Matrix Method

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Matrix Method of Structural Analysis

Prof. Amit Shaw

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture – 01

Hello everyone, welcome to the online course on Matrix Method of Structural Analysis.
This course is being offered as NPTEL NPTEL online certification course. So, let us
begin by acknowledging NPTEL for this great initiative and also a center of education
and technology IIT Kharagpur for making this arrangement ok. To start with let me
introduce the team here, we have umm there are 2 instructors for this course ah.

My name is Amith Shaw; I am a faculty department of civil engineering IIT Kharagpur.

And along with me Professor Biswanath Banerjee, who is a faculty in the same
department; we will be taking some of the lectures. Well, if you have enrolled for this
course; then, you have access to the discussion forum and throughout this course you can
post your queries in the discussion forum. But if you have not enrolled in this course you
are just attending this course, then you can or those even after this course.

If over even after that as well if you have any clarification, anything to discuss then you
can always write to you are most welcome to write to us, but please make sure whenever
you write to us umm the subject of this email should be NOC hyphen MSA, this will be
help us to umm this will help us to identify these emails among all the emails that we get
regularly ah.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:48)

(Refer Slide Time: 01:53)

So, this is the first class on introduction. See this is an intermediate level course, so there
are 2 important prerequisites for this course, one is matrix algebra and I am sure that all
of you have all of you are familiar with the matrix algebra, if not then tell algebra some
of the concepts of matrix operations, then properties of matrices and solution of system
of linear equation many algebraic equations and as this is an intermediate level course
the second level course.
So, it is it is assumed that you have already done the first level course on structural
analysis, which is structural analysis I. And for the completeness of this of this course we
will be spending some time initial few weeks to revisit some of the basic concept of
matrix algebra and structural analysis. But do not wait for that these please go back to
your ah go back to your basic go back to any structural analysis book on matrix
engineering mathematics book, to brush up some of the concepts umm basic concepts in
these 2 subjects ok.

You see if I have to this course is for umm 20 hours, as spanning over 8 weeks.
Throughout this as we go through this journey we will we learn what is the matrix
method of structural analysis and how the matrix method of structural analysis, can be
applied to different kinds of structure? But since it is a first class let us try to understand,
what is the motivation for this method. Why the knowledge of structural analysis one
that we already have are not sufficient to analyze the structures that we come across in
everyday life.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:54)

So, in this lecture, we will try to find out a good reason to learn matrix method of
structural analysis right. You see if I have to define what is structural analysis, then
probably in a in one slide if I have to define then this will be definition. If we have a
structure which is subjected to different kinds of threat and then we want to understand
how the structure may respond when they are subjected to a different kinds of threat.
And in fact, it is not only for structural analysis; if you if you look at carefully we will
see that any engineering analysis is based on these philosophy, we have a system we
have a system any system and in this system we there is some input, input and we want
to understand what to do with the corresponding output right. Now, here input here the
system is structures different kinds of structures and input is threat and the output is the
response of the structure.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:06)

Now what are the different kinds of threat are possible? You see if you these are the
different kinds of threats that is structure ah may be subjected to we can have dead load
which is the self weight of the structure, live load on the structure, then you can have
earthquake loads, then wind load earth pressure, water pressure, if it is offshore structure
then wave and current loads are important.

We can have blast load and impact load depending on the environment we can have
snow load as well and other than that you can have support settlement, you can have
thermal loads, we can have machine vibration and so on there are different kinds of load.
So, it depends on what is your objective? For which purpose you are building the
structure? What is the purpose that the structure is going to serve depending on that you
have to consider the load right.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:03)

Now, now you see once we have once we have this load, then the then the what are the
structures that you have so, far so, far studied in structural analysis one, you have studied
how to solve say for instance a umm ah beam problem a beam problem, it could be it
could be a say simply supported beam or continuous beam you have studied how to solve
a the frame problem, say then you have studied say if you have a truss then you have a

So, these it is these are some kind of structure that umm you have studied how to analyze
these kind of structures ok. Now, the response what response you have studied so far we
now if these are the structures subjected to ah the threat, again as I say there could be
there are different kinds of threat, but at the end of the day you can see the threat can be
idealized as some concentrated load for instance in these with these could be the are say
these structure are subjected to uniformly distributed load, or concentrated load, or you
can have umm you can have a concentrated movement, you can have a different kinds of
load see these are different kinds of threats ok.

