21st Century HVAC System For Future Naval Surface Combatants

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Naval Surface Warfare Center

Carderock Division
West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700

NSWCCD-98-TR–2007/06 September 2007

Machinery Engineering Directorate
21st Century HVAC System for Future Naval Surface Combatants

Technical Report

21st Century HVAC System for Future Naval Surface

Combatants – Concept Development Report
– Concept Development Report


Matthew V. Frank
Energy Conversion Branch, Code 985

Dick Helmick
Thermal Management Solutions, Inc.

Approved for Public Release.

Distribution unlimited.
NAVSEA Philadelphia
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Carderock Division
Philadelphia, PA 19112-1403

NSWCCD-98-TR-2007/06 September 2007

Machinery Research and Development Department
Technical Report

21st Century HVAC System for Future Naval Surface

Combatants - Concept Development Report

Matthew V. Frank (NSWCCD-SSES)
Dick Helmick,
Thermal Management Solutions, Inc

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

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11-September-2007 Final December 2005–September 2007
21 Century HVAC System for Future Naval Surface Combatants – N0001407WX20216
Concept Development Report 5b. GRANT NUMBER


Matthew V. Frank
Energy Conversion Branch, Code 985 5e. TASK NUMBER
Dick Helmick O5573
Thermal Management Solutions, Inc.
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Carderock Division, SSES NSWCCD-98-TR–2007/06
5001 South Broad Street
Phildelphia, PA 19112-5083


Office of Naval Research
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A two-phase effort was conducted to define the architecture of a 21st Century Heating Ventilation and
Air Conditioning (HVAC) System for Future Surface Combatants and then, in phase 2, to quantify the
benefits of that concept. The 21st Century HVAC System is a complete, revolutionary new approach to
shipboard HVAC. It features automation at the ship level, variable air volume flow, integration with
the damage control and firefighting systems and other ship networks. A complete new catalog of
advanced HVAC system components (fans, cooling coils, ductwork) make up this new architecture. New
design philosophies/paradigms such as lower chilled water temperatures and flow rates, increased
cooling coil face velocities and increased duct velocities are adopted within designs. Simplifiedstmacro
level HVAC system models were developed and applied in phase 2 to estimate the benefits of the 21
Century HVAC System architecture using six legacy design sub-systems of DDG 91 as a baseline. The
model results were a 30-50% reduction in weight and volume, regardless of system complexity or
function. The benefits of the automation and variable air volume technology were calculated using a
simplified Total Ship HVAC Model. The ability to provide cooling and replenishment air appropriate to
each space in a dynamic, rather than static, mode was shown to lower the total ship HVAC cooling load.
An intermediate heat sink water system for cooling equipment, directly or indirectly in a closed
system, is proposed as an innovative method to dramatically lower the power required for Future
Combatants with large, new thermal loads.
HVAC, Air Conditioning. VAV, Automation, Intermediate Temperature Heat Sink, Cooling Coil

i Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18

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Thermal Management is a critical requirement for today’s and future warships. On DDG 91,
approximately 25 percent of the ship’s thermal load is removed via the Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. Projected Next Navy’s thermal loads are 2-5 times those of
today’s ships. It is expected that much of the increased load will be rejected via the HVAC
system or directly to the chilled water system. The current HVAC architecture will have major
ship design implications in weight, volume, energy usage, acquisition costs and overall
operational maintainability. Advancements in the technology and the architecture of the HVAC
system of future surface combatants are needed.
In this report, a revolutionary new architecture, the 21st Century HVAC system, is described for
future shipboard HVAC systems which will enable flexible thermal management at the ship level
while providing a comfortable ship environment, rapid and redundant damage control
capability, energy efficiency, reduced size and weight, and reduced manning. Four major thrusts
are pursued: Automation; Integration with Damage Control and Firefighting Systems and other
System Level Networks; Design Paradigm Shifts; and Advanced Component Development.
Some concepts enable other concepts and/or greatly enhance the benefits of other technologies.
Bundling of these technologies/paradigms together into a cluster is an integral part of this

• Automation - Air flow to compartments are currently based on a static (worst case)
condition for the compartment. Varying airflow in response to actual thermal load,
manning and/or equipment status is needed to reduce manning and improve energy
efficiency. The automation entity adopts modern building’s HVAC features like direct
digital control and variable air volume systems. Automation efforts of foreign Navies are
shown within. As these systems become more intelligent, ship level diversion of cooling
to vital needs can be accomplished. Non-vital needs will be served to ensure crew and
equipment safety, not necessarily comfort when cooling is diverted. Diversion of cooling
may be able to mitigate some of the new cooling growth especially if some of the future
loads are sporadic, not continuous.
• Integration with Damage Control and Firefighting Systems and other System Level
Networks – Sharing information from other shipboard networks is essential. The Damage
Control Community has several initiatives to locate personnel within the ship. With this
knowledge, replenishment air and lighting can be controlled at the ship level, thus
reducing the total HVAC load. Integration with the firefighting system could be utilized
to de-smoke damaged compartments. Information of overall heat-generating equipment
status could be exploited to improve the overall effectiveness of the HVAC system.
• Design Paradigm Shifts – The current HVAC system requirements and paradigms were
challenged and new paradigms generated. New paradigms suitable for the advanced
technology components and overall HVAC system were generated. On the airside, velocity
limitations within ductwork and various HVAC components were revised upward. Water
flow normalized to cooling load was revised downward while the distribution supply
temperature was also reduced. Adopting these new paradigms will have a dramatic impact on
the size and weight of air/water distribution system while minimizing the impact of fan/air
conditioning plant electrical requirement by adopting advanced technologies.


• Advanced Component Development – Today’s HVAC component technology is dated.

Next generation fan, cooling coil and ducting offered the most benefits at the ship level.
Coatings could be applied to ductwork to reduce frictional losses. Improved fan aerodynamic
performance and utilization of permanent magnet motor at higher and varying speeds
provides dramatic size, weight and power reductions. Cooling Coils with enhanced surfaces
and increased airside velocities would also provide these dramatic benefits.
A spiral development process is envisioned for the deployment of the21st Century HVAC system.
Technologies and paradigms were selected for one of three Flights based on overall risk factors.
Performance and physical attributes goals were developed at the component level for each Flight.
Low to moderate risk technologies were applied as a 21st Century Flight 1 system, which can be
available (designed, developed and demonstrated/qualified) within 5-7 years for implementation into
new ship designs. The Flight 2 system addresses moderate to high risk technologies with significant
benefits and will require 10-12 years to fully demonstrate before implementation into new ship
designs. The Flight 3 system addresses high risk technologies with aggressive goal and
revolutionary benefits with longer term implementation schedules.
Simplified macro level HVAC system models (ship, system and compartment level) were developed
and applied to estimate the benefits of the 21st Century HVAC System architecture using six legacy
design sub-systems of DDG 91 as a baseline. The model results were a 30-50% reduction in weight
and volume, regardless of system complexity or function. With a DDG 91 HVAC ventilation and
chilled water distribution system weighting approximately 350,000 and 150,000 pounds
respectively, these reductions are significant. The benefits of the automation and variable air
volume technology were calculated using a simplified Total Ship HVAC Model. The ability to
provide cooling and replenishment air appropriate to each space in a dynamic, rather than static,
mode was shown to lower the total ship HVAC cooling load by approximately 10 percent at the
design condition.
To simulate a Future Surface Combatant, the addition of a portion of the projected thermal load
increase was applied to the DDG 91 design. Results from the Total Ship HVAC Model showed
dramatic increases in the electrical power requirements of the cooling system, not only that
originating from the AC plants but also the fans. Cooling equipment using the HVAC system is
inefficient. The chilled water cools the air to 50-55°F which mixes with compartment air at 80°F
before entering the equipment. So, the equipment is being cooled by essentially 80°F air. For
this reason, an intermediate sink water system for cooling equipment, directly or indirectly in a
closed system, was introduced. Implementation of this concept would dramatically lower the
power required for Future Combatants with large, new thermal loads by approximated one half
of that using Today’s HVAC systems.
The 21st Century Surface Ship HVAC Systems Architecture bundles technology advances at the
ship level, systems level, and component level. The synergistic potential benefit of these
bundles greatly exceeds the benefits of the individual technology. Innovative technology can be
applied to develop a new series of HVAC components linked with the new design paradigms
resulting in significant weight, space and power reductions for Future U.S. Navy surface ships.
It is recommended that development of the 21st Century HVAC System be initiated.


Table of Contents
Figures .......................................................................................................................................... vii
Tables........................................................................................................................................... viii
Abbreviations................................................................................................................................. ix
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... xi
Administrative Information ........................................................................................................... xi
Acknowledgements........................................................................................................................ xi
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1
Background........................................................................................................... 1
Shipboard HVAC System Basics ......................................................................... 2
Future Surface Combatant Thermal Loads........................................................... 3
21st Century HVAC System Vision ............................................................................................... 4
Objective ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope............................................................................................................................................... 5
Approach......................................................................................................................................... 5
21st Century HVAC System Architecture....................................................................................... 6
HVAC Automation............................................................................................... 6
Variable Air Volume (VAV) / Demand Controlled
Ventilation .............................................................................. 12
HVAC Automation System Integration with Other
Shipboard Networks ............................................................... 12
Document Review / Requirements Challenge.................................................... 13
Advanced HVAC Component Technology........................................................ 15
Navy Standard Vaneaxial Fans................................................................. 15
Advanced Fans.......................................................................................... 16
Advanced Cooling Coils ........................................................................... 17
Smooth, Low Friction and Frictionless Duct............................................ 22
Advanced Filtration .................................................................................. 23
Simplified HVAC System Model Concept................................................................................... 23
Compartment Level HVAC Model .................................................................... 23
Advanced Component and Technology Projections/Goals................................ 25
Fans ........................................................................................................... 26
Cooling Coils ............................................................................................ 32
Paradigm Changes .................................................................................... 37
Ducts ......................................................................................................... 37
HVAC System Model......................................................................................... 38
Structure.................................................................................................... 38
Results....................................................................................................... 41
HVAC Total Ship Model.................................................................................... 50
Automation ............................................................................................... 53
Variable Air Volume (VAV) .................................................................... 53
Intermediate Temperature Heat Sink ........................................................ 57
Deployment Strategy .................................................................................................................... 66
Conclusions/Recommendations.................................................................................................... 66
Technology Challenges/Gaps ....................................................................................................... 67
References..................................................................................................................................... 69

Appendix A – Document Review List.......................................................................................... 70

Appendix B – System Model Results ........................................................................................... 74
Initial Distribution......................................................................................................................... D-1


Figure 1 – DDG 51 Class Total Heat Rejection ............................................................................. 1
Figure 2 - HVAC Load as a Fraction of Total Chilled Water Load ............................................... 1
Figure 3 – HVAC Load Distribution .............................................................................................. 2
Figure 4 – HVAC System Zonal Structure ..................................................................................... 2
Figure 5 – Typical HVAC Shipboard Recirculation System.......................................................... 3
Figure 6 – Originally Installed AC Capacity per Ship’s Full Load Displacement ......................... 4
Figure 7 – Pentagon BOCC Graphic .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 8 – European Navy HVAC Automation System Architecture............................................ 8
Figure 9 – European Frigate ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 10 – Total Ship HVAC Automation View .......................................................................... 9
Figure 11 – Platform Level View ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 12 – Zone View ................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 13 – Zone Distribution System.......................................................................................... 10
Figure 14 – Complex Zone Distribution System .......................................................................... 11
Figure 15 – Zone Distribution System Details ............................................................................. 11
Figure 16 – Navy Standard Vaneaxial Fan ................................................................................... 15
Figure 17 – CPS Fan Design......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18 – Navy Standard Cooling Coil ..................................................................................... 18
Figure 19 – Weight and Volume Reductions for RS2-105-2 (44) with 21st Century HVAC
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 20 – Weight and Volume Reductions for RS01-159-1 (13) with 21st Century HVAC
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 21 – Weight and Volume Reductions for RS1-67-2 (21) with 21st Century HVAC
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 22 – Weight and Volume Reductions for SS01-150-3 (97) with 21st Century HVAC
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 23 – Weight and Volume Reductions for SS01-136-1 (82) with 21st Century HVAC
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 24 – Weight and Volume Reductions for ES01-146-3 (8A) with 21st Century HVAC
Technology ........................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 25 – DDG 91 Chilled Water Load Distribution ................................................................ 58
Figure 26 – Load Distribution for Future Surface Combatant with Large Additional Thermal
Load ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 27 - Intermediate Water Heat Sink Concept Schematic.................................................... 61
Figure 28 – Advanced Intermediate Sink Water System Concept Schematic.............................. 65
Figure 29 – 21st Century HVAC System Development Roadmap ............................................... 66


Table 1– Published 60 Series Coil Performance .......................................................................... 19
Table 2– Calculated Performance of 60 Series Cooling Coils Using Marlometrics Software..... 20
Table 3 – Coil Paradigm Shift Results.......................................................................................... 21
Table 4 – Sample HVAC Compartment Model Results............................................................... 24
Table 5 – Navy Legacy Fan Family Performance Characteristics ............................................... 26
Table 6 – 21st Century Flight 1 Fan Performance Characteristics................................................ 28
Table 7 – 21st Century Flight 2 Fan Performance Characteristics................................................ 29
Table 8 – 21st Century Flight 3 Fan Performance Characteristics................................................ 31
Table 9 – Performance Characteristics of Legacy Cooling Coils................................................. 33
Table 10 – Performance Characteristics of Today Cooling Coils ................................................ 33
Table 11 – Performance Characteristics of 21st Century Flight 1 Cooling Coils ......................... 34
Table 12 – Performance Characteristics of 21st Century Flight 2 Cooling Coils ......................... 35
Table 13 – Performance Characteristics of 21st Century Flight 3 Cooling Coils ......................... 36
Table 14 – Cooling Coil and Chilled Water System Paradigm Changes ..................................... 37
Table 15 – Performance Characteristics of Ducting ..................................................................... 37
Table 16 – System Model Input Sample....................................................................................... 38
Table 17 – System Model Psychrometrics Sample....................................................................... 39
Table 18 – System Model Results Sample ................................................................................... 40
Table 19 – System Model System Results Sample....................................................................... 41
Table 20 – System Characteristics for Recirculation System RS2-105-2 (44)............................. 41
Table 21 – System Characteristics for Recirculation System RS01-159-1 (13)........................... 44
Table 22 – System Characteristics for Recirculation System RS1-67-2 (21)............................... 45
Table 23 – System Characteristics for Supply System SS-01-150-3 (97).................................... 46
Table 24 – System Characteristics for Supply System SS01-136-1 (82) ..................................... 48
Table 25 – System Characteristics for Exhaust System ES-01-146-3 (8A) ................................. 49
Table 26 – Total Ship HVAC Model............................................................................................ 50
Table 27 – Total Ship HVAC Model – Effect of Personnel ......................................................... 54
Table 28 – Total Ship HVAC Model – Effect of Replenishment Air Flow ................................. 55
Table 29 – Total Ship HVAC Model – Effect of VAV at Off Design Conditions....................... 56
Table 30 – Effect of Additional 1000-ton Thermal Load on Future Combatant .......................... 58
Table 31 – Impact of Intermediate Heat Sink on Total Ship Cooling System for Future Surface
Combatant with Large Thermal Load Increase .................................................................... 62
Table 32 – System Model Results for Recirculation System RS2-105-2 (44) ............................. 75
Table 33 – System Model Results for Recirculation System RS-01-159-1 (13).......................... 79
Table 34 – System Model Results for Recirculation System RS1-67-1 (21) ............................... 83
Table 35 – System Model Results for Supply System SS-01-150-3 (97) .................................... 87
Table 36 – System Model Results for Supply System SS01-136-1 (82)...................................... 90
Table 37 – System Model Results for Exhaust System ES01-146-3 (8A) ................................... 93


AC or A/C Air Conditioning
AMR Auxiliary Machinery Room
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
BACNET Building Automation and Control Networks
BOCC Building Operations Control Center
Btu British Thermal Unit
CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological
C&D Command & Display
CEC Cooperative Engagement Capability
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CPS Collective Protection System
DDG 51 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer
DDG 1000 Zumwalt Class Destroyer
DDX Future Surface Combatant
EM Electromagnetic
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ER Engine Room
ES Exhaust System
F Degree Fahrenheit
FCA Fan Coil Assembly
FCU Fan Coil Unit
FR Frame
ft Feet
ft2 Square Feet
ft3 Cubic Feet
gal/min Gallons Per Minute
hp Horsepower
hr Hour
HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
in Inch
in2 Square Inch
k Unit Prefix (1,000 times unit)
kw Kilowatt
lbf Pound Force
lbf /in2 Pound per Square Inch
lbm Pound Mass
LCS Littoral Combat Ship
LP Low Pressure
LPD 17 San Antonio Class Amphibious Ship
M Unit Prefix (1,000,000 times unit)
min Minute
NSWCCD Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division


P Pressure
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PZ Pressure Zone
RAST Recovery Assistant Secure and Traverse System
rev/min Revolutions per minute
RS Recirculation System
sec Second
SLQ 32 Surface Electronic Warfare System
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
SPY Surface Radar
SQS 53 Surface Sonar
SS Supply System
ton Ton of refrigeration or cooling (12,000 Btu/hr)
TPE Transfer, Pumpout and Evacuation
VAV Variable Air Volume
VSD Variable Speed Drive
W Damage Control Classification W (William)
(W) Damage Control Classification Circle W (Circle William)
Z Damage Control Classification Z (Zebra)
(Z) Damage Control Classification Circle Z (Circle Zebra)
% Percent
“H20 Inches of Water (Pressure)
Δ Difference



A two-phase effort was conducted to define the architecture of a 21st Century Heating Ventilation
and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System for Future Surface Combatants and then, in phase 2, to
quantify the benefits of that concept. The 21st Century HVAC System is a complete, revolutionary
new approach to shipboard HVAC. It features automation at the ship level, variable air volume
flow, integration with the damage control and firefighting systems and other ship networks. A
complete new catalog of advanced HVAC system components (fans, cooling coils, ductwork) make
up this new architecture. New design philosophies/paradigms such as lower chilled water
temperatures and flow rates, increased cooling coil face velocities and increased duct velocities are
adopted within designs. Simplified macro level HVAC system models were developed and applied
in phase 2 to estimate the benefits of the 21st Century HVAC System architecture using six legacy
design sub-systems of DDG 91 as a baseline. The model results were a 30-50% reduction in weight
and volume, regardless of system complexity or function. The benefits of the automation and
variable air volume technology were calculated using a simplified Total Ship HVAC Model. The
ability to provide cooling and replenishment air appropriate to each space in a dynamic, rather than
static, mode was shown to lower the total ship HVAC cooling load. An intermediate heat sink water
system for cooling equipment, directly or indirectly in a closed system, is proposed as an innovative
method to dramatically lower the power required for Future Combatants with large, new thermal

Administrative Information

This report describes the work performed by the Energy Conversion Branch (Code 985) of the
Machinery Engineering Directorate, at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
(NSWCCD). The work was funded by the Office of Naval Research, ONR 331, Mark S. Spector,


The authors also wish to thank Johnson Controls, Inc. for permission to reprint several of their
illustrations as shown in Figure 7-15.


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The Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System of a combatant ship is a vital part of the
overall ship thermal management system. In an earlier study of the thermal load of DDG 51 Class ships, it
was determined that about 25% of the total ship waste heat dissipation was via the HVAC system as shown
in Figure 1.
Total DDG 51 Heat Rejection (MBtu/hr)



Figure 1 – DDG 51 Class Total Heat Rejection

A fraction (10-15%) of the HVAC system heat dissipation is by direct ventilation to air, the remainder is
transferred to the ship’s chilled water system and then transferred to the sea via the AC plants. As shown
by Figure 2, 77% of the chilled water load originates within the HVAC System.
DDG 91 HVAC Load (%) as a Fraction of Total Chilled Water Load

Total Non-HVAC Chilled

Water Loads , 23.2

Total HVAC Load, 76.8

Figure 2 - HVAC Load as a Fraction of Total Chilled Water Load

The HVAC System load consists of the elements shown in Figure 3. Note that a significant portion of
the HVAC load is equipment cooling.


Figure 3 – HVAC Load Distribution

The shipboard HVAC system has changed little over the past 60 years. The design/architecture reflects the
thinking of that era – no need for energy conservation, abundant manning – and the naval requirements of
that era emphasizing simplicity and dependability. The technology is pre-computer and the electronic
revolution that accompanied that technology. There is no automation, no capability for automation, the
system air flows are constant, simple thermostats are used to control cooling to the compartment(s), the
catalog of mandatory components is dated, and the process for designing and making changes to the
HVAC system is institutionalized and thus difficult to change.

