Description of Recommended Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
Description of Recommended Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
Description of Recommended Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
This chapter summarizes the recommended projects for upgrading the Napa Sanitation District
(District) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to address existing deficiencies, improve
redundancy of key facilities, and add capacity. Proposed improvements would accommodate
growth and both existing and possible future, more stringent discharge requirements. The
improvements would also deliver more recycled water when needed to accommodate increased
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
piping modifications and has the potential to increase existing filter capacity until new facilities
are available. Results could be incorporated into the design of new filter facilities.
Chapter 2 discusses potential recycled water demands, including the peak recycled water
demands for various scenarios resulting from the water balance. To maximize water delivery
with current ADWF (median yearly supply of 3,700 acre-feet [AF]), a peak filter capacity of
11.0 mgd is required. With increased ADWF, required capacity increases to 12.1 mgd
(2020 ADWF; 4,000 AF). Since the District expects to maximize delivery as soon as possible,
the Phase 1 recycled water project is expected to be implemented immediately. Timing of the
Phase 2 project will depend on recycled water demand.
7.3.5 Solids Handling Demands
Solids handling capacity is limited by the digester. Projected sludge loadings are shown based on
influent flow and loading projections. Projected sludge loadings include both primary and waste
activated sludge based on process modeling results. Since primary sludge accounts for more than
60 percent of the projected sludge loading, an approximate relationship to AA TSS loading is
shown as the trigger for digester expansion. Projected sludge loadings do not include District
acceptance of non-traditional wastes. If non-traditional wastes are accepted, digester expansion
would be required sooner. Figure 7-5 shows projects triggered by AA TSS loading. Total sludge
loading is shown for reference; the Plan recommends that monthly digester loadings be
monitored also.
The District expects to add FOG to the digesters to increase gas production and optimize the
cogeneration engine operation (HDR Energy Study, 2010). The District’s objective would be to
add sufficient FOG so that the existing cogeneration system would generate power at its
maximum name plate continuous capacity. Existing digestion capacity would allow the District
to add about 3,000 pounds per day (lb/day) of volatile solids during maximum month loading
7.3.6 Sensitivity Analysis
A sensitivity analysis has been performed to clarify the impacts to the recommended capital
improvement program (CIP) of development occurring at rates greater than and less than the
projected development rate in. The results show how slower or faster growth rates would impact
the phasing for major capital projects needed to increase the WWTP capacity and hence the CIP.
This sensitivity analysis shows the base scenario that follows the population and growth
assumptions developed for the Collection System Master Plan and carried over into the WWTP
Plan. It also shows a slow growth scenario—150 fewer equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) each
year and a fast growth scenario—150 more EDUs each year. Table 7-1 and Figure 7-6 present
the approximate start and completion dates for five major CIP projects for the three growth
scenarios. Figure 7-6 also indicates the approximate duration for the major projects, with the
duration rounded up to the nearest calendar year. With the slow growth rate the WWTP would
reach capacity in about 2036 compared to about 2030 for the Plan growth rate, and about 2026
for the fast growth rate.
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
7.4.2 Headworks
The headworks improvement project would increase capacity to 20 mgd (existing capacity is
15.1 mgd) and address condition issues. The project includes:
• Replacing grit pumps, grit classifiers and washer compactors.
• Replacing screens.
• Increasing knife gate valve size on headworks hopper and modifying the hopper.
• Raising the headworks overflow weir.
Headworks improvements will require up to 25 months for design and construction, and include:
• Four months for predesign.
• Six months for design.
• Three months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Three months for bidding and award.
• Nine months for construction and commissioning.
This project is triggered by the equipment’s age and condition. Based on wastewater industry
experience, the equipment is estimated to have a useful life of 15 to 20 years. Since it was
installed in 2001 and shows signs of significant wear, predesign should begin in 2014 to achieve
completion by 2016.
7.4.3 Primary Treatment
The primary treatment improvements include:
• Modifying the primary scum box piping.
• Lowering the primary diversion structure weir.
• Programming automatic primary scum pumps to shut off when high water levels are
reached in the primary clarifiers.
The primary treatment improvements would enhance operation and increase capacity to 20 mgd
(existing capacity is 17 mgd) and would require approximately 22 months for design and
construction, including:
• Four months for predesign.
• Six months for design.
• Three months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Three months for bidding and award.
• Six months for construction and commissioning.
The primary treatment improvements are needed to improve system operation at high flows and
to enhance operation. Since the capacity increase can only be realized when headworks
modifications are also completed, predesign should begin in 2014 to achieve completion by
2016. This schedule matches the schedule for headworks improvements.
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
After completing the aeration basin expansion and projects scheduled for earlier completion
(increase pond aeration, adjust flocculating clarifier weirs, expand Pond 4 pump station, and add
1,400 square feet of filters), the WWTP will have an AA BOD loading capacity of 23,400 lb/day
(8.6 mgd ADWF, based on flow and loading projections defined for the project) .
The aeration basin project does not include a new blower. The existing system includes two
high-speed turbine blowers and one standby multi-stage centrifugal blower. Together, the
existing high-speed blowers have sufficient capacity for the expanded aeration basin. The
District would continue to use the centrifugal blower as a standby.
The aeration basin project will require up to 40 months for design and construction, including:
• Six months for predesign to confirm that wastewater characterization and loading
requirements have not significantly changed since the time of this Plan.
• 12 months for design.
• 12 months for an Initial Study/Project Specific Environmental Impact Report, with six
months extending beyond design completion.
• Four months for bidding and award.
• 12 months for construction and commissioning.
Capacity needs would trigger this project. Based on current flow and loading projections, the
new aeration basin needs to be on line to accommodate loading increases when AA BOD loading
exceeds about 21,700 lb/day (approximately 8.0 mgd ADWF, projected to occur in 2025), or
when ADWF exceeds 8.0 mgd to accommodate river discharge capacity requirements
(approximately 2025). Thus, the District should track both ADWF and AA BOD loading and
their growth trends, since either parameter could trigger the project if future flow and loadings
differ from Plan projections.
For the aeration basin to be in service when the capacity is required, design should begin either
when AA BOD loading reaches about 20,200 lb/day or when ADWF reaches about 7.5 mgd.
7.4.5 Oxidation Ponds and Flocculating Clarifiers
The recommended project would include four different facultative pond and flocculating clarifier
projects, as described below. Pond Improvements
Previous evaluation of the pond system (Brown and Caldwell, July 2008b) identified deficiencies
with the existing pond system, including failing or failed inlet structure and Pond 1 distribution
piping and transfer structures. Those analyses also defined and developed costs for proposed
solutions, which included new piping to allow recycling Pond 4 effluent to the Pond 1 influent
before coagulant is added to flow routed to the flocculating clarifier.
The pond improvements project includes:
• Replacing the inflatable plug on the Pond 1 pipeline with an isolation valve.
• Replacing the pond transfer structures.
• Replacing the Pond 1 inlet structure and distribution piping.
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
Tertiary treatment improvements project will require up to 24 months for design and
construction, including:
• Three months for predesign.
• Six months for design.
• Three months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Three months for bidding and award.
• Nine months for construction and commissioning.
Owing to equipment age and condition, the District should schedule this project for early
implementation. Full-Scale Testing of Flocculating Clarifier Effluent to Activated Sludge
The existing filters are at capacity treating a blend of flocculating clarifier effluent and activated
sludge effluent. Even if the District added new secondary effluent equalization immediately, the
available recycled water would still be limited by low raw sewage influent flows. The Plan
includes new filters to increase recycled water capacity, but constructing new filters could take
about four years. An interim project is included to test whether filtration rates improve when
flocculating clarifier effluent is treated in the activated sludge process before filtration. The
assumption is that bioflocculation of the flocculating clarifier effluent in the activated sludge
system would improve filterability of the combined effluent so that a higher flow can be filtered
in the existing filters. This full-scale pilot test requires only piping modifications and has the
potential to increase existing filter capacity until new filters and equalization are constructed.
Results could also be incorporated into the design of new filter facilities.
The project includes:
• Temporary piping modifications to route a constant flow of flocculating clarifier effluent to
the activated sludge system.
• Consultant support to help prepare the testing plan and analyze results
Different flows will be tested throughout the project, starting with a small amount of flocculating
clarifier effluent and increasing the quantity with time. Adding a constant flocculating clarifier
effluent flow of up to 4 mgd to the constant primary effluent flows of about 4 mgd is potentially
feasible. The project would study both the activated sludge system performance with flocculating
clarifier effluent and the possible filtration rates.
