Construction and Building Materials: Marcos Lanzón, P.A. García-Ruiz
Construction and Building Materials: Marcos Lanzón, P.A. García-Ruiz
Construction and Building Materials: Marcos Lanzón, P.A. García-Ruiz
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Several additives, such as powdered stearates, oleates, silanes and silicone films, are used to avoid water
Received 17 January 2008 absorption in renders. This paper looks at the effectiveness of six powdered waterproofing additives after
Received in revised form 5 May 2009 28 days of curing at: 0.00%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00% w/w on the whole composition. The water-
Accepted 8 May 2009
proofing efficiency is analyzed by capillary water absorption tests, while water immersion tests are also
Available online 11 June 2009
carried out after 20 and 90 min. Powdered silicone and sodium oleate showed the best resistance to
water penetration, while metallic soaps in the form of calcium stearate and zinc stearate showed the low-
est efficiency in this respect at low dosages. The results are useful for understanding the long-term dura-
bility of renders and the minimal waterproofing dosages according to the EN 998 requirements.
Water absorption Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction level, the capillary water absorption is not specified, that is the
manufacturer does not declare any value. In the W1 type mortar
Rendering mortars are designed for external use and they are the capillary water absorption should be lower than 0.4 kg/
often applied on concrete blocks, bricks or previous cementitious m2 min0.5, while in the W2 type the capillary absorption should
materials. Most renders are used for decorative and protective pur- be lower than 0.2 kg/m2 min0.5. Therefore, the best performance
poses and they are usually coloured to avoid additional coatings, in terms of water penetration and durability should be expected
such as paint. Some renders, especially one-coat rendering mor- for the W2 type mortars. One-coat rendering mortars are typically
tars, are manufactured by mixing white cement, white limestone classified as W1 or W2, whereas general purpose mortars are com-
aggregates (marbles), pigments and different powdered additives monly marked as W0.
including cellulose ethers and waterproofing agents. Of those Taking into account the latter requirements and the classifica-
waterproofing additives, some metallic soaps, such as calcium tion given by the EN 998-1:2003 standard, we thought that it
stearate, zinc stearate or sodium oleate, are normally used in ren- might be interesting to study the relative effectiveness of common
ders to protect the mortar against moisture and rain. Metallic waterproofing additives and the optimal dosages for attaining the
soaps, are salts from long chain fatty acids and are popular as best classification (W2). Protection against water, especially in
waterproofings due to their low cost and effectiveness. mortars made with carbonaceous aggregates, such as the one-coat
The MERUC classification [1] defines six levels of capillary water renders, should be taken into consideration due to potential
absorption for one-coat rendering mortars. In addition, the CSTB aggression by acidic pollutants dissolved in rain water [8–11].
methods describe the test methodology for evaluating the capillary As regards the waterproofing additives used in renders, metallic
water absorption coefficient [2]. The essential requirements con- soaps, such as calcium stearate, zinc stearates and sodium oleate,
cerning the tests methods and CE marking of rendering mortars are widely used although no reference has been found concerning
are defined in the EN 998 standard [3,4]. The requirements for their relative effectiveness. Powdered silicone additives may be
hardened mortars are divided into three sections; (i) compressive used instead of metallic soaps but their high cost means that they
strength after 28 days [5], (ii) capillary water absorption [6] and are not currently a realistic alternative and few manufacturers use
(iii) thermal conductivity [7]. As regards capillary water absorp- them. However, powdered silicones are very stable and show bet-
tion, the standard defines three waterproofing levels. At the W0 ter resistance in the face of environmental aggression and so they
could perhaps be used instead of metallic soaps at low dosages. In
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 968 364814; fax: +34 968 364148. addition, the growing demand for special products within the
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.A. García-Ruiz). building sector, such as repairing mortars, thin layer mortars or
Table 1
Waterproofing properties.
Waterproofing Nature Appearance Bulk density, g/cm3 Particle size (% passing 80 lm sieve)
Calcium stearate (CaS) Metallic soap White powder 0.28 100
Zinc stearate (ZnS) Metallic soap White powder 0.27 100
Sodium oleate (NaO) Metallic soap Light beige powder 0.15 78.85
Silicone A (Sil-A) Redispersible silicone White powder 0.45 90.60
Silicone B (Sil-B) Redispersible silicone White powder 0.36 89.87
Ethylene–lauril-vinyl(HRP) Hydrophobic redispersible polymer White powder 0.43 75.67
joint mortars, might well increase the demand for powdered sili- 2.3. Curves of capillary absorption
cones. Finally, synthetic polymers, such as ethylene–laurate-vinyl
Four discs per sample were introduced into a capillary chamber to follow their
powder, are used in conjunction with inorganic binders to increase capillary water absorption. The samples were dried until constant mass before reg-
water repellent properties of cementitious products. These poly- istering the curves and their weight variation was followed for 90 min. The lateral
mers disperse readily in water during the mixing process and sides of the specimens were sealed to avoid water penetration.
