Morfologi Platelet
Morfologi Platelet
Morfologi Platelet
Evaluation of Cell
Morphology and
Introduction to Platelet
and White Blood Cell
Kathy W. Jones, MS, MT(ASCP), CLS(NCA)
Introduction OBJECTIVES
Examination of the Peripheral At the end of the chapter, the learner should be able to:
Blood Smear
1. Define the terms flagged and reflex test as they pertain to automated hematology
The Normal Red Blood Cell
Assessment of Red Cell
Abnormality 2. Describe the importance of maintaining competency in morphological identification.
Variations in Red Cell 3. List justifications for performing a manual morphology review.
Distribution 4. List the steps in the performance of a peripheral blood smear examination.
Normal Distribution
Abnormal Distribution 5. Identify normal red blood cell morphology on a peripheral smear.
Variations in Size 6. List the terms referring to abnormal red cell distribution, variation in red cell size,
Anisocytosis and variations in red cell color/hemoglobin content, being able to identify each
Normocytes abnormality on a peripheral smear and specify the particular clinical conditions
Macrocytes associated with these abnormalities.
7. Define anisocytosis and poikilocytosis and list clinical conditions in which they may
Hemoglobin Content—Color be reported.
Normochromia 8. Define the terms normochromic, hypochromic, microcytic, and macrocytic as they
Hypochromia relate to red cell indices.
Hyperchromia 9. Correlate red cell indices with red cell morphology and the diagnosis of anemia.
10. Define the following terms: target cells, spherocytes, ovalocytes, elliptocytes, stoma-
Variations in Shape tocytes, and be able to identify these cells on a peripheral smear.
Target Cells (Codocytes) 11. List diseases that may show fragmented red cells and describe their pathophysiology.
Spherocytes 12. Describe the most common red blood cell inclusions and their composition, relating
Stomatocytes each inclusion to clinical conditions in which they may be found.
Ovalocytes and Elliptocytes
Sickle Cells (Drepanocytes) 13. Correlate pathophysiology of clinical conditions associated with abnormal appear-
Fragmented Cells ance of red cells noted on the peripheral blood smear.
(Schistocytes, Helmet 14. Describe normal platelet morphology and specify some platelet abnormalities seen in
Cells, Keratocytes) pathologic conditions.
Burr Cells (Echinocytes)
15. List conditions showing leukocyte cytoplasmic as well as nuclear changes.
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94 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 95
Examination of the Peripheral Blood 3. Find an optimal area for the detailed examination and
Smear enumeration of cells.
• The RBCs should not quite touch each other.
A blood smear examination may be performed for a variety • There should not be areas containing large amounts of
of reasons. It may be requested by the physician in response broken cells or precipitated stain.
to perceived clinical features or to an abnormality discovered • The RBCs should have a graduated central pallor.
in a previous CBC. The examination may also be initiated by
High-Power (40) Scan
the technologist as a result of an abnormality in the CBC or
in response to a flagged result reported from the hematology 1. Determine the WBC estimate.
analyzer. A flagged result is an indication that a particular • The WBC estimate is performed under high power (400
result has not met established laboratory criteria and must be magnification). WBCs are counted in ten fields and aver-
reviewed. All laboratories should have a documented proto- aged. The estimate is reported according to the values
col for the examination of a laboratory-initiated blood smear given in Table 5–1.
examination. This protocol may be derived from studies per- • The WBC estimate can also be performed using a factor
formed in the facility or may be based on consensus stan- which is based on the fact that each WBC seen in 400x
dards published by nationally recognized organizations. magnification (high power field) is equivalent to
The microscopic examination of a peripheral blood approximately 2000 cells per µL of blood. For example,
smear provides a wealth of information to the clinician. It is if the average number of WBCs counted per high power
used to detect or verify abnormalities and subsequently may field was 5, the WBC estimate would be 5 2000 or
provide the physician with information from which they may 10,000/µL.
be able to make a differential diagnosis. Various forms of 2. Correlate the WBC estimate with the WBC counts per mm3
anemia may actually be diagnosed from abnormal red cell from the automated instruments.
morphology reported on a blood smear examination. The 3. Evaluate the morphology of the WBCs and record
report of abnormal white cell morphology may in fact indi- any abnormalities, such as toxic granulation or Döhle
cate what additional testing may be required. Abnormal bodies
platelet morphology may detect a platelet function deficiency
Oil Immersion (100) Examination
even when sufficient numbers of platelets have been reported
from the analyzer. 1. Perform a 100 WBC differential count.
