfectly a t first. If you sh ou ld m a k e a m ista k e
it can be rem ed ied by g o in g through th e sta b iliz in g p ro cesses in S e c
20 p ag e issues 75c each; $5.00 p e r y e a r b y subscrip tio n tion X I, and if you sh ou ld break th e code th e n th e ex p erien ce w ill
q u ick ly d em on strate th e n eed for it. F u rth er d iscu ssio n o f th e a u d i
tor’s cod e ca n be found in other S cien tological p u b lication s.
15. Go on to Section VI. If you are ending the session or the 19. Go on to the next section. If the pre-clear feels too un
pre-clear feels too uncomfortable, then go on to Section comfortable or you are ending the session then go to
XI. Section XI before stopping.
Most people want things they don’t have (like money!),
People often focus so much attention on the negative as and have things like sinus, which they don’t want. In the
pects of life they lose sight of the more positive viewpoints same way their sphere of action is very much limited by com
they could assume. Viewpoint processing is designed to bring pulsions to do some things and restrictions on doing others;
a person to a non-compulsive tolerance of all viewpoints in and they are only able to play a few limited roles in life.
any universe. As a person become aware of the viewpoints he Could you, for example, put aside your usual mannerisms and
is willing to assume he becomes easily able to assume even attitudes to be an actor for a few hours? And have you kept
more viewpoints. Answer the question as asked. If the pre the ability you had as a child to be at will a train, a wind, a
clear has any great difficulty answering one question then go cowboy, a mouse, a mountain, a happy being?
on to the next one.. If the pre-clear feels any great discomfort Scientology sets people free to make their own self-de
go on to Section V before stopping. This process is unlimited; termined decision, and Be, Do and Have straight wire is one
that is, it can be used for an unlimited number of hours with
positive effect. way to free your latent capacity to have do, and be what, when
and how you please. The following list of questions should be
gone through several times until the pre-clear can easily get
Use Each Question Many Times Until It Is Clear Before many answers quickly to each question, and he should be as
Going To Next Question. certain as he can of his answer. Don’t be surprised if at first
1. Give a question you wouldn’t mind asking. it takes a little time for him to answer.
Give a question you wouldn’t mind others asking. Use Each Question Many Times Until It Is Clear Before
Give a question others wouldn’t mind you asking. Going To Next Question.
2. Give a thing you wouldn’t mind knowing.
Give a thing you wouldn’t mind others knowing. 1. Find something you wouldn’t mind having.
Give a thing others wouldn’t mind you knowing. 2. Find something others don’t mind you having.
3. Give a thing you wouldn’t mind looking at. 3. Find something you don’t mind others having.
Give a thing you wouldn’t mind others looking at. 4. Find something you wouldn’t mind doing.
Give a thing others wouldn’t mind you looking at. 5. Find something you don’t mind others doing.
4. Give an emotion you wouldn’t mind observing. 6. Find something you don’t mind others doing.
Give an emotion you wouldn’t mind others observing.
Give an emotion others wouldn’t mind you observing. 7. Find something you wouldn’t mind being.
5. Give an emotion you wouldn’t mind experiencing. 8. Find something others don’t mind being.
Give an emotion you wouldn’t mind others experiencing. 9. Find something you don’t mind others being.
Give an emotion others wouldn’t mind you experiencing. 10. Find something round you which you are certain is real,
6. Give an effort you wouldn’t mind observing. examine it and observe as much about it as you can.
Give an effort you wouldn’t mind others observing. 11. Locate a spot in space near your body.
Give an effort others wouldn’t mind you observing. 12. Close your eyes, reach out and hold the two back corn
7. Give an effort you wouldn’t mind experiencing. ers of the room and don’t think for about two minutes,
Give an effort others wouldn’t mind you experiencing.
Give an effort you wouldn’t mind others experiencing. then let go ofthe corners.
8. Give something you wouldn’t mind thinking about. 13. If you are ending the session, or the pre-clear feels too
Give something you wouldn’t mind others thinking about. uncomfortable go on to Section XI, otherwise go on to the
Give something you would mind someone thinking about. next section.
9. Give a symbol you would mind observing.
Give a symbol you wouldn’t mind another person observ SECTION VIII
Give a symbol you wouldn’t mind others observing.