Shipboard HVAC System Basics

Shipboard HVAC is a large, complex, vital system which impacts every ship compartment. The HVAC
system is divided into zones and integrated with the ship chilled water system. Below is an illustration of
the zones on a DDG 51 Class ship, Figure 4.

Figure 4 – HVAC System Zonal Structure

In the simplest terms, there are three types of HVAC systems on a ship – supply, exhaust and recirculation.
Compartments are either air conditioned or ventilated. In compartments that are ventilated, there is a
supply system which brings air to the compartment, and an exhaust system which returns the air to the
weather. In air conditioned compartments, the air is recirculated, a portion of the compartment air is
exhausted to the weather and a makeup portion of replenishment (weather) air added. In general, air enters
the ship via fan rooms where heaters, cooling coils and fans may also be located. On Collective Protective
system (CPS) ships, the entering air is filtered through banks of Chemical, Biological and Radiological
(CBR) filters. In total protection CPS, designated areas are pressurized relative to the atmosphere. In
limited protection CPS systems, the compartments are not pressurized relative to the weather air. Fans,
cooling coils, heaters, reheaters are located throughout the ship as necessary. An illustration of a shipboard
HVAC system is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Typical HVAC Shipboard Recirculation System

As shown above, this recirculation system serves two spaces controlled by two thermostats. If either
thermostat calls for cooling, both spaces receive cool air. If either space is cooled below the lower
thermostat setting, the reheater for that space is activated. Thus, the air for that space can be cooled and
then heated, simultaneously, an obvious inefficiency.

Future Surface Combatant Thermal Loads

Future surface combatant thermal loads are projected to be an order of magnitude higher than that of
today’s modern surface combatant. It is expected that much of the increased load will be rejected via the
HVAC system or directly to the chilled water system. Little of the increased load is expected to be rejected
directly to the air or seawater. As shown in Figure 6, there has been a noticeable shift in originally installed
AC plant capacity on Next Navy ships when compared to legacy ships.

Figure 6 – Originally Installed AC Capacity per Ship’s Full Load Displacement

This enormous projected increase in thermal loads has implications far beyond the obvious impact on ship
system size, weight, power and cost due to the large number of additional AC plants that will be needed.
Supporting ship systems including pumping, distribution piping, electrical power and the associated
maintenance and operator efforts will be even more onerous.

Further, increased operations in the littoral are resulting in the upward revision of the traditional design
weather and seawater temperatures which will have a major impact on the HVAC system load.

Finally, enhanced force protection doctrine is requiring additional CPS capability which causes an increase
in thermal loads of Current Navy ships as well as Next Navy ships in the acquisition cycle.

Thus, there are ample opportunities and needs for advancements in the technology and the architecture of
the HVAC system of future surface combatants. By adopting a new vision and shedding the paradigms of
the past, a revolutionary new architecture can be defined which will improve the efficiency of the overall
system, provide the flexibility to manage and allocate cooling to priority spaces/equipment, while
maintaining crew comfort and minimizing the weight and volume of the HVAC system. It is conceivable
that the new architecture can offset the expected gain in HVAC system weight and space that will result
from the projected growth in thermal loads as new weapons and sensors are fielded in the future.

21st Century HVAC System Vision

The 21 Century HVAC System vision begins with a thoroughly automated system, fed by sensor data
from every compartment, controlled by a digital control system. The system air flows will vary to meet the
instantaneous demand of the compartment and if necessary to reduce those air flows in the event cooling is
needed at a more vital location. Further, the air flow can be substantially reduced to unoccupied or under-
occupied compartments. The premise guiding this vision is that flexible automation at the ship level will
permit diversion of cooling to vital needs. That is, the designer need not account for all systems being on
all the time – some future loads will be sporadic, not continuous. Non-vital needs will be served to ensure
crew and equipment safety, not necessarily comfort when cooling is diverted. This philosophical shift will
likely result in fewer AC plants than traditional design doctrine.

The HVAC Automation System will be integrated with a future ship-wide damage control and firefighting
system to share sensor data to detect fires and other damage and to isolate those compartments from the
remainder of the ship. The system will also be used to de-smoke damaged compartments. Integration with
other ship systems and networks is also desirable. In commercial buildings, both security and lighting are
controlled by a centralized building management system.

A second thrust for the 21st Century HVAC System is the development of a new catalog of advanced
components – fans, cooling coils, ducting, filters, etc. Using advanced technology, the new components
will be remarkably smaller and lighter and more efficient than those used today.

Finally, the current HVAC System requirements and paradigms will be challenged and modernized.
Velocity limitations, flow requirements and distribution system traditions will be reviewed and new
paradigms suitable for future combatants and the advanced technology components and systems generated.
These design paradigm shifts will minimize the impact of future thermal load increases on ship distribution
systems, but, may impact the size, weight and power requirements of the AC plants.

It should be noted that some European Navies are already fielding similar new systems in both existing
ships and new construction ships to reduce manning and improve energy efficiency.

The objective of the effort reported herein is to develop a revolutionary new architecture for shipboard
HVAC systems which will enable flexible thermal management at the ship level while providing a safe
comfortable ship environment, rapid and redundant damage control capability, energy efficiency, reduced
size and weight, and reduced manning.

This report documents an 18 month effort, conducted in two phases, to define the architecture and then
quantify the advantages of a 21st Century HVAC System. In this limited effort, not all aspects of the
HVAC system are addressed. For instance, the heating requirement is not addressed since the future
challenge is clearly cooling.
The program approach consisted of five major distinct elements as follows:

• Identify and investigate modern HVAC system automation technology and assess the potential for
application to naval combatants.
• Review current shipboard HVAC system design requirements and challenge the applicability of
those requirements to future naval combatants.
• Assess the impact of revising current ship HVAC system design paradigms. Use Total Ship (the
System of Systems) perspective.

• Identify modern commercial HVAC system component technology for application to naval
combatants. Assess the impact of bundling a series of component advancements, since changes at
the component level alone usually offers few advantages.
• Develop a simplified (macro-level) HVAC model capable of assessing the relative benefits of
bundled system concepts. Apply the model to quantify the advantages of the 21st Century HVAC
System technologies.

Since previous efforts in total ship thermal management concepts have concentrated on DDG 51 Class
ships, the DDG 91 HVAC system design was selected as the benchmark for comparison. An extensive
database of the thermal loads and components for that ship is available.

21st Century HVAC System Architecture

HVAC Automation
Commercial building automation is a mature technology. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) have established standards and protocols for Building
Automation and Control Networks (BACNET). Johnson Controls, Inc. assists in the management and
operations of the Pentagon Building Operation Control Center (BOCC) and hosted a visit by Navy
representatives. The BOCC is reportedly the largest building automation system in the world and was
being modernized as part of the overall Pentagon modernization effort. As such, there was a mixture of
state of the art technology and older technology in use and available for observation.

Graphics were furnished by Johnson Controls to illustrate their technology and the variety of methods
available for display of the information gathered by the sensors and the control system status and actions
underway. Figure 7 is an overall view of the Pentagon and the actual graphic used at the BOCC. From this
view, a section (a “wedge” in the BOCC terminology) can be selected and further detailed views seen.


Figure 7 – Pentagon BOCC Graphic

A presentation from Johnson Controls Holding- Italy SrL, on their HVAC system automation efforts with
the Italian Navy and other European Navies was reviewed. It is apparent that the Europeans are quite far
advanced in bringing commercial building HVAC automation technology to their Navies. A “typical”
layout of the control system is shown in Figure 8. A master supervisory system is at the top level,
receiving information and issuing control decisions to the next lower level of workstations. These
workstations receive information and issue control direction to local control units. The local controls may
be for a fan, an AC plant, dampers, etc. The information gathered at the local control is passed up the
network and is available at all of the workstations. Sensors (both compartment and equipment data) are
connected to a local control unit. The workstations can autonomously control without repeated direction
from the supervisory level, such as in a damage control scenario where communication between the
systems may be impaired. The principal function of the supervisory system is display of the total ship
status and to issue a major change in control strategy such as a decision to divert cooling to only vital needs
or to seal off an area because of fire/smoke and to exhaust the smoke to the weather.


Figure 8 – European Navy HVAC Automation System Architecture

Johnson Controls shared the following slides (the slides are in Italian) illustrating the HVAC system
automation used on the European Frigate Horizon, Figure 9.

Figure 9 – European Frigate

At the Total Ship level, Figure 10, a platform level or segment may be selected.


Figure 10 – Total Ship HVAC Automation View

Selecting a platform level view, Figure 11, then allows selection of a zone, Figure 12.

Figure 11 – Platform Level View


Figure 12 – Zone View

The zone distribution system can then be displayed as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13 – Zone Distribution System

A complex zone distribution system is displayed in Figure14.

Figure 14 – Complex Zone Distribution System

Other portions of the distribution system can also be displayed as shown by Figure 15.

Figure 15 – Zone Distribution System Details

In the discussions with York Navy Systems of Johnson Controls, the benefits foreseen by the Europeans in
adopting this technology were given as reduced manning and reduced energy consumption. Since the
application is relatively new, validated savings have not, as yet, been documented. The ability to divert
cooling to vital needs, as envisioned by the 21st Century HVAC System architecture, is not a feature of the
Horizon system. As a frigate, the ship does not have the large thermal loads envisioned for US Navy future
surface combatants.

Based on the literature review and the discussions with the manufacturers, it is clear that the adoption of
commercial building automation architecture is feasible and desirable. The technology exists, the ability to
produce easily understood software exists, the ability to process large amounts of sensor data and provide
precise control under a large number of control strategies exists. The ability of the particular hardware
items to withstand the shipboard environment (temperature, humidity, salt laden atmosphere, motion and
shock/vibration) will need to be developed and demonstrated. The Europeans have reportedly shock tested
some elements of the system, but the translation of the shock data to terms and values used by the US Navy
is not clear and clarifications are being sought.

Variable Air Volume (VAV) / Demand Controlled Ventilation

VAV systems are used universally in commercial buildings. The power savings and the increased comfort
are the principal benefits. VAV systems modulate airflow based on need while ensuring minimum
personnel requirement are satisfied. VAV is essential to the 21st Century HVAC System concept.
Commercially, VAV is usually achieved by varying diffuser positions and fan speed. Although bypass
dampers are occasionally used and pre-rotation vanes (similar to those that control the capacity of
centrifugal compressor AC plants) are sometimes used. Fan speed is varied usually using a Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) variable speed drive, although some applications use variable pitch pulley belt drives.
Variable speed PWM drives have been proposed for naval ship application for the past 30 years. The high
cost, size, weight and poor Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) performance of traditional PWM drives
have prevented application. The development of a cost effective, lightweight, small and low EMI emission
variable speed drive is the principal roadblock to deployment of this key element of the 21st Century HVAC

In addition to varying air flow into spaces based on cooling load, in newer commercial applications the flow
is further restricted based on occupancy. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensors are used as a measure of
occupancy; fewer personnel will produce less CO2. In the 21st Century HVAC System, this concept could
provide further benefits since personnel are currently accounted for in the cooling load analysis roughly
three times – on duty, in berthing and while eating or relaxing.

HVAC Automation System Integration with Other Shipboard Networks

The integration of an HVAC automation system with other ship automation systems also appears feasible
and low risk. For instance, future ships will likely have a robust suite of sensors providing data for
automated condition assessment (and perhaps prognostication). The data can be shared over a network and
serve as the inputs for the HVAC automation system.

Integration with damage control and firefighting systems, once those systems are automated, also appears to
be feasible and low risk. Currently, all compartments receive a damage control classification and the HVAC
system design requirements address the classification via zones and systems serving those zones are
connected to the appropriate vital/non-vital power sources. While there is linkage, there is no integration.
New ship designs are integrating some firefighting capabilities with the HVAC system –

• LPD 17 has a “Smoke Ejection System” using the HVAC system

• DDG 1000 has a planned “Smoke Removal System” using the HVAC system

Earlier experimental work on these system designs has been reported1.

In addition, new ships are being built with a heat detector in every compartment which could be used by
the HVAC system as input for temperature control in that compartment. Alternatively, the temperature
sensor for the compartment HVAC system could function as the fire detection element.

A Personnel Identification Tag is being developed by the Damage Control Community to assist in locating
personnel in an emergency. This system requires a wireless network for best functionality. In the HVAC
automation scheme, personnel location would be used to determine space occupancy and thus cooling and
replenishment air needs.

The existing linkage in current ship designs between the HVAC system and the damage control/firefighting
systems could readily be integrated, seamlessly, similar to the way it is currently done in commercial

Document Review / Requirements Challenge

Major ship HVAC specific design documents, as shown in Appendix A, were reviewed to produce the
following general conclusions –

• The legacy HVAC system design is based on two conditions – weather air (used for replenishment)
of 90°F dry bulb and 81°F wet bulb for the cooling design and 10°F dry bulb for the heating design
(from Section 070 of the General Specifications). Some of the current ship designs, such as LCS
and DDG 1000 are based on commercial Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
(SNAME) criteria (95°F dry bulb, 82°F wet bulb) or tropical conditions (105°F dry bulb, 87°F wet
bulb). The selection of components is based on these temperatures. Consideration of other
conditions is relatively limited. These conditions determine the replenishment air load that is a
significant portion of the overall cooling load.
• Air flow to compartments is based on the rate of change for the compartment (a 15 minute rate of
change means the entire compartment volume is changed every 15 minutes). The rate of change is
dependent on the type of activity in the compartment, manning for the compartment and equipment
type/function/criticality of the compartment. Once established at the design condition, the air flow
is fixed and does not vary in response to actual thermal load or manning or equipment status. Air
flows are balanced during construction by using orifices in the ductwork. There are no procedures
or hardware to vary the air flow into a compartment.
• The component requirements are quite detailed for interface and selection purposes. Thus,
components are standardized resulting in limited choices and manufacturers.
• The design paradigms that will limit future choices and thus require re-consideration are –

o 4500 ft/min (round) duct velocity – review of this limitation is critical in order to reduce
duct sizes, as envisioned by the 21st Century HVAC System, and the components that are

often in the ductwork (fans, cooling coils, heaters). The limitation is believed to be based
on a combination of acceptable friction loss and acceptable noise generation. Advanced
technology fans, designed from the beginning to produce larger pressure differentials, could
support the additional friction loss. Alternatively, smooth “frictionless” ducting, featuring
hard surface coatings, could reduce the additional frictional loss. While higher duct
velocities have traditionally resulted in higher noise generation, the relationship is not
necessarily absolute. The smooth ducting could also be “quiet” ducting. In addition,
methods to treat the ductwork with either sound absorbing materials and/or in the
distribution flow path design exist.

o 500-600 ft/min (limit depends on coil size) cooling coil face velocity – in order to reduce
cooling coil sizes, the existing face velocity limitation must be reconsidered. The limitation
is based on preventing cooling coil condensation re-entrainment in the coil leaving air. At
least one manufacturer offers a surface coating for the coil fins to promote rapid drainage of
the condensate from the coil surface. Incorporation of separation devices either
immediately downstream of the coil or in the coil surface could prevent moisture carryover.
These additional items in the flow path will necessarily increase the frictional loss. But, as
with the duct velocity increase discussed above, this could be accommodated with higher
pressure differential fans.

o 3.6 gal/min per ton of cooling chilled water flow through the cooling coils is used in the
cooling coil specifications and by default the chilled water flow through the AC plants.
The genesis of this particular paradigm is unknown, presumably it was representative of the
state of the art when established. Commercial buildings are using 1.5 – 2.0 gal/min per ton
of cooling today. The Seawolf HVAC system design used 2.16 gal/min per ton of cooling.
Reducing the chilled water flow rate (by 50%) has an enormous impact on the chilled water
distribution system – the size and weight of pumps, piping and valves can be substantially
reduced. The cooling coil leaving chilled water temperature will be higher, for the same
cooling load. Lower chilled water flow rates offers the opportunity to further reduce the
size of the cooling coil, provided the increased coil face velocity discussed above can be
accommodated and the heat transfer coefficient on the air side can be increased by other
techniques (such as more fins/ lower fin spacing or entirely different surfaces).

o 44°F chilled water leaving temperature is specified for the AC plants. The HVAC design
uses 45°F as the cooling coil supply temperature. The one degree delta is an allowance for
heating of the water as it travels through the distribution system to the coil, but the piping
and components are well insulated. This supply temperature specification probably
represented the lowest achievable temperature without risking freezing using the AC plant
heat transfer technology when it was established. The AC plant evaporating temperature on
many of the older design AC plants was 33-35°F, occasionally up to 37-38°F. Today’s
modern design naval AC plants, with state of the art evaporator heat transfer surfaces, have
evaporating temperatures of 40°F and above. Lowering the chilled water supply
temperature to 42°F or 40°F is certainly possible. This reduction would provide more
cooling capacity for a given coil size, implying that smaller and lighter weight cooling coils
could be developed, subject again to overcoming the coil face velocity limitations discussed
above. Combined (bundled) with the lower flow rate per ton of cooling discussed

immediately above, there is opportunity to dramatically reduce the cooling coil sizes and
reduce the weight of the cooling coils.

Advanced HVAC Component Technology

Commercial HVAC component technology was reviewed to identify existing state-of-the art designs that
could potentially be applied to naval combatants. Fan, cooling coil and ducting technologies were

The Navy currently uses three families of fans – vaneaxial, centrifugal and tubeaxial. The naval tubeaxial
applications are quite limited and were not further explored. The Navy standard centrifugal fans are
primarily used in exhaust systems. Futhermore, centrifugal fans, not part of the standard family, are used
in Fan Coil Units (FCU) and Fan Coil Assemblies (FCA). These units designed to cool a compartment
where the cooling coil, fan, filter, heater and controls are packaged into an assembly, usually mounted in
the overhead. These units are low horsepower and were not examined in any significant detail. The focus
of the fan exploration was vaneaxial fans.

Navy Standard Vaneaxial Fans

The Navy standard vaneaxial fan design is shown in Figure 16. There are 23 vaneaxial fan sizes each for a
specific flow rate and pressure difference.

Figure 16 – Navy Standard Vaneaxial Fan

The fans are direct driven by synchronous (constant speed) motors. The family of fans was designed in the
1940s and the technology has not been refreshed in the intervening 60 years. At one time there were two
competitive manufacturers – Buffalo Forge and Joy – but the industry has consolidated and realigned
several times. Today, New Philadelphia Fan is the primary manufacturer, producing the Joy fan design. In
the 1980s, the advent of CPS created a need for higher pressure fans to overcome the pressure drop of the
CPS filters and provide sufficient static pressure to create the design zone pressure of 2 inches of water
(relative to the weather). The design point pressure for the CPS fans is 14 inches of water. The first
generation CPS fans, shown by Figure 17, were simply slightly modified versions of the standard vaneaxial
fans – a family of 5 sizes was designed.

Figure 17 – CPS Fan Design

These early CPS fans were noisy and inefficient. As a result of those concerns, the Navy designed and
built prototypes of a second generation CPS fan family using airfoil shaped blades and some quieting
technology. The fans were significantly more efficient and remarkably quieter than the first generation
CPS fans. The quiet CPS fans are finally being installed in new ship construction programs (LPD 17) and
in the CPS backfit to some classes of Amphibious ships.

Advanced Fans

Commercial vaneaxial fan technology was examined. Detailed performance and efficiency data, in
particular, were difficult to obtain. However, one manufacturer publishes extensive data on their fans2.
These fans are state-of-the-art featuring airfoil blade technology and incorporate a variety of quieting
features. Analysis of the commercial fan performance data reveals efficiencies on the order of 75%. It is
believed that the standard Navy fan efficiencies are far lower, that data has also been difficult to obtain,
and the limited data that was obtained indicated the efficiencies were in the 40–50% range, in some cases,
and, nonsensically, above 100% in other cases. The commercial fans are belt driven, not direct driven as
the Navy fans.

The CVN 21 program funded a study of the application of permanent magnet motors to ventilation fans3.
The study emphasized reducing the motor size, incorporating variable speed operation to reduce the
number of sizes in the family, and testing of several motors to determine EMI performance. The basic fan
aerodynamic design was not addressed.

It is clear that, as a minimum, a new family of Navy fans can be designed which will be far quieter and far
more efficient than that used today. Discussions with Navy fan experts indicate that fan efficiency
improvements of 20-25% can be realized. Further, designing the fans to produce higher pressure
differentials to enable smaller duct sizes and smaller cooling coils is also feasible. Incorporation of
permanent magnet motors and variable speed is also feasible. Permanent magnet motor technology is
ideally suited for variable speed operation and provides the opportunity to minimize the number of fan
sizes by selecting the appropriate full performance speed. The cost effectiveness of these improvements at
the component level is unknown but likely poor. However, bundled with the total ship concept of reduced
HVAC system size and total ship HVAC system automation will likely produce a positive cost delta.

