Planning of SIAE
Planning of SIAE
Planning of SIAE
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1 Design objectives for digital radio links according to Rec. ITU-T G.821_________________8
1.1 Introduction_____________________________________________________________8
1.2 Error performance events and parameters___________________________________9
1.3 Overall connections error performance objectives____________________________10
1.4 Apportionment of overall connections error performance objectives_____________11
1.4.1 Basic principles______________________________________________________11
1.4.2 Apportionment strategy for the errored seconds requirement___________________12
1.4.3 Apportionment strategy for the severely errored seconds requirement___________12
1.5 Performance objectives___________________________________________________14
1.5.1 Performance objective for High Grade real digital link (Rec. ITU-R F. 634-4)_____14
1.5.2 Performance objective for Medium Grade real digital link (Rec. ITU-R F. 696-4)__14
1.5.3 Performance objective for Local Grade real digital link (Rec. ITU-R F.697-2)_____15
1.6 Unavailability objectives__________________________________________________15
1.6.1 Unavailability objective for High Grade real digital link (Rec. ITU-R F. 695)_____15
1.6.2 Unavailability objective for Medium Grade real digital link (Rec. ITU-R F. 696-4)_16
1.6.3 Unavailability objective for Local Grade real digital link (Rec. ITU-R F.697-2)____16
2 Design objectives for digital radio links according to ITU-T Rec. G.826________________17
2.1 Introduction____________________________________________________________17
2.2 Apportionment of end to end objectives_____________________________________17
2.3 Error performance events and parameters__________________________________19
2.4 Error performance objectives_____________________________________________19
2.4.1 End-to-end performance objective_______________________________________19
2.4.2 Error performance objectives for real digital fixed wireless links used in 27 500km
hypothetical reference paths and connections (Rec. ITU-R F. 1668 )_____________________20
3 Design objectives for digital radio links according to ITU-T G.828 Recommendation_____28
3.1 Introduction____________________________________________________________28
3.2 Apportionment of end to end objectives_____________________________________28
3.3 Error performance events and parameters__________________________________29
4 Availability objectives_________________________________________________________30
4.1 Availability objectives for real digital fixed wireless links used in 27500km
hypothetical reference paths and connections (Rec. ITU-R F.1703)____________________30
5 ITU-T and ITU-R Recommendations referred to performance and availability objectives
and maintenance________________________________________________________________33
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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[2] ITU-T Recommendation G.826: “Error performance parameters and objectives for
international, constant bit rate digital paths at or above the primary rate”
[2] ITU-T Recommendation G.828: “Error performance parameters and objectives for
international, constant bit rate synchronous digital paths”
[4] ETSI EN 302 217: “Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and requirements for point-to-point
equipment and antennas; Parts 1, 2-1, 2-2, 3, 4-1 and 4-2”
[5] ETSI TR 101 016: “Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems
(DRRS); Comparison and verification of performance prediction models”
[6] ETSI TR 101 854 v1.3.1 : “Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; Derivation of
receiver interference parameters useful for planning fixed service point-to-point systems
operating different equipment classes and/or capacities”
[7] ITU-R Recommendation 530-8: “Propagation data and prediction methods required for the
design of terrestrial line-of-sight systems”
[8] ITU-R Recommendation 530-11: “Propagation data and prediction methods required forthe
design of terrestrial line-of-sight systems”
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[14] ITU-R Recommendation F.1668: “Error performance objectives for real digital fixed wireless
links used in 27 500 km hypothetical reference paths and connections”
[15] ITU-R Recommendation F.1703: “Availability objectives for real digital fixed wireless links
used in 27 500 km hypothetical reference paths and connections”
[19] ITU-R Recommendation P.453-9: “The radio refractive index: its formula and refractivity
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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1.1 Introduction
Recommendation ITU-T G.821 [1] defines error performance of an international digital connection
operating at a bit rate below the primary rate and forming part of an integrated services digital
The objectives are given for hypothetical reference connection (HRX) and for real digital radio
relay links forming part of an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).
The performance objectives are stated for each direction of a N64 kbit/s circuit-switched
connection (1N24 or31 respectively) used for voice traffic or as a "Bearer Channel" for data-
type services.
In the context of error performance of 64 kbit/s circuit-switched connection types and the allocation
of performance to the connection elements, an all digital hypothetical reference configuration
(HRX) is given in Figure 1.1. It encompasses a total length of 27500 km and is a derivative of the
standard hypothetical reference configuration given in Figure 1/G.801 and of the reference
configuration given in Figure 3/I.325.
27 500 km
T-reference T-reference
LE LE point
1 It is not possible to provide a definition of the location of the boundary between the medium and the high grade portions
HRX. Note 4 to Table 2 provides further clarification of this point.