10. Give a sound you wouldn’t mind hearing. The inability to recall things and people at will often pre
Give a silence you wouldn’t mind hearing. vents effective action and many pre-clears wish to have a bet
Give a sound you wouldn’t mind another person hearing. ter memory. If you have a poor memory and too easily “for
Give a sound you wouldn’t mind others hearing. get” things then this section will help you. Although full re
11. Give a motion you wouldn’t mind observing. call is possible, by the time a person reaches the point where
Give a motion you wouldn’t mind another person observ he can recall anything he wishes to remember, he usually dis
ing. covers that memory no longer has the importance it once had
Give a motion you wouldn’t mind others observing. as he is too busily living in the present time working toward
the future to be very interested in the past. Even if pre-clear’s
12. Give a motion you wouldn’t mind experiencing. memory is good, go through this section; it will speed up his
Give a motion you wouldn’t mind another person exper recall faculties. Also included in this section is Significance
iencing. processing. Many people seek a “reason” for everything and
Give a motion you wouldn’t mind others experiencing. must attribute significance to anything with which they come
13. Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind having. in contact. Further, as long as a person feels that “mysterious”
Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind another person hav influences affect his life, he limits his self-determinism by
ing. agreeing that he can be affected. When a person realizes that
Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind others having. whatever significance he sees in things are put there by him
14. Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind creating. self, he then becomes more able either to put or not put sig
Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind another person creat nificances into things, and the significances become as “real”
ing. or imaginary as he wishes. There no longer has to be a reason
Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind others creating. for everything and he is much more free to act without having
15. Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind destroying. to find significance in order to do so. Go through the lists as
Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind another person de quickly as possible; if the pre-clear cannot easily answer one
stroying. question then go on to the next one. If the pre-clear feels any
Give a mock-up you wouldn’t mind others destoying. great discomfort go on to section XI before stopping.
16. Find something which you are certain is real, examine it Use Each Question Many Times Until It Is Clear Before
and observe as much about it as you can. Going To Next Question.
17. Locate a spot in space near your body.
1. Find something you wouldn’t mind remembering.
18. Close your eyes, locate and hold the two back corners of Find something you wouldn’t mind another person re
the room and don’t think for about two minutes, then membering.
let go of the corners. Find something you wouldn’t mind others remembering.
P a g e S ix jo u rn a l of SC IEN TO L O G Y
2. Find something you wouldn’t mind forgetting. list as rapidly as you can. Viewpoint ARC straight wire is also
Find something you wouldn’t mind another person for unlimited. If the pre-clear has any great feeling of discomfort
getting. go on to Section XI.
Find something you wouldn’t mind others forgetting. Use Each Question Many Times Until It Is Clear Before
3. Find a person you wouldn’t mind remembering. Going To Next Question.
Find a person you wouldn’t mind another person remem 1. Name something it would be all right to like.
bering. Name a person it would be all right to like.
Find a person you wouldn’t mind others remembering. Name something it would be all right for another to like.
4. Find a person you wouldn’t mind forgetting. Name a person it would be all right for another to like.
Find a person you wouldn’t mind another person for Name something it would be all right for others to like.
getting. Name a person it would be all right for others to like.
Find a person you wouldn’t mind others forgetting. 2. Name something it would be all right for you to dislike.
5. Find a space you wouldn’t mind remembering. Name a person it would be all right for you to dislike.
Find a space you wouldn’t mind another person remem Name something it would be all right for others to dis
bering. like.
Find a space you wouldn’t mind others remembering. Name a person it would be all right for others to dislike.
6. Find a space you wouldn’t mind forgetting. Name something it would be all right for another to dis
Find a space you wouldn’t mind another person forget like.
ting. Name a person it would be all right for another to dislike.
Find a space you wouldn’t mind others forgetting. 3. Name something it would be all right for you to agree
7. Find something which you wouldn’t mind looking at and with.
remembering. Name a person it would be all right for you to agree with.
Find something which you wouldn’t mind another look Name something it would be all right for another to agree
ing at and remembering. with.
Find something which you wouldn’t mind others look Name a person it would be all right for another to agree
ing at and remembering. with.
8. Find something which you wouldn’t mind looking at and Name something it would be all right for others to agree
forgetting. with.
Find something which you wouldn’t mind another look Name a person it would be all right for others to agree
ing at and forgetting. with.