In a more advanced concept, the adoption of a permanent magnet motor offers the opportunity to no longer
be limited by synchronous speeds (3600 rev/min). Instead, a motor that rotates at 10,000 rev/min or
higher, coupled with advanced aerodynamic blade designs could result in dramatically smaller fans –
reductions of fan size and weight on the order of 75% may be possible. Bearing technology such as
magnetic bearings or foil bearing technology as used in high speed gas turbine engines may be necessary.

Many of the advanced technology features of the advanced fan discussed above have application to other
shipboard advanced machinery systems - variable speed drives, permanent magnet high speed motors and
magnetic bearings. Transition of this technology to the ship in these other applications has been limited by
the high upfront development costs. The 21st Century HVAC System could serve as the vehicle for
developing and deploying these technologies. The quantities required will be attractive to manufacturers
and the hp range is moderate (5-25hp).

Similar technology to the high-speed, permanent magnet motor and magnetic bearing technology
envisioned here has been demonstrated and is commercially available in state-of-the art oil-free centrifugal
compressor AC plants manufactured by Turbocor4. These units have a 140-160 hp permanent magnet
motor that rotate at speeds of 40,000 rev/min and higher with magnetic bearings supporting the motor
rotor. This is done cost effectively – the compressor for that unit can be purchased for about $25K,
implying the motor and bearing combination is probably on the order of $10K. The suitability of this
design approach for the naval environment (shock, vibration, EMI) has not been demonstrated but will
likely require substantial investment. Closer examination of the design of the Turbocor unit will be useful
if the option to design a high speed fan family is pursued.

Advanced Cooling Coils

A Navy standard duct cooling coil is shown in Figure 18. Chilled water flows through the tubes, in a
serpentine arrangement. Air flow is over a series of fins that are attached to the tubes.


Figure 18 – Navy Standard Cooling Coil

The current coil design is the “60 series”, an improved performance series (lower weight in same space
envelope and at same heat transfer rate) developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s to replace the “50
series”. The 50 series coils have flat fins, are 8 rows deep (1.5 to 2 serpentines), use 7 fins/inch and the
fins are 0.016-iches thick. The 60 series coils have wavy fins, are 6 rows deep (1 to 1.5 serpentines), use 8
fins/inch and the fins are 0.010-inches thick. Essentially the difference between the two designs is the
change from 8 rows depth to 6 rows depth which accounts for the 25% weight reduction. The increased air
side pressure drop caused by the wavy fin is offset by the fewer rows of tubes. Although the “60 series”
was developed and qualified over 15 years ago, the entire DDG 51 Class is/will be constructed with 50
series coils; the CVN 77 is being constructed with 40 series coils (the 1960s version of the coils). The LPD
17 Class is the first class being constructed with 60 series coils.

There are an almost endless variety of coil surfaces and geometries available. Each combination can
produce a particular benefit, usually with a particular penalty. Defining the optimal coil configuration for
the 21st Century HVAC System requires definition of the relevant priority of size, weight, water side
pressure drop, air side pressure drop, reliability and cost. For instance, minimal size usually also provides
minimal weight, but the increased velocities on the air side and perhaps on the water side will result in
increased air and perhaps water side pressure drop due to either the velocity increase or the surface
geometry selected. While these might have been fatal flaws using the existing catalog of fan designs, the
development of efficient modern design fans discussed earlier should lessen the impact and permit
consideration of those options.

Each coil manufacturer offers a variety of enhanced heat transfer surfaces. The Navy thermal management
team met with DRS/Marlo Coil (the primary manufacturer of Navy cooling coils) in March 2006 to discuss
advanced coil concepts, design paradigms and alternate coil configurations. A flattened tube coil design
and a coil manufactured from graphite foam were discussed as potential advanced concept designs that

would offer significant weight savings and better heat transfer.

A variety (York, Carrier, Marlo and Heatcraft) of commercially available software was acquired to
investigate the effects of air flow rate (face velocity), chilled water flow rate and temperature, fin
configuration and spacing, coil depth/ size/ serpentine arrangement/circuiting and, as available, alternate
fin surface geometries. The software programs were furnished as individual executable files without the
source code or useful help/tutorial information. In most cases, the choices were limited and many
configurations of interest could not be analyzed. The York and Carrier programs were targeted almost
exclusively to existing coil selections rather than allowing exploration of more radical design choices. The
Heatcraft and Marlo softwareprograms allowed more choices but were also inflexible when examining
more radical concepts. For baseline purposes, the Marlo software was used to analyze the Navy standard
50 series and 60 series coils. The software results did not compare well with the published tabulated “data”
for the performance of the 50 series coils. The difference in heat transfer rates was significant. For the 60
series coils, the Marlo software and published coil performance data were in relatively good agreement.
The performance of the Navy standard coils (as listed in the Navy specification) is shown in Table 1 below
followed by that predicted by the Marlo software (Marlometrics), Table 2.
Table 1– Published 60 Series Coil Performance

60 Series Cooling Coil Performance at 80°F DB and 67°F WB

entering air, 3.6 gpm/ton chilled water at 45°F

Airflow Velocity Leaving air Leaving air Capacity (X Capacity

Coil Size ft3/min (ft/min) DB (°F) WB (°F) 10 BTU/hr) (tons)
61 280 491 58.6 56.8 9.02 0.75
62 450 500 56.9 55.3 16.47 1.37
63 670 496 55.3 53.8 27.26 2.27
64 975 488 55.2 53.7 39.97 3.33
65 1450 485 53.1 52.5 63.44 5.29
66 2500 500 52.7 52.1 112.2 9.35
67 3800 507 51.1 50.8 183.6 15.30
68 5000 500 51.1 50.9 240.7 20.06

From MIL-PRF-2939G, 20 July 2001

60 Series Coils have wavy fins, 6 rows deep,
8 fins/inch, 0.010 thick fins, 1.5 serpentines

Table 2– Calculated Performance of 60 Series Cooling Coils Using Marlometrics Software

Marlometrics Results
Leaving Specification Leaving Specification Capacity Water Water side Drop(Wet)
air DB Leavingair air WB Leavingair (X10 Capacity Pressure dropfromChart Air Side Pressure from
Coil Size (°F) DB(°F) (°F) WB(°F) BTU/hr) (tons) Drop(ft H20) (ft H20) Drop("H20) Chart("H20)
61 56.50 58.60 56.10 56.80 9618.00 0.80 0.15 0.30 0.76 0.60
62 55.20 56.90 54.70 55.30 17233.00 1.44 0.32 0.90 0.96 0.70
63 53.10 55.30 52.60 53.80 29334.00 2.44 0.83 2.20 0.98 0.70
64 52.70 55.20 52.20 53.70 43654.00 3.64 1.34 2.40 1.08 0.70
65 51.70 53.10 51.30 52.50 68627.00 5.72 2.11 2.40 0.96 0.80
66 51.20 52.70 50.80 52.10 121315.00 10.11 3.82 4.00 1.03 0.80
67 51.10 51.10 50.60 50.80 185904.00 15.49 4.29 4.00 1.07 0.80
68 53.10 51.10 52.20 50.90 224497.00 18.71 6.62 3.50 1.06 0.95

The Heatcraft software was also in relatively good agreement with the published data for the 60 series

The Marlo and Heatcraft software were used for a limited investigation of coil paradigm shifts. The size
65 cooling coil was used to examine the effects of varying water temperature, air flow, water flow, tube
diameter, fin spacing, fin type, number of serpentines, fin thickness, and fin material. Most of the variations
produced positive results (more heat transfer with same coil face size), as expected. A sampling of the
results is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 – Coil Paradigm Shift Results

Leaving Leaving Capacity Tube Tube

Coil Airflow Chilled Water Inlet air DB air WB (X 10-3 Diameter Wall Tube Fin Thickness Fins per Fin Rows Water Flow
Designation Size ft3/min Temperature (°F) (°F) (°F) BTU/hr) (in) (in) Material Fin Type (in) inch Material Deep Serpentines (gpm)
Navy Standard, from
Specification 65 1450 45 53.1 52.5 63.4 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 53.3 52.3 64.7 0.625 0.022 Copper (E-F) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 51.9 51.3 68.3 0.625 0.022 Copper High F (C) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Vary Chilled Water Inlet Temperature
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 44 51 50.5 71.3 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 43 50.2 49.8 74.0 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 42 49.5 49 76.7 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 41 48.7 48.3 79.3 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 40 48 47.6 81.9 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Vary Serpentines/Rows
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 52.9 52.2 65.0 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 5 1.25 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 54.6 53.4 60.3 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 4 1 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 57.1 55.1 53.9 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 3 0.75 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 61.2 57.7 43.1 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 2 1 19
Vary Chilled Water Flow
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 52.7 52.2 64.9 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 15
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 54.8 54.3 57.0 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 10
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 58.7 58.2 40.8 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 5
Vary Air Flow
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 2000 45 54.2 53.6 82.5 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 2500 45 55.9 55.2 92.1 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 3000 45 57.3 56.5 99.8 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Vary Fin Count
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 50.7 50.4 71.7 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 10 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 50 49.8 74.0 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 12 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 49.5 49.3 75.7 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 14 Copper 6 1.5 19
Vary Fin Thickness
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 52.1 51.7 67.0 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.007 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Vary Fin Material
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 52.4 52 65.9 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Aluminum 6 1.5 19
Vary Tube Diameter (Fin Thickness Variation Required In Some Cases)
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 53.3 52.3 64.7 0.625 0.025 Copper (E-F) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 51.9 51.3 68.3 0.625 0.025 Copper High F (C) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 53.7 52.6 63.4 0.5 0.022 Copper High F (C) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 52.3 51.5 67.5 0.375 0.025 Copper High F (C) 0.0075 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 52.4 51.6 67.1 0.375 0.016 Copper High F (C) 0.0075 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 52.6 51.9 66.3 0.375 0.016 Copper High F (C) 0.006 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Vary Fin Design
Marlometrics 65 1450 45 51.7 51.3 68.6 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 53.3 52.3 64.7 0.625 0.025 Copper (E-F) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 51.9 51.3 68.3 0.625 0.025 Copper High F (C) 0.0095 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 58 55 54.3 0.375 0.016 Copper Flat 0.0075 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 54.1 52.8 62.8 0.375 0.016 Copper (E-F) 0.0075 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 52.4 51.6 67.1 0.375 0.016 Copper High F (C) 0.0075 8 Copper 6 1.5 19
Heatcraft 65 1450 45 50.3 50.2 72.4 0.375 0.016 Copper Lanced 0.0075 10 Aluminum 6 1.5 19
Combined Variations
Marlometrics 65 1450 40 60.1 59.2 36.5 0.625 0.025 Copper Wavy 0.01 14 Copper 4 1 5

The following general conclusions on the feasibility of developing advanced cooling coil designs, revising
design paradigms and pursuing the development of advanced concept coil designs are offered –

• A detailed examination of advanced cooling coil designs and coil design paradigms is
recommended. Reductions of 50% in cooling coil size and weight are expected.
• Commercially available software is unsuited for the extensive coil parameter and design paradigm
shifting effort envisioned. Without the source code, it is unclear whether the analysis is being
performed using a physics based approach or an extrapolation/interpolation based approach.
Generation of a flexible, user friendly coil analysis software program is recommended. The Navy
developed a Fortran coil analysis software in the 1980s that has recently been resurrected and may
provide a suitable starting platform for that analysis. Eventually, experimental verification of the
software will be necessary.
• Innovative methods to overcome the moisture carryover issues that will occur with the increased
face velocity (smaller coil size) are required.
• Modern water side enhancement technology and much higher water velocities should also be
considered. The water side pressure drop through the existing coil family is low, on the order of
0.5 – 3 lbf/in2; pressure drops of 10-15 lbf/in2 should be considered.
• Lower chilled water inlet temperature provides significant benefits, but will impact the AC plant
design and power consumption. However, the bundled effect of lower chilled water temperature,
lower chilled water flow rates and lower cooling coil size and weight will probably provide
substantial overall benefits at the total ship level.
• The investigation of coatings to enhance condensate drainage and reduce pressure drop should be
• Radically different cooling coil configurations (Navy coils are flat plate - fin generic design) are of
interest and may be desirable – flattened (oval) tube5, graphite foam and micro-channel. It is
recommended that these concepts be pursued.

Smooth, Low Friction and Frictionless Duct

Two potential smooth duct technologies were identified. One is a polymer coated duct used in the
chemical processing industry with very low surface roughness. The other is a glass coating technology that
could be applied to ducts. As yet, that coating has not been applied to ducts.

It is recommended that samples of both materials be acquired and tested to determine the frictional loss.
The test setup and execution should be relatively straightforward and inexpensive.

Success in reducing duct frictional losses may permit raising the current 4500 ft/min duct velocity limit to
10,000 ft/min (or more). Even if raising the velocity causes an increased frictional loss with the advanced
ducting, the advanced, efficient fans will produce higher ΔP, perhaps at the same relative power

In addition, the smooth ducts may prove to be less likely to collect dirt and other debris than the current
steel or aluminum ducting thus requiring less frequent cleaning and the coatings may provide additional
corrosion resistance.

Advanced Filtration

Cleaning of shipboard HVAC systems is a major fleet burden and has been cited as one of the top
cumbersome work practices in the fleet. The 21st Century HVAC system with higher velocity duct flows
and coil flows and smooth ducting will require a higher level of cleanliness. As a start, all of the air
flowing through the ducting should be filtered beginning at the return air grill in the compartment. The
Navy standard filters are more aptly categorized as “strainers”, the filtration efficiency is extremely poor.
A family of disposable filters was developed in the late 1990s and early 2000s which were more efficient6.
However, filtration efficiency is directly related to pressure drop and the choices for replacement
disposable filters was limited by available pressure drop. In a fresh start design such as the 21st Century
HVAC System, additional pressure drop can be accommodated and much more efficient filters specified.

Simplified HVAC System Model Concept

The purpose of the simplified, macro- level HVAC system model(s) is to quantify the relative differences
between the current HVAC system design and the 21st Century HVAC system design(s) in weight, space
and power for both the HVAC system and the chilled water distribution system. The DDG 51 Class and
DDG 91, in particular, were selected as the baseline for the models. Detailed HVAC system calculations,
drawings and a detailed weight report were available for that ship. In addition, a thermal loads database,
created in an earlier thermal management effort, was also available. As work began, it became clear that
several models, each addressing a sub-system/system level, would be the best approach for this effort.
Three models were developed – a compartment level model, a system level model and a total ship model.

The compartment model is the beginning for any HVAC calculation; the source cooling loads are
identified, quantified, and summed; the required compartment air flow and replenishment air flow are
determined. The requirements for a series of individual compartments, served by the same ventilation or
recirculation system, can be easily summed to provide the input for the ventilation or recirculation system

The system level model selects the components for the HVAC System – fan(s), cooling coil(s), chilled
water requirement and ducting based on the required cooling load and air flow rates. This model allows
assessment of the advanced component benefits (fans, cooling coils, ducting) and the design paradigm
shifts (lower chilled water temperature, lower chilled water flow rate, higher duct velocity). The approach
will be to select a few HVAC sub-systems for DDG 91: a recirculation system with a high electronic
cooling load, a recirculation system with a highly variable population, a complex recirculation system with
a low equipment load, a simple supply system, a complex supply system and a simple exhaust system.
Analysis of all the DDG 91 sub-systems would require a large effort.

The total ship HVAC model sums the results of all HVAC systems to provide the total ship HVAC load.
Then, this HVAC load is added to the non-HVAC chilled water loads to provide the total ship chilled water
load. This load determines the number of AC plants required to meet the load, based on Navy policy and
the AC plant capacity selected as an input. This model allows assessment of the 21st Century HVAC
System design at the total ship level.

Compartment Level HVAC Model

The HVAC System Compartment level model identifies the cooling loads in each compartment and
calculates the total cooling load for that compartment, the required compartment air flow rate and the
required replenishment air flow rate. There are five basic load sources – transmission from adjoining
compartments (or the weather as applicable), lighting, equipment within the compartment, personnel (both
latent and sensible), piping (rarely encountered on gas turbine powered ships, a carryover from the steam
powered ship era) and occasionally a sixth source where some or all of the equipment load is directly
returned to the HVAC system without first being directed into the compartment. The equipment loads are
scaled by a “use factor” from 0-1. Most combat equipment is assigned use factors near or at 1, most other
equipment is assigned use factors of 0.5 and below to reflect the expected time the equipment will be on
and dissipating heat. Many of the combat loads also incorporate a growth factor for future increases.

In the very simplified version developed in this effort, some of the results are actually inputs. For instance
– the transmission load is calculated based on the temperature in each adjoining (top, sides and bottom)
compartment, the adjoining areas and the transmission path (insulated and degree of insulation). This is a
tedious calculation and requires full definition of each compartment, something not defined during ship
concept design studies. The personnel load is based on the number of people assigned to that compartment
and the level of activity – essentially whether the activity is stressful, such as at work or exercising, or at
rest, such recreation or berthing.

In a similar manner the replenishment air flow is based on the number of people assigned to that
compartment and their level of activity.

Ordinarily, the compartment rate of change is an input and the compartment flow rate is based on the rate
of change and the compartment volume. (A 1500 ft3 compartment with a 15 minute rate of change requires
a compartment flow rate of 1500/15 = 100 ft3/min). However, in most of the compartments analyzed in
this effort, the rate of change was more often than typical, driven by the cooling load, which in turn was
driven by the equipment loads.

A sample of a compartment model result is shown in Table 4 below. Shown are the results for two
adjoining compartments served by a single recirculation system with the sum of the compartment loads
shown in the last column. The critical results which are used in the next higher level model are
A growth factor has been applied to the equipment load. Note the rapid rate of change, usually indicative
of a large equipment load in a relatively small compartment.
Table 4 – Sample HVAC Compartment Model Results

Combat Combat Information
Information Center Center - Projection
Compartment Name - Main Deck Area Combined
Compartment Number 1-126-0-C 1-126-0-C 1-126-0-C
Weather Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 80 80 80
Compartment Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 68 68 68
Compartment Volume (ft3) 17424.43 758 18182.43
System Damage Control Classification W W W
Compartment Rate of Change (min) 3.3 4.6 3.3
Number of Personnel 26 0 0

Combat Combat Information
Information Center Center - Projection
Compartment Name - Main Deck Area Combined
Equipment Loads (BTU/hr) 83400 3381 86781


Transmission Load (BTU/hr) 6845 0 6845

Equipment Load (BTU/hr) 95910 3888.15 99798.15
Lighting (BTU/hr) 9396 188 9584
Personnel Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 6240 0 6240
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 118391 4076.15 122467.2
Personnel Latent Load (BTU/hr) 9360 0 9360

Total Load (BTU/hr) 127751 4076.15 131827.2

Required Replenishment Air Flow Rate (ft3/min) 260 0 260

Required Compartment Flow Rate (ft3/min) 5280 165 5445
Room Slope 0.93 1.00 0.93

Advanced Component and Technology Projections/Goals

A pre-requisite to the development of an HVAC system model is the establishment of the component
characteristics - performance, size, weight and power requirements (if any) - of the advanced technology
components that will be implemented as enablers of the 21st Century HVAC system. Since these
components do not exist, the characteristics were projected based on the anticipated technology benefits.
Advanced fans, cooling coils, and ducting components are discussed and some of the appropriate design
paradigm changes are embedded within these advanced designs.

A spiral development process is envisioned where low to moderate risk technology can be applied as a 21st
Century Flight 1 system and which can be available (designed, developed and demonstrated/qualified)
within 5-7 years for implementation into new ship designs. For Flight1 technologies, the benefits are
expected to be modest.

The 21st Century Flight 2 spiral development will address moderate to high risk technologies and will
require 10-12 years to fully demonstrate before implementation into new ship designs. There is of course
the risk that the development will be unsuccessful. The performance characteristics for this technology set
should be viewed as goals. However, if successful, the benefits are expected to be significant.

The 21st Century Flight 3 spiral development will address high risk technologies, require on the order of
20 years to develop and demonstrate before implementation into new ship designs. The performance
characteristics for this technology set should be viewed as “aggressive” goals. If successful, the benefits
should be revolutionary.

In each area described below, the technology is described as either legacy (current Navy and some ships
still in the construction phase, e.g., DDG 51), today (ships in the construction phase – LPD 17), or 21st

Century Flight 1, 2 or 3. No attempt was made to “game” the performance characteristics/goals. The goals
were established prior to final model construction and before any results were available. Later, in the
results, it is clear that better definition of the goals for each design and the range of application is necessary
prior to development of any of the components.


There are five fan types/categories used on Navy ships – vaneaxial, high-pressure/CPS vaneaxial,
centrifugal, FCA and FCUfan coil unit. The latter two types employ centrifugal fans, but are not part
of the centrifugal fan family. The FCA and the FCU are packaged systems incorporating a cooling coil
and other components/controls and are widely used in recirculation systems. The weight and volume
of these packaged systems is included in the fan subset.

