Principles, Applications and Interpretations
Principles, Applications and Interpretations
Principles, Applications and Interpretations
The concept of flow cytometry has been in existence
for more than five decades.
PMT-photomultiplier tubes
ADC-analogue-to-digital converter
Physical properties, such as size (represented by
forward angle light scatter) and internal complexity
(represented by right-angle scatter) can resolve certain
cell populations.
FSC collects light at 180° from the point at which the
laser beam intersects the cells, usually on a linear scale.
It is correlated with cell size, and thus can distinguish
normal lymphocytes (small), monocytes
(intermediate), and neoplastic cells (generally they are
large in size).
Highly specific monoclonal antibodies are used that
are produced by cloned antibody secreting cells.
Antibodies are based on cluster of differentiation
(CD)- a protocol used for identification and distinction
of cell surface antigens.
Using CD system we can identify cells by the presence
or absence of particular surface markers for e.g. CD3+
or CD20- etc.
Fluorochromes are substances that can be excited by
certain light source (such as laser) and emit a fluorescent
signal at a single wavelength.
Fluorescent dyes can directly bind to certain cellular
content, such as DNA and RNA, and allow us to perform
quantitative analysis on individual cells.
However, in most cases fluorochromes are conjugated with
monoclonal antibodies, which specifically target cellular
Characteristics of fluorochromes commonly used in
flow cytometry .
Interestingly, although some of them can be excited by the same light source, the
different fluorochromes may emit fluorescent signals with different
wavelengths/colors. Thus, multiple fluorochromes can be simultaneously excited by a
light source and detected by their emission fluorescent signals with different
wavelengths, respectively.
Antibodies conjugated to fluorescent dyes can bind specific
proteins on cell membranes or inside cells. When labeled cells are
passed by a light source, the fluorescent molecules are excited to a
higher energy state. Upon returning to their resting states, the
fluorochromes emit light energy at higher wavelengths. The use of
multiple fluorochromes, each with similar excitation wavelengths
and different emission wavelengths (or “colors”), allows several
cell properties to be measured simultaneously.
Simultaneous detection of multiple cell
Bone marrow,
Body fluids,
Cerebrospinal fluid,
A region has been drawn on the red cells in the scatter plot. The other
major cluster in the scatter plot are the platelets.
The histogram was gated on the red cells and the regions on it delineate
cells with high (H), medium (M) and low (L) fluorescence corresponding
to increasing reticulocyte maturity. N marks nucleated red cells.
In the blood bank, flow cytometry can be used as a
complementary or replacement test for red cell
immunology, including RBC-bound
immunoglobulins and red cell antigens. Flow
cytometry has been used to accurately identify and
phenotype the recipient’s red cells.
The combination of both FSC and SSC can distinguish normal lymphocytes,
granulocytes, and monocytes.
Based on antigen expression, cells are divided into CD45+ and CD45–
Among the CD45+ group, the cells can further separated into
subgroups (windows in the histogram) based on expression levels of
CD45 and intensity of cytoplasmic granularity.
CD45 negativity is seen in non-
haemopoietic cells, erythroid
precursors and abnormal plasma cells.
Weak positive in blasts.
Shorter turnaround time (minutes to hours) Longer turnaround time (hours to days)
Multiple antibodies/fluorochromes per test Usually limited to a single antibody per slide
Data/results can be electronically transferred Slides can be shipped by mail or courier service
And last but not the least, keeping pace with scientific
and clinical advancements is the need of hour.