The examination of the blood smear should include eval- • Counting should be performed by moving in a zig-zag
uation of the red cell, white cell, and platelet morphology. To manner on the smear (Fig. 5–1).
evaluate the smear thoroughly the technologist should review • All WBCs are to be included until a total of 100 have been
at least 8 to 10 oil immersion fields (OIF). The red cell mor- counted.
phology evaluation should include examination for deviations 2. Evaluate the RBCs for anisocytosis, poikilocytosis,
in size, shape, distribution, concentration of hemoglobin, hypochromasia, polychromasia, and inclusions.
color, and the appearance of inclusions. The white cell mor- 3. Perform a platelet estimate and evaluate platelet morphology.
phology evaluation should consist of differentiation of the • Count the number of platelets in 10 OIFs.
white blood cells and their overall appearance including • Divide by 10.
nuclear abnormalities, cytoplasmic abnormalities, and the • Multiply by 15,000/mm3 if the slide was prepared by an
presence of abnormal inclusions that may denote a disease automatic slide spinner; multiply by 20,000/mm3 for all
process. Platelet counts should be verified, and in addition the other blood smear preparations.
smear should be reviewed for platelet shape and size abnor- 4. Correct any total WBC count per mm3 that has greater than
malities and for clumping. 10 nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) per 100 WBCs.
When abnormal morphology is identified on the smear, • When performing the WBC differential, do not include
the technologist must determine if the abnormality is possibly NRBCs in your count, but report them as the number of
artifactual and not pathological. For instance, refractile arti- NRBCs per 100 WBCs.
facts may be the result of water contamination and should not • Use the following formula to correct a WBC count:
be confused with red cell inclusions. Echinocytes or crenated
WBC/mm3 100
cells may also be artifacts if practically every cell in the thin Corrected WBCs/mm3
100 No. of NRBCs/100 WBCs
portion of the film has a uniformly spiculed membrane.
The following describes the necessary steps in the exam- The examination of the peripheral blood smear is per-
ination of the peripheral blood smear. formed as part of the hematologic laboratory workup called
Low-Power (10) Scan the CBC.
1. Determine the overall staining quality of the blood smear.
2. Determine if there is a good distribution of the cells on the The Normal Red Blood Cell
• Scan the edges and center of the slide to be sure there are To identify abnormal morphology, one must be competent in
no clumps of RBCs, WBCs, or platelets. normal morphology identification, and more importantly,
• Scan the edges for abnormal cells. capable of differentiating them from abnormal cells, so we
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96 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
2–4 4000–7000
4–6 7000–10,000
6–10 10,000–13,000
10–20 13,000–18,000
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 97
should be in the thin portion of the smear where the red cells
Table 5–2 Grading Scale for Red are slightly separated from one another or at most, barely
Cell Morphology touching, with no overlap. The thin area should represent at
(Anisocytosis/ least one-third of the entire film.2 The reviewer should avoid
Poikilocytosis) the thicker portion of the slide where cells are overlapping
and the edges of smear where cells may be artifactually dis-
Percentage of Cells that Differ in Size or Shape from Normal torted in size, shape, and color. An exception is to be made
RBCs when scanning for platelet clumping.
Normal 5%
Slight 5%–10%
1 10%–25%
Abnormal Distribution
2 25%–50%
3 50%–75%
4 75% Agglutination is an aggregation of red cells into random
clusters or masses. Agglutination is the result of an antigen–
Sample Situations antibody reaction within the body, and in cases of autoag-
2 Microcytes Few schistocytes glutination the reaction is actually with the patient’s own
1 Macrocytes Few burr cells cells and the patient’s serum or plasma. Such is the case with
1 Target cells cold antibody syndromes, for example, cold hemagglutina-
3 Anisocytosis 2 Poikilocytosis tion disease and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH).
Agglutination occurs at room temperature during sample
preparation and appears as interspersed areas of clumping
Included in this chapter are flowcharts that correlate the throughout the peripheral smear (Fig. 5–4). The use of saline
abnormal morphology with a possible pathology. This scheme will not disperse these agglutinated areas; however, warm-
should enable the learner to more easily associate an abnor- ing the sample to 37°C helps to break up the agglutinins,
mal morphology with the clinical condition. allowing for the possibility of normal slide preparation for
morphology review. The MCHC and MCV from these speci-
mens are usually falsely elevated in response to the agglutinin
Variations in Red Cell Distribution formation. Other forms of autoagglutination may also occur
Normal Distribution spontaneously but are more likely to be seen in connection
with certain hemolytic anemias, atypical pneumonia, staphy-
The area of smear that is reviewed for morphologic abnormal- lococcal infections, and trypanosomiasis. Agglutination is not
ities is of the utmost importance. The area to be reviewed to be confused with rouleaux which is described next.
macrocyte Polychromasia Sickle cell Burr cell Crystal formation
98 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Variations in Size
Any significant variation is size is known as anisocytosis. This
size variation is frequently found in the leukemias and in most
forms of anemia. The severity of the variation should also
correspond to an increased RDW. Anisocytosis results from
abnormal cell development, and typically results from a defi-
ciency in the raw materials (i.e., iron, vitamin B12, folic acid)
needed to manufacture them or by a congenital defect in the
Figure 5-4 ■ Note the agglutination on the smear from a patient cell’s structure. Cell size may deviate, from measuring smaller
with cold hemagglutinin disease.