Recommendation ITU-T G.821 [1] classifies the digital transmission circuits in 3 quality levels:
local grade, medium grade and high grade.
The unavailability and performance objectives are different for local, medium and high grade
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• errored second ratio (ESR): The ratio of ES to total seconds in available time during a
fixed measurement interval.
• severely errored second ratio (SESR): The ratio of SES to total seconds in available time
during a fixed measurement interval.
ITU-T prescribes that all the above mentioned parameters are measured in a 64 Kbit/s stream.
ITU-T admits that the error performance may be computed at system bit-rate: SES at 64 Kb/s is a
few (1-5) percent higher than that at system bit-rate. On the contrary, the ES must be measured at 64
Kb/s. If ESR is measured at system bit-rate, the ESR at 64 kbit/s is given by (Rec. ITU-R F.634-4
[10] Annex 2):
J i 1
(n/ N ) i ESRsystem bit rate
n : number of errors in the ith s at the system bit rate
N : system bit rate divided by 64 kbit/s
J : integer number of 1 s periods (excluding unavailable time) within the total
measurement period.
First of all it needs to find the time intervals longer than 10 consecutive seconds in which
BER>10-3. The link is unavailable during these time intervals, then it needs to discard these time
intervals and measure the performance, by counting SES, ES in the remaining time (i.e. the time
during which the link is available).
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The objectives relate to a very long connection and recognizing that a large proportion of real
international connections will be shorter, it is expected that a significant proportion of real
connections will offer a better performance than the limiting value given in table 1/G.821 [1].
The error performance objectives apply to a N64kbit/s circuit switched. However, it is recognized
that in practical situations objectives of this Recommendation G.821 [1] will need to be evaluated
from measurements made on paths operating at higher bit rates. For that purpose, Recommendation
G.826 [2], which specifies error performance objectives for international constant bit rate digital
paths at or above the primary rate, shall be used.
The performance objectives for an international ISDN connection are shown in Table 1.1. It is
intended that international ISDN connections should meet all of the requirements of Table 1.1. The
connection fails to satisfy the objective if any of the requirements is not met.
Note 1: The ratios are calculated over the available time. The observation time has not been
specified since the period may depend upon the application. A period of the order of any one
month is suggested as a reference.
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1.4.1 Basic principles
The following pages outline the basic principles and strategy for apportioning the performance
Since the objectives given in table 1.1 relate to an overall connection, it is necessary to subdivide
this to constituent parts. It should be noted that a small percentage of connections will be longer
than the 27.500 km HRX. By definition the extra connection length will be carried over high-grade
circuits and hence the amount by which such connections exceed the total allowance envisaged in
the Rec. ITU-T G.821 [1] will be proportional to the amount by which the 25.000 km section is
The overall apportionment philosophy involves the use of two slightly different strategies, one
applicable to the errored seconds requirement and the other applicable to the severely errored
seconds requirement.
Apportionment is based on the assumed use of transmission systems having qualities falling into
one of a limited number of different classifications.
Three distinct quality classifications have been identified representative of practical digital
transmission circuits and are independent of the transmission systems used. These classifications
are termed local grade, medium grade and high grade and their usage generally tends to be
dependent on their location within a network (see Figure 1).
The apportionment of the permitted degradation is given in Table 1.2. The derived network
performance objectives are given in subsequent subclauses.
The allocation principle given in this table is applicable to ESR and half of the SESR .
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1.4.2 Apportionment strategy for the errored seconds requirement
The apportionment of the permitted degradation, i.e. 0.08 ESR, is given in Table 1.2. The derived
network performance objectives are given in Table 1.3.
1.4.3 Apportionment strategy for the severely errored seconds requirement
The total allocation of 0.002 SESR is subdivided into each circuit classification (i.e. local, medium,
high grades) in the following manner:
a) 0.001 SESR is divided between the three circuit classifications in the same proportions as
adopted for the other objective. This results in the allocation as shown in Table 1.4.
b) The remaining 0.001 SESR is a block allowance to the medium and high grade
classifications to accommodate the occurrence of adverse network conditions occasionally
experienced (intended to mean the worst month of the year) on transmission systems.
Because of the statistical nature of the occurrence of worst month effects in a world-wide
connection, it is considered that the following allowances are consistent with the total 0.001
SESR figure: 0.0005 SESR is allocated to a 2500 km HRDP for radio relay systems which
can be used in the high grade and the medium grade portion of the connection.
The following table summarizes the allocation percentage of the 0.001 SESR for each Medium
Grade classes:
To be used in
circuit classification
CLASSIFICATION (see Fig.1.1) (%)
(see Fig.1.1)
1 280 0,45 High grade
2 280 2 Medium grade
3 50 2 Medium grade
4 50 5 Medium grade
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1.5.1 Performance objective for High Grade real digital link (Rec. ITUR F. 6344)
The following error performance objectives should be respected for each direction of the
N64kbit/s (1N24(or32, respectively)), when establishing real digital radio-relay links with
length, L (km), of between 280km and 2 500 km providing connections at a bit rate below the
primary rate and intended to form part of a high-grade circuit within an ISDN:
It is obtained by varying the HRDP objective linearly with the radio link length. (280 L 2500).
The objective for links shorter than 280 Km is still under study and then it is kept constant and
equal to that for 280 Km (Rec. ITU-R F.696-4 [9]).
1.5.2 Performance objective for Medium Grade real digital link (Rec. ITUR F. 6964)
The real link consists of one or many hypothetical reference digital sections (HRDS) and the
performance objective for the real link is the sum of the objectives of the HRDS.
Recommendation F.696-4 [9] divides the medium grade system in four quality classes with different
objective. The performance objectives for an HRDS, varies according to quality class according to
Table I of the ITU-R Rec. F.696-4 [9]:
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An hypothetical reference digital path has not been defined, because of the wide variety of
The following error performance objectives apply to each direction and to each N64kbit/s channel
(1N24 (or 32, respectively)) of a digital radio-relay system used to form all of the local-grade
portion at each end of an ISDN connection.
that the SESR should not exceed 0.015 % in any month;
that the ESR should not exceed 1.2 % in any month;
The availability objective for a 2 500km HRDP (Rec. ITU-R F.556-1 [12]) for digital radio-relay
systems (Rec. ITU-R F.557) should be 99,7% of the time, the percentage being considered over a
period of time sufficiently long to be statistically valid, this period is probably greater than one
year; the period of time is under study.
The link is unavailable by definition when one or both of the following condition occur for more
than 10 consecutive seconds, and at least in one direction of transmission:
The bit error ratio (BER) in each second is worse than 10-3
In the estimate of unavailability one must include all causes, which are statistically predictable such
as lack of primary power, circuit failure, maintenance works, rain (for frequency above 7 GHz),
propagation (for time intervals longer than 10 consecutive seconds) (Rec. ITU-R F. 695 [13]).
1.6.1 Unavailability objective for High Grade real digital link (Rec. ITUR F. 695)
The availability objective appropriate to a real digital radio link intended to form part of a high
grade circuit within an ISDN, for a link with length, L, of between 280 km and 2500 km, should be
as follows:
A (100 – (0,3 × L /2500)) %
Note 1 – The value of 0,3 is a provisional one and it is recognized that, in practice, the value
selected may fall into the range 0.1 to 0.5. The choice of a specific value in this range
depends on the optimum allocation of outage time among the various causes which may not
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This Recommendation divides the medium grade radio relay system into 4 quality classes. The
unavailability objectives are different from class to class.
The total bidirectional unavailability due to all causes for the HRDS classes 1 to 4 utilizing digital
radio-relay systems and forming part of the medium grade portion of an ISDN connection shall not
exceed the values in table 1.7. The percentage being considered over a period of time sufficiently
long to be statistically valid, this period is probably greater than one year; the period of time is
under study.
The unavailability objectives for a hypothetical reference digital section (HRDS), are proposed in
the Table 1.7.
Table 1.7 - Unavailability objectives for Medium Grade real digital link
1.6.3 Unavailability objective for Local Grade real digital link (Rec. ITUR F.6972)
No definition has been developed by the ITU-T or the ITU-R for local-grade unavailability.
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2.1 Introduction
The Recommendation ITU-T G.826 [2] is applicable to international, constant bit rate digital paths
at or above the primary rate. These paths may be based on a Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy,
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy or some other transport network such as cell-based. This
Recommendation is generic, in that it defines the parameters and objectives for paths independent
of the physical transport network providing the paths.
(e.g. Path
carried over
Intermediate a Submarine
Terminating Countries Cable) Terminating
Country (Note 3) Country
(Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 1)
Portion International Portion National
Note 1 - If a path is considered to terminal at the IG, only international portion allocation applies
Note 2 - One or two International Gateways (entry or exit) may be defined per intermediate country
Note 3 - Four intermediate countries are assumed
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This Recommendation is based upon the error performance measurement of blocks. This sub-clause
offers a generic definition of the term "block" as follows:
A block is a set of consecutive bits associated with the path; each bit belongs to one and only one
block. Consecutive bits may not be contiguous in time.
Table 2.1 specifies the recommended range of the number of bits within each block for the various
bit rate ranges.
Error performance parameters are derived from the following events:
• Errored Block (EB): A block in which one or more bits are in error.
• Errored Second (ES): A one-second period with one or more errored blocks or at least one
• Severely Errored Second (SES): A one-second period which contains ³30% errored
blocks or at least one defect. SES is a subset of ES.
• Background Block Error (BBE): An errored block not occurring as part of an SES.
2.4.1 Endtoend performance objective
Table 1 specifies the end-to-end objectives for a 27500 km HRP in terms of the parameters defined
in 2.3. The actual objectives applicable to a real path are derived from Table 1 using the allocation
principles detailed in 2.2. Each direction of the path shall concurrently satisfy the allocated
objectives for all parameters. In other words, a path fails to satisfy the ITU-T Rec. G.826 [2] if any
parameter exceeds the allocated objective in either direction at the end of the given evaluation
period. The suggested evaluation period is one month.
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That future and whenever practical, existing radio relay systems should comply with Rec. ITU-T-
G.826 [2] Performance objectives.
The hypothetical reference path is 27500 km long (shared in 3 portion):
The error performance objectives (EPOs), applicable to each direction of any real radio link of
length Llink, can be derived by means of equation here below, using the values in Tables 2.2 and2.3
for SDH system design according to ITU-T Rec. G.828 [3] and values in Tables2.4 and 2.5 for
system design according to ITU-T Rec. G.826 [2].
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j 1 for Lmin Llink 1 000 km for intermediate country
j 2 for 1 000 km < Llink for intermediate country
j 3 for Lmin Llink 500 km for terminating country
j 4 for 500 km < Llink for terminating country.
EPO is substituted by the parameters errored second ratio (ESR), severely errored second ratio
(SESR) and background block error ratio (BBER) as appropriate.
LR is the reference length, LR 2 500km
BR is a block allowance ratio, BR (0 < BR 1);
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Basic sections of the national portion of the HRP
Path national Terminal
Path access Local core international
end-point element exchange element centre
(PEP) (PAE) (LE) (NPCE) Note 1 (TIC)
Note 1 – Depending on the country network architecture, this centre may coincide with a primary centre (PC),
secondary centre (SC) or tertiary centre (TC) (see ITU-T Recommendation G.801).
Access: Access network section, including the connections between PEP and the corresponding local access
switching centre/cross connector (LE). It corresponds to the PAE.
Short haul: Short haul inter-exchange network section, including the connections between a local access
switching centre/cross connector (LE) and a PC, SC or TC (depending on the network architecture).
Long haul: Long haul inter-exchange network section, including the connections between a PC, SC or TIC
(depending on the network architecture) and the corresponding international gateway (IG).
Note 2 – TIC, PAE and NPCE are defined in ITU-T Recommendation M.1010.
The EPOs applicable to each direction of any real fixed wireless link of length L link belonging to the
long haul inter-exchange network sections of the national portion of HRP and HRC the values in
Table 2.6 for SDH systems designed according to ITU-T Recommendation G.828 [3] and in Table
2.7 for other systems designed according to ITU-T Recommendation G.826 [2] should apply. The
lower limit of Llink, used to scale the objectives to the real case, is Lmin50km.
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Rate primary
1.5 to 5 5 to 15 15 to 55 55 to 160 160 to 400
(Mbit/s) rate
ESR 0.04 A 0.04 A 0.05 A 0.075 A 0.16 A Not applicable
SESR 0.002 A 0.002 A 0.002 A 0.002 A 0.002 A 0.002 A
BBER(1) Not 2 A 10–4 2 A 10–4 2 A 10–4 2 A 10–4 1 A 10–4
(1) BBER parameter is applicable only to paths.
Table 2.7 - EPOs for real fixed wireless links belonging to the long haul inter-exchange
network section of the national portion of the HRP and HRC according to ITU-T Rec. G.826
A(A1 0.002) Llink/100 for 50 km Llink100 km
A1 has provisionally been agreed to be in the range of 0.01 to 0.02 (1% to 2%).
For the EPOs applicable to each direction of any real fixed wireless link forming all of the short
haul network sections of the national portion of the HRP and HRC, the values given in Table 2.8 for
SDH systems designed according to ITU-T Rec. G.828 [3] and in Table 2.9 for other systems
designed according to ITU-T Rec. G.826 [2] should apply.
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primary rate 1.5 to 5 5 to 15 15 to 55 55 to 160 160 to 400
ESR 0.04 B 0.04 B 0.05 B 0.075 B 0.16 B Not applicable
SESR 0.002 B 0.002 B 0.002 B 0.002 B 0.002 B 0.002 B
BBER Not applicable 2 B 10 –4
2 B 10 –4
2 B 10 –4
2 B 10 –4
1 B 10–4
Table 2.9 - EPOs for fixed wireless links forming all of the short haul inter-exchange network
section of the national portion of the HRP and HRC according to ITU-T Rec. G.826
The value of B has provisionally been agreed to be in the range of 0.075 to 0.085 (7.5% to 8.5%).
The EPOs applicable to each direction of any real fixed wireless link forming all of the access
network sections of the national portion of the HRP and HRC the values given in Table 2.10 for
SDH systems designed according to ITU-T Recommendation G.828 [3] and in Table 2.11 for other
systems designed according to ITU-T Recommendation G.826 [2] should apply.
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The value of C has provisionally been agreed to be in the range of 0.075 to 0.085 (7.5% to 8.5%)
For the EPOs evaluation the error performance parameters for any real link are defined as follows:
– ESR is the ratio of errored second (ES) events to total seconds in the available time during a
fixed measurement interval;
– SESR is the ratio of severely errored second (SES) events to total seconds in the available
time during a fixed measurement interval;
– BBER is the ratio of background block error (BBE) events to total blocks in the available
time during a fixed measurement interval. The count of total blocks excludes all blocks
during SESs.
Afterwards, the values of A1, B, C in tables 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 has been agreed to the
following conditions:
- The sum of the percentages A1% B% C% shall not exceed 17.5%, in accordance with the
allocations to the national portion of an international CBR path given in ITU-T Rec.G.826 [2].
-The provisional values agreed for B% C% are in the range 15.5% to 16.5%.
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3.1 Introduction
The Rec. ITU-T G.828 [3] is applicable to international, constant bit rate digital paths based on
Synchronous Digital Hierarchies. While this Recommendation specifically addresses objectives for
international digital paths, the allocation principles can be applied to the design of error
performance for national or private synchronous digital paths. This Recommendation is generic in
that it defines the parameters and objectives for paths independent of the physical transport network
providing the paths.
The parameter definitions are block-based with the block repetition rate in accordance with SDH
technology, making in-service measurement convenient. The objectives given in this
Recommendation are long-term objectives to be met over an evaluation period of typically 30
consecutive days (one month).
The error performance objectives are applicable to each direction of the path independently. The
values apply end-to-end over a 27500km Hypothetical Reference Path (see Figure 2.1) which may
include optical fibre, digital radio relay, metallic cable and satellite transmission systems.
For the purpose of the Recommendation ITU-T G.828 [3] the boundary between the national and
international portions is defined to be at an International Gateway which usually corresponds to a
cross-connect, a higher-order multiplexer or a switch (N-ISDN or B-ISDN). IGs are always
terrestrially based equipment physically resident in the terminating (or intermediate) country.
Higher-order paths (relative to the under consideration) may be used between IGs. In intermediate
countries, the IGs are only located in order to calculate the overall length of the international
portion of the path in order to deduce the overall allocation.
The following allocation methodology applies to each parameter defined in Section 3.3 and takes
into account both the length and complexity of the international path. If the overall allocation
exceeds 100%, then the performance could be improved in practical implementations to be superior
to allocated objectives, the occurence of paths exceeding the objectives of Table 1/G.828 [3] can be
Each national portion is allocated a fixed block allowance of 17.5% of the end-to-end objective.
The international portion is allocated a block allowance of 2% per intermediate country plus 1% for
each terminating country.
Furthermore, a distance-based allocation is added to the block allowance: an allocation of 1% per
500 km is applied.
The figure 3 shows the allocation for both international and national portion.
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The Rec. ITU-T G.828 [3] is based upon the error performance measurement of blocks. The error
performance parameters and events are the same of ITU-T G.826 [2].
For ITU-T G.828 [3] there is an additional error performance event and an additional error
performance parameter:
severely errored period (SEP): A sequence of between 3 to 9 consecutive SES. The
sequence is terminated by a second which is not a SES.
Severely Errored Period Intensity (SEPI): The number of SEP events in available time,
divided by the total available time in seconds. (See Notes 1, 2 and 3.)
NOTE 1 – The SEPI parameter has a unit of (1/s). This is to enable the SEPI objective to be easily translated
to the equivalent number of SEP events over a specific measurement interval. It should be noted that the SEP
event has no significance over a time interval of less than three seconds.
NOTE 2 – Ongoing studies of the SEP event and the SEPI parameter shall prove their usefulness in
complementing the SESR parameter. Any objectives for the SEPI parameter (presently under study) shall
empirically demonstrate this value.
NOTE 3 – The impact of SEP/SEPI on customer services has to be investigated.
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4.1 Availability objectives for real digital fixed wireless links used in
27500km hypothetical reference paths and connections (Rec.
ITU-R F.1703)
The national portion of the 27500km HRP can be subdivided into three basic sections (see Fig.4.1);
Basic sections of the national portion of the HRP
National L
Path path core Terminal
Path access Local element international
end-point element exchange (NPCE) centre
(PEP) (PAE) (LE) Note 1
Note 1 – Depending on the country network architecture, this centre may coincide with a primary centre (PC),
secondary centre (SC) or tertiary centre (TC) (see ITU-T Recommendation G.801).
Access: Access network section, including the connections between PEP and the corresponding local access
switching centre/cross connector LE. It corresponds to the PAE.
Short haul: Short haul network portion, including the connections between a local access switching centre/cross
connector, LE, and a PC, SC or TC (depending on the network architecture).
Long haul: Long haul network portion, including the connections between a PC, SC or TIC (depending on the
network architecture) and the corresponding international gateway (IG).
Note 2 – TIC, PAE and NPCE are defined in ITU-T Recommendation M.1010.
Availability objectives are applicable to any real digital fixed wireless link according to the portion
of network in the real digital path:
Link forming part of the international portion or belonging to the long-haul network portion
of the national portion are fixed-block plus distance-based allocated.
Link belonging to the access and short-haul network are fixed block-based (i.e. length
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availability ratio = AR 1 B j
C j
Mo 1 / OI
mean time between outage = L
Dj link E j
the value of j is:
for international portion:
1 for Lmin Llink 250km
2 for 250km Llink 2500km
3 for 2500km Llink 7500km
4 for Llink 7500km
for national portion:
5 for access network
6 for short haul
7 for long haul
LR: reference length LR=2500km.
The lower limit of Llink used to scale the objectives is Lmin 50km.
The values of Bj, Cj, Dj and Ej are given in Tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. The parameter OI refers to
the number of unavailability events per year, so its reciprocal Mo has to be multiplied by the
number of seconds in a year to represent the effective mean time between the unavailability events
that have occurred in a year expressed in seconds.
Availability objectives should be partitioned in order to take into account unavailability events due
to propagation events, equipment failure, human intervention and other causes.
For the case when the link is composed of more than one hop, the objectives are applicable for the
whole link.
Objectives for radio link forming part of any path element composing the international portion (i.e.
inter-country path core element (ICPCE) and international path core element (IPCE)) should in any
case not exceed the objectives defined in ITU-T Recommendation G.827.
The overall objectives for the national portion (i.e. obtained by adding the objectives of access
network, short haul and long haul) implemented by fixed wireless systems should not exceed in any
case the objectives defined in ITU-T Recommendation G.827 for the national portion element.
Length (km) Lmin Llink 250 250 Llink 2 500 2 500 Llink 7 500 Llink ³ 7 500
B1 C1 B2 C2 B3 C3 B4 C4
International 1.9 10 –3
1.1 10 –4
3 10 –3
0 3 10 –3
0 3 10 –3
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Access portion Long-haul portion
B5 C5 B6 C6 B7 C7
0 5 10–4 0 4 10–4 310–3 for 250km Llink 2500km 0 for 250km Llink 2500km
1,910 –3
for Lmin Llink 250km 1.1 10–4 for LminLlin250km
Table 4.2 - Parameters for AR objectives for links forming part of a national portion
of constant bit-rate digital path element
Length (km) Lmin Llink 250 250 Llink 2 500 2 500 Llink 7 500 Llink ³ 7 500
D1 E1 D2 E22 D3 E3 D4 E4
International 150 50 100 55 100 55 100 55
Table 4.3 - Parameters for OI objectives for links forming part of an international portion
of constant bit-rate digital path
Access portion Long-haul portion
D5 E5 D6 E6 D7 E7
0 100 0 120 100 for 250km Llink 2500km 55 for 250km Llink 2500km
150 for Lmin Llink 250km 50 for Lmin Llink 250km
Table 4.4 - Parameters for OI objectives for links forming part of a national portion
of constant bit-rate digital path element
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In the following table are summarized the ITU Recommendations referred to the performance and
availability objectives in ITU-T G.821 [1], ITU-T G.826 [2] and ITU-T G.828 [3].
Performance Availability
Objectives Objectives
High Grade Rec. ITU-R F.634-4 [10] Rec. ITU-R F.695 [13]
ITU-T G.821
Medium Grade Rec. ITU-R F.696-4 [9] Rec. ITU-R F.696-4 [9]
Local Grade Rec. ITU-R F.697-2 [11] Rec. ITU-R F.697-2 [11]
International and
ITU-T G.826 Rec. ITU-R F.1668 [14] - Rec. ITU-R F.1703 [15]
National Portion
International and
ITU-T G.828 Rec. ITU-R F.1668 [14] - Rec. ITU-R F.1703 [15]
National Portion
Maintenance on specific systems and transport paths may require other parameters. Parameters and
values can be found in the M-series Recommendations. See, for example, Recommendations
M.2100 and M.2101. These Recommendations allow short-term measurements. They can be used to
indicate that the long-term requirements of Recommendation G.821 [1],G.826 [2] and G.828 [3] are
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In order to calculate the received power level, it’s necessary take into account different attenuations
that have an influence on the radio propagation. The link budget general formula can be writing as
It is worth nothing that PTx represents the transmitted output power for each carrier active on the
radio link. As an example, for multicarrier radio equipment the output power relevant to each
carrier must be used instead of the overall output power at the antenna port. In fact, the output
power at the antenna port is N times the output power of each single carrier where N represents the
number of active RF carriers.
GTx , GRx depend on the antennas deployed on the radio link. The “ AB ” parameters (branching
losses) instead are depending on system configuration and are supplied by the equipment
manufacture. The “ AF ” parameters (feeder losses) depends on the installed configuration and on
the type of deployed feeder. The possible configuration can be: with integral antenna or with
separated antenna. In case of integral antenna configuration, feeder losses are negligible. In case of
separated antenna, it is necessary to know the length of the feeders. Feeders can be coaxial cable or
waveguide. Feeder manufactures provides feeder attenuation as a function of the feeder’s length.
The other parameters represent deterministic attenuation that can be estimate according to timely
input data.
In next paragraph we will describe the method for deterministic attenuation calculation as free space
attenuation, diffraction and attenuation due to vegetation and atmospheric gas.
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p GT
4π r 2
W R pAeff
where WR is the received power and Aeff is the effective area of the receiving antenna which is
related to its gain by the following formula:
Aeff G
4π f 2
Hence, the received power is given by:
4 r f
and the free space attenuation can be calculated from:
WR 4 r f
where d1 and d 2 are the distances between transmitter and receiver at the point where the
ellipsoid radius is calculated.
Diffraction can be caused from:
earth curvature;
obstacles due to irregular of terrain.
6.2.1 Diffraction over a spherical earth
The additional attenuation due to the earth curvature can be evaluated by the following formulae:
20 log F (d ) H ( h1 ) H ( h2 )
E: received electric field intensity;
E0 : electric field intensity in free space propagation at the same distance;
d: link length;
h1 , h2 : heights of the antennas above the spherical earth.
The functions F (take into account the distance) and H (take into account the antennas heights
above the earth) can be evaluated either analytically or by diagrams (see Recommendation ITU-R
You take into account that the physical medium for the propagation is the atmosphere where the
refractive index is not constant in the space, but decrease with the altitude. Consequently the
electromagnetic wave cannot be considered as optical rays (i.e. rays is not straight line but a curve).
In practice you take into account of this phenomenon by an appropriate earth equivalent radius for
the functions F and H evaluation (Recommendation ITU-R P.834-5 [17]).
6.2.2 Diffraction over obstacles and irregular terrain
The propagation path can encounter one or several separate obstacles. Then it’s useful to estimate
the losses caused by diffraction over the obstacles. To make such calculations it’s necessary to use
models of the obstacles that can be found in nature. A single knife-edge obstacle of negligible
thickness represents the first example (Figure 6.1).
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In this extremely idealized case, all the geometrical parameters are combined together in a single
dimensionless parameter named and given by:
2 1 1
d1 d 2
h: height of the top of the obstacle above the straight line joining the two ends of the
path. If the height is below this line, h is negative.
d1 , d 2 : distances of the two ends of the path from the top of the obstacle.
For greater than -0.7 an approximate value can be obtained from the expression:
J 6.9 20 log 0 .1 1 0 .1 (*)
where J is the loss[dB], in function of , caused by the presence of the obstacle (see Figure
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This method can be used also to estimate the diffraction in case of double isolated edges,
considering the top of the first obstacle as a source for diffraction over the second obstacle (see
Figure 6.3).
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a b b c
Lc 10 log
b a b c
which is valid when each of L1 and L2 exceeds 15 dB. In this case, the total diffraction loss is
then given by:
L L1 L2 Lc
The recommendation ITU-R P.526-9 [16] presents other method for the calculation of diffraction
over obstacles by means different models of the obstacle, as, for example, the single rounded
Figure 6.4 (obtained from Recommendation ITU-R P.833-5 [18]) shows the curves of measured
specific attenuation for “long paths” at frequencies from 30 MHz to 3 GHz, plus a single
measurement above 10 GHz shown as a diamond. Measurements for “short paths” are shown as
squares, with dB/m values up to seven times those for “long paths”. The data refer only to the
additional attenuation caused by woodland to a ray passing through it and represent an approximate
average for all types of woodland.
At frequencies above about 1 GHz, no definite dependence on polarization is evident, whereas at
lower frequencies the vertical structure of woodland (tree trunks) may be a significant factor.
However there can be also variations of attenuation due to the movement of foliage, such as due to
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It’s useful to note that the square of the electric field represents, a part of some constants, a power
density. That means, the radiation pattern provides, for each direction, the information on the
amount of radiated power density.
In general, the radiation pattern is a 3D diagram. However, manufactures provide only two
- Azimuth diagram
- Elevation diagram
The Azimuth diagram represents the cut of the radiation pattern made over the plane ( 0 ) . The
Elevation diagram represents the cut of the radiation pattern over the plane ( 90 ) . In figure 7.2
are shown the examples both for the azimuth and the elevation diagram.
-180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
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where D represents the antenna diameter and represents the wave length:
where c represents the light speed and f represents the frequency.
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co-polar radiation pattern (e.g. same polarisation) electric field radiated in the direction ( M , M ) .
As for the RP, the cross-polarisation diagram is 3D. In the same way as the RP, antenna
manufactures provide two diagrams that represents the cut of the cross-polar diagram on the planes
( 0 ) and ( 90 ) . These diagrams are most commonly named as "VH" and "HV" diagrams.
However, the "VH" and "HV" diagrams assume different meaning depending on the antenna
polarisation. Also the Azimuth and Elevation diagrams are named with another equivalent
terminology. In fact, the Azimuth and Elevation diagrams are also called "VV" and "HH" diagrams.
As for the cross-polar diagrams, the "VV" and "HH" diagrams assume a different meaning
depending on the antenna polarisation while the terms AZIMUTH and ELEVATION do not depend
on the particular polarisation.
Table 7.1 summarises all the necessary information relevant to the terminology used to define both
the RP and the cross-polarisation diagrams.
Antenna Polarisation Diagram Cut Plane
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Regarding antennas, the XPD parameter represents the capacity of antenna to reject the signal with
orthogonal polarization. Consequently, the XPD parameter is tightly tied at antenna’s diagrams and
can be thoroughly represented by a 3D diagram. In fact, the XPD parameter is the difference
expressed in decibel (dB) between co-polar and cross-polar diagrams. In figures showing examples
of antenna diagrams is possible to see the XPD value for each different radiated direction. It is
important to underline that the evaluation of XPD parameter must be done using the appropriate
couple of co-polar and cross-polar diagrams. For example, VV co-polar diagram must be used with
VH cross-polar diagram in order to evaluate XPD parameter. Next paragraphs show the radiation
patterns of the antennas in the frequency ranges 6L GHz, 13 GHz and 18 GHz.
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7.5.1 Antennas operating in the 6U GHz band
-10 VV and HH
VH and HV
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Deg. [°]
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-20 VV
-30 HV
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Deg. [°]
-20 HH
-40 VH
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
deg [°]
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-20 H-H
-40 V-H
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
VHLP 2-130
-30 H-V
-40 V-V
-50 V-H
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
-30 H-V
-40 V-V
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
VHLP 4-130
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
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-20 H-H
-40 V-H
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
VHLP2 -180
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
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-50 H-V
-60 V-H
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
VHLP 4-180
-30 H-H
-40 H-V
-50 V-V
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle [°]
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In fact, the NFD does not take into account of any antenna discrimination (neither co-polar nor
cross-polar (XPD)). The NFD is usually defined by considering a single sideband interfering
transmitter: if a double sideband like modulated interfering transmitters are considered, the NFD
will become 3 dB lower than the one calculated with a single side band interfering transmitter.
Many mathematical definitions have been given for defining the NFD. The correct one is as
I After All Filtering
NFD (8.1)
I At the Antenna Port
The previous expression represents the ratio between the C/I (Carrier over Interference) ratio after
the whole filtering process (RF, IF and base-band) at the output of the interfered receiver and the
C/I ratio at the antenna port. Expression (8.1) can be better explained by means of fig. 8.1 and fig.
8.2. In fig. 8.1 are shown the interfering power level at the antenna port (black dashed area) and
interfering power level after the filtering (red dashed area). In fig. 8.2 are shown the desired power
levels at the antenna port (blue dashed area) and the desired power levels after filtering (yellow
dashed area).
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[dB] 0
Desired Spectrum
Interfered Receiver's
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Unfