Banana Jain Tissue Culture Literature

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Better Yields. Greater Profits.

JISL's Odyssey with Indian Agri Development

• 1963 : Marketed agri-inputs: fertilizers, pesticides,

hybrid seeds, electric motors, crude oil for pump-
sets, tractors & implements.
• 1978 : Collected papaya latex at guaranteed
price enhancing farmer income under contract Banana Tissue Culture
farming & processed it into refined papain solely
for exports. Application of Bio-tech for mass micro-propagation
• 1980 : Promoted cost-effective, convenient PVC of high yielding (genetically true-to-type) elite
pipes as substitute for cement, asbestos and GI clones to provide consistently uniform quality of
pipes for irrigation. disease-free planting material, the superior
alternative for banana plantations.
• 1987 : Pioneered small farm Drip Irrigation
helping farmers save water, electricity, cultivation
cost, and improve yield and quality of produce. Jain Tissue Culture Process
• 1989 : Commenced developing Demo R&D Farm
for Hi-tech Agriculture. Step I : Mother Nursery
• 1994 : Initiated, for the first time in the country, JISL is the only Company that maintains disease-
commercialization of Grande Naine tissue culture free mother-plant nursery from elite clones with
banana for higher productivity and reduced proven yield potentials. Sword suckers are
maturity period. collected from this mother nursery and screened
by trained specialists. Screened suckers are then
• 1995 : Completed Hi-tech Agri Institute for farm indexed to confirm that they are free from viruses.
resource R&D, Demo, Training & Extension. This unique arrangement guarantees the best
• 1997: Built various engineering structures for start-up material for banana plantlet development.
rainwater harvesting & soil conservation. Own mother nurseries ensure traceability, quality
Created assured market for large number of control and reliability of start-up tissues.
onion growers at pre-determined price under
contract farming.
• 1998 : Offered reliable market for mango/ banana
/ guava growers by commissioning cutting-edge
Fruit Processing facility.
• 1999 : Commercialized successfully Grande
Naine tissue culture banana.
• 2000: Finished a replicable watershed model Mother
that demonstrates wasteland transformation.
• 2002 : Began production of 'BioSamruddhi' Secondary Sucker
organic manure which restores & improves Hardening Selection
soil fertility.
• 2004 : Established modern Virology Primary Virus
& Bio-Tech labs. Embarked upon Hardening Indexing
Jatropha 'Yadnya' as alternative
farming system for Bio-diesel
production. Shooting & Explant
Rooting Initiation
• 2005 : Ushered production of bio-gas
using farm residue as well as solid waste
& effluent of Vegetable Dehydration & Fruit
Processing Plants. Launched pilot-plant for
Bio-oil & -diesel from non-edible vegetable

(JISL- Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.)

Jain Tissue Culture Process

Step II : Production
• Environment : Micro-propogation clean room
conditions as per international standards of class
100 - 10,000 are maintained to achieve excellence.
• Explant Initiation : Suckers from mother nursery
are sterilized. Aseptically dissected shoot tips
(undifferentiated) are inoculated onto specially
formulated nutrient medium for proliferation of
shoot buds under controlled clean room conditions.
• Multiplication : Proliferated shoot buds in clumps
are individually transferred to & nourished in multi- Step III : Primary Hardening : Greenhouses
media to form shoots. The clumps of shoots are • Optimum micro-climatic conditions (relative
induced again & again to obtain required number humidity, air circulation, light intensity and
of plantlets of desired parameters. This eliminates temperature) are maintained.
morpho-genetic variation in the plantlet population.
• In-vitro produced plantlets are removed from the
• Shooting & Rooting : Multiplied shoots are glass jars, washed and graded for quality.
individually separated and graded for quality.
Individual shoots are then transferred to another • Graded plantlets are planted into protrays filled
nutrient medium for shoot elongation and root with soilless peat mix growing media.
development. Fully developed plantlets are sent for • These plantlets are then hardened under
primary hardening in specially designed controlled micro-climatic conditions in specially
greenhouses. designed poly tunnels on benches.
• 6000 sq. m. of computer controlled greenhouses
help in bringing out healthy primary hardened
• Highly stringent hygienic conditions as well as
controlled micro-climate in the primary hardening
facility are religiously maintained for achieving
quality of plantlets.
Jain Tissue Culture Process

Step IV : Secondary Hardening : Shadehouses

• In-house designed shadehouses are provided
with raised beds, proper drainage, micro irrigation
and fertigation arrangements for individual plants
in poly-bags and misting system for micro-climate
• Sprawling secondary hardening complexes
spread over 40 acres support timely and year-
round availability of plants.
• Continuous R&D in respect of potting mix not
only ensures health of the plantlets while in the
shadehouse but also helps faster growth and quick
failsafe emergence of the plants when transplanted
in the fields.
Step V : Field Delivery
Fully hardened plants having minimum 5 leaf stage
in poly-bags are despatched through custom-built
2-3-tier trucks having arrangement of water
sprinkling during transit till farmers receive them.