than the normal 7 µm, to being larger than normal. The terms
ROULEAUX used to describe these abnormalities are microcyte (≤6 µm) and
Rouleaux is a condition in which red cells appear as stacks of macrocyte (≥9 µm). These terms are used in conjunction with
coins on the peripheral smear. The stacks may be short or the terms microcytosis and macrocytosis and should also corre-
long, but regardless of the length, the red cells appear stacked late with the red cell indice results. Anisocytosis is graded in
on one another. These stacks are rather evenly dispersed most facilities as 1 to 4 (see Table 5–2). When reporting
throughout the smear. Rouleaux formation is the result of anisocytosis, it is important to describe the morphology picture
elevated globulins or fibrinogen in the plasma where the red in terms of microcytosis or macrocytosis, or in cases of a dimor-
cells have been more or less “bathed” in this abnormal plasma phic population there may be the appearance of both (Fig. 5–6).
which gives them a sticky consistency. This lowers the zeta ()
potential, thus facilitating the stacking effect (Fig. 5–5). The Normocytes
use of a saline dilution of the serum disperses rouleaux.
Rouleaux formation correlates well with a high erythrocyte The average size of the erythrocyte is indicated by the mea-
sedimentation rate. surement of the MCV, a result generated by the automated
Rouleaux is seen in patients with hyperproteinemias hematology analyzer. The MCV is considered an integral part
such as multiple myeloma and Waldenstrom’s macroglobu- of a CBC. Observation of red cell morphology on the blood
linemia. It may also be seen in chronic inflammatory disor- smear provides a quality control check on the electronic
ders, and some lymphomas. It is important to note that in MCV, as well as the other two red cell indices, mean corpus-
cases of severe rouleaux it may be impossible to evaluate cell cular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin
size or shape. concentration (MCHC).2 A “normal” MCV would correspond
Peripheral smears reviewed in the thick portions of the to the MCV reference range (80 to 100 fL for adults). Subse-
smear and entire smears made too thick may appear to exhibit quent review of the blood smear should yield no significant
Figure 5-6 ■ Note the different size (anisocytosis) and shape (poikilo-
Figure 5-5 ■ Peripheral blood showing marked rouleaux formation. cytosis) of the red cells. Compare the largest (macrocytic) cell below
Note the “stacked coin” appearance of the red cells. the arrow in the center of the field with the smaller (microcytic) cells.
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Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 99
size variation from the normal 7- to 8-µm red cell. This sce- excess plasma cholesterol may be taken up by the red cell
nario is referred to as normocytic and the red cells are referred which subsequently leads to an increase in the surface area of
to as normocytes. This information would prove useful to the the cell. However, this last mechanism may not be reflective of
physician in the diagnosis of anemia. In the case of a normal a “true” macrocytosis (obstructive liver disease). Macrocytes
MCV and a high RDW (normal RDW is 11.5% to 14.5%), the should be evaluated for shape (oval versus round) as shown in
reviewer would expect to see a mixture of large and small Figure 5–6, color (red versus blue), pallor (if present), and the
cells.3 This scenario is referred to as a dimorphic population presence or absence of inclusions. The conditions in which
and may be the result of a recent blood transfusion, or possi- macrocytes may be seen are listed in Figure 5–7.
bly the patient may be in the recovery stages of anemia.
Patient history plays an important role in this situation.
Possible pathology
Oval Hemolytic
macrocytes anemia/acute
blood loss Figure 5-7 ■ Correlation of macro-
cytes to pathologic processes.
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100 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Hemoglobin Content—Color Variations Figure 5-9 ■ Note the large central pallor in many of the red cells
depicting hypochromia.
The term normochromic indicates the red cell is essentially red cells with increased central pallor or hypochromia. A lower
normal in color. A normochromic erythrocyte has a well MCHC result typically correlates with a larger central pallor in
hemoglobinized cytoplasm with a small but distinct zone of the affected red cells. In general, this is very reliable; however,
central pallor. The area of pallor does not exceed 3 µm when it does not take into account the situation in which a true
measured linearly. In a well stained peripheral smear, the nor- hypochromia is observed in the presence of a normal MCHC.
mal red cells will appear reddish-orange in color. The term In many cases, the MCHC will not be concordant with what is
normochromic is used to describe an anemia with a normal observed on the peripheral smear. The morphologist should not
MCHC and MCH. When used in conjunction with a normal be unduly influenced by the RBC indices in the evaluation of
MCV, the anemia would be described as a normochromic/ hypochromia. True hypochromia will appear as a delicate
normocytic anemia (see Fig. 5–2). shaded area of pallor as opposed to pseudohypochromia (the
water artifact), in which the area of pallor is distinctly outlined.