Find something you wouldn’t mind others looking at and 4. Name something it would be all right for you to disagree
forgetting. with.
9. Find an object you wouldn’t mind remembering. Name a person it would be all right for you to disagree
Find an object you wouldn’t mind another person re with.
membering. Name something it would be all right for another to dis
Find an object you wouldn’t mind others remembering. agree with.
10. Find an object you wouldn’t mind forgetting. Name a person it would be all right for another to dis
Find an object you wouldn’t mind another person forget agree with.
ting. Name something it would be all right for others to dis
agree with.
11. Think of some things you know that you wouldn’t mind Name a person it would be all right for others to disagree
remembering. with.
Think of something you know that you wouldn’t mind 5. Name something it would be all right for you to commun
forgetting. icate with.
12. Go through items one through ten again. Name a person it would be all right for you to commun
13. Locate an object and put six meanings into it. Do this icate with.
with four more objects. Name something it would be all right for another to com
14. Find a space and put five significances into it. Find five municate with.
more spaces and do the same thing, one at a time. Name a person it would be all right for another to com
15. Remember something you enjoyed and put five signifi municate with.
cances into the incident. Do this with three more inci Name a person it would be all right for others to com
dents you enjoyed. municate with.
16. Locate an object and put three mysterious meanings into Name something it would be all right for others to com
it. Do this with another object and put four mysterious municate with.
meanings into it. Do this with two more objects. 6. Give something it would be all right for you to refuse to
17. Invent a completely fictitious past for yourself; one communicate with.
which you could convince someone else was true for the Give a person it would be all right for you to refuse to
following periods of time: 1947-49; 1941-43; 1937-39; communicate with.
1931-33. Give something it would be all right for another to re
fuse to communicate with.
18. Imagine that this is exactly two years from now and im Give a person it would be all right for another to refuse
agine just what has happened in the past two years with to communicate with.
as much reality, detail and significance as you can put Give something it would be all right for others to refuse
into it. to communicate with.
19. Find something around you which you are certain is real, Give a person it would be all right for others to refuse to
examine it and observe as much about it as you can. communicate with.
20. Locate a spot in space near your body. 7. Give something it would be all right for you to remain
21. Close your eyes, locate and hold the two back corners ignorant of.
of the room and don’t think for about two minutes, then Give something it would be all right for another to re
let go of the corners. main ignorant of.
Give something it would be all right for others to remain
22. Go on to the next section. If the pre-clear feels too un ignorant of.
comfortable or you are ending the session then go on to 8. Find something around you which you are certain is
Section XI before stopping. real, examine it and observe as much about it as you
SECTION IX 9. Locate a spot in space near your body.
VIEWPOINT ARC STRAIGHT WIRE 10. Close your eyes, reach out and hold the two back corners
of the room without thinking for two minutes, then let
This form of viewpoint processing approaches viewpoints go of the corners.
from a slightly different tangent. Its purpose is to expand a 11. Go on to Section X. If the pre-clear feels any great dis
person’s viewpoints concerning affinity, reality and commun comfort or you are ending the session go to Section XI
ication, the basic triad of human interaction. Go through the before stopping.
jo u rn a l of SC IEN TO L O G Y P a g e S ev en
Professional Membership in the H.A.S.I. is open to profes While there is no fixed standard of rates, general practice
sional auditors only at a cost of $25.00 (£10) per year. This charges in accordance to the rating of the auditor and the dif
membership includes directory service, a year’s subscription to ficulty of the case. Many auditors charge a basic fee of $50 to
the Journal of Scientology and the twice-a-month Professional which auditing fees are then added. A Doctor of Scientology
Auditors Bulletins issued from London. is well within his rights to ask $50 per hour since the results he
Special Membership in the H.A.S.I. is available to non- will achieve will be rapid and stable. This sum paid to a D.
certified practitioners at the same price and with the same Sen. may in the end amount to less money than would be paid
services as professional membership. to an H.C.A. at a lower hourly fee.
Founding Membership in the H.A.S.I. signifies a founding A B.Scn. could be expected to charge about $25 per hour.
status of the organization itself and is no longer available. An H.C.A. could be expected to charge around $15 per hour.