Step VI : Field Support

Qualified and experienced agronomists provide
consistent support to the farmer in irrigation
scheduling, fertigation, agronomy, plant protection
and harvest.
All these services combined with the tailor-made
drip irrigation systems designed and supplied by
the company help in achieving enhanced
productivity and higher returns.
Jain Tissue Culture Development Location

Jalgaon district, "The Banana Bowl of India", is

eminently suited for Banana Tissue Culture
development because it has over 48000 ha under
Banana cultivation which contributes 16% to the
total Banana production of India.
Jalgaon has been traditionally growing Dwarf
Cavendish varieties. This is mainly on account of
conducive climatic conditions, disease-free soil
profile for plants as well as dry, non-conducive
environment for pests and insects. The area is
known to be free from frequent viral incidence. The Selection of GN for Jain Tissue Culture
average yield of non-tissue cultured banana plants
is 12 kg/plant. Even this yield is much higher than • GN scored over other varieties by virtue of its
the state average of 10 kg/plant and national suitability, adaptability, higher productivity, long,
average of 8 kg/plant. straight, cylindrical, and well-shaped fingers, and,
Intensive trials were carried out at Hi-tech R&D more importantly, longer shelf life.
farms to determine agronomic practices and • GN is internationally a preferred table-variety and
growth parameters for the select promising has high fresh-fruit export potential.
varieties from amongst Shrimanti, Basrai, Williams,
Zeleig, Robusta and Grande Naine (GN). • GN processed products have ready acceptance
in advanced markets due to better color and
storage stability.
100 Yearwise Sale of GN JTC Banana Plants 10
• GN has higher survival rate upon planting, much
90 9 more uniform maturity, & shorter harvesting period.
80 Projected 8

70 7
GN Jain Tissue Culture Protocol Development
Quantity (in lacs)

Quantity (in mn)

60 6

50 5
40 4
The standardization of GN Banana JTC protocol,
30 3
hardening processes under controlled and semi-
controlled conditions, the study and observation of
morphological characters, agronomical practices
suitable for higher productivity, water requirement
0 0
Year 1994-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 under Drip Irrigation, Fertigation etc. took as much
as 5 years of R&D efforts.
The production graph from inception till date bears
testimony to our sincere and persistent efforts for
perfecting the entire production protocol for optimal
yields and maximum returns to the farmer.
We take care of JTC plants as if they are test-tube
babies. No wonder, when brought up well by the
farmers, JTC plants become market leaders.
Support Facilities for Jain Tissue Culture Unit

• Independent R&D Lab: Continuous

improvements in micro-propagation protocols for
enhanced quality and research into system
development for new crops.
• Virology Lab: Virus indexing of carefully selected
sword suckers, tissue cultured plantlets and the
hardened plants of green houses and shade
• Biotech Lab: Analysis of genetic traits in planting
materials and seeds for higher productivity and
disease resistance.
• Analytical Lab: Physical, chemical and Benefits of Jain Tissue Culture Banana Plants
microbiological analysis of leaf, soil, potting media,
nutrients, water and other agri-inputs. • Jain Tissue Culture, JTC, plants are disease-free,
vigorous, uniform & possess high field adaptability.
• Low mortality of JTC plants in the field is ensured
by fully hardened saplings in poly-bags.
• JCT banana plant variants/off-types are observed
to be between 0.3 - 1%.
• Three harvests of JTC banana in 30 months
ensure higher benefit-to-cost ratio for the farmer.
• Yield ranges depend upon optimal agronomic
practices, local agro climatic conditions and
adoption of modern irrigation systems. The highest
recorded average yield is 45 kg/plant.
• JTC bananas fetch premium in marketplace.
• Farmers are able to recover full value of JTC
saplings through sale of daughter suckers.
Jain Tissue Culture : Better Yield - Dos & Don'ts

• Select loamy, well-drained and organically rich

soil with pH 6-7.5.
• Prepare pits of 1.5' x 1.5' x 1.5'. Fertilize crop with
basal dose before planting. Use 25 kg organic
manure per plant in two split doses at planting and
at bed preparation.
• Avoid planting during cold weather (below 15ºC),
extreme summer (above 40ºC) or heavy rainy • Apply additional quantity of water during cold
days. spells to avoid injury from chilled weather.
• Use 6' x 6' or 6' x 5' or 7' x 5' or 8' x 5' row to row • Nourish with 200-220 g of N, 65-70 g of P2O5 &
and plant to plant spacing respectively keeping in 300-400 g of K2O per plant up to 300 days as per
view the climate and soil conditions. growth. Also use micro- and macro-nutrients viz.
• Avoid mainly Papaya, Chilli, Brinjal and Cucurbit Zn, Fe, Bo and Mg, S, Ca separately as required
family (Pumpkin, Ridgegourd, Snakegourd, etc.) • De-sucker periodically until the plants are 5
crop cultivation near banana field. months old in the field.
• Provide wind-break (e. g. Sesbania plants) • Protect fruit bunches from heat by dry leaf cover,
against the direction of prevailing wind. & from pests and diseases with skirting poly-bags.
• Avoid over or under irrigation. • Leave one healthy sucker for next ratoon, on the
• Obtain advice for irrigation and fertigation side opposite to the flower / bunch after the bunch
schedules. Drip-irrigate the plant at field capacity reaches 70% growth.
every day. For efficient and uniform irrigation use • Prop suitably the banana plants bearing heavy
bunches to prevent their fall.
• Uproot and burn plants affected by viral or
bacterial diseases immediately when symptoms
are observed first time.
• Manage pest, fungal & bacterial diseases with
permitted insecticides, fungicides & bactericides.

Emerging Products from Jain Tissue Culture

• Red Banana, Nendran, Sabri, Rasthali, Malbhog

& Ney poovan JTC Banana protocols established.
• Micro-propagation protocols for Australian Teak
(Acacia mangium) and Sugarcane standardized.
• Micro-propagation protocol for Physic Nut
(Jatropha curcas) nearing standardization.
• Micro-propagation protocol for onion as well as
banana hybrids under field-testing.
JISL pioneered mass micro-propagation and
commercial cultivation of an exotic banana variety,
Grande Naine (GN), in India. JISL's Banana TC
unit currently produces and markets over 10 m
(100 lac) GN banana plants per year. As such, this
production unit is probably the largest Banana TC
facility in India. The wide sales and service network
and team of dedicated agronomists have so far
intensively covered Maharashtra. They have also
penetrated Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattis Garh
and Karnataka. Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and
Andhra Pradesh are also racing towards accepting
JTC banana. Even Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Mizoram
and Goa have opened their JTC banana account.
R&D trials, meticulous documentation, established
sales and service procedures and practices for
satisfaction of the farmer, and built-in quality
consciousness amongst the associates are but
some of the factors which have gained JTC facility
the rare distinction of being the only unit in the
country to have been accredited with ISO-9001:
2000 QMS certificate by RWTUV, Germany.

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.

Small Ideas. Big Revolutions. ®

Jain Hills, Agri Park, P.O. Box: 72, Jalgaon - 425 001. India. Tel: +91-257-2260011/22; Fax: +91-257-2261111/22;
E-mail: [email protected]; Website:
Offices: Ahmedabad 079-26421704, 09427301089; Amravati 09422776805; Anantpur 08554-274226; Assam 09435199998;
Bangalore 080-25361257; Bijapur 08352-265411, 09448286514; Chandigarh 09417202115; Chennai 044-24339794,
Chittoor 08572-550027, Cochin 09846606589, Coimbatore 09443316061, Hyderabad 040-27614474, Indore 0731-6542499, 094253 19936;
Jaipur 0141-2203515, Jalgaon 9422774941; Kolkata 09431704958; Lucknow 0522-4021067, Mumbai 022-22610011,
New Delhi 011-26493159, Pune 020-25434872, 09422774933; Raipur 0771-6535987, Sangli 09422775949; Solapur 09422774932;
Udumalpet 04252-278401, Vijaywada 0866-2843308, Vadodara 0265-2356727.

J A i N A R T/JTA/5506/REV308

Greenhouse Irrigation

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