The performance characteristics of the Navy’s legacy fan family, sorted by type and then organized by
descending flow rate, is shown in Table 5.
Table 5 – Navy Legacy Fan Family Performance Characteristics

Flow Head (inches Power Weight
Designation (ft3/min) H2O) (hp) (lbm) Volume (ft3)

Navy Standard
Vaneaxial Fans A 30 25000 4.2 25.0 1850 46.3
A 25 22000 3.95 25.0 1750 42.7
A 28 18750 6.4 25.0 1500 29.5
A 20 18000 4.85 20.0 1300 22.9
A 16 13200 4.75 15.0 1100 16.8
A 17 12300 6.2 17.5 1200 22.4
A 12 10250 5 10.0 850 14.7
A 11 8700 5.5 12.5 900 17.8
A 10 8500 4.2 7.5 750 12.5
A8 7300 3.3 6.0 600 10.9
A6 6300 3.65 5.0 530 8.5
A7 5200 7 7.5 450 5.5
A4 4300 3.5 4.0 425 6.6
A5 4200 3.75 4.0 450 7.3
A 3 1/2 3750 3.5 3.0 425 5.8
A 4 1/2 3220 7 5.0 320 4.0
A3 3200 3.4 3.0 375 6.0
A 2 1/2 2600 3.4 2.0 250 2.6
A2 2000 3.4 1.5 180 2.8
A 1 1/2 1500 3 1.3 160 1.8
A1 1030 2.65 1.0 125 1.4
A 1/2 660 2.5 0.3 80 0.8
A 1/4 250 2.5 0.2 65 0.7
CPS Fans AN 105 5400 14 20.0 640 7.1
AN 104 3600 14 15.0 620 6.7
AN 103 2400 14 15.0 620 6.5

Flow Head (inches Power Weight
Designation (ft3/min) H2O) (hp) (lbm) Volume (ft3)
AN 102 1800 14 10.0 600 6.3
AN 101 1200 14 10.0 580 5.5
Navy Standard
Centrifugal CC 10 6350 5 10.0 1260 102.8
CC 6 4500 4 5.0 1110 78.5
CC 8 4050 5.2 7½ 1210 101.0
CC 5 2750 5.3 5.0 955 33.5
CC 4 2300 5.25 4.0 610 32.7
CC 3 1760 4.25 3.0 560 27.5
CC 2 1090 3.06 1½ 310 16.4
CC 1 1/2 980 2.58 1.0 215 13.4
CC 1 760 2.5 1.0 190 9.1
CC 1/2 400 2.5 3/4 170 7.9
CC 1/4 180 1.74 ¼ 100 3.0
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCA 25 3800 2 7.5 1836 89.9
FCA 24 2550 2 5.0 1590 81.9
FCA 23 1800 2 5.0 1472 66.7
FCA 22 1260 2 3.0 1289 53.5
FCA 21 760 2 1.5 1203 53.5

Fan Coil Units FCU 8 1650 1 0.8 780 26.1

FCU 7 1100 1 0.8 660 21.9
FCU 6 950 1 0.8 500 20.0
FCU 5 690 0.25 0.5 500 18.5
FCU 4 530 0.25 0.5 420 15.2
FCU 3 350 0.25 0.5 350 11.4
FCU 2 240 0 0.3 285 7.2
FCU 1 145 0 0.3 275 7.2

Today’s fan family is identical to the legacy family, except that the CPS fans are a second generation,
quieter and more efficient than the original designs used in the legacy family. To differentiate between the
two, the legacy CPS fans are designated in this report as “AN” and today’s CPS fans as “AQ”. In actual
use, the CPS fans are designated “A”.

The 21st Century Flight 1 fan family will use advanced aerodynamic fan blades (similar to the second
generation CPS fans) and will be quieter and more efficient than the legacy or today family. The fans will
be driven at variable speed using PWM motor controllers. The motors will be conventional 3600 rev/min,
high-efficiency, shipboard qualified, induction motors.

A fan efficiency of 80% was used across the board for all fan designs in this family. The efficiencies of the
legacy and today fans are not clearly known.

Instead of 23 different vaneaxial fans, it is projected that only six basic vaneaxial fan designs will be used
in the Flight 1 family. The full load fan speed (less than 3600 rev/min) will be established to meet the
design flow rate requirement when that requirement falls between fan sizes.

Similarly, only one basic CPS fan size is projected with lower flow requirements met by speed reduction.

The centrifugal subset for this family will also use improved blade shapes and thus higher efficiencies. No
attempt was made to analyze in any further depth the potential performance of the centrifugal subset, the
FCA subset or the FCU subset. No significant weight or size benefits are anticipated for this family but
improvements in power consumption is clear.

The components in the Flight 1 fan family incorporate an “X” designation into the basic numbering scheme
used for the legacy and today’s fan families.

The projected performance of the 21st Century fan family is shown in Table 6. Note that the same
vaneaxial fan designation is shown multiple times at various flow rates to match the flow rates used in the
legacy and today family. Also note that there are weight and size differences shown for the FCAs and the
FCUs – these result from the cooling coil technology advancements that will be used in the Flight 1 family
and are discussed later in the cooling coil section.
Table 6 – 21st Century Flight 1 Fan Performance Characteristics
21st Century Flight 1
Flow (inches Power Weight
(ft3/min) H2O) (hp) (lbm) Volume (ft3)

Vaneaxial Fans AX 32 32000 10 62.9 1850 46.0

AX 32 25000 8 39.3 1850 46.0
AX 32 20000 6 23.6 1850 46.0
AX 16 16000 10 31.5 1300 23.0
AX 16 14000 8 22.0 1300 23.0
AX 16 12000 7 16.5 1300 23.0
AX 16 10000 6 11.8 1300 23.0
AX 16 9000 5 8.8 1300 23.0
AX 8 8000 8 12.6 750 12.0
AX 8 7500 7 10.3 750 12.0
AX 8 7000 6 8.3 750 12.0
AX 8 6500 5 6.4 750 12.0
AX 8 6000 5 5.9 750 12.0
AX 8 5000 5 4.9 750 12.0
AX 4 4000 6 4.7 425 6.0
AX 4 3500 6 4.1 425 6.0
AX 4 3000 5 2.9 425 6.0
AX 4 2500 4 2.0 425 6.0
AX 2 2000 5 2.0 180 3.0
AX 2 1500 4 1.2 180 3.0
AX 1 1000 5 1.0 125 1.5
AX 1 500 4 0.4 125 1.5
AX 1 250 3 0.1 125 1.5

21st Century Flight 1
Flow (inches Power Weight
(ft3/min) H2O) (hp) (lbm) Volume (ft3)
CPS Fans AX 105 5000 14 13.8 640 7.1
AX 105 4000 14 11.0 640 7.1
AX 105 3000 12 7.1 640 7.1
AX 105 2000 10 3.9 640 7.1
AX 105 1000 8 1.6 640 7.1
Fans CCX 10 6350 5 6.2 1260 102.8
CCX 6 4500 4 3.5 1110 78.5
CCX 8 4050 5.2 4.1 1210 101.0
CCX 5 2750 5.3 2.9 955 33.5
CCX 4 2300 5.25 2.4 610 32.7
CCX 3 1760 4.25 1.5 560 27.5
CCX 2 1090 3.06 0.7 310 16.4
CCX 1½ 980 2.58 0.5 215 13.4
CCX 1 760 2.5 0.4 190 9.1
CCX ½ 400 2.5 0.2 170 7.9
CCX ¼ 180 1.74 0.1 100 3.0
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCAX 25 3800 2 1.5 1200 60.0
FCAX 24 2550 2 1.0 1000 55.0
FCAX 23 1800 2 0.7 1000 40.0
FCAX 22 1260 2 0.5 900 35.0
FCAX 21 760 2 0.3 900 35.0

Fan Coil Units FCUX 8 1650 1 0.3 700 25.0

FCUX 7 1100 1 0.2 600 20.0
FCUX 6 950 1 0.2 400 18.0
FCUX 5 690 0.25 0.0 400 15.0
FCUX 4 530 0.25 0.0 350 12.0
FCUX 3 350 0.25 0.0 300 10.0
FCUX 2 240 0 0.0 200 6.0
FCUX 1 145 0 0.0 200 6.0

The Flight 2 fan family incorporates permanent magnet motor technology into the Flight 1 fan designs.
A 30-45% weight reduction and a 35% size reduction are projected. The Flight 2 family incorporates
“XX” into the basic fan numbering scheme. The Flight 2 performance goals are shown in Table 7.
Table 7 – 21st Century Flight 2 Fan Performance Characteristics
21st Century Flight 2

Head (inches
Designation Flow (ft3/min) H2O) Power (hp) Weight (lbm) Volume (ft3)

Vaneaxial Fans AXX 32 32000 10 62.9 1100 30.0

AXX 32 25000 8 39.3 1100 30.0

21st Century Flight 2

Head (inches
Designation Flow (ft3/min) H2O) Power (hp) Weight (lbm) Volume (ft3)
AXX 32 20000 6 23.6 1100 30.0
AXX 16 16000 10 31.5 800 15.0
AXX 16 14000 8 22.0 800 15.0
AXX 16 12000 7 16.5 800 15.0
AXX 16 10000 6 11.8 800 15.0
AXX 16 9000 5 8.8 800 15.0
AXX 8 8000 8 12.6 450 8.0
AXX 8 7500 7 10.3 450 8.0
AXX 8 7000 6 8.3 450 8.0
AXX 8 6500 5 6.4 450 8.0
AXX 8 6000 5 5.9 450 8.0
AXX 8 5000 5 4.9 450 8.0
AXX 4 4000 6 4.7 300 4.0
AXX 4 3500 6 4.1 300 4.0
AXX 4 3000 5 2.9 300 4.0
AXX 4 2500 4 2.0 300 4.0
AXX 2 2000 5 2.0 100 2.0
AXX 2 1500 4 1.2 100 2.0
AXX 1 1000 5 1.0 70 1.0
AXX 1 500 4 0.4 70 1.0
AXX 1 250 3 0.1 70 1.0
CPS Fans AXX 105 5000 14 13.8 400 4.0
AXX 105 4000 14 11.0 400 4.0
AXX 105 3000 12 7.1 400 4.0
AXX 105 2000 10 3.9 400 4.0
AXX 105 1000 8 1.6 400 4.0
Fans CCXX 10 6350 5 6.2 800 70.0
CCXX 6 4500 4 3.5 700 60.0
CCXX 8 4050 5.2 4.1 800 70.0
CCXX 5 2750 5.3 2.9 700 20.0
CCXX 4 2300 5.25 2.4 400 20.0
CCXX 3 1760 4.25 1.5 450 18.0
CCXX 2 1090 3.06 0.7 200 11.0
CCXX 1½ 980 2.58 0.5 150 10.0
CCXX 1 760 2.5 0.4 120 7.0
CCXX ½ 400 2.5 0.2 100 5.0
CCXX ¼ 180 1.74 0.1 70 2.0
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCAXX 25 3800 2 1.5 1200 60.0
FCAXX 24 2550 2 1.0 1100 50.0
FCAXX 23 1800 2 0.7 1000 40.0
FCAXX 22 1260 2 0.5 800 35.0
FCAXX 21 760 2 0.3 800 35.0
FCUXX 8 1650 1 0.3 600 18.0

21st Century Flight 2

Head (inches
Designation Flow (ft3/min) H2O) Power (hp) Weight (lbm) Volume (ft3)
FCUXX 7 1100 1 0.2 400 14.0
Fan Coil Units FCUXX 6 950 1 0.2 350 14.0
FCUXX 5 690 0.25 0.0 350 13.0
FCUXX 4 530 0.25 0.0 300 10.0
FCUXX 3 350 0.25 0.0 250 8.0
FCUXX 2 240 0 0.0 200 5.0
FCUXX 1 145 0 0.0 180 5.0

The Flight 3 fan family incorporates high speed permanent magnet motors and further fan blade design
improvements. The fan diameters will be reduced, substantially, at the higher speeds. Speeds on the order
of 10,000 rev/min are anticipated. This will result in a minimum 50% weight and size reduction. The
Flight 3 family incorporates the designation “XXX” into the basic fan numbering scheme. The goals for
the performance of the Flight 3 fan family are shown in Table 8. The goals are quite aggressive.
Table 8 – 21st Century Flight 3 Fan Performance Characteristics
21st Century Flight 3

Flow Head (inches

Designation (ft3/min) H2O) Power (hp) Weight (lbm) Volume (ft3)

Vaneaxial Fans AXXX 32 32000 10 62.9 800 15.0

AXXX 32 25000 8 39.3 800 15.0
AXXX 32 20000 6 23.6 800 15.0
AXXX 16 16000 10 31.5 600 7.0
AXXX 16 14000 8 22.0 600 7.0
AXXX 16 12000 7 16.5 600 7.0
AXXX 16 10000 6 11.8 600 7.0
AXXX 16 9000 5 8.8 600 7.0
AXXX 8 8000 8 12.6 300 4.0
AXXX 8 7500 7 10.3 300 4.0
AXXX 8 7000 6 8.3 300 4.0
AXXX 8 6500 5 6.4 300 4.0
AXXX 8 6000 5 5.9 300 4.0
AXXX 8 5000 5 4.9 300 4.0
AXXX 4 4000 6 4.7 150 2.0
AXXX 4 3500 6 4.1 150 2.0
AXXX 4 3000 5 2.9 150 2.0
AXXX 4 2500 4 2.0 150 2.0
AXXX 2 2000 5 2.0 70 1.0
AXXX 2 1500 4 1.2 70 1.0
AXXX 1 1000 5 1.0 40 0.5
AXXX 1 500 4 0.4 40 0.5
AXXX 1 250 3 0.1 40 0.5
CPS Fans AXXX 105 5000 14 13.8 250 3.0
AXXX 105 4000 14 11.0 250 3.0
AXXX 105 3000 12 7.1 250 3.0
21st Century Flight 3

Flow Head (inches

Designation (ft3/min) H2O) Power (hp) Weight (lbm) Volume (ft3)
AXXX 105 2000 10 3.9 250 3.0
AXXX 105 1000 8 1.6 250 3.0
Fans CCXXX 10 6350 5 6.2 400 35
CCXXX 6 4500 4 3.5 350 30
CC 8 4050 5.2 4.1 400 35
CCXXX 5 2750 5.3 2.9 350 10
CCXXX 4 2300 5.25 2.4 200 10
CCXXX 3 1760 4.25 1.5 225 9
CCXXX 2 1090 3.06 0.7 100 5.5
CCXXX 1½ 980 2.58 0.5 75 5
CCXXX 1 760 2.5 0.4 60 3.5
CCXXX ½ 400 2.5 0.2 50 2.5
CCXXX ¼ 180 1.74 0.1 35 1
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCAXXX 25 3800 2 1.5 600 30
FCAXXX 24 2550 2 1.0 550 25
FCAXXX 23 1800 2 0.7 500 20
FCAXXX 22 1260 2 0.5 400 20
FCAXXX 21 760 2 0.3 400 20

Fan Coil Units FCUXXX 8 1650 1 0.3 300 9.0

FCUXXX 7 1100 1 0.2 200 7.0
FCUXXX 6 950 1 0.2 175 7.0
FCUXXX 5 690 0.25 0.0 175 6.5
FCUXXX 4 530 0.25 0.0 150 5.0
FCUXXX 3 350 0.25 0.0 125 4.0
FCUXXX 2 240 0 0.0 100 2.5
FCUXXX 1 145 0 0.0 90 2.5

Cooling Coils

There are three cooling coil types/categories used on Navy ships – duct mounted cooling coil, and as
described in the fan section, FCA and FCU.

The performance characteristics of the Navy’s legacy cooling coil family, sorted by type and then
organized by descending cooling rate, is shown in Table 9. Note that the weight and volume of the FCAs
and the FCUs are included under the fan weight and volume.

Table 9 – Performance Characteristics of Legacy Cooling Coils
Cooling Capacity Air Flow Volume
Coils Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) Weight (lbm) (ft3) Face Area (ft2)
58 206494 5000 1310 23.7 10.3
57 163077 3800 1040 18.8 7.8
56 107763 2500 666 12.9 5.0
55 50405 1450 434 8.8 3.0
54 41994 975 295 6.6 2.0
53 27672 670 248 5.0 1.3
52 18248 450 200 3.9 0.9
51 11835 280 156 3.1 0.6
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCA 25 133686 3800 6.2
FCA 24 87714 2550 4.2
FCA 23 63586 1800 3.7
FCA 22 45214 1260 2.5
FCA 21 25771 760 Weight and Volume of 1.5
Fan Coil Fan Coil Assemblies and
Units FCU 8 72920 1650 Fan Coil Units included in 4.5
FCU 7 45560 1100 Fan Sub-Set 2.8
FCU 6 39910 950 2.6
FCU 5 30500 690 2.2
FCU 4 22890 530 1.8
FCU 3 15280 350 1.3
FCU 2 9690 240 0.7
FCU 1 5850 145 0.5

The today cooling coil family is shown in Table 10. The 60 series cooling coils were developed in the late
1980s and employ six rows of tubes and “wavy” fins versus eight rows and flat fins used in the 50 series.
The original goal was to produce lighter weight and smaller coils with the same nominal cooling capacity.
In the end, the smaller size goal was abandoned in order to produce fit and form equivalence with the 50
series. The 60 series coils are 25% lighter than the 50 series coils. The fan coil assemblies and the fan coil
units are identical to the legacy family.
Table 10 – Performance Characteristics of Today Cooling Coils
Capacity Flow Weight Volume Face Area
Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
Duct Cooling Coils
68 240700 5000 894 23.7 10.3
67 183600 3800 815 18.8 7.8
66 112200 2500 435 12.9 5.0
65 63440 1450 305 8.8 3.0
64 39970 975 231 6.6 2.0
63 27260 670 182 5.0 1.3
62 16470 450 129 3.9 0.9
Capacity Flow Weight Volume Face Area
Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
61 9020 280 114 3.1 0.6
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCA 25 133686 3800 6.2
FCA 24 87714 2550 4.2
FCA 23 63586 1800 3.7
FCA 22 45214 1260 2.5
FCA 21 25771 760 Weight and Volume 1.5
Fan Coil Units of Fan Coil
FCU 8 72920 1650 Assemblies and Fan 4.5
Coil Units included
FCU 7 45560 1100 2.8
in Fan Sub-Set
FCU 6 39910 950 2.6
FCU 5 30500 690 2.2
FCU 4 22890 530 1.8
FCU 3 15280 350 1.3
FCU 2 9690 240 0.7
FCU 1 5850 145 0.5

The projected performance of the 21st Century cooling coil family is shown in Table 11. The coils will use
2.0 gal/min/ton of cooling (instead of the 3.6 gal/min/ton used with the legacy and today series) with a
chilled water supply of 40°F (instead of 45°F) to compensate for the lower flow. This change is expected
to have a major, positive impact on the chilled water distribution piping. In addition, it is expected that
fewer chilled water tubes will be required in the coil, four rows of tubes instead of six. That, and realizing
the size changes that were available for the 60 series coils, should result in a weight reduction on the order
of 25% and a volume reduction on the order of 50%. The 21st Century duct cooling coils are designated in
this report as the 70 series and with an “X” to indicate the developmental status. The fan coil assemblies
and fan coil units are numbered as described in the fan section.
Table 11 – Performance Characteristics of 21st Century Flight 1 Cooling Coils
21st Century Flight 1

Capacity Air Flow Weight Volume Face Area

Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
Duct Cooling Coils
78X 360000 5000 670.5 11.8 10.3
77X 240000 3800 611.3 9.4 7.8
76X 150000 2500 326.3 6.4 5.0
75X 84000 1450 228.8 4.4 3.0
74X 52000 975 173.3 3.3 2.0
73X 36000 670 136.5 2.5 1.3
72X 20000 450 96.8 2.0 0.9
71X 12000 280 85.5 1.5 0.6
Fan Coil Assemblies
FCAX 25 140000 3800 6.2
FCAX 24 90000 2550 4.2
FCAX 23 65000 1800 3.7

21st Century Flight 1

Capacity Air Flow Weight Volume Face Area

Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
FCAX 22 50000 1260 Coil Unit Weight and 2.5
FCAX 21 30000 760 Volume of Fan Coil 1.5
Assemblies and Fans
Fan Coil Units
included in Fan Sub-
FCUX 8 75000 1650 4.5
FCUX 7 50000 1100 2.8
FCUX 6 45000 950 2.6
FCUX 5 35000 690 2.2
FCUX 4 25000 530 1.8
FCUX 3 20000 350 1.3
FCUX 2 12000 240 0.7
FCUX 1 7000 145 0.5