This project has the potential to increase the recycled water peak day capacity to 7 mgd. The
timing of recycled water demand increases is beyond the scope of this Plan, but this project
could be implemented in the interim before the Phase 1 filter expansion is on line. Phase 1 Recycled Water Expansion
The Phase 1 Recycled Water Expansion includes:
• A predesign study to optimize filters. The study should include a study of reject rates,
chemical doses, and media sieve size analysis.
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
• Secondary effluent equalization. The pump station included as part of this project also
would allow the WWTP staff to route substandard activated sludge effluent to the
oxidation ponds.
• 1,400 square feet (sf) of filters.
• A chlorine injection and mixing system for the west chlorine contact basin so that all
chlorine contact volume can be used for recycled water production during peak demand
• An adjustable chlorine contact tank weir gate to relieve peak hydraulic limitations during
river discharge.
• Piping modifications to allow separate operation of the new filters on activated sludge
effluent or combined operation with the existing filters.
• Pond 4 pump station expansion.
The WWTP currently filters a blend of flocculating clarifier and activated sludge effluent at a
low loading rate (2.2 gallons per minute per square foot [gpm/sf]). With secondary effluent
equalization, the WWTP can filter all of the activated sludge effluent in the summer at a constant
rate. Since filter loading rates are higher with activated sludge effluent (4.2 gpm/sf), secondary
effluent equalization, followed by separate activated sludge filters, are included. The activated
sludge filters (Phase 1 – 1,400 sf) are sized to treat the full 2030 ADWF. At lower raw sewage
flows, there will not be sufficient flow to use the full filter capacity. When the Phase 1 filters are
completed, the recycled water available will be at least 11.1 mgd, with a maximum capacity of
12.8 mgd, assuming sufficient primary effluent flow is available.
In its current operating mode, the Pond 4 pump station reliable capacity is limited to about
8 mgd. This project rehabilitates and expands the Pond 4 pump station to 16 mgd total
capacity/12 mgd firm capacity. Hydraulic limitations in the chlorine contact tank limit capacity
to 22.7 mgd during river discharge (approximately 7.7 mgd ADWF) and 10 mgd during
reclamation. This project includes adding an adjustable weir gate on the chlorine contact tank
effluent to relieve these limitations and to increase capacity to 25.1 mgd during river discharge
(approximately 8.6 mgd ADWF), and at least 14.3 mgd during reclamation.
The Phase 1 Recycled Water Expansion project will require up to 50 months for design and
construction, including:
• 12 months for predesign.
• 12 months for design.
• Six months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Four months for bidding and award.
• 16 months for construction and commissioning.
Analyses have identified two potential triggers for this project. The project needs to be on line
when peak day recycled water demands exceed the existing capacity of 5.1 mgd, although the
project could potentially be delayed based on the testing results described in Section until
peak day recycled water demands exceed 7 mgd or 8 mgd. Since the District plans to maximize
recycled water supply immediately, the Phase 1 Recycled Water Expansion is needed
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
immediately. The filters will also be used to increase river discharge capacity (triggered by
ADWF of 7.1 mgd). Phase 2 Recycled Water Expansion
The Phase 2 Recycled Water Expansion includes:
• 600 sf of filters.
• A chlorine contact basin tracer/re-rating study.
The additional flocculating clarifier effluent filters (Phase 2 – 600 sf) increase filtration capacity
to match the existing flocculating clarifier effluent capacity. When the Phase 2 filters are
completed, the recycled water available will be at least 12.6 mgd, with a maximum capacity of
14.3 mgd, assuming sufficient primary effluent flow is available.
The Title 22 requirement for modal contact time is 90 minutes. Since field testing has not been
performed to determine the actual modal contact time, a conservative theoretical contact time of
120 minutes was used to account for hydraulic inefficiencies and to calculate the chlorine contact
tanks’ reclamation capacity. A tracer study can determine the effective detention time for the
contact tanks and, based on project team experience at similar facilities, the rated capacity is
expected to increase. Since the contact tanks have a capacity of 13.2 mgd at 120 minutes
theoretical contact time, it is expected that the rerating study can increase capacity to match or
exceed the Phase 2 peak capacity of 14.3 mgd.
The Phase 2 Recycled Water Expansion project will require up to 38 months for design and
construction, including:
• Four months for predesign.
• 12 months for design.
• Six months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Four months for bidding and award.
• 12 months for construction and commissioning.