Hypochromia It is important to note that not all hypochromic cells are micro-
cytic. Target cells possess some degree of hypochromia, and
Any RBC having a central area of pallor of greater than 3 µm is there are macrocytes and normocytes that can be distinctly
said to be hypochromic. There is a direct relationship between hypochromic.
the amount of hemoglobin deposited in the red cell and the The most common condition manifesting hypochromia
appearance of the red cell when properly stained. The term is IDA. In severe cases of IDA, red cells exhibit an inordi-
hypochromia literally means “low color” and indicates that the nately thin band of hemoglobin. Patients with iron defi-
cells have less than the normal amount of hemoglobin. Typically ciency may have many hypochromic cells, depending on the
any irregularity in hemoglobin synthesis will lead to some magnitude of the deficiency. In addition to large numbers of
degree of hypochromia (Fig. 5–9). hypochromic cells, there may be large numbers of micro-
Most clinicians choose to assess hypochromia based on cytes as well. Iron deficiency anemia is commonly referred
the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), to as a microcytic/hypochromic anemia. Hypochromia in the
which by definition measures hemoglobin content in a given alpha () and beta ( ) trait thalassemia syndromes is much
volume of red cells (100 mL). When the MCHC is 32% the less pronounced. However red cells in the –thalassemias
anemic process is described as being hypochromic and the slide and –thalassemia homozygous states show significant
reviewer should scan the peripheral smear for the presence of amounts of pallor.7 Sideroblastic anemias show a prominent
Possible pathology
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 101
Slight 1%
1 3%
2 5%
3 10%
4 11%
Figure 5-10 ■ Note polychromasia in the cell with the arrow.
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102 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Target Cells (Codocytes) (HS). This is an inherited, autosomal dominant condition and
is due to a deficiency of, or a dysfunction in, the membrane
Target cells appear on the peripheral blood as a result of an proteins spectrin, ankyrin, band 3 and/or protein 4.2.8 The
increase in RBC surface membrane. They are artificially membrane cytoskeleton is dependent on these particular pro-
induced on the smear and their true circulating form, as seen teins to maintain the shape, deformability, and elasticity of
with an electron microscope, is a bell-shaped cell. The name the red cell. The deficiency and/or dysfunction of any one
codocyte is from the Greek word kodon meaning bell. In air- these membrane components will destabilize the cytoskele-
dried smears, however, they appear as “targets,” with a large ton, resulting in abnormal red cell morphology and a shorter
portion of hemoglobin displayed at the rim of the cell and a lifespan for the affected red cells in circulation.8 Spherocytes
portion of hemoglobin that is central, eccentric, or banded are typically seen in large numbers in peripheral smears from
(Fig. 5–11). As the name implies, the cell actually resembles these patients. Premature destruction of these abnormal
a target and is sometimes referred to as a “bull’s eye” cell as erythrocytes in the spleen may produce a mild to severe
well as a “Mexican hat” cell. hemolytic anemia depending on the severity of the abnormal-
The mechanism of targeting is related to excess mem- ity. Erythrocytes from patients with hereditary spherocytosis
brane cholesterol and phospholipid and decreased cellular he- have a mean influx of sodium twice that of normal cells.
moglobin. This is well documented in patients with liver dis- Because these spherocytes have increased ability to metabo-
ease, in whom the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio is altered. lize glucose, they can handle the excessive intracellular
Mature red cells are unable to synthesize cholesterol and sodium while in the plasma, but when they reach the microen-
phospholipid independently. As cholesterol accumulates in vironment of the spleen, the active–passive transport system is
the plasma, as seen in liver dysfunction, the red cell is ex- unbalanced with increased sodium and decreased glucose
panded by increased membrane lipid, resulting in increased resulting in swelling and hemolysis of these cells (see Chap. 9).
surface area. Consequently, the osmotic fragility is also de- In more than one-half of these patients, the MCHC is greater
creased (see Chap. 31). Target cells are seen in many types of than 36%. Yet, for individuals not exhibiting an increased
anemia (Fig. 5–12); however, they are most prominent in the MCHC, a careful observation of their peripheral smear is the
hemoglobinopathies, thalassemias and liver disease. key to diagnosis.9 Figure 5–13 depicts a blood smear from a
patient with hereditary spherocytosis.