The 21st Century Flight 2 cooling coils will be based on the Flight 1 designs and will be designed to use
twice the face velocity (up to 1000 ft/min, instead of 500 ft/min) of the Legacy/Today/Flight 1 coils. This
is a moderate to high risk effort. The major concerns are moisture entrainment in the coil leaving air and
larger air side pressure drops through the coil. Incorporation of a passive moisture separation
design/device at the outlet of the coil, rapid drainage coatings for the coil surface and unique fin surfaces
are possible solutions. The higher pressure drop can be accommodated with the advanced Flight 2 fan
designs. Doubling the face velocity will halve the coil face area and thus halve the size and weight of the
coil. The performance goals for the Flight 2 cooling coils are shown in Table 12. These coils are
designated in this report as the 80 series and with an “X”.
Table 12 – Performance Characteristics of 21st Century Flight 2 Cooling Coils
21st Century Flight 2

Capacity Air Flow Weight Volume Face Area

Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
Duct Cooling Coils
88X 500000 10000 335.3 5.9 10.3
87X 300000 8000 305.6 4.7 7.8
86X 240000 5000 163.1 3.2 5.0
85X 120000 3000 114.4 2.2 3.0
84X 80000 2000 86.6 1.7 2.0
83X 50000 1500 68.3 1.3 1.3
82X 32000 1000 48.4 1.0 0.9
81X 18000 500 42.8 0.8 0.6
Fan Coil Assemblies Weight and Volume
FCAXX 25 140000 3800 of Fan Coil 3.1
FCAXX 24 90000 2550 Assemblies and Fan 2.1
Coil Units included
FCAXX 23 65000 1800 1.8
in Fan Sub-Set
FCAXX 22 50000 1260 1.2
FCAXX 21 30000 760 0.8
Fan Coil Units
FCUXX 8 75000 1650 2.2
FCUXX 7 50000 1100 1.4

21st Century Flight 2

Capacity Air Flow Weight Volume Face Area

Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
FCUXX 6 45000 950 1.3
FCUXX 5 35000 690 1.1
FCUXX 4 25000 530 0.9
FCUXX 3 20000 350 0.7
FCUXX 2 12000 240 0.4
FCUXX 1 7000 145 0.3

The 21st Century Flight 3 cooling coil family will build on the successes of the Flight 1 and 2 families and
employ radically different heat exchanger concepts and heat transfer surfaces. Flattened tube, micro-
channel, graphite foam and unique fin designs/materials are some of the concepts to be explored. The
performance goals are shown in Table 13. These coils are designated in this report as the 90 series with an
“X” designation. This is a high risk/high payoff effort.
Table 13 – Performance Characteristics of 21st Century Flight 3 Cooling Coils
21st Century Flight 3

Capacity Air Flow Weight Volume Face Area

Designation (BTU/hr) (ft3/min) (lbm) (ft3) (ft2)
Duct Cooling Coils
98X 500000 10000 167.6 3.0 10.3
97X 300000 8000 152.8 2.3 7.8
96X 240000 5000 81.6 1.6 5.0
95X 120000 3000 57.2 1.1 3.0
94X 80000 2000 43.3 0.8 2.0
93X 50000 1500 34.1 0.6 1.3
92X 32000 1000 24.2 0.5 0.9
91X 18000 500 21.4 0.4 0.6
Fan Coil
Assemblies FCAXXX 25 140000 3800 3.1
FCAXXX 24 90000 2550 2.1
FCAXXX 23 65000 1800 1.8
FCAXXX 22 50000 1260 1.2
FCAXXX 21 30000 760 Weight and Volume of 0.8
Fan Coil Assemblies
Fan Coil Units
and Fan Coil Units
FCUXXX 8 75000 1650 2.2
included in Fan Sub-
FCUXXX 7 50000 1100 Set 1.4
FCUXXX 6 45000 950 1.3
FCUXXX 5 35000 690 1.1
FCUXXX 4 25000 530 0.9
FCUXXX 3 20000 350 0.7
FCUXXX 2 12000 240 0.4
FCUXXX 1 7000 145 0.3


Paradigm Changes

The paradigm changes for the chilled water system and cooling coils are shown in Table 14.
Table 14 – Cooling Coil and Chilled Water System Paradigm Changes

Flow per ton Chilled Water Air Side Face

of Cooling Inlet Temperature Friction Factor Velocity
Technology (gal/min/ton (°F) (dimensionless) Limit (ft/min)
Legacy 3.6 45 0.0765 500
Today 3.6 45 0.0765 500
21st Century Flight 1 2 40 0.0383 500
21st Century Flight 2 2 40 0.0383 1000
21st Century Flight 3 2 40 0.0191 1000


The Navy uses two styles of ductwork – rectangular/square or round, made from either galvanized steel or
aluminum. There are also transitions, such as to slow down the flow to a cooling coil, and plenums.
Generally, the ductwork is flanged. Water tight ductwork is used below the damage control deck. The
routing can be quite complex and often tortuous. Duct velocities are limited to 3600 ft/min for rectangular
ducts and 4500 ft/min for round ducts. In order to simplify the concept and to allow consistent
quantification, only round ducting is considered in this report.

Table 15 shows the primary characteristics of interest for the ducting in use, either in legacy or today
applications, and projections for those characteristics in the 21st Century Flights 1-3 family of components.
The difference is in the smoothness (roughness) of the ducts, future ducts will be progressively smoother as
coatings are developed and applied. The increased smoothness permits higher velocity limits, for the same
or somewhat higher pressure drop, which in turn permits smaller duct sizes for comparable air flow rates.

Table 15 – Performance Characteristics of Ducting

Technology Velocity Limit (ft/min) Roughness (ft)
Legacy 4500 0.0003
Today 4500 0.0003
21st Century Flight 1 9000 0.0001
21st Century Flight 2 9000 0.00005
21st Century Flight 3 12000 0.000025

In addition, some maintenance benefits, such as less likely to accumulate dirt and debris and superior
corrosion resistance may be realized.

HVAC System Model

The HVAC System Model consists of four basic sections – inputs, psychrometrics, component selection,
and system results. There are 3 versions of the system model – recirculation, supply and exhaust with the
latter two essentially identical.

A sample of the input section is shown in Table 16. The inputs can be linked to a compartment model, if
the system serves only a single compartment, or, if multiple compartments are served by the system, to a
summary spreadsheet where all the compartments parameters are summed. The inputs begin with the
system identification and identification of the compartment(s). Next, compartment and weather air
temperatures (both wet bulb and dry bulb) are specified. The specific compartment total loads, required
flow rates, both to the compartment and replenishment air, are then entered. The system equivalent duct
and chilled water pipe lengths are then entered. Determination of these for an actual system is complex,
for a notational system, a reasonable estimate can be entered and comparisons can be made based on the
technology selected. The technology level is selected from a menu – legacy, today, 21st Century Flight 1,
2, or 3. The type of system is also selected from a menu – vaneaxial fan and duct cooling coil, CPS fan and
duct cooling coil, centrifugal fan and duct cooling coil, FCA or FCU. Finally, the number of fans and
cooling coils for the system specified. The critical parameters are highlighted.
Table 16 – System Model Input Sample

System RS2-105-2 (44)
Crew Living Space
Compartment Name No. 1
Compartment Number 2-78-01-L
Weather Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 80
Compartment Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 68
System Damage Control Classification Z
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 40680
Personnel Latent Load (BTU/hr) 15660
Total Compartment Load (BTU/hr) 56340
Required Replenishment Air Flow Rate (ft3/min) 435
Required Compartment Flow Rate (ft3/min) 1811
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 72
Chilled Water Piping Equivalent Length (ft) 50
Select Technology Legacy
Select System Type FCA
Number of Fans 1
Number of Cooling Coils 1

An EXCEL function was written to calculate the psychrometric properties of air, using ASHRAE
Fundamentals equations and techniques. In the psychrometric section of the model, this is applied to
calculate all relevant state points as shown by the sample below in Table 17.

The highlighted values are the critical results. The replenishment cooling load is based on the
replenishment air flow rate and the enthalpy difference between the replenishment air and the compartment
air. The total cooling load is the sum of the compartment load (both sensible and latent), the replenishment
load and the fan load which is based on the fan selected in the results section.
Table 17 – System Model Psychrometrics Sample


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 80
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 68
Humidity (%) 54.8
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.31
Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81
Humidity (%) 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling Load (BTU/hr) 22584
Mixed Air Entering Coil
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 82.4
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 71.4
Humidity (%) 59.3
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 35.16
Total Coil Cooling Load (BTU/hr) 93228
Cooling Coil Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 55.8
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 55.0
Humidity (%) 95
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.076
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 23.21
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 63.1
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 55.0
Humidity (%) 60.5
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.075
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 24.94
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304

A sample of the results section is shown in Table 18. Using the required compartment flow rate, the
technology selected and the system type, the fan is selected. The performance characteristics for that
particular fan are then copied to the results. Similarly, the cooling coil is selected based on the total
cooling load, technology selected and system type and the performance parameters copied to the results.
Note that the coil face velocity is computed and compared to the limit for the technology selected. The
chilled water flow rate is determined based on the cooling load and technology selected. Next the duct size
is determined based on the system flow rate and velocity limitation (from the technology selected), the
weight and volume calculated based on the equivalent length and the pressure drop calculated. Finally, the
chilled water piping size is determined based on the chilled water flow rate , the weight and volume of the
piping determined based on the piping equivalent length and a pressure drop calculated.
Table 18 – System Model Results Sample

Fan Selection FCA 24
Weight (lbm) 1590
Volume (ft3) 81.9
Power (hp) 5.0
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 2550
Pressure Available (inches H2O) 2
Cooling Coil Selection FCA 25
Weight (lbm) Included with Fan
Volume (ft3) Included with Fan
Chilled Water Inlet Temperature (°F) 45
Chilled Water Flow per Ton of Cooling (gal/min/ton) 3.6
Water Flow (gal/min) 28.0
Face Area (ft2) 6.2
Face Velocity (ft/min) 292.1
Face Velocity Limit (ft/min) 500
Coil Performance Acceptable
Air Side Friction Factor (dimensionless) 0.077
Air Pressure Drop (inches H2O) 0.45
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500
Minimum Diameter (in) 9
Diameter (in) 10
Weight (lbm) 684.0
Volume (ft3) 39.3
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 3320
Reynolds Number (dimensionless) 282234
Roughness (ft) 0.0003
Friction Factor (dimensionless) 0.017
Pressure Drop (inches H2O) 1.0
Chilled Water Piping
Diameter (in) 1.25
Weight (lbm) 70
Volume (ft3) 0.8
Velocity (ft/sec) 5.0
Reynolds Number (dimensionless) 43582
Darcy Friction Factor (dimensionless) 0.02
Pressure Drop (lbf/in^2) 0.1

A sample of the system results section is shown in Table 19. The total weight, volume and power are
summed for the fan, cooling coil, ducting and chilled water piping and the total air side pressure drop. The
air side pressure drop is compared to the fan capability and a determination made if the fan is acceptable on
that basis. The weight and volume differences compared to the legacy technology are computed and
displayed – ordinarily the technology comparison is made by selecting each technology in adjoining
Table 19 – System Model System Results Sample
System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 2343.6
Volume (ft3) 121.9
Power (hp) 5.0
Total Air Frictional Loss (in H2O) 1.49

Fan Performance Acceptable

Weight Differences (% reduction from Legacy)

Fan Coil Assembly 0.0
Duct 0.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0
Total 0.0

Volume Differences (% reduction from Legacy)

Fan Coil Assembly 0.0
Duct 0.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0
Total 0.0

The supply and exhaust system models follow the same general procedure, however there is no cooling
coil selected and the psychrometric section is less complex.


The complete model results for the three recirculation systems, the two supply systems and the one
exhaust system are contained in Appendix B. The system results section summary is shown below for
each system.

The first system analyzed was RS2-105-2 (44), a non-vital space serving a crew berthing space and
employing a fan coil assembly. The results are shown below in Table 20.
Table 20 – System Characteristics for Recirculation System RS2-105-2 (44)
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Weight (lbm) 2343.6 2343.6 1586.2 1686.2 999.4
Volume (ft3) 121.9 121.9 80.4 75.4 39.4
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Total Air Frictional 1.49 1.49 3.26 4.04 11.39
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Loss (in H2O)
Unacceptable, Unacceptable, Unacceptable,
select bigger select bigger select bigger
fan or higher fan or higher fan or higher
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable speed speed speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan Coil Assembly 0.0 0.0 -37.1 -30.8 -65.4
Duct 0.0 0.0 -20.0 -20.0 -40.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -44.4 -44.4 -44.4
Total 0.0 0.0 -32.3 -28.1 -57.4

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan Coil Assembly 0.0 0.0 -32.8 -39.0 -69.5
Duct 0.0 0.0 -36.0 -36.0 -64.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -60.0 -60.0 -60.0
Total 0.0 0.0 -34.0 -38.1 -67.7

As shown in Figure 19, the weight and volume reductions for the 21st Century HVAC system components
at the component and system level are dramatic – from 20-60%. In particular, the adoption of low chilled
water flow and temperature cooling coils can provide a 40-60% reduction in the chilled water distribution

Weight and Volume Reductions for RS2-105-2 (44)
with 21st Century HVAC Technology




% Reduction from Legacy


Today 21st Century Flight 1 21st Century Flight 2 21st Century Flight 3

Figure 19 – Weight and Volume Reductions for RS2-105-2 (44) with 21st Century HVAC
While the reductions are based on the aggressive performance goals for the components and the dramatic
shifts in design philosophy/paradigms, selection of more modest goals or design philosophy changes will
result in lower reductions, the basic premise that advanced components can produce significant savings is

The comments (unacceptable, select bigger fan or higher speed) in Table 20 regarding the fan performance are
based on the particular estimated head for the fan selected. Further efforts to better define the needed
performance characteristics across the range are necessary as a next step before proceeding to develop that
fan family. Similarly, the fan weight for the 21st Century Flight 2 fan is based on the selection of a
particular fan applied across a range of flows and better definition of specific flow range for each fan size
will be necessary. It is further believed that the characteristics (weight, volume and power) are obtainable
to meet the estimated system head at the desired flow rate.

The next system analyzed was RS01-159-1 (13), a vital system serving the Combat Information Center and
Projection Area and thus with a large equipment load. The system uses duct mounted cooling coils and a
vaneaxial fan.

The results are shown in Table 21.

Table 21 – System Characteristics for Recirculation System RS01-159-1 (13)
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Weight (lbm) 5094.3 4632.3 3849.6 3223.3 2530.2
Volume (ft3) 315.9 315.9 183.8 173.3 118.1
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 8.3 8.3 8.3
Total Air Frictional Loss
(in H2O) 3.49 3.49 8.99 8.58 19.13
Unacceptable, Unacceptable, Unacceptable,
select bigger select bigger select bigger
fan or higher fan or higher fan or higher
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable speed speed speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.5 -15.1 -43.4
Cooling Coil 0.0 -34.7 -51.0 -75.5 -87.8
Duct 0.0 0.0 -25.0 -25.0 -37.5
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -44.4 -44.4 -44.4
Total 0.0 -9.1 -24.4 -36.7 -50.3

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.2 -5.9 -52.9
Cooling Coil 0.0 0.0 -50.0 -75.0 -87.5
Duct 0.0 0.0 -43.8 -43.8 -60.9
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -23.7 -23.7 -23.7
Total 0.0 0.0 -41.8 -45.1 -62.6

As with the previous recirculation system, the weight and volume reductions are dramatic as shown in
Figure 20. The earlier comments regarding the fan comments and fan weight also apply for this system.

Weight and Volume Reductions for RS01-159-1 (13)
with 21st Century HVAC Technology




% Reduction from Legacy

-50.0 Volume


Today 21st Century Flight 1 21st Century Flight 2 21st Century Flight 3

Figure 20 – Weight and Volume Reductions for RS01-159-1 (13) with 21st Century HVAC

The last recirculation system analyzed was RS1-67-2 (21), a vital system serving a large number of
compartments and employing a duct mounted cooling coil and a vaneaxial fan. The results are shown
below in Table 22.
Table 22 – System Characteristics for Recirculation System RS1-67-2 (21)
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Weight (lbm) 1499.4 1268.4 1216.8 928.7 600.2
Volume (ft3) 44.3 44.3 30.8 25.6 14.2
Power (hp) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Total Air Frictional
Loss (in H2O) 1.73 1.73 2.95 2.82 9.82
select bigger fan
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable or higher speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 70.0 20.0 -40.0
Cooling Coil 0.0 -34.7 -51.0 -75.5 -87.8
Duct 0.0 0.0 -20.0 -20.0 -40.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -44.4 -44.4 -44.4
Total 0.0 -15.4 -18.8 -38.1 -60.0

21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 128.9 52.6 -23.7
Cooling Coil 0.0 0.0 -50.0 -75.0 -87.5
Duct 0.0 0.0 -36.0 -36.0 -64.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2
Total 0.0 0.0 -30.3 -42.1 -67.9

Again, the weight and volume reductions are dramatic as shown in Figure 21.
Weight and Volume Reductions for RS1-67-2 (21)
with 21st Century HVAC Technology




% Reduction from Legacy

-50.0 Volume


Today 21st Century Flight 1 21st Century Flight 2 21st Century Flight 3

Figure 21 – Weight and Volume Reductions for RS1-67-2 (21) with 21st Century HVAC
The weight and volume reductions for each recirculation system are all similar even though the systems
serve quite different functional ship areas and the recirculation system type and loads differ, substantially.
This leads to the conclusion that similar reductions in weight and space for all recirculation systems could
be achieved.

The first supply system analyzed was SS-01-150-3 (97), which provides ventilation air to Auxiliary
Machinery Room 1 employing two vaneaxial fans. The results are shown in Table 23.
Table 23 – System Characteristics for Supply System SS-01-150-3 (97)
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Weight (lbm) 6097.5 6097.5 5280.0 4680.0 3907.5
Volume (ft3) 288.2 288.2 170.6 162.6 120.2
Power (hp) 15.0 15.0 12.8 12.8 12.8
Total Frictional Loss (in H2O) 0.75 0.75 3.32 3.15 5.88
select bigger
fan or higher
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 66.7 0.0 -33.3
Duct 0.0 0.0 -27.3 -27.3 -36.4
Total 0.0 0.0 -13.4 -23.2 -35.9

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 117.0 44.7 -27.7
Duct 0.0 0.0 -47.1 -47.1 -59.5
Total 0.0 0.0 -40.8 -43.6 -58.3

As shown, the weight and volume reductions are again significant although not as dramatic as with the
recirculation systems, Figure 22. As before, the particular fan selected for the 21st Century Flight 1
application has a broad flow range and better refinement of the flow ranges and sizes will be necessary to
ensure optimum application.
Weight and Volume Reductions for SS-01-150-3 (97)
with 21st Century HVAC Technology




% Reduction from Legacy -30.0



Today 21st Century Flight 1 21st Century Flight 2 21st Century Flight 3

Figure 22 – Weight and Volume Reductions for SS01-150-3 (97) with 21st Century HVAC

The second supply system selected for analysis was SS01-136-1 (82), a CPS system supplying ventilation
air and replenishment air to a large number of recirculation systems and compartments, employing two
CPS fans. The results of that analysis are shown in Table 24.

Table 24 – System Characteristics for Supply System SS01-136-1 (82)

21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Weight (lbm) 10555.0 10555.0 8525.0 8045.0 6710.0
Volume (ft3) 419.8 419.8 260.1 253.9 186.6
Power (hp) 30.0 30.0 22.0 22.0 22.0
Total Frictional Loss (in
H2O) 2.25 2.25 7.04 6.70 13.83
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 3.2 -35.5 -59.7
Duct 0.0 0.0 -22.2 -22.2 -33.3
Total 0.0 0.0 -19.2 -23.8 -36.4

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 6.1 -40.2 -55.2
Duct 0.0 0.0 -39.5 -39.5 -55.6
Total 0.0 0.0 -38.1 -39.5 -55.5

As shown in Figure 23, the weight and volume reductions are dramatic, similar to the recirculation system

Weight and Volume Reductions for SS01-136-1 (82)

with 21st Century HVAC Technology




% Reduction from Legacy -30.0



Today 21st Century Flight 1 21st Century Flight 2 21st Century Flight 3

Figure 23 – Weight and Volume Reductions for SS01-136-1 (82) with 21st Century HVAC
The only exhaust system analyzed was ES-01-146-3 (8A) serving Auxiliary Machinery Room 1 employing
two vaneaxial fans. The results are shown in Table 25.
Table 25 – System Characteristics for Exhaust System ES-01-146-3 (8A)
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
System Characteristics Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Weight (lbm) 5515.0 5515.0 4740.0 4140.0 3435.0
Volume (ft3) 254.6 254.6 149.7 141.7 104.2
Power (hp) 10.0 10.0 16.5 16.5 16.5
Total Frictional Loss (in H2O) 0.83 0.83 3.65 3.47 6.46
select bigger fan
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable or higher speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.5 -15.1 -43.4
Duct 0.0 0.0 -27.3 -27.3 -36.4
Total 0.0 0.0 -14.1 -24.9 -37.7

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.2 -5.9 -52.9
Duct 0.0 0.0 -47.1 -47.1 -59.5
Total 0.0 0.0 -41.2 -44.4 -59.1

As shown in Figure 24, the weight and volume reductions are substantial, similar to the supply system and
recirculation system results.
Weight and Volume Reductions for ES-01-146-3 (8A)
with 21st Century HVAC Technology




% Reduction from Legacy -30.0



Today 21st Century Flight 1 21st Century Flight 2 21st Century Flight 3

Figure 24 – Weight and Volume Reductions for ES01-146-3 (8A) with 21st Century HVAC
As a general conclusion, the 21st Century HVAC system components and design philosophy/paradigm
shifts will produce significant weight and volume reductions across the ship regardless of system type,
functional areas served, loads, or system function - recirculation, supply or exhaust. On DDG 91, the
total weight of the HVAC System is approximately 350,000 lbm (obtained from the DDG 91 detailed
weight report). It is apparent that weight reductions of 30-60% are significant and worth pursuing.
Further, the chilled water system weight is approximately 150,000 lbm. Chilled water system weight
reductions of 40-50%, by use of low chilled water temperature/low chilled water flow rates cooling coils,
are also significant and worth pursuing.