may be added in similar percentages to metallic soaps. Finally, sil-
icone films based on siloxanes can be applied to the surface of mor- 2.4. Capillary water absorption
tars to preserve them externally [12]. However, the last method
The prismatic specimens were introduced into a capillary chamber to estimate
implies additional coatings and extra time, increasing the cost of the water absorption coefficient due to capillary action. The lateral sides of the
the process. This paper focuses on the comparative effectiveness specimens were sealed to restrict the water flow along the longitudinal axis. The
of several powdered waterproofings at different dosages, with water flux through the sample was measured by partial immersion of the speci-
the aim of ascertaining which waterproofings and dosages are mens at a depth of 5 mm. The capillary absorption coefficient was calculated using
the measurements for 10 and 90 min.
most suited to protecting against water according to the require-
ments given by the EN 998-1:2003 standard. 2.5. Water absorption tests
0.35 0.35
CaS 0.25% CaS 2.00%
0.30 ZnS 0.25% 0.30 ZnS 2.00%
NaO 0.25% NaO 2.00%
Sil-A 2.00%
Capillary abs., g / cm2
Sil-A 0.25%
Sil-B 2.00%
0.20 0.20
0.15 0.15
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time, min0.5 time, min0.5
Fig. 1. Dosages of 0.25% w/w. Curves of capillary absorption for CT, CaS, ZnS, NaO, Fig. 4. Dosages of 2.00% w/w. Curves of capillary absorption for CT, CaS, ZnS, NaO,
Sil-A, Sil-B and HRP samples. Sil-A, Sil-B and HRP samples.
CT 1.2
CaS 0.50%
0.30 ZnS 0.50%
NaO 0.50% 1.0 ZnS
Sil-A 0.50% Capillary water abs., kg / m2 min0.5 NaO
Capillary abs., g / cm2
0.10 0.4
0.05 0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
time, min0.5
Waterproofing dosage, %
Fig. 2. Dosages of 0.50% w/w. Curves of capillary absorption for CT, CaS, ZnS, NaO,
Sil-A, Sil-B and HRP samples. Fig. 5. Capillary water absorption of samples made with metallic soaps (CaS, ZnS
and NaO) at different dosages. The reference lines (dotted/broken lines) are taken
from the EN 998-1 classification.
CaS 1.00%
0.30 ZnS 1.00% zinc stearates are used to waterproof mortars (Fig. 5). Zinc stearate
NaO 1.00%
Sil-A 1.00% only became effective at 0.50% w/w, whereas calcium stearate was
Capillary abs., g / cm 2
1.2 16
Capillary water abs., kg / m 2 min0.5
Sil-A 14
W1 upper limit 12 CaS 90 min
0.8 W2 upper limit
ZnS 90 min
NaO 90 min
Water abs., %
0.0 2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Waterproofing dosage, % Waterproofing dose, % w/w
Fig. 6. Capillary water absorption of samples made with powdered silicones (Sil-A Fig. 8. Immersion tests for samples made with 0.00%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00%
and Sil-B) and the hydrophobic polymer (HRP) at different dosages. The reference w/w in calcium stearate (CaS), zinc stearate (ZnS) and sodium oleate (NaO) after
lines (dotted/broken lines) are taken from the EN 998-1 classification. 90 min of immersion.
HRP 20 min
The water absorption test confirmed most of the results ob-
tained in the capillary water absorption experiments (Figs. 7–10).
Sodium oleate and silicone A were once again the most effective 6
at all the dosages. Comparing both additives, the water absorption
percentage was slightly higher for the sodium oleate samples at 4
the highest dose (2.00% w/w), which perhaps due to the air
entraining effect of sodium oleate. As regards the rest samples, 2
the lowest water absorption percentage was obtained at the high-
est dosages, as expected. The best results were obtained for the Sil- 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
A samples after 20 and 90 min of immersion; 0.63% and 1.44%, Waterproofing dose, % w/w
respectively. At the same dosages, the worst results were observed
for the CaS samples; 4.47% and 5.42%, respectively. The ZnS and Fig. 9. Immersion tests for samples made with 0.00%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00%
HRP samples showed a noticeable increase in waterproofing capac- w/w in silicone A (Sil-A), silicone B (Sil-B) and hydrophobic polymer (HRP) after
ity for dosages above 0.5% w/w. 20 min of immersion.
16 16
14 14
12 12 Sil-A 90 min
CaS 20 min
ZnS 20 min Sil-B 90 min
HRP 90 min
Water abs., %
Water abs., %
10 NaO 20 min 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Waterproofing dose, % w/w Waterproofing dose, % w/w
Fig. 7. Immersion tests for samples made with 0.00%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00% Fig. 10. Immersion tests for samples made with 0.00%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00% and
w/w in calcium stearate (CaS), zinc stearate (ZnS) and sodium oleate (NaO) after 2.00% w/w in silicone A (Sil-A), silicone B (Sil-B) and hydrophobic polymer (HRP)
20 min of immersion. after 90 min of immersion.
M. Lanzón, P.A. García-Ruiz / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3287–3291 3291