The H.A.S.I. has Associate Schools and Clinics which, has been known to receive $5,000 for twenty hours of process
while connected to the central organization, exist entirely au ing.
tonomously. Training received from Associates leads to certi When one recognizes that one paid, in psycho-analysis, an
fication as a professional auditor, but only after the applicant, average of $9,925 for a “complete analysis” which guaranteed
finishing his training, applies to the H.A.S.I. examining boards nothing and was usually fruitless, one can see that modern
located in Phoenix, Camden and London and passes the ex auditing is very inexpensive and would be at $200 an hour. In
aminations in those places. general it is much less expensive to be audited than to be
treated for a psychosomatic illness in the field of medicine.
As it may be of considerable interest to a preclear, the The H.A.S.I. has many publications available on the sub
following auditor ratings and certifications exist. To a consid ject of Scientology. Also available are numerous tape record
erable extent they measure the skill of the auditor. ings of Scientology data and group or individual auditing.
HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR. This rating is issued These tapes are used to further whole groups of people toward
to persons trained by associates and by the H.A.S.I. Prior to their goals.
July 1, 1954 all H.C.A. ratings were given to auditors without The H.A.S.I., 806 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, Arizona, offers
a central examination. All those dated after July 1, 1954 have $5.25 including postage. This package contains many books
been given only after thorough examination. and papers, arranged for general study, and is of considerable
BACHELOR OF SCIENTOLOGY: This rating is issued to assistance in bringing the preclear to a much higher level of
those of more skill than an H.C.A. by reason of greater ex understanding himself and of life. The package is slanted to
perience and more training. However, the B. Sen. was issued ward the beginner in Scientology but includes some of the
without rigorous examination until July 1, 1954. Certificates most notable publications on the subject.
dated after this date demonstrate the passing of a very ar
duous examination in the H.A.S.I. central offices. HOW TO START A GROUP
DOCTOR OF SCIENTOLOGY: This degree is not very If you have received benefit from Scientology or auditing
general. It denotes that the auditor has possessed all lower and wish this benefit to be shared by others, you can start a
ratings and has been specially trained by the H.A.S.I. in its SCIENTOLOGY GROUP amongst your friends. This group,
own schools. Early D.Scn. diplomas denote that the auditor which could assemble for the benefit of group auditing and
was trained by L. Ron Hubbard and the H.A.S. discussion, can be started with a very few people.
The progress of this civilization may well depend upon
HUBBARD GRADUATE AUDITOR. This is the highest such efforts as Scientology Groups. If you want to do your
existing rating. It is give nas an honorary award by the Board bit and help your fellow man, write the H.A.S.I. for informa
of Directors of the H.A.S.I. to those auditors which the board tion on starting groups and become a registered group of the
feels are especially trustworthy and skilled as auditors. It is H.A.S.I.
given without regard to other ratings but is normally extended This workbook material has been taken from the re
only to those who have attained the level of D.Scn. searches and investigations of L. Ron Hubbard, author and
FELLOW OF SCIENTOLOGY: F.Scn. is not an auditing nuclear physicist. Parts have been borrowed from other Scien
degree. It is an honorary award extended by the H.A.S.I. for tology publications. Some of the material is directly from the
spectacular contributions to the science itself. There are very Advanced Clinical Course in Phoenix. The book itself was
few of these. The F.Scn. award carries with it the specific ad compiled by Jack Horner, H.D.A., D.Scn.
dition to the science for which the rating was awarded. An
F.Scn. is not necessarily a skilled or degreed auditor.
Older and no longer verified ratings include HUBBARD
DIANETIC AUDITOR, DIANETIC AUDITOR and FELLOW Scientology 8:8008 .................................................................. $2.00
OF DIANETICS. Any proficient auditor has long since availed Issue 16-G, Journal
himself of the invitation to convert an H.D.A. or D.A. or F.D. Scientology: Science of Certainty.......................................50
into their later ratings, H.C.A. and F.Scn. An auditor who has Issue 24-G, Journal
an H.D.A. and an H.C.A. or B.Scn. denotes, however, long time Standard Operating Procedure 8-C ...................................50
experience in auditing — “since Book One.” H.D.A.S who have Issue 28-G, Journal
not converted their ratings or auditors who have no rating Scientology: A New Science....................................... -75
should be carefully regarded by preclears, according to H.A.S. Self Analysis in Scientology..............................-.................. $3.00
experience. The Professional Course Lecture Tapes of 1954