HVAC Total Ship Model

In order to assess the benefits of certain aspects of the 21st Century HVAC System, a simplified model of
the total ship HVAC system was developed. In this model, the non-HVAC chilled water loads are listed
and added to the HVAC chilled water loads to provide the total ship chilled water load and to define the
quantity of AC plants necessary to support that load, using standard Navy policy regarding the number of
AC plants. At the total ship level, the benefits of automation and VAV as reflected in total ship fan power
become apparent. The impact of potential paradigm shifts as larger combat related cooling loads are added
can also be assessed.

A sample of the Total Ship HVAC Model results is shown in Table 26. The model process begins with the
inputs – identification of the ship/design concept, the particular condition being examined, the capacity of
the AC plants, the weather air and compartment air conditions and the number of personnel. Significant
inputs and results are highlighted. Next, the non-HVAC related chilled water loads are entered and
summed. Inputs for a new category, for the 21st Century HVAC system concept, similar to the non-HVAC
chilled water loads follows and will be detailed later in this report. Next, the HVAC system loads are
entered for the vital (combat) and non-vital systems. These are the ship totals, created by summing all of
the individual compartment level elements for the ship or estimates if a concept ship is being modeled.
The total fan power, again summed from each recirculation, supply and exhaust system follows. The vital
cooling load is determined by adding the vital HVAC system load and the non-HVAC chilled water load
and the number of AC plants required (based on the input AC plant capacity) to meet that load determined.
The non-vital HVAC system cooling load is then added to determine the cruise load and the number of AC
plants required to meet the cruise load determined. The power required to meet the cooling load is
calculated based on 0.85 kw/ton of cooling, a representative value for production of 44°F chilled water and
rejection to seawater at 97°F, to be discussed later in this report. A kw/ton of 0.79-0.80 is more
appropriate for the DDG 51 Class ships where the rejection to seawater design temperature is 88°F. The
AC plant power is then added to the fan power and the intermediate sink system power,if used, to produce
the total cooling system power. Finally, the psychrometric properties are detailed.
Table 26 – Total Ship HVAC Model

Ship >>>>>> DDG 91 Design

Summing from
Condition >>>>>>> Spreadsheets
Inputs -

AC Plant Size (tons) 200
Weather Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81
Cooled Compartment Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 80
Cooled Compartment Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 68
Number of Personnel 323

Non-HVAC Chilled Water Loads (tons)

Rast 2
SQS-53 - via intermediate demineralized FW loop 18.5
C&D - via intermediate demineralized FW loop 48.9
SLQ-32 - via intermediate demineralized FW loop 2.6
LP Air Condenser Filter 6.6
AC Plant TPE 6.4
AC Plant Lube Oil Cooler 31.8
Reefer TPE 2.8
CEC Environmental Unit 6.4
CEC Data Terminal 1.56
SPY Antenna 30.3
Total Non-HVAC Chilled Water Loads (tons) 157.8

21st Century Intermediate Water Sink Loads (tons)

Former intermediate demineralized FW loop loads 0.0
CEC Environmental Unit 0.0
CEC Data Terminal 0.0
Former HVAC Equipment Loads 0.0
New Loads 0.0
Total Intermediate Water Sink Loads (tons) 0.0
Intermediate Sink Power (kw) 0.0

HVAC Loads
Vital - (W) + W
Replenishment Air Flow (ft3/min) 10600
Compartment Air Flow (ft3/min) 100895
Fan Power (hp) 176.1
Transmission Load (tons) 39.6
Lighting Load (tons 15.7
Personnel Load (tons) 12.2
Personnel Latent Load (tons) 17.1
Equipment Load (tons) 134.3
Equipment Direct Return Load (tons) 19.4
Replenishment Air Load (tons) 45.9
Fan Load (tons) 41.5
Piping Load (tons) 0
Total (tons) 325.7

Non-Vital - (Z) + Z
Replenishment Air Flow (ft3/min) 5240
Compartment Air Flow (ft3/min) 41825
Fan Power (hp) 73.5
Transmission Load (tons) 1.4
Lighting Load (tons) 13.4
Personnel Load (tons) 4.4
Personnel Latent Load (tons) 5.9
Equipment Load (tons) 107.9
Equipment Direct Return Load (tons) 0
Replenishment Air Load (tons) 22.7
Fan Load (tons) 17.3
Piping Load (tons) 24.8
Total (tons) 197.9

Recirculation Fan Power (hp) 249.6
Supply System Fan Power (hp) 181.7
Exhaust System Fan Power (hp) 87.5
Total Fan Power (hp) 518.8
Total Fan Power (kw) 430.0

Total Vital Chilled Water Load (tons) 483.5

Required Number of AC Plants for Combat Load 3

Total Cruise Chilled Water Load (tons) 681.4

Required Number of AC Plants for Cruise Load 5

AC Plant Power (kw) 579.2
Total Cooling System Power (kw) 1009.2


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 80
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 68
Humidity (%) 54.8
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.31
Vital Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81
Humidity (%) 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling Load (BTU/hr) 550330
Non-Vital Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81
Humidity (%) 68.7
Density (lbm/ft ) 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling Load (BTU/hr) 272050

In a fully functional (not the simple macro level model shown herein) Total Ship HVAC System model, all
of the individual supply, recirculation and exhaust systems would be linked and summed to provide the

In the discussion that follows, for brevity, only the relevant portions of the model results will be shown.
Each of the following sections addresses an element of the 21st Century HVAC System at the total ship
level. Not all of the benefits are readily quantifiable.


In the 21st Century HVAC System, the HVAC system will be managed and controlled at the total ship
level. When General Quarters is sounded, the ship can be reconfigured, quickly, at the press of a button or
touch of a screen or via entering a command. The non-vital HVAC systems can be shed and all available
cooling directed to vital compartments and needs. If damage occurs, the involved HVAC systems can be
disabled and/or reconfigured. Levels of criticality can be established so that the most vital needs can be
served in the event of damage. Selected systems can be underserved to maintain life but not necessarily
comfort while that cooling is diverted to a more vital function. Some of the new weapon systems will be
sporadic, requiring cooling for only brief periods, and diversion of cooling from less vital areas to serve
those needs may be an acceptable approach – essentially the installed cooling capacity can be based on the
combat system needs alone instead of the combat and non-vital needs.

Generation of a case to quantify the automation benefits is difficult without more detailed characteristics of
future weapon/sensor systems cooling and operational requirements – “normal” and maximum cooling
load, expected usage and cycle. However, the flexibility of the arrangement and the ability to provide
cooling where and when needed clearly provides tangible if un-quantifiable benefits.

Variable Air Volume (VAV)

In the legacy and in the current (today) design approach, the cooling system design is based on a static,
almost worst case, condition. This is necessary to ensure that adequate cooling is provided regardless of
the actual compartment cooling load. This is necessary because the current/legacy system is a constant
volume air distribution system - the air flow rates are determined during design, set during construction,
and are fixed during operation. In the 21st Century HVAC System, a “VAV” distribution system will be
used - the compartment air flow will vary directly in response to the cooling load. Instead of a simple
thermostat closing a solenoid valve feeding the chilled water cooling coil when the compartment
temperature is satisfied (legacy/current approach), the air flow into the compartment will be reduced (via
variable speed fans and dampers) as the set point temperature is approached. The airflow will increase as
the compartment actual temperature and set point diverge. This approach compensates for all of the
variable cooling loads within the compartment – personnel, transmission, lighting and most significantly
equipment. In addition, the variable fan speed will result in lower fan power which is also a cooling load.

Creating a condition to adequately determine the benefits of the VAV system at the total ship level
becomes difficult - the results will be based solely on the variability of assumed loads and will therefore be
quite arguable. However, it is clear that a dynamic system able to respond to the variable cooling loads, as
in the VAV approach, is preferable to a static system unable to respond to variable load changes.

Although capturing the full benefits of the VAV system at the total ship level is difficult, the benefits can
be determined for some elements of the total cooling load.

For instance, in the static analysis, personnel are accounted for multiple times – at work, at
rest/recreation/dining and in berthing. In the actual dynamic operation of the system, there is no means to
determine where the personnel are, either directly with a personnel locator tag system or based on the
cooling load they produce. In the VAV system, the personnel load can be met wherever they may be. As
shown in Table 27, although there are 323 personnel on a DDG 51 Class ship, the personnel cooling load
accounts for 833 personnel (by summing all of the individual compartment numbers). For the comparison,
all of the personnel, in the actual case, are listed under the vital load category and the personnel loads for
that case were based on the working load per person. The comparison shows that there is an additional 25
tons of cooling required to meet the static design requirement.

Table 27 – Total Ship HVAC Model – Effect of Personnel

Ship >>>>>> DDG 91 Design DDG 91 Design

Number of personnel from

Condition >>>>>>> compartment summing Number of personnel - actual
Number of Personnel 833 323
HVAC Loads
Vital - (W) + W
Personnel Load (tons) 16.7 6.5
Personnel Latent Load (tons) 25.0 9.7
Total (tons) 338.0 312.5
Non-Vital - (Z) + Z
Personnel Load (tons) 0.0 0.0
Personnel Latent Load (tons) 0.0 0.0
Total (tons) 187.5 187.5
Total Vital Chilled Water Load
(tons) 495.9 470.4

Total Cruise Chilled Water

Load (tons) 683.4 657.9

In a similar manner, replenishment air flows are also based on the static personnel count. In addition, at
the supply system level, minimum flow rates are necessary (because of the inability to adequately control
the flows and ensure the correct amount is being supplied), e.g., a compartment may require only 20
ft3/min of replenishment air but will receive 50 ft3/min. As shown in Table 28, the oversupply of
replenishment air is on the order of 10%, because of the minimum flow requirement, and approximately 3X
the required flow rate for the number of personnel actually on the ship. The replenishment flow per person
was based on the at work requirement. The effect on the total ship cooling load is about 45 tons. In order
to realize this benefit of the VAV system, location of the personnel is necessary. The damage control
system personnel identification tag, under development, could fulfill this need. Alternatively, measuring
the CO2 content in each compartment would provide a direct indication of the number of personnel and the
replenishment air requirement. The CO2 sensing element could be incorporated into the compartment dry
bulb and wet bulb temperature sensing device.

Table 28 – Total Ship HVAC Model – Effect of Replenishment Air Flow

Ship >>>>>> DDG 91 Design DDG 91 Design DDG 91 Design

Replenishment Air Flow
Based on Sum of Replenishment Air
Compartment Flow based on Sum Replenishment Air
Replenishment Air of Supply System Flow Based on
Condition >>>>>>> Requirements Flows Number of Personnel
Inputs -
Number of Personnel 323 323 323
HVAC Loads
Vital - (W) + W
Replenishment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 10600 17485 6460
Compartment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 100895 100895 100895
Total (tons) 325.7 355.4 294.6
Non-Vital - (Z) + Z
Replenishment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 5240 0 0
Compartment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 41825 41825 41825
Total (tons) 197.9 175.2 164.9

Total Vital Chilled

Water Load (tons) 483.5 513.3 452.4
Required Number of AC
Plants for Combat Load 3 3 3

Total Cruise Chilled

Water Load (tons) 681.4 688.5 617.3

Required Number of AC
Plants for Cruise Load 5 5 5
AC Plant Power (kw) 579.2 585.2 524.7
Total Cooling System Power 1009.2 1015.2 954.7

The primary quantifiable benefit of the VAV concept is reduced fan power consumption at off design
conditions. In Table 29, the model results for a “DDG 91” ship using the 21st Century HVAC System
technology, specifically the advanced efficient fan designs and the low chilled water flow and temperature
cooling coils, is compared to the DDG 91 at the design condition and at a more moderate condition. Note
the substantially lower fan power at the comparable design condition and the lower fan power at the off
design condition. The total power consumption reflects a higher AC plant specific power consumption,
0.91 kw/ton which was calculated based on a 40°F chilled water supply temperature.

Table 29 – Total Ship HVAC Model – Effect of VAV at Off Design Conditions

DDG 91 Using 21st DDG 91 Using 21st

Ship >>>>>> DDG 91 Design Century Technology Century Technology
Replenishment Air Flow based
on number of personnel and VAV Fans, Advanced VAV Fans, Advanced
using actual number of Cooling Coils, Design Cooling Coils, 80F
Condition >>>>>>> personnel Condition Weather Weather
Inputs -
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 80
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 71
Cooled Compartment Dry
Bulb Temperature (°F) 80 80 80
Cooled Compartment Wet
Bulb Temperature (°F) 68 68 68
Number of Personnel 323 323 323
HVAC Loads
Vital - (W) + W
Replenishment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 6460 6460 6460
Compartment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 100895 100895 77712
Fan Power (hp) 176.1 132.1 60.4
Transmission Load
(tons) 39.6 39.6 13.2
Replenishment Air Load
(tons) 27.9 27.9 5.9
Fan Load (tons) 41.5 31.1 14.2
Total (tons) 294.6 284.2 218.9

Non-Vital - (Z) + Z
Replenishment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 0 0 0
Compartment Air Flow
(ft3/min) 41825 41825 41825
Fan Power (hp) 73.5 55.1 55.1
Transmission Load
(tons) 1.4 1.4 1.4


DDG 91 Using 21st DDG 91 Using 21st

Ship >>>>>> DDG 91 Design Century Technology Century Technology
Replenishment Air Flow based
on number of personnel and VAV Fans, Advanced VAV Fans, Advanced
using actual number of Cooling Coils, Design Cooling Coils, 80F
Condition >>>>>>> personnel Condition Weather Weather
Replenishment Air Load
(tons) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fan Load (tons) 17.3 13.0 13.0
Total (tons) 164.9 160.5 160.5

Recirculation Fan Power
(hp) 249.6 187.2 115.5
Supply System Fan Power
(hp) 181.7 136.3 84.0
Exhaust System Fan Power
(hp) 87.5 66 40
Total Fan Power (hp) 518.8 389.1 240.0
Total Fan Power (kw) 430.0 322.5 198.9

Total Vital Chilled

Water Load (tons) 452.4 442.1 376.8

Required Number of AC
Plants for Combat Load 3 3 2

Total Cruise Chilled

Water Load (tons) 617.3 602.6 537.3

Required Number of AC
Plants for Cruise Load 5 5 4
AC Plant Power (kw) 524.7 548.4 488.9
Total Cooling System Power
(kw) 954.7 870.9 687.9

Intermediate Temperature Heat Sink

The chilled water load can be divided into two categories – equipment and hotel. The equipment load is
the sum of the non-HVAC chilled water loads and the HVAC equipment load. The hotel load is the sum of
the individual HVAC loads (personnel, lighting, transmission, piping, fan load and replenishment air load)
less the equipment load. This distribution is shown in Figure 25. The chilled water load is clearly
dominated by the equipment cooling requirement.

DDG 91 Design Chilled Water Load Distribution

% Equipment, % Hotel Load ,

61.6 38.4

Figure 25 – DDG 91 Chilled Water Load Distribution

Equipment cooling using 40-44°F water is not absolutely necessary; it is used as a matter of
convenience. Further, cooling equipment using the HVAC system is inefficient – chilled water cools
air to 50-55°F which mixes with compartment air at 80°F before entering the equipment. So, the
equipment is being cooled by essentially 80°F air.

On a Future Surface Combatant, the addition of a portion of the future projected thermal load increase (a
notational additional 500-tons directly to the chilled water system and 500-tons to the HVAC System), and
using the 21st Century HVAC System Technology, results in a dramatic impact to the Total Ship HVAC
System as shown in Table 30. DDG 91 loads were used as the baseline. Important entries and results are

Table 30 – Effect of Additional 1000-ton Thermal Load on Future Combatant

DDG 91 Using 21st Century Future Combatant Using 21st

Ship >>>>>> Technology Century Technology

VAV Fans, Advanced VAV Fans, Advanced Cooling Coils,

Condition >>>>>>> Cooling Coils Large New Loads
Inputs -
AC Plant Size (tons) 200 200
Weather Air Dry Bulb Temperature (°F) 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb Temperature (°F) 81 81
Cooled Compartment Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 80 80
Cooled Compartment Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68 68
Number of Personnel 323 100


DDG 91 Using 21st Century Future Combatant Using 21st

Ship >>>>>> Technology Century Technology
Non-HVAC Chilled Water Loads (tons)
Rast 2 2
SQS-53 - via intermediate
demineralized FW loop 18.5 18.5
C&D - via intermediate
demineralized FW loop 48.9 48.9
SLQ-32 - via intermediate
demineralized FW loop 2.6 2.6
LP Air Condenser Filter 6.6 6.6
AC Plant TPE 6.4 6.4
AC Plant Lube Oil Cooler 31.8 31.8
Reefer TPE 2.8 2.8
CEC Environmental Unit 6.4 6.4
CEC Data Terminal 1.56 1.56
SPY Antenna 30.3 30.3
New Load 500.0
Total Non-HVAC Chilled Water Loads
(tons) 157.8 657.8
HVAC Loads
Vital - (W) + W
Replenishment Air Flow (ft3/min) 6460 2000
Compartment Air Flow (ft3/min) 100895 288078
Fan Power (hp) 132.1 377.1
Transmission Load (tons) 39.6 39.6
Lighting Load (tons 15.7 15.7
Personnel Load (tons) 6.5 2.0
Personnel Latent Load (tons) 9.7 3.0
Equipment Load (tons) 134.3 634.3
Equipment Direct Return Load (tons) 19.4 19.4
Replenishment Air Load (tons) 27.9 8.7
Fan Load (tons) 31.1 88.9
Piping Load (tons) 0 0
Total (tons) 284.2 811.6
Non-Vital - (Z) + Z
Replenishment Air Flow (ft3/min) 0 0
Compartment Air Flow (ft3/min) 41825 41825
Fan Power (hp) 55.1 55.1
Transmission Load (tons) 1.4 1.4
Lighting Load (tons) 13.4 13.4
Personnel Load (tons) 0.0 0.0
Personnel Latent Load (tons) 0.0 0.0
Equipment Load (tons) 107.9 107.9
Equipment Direct Return Load (tons) 0 0
Replenishment Air Load (tons) 0.0 0.0
Fan Load (tons) 13.0 13.0


DDG 91 Using 21st Century Future Combatant Using 21st

Ship >>>>>> Technology Century Technology
Piping Load (tons) 24.8 24.8
Total (tons) 160.5 160.5
Recirculation Fan Power (hp) 187.2 432.2
Supply System Fan Power (hp) 136.3 136.3
Exhaust System Fan Power (hp) 66 66
Total Fan Power (hp) 389.1 634.1
Total Fan Power (kw) 322.5 525.6
Total Vital Chilled Water Load
(tons) 442.1 1469.4
Required Number of AC Plants for
Combat Load 3 8

Total Cruise Chilled Water Load

(tons) 602.6 1629.9

Required Number of AC Plants for Cruise

Load 5 10
AC Plant Power (kw) 548.4 1483.2
Total Cooling System Power (kw) 870.9 2008.9

As shown, an additional 5 AC Plants are required; the total cooling system power required increases by
150%. A portion of the power increase is caused by the additional fan power needed to move significantly
more air through the compartments where the additional equipment HVAC loads are located. The
equipment load fraction has increased to 87% as shown by Figure 26.