And these the, these are some structures and what we have studied what response we
have studied. So, far we have seen how to calculate say bending moment diagram if it is
beam then what will be bending moment diagram is at any particular section what is the
bending moment? And at any particular section what is the shear force from the shear
force diagram.
And then we also have seen how to find out axial force diagram at any at any such axial
force diagram at any section what are the axial forces then internal forces in the member
and in addition, we have we have seen support reaction how to find out support reaction,
support reaction and then umm, then we have seen how to find out say displacement. So,
these are some responses that we have you have studied in structural analysis I ok.

Now, you see this analysis is then see there are there is there are some steps followed in
any engineering analysis. So, if a structural analysis and what are those steps those steps
are. Say see first we have a physical system and that physical system is the actual real
system that we want to study, but you know because of because of many reason because
of the complexity associated with the system complicated boundary conditions and there
are some uncertainty that, we do not know we cannot take the physical system as it is.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:38)

So, what we need to do is first we need to idealize the physical system. So, first step we
do we idealize the physical system, simplify the physical system, but your idealization
should be based on the physics of the system the idealization should be based on based
on the what kind of analysis you are going to do with the system and you are at the end
of the day giving all these given a particular objective your idealized system should be as
close as possible to the real system the physical system.

Now, once you have idealize the system makes to present the system, idealized system
through some mathematical equation that is the mathematical representation of the
idealized system and that mathematical representation could be in the form of say
algebraic equation, differential equation, integral equation or combinations of all ah.
Now once we have the mathematical representation of this idealized system, makes the
solution of this solution of this of this mathematical model.

Now, please remember one thing is to be noted here at every steps right from physical
system to idealized system and then idealized system to mathematical model and then
solution of the mathematical at every steps we assume something, we make certain
assumptions and these assumptions are very important because these are the assumptions
which are the limitations of this flow as well because the because suppose if certain..

If any theory or any methodology is any methodology based on certain assumptions it is

very important to understand those assumptions because the limitations of that
methodology are the assumptions. The cases where those assumptions are not valid those
cases these method cannot be cannot be applied. So, it is very important to understand
those assumptions now just to give you an example.

So, this is the starting point of an any analysis the class the frame the beam that I just that
I the that I shown in the la in the previous slide those are all idealized system not the
actual system right. Now, let us give you an example take your physical system this is a
cantilever portion cantilever slab at the at the front at the front gate of the structure the
entire structure is not shown for the shown here because of the space.

Now suppose I want to analyze this cantilever portion this structure, now what would be
the idealize this is the physical system the idealized system will be this entire thing can
be idealize the cantilever beam which is subjected to uniformly distributed load and
uniformly distributed load is the self weight of this beam. Now, once you have idealized
the system the mathematical representation, if you recall the mathematical representation
that you used here in solving these kind of structures in your structural analysis I course
that equilibrium equation and then compatibility equation and of course, the boundary
conditions ok.

Now, now if you if you use this if you now once what is equilibrium equation, these
equilibrium equation says that the internal forces and external forces they should be ah
they should balance each other right, compatibility boundary conditions here is what for
instance at this point, take a different color at this point at this point your displacement is
0, displacement is 0, u is equal to 0, u is u is equal to 0 and the slope is equal to 0.

So, dy du dx is equal to 0 these are the these are some these are the boundary condition
you have here the slope is 0 and moment is 0 right, and then equilibrium if you set it if
we if we use this equilibrium condition equilibrium conditions if you remember,
summation of forces is equal to 0 and summation of moment is equal to is equal to 0

(Refer Slide Time: 12:44)

Now these are the equilibrium conditions now if we apply this equilibrium conditions,
now if we apply this equilibrium conditions, then ah then umm then the bending moment
this bending moment diagram for this beam will be something like this is the bending
moment diagram and the shear force diagram will be linear something like this and the
deflected shape will be something like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:06)

So, you will already know with the knowledge in the now with the knowledge of
structural analysis I, how to get this solution? So, these are the solution of equilibrium
equation compatibility equation and boundary conditions ok. Now Ah you see so that we
do for in that for all the structure, now let us. So this is the starting point of analysis now
you see a let us find out.