The acquired forms of spherocytosis share the mutual
defect with HS in that there is a loss of membrane. In the nor-
Spherocytes have a reduced surface-to-volume ratio that results mal aging process of red cells they gradually lose their func-
in a cell with no central pallor. Because of their density tionality through loss of cellular lipids, proteins, etc.; thus,
(intense color) and smaller size, they are easily distinguished spherocytes are produced as a final stage before senescent red
in a peripheral smear. Their shape change is irreversible and cells are detained in the spleen and trapped by the reticuloen-
may also be seen as microspherocytes. They are considered dothelial system. This natural process does not typically
the most common form of the erythrocyte morphological dis- result in anemia. Another mechanism of producing sperocytes
orders stemming from an abnormality of the cell membrane. that may result in a mild to severe anemia is autoimmune
This abnormality may be hereditary or acquired and may be hemolytic anemia. The coating of the red cells with antibodies
produced by a variety of mechanisms affecting the red cell and the detrimental effect of complement activation
membrane. Perhaps the most detailed mechanism for sphering results in the membrane loss of cholesterol accompanied by a
is the congenital condition known as hereditary spherocytosis loss of surface area without hemoglobin loss producing sphero-
cytes. The reduced surface-to-volume ratio of all spherocytes
renders them abnormally susceptible to osmotic lysis; conse-
quently, they have an increased osmotic fragility. Hemolysis is
known to result from membrane abnormalities; therefore, other
hemolytic processes may also produce spherocytes. They may
also be seen as microspherocytes in the peripheral smears of
burn patients. Figure 5–14 lists the more common pathologic
conditions in which spherocytes are seen.
The word stomatocyte is derived from the Greek word stoma,
which means mouth. They have a central pallor which is said
to be slit-like or mouth-like on peripheral blood smears. These
red cells are of normal size, but are not biconcave, and in wet
preparations appear bowl-shaped (Fig. 5–15). The abnormal
morphology resulting in the stomatocyte is thought to be the
result of a membrane defect. Stomatocytosis is associated with
Figure 5-11 ■ Note the target cell at the arrow.
abnormalities in red cell cation permeability that lead to
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Possible pathology
surface Figure 5-12 ■ Correlation of target cells to
pathologic processes.
changes in red cell volume, which may be either increased (hy- condition or at most a mild normochromic/normocytic
drocytosis) or decreased (xerocytosis), or is some cases, near anemia), hemolytic anemia, alcoholic cirrhosis, and acute
normal.9 Hydrocytosis and xerocytosis represent the alcoholism. Stomatocytosis is also present on peripheral
extremes of a spectrum of red cell permeability defects.9 The blood smears of patients with Rh deficiency syndrome, also
exact physiologic mechanism of stomatocytic shape is poorly known as Rh null disease, in which erythrocytes from these
understood and the molecular basis of this disorder is rare individuals have either absent (Rhnull) or markedly
unknown. Stomatocytosis may be acquired or congenital. As reduced (Rhmod)Rh antigen expression. This may result in a
with hereditary spherocytosis, stomatocytes are seen in sig- mild to moderate hemolytic anemia, and mutations in the Rh30
nificant numbers in the hereditary form known as hereditary and RhAG genes have been associated with this syndrome.9
stomatocytosis and in smaller numbers in the acquired form.
Many chemical agents can induce stomatocytosis in vitro
(phenothiazine and chlorpromazine); however, these changes Ovalocytes and Elliptocytes
are reversible.10 Stomatocytes are known to have an increased Many investigators consider the terms ovalocyte and ellipto-
permeability to sodium; consequently, their osmotic fragility cyte to be interchangeable; however, for the purposes of this
is increased. discussion, they are viewed as distinct and separate. This
Stomatocytes are more often artifactual than a true man- morphological abnormality is thought to be the result of a
ifestation of a particular pathophysiologic process. The arti- mechanical weakness or fragility of the membrane skeleton
factual stomatocyte has a distinct slit like area of central and may be acquired or congenital. The pathogenesis of the
pallor, whereas the area of pallor in the genuine stomatocyte formation of either of these cells is unknown. Ovalocytes may
appears shaded. Several of the associated disease states in be considered as more egg-shaped and have a greater ten-
which stomatocytes may be found are hereditary spherocyto- dency to vary in their hemoglobin content. They can appear
sis (the stomatospherocyte is best viewed in wet prepara- normochromic or hypochromic, normocytic or macrocytic.
tions); hereditary stomatocytosis (which is usually a benign Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by oval macrocytes
(macroovalocytes) that may be 9 µm or more in diameter and
lack central pallor (Fig. 5–16).2
Possible pathology
104 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 105
Possible pathology
Fragmented Cells (Schistocytes, Helmet Schistocytes are the extreme form of red cell fragmen-
Cells, Keratocytes) tation (Fig. 5–22). Whole pieces of red cell membrane
appear to be missing, and bizarre red cells are apparent.
Schistocytes are split, cut, or cloven cells resulting from some Schistocytes may occur in patients with microangiopathic
form of trauma to the cell membrane. It is recognized that not hemolytic anemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation
all membrane alterations occur pathologically. However, (DIC), heart valve surgery, hemolytic uremic syndrome,
there are certain triggering events in disease that invariably thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura,13 renal graft rejec-
lead to fragmentation such as alteration of normal fluid circu- tion, vasculitis, in severe burn cases, as well as march hemo-
lation. Examples of fluid alterations are the development of globinuria (a form of hemoglobinuria seen in soldiers and
fibrin strands, damaged endothelium, or a damaged heart long-distance runners).
valve prosthesis. The flow of blood in the circulation may Keratocytes are red cells that have been caught on fibrin
actually sweep the erythrocytes through the fibrin strands, strands in circulation, and rather than splitting, the cell hangs
splitting the red cell. The shapes of these cells vary based on over the fibrin fusing two sides of the cell together, creating a
the shear forces and presentation of the red cells as they are vacuole. Once the cell escapes from the fibrin strand it
cut by the fibrin. Intrinsic defects of the red cell make it less appears in the peripheral blood as a red cell with a vacuole in
deformable and, therefore, more likely to be fragmented as it one end resembling a blister and is called a blister cell. It also
traverses the microvasculature of the spleen. Examples such is said to resemble a women’s handbag and may be called a
as antibody-altered red cells and red cells containing inclu- pocket-book cell (see Fig. 5–22). Once the vacuole ruptures,
sions have significant alterations that increase their likelihood the resulting cell appears to have two horns. This “horned”
of being fragmented, consequently decreasing their survival cell also resembles a helmet and is sometimes reported as
time. such, but is actually a keratocyte (Greek for keras, horn).2 The
Figure 5-19 ■ Irreversibly sickled cells. Figure 5-20 ■ Reversible, oat-shaped sickle cell.
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106 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Possible pathology
Irreversibly Boat
sickled shaped
A helmet cell and a bite cell are, therefore, one and the same.
One prominent Oat-shaped The helmet cells may also be seen in patients with pulmonary
pointed cells
emboli, myeloid metaplasia and DIC. All fragmented red cells
are considered fragile and their survival time is diminished sig-
nificantly to days, if not hours, owing to splenic sequestration.
Please note that all laboratories may not report frag-
mented red cells in the same manner (i.e., all fragmented red
Figure 5-21 ■ Correlation of sickle cells to pathologic processes. cells reported as schistocytes) owing to the similarities in
their origins. Regardless of the specificity of the terminology
used, it is imperative that the morphologists give a qualitative
primary difference in the two cells is not in their appearance,
estimate of the abnormality seen in all fields. Especially in
but in their formation.
significant numbers, the appearance of fragmented red cells
The helmet cell also has distinctive projections, usually
will provide physicians with important information on the
two, surrounding an empty area of the red cell membrane.
condition of their patients.
Helmet cells are seen in hematological conditions in which
Refer to Figure 5–24 for a flowchart correlation of the
large inclusion bodies are formed (Heinz bodies, Howell–Jolly
fragmented cells matched to the pathologic processes in
bodies). Fragmentation occurs by the pitting mechanism of
which they may be observed.
the spleen. This pitting mechanism removes the inclusion from
the cell, giving the appearance of having taken a “bite out of the
cell” and is sometimes referred to as a bite cell (Fig. 5–23). Burr Cells (Echinocytes)
Burr cells (echinocytes) are red cells with approximately 10 to
30 rounded spicules evenly placed over the surface of the red
cells (see Fig. 5–22). They are normochromic and normo-
cytic, for the most part. They may be observed as an artifact,
usually as a result of specimen contamination, in which case
they will appear in large numbers and will present with evenly
dispersed smooth projections and may be referred to as cre-
nated. The terms crenated cell and echinocyte may be used
interchangeably by some reviewers and therefore are not
reported. “True” burr cells occur in small numbers and
appear irregularly sized with unevenly spaced spicules. They
may be seen in uremia, heart disease, cancer of the stomach,
bleeding peptic ulcer, immediately following an injection of
heparin, and in a number of patients with untreated hypothy-
roidism. In general, they may occur in situations that cause a
Figure 5-22 ■ Peripheral blood from a patient with renal disease. change in tonicity of the intravascular fluid (e.g., dehydration
Note the presence of fragmented cells: A. burr cells; B. acanthocyte; and azotemia). Burr cells may be considered pathologic and
C. blister/pocketbook cells; D. schistocyte. should be reported.
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Possible pathology
Burr cells Helmet cells
Figure 5-24 ■ Correlation of fragmented cells to pathologic processes. HA hemolytic anemia; DIC disseminated intravascular coagula-
tion; HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome; TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Acanthocytes (Thorn Cells, Spur Cells) lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase, which has been well doc-
umented in patients with severe hepatic disease. This enzyme
An acanthocyte is defined as a cell of normal or slightly reduced is synthesized by the liver and is directly responsible for
size, possessing 3 to 12 spicules of uneven length distributed esterifying free cholesterol; when this enzyme is deficient,
along the periphery of the cell membrane. The uneven projec- cholesterol is increased in the plasma. Acanthocytes may also
tions of the acanthocyte are blunt rather than pointed, and the be seen in myeloproliferative disorders, microangiopathic
acanthocyte can easily be distinguished from the peripheral hemolytic anemia (MAHA), and autoimmune hemolytic ane-
smear background because it appears to be saturated with hemo- mias. The presence of acanthocytosis in peripheral blood
globin. It appears essentially as a spherocyte with thorns. The smears remains the hallmark of the clinical diagnosis of most
MCHC is, however, always in the normal range (Fig. 5–25). neuroacanthocytosis syndromes, such as chorea-acanthocytosis
Specific mechanisms relating to the formation of acan- (ChAc) and McLeod syndrome.14
thocytes are unknown; however, some details about these The red cell responds to this excess cholesterol in one of
peculiar cells are of interest. Acanthocytes contain an excess two ways, depending on the balance of other lipids in the mem-
of cholesterol and have an increased cholesterol-to-phospho- brane. It will become a target cell or an acanthocyte. Once an
lipid ratio; consequently their surface area is increased. acanthocyte is formed, it is very liable to splenic sequestration
The lecithin content of acanthocytes is decreased. The only and fragmentation, and the fluidity of the membrane is directly
inherited condition in which acanthocytes are seen in high affected. The most prominent pathologies in which acantho-
numbers is the rare condition abetalipoproteinemia. Most cytes may be observed are listed in Figure 5–26.
cases of acanthocytosis are acquired, such as the deficiency of
108 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Possible pathology
deficiency, and in conditions in which inclusion bodies are with thalassemic syndromes, sickle cell anemia as well as
formed. They may also be seen in megaloblastic processes as other hemolytic anemias, and in megaloblastic anemias.
large tear-shaped cells (macroteardrops). Refer to Figure 5–3
for a composite of abnormal red cell morphology. Basophilic Stippling
Red cells that contain ribosomes can potentially form stippled
Red Cell Inclusions cells; however, it is thought that the actual stippling is the result
Howell–Jolly Bodies of the drying of cells in preparation for microscopic examina-
tion. Coarse, diffuse, or punctate basophilic stippling may occur
Howell–Jolly bodies (Fig. 5–28) are nuclear remnants con- and consist of ribonucleoprotein and mitochondrial remnants
taining DNA. They are 1 to 2 µm in size and may appear (Fig. 5–29). These aggregates of ribosomes result from an alter-
singly or doubly in an eccentric position on the periphery of ation in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin.
the cell membrane. They are thought to develop in periods of Diffuse basophilic stippling appears as a fine blue dusting,
accelerated or abnormal erythropoiesis. They may be seen in whereas coarse stippling is much more clearly outlined and eas-
Romanowsky, i.e., Wright’s, Giemsa, or supravitally stained ily distinguished. Punctate basophilic stippling is a coalescing of
peripheral smears. smaller forms and is very prominent and easily identifiable.
A fragment of the chromosome becomes detached and is Stippling may be found in any condition showing defective
left floating in the cytoplasm after the nucleus has been or accelerated heme synthesis, such as alcoholism, thalassemia
extruded. Under ordinary circumstances, the spleen effec- syndromes, megaloblastic anemias, and arsenic intoxication. It
tively pits these nondeformable bodies from the cell. How- is also considered a characteristic feature in the diagnosis of lead
ever, during periods of erythroid stress, the pitting mechanism poisoning. Basophilic stippling may be seen on a Romanowsky
cannot keep pace with inclusion formation. or supravitally stained peripheral smear. It is important for the
Howell–Jolly bodies may be seen after surgical splenec- reviewer not to confuse stippling with Pappenheimer bodies.
tomy, congenital absence of the spleen, or splenic atrophy The primary differentiation factors are that stippling appears
after multiple infarctions. They may also be seen in patients
Figure 5-27 ■ Teardrop cells (peripheral blood). Figure 5-28 ■ Howell–Jolly body.
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110 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Hemoglobin CC Crystals
Hemoglobin (Hb) C crystals may be found in hemoglobin CC
disease. HbC disease is a mild chronic hemolytic anemia in
which the patient is homozygous for the abnormal hemoglobin
C.15 HbCC crystals are formed by the crystallization of the
abnormal hemoglobin into one end of the red cell membrane.
The crystal forms in a hexagonal shape with blunt ends, leaving
the remainder of the cell with the appearance of being empty.
These crystals tend to stain dark red and are said to resemble a
“bar of gold” and may be referred to as such (Fig. 5–33).
HbCC crystals may not always be demonstrated in HbC
Figure 5-32 ■ Note the appearance of a Cabot’s ring in the cell at
the arrow.
disease, but their appearance has been found to increase after
splenectomy. HbCC crystals are not seen in HbC trait (HbAC).
the mitotic spindle, remnants of microtubules, or a fragment
of the nuclear membrane. Cabot rings are found in heavily Hemoglobin SC Crystals
stippled cells and appear in a figure-of-eight conformation
similar to the beads of a necklace (Fig. 5–32). Cabot rings Hemoglobin SC (HbSC) crystals may be found on the periph-
may be found in megaloblastic anemias, dyserythropoiesis, eral smears of patients diagnosed with HbSC disease. SC dis-
homozygous thalassemia syndromes, and postsplenectomy. ease is a chronic hemolytic disorder punctuated by acute
Table 5–5 Summary of Abnormal Red Cell Morphologies and Disease States That
May Be Associated with These Abnormal Morphologies
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 111
112 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 113
114 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
Qu e s t i o n s
1. A prominent morphologic clue when suspecting lead 5. Morphological abnormalities found in cases of
poisoning is the presence of which of the following on a severe burns, microangiopathic hemolytic anemias,
peripheral smear? and disseminated intravascular coagulation
a. Heinz bodies (DIC) are:
b. Target cells a. Schistocytes
c. Siderotic granules b. Crenated cells
d. Basophilic stippling c. Ovalocytes
2. In which of the following disease states would you d. Stomatocytes
expect to find oval macrocytes on the peripheral smear? 6. Oat-shaped cells may be associated with:
a. Iron deficiency anemia a. Myelofibrosis
b. Lead poisoning b. Hereditary spherocytosis
c. Megaloblastic anemia c. Burns
d. Hereditary spherocytosis d. Sickle cell anemia
3. All but one of the following are possible mechanisms for 7. How would a cell be classified that has a diameter of
the production of macrocytes: 9 µm and an MCV of 104 fL?
a. Liver disease a. Macrocytic
b. Postsplenectomy status b. Microcytic
c. Pernicious anemia c. Normal
d. Thalassemia minor d. Either normal or slightly microcytic
4. An abnormal erythrocyte seen in liver disease and hemo- 8. Abnormal platelet morphology may be observed most
globinopathies and thalassemias and is characterized by prominently in:
the “bull’s eye” area is known as a: a. Idiopathic myelofibrosis
a. Stomatocyte b. Anemia of chronic disorders
b. Target cell c. Hereditary spherocytosis
c. Schistocyte d. Septic shock
d. Hypochromic cell
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Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology 115
9. Which type of red cell inclusion is a DNA remnant? The following answer pool is used for items 15 to 29
a. Heinz body (Match)
b. Howell–Jolly body a. Anisocytosis f. Polychromasia k. Schistocytes
c. Pappenheimer body
d. Cabot ring b. Poikilocytosis g. Microspherocytes l. Rouleaux
10. Which of the following are considered microcytic/ c. Hypochromasia h. Target cells m. Acanthocytes
hypochromic anemias? d. Microcytic i. Stomatocytes n. Dacrocytes
a. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia e. Depranocyte j. Blister cells o. Echinocytes
b. Pernicious anemia
c. Iron deficiency anemia _____15. RBCs with a large area of central pallor
d. Megaloblastic anemia _____16. Variation in the size of the red blood cells
11. A hypersegmented neutrophil may be seen in which of _____17. Also known as codacytes
the following anemias? _____18. RBCs appearing stacked on each other
a. Iron deficiency
b. Megaloblastic _____19. MCV of 65%
c. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia _____20. RBCs with a mouthlike central pallor
d. Anemia of chronic disorders _____21. RBCs without an area of central pallor
12. Precipitates of denatured hemoglobin found primarily in _____22. RBCs with evenly distributed spicules on the
patients with hemolytic anemia resulting from oxidant membrane
stress describe:
a. Howell–Jolly bodies _____23. RBC fragments
b. Heinz bodies _____24. RBCs appearing bluish in color
c. Basophilic stippling _____25. Variation in the shape of the RBCs
d. Pappenheimer bodies
_____26. Congenital abetalipoproteinemia
13. Pappenheimer inclusions are formed from:
a. Excess -chains _____27. The formation of a vacuole in an RBC “trapped”
b. Excess -chains by fibrin
c. Excess iron _____28. Formed when an RBC with an inclusion squeezes
d. Oxidant stress out of a tight space
14. RBC inclusions resulting from an acceleration in hemo- _____29. Seen in HbS disease
globin biosynthesis and consists of RNA:
a. Howell–Jolly bodies See answers at the back of this book.
b. Heinz bodies
c. Basophilic stippling
d. Pappenheimer bodies
116 Chapter 5 Evaluation of Cell Morphology and Introduction to Platelet and White Blood Cell Morphology
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