Future Combatant Load Distribution

% Hotel Load , 12.9

% Equipment,

Figure 26 – Load Distribution for Future Surface Combatant with Large Additional Thermal
HVAC equipment cooling is accomplished by drawing compartment air at 80°F through the equipment and

exhausting the heated air back into the compartment, or in some cases exhausting the heated air directly
into the return ductwork. Incorporation of an intermediate sink temperature loop, at a notational 65°F, for
cooling the HVAC equipment loads and the non-HVAC chilled water loads is an alternative thermal
management strategy which provides significant benefits. The intermediate sink fluid would be circulated
directly through the equipment using either conventional cold plate designs or a cooling coil and closed
system recirculation fan within the equipment. The intermediate loop would be cooled by dedicated
intermediate sink cooling systems, essentially identical to the AC plants, except the cooling water outlet
temperature would be 65°F instead of 40-45°F. This will dramatically lower the power consumption of
these units from the 0.85-0.91 kw/ton of an AC plant to only 0.55 kw/ton for the intermediate sink plant.
Further, directly cooling the HVAC equipment with the intermediate loop will substantially reduce the
recirculation fan power requirement. A schematic of this concept is shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27 - Intermediate Water Heat Sink Concept Schematic

Table 31 shows the impact of an intermediate temperature loop on the cooling system power and number
of AC plants for a Future Surface Combatant using DDG 91 technology and methods, using the 21st
Century technology and methods, and using the Intermediate Heat Sink Concept.

Table 31 – Impact of Intermediate Heat Sink on Total Ship Cooling System for Future Surface
Combatant with Large Thermal Load Increase
Future Combatant Future Combatant Future Combatant
Using DDG 91 Using 21st Century Using 21st Century
Ship >>>>>> Technology Technology Technology
Constant Speed,
Low Efficiency VAV Fans,
Fans, Legacy Advanced Cooling VAV Fans, Advanced
Cooling Coils, Coils, Large New Cooling Coils, Large
Large New Loads Loads, No New Loads, with
No Intermediate Intermediate Heat Intermediate Heat Sink
Condition >>>>>>> Heat Sink System Sink System System
Inputs -
AC Plant Size (tons) 200 200 200
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81
Cooled Compartment Dry
Bulb Temperature (°F) 80 80 80
Cooled Compartment Wet
Bulb Temperature (°F) 68 68 68
Number of Personnel 600 100 100
Non-HVAC Chilled
Water Loads (tons)
Rast 2 2 2
SQS-53 - via
demineralized FW loop 18.5 18.5 0.0
C&D - via
demineralized FW loop 48.9 48.9 0.0
SLQ-32 - via
demineralized FW loop 2.6 2.6 0.0
LP Air Condenser
Filter 6.6 6.6 6.6
AC Plant TPE 6.4 6.4 6.4
AC Plant Lube Oil
Cooler 31.8 31.8 31.8
Reefer TPE 2.8 2.8 2.8
Environmental Unit 6.4 6.4 0.0
CEC Data
Terminal 1.56 1.56 0
SPY Antenna 30.3 30.3 0.0
New Load 500.0 500.0
Total Non-HVAC Chilled
Water Loads (tons) 657.8 657.8 49.6
21st Century
Intermediate Water Sink
Loads (tons)

Future Combatant Future Combatant Future Combatant
Using DDG 91 Using 21st Century Using 21st Century
Ship >>>>>> Technology Technology Technology
Constant Speed,
Low Efficiency VAV Fans,
Fans, Legacy Advanced Cooling VAV Fans, Advanced
Cooling Coils, Coils, Large New Cooling Coils, Large
Large New Loads Loads, No New Loads, with
No Intermediate Intermediate Heat Intermediate Heat Sink
Condition >>>>>>> Heat Sink System Sink System System
demineralized FW loop
loads 0.0 0.0 60.0
Environmental Unit 0.0 0.0 6.4
CEC Data
Terminal 0.0 0.0 1.6
Spy Antenna 0.0 500.0
Former HVAC
Equipment Loads 0.0 149.7
New Loads 0.0 0.0 500.0
Total Intermediate Water
Sink Loads (tons) 0.0 0.0 1217.7
Intermediate Sink Power
(kw) 0.0 0.0 669.7
HVAC Loads
Vital - (W) + W
Replenishment Air
Flow (ft3/min) 10600 2000 2000
Compartment Air
Flow (ft3/min) 326257 288078 39621
Fan Power (hp) 569.5 377.1 51.9
Transmission Load
(tons) 39.6 39.6 39.6
Lighting Load (tons 15.7 15.7 15.7
Personnel Load
(tons) 12.0 2.0 2.0
Personnel Latent
Load (tons) 18.0 3.0 3.0
Equipment Load
(tons) 634.3 634.3 0.0
Equipment Direct
Return Load (tons) 19.4 19.4 0.0
Replenishment Air
Load (tons) 45.9 8.7 8.7
Fan Load (tons) 134.3 88.9 12.2
Piping Load (tons) 0 0 0
Total (tons) 919.1 811.6 81.2
Non-Vital - (Z) + Z
Replenishment Air
Flow (ft3/min) 5240 0 0
Compartment Air 41825 41825 41825

Future Combatant Future Combatant Future Combatant
Using DDG 91 Using 21st Century Using 21st Century
Ship >>>>>> Technology Technology Technology
Constant Speed,
Low Efficiency VAV Fans,
Fans, Legacy Advanced Cooling VAV Fans, Advanced
Cooling Coils, Coils, Large New Cooling Coils, Large
Large New Loads Loads, No New Loads, with
No Intermediate Intermediate Heat Intermediate Heat Sink
Condition >>>>>>> Heat Sink System Sink System System
Flow (ft3/min)
Fan Power (hp) 73.5 55.1 55.1
Transmission Load
(tons) 1.4 1.4 1.4
Lighting Load (tons) 13.4 13.4 13.4
Personnel Load
(tons) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Personnel Latent
Load (tons) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Equipment Load
(tons) 107.9 107.9 107.9
Equipment Direct
Return Load (tons) 0 0 0
Replenishment Air
Load (tons) 22.7 0.0 0.0
Fan Load (tons) 17.3 13.0 13.0
Piping Load (tons) 24.8 24.8 24.8
Total (tons) 187.5 160.5 160.5
Recirculation Fan Power
(hp) 643.0 432.2 107.0
Supply System Fan
Power (hp) 181.7 136.3 136.3
Exhaust System Fan
Power (hp) 87.5 66 66
Total Fan Power (hp) 912.1 634.1 308.9
Total Fan Power (kw) 756.1 525.6 256.0
Total Vital Chilled
Water Load (tons) 1576.9 1469.4 130.8
Required Number of AC
Plants for Combat Load 8 8 1

Total Cruise Chilled

Water Load (tons) 1764.5 1629.9 291.4
Required Number of AC
Plants for Cruise Load 10 10 3
AC Plant Power (kw) 1499.8 1483.2 265.1
Total Cooling System
Power (kw) 2255.9 2008.9 1190.9

Note the far fewer number of AC plants required, although a comparable number of intermediate sink
plants will be necessary. Significantly, far less power, about 50%, will be required at the total ship level

with the intermediate sink plant concept. For a ship at sea for 2000 hours per year and at a power cost of
$0.44/kw-hr, the intermediate sink system would provide $937,000 per year per ship in power generation

The intermediate heat sink system and the AC plant can be integrated into a common system with two
evaporators, a common condenser and a two-stage compressor. Each evaporator would cool one fluid
stream, the chilled water evaporator vapor would enter the first stage of the compressor, the intermediate
sink evaporator vapor would enter the second stage of the compressor (along with the flash gas from a 2-
stage economizer).

Adoption of an intermediate heat sink concept enables consideration of additional synergistic thermal
management strategies. A de-centralized cooling system using small capacity cooling systems located
throughout the ship as needed, perhaps on the order of 50 systems, a few-tons in capacity, could be
employed for compartment cooling, since the hotel load is relatively modest. This would allow elimination
of the chilled water system (cooling coils, piping and associated AC plants). Further, these small cooling
units could use the intermediate sink system for heat rejection, lowering the power required for these small
cooling systems from a nominal 1 kw/ton to 0.5 kw/ton and lower. Depending on arrangements, much of
the recirculation ductwork could be eliminated. As in home systems, these small cooling units could be
used as heat pumps to provide heating as necessary, thus eliminating many of the space heaters and
reheaters. Development of the components, discussed earlier, would continue to be applicable to the
supply and exhaust systems. A schematic of this advanced concept is shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28 – Advanced Intermediate Sink Water System Concept Schematic

The application of these small cooling systems could, in the longer term, utilize advanced cooling
concepts that have struggled with large temperature differentials and large capacities.

Deployment Strategy
The 21st Century HVAC System, in general, is a complete, bundled concept. Piecemeal implementation of
certain items/technologies will likely produce a poor return on investment. Grouping of a bundle of
technologies may produce a positive return on investment. The total system is targeted at the next Future
Surface Combatant Design. It will be too late for DDG 1000. Application of the technology to CG(X) and
a future DDG(X) is possible for some elements. A spiral development process targeting component level
goals could be utilized to field some portions for CG(X) while eventually taking advantage of the synergies
of the total package for follow on surface ship combatant designs as illustrated by Figure 29, a roadmap to
the 21stCentury HVAC System.

Figure 29 – 21st Century HVAC System Development Roadmap

Current ship HVAC design methods, paradigms and components are outdated and poorly suited for the
warships of tomorrow where advanced technology weapon and sensor systems will challenge the available
space, weight, power and cost parameters.

Innovative technology can be applied to develop a new series of HVAC components and design paradigms
which can reduce the weight, space and power requirements by 30-60%. Automation can be used at the
Total Ship Level to provide a flexible thermal management system capable of directing cooling to the most
critical combat system needs and to divert cooling as necessary in the event of damage.

An intermediate heat sink system to cool equipment loads, as an alternative to direct chilled water cooling,
can provide substantial power reductions.

It is recommended that development of the 21st Century HVAC System be initiated.

• Flight 1 components and technologies should be pursued.

• The automation/VAV software development should begin by writing the code based on Next Navy
designs. This will provide a platform for developing Navy unique algorithms suitable for US Navy
damage control, firefighting and HVAC system operational doctrine. A virtual test bed could be
established to demonstrate and prove the concept. Then, if incorporated on a Navy After Next
Surface Combatant, the needed changes should only be related to the ship configuration, not the
basic concept.

• The HVAC System Model should be utilized to model the HVAC systems of a stabilized Next
Navy design. This effort would permit further verification of the model and also serve as a
validation of the Next Navy Ship’s HVAC design. Further, the component design ranges for the
Flight 1, 2 and 3 fans and cooling coils could be established using this platform.

• The simplified Total Ship HVAC Model should be further refined to enable more menu driven
choices and increased flexibility and then applied to the Next Navy design.

• The intermediate heat sink concept should be further explored and definitized using Next Navy
design as a baseline.

• A functional, flexible realistic cooling coil model should be developed and demonstrated. This
would permit design of the advanced cooling coils recommended for the 21st Century HVAC

• A land based facility should be established to develop, prove and demonstrate the 21st Century
HVAC System technologies. In this facility the advanced components could be integrated into a
representative portion of a ship and the bundled benefits determined and demonstrated. A
companion version of today’s HVAC technology could also be constructed for direct comparison.

Technology Challenges/Gaps
The specific technology gaps and technical challenges are grouped and summarized below. While some
elements of these technologies are in use commercially, in general, the designs are not suitable for the

unique Navy environment – shock, vibration, EMI, corrosion, mobile platform subject to large motions,
limited access, no at sea maintenance or repair capability requiring very high reliability.

• The first and most important technology gap is a shipboard quality VSD. This is essential for the
21st Century automation and VAV technology. There have been only limited shipboard
applications of this technology thus far and reports on the development status are somewhat
confusing. Commercial units are usually large, heavy, untested for shock and vibration, emit
unacceptable EMI and expensive. Pursuit of the Turbocor VSD concept4 may be an introductory
path to a successful development.
• The development of shipboard quality permanent magnet motors, initially at 3600 rev/min and later
at 10,000 or higher rev/min, is the next most significant technical challenge. Again there are only a
few limited proposed shipboard applications for these motors. There are also only limited
commercial applications. Again, pursuit of the Turbocor3 approach may be warranted.
• The design and development of a family of efficient, variable speed driven fans is a technology
challenge. Commercial fans are unsuited for the naval environment. Using the quiet CPS fans as a
basis for these designs is recommended.
• The development of low chilled water temperature/low chilled water flow rate cooling coils is a
technical challenge. Again, commercial cooling coils are unsuited for the naval environment.
• The development of high face velocity cooling coils is a substantial challenge. The potential and
likelihood for moisture carryover and increased air pressure drop are the major anticipated
difficulties. Unique fin designs and coatings may be the solution.
• The development of compact, non-traditional cooling coil designs, such as flattened tube or
graphite foam construction, is a substantial technical challenge. These concepts are in the early
stages of commercial development.
• The development of smooth, low friction ductwork, coated with polymers or silicates, is a technical
challenge. The potential for increased noise at higher duct velocities will also require attention.



1. “Automated Control of Shipboard Ventilation Systems: Phase 2 Part A Test Results”,

BRADLEY J. HAVLOVICK, JOHN T. YADON, Havlovick Engineering Services, Inc.
Navy Technology Center for Safety and Survivabiliy,Chemistry Division
May 31, 2002, Report Number NRL/MR/6180--02-8624.

2. http://www.trane.com/webcache/ah/fans%20(fan)/product/fan-ds-2_08012000.pdf

3. “Proof of Concept Evaluation of the Permanent Magnet Motors for Vaneaxial Vent Fans for CVN
21”, Prepared by The McConnell Technology and Training Center, 1930 Bishop Lane, Suite 1011,
Louisville, KY 40218-1929, December 22, 2004.

4. “Experimental Investigation of an Advanced Oil-Free Centrifugal Compressor Air Conditioning

Plant”, Matthew V. Frank and Kevin C. King, NSWCCD-98-TR–2005/20 September 2005, Machinery
Research Department Technical Report, Limited Distribution.

5. “An Assessment of the State of the Art, and Potential Design Improvements, for Flat-Tube Heat
Exchangers in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Applications – Phase I, Final Report”, ARTI-
21CR/20020-01, September 2001, A.M. Jacobi, Y. Park, D. Tafti, X. Zhang, University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 1206 West Green Street,
Urbana, IL 610801, Prepared for the AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION
TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, Suite 425, 4301 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203

6. “Selection of Disposable Air Filters for Shipboard Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
Systems”, August 18, 2003, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA
(Code 9213), William Sorg, PE

7. “An Evaluation of Thermoelectric Air Conditioning Technology and Future Applications”, Thomas
W. Bein, DTRS-PAS-89/29 of October 1989, David Taylor Research Center


Appendix A – Document Review List


The following top level general specification sections were reviewed –


1995 Edition
MANUAL, LPD 19 and Follow, 23 AUGUST 2000

The following relevant detailed component specifications were reviewed –

• MIL-C-2939F, 31 December 1990, 60 Series Cooling Coils
• MIL-C-2939E, 21 March 1984, 50 Series Cooling Coils
• MIL-PRF-18953C(SH) 14 February 2005, SUPERSEDING MIL-F-18953B(SH), FANS,
• MIL-PRF-23798D(SH), 13 December 2004, SUPERSEDING MIL-A-23798C(SH), 6 March 1995,
• MIL-C-24746(SH), 31 December 1990,COOLERS, UNIT FORCED AIR FOR SHIP'S
• MIL-F-24755, 27 December 1990MIL-PRF-24775A(SH), 31 January 2005, SUPERSEDING MIL-


Reviewed the following equipment guides and NSTM sections -


FANS, 1 SEP 1999
DUCTING, 30 MAR 2003
CHAPTER 510, May 1998

Reviewed the following relevant design data sheets –

• Design Data Sheets, DDS 512-1 and DDS 512-2, determining the sizes of ventilation ducts and the
pressure losses of ventilation fittings
• Design Data Sheet DDS 511-2, guidance in selection of heat transfer coefficients

Reviewed the following relevant drawings –

• NAVSEA Drawing 6983501, Textile Duct Mounting Standard Drawing, 11/2002

• NAVSEA Drawing 6983502, Textile Duct Installation Standard Drawing, 11/2002

Reviewed the following reports –

• Surface Ship Thermal Management Survey – Part 1, CARDIVNSWC-TR-92-03-21 July 2003, R.

• Capital Investment for Labor Machinery Space Ventilation Program Final Report, NSWCCD-TR–
62-02-05, September 2002, Norm Clayton and John Miller
• Evaluation of Advanced Techniques to Increase the Heat Transfer Performance of Navy Chilled
Water Cooling Coils, PAS-86-31, April 1987, Charles M. Hogg and Thomas W. Bein

• Shock and Vibration Qualification of Three Advanced Chilled Water Cooling Coils, DTRC-TM-
27-89-2, January 1989, Charles M. Hogg and Thomas W. Bein
• Selection of Disposable Air Filters for Shipboard Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
Systems, August 18, 2003, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA
(Code 9213), William Sorg, PE


Appendix B – System Model Results

Table 32 – System Model Results for Recirculation System RS2-105-2 (44)

RS2-105-2 RS2-105-2 RS2-105-2 RS2-105-2 RS2-105-2
System (44) (44) (44) (44) (44)
Crew Living Crew Living Crew Living Crew Living Crew Living
Compartment Name Space No. 1 Space No. 1 Space No. 1 Space No. 1 Space No. 1
Compartment Number 2-78-01-L 2-78-01-L 2-78-01-L 2-78-01-L 2-78-01-L
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Compartment Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68 68 68 68 68
System Damage Control
Classification Z Z Z Z Z
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 40680 40680 40680 40680 40680
Personnel Latent Load
(BTU/hr) 15660 15660 15660 15660 15660
Total Compartment Load
(BTU/hr) 56340 56340 56340 56340 56340
Required Replenishment Air
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 435 435 435 435 435
Required Compartment Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 72 72 72 72 72
Chilled Water Piping
Equivalent Length (ft) 50 50 50 50 50
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
Select Technology Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Select System Type FCA FCA FCA FCA FCA
Number of Fans 1 1 1 1 1
Number of Cooling Coils 1 1 1 1 1


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 68 68 68 68 68
Humidity (%) 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31
Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 81 81 81 81 81

Humidity (%) 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling
Load (BTU/hr) 22584 22584 22584 22584 22584
Mixed Air Entering Coil
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.4
Humidity (%) 59.3 59.3 59.3 59.3 59.3
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.16
Total Coil Cooling Load
(BTU/hr) 93228 93228 81794 81794 81794
Cooling Coil Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 55.8 55.8 58.2 58.2 58.2
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 55.0 55.0 57.3 57.3 57.3
Humidity (%) 95 95 95 95 95
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.076 0.076 0.076 0.076 0.076
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 23.21 23.21 24.68 24.68 24.68
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 63.1 63.1 59.7 59.7 59.7
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 55.0 55.0 57.3 57.3 57.3
Humidity (%) 60.5 60.5 87.6 87.6 87.6
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 24.94 24.94 25.02 25.02 25.02
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304 14304 2869 2869 2869

Fan Selection FCA 24 FCA 24 FCAX 24 FCAXX 24 FCAXXX 24
Weight (lbm) 1590 1590 1000 1100 550
Volume (ft3) 81.9 81.9 55.0 50.0 25.0
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304 14304 2869 2869 2869
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 2550 2550 2550 2550 2550
Pressure Available (inches
H2O) 2 2 2 2 2
Cooling Coil Selection FCA 25 FCA 25 FCAX 24 FCAXX 24 FCAXXX 24
Weight (lbm) 0 0 0 0 0
Volume (ft3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Chilled Water Inlet
Temperature (°F) 45 45 40 40 40
Chilled Water Flow per
Ton of Cooling (gal/min/ton) 3.6 3.6 2 2 2
Water Flow (gal/min) 28.0 28.0 13.6 13.6 13.6

Face Area (ft2) 6.2 6.2 4.2 2.1 2.1
Face Velocity (ft/min) 292.1 292.1 431.2 862.4 862.4
Face Velocity Limit (ft/min) 500 500 500 1000 1000
Coil Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Air Side Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.077 0.077 0.038 0.038 0.019
Air Pressure Drop (inches
H2O) 0.45 0.45 0.43 1.34 0.67
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500 4500 9000 9000 12000
Minimum Diameter (in) 9 9 7 7 6
Diameter (in) 10 10 8 8 6
Weight (lbm) 684.0 684.0 547.2 547.2 410.4
Volume (ft3) 39.3 39.3 25.1 25.1 14.1
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 3320 3320 5188 5188 9223
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 282234 282234 352793 352793 470391
Roughness (ft) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.00005 0.000025
Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.014
Pressure Drop (inches
H2O) 1.0 1.0 2.8 2.7 10.7
Chilled Water Piping
Diameter (in) 1.25 1.25 0.75 0.75 0.75
Weight (lbm) 70 70 39 39 39
Volume (ft3) 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3
Velocity (ft/sec) 5.0 5.0 6.6 6.6 6.6
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 43582 43582 35004 35004 35004
Darcy Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Pressure Drop (lbf/in^2) 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4