Now before as I say this seems this is the first lecture the idea of this lecture is to find out
the good reason to learn matrix method of structural analysis, just the flow that I have
show that is shown here, that this flow this flow we know how to do this how to solve
the structure with the with the knowledge of structural analysis I right. Now, let us find
out why this knowledge is not sufficient to solve to deal with structure that we come
across most of the time.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:39)

Now ba instead of directly coming ah coming on to the on to the on to the let on to the
motivation, let us try to understand the motivation from some examples. Now you see.
take one example this example we are going to take few example, that examples are are
you have you have seen this kind of example in your in your school physics or your first
engineering mechanics or even some of the examples that you have not you have not
learnt in your engineering curriculum, but you can relate to those examples because you
have seen them many times.

Suppose these are electrical circuit right, now what we want to do is as. So, these are 3
registers 1 R 1, R 2 and R 3 and then we are going to find out what is the this is the
current is I, then we have to find out what is the voltage output V ok. Now, you see what
we if you recall how you solve these example we have 3 resistors, this is 3 resistor this is
3 resistor R 1 R 2 R 3. Now then what we can do is we can write here that V 1 is equal to
for this V 1 is equal to I 1 I plus I R 1 this is the relation right from Ohms law you can
get this relation.

Similarly here we get V 2 is equal to I R 2 and similarly here V 3 is equal to I R R 3

right. So, these gives you the voltage drop across the circuit this gives you voltage drop
across this resistor and these gives you voltage drop across these resistor. Now the total
voltage drop is V 1 plus V 2 plus V 3 which should be equal to V then we have V is
equal to V 1 V 1 plus V 2 plus V 3 and if we substitute V 1 V 2 V 3 these gives us these
gives us the effective resistance R s or resultant will be R 1 you have you know this. So,
I am not writing the entire steps here R 3 ok.
So, this these can be the these can be can be can be can have a system like this, where
this is R s and this is I and this is V ok, and then we have V is equal to I into R s when R
s is equal to R 1 plus R 2 plus R R 3. So, there is as an example there is there is there is
nothing to see new here you have already seen it, but my objective here is not to not to
not to solve this electrical circuit problem my object will be something else and that will
be clear shortly.

Now, before we come before we before we come to that point let us see one more
example, this example is again you have seen in your first year mechanics I believe that
is the spring network. Ah we have 3 springs are connected k 1, k 2, k 3 and they are
connected in series and, if there is force f being applied at the end now what we want to
know k 1, k 2, k 3 are the stiffness spring stiffness of respective springs ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:54)

Now if we apply a force f like this suppose the spring take a deform spl take a form this,
and the deformation and the total deformation becomes total deformation becomes total
deformation becomes x. Now, let us find out let us try to find out a relation between this
x relation between this x and the and f right. Now what we can do is before first we take
and if you this also we have seen in your first mechanics we take these 3 springs
separately spring 1, spring 2, and spring 3 and then at any point if we take the force will
be will remain same F.
So, suppose x 1 x 1 is the displacement here x 2 is the displacement here and x 3 is the
displacement here, then we know here that F is equal to F is equal to k 1, x 1, and
similarly F is equal to here k 2, x 2 and here F is equal to F is equal to k 3 x 3. We know
that and total x total x will be x 1 plus x 1 plus x 2 plus x 3 and if you substitute that and
for this spring if I have to find out a relation between F and x we have that F is equal to k
s into x where k s is the effective or the resultant stiffness of the spring system.

And k is related to k 1 k 2 k 3 as this k s as and you 1 by k 1 plus 1 by k 2 plus 1 by k 3

again please note and inverse. Please note here idea is has not been to solve this problem
again my objective was my objective is to make a point and again before coming to that
point. Let us these are the examples that probably you can relate to these examples if you
are an engineering student let me give you some of some other examples you see.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:54)

So, this is an example your own suppose I want to make a shirt this is the thing that if
you go to any tailor shop they do, this is the final product and this final product in order
to make this final product what tailor does is a tailor umm makes few cut pieces like this
ok. And this cut pieces are not randomly random cut pieces this cut pieces are with
proper measurement right, and then once we have this cut pieces then what tailor does
they stitch this all these cut pieces together and get this get this the entire shirt.

So, all these stitches together to get this right. Now, again before I make the point let me
see one more example and the example is you see. Suppose this is a typical passing
pattern in football. So, take one more example this is the last example, before you make
the point this is a typical passing pattern in football you see the objective is to objective
is to ah to from this position from this position from position a objective is to pass the
ball to different fielders in such a way that we can make a we can make the goal ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:53)

Now, you see all these passing patterns are shown and the movements are shown by
arrow one is dotted arrow passing pattern, and the bold arrow are the movements of
player. Now you see though if we follow these and the all the all these all these passings
are a number 1 2 3 4 and so on, and here it is given these a b c are the a b c d are the
different players and it is shown that how the ball should go from 1 player to in which
order the ball should go from 1 player to other player and this is the this is the orders and
this is the way the ball should go.

Now, in order the our objective is to get the to make the goal, but what we did is what is
done here is instead of making the goal just directly a path is followed right, and if we
follow this path if we if we if we if we add the entire path then the objective can be
accomplished right. Now, let us see the example it is all these examples and if there are
plenty of examples ah in nature and a everyday we follow the similar approach.

And what is the common threat between all these examples all the examples are from
different fields they have different execution they have different objective, but there is a
common threat in all these examples and what is that common threat? The common
threat is you see remember in the electric circuit problem, there are 3 registers we broke
the entire circuit and wrote the equations for each resistor separately and then we the
conditions what we used is condition used is this total voltage will be V 1 plus V 2 plus
V 3 right, and that condition when we apply that gives you resultant resist result resultant
resistance as R s is equal to R 1 plus R 2 plus R 3.

Similarly, for the stiffness problem spring problem we broke the entire problem into 3
parts 3 spring parts wrote equation for each spring, when we what are the equations F is
equal to k 1 x 1 for spring 1 F is equal to k 2 x 2 for spring 2 and F is equal to k 3 x 3 for
spring 3 right. Now, and then these are separate equations for separate speeds then we
wrote an equation wrote a condition and what is that condition the total deformation will
be x 1 plus x 2 plus x 3 and that condition gives us what is the effective resistance of the
entire spring.

In the case of shirt problem the entire thing we have several cut pieces and then those cut
pieces are stitched together to get the final shirt and here also the entire objective entire
objective is broken into small small steps. What are those steps? Here the steps are
passing a ball from one fielder to another fielder. Now if we follow the all the steps if
you can combine all the steps then we get the final objective the common threat in all
these example is this if we have a problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:46)

Which is very difficult to comprehend as a whole because of a the complexity of the
problem because of the complicated boundary conditions or because of many
uncertainties that probably we know we do not know about the problem. So, this is the
problem and this is an this is a representation of the problem. This problem to be the
electrical circuit problem, it could be spring problem, it could be the passing pattern
problem, it could be stitching of shirt problem, it could be any other problem, that we
come across in real life.

Now, these problem we do not solve we do not address our approach is what approach is
not to analyze the entire problem entire problem together, instead the approach is we
divide the entire problem into small small sub problems say P 1 P 2 P 3 and. So, on and
then now you see the entire probe the initially this shape was complicated shape suppose
in this case the problem is to find out the area of this shape this is a very complicated
shape. So, what we do is we divide the entire area into small small areas small small
triangular areas now for each triangle we know how to determine the area right.

Now, then so this is the this is the division of the decomposition of the problem this is
also called descritization of the problem, then these are the different sub problems we
write equations for each sub problems. Now these sub problems these problems could be
when it is when it is the problem of a electrical circuit. So, these P 1 P 2 P 3 they were
the each resistors separately when it was spring problem P 1 P 2 P 3 while the springs
individual springs.

When it was by stitching a cut piece is stitching, stitching a shirt problem then this P 2 P
3 were the different cut pieces, and when it was passing pattern making a goal then P 1 P
2 P 3 by the passing a ball from one fielder to another fielder and. So, these P 1 P 2 we
divide the entire problem into small small sub problems such that for each sub problems
we know the equations, we know how to represent those sub problems through
mathematical model.

We know how to represent each resistor V is equal to I R we know how to represent we

know how to what is the relation between stiffness and the displacement of individual
springs. So, we can write equations for each sub problem and then once we write the
equation for each sub problem what we did we in the case of electrical resistor problem
we write V is equal to V 1 plus V 2 plus V 3 in the case of spring problem it was it was x
is equal to x 1 plus x 2 plus x 3 means, we give a condition to all this we give a condition
which says how this difference sub problems are connected with each other how this
difference sub problems are related to each other right.