This project is triggered by recycled water demands and is not scheduled. The project needs to be
online when peak day recycled water demands exceed the Phase 1 Recycled Water Expansion
project capacity. This project should be considered when peak day recycled water demands
exceed 10.8 mgd. Phase 3 Recycled Water Expansion
The Phase 3 Recycled Water Expansion includes:
• A new flocculating clarifier (see Section
• 1,200 sf of filters.
• Additional disinfection capacity (i.e., a new chlorine contact tank, most likely near the
recycled water reservoirs).
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
This project includes the facilities to expand recycled water capacity beyond the Phase 2 project.
The filter and disinfection facilities are sized to match the new flocculating clarifier effluent
capacity. The activated sludge filters are sized to treat the full 2030 ADWF, so at lower ADWF,
flows will be insufficient to use the full filter capacity. When Phase 3 is completed, the recycled
water available will be at least 15.7 mgd with a maximum capacity of 17.4 mgd, assuming
sufficient primary effluent flow is available to use the activated sludge filters fully.
The Phase 3 Recycled Water Expansion project will require up to 38 months for design and
construction, including:
• Four months for predesign.
• 12 months for design.
• Six months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Four months for bidding and award.
• 12 months for construction and commissioning.
Recycled water demands will trigger this project. The project needs to be on line when peak day
recycled water demands exceed the Phase 2 Recycled Water Expansion project capacity. This
project should be considered when peak day recycled water demands exceed 12.6 mgd.
7.4.7 Recycled Water Storage and Pumping
The master planning and prior studies identified two needs for the recycled water system within
the WWTP boundaries—a jockey pump to deliver recycled water at lower demands and
additional recycled water storage. Recycled Water Jockey Pump
A jockey pump study (Brown and Caldwell, May 2005) found that the recycled water system
might benefit by adding a 200-hp pump with variable speed control. The proposed pump is
considerably smaller than the existing 600-hp pumps. It would provide reliable capacity when
recycled water demands are lower. The District initially attempted to address this need by
running the existing 600-hp pumps at reduced speed; however, owing to system requirements
and limitations of the larger pumps, such operation causes adverse wear. Hence, current
conditions justify jockey pump installation.
This project will require up to 24 months for design and construction, including:
• Three months for predesign.
• Six months for design.
• Three months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Three months for bidding and award.
• Nine months for construction and commissioning.
This project is needed to prolong the life and reduce maintenance costs of the existing pumps.
This project should begin immediately.
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
The filtrate equalization project will require up to 28 months for design and construction,
• Four months for predesign.
• Eight months for design.
• Three months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Four months for bidding and award.
• Nine months for construction and commissioning.
The District would only implement this work if future regulatory changes decreased allowable
WWTP effluent ammonia concentrations. This project’s objective is to equalize the high-
ammonia filtrate and nitrify it in the activated sludge system, which would significantly reduce
the pond ammonia loading and, hence, reduce ammonia in the pond effluent. The base Plan
projects were selected to meet a monthly average ammonia limit of 45 milligrams per
liter (mg/L). Based on historical pond effluent ammonia concentrations, the base project effluent
ammonia is expected to be less than 20 mg/L; therefore, an ammonia limit less than 20 mg/L
would trigger project consideration. The filtrate equalization system could be operational slightly
more than two years after the District receives a reduced ammonia limit.
7.4.9 Support Systems
Two support system projects were identified—maintenance shop and support building. New Maintenance Shop and Support Building
A new maintenance shop and support building is needed to provide space for maintenance staff
and facilities.
This project will require up to 36 months for design and construction, including:
• Four months for predesign.
• 12 months for design.
• Six months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
• Four months for bidding and award.
• 10 months for construction and commissioning. 3W System Improvements
The 3W system improvements project includes:
• Replacing and modifying 1W, 2W and 3W system piping to address corrosion and
dissimilar piping materials, and to add and/or replace isolation valves.
• Adding a variable frequency drive to second 3W pump.
This project will require up to 24 months for design and construction, including:
• Three months for predesign.
• Six months for design.
• Three months beyond design completion for environmental permitting.
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
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Chapter 7 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan
Belt Filter Press Filtrate Equalization Tank and Pumping 3.3 Regulatory — consider for monthly average ammonia limit less than 20 mg/L 28
Phase 3 Recycled Water Expansion 15.5 Four years before peak day recycled water demand exceeds 12.6 mgd 38
New Maintenance Shop and Support Building 2.0 Space for maintenance 36
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