System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 2343.6 2343.6 1586.2 1686.2 999.4
Volume (ft3) 121.9 121.9 80.4 75.4 39.4
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Total Air Frictional Loss (in
H2O) 1.49 1.49 3.26 4.04 11.39
Unacceptable, Unacceptable, Unacceptabl
select bigger select bigger e, select
fan or higher fan or higher bigger fan or
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable speed speed higher speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan Coil Assembly 0.0 0.0 -37.1 -30.8 -65.4
Duct 0.0 0.0 -20.0 -20.0 -40.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -44.4 -44.4 -44.4
Total 0.0 0.0 -32.3 -28.1 -57.4

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan Coil Assembly 0.0 0.0 -32.8 -39.0 -69.5
Duct 0.0 0.0 -36.0 -36.0 -64.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -60.0 -60.0 -60.0
Total 0.0 0.0 -34.0 -38.1 -67.7


Table 33 – System Model Results for Recirculation System RS-01-159-1 (13)

RS-01-159-1 RS-01-159-1 RS-01-159-1 RS-01-159-1 RS-01-159-1
System (13) (13) (13) (13) (13)
Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat
Information Information Information Information Information
Center and Center and Center and Center and Center and
Projection Projection Projection Projection Projection
Compartment Name Area Area Area Area Area
Compartment Number 1-126-0-C 1-126-0-C 1-126-0-C 1-126-0-C 1-126-0-C
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Compartment Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68 68 68 68 68
System Damage Control
Classification W W W W W
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 122467 122467 122467 122467 122467
Personnel Latent Load
(BTU/hr) 9360 9360 9360 9360 9360
Total Compartment Load
(BTU/hr) 131827 131827 131827 131827 131827
Required Replenishment Air
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 260 260 260 260 260
Required Compartment Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 5465 5465 5465 5465 5465
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 200 200 200 200 200
Chilled Water Piping
Equivalent Length (ft) 120 120 120 120 120
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
Select Technology Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Select System Type VA&DW VA&DW VA&DW VA&DW VA&DW
Number of Fans 1 1 1 1 1
Number of Cooling Coils 2 2 2 2 2


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68 68 68 68 68
Humidity (%) 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31
Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Humidity (%) 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66
Replenishment Air
Cooling Load (BTU/hr) 13499 13499 13499 13499 13499
Mixed Air Entering Coil
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 80.5 80.5 80.5 80.5 80.5
Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6
Humidity (%) 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6 55.6
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.82 32.82 32.82 32.82 32.82
Total Coil Cooling Load
(BTU/hr) 159630 159630 168956 168956 168956
Cooling Coil Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 60.4 60.4 59.8 59.8 59.8
Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 59.5 59.5 58.9 58.9 58.9
Humidity (%) 95 95 95 95 95
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 26.08 26.08 25.69 25.69 25.69
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 62.8 62.8 63.8 63.8 63.8
Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 59.5 59.5 58.9 58.9 58.9
Humidity (%) 83.2 83.2 75.7 75.7 75.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 26.66 26.66 26.65 26.65 26.65
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304 14304 23630 23630 23630

Fan Selection A6 A6 AX 8 AXX 8 AXXX 8
Weight (lbm) 530 530 750 450 300
Volume (ft3) 8.5 8.5 12.0 8.0 4.0
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 8.3 8.3 8.3
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304 14304 23630 23630 23630
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 6300 6300 7000 7000 7000
Pressure Available
(inches H2O) 3.65 3.65 6 6 6
Cooling Coil Selection 56 66 76X 86X 96X
Weight (lbm) 666 435 326.25 163.125 81.5625
Volume (ft3) 12.9 12.9 6.4 3.2 1.6
Chilled Water Inlet
Temperature (°F) 45 45 40 40 40
Chilled Water Flow per
Ton of Cooling (gal/min/ton) 3.6 3.6 2 2 2
Water Flow (gal/min) 47.9 47.9 28.2 28.2 28.2
Face Area (ft2) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Face Velocity (ft/min) 545.8 545.8 545.8 545.8 545.8
Face Velocity Limit
(ft/min) 500 500 500 1000 1000
Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable
- Select - Select - Select
Larger Coil or Larger Coil or Larger Coil or
Coil Performance Multiple Coils Multiple Coils Multiple Coils Acceptable Acceptable
Air Side Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.077 0.077 0.038 0.038 0.019
Air Pressure Drop
(inches H2O) 1.26 1.26 0.63 0.63 0.31
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500 4500 9000 9000 12000
Minimum Diameter (in) 15 15 11 11 10
Diameter (in) 16 16 12 12 10
Weight (lbm) 3040.0 3040.0 2280.0 2280.0 1900.0
Volume (ft3) 279.3 279.3 157.1 157.1 109.1
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 3914 3914 6958 6958 10020
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 532306 532306 709742 709742 851690
Roughness (ft) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000
Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.016 0.016 0.014 0.013 0.013
Pressure Drop (inches
H2O) 2.2 2.2 8.4 7.9 18.8
Chilled Water Piping
Diameter (in) 1.5 1.5 1.25 1.25 1.25
Weight (lbm) 192 192 167 167 167
Volume (ft3) 2.4 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.8
Velocity (ft/sec) 6.3 6.3 5.0 5.0 5.0
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 64424 64424 43879 43879 43879
Darcy Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Pressure Drop (lbf/in^2) 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3

System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 5094.3 4632.3 3849.6 3223.3 2530.2
Volume (ft3) 315.9 315.9 183.8 173.3 118.1
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 8.3 8.3 8.3
Total Air Frictional Loss
(in H2O) 3.49 3.49 8.99 8.58 19.13
Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable
, select , select , select
bigger fan or bigger fan or bigger fan or
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable higher speed higher speed higher speed

Weight Differences (%

reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.5 -15.1 -43.4
Cooling Coil 0.0 -34.7 -51.0 -75.5 -87.8
Duct 0.0 0.0 -25.0 -25.0 -37.5
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -44.4 -44.4 -44.4
Total 0.0 -9.1 -24.4 -36.7 -50.3

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.2 -5.9 -52.9
Cooling Coil 0.0 0.0 -50.0 -75.0 -87.5
Duct 0.0 0.0 -43.8 -43.8 -60.9
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -23.7 -23.7 -23.7
Total 0.0 0.0 -41.8 -45.1 -62.6


Table 34 – System Model Results for Recirculation System RS1-67-1 (21)

RS1-67-1 RS1-67-1 RS1-67-1 RS1-67-1 RS1-67-1
System (21) (21) (21) (21) (21)
Storeroom, Storeroom, Storeroom, Storeroom, Storeroom,
Library, Library, Library, Library, Library,
Passages, Passages, Passages, Passages, Passages,
Compartment Name etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Compartment Number 0.5-42-2-A 0.5-42-2-A 0.5-42-2-A 0.5-42-2-A 0.5-42-2-A
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Compartment Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68 68 68 68 68
System Damage Control
Classification W and Z W and Z W and Z W and Z W and Z
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 54543 54543 54543 54543 54543
Personnel Latent Load (BTU/hr) 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440
Total Compartment Load
(BTU/hr) 55983 55983 55983 55983 55983
Required Replenishment Air Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 40 40 40 40 40
Required Compartment Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 2061 2061 2061 2061 2061
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 51 51 51 51 51
Chilled Water Piping Equivalent
Length (ft) 100 100 100 100 100
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
Select Technology Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Select System Type VA&DW VA&DW VA&DW VA&DW VA&DW
Number of Fans 1 1 1 1 1
Number of Cooling Coils 1 1 1 1 1


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 68 68 68 68 68
Humidity (%) 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31
Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Humidity (%) 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling
Load (BTU/hr) 2077 2077 2077 2077 2077
Mixed Air Entering Coil
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 80.2 80.2 80.2 80.2 80.2
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 68.2 68.2 68.2 68.2 68.2
Humidity (%) 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.49 32.49 32.49 32.49 32.49
Total Coil Cooling Load
(BTU/hr) 63781 63781 63686 63686 63686
Cooling Coil Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 59.3 59.3 59.3 59.3 59.3
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.4
Humidity (%) 95 95 95 95 95
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 25.36 25.36 25.37 25.37 25.37
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 61.9 61.9 61.8 61.8 61.8
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.4
Humidity (%) 82.2 82.2 82.4 82.4 82.4
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 25.97 25.97 25.97 25.97 25.97
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 5722 5722 5626 5626 5626

Fan Selection A 2 1/2 A 2 1/2 AX 4 AXX 4 AXXX 4
Weight (lbm) 250 250 425 300 150
Volume (ft3) 2.6 2.6 6.0 4.0 2.0
Power (hp) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 5722 5722 5626 5626 5626
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 2600 2600 2500 2500 2500
Pressure Available (inches
H2O) 3.4 3.4 4 4 4
Cooling Coil Selection 56 66 76X 86X 96X
Weight (lbm) 666 435 326.25 163.125 81.5625
Volume (ft3) 12.9 12.9 6.4 3.2 1.6
Chilled Water Inlet
Temperature (°F) 45 45 40 40 40
Chilled Water Flow per Ton
of Cooling (gal/min/ton) 3.6 3.6 2 2 2
Water Flow (gal/min) 19.1 19.1 10.6 10.6 10.6
Face Area (ft2) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Face Velocity (ft/min) 411.7 411.7 411.7 411.7 411.7
Face Velocity Limit (ft/min) 500 500 500 1000 1000
Coil Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Air Side Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.077 0.077 0.038 0.038 0.019
Air Pressure Drop (inches
H2O) 0.79 0.79 0.39 0.39 0.20
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500 4500 9000 9000 12000
Minimum Diameter (in) 10 10 7 7 6
Diameter (in) 10 10 8 8 6
Weight (lbm) 484.5 484.5 387.6 387.6 290.7
Volume (ft3) 27.8 27.8 17.8 17.8 10.0
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 3779 3779 5904 5904 10497
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 321202 321202 401502 401502 535337
Roughness (ft) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000
Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.017 0.017 0.015 0.015 0.014
Pressure Drop (inches H2O) 0.9 0.9 2.6 2.4 9.6
Chilled Water Piping
Diameter (in) 1 1 0.75 0.75 0.75
Weight (lbm) 99 99 78 78 78
Volume (ft3) 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6
Velocity (ft/sec) 5.6 5.6 5.1 5.1 5.1
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 38145 38145 27255 27255 27255
Darcy Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Pressure Drop (lbf/in^2) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5

System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 1499.4 1268.4 1216.8 928.7 600.2
Volume (ft3) 44.3 44.3 30.8 25.6 14.2
Power (hp) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Total Air Frictional Loss (in
H2O) 1.73 1.73 2.95 2.82 9.82
, select
bigger fan or
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable higher speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 70.0 20.0 -40.0
Cooling Coil 0.0 -34.7 -51.0 -75.5 -87.8
Duct 0.0 0.0 -20.0 -20.0 -40.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -44.4 -44.4 -44.4
Total 0.0 -15.4 -18.8 -38.1 -60.0

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 128.9 52.6 -23.7
Cooling Coil 0.0 0.0 -50.0 -75.0 -87.5
Duct 0.0 0.0 -36.0 -36.0 -64.0
Chilled Water Piping 0.0 0.0 -36.2 -36.2 -36.2
Total 0.0 0.0 -30.3 -42.1 -67.9


Table 35 – System Model Results for Supply System SS-01-150-3 (97)

SS-01-150- SS-01-150-3 SS-01-150-3 SS-01-150-3 SS-01-150-3
System 3 (97) (97) (97) (97) (97)

Compartment Name AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR

Compartment Number 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 110 110 110 110 110
Compartment Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
System Damage Control
Classification (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 150203 150203 150203 150203 150203
Personnel Latent Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Compartment Load
(BTU/hr) 150203 150203 150203 150203 150203
Required Replenishment Air
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 0 0 0 0 0
Required Compartment Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 105 105 105 105 105
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
Select Technology Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Select System Type VA VA VA VA VA
Number of Fans 2 2 2 2 2


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 110 110 110 110 110
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Humidity (%) 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.067
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 55.63 55.63 55.63 55.63 55.63
Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Humidity (%) 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070

Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling
Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 94.1 94.1 93.5 93.5 93.5
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0
Humidity (%) 57.8 57.8 59.3 59.3 59.3
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 45.64 45.64 45.50 45.50 45.50
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 42912 42912 36570 36570 36570

Fan Selection A7 A7 AX 8 AXX 8 AXXX 8
Weight (lbm) 450 450 750 450 300
Volume (ft3) 5.5 5.5 12.0 8.0 4.0
Power (hp) 7.5 7.5 6.4 6.4 6.4
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 21456 21456 18285 18285 18285
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 5200 5200 6500 6500 6500
Pressure Available (inches
H2O) 7 7 5 5 5
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500 4500 9000 9000 12000
Minimum Diameter (in) 21 21 15 15 13
Diameter (in) 22 22 16 16 14
Weight (lbm) 5197.5 5197.5 3780.0 3780.0 3307.5
Volume (ft3) 277.2 277.2 146.6 146.6 112.2
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 3940 3940 7448 7448 9729
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 736720 736720 1012989 1012989 1157702
Roughness (ft) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000
Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.015 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.012
Pressure Drop (inches
H2O) 0.8 0.8 3.3 3.2 5.9

System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 6097.5 6097.5 5280.0 4680.0 3907.5
Volume (ft3) 288.2 288.2 170.6 162.6 120.2
Power (hp) 15.0 15.0 12.8 12.8 12.8
Total Frictional Loss (in
H2O) 0.75 0.75 3.32 3.15 5.88
select bigger
fan or higher
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 66.7 0.0 -33.3
Duct 0.0 0.0 -27.3 -27.3 -36.4
Total 0.0 0.0 -13.4 -23.2 -35.9

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 117.0 44.7 -27.7
Duct 0.0 0.0 -47.1 -47.1 -59.5
Total 0.0 0.0 -40.8 -43.6 -58.3

Table 36 – System Model Results for Supply System SS01-136-1 (82)

SS01-136-1 SS01-136- SS01-136-1 SS01-136-1 SS01-136-1
System (82) 1 (82) (82) (82) (82)

Compartment Name Fan Room Fan Room Fan Room Fan Room Fan Room
Compartment Number 01-126-3-Q 01-126-3-Q 01-126-3-Q 01-126-3-Q 01-126-3-Q
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Compartment Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 68 68 68 68 68
System Damage Control
Classification W W W W W
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Personnel Latent Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Compartment Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Required Replenishment Air Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 0 0 0 0 0
Required Compartment Flow Rate
(ft3/min) 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 230 230 230 230 230
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
Select Technology Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Select System Type CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS
Number of Fans 2 2 2 2 2


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 80 80 80 80 80
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 68 68 68 68 68
Humidity (%) 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8 54.8
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31
Replenishment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Humidity (%) 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66
Replenishment Air Cooling
Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 101.8 101.8 98.7 98.7 98.7
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0
Humidity (%) 41.7 41.7 47.6 47.6 47.6
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 47.50 47.50 46.74 46.74 46.74
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 85824 85824 63013 63013 63013

Fan Selection AN 104 AQ 104 AX 105 AXX 105 AXXX 105
Weight (lbm) 620 620 640 400 250
Volume (ft3) 6.7 6.7 7.1 4.0 3.0
Power (hp) 15.0 15.0 11.0 11.0 11.0
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 42912 42912 31506 31506 31506
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 3600 3600 4000 4000 4000
Pressure Available (inches
H2O) 14 14 14 14 14
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500 4500 9000 9000 12000
Minimum Diameter (in) 18 18 13 13 11
Diameter (in) 18 18 14 14 12
Weight (lbm) 9315.0 9315.0 7245.0 7245.0 6210.0
Volume (ft3) 406.4 406.4 245.9 245.9 180.6
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 4074 4074 6735 6735 9167
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 623378 623378 801486 801486 935067
Roughness (ft) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000
Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.013 0.012
Pressure Drop (inches H2O) 2.2 2.2 7.0 6.7 13.8

System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 10555.0 10555.0 8525.0 8045.0 6710.0
Volume (ft3) 419.8 419.8 260.1 253.9 186.6
Power (hp) 30.0 30.0 22.0 22.0 22.0
Total Frictional Loss (in H2O) 2.25 2.25 7.04 6.70 13.83

Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 3.2 -35.5 -59.7
Duct 0.0 0.0 -22.2 -22.2 -33.3
Total 0.0 0.0 -19.2 -23.8 -36.4

Volume Differences (%

reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 6.1 -40.2 -55.2
Duct 0.0 0.0 -39.5 -39.5 -55.6
Total 0.0 0.0 -38.1 -39.5 -55.5


Table 37 – System Model Results for Exhaust System ES01-146-3 (8A)

ES01-146- ES01-146- ES01-146-3 ES01-146-3 ES01-146-3
System 3 (8A) 3 (8A) (8A) (8A) (8A)

Compartment Name AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR

Compartment Number 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E 4-126-0-E
Weather Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Weather Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 81 81 81 81 81
Compartment Air Dry Bulb
Temperature (°F) 110 110 110 110 110
Compartment Air Wet Bulb
Temperature (°F) 90 90 90 90 90
System Damage Control
Classification (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)
Total Sensible Load (BTU/hr) 150203 150203 150203 150203 150203
Personnel Latent Load (BTU/hr) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Compartment Load (BTU/hr) 150203 150203 150203 150203 150203
Required Replenishment Air Flow
Rate (ft3/min) 0 0 0 0 0
Required Compartment Flow Rate
(ft3/min) 10820 10820 10820 10820 10820
Duct Equivalent Length (ft) 112 112 112 112 112
21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
Select Technology Legacy Today Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Select System Type VA VA VA VA VA
Number of Fans 2 2 2 2 2


Compartment Air
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 110 110 110 110 110
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90 90 90 90 90
Humidity (%) 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.067
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 55.63 55.63 55.63 55.63 55.63
Fan Air Outlet
Air Dry Bulb Temperature
(°F) 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0
Air Wet Bulb Temperature
(°F) 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
Humidity (%) 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9
Density (lbm/ft3) 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.067
Enthalpy (BTU/lbm) 56.28 56.28 56.71 56.71 56.71

Fan Load (BTU/hr) 28608 28608 47260 47260 47260

Fan Selection A6 A6 AX 8 AXX 8 AXXX 8
Weight (lbm) 530 530 750 450 300
Volume (ft3) 8.5 8.5 12.0 8.0 4.0
Power (hp) 5.0 5.0 8.3 8.3 8.3
Fan Load (BTU/hr) 14304 14304 23630 23630 23630
Flow Rate (ft3/min) 6300 6300 7000 7000 7000
Pressure Available (inches
H2O) 3.65 3.65 6 6 6
Ducting Size
Velocity Limit (ft/min) 4500 4500 9000 9000 12000
Minimum Diameter (in) 21 21 15 15 13
Diameter (in) 22 22 16 16 14
Weight (lbm) 4455.0 4455.0 3240.0 3240.0 2835.0
Volume (ft3) 237.6 237.6 125.7 125.7 96.2
Duct Velocity (ft/min) 4099 4099 7749 7749 10121
Reynolds Number
(dimensionless) 766472 766472 1053899 1053899 1204456
Roughness (ft) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000
Friction Factor
(dimensionless) 0.015 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.012
Pressure Drop (inches H2O) 0.8 0.8 3.7 3.5 6.5

System Characteristics
Weight (lbm) 5515.0 5515.0 4740.0 4140.0 3435.0
Volume (ft3) 254.6 254.6 149.7 141.7 104.2
Power (hp) 10.0 10.0 16.5 16.5 16.5
Total Frictional Loss (in H2O) 0.83 0.83 3.65 3.47 6.46
select bigger
fan or higher
Fan Performance Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable speed

Weight Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.5 -15.1 -43.4
Duct 0.0 0.0 -27.3 -27.3 -36.4
Total 0.0 0.0 -14.1 -24.9 -37.7

Volume Differences (%
reduction from Legacy)
Fan 0.0 0.0 41.2 -5.9 -52.9
Duct 0.0 0.0 -47.1 -47.1 -59.5
Total 0.0 0.0 -41.2 -44.4 -59.1


Initial Distribution
Center Distribution
Copies Copies Code Name
1 Office of Naval Research 1 90 P. Woody
875 N. Randolph Street 1 98 A. Twardowski
Physical Sciences S&T Division, 1 9801 M. Golda
Code 331 1 985 A. Gulian
Arlington VA 22203-1995 3 985 M. Frank
1 986 T. Klingensmith
1 921 E. McCunney
1 342 TIC
2 Commander
Naval Sea Systems Command
Attn: Codes 05Z9, 05Z91, 05Z92
1333 Isaac Hull Avenue, SE
Washington Navy Yard, DC

Dist 1

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Dist 2

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