So, in somehow we in somehow if we can relate these individual sub problems with each
other through again an equation and then you solve that equation. So, these constitute the
premise of matrix method of structure analysis not only that ah the advance structure at
the after matrix method of structural analysis the advanced more advanced course in
finite element advance course finite element method the premise is exactly that.

So, as a philosophy the matrix method of structural analysis the philosophy; that means,
that philosophy we have to use many times many times not only engineers anyone, if you
carefully think in day to day life also in some way we follow this philosophy, break the
problem into small small pieces, small small sub problems, such that for each sub
problems we know the information write equations for each sub problems and write a
conditions how the sub problems are related to each other and then that condition gives
you the solution of the entire problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:16)

So, that is the philosophy of matrix method, now you see that philosophy why this is
required because if you see the real structure the real structure, these are some examples
of some famous structures. I have not given the names of the structure because I believe
these structures are so famous their names are not required. Now if you look at the
structure they are not just a beam they are just not a portal frame or a simple plain truss
then they are they are a members oriented in a different configurations.

There are thousands of members connected with each other those kind of structures
cannot be solved, a just with the method we studied in structural analysis one. So, what
we have to do with this problems if you want to analyze this problem, what we have to
do is we have to follow the philosophy that now just, now we have seen we need to break
the problem into small small sub problems and then assemble all the sub problems to
solve them ok. (Refer Slide Time: 31:17)

(Refer Slide Time: 31:23)

So if we have a truss like this what we have to do is this is the philosophies matrix
method of structural analysis. We break the entire thing into small small problems you
see small small problems and then write equations for you write equations for this, write
equations for this, write equation for every every elements you write equations and then
write a conditions which tells you how this elements are connected with each other how
this elements are related to each other that writing that step is called the assembling.

So, we assemble these information from the each from each sub problem we assemble
them to get the information about the entire system that is the basic philosophy of matrix
method of structural analysis and that is exactly we are going to learn in this course. How
it is to be done? How to decompose into small problems? How the equations for this
some problems to be written? And how the assembling to be done and finally, once we
had assembled it then how the assembled equations to be solved? Ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:35)

And everything we will do in using the concept of ah matrix theory that is why the name
is matrix method of structural analysis ok. So, this course is this umm structure structural
analysis is the foundation for this course. So, you already know the structural analysis I,
then this course is a journey which takes you from structural analysis I, and at the end
this course will prepare you for more advance course, more sophisticated, more elegant
course, more general course, more general method is called finite element method.
Which also does the same thing breaking the entire problem into pieces and assemble
them, but in a more mathematically sound when more elegant when more sophisticated
with So, this is the core this is the journey which will take you from structural analysis I,
to ma finite element method and this is the week wise the lectures the as I say it the first
few first 3 weeks the first 2 weeks will be review of structural analysis I, and then review
of matrix algebra some of the basic matrix operations matrix theory on the third week
and then from fourth week.

We will start formulating these matrix method of structural analysis and that formulation
will be demonstrated through classes in the fourth week and then through beams in fifth
week and the planes frame sixth weeks space frame seventh weeks and then finally,
when we know how to apply this matrix method of structural analysis for different
problems, ah then one week will be spend to discuss how these concepts can be taken
further to formulate a method, which is more elegant more general and that is on the
eighth week we will have some brief introduction to finite element methods ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:20)

As far the books are concerned there are again many books these are the books that you
can follow, but in this course we will not follow any particular book, we will get w will
solve examples from different books some of the examples will be report listed in this
books some of the pro problems will be from somewhere else, but for reference you can
see these books ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:43)

And there just before we before we stop you see when you are studying any theory any
method. It is very important a learning from the history of that method is an integral part
of a integral part of your ah of your learning process because you we cannot comprehend
a course we cannot comprehend a subject, we cannot appreciate probably a subject in a
comprehensive way if you do not know how the structure evolved over time.

So, if you just Google the history of structural anal history of matrix method of structural
analysis there are many articles you get, but one interesting article I suggest all of you
must read is the article which was published in June 2000, ah it was the article published
in college of engineering university of Colorado that is the historical outline of matrix
structural analysis a plane 3 acts, they the entire history of matrix structural analysis is
told as a story ah in 3 acts.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:03)

So, it is a Google it is an interesting read please go through that if you are interested, we
stop here today. So, next class we will start we will be seeing some of the basic concept
of structural analysis we will start with degrees of freedom constraint and static
equilibrium see you in the next week.

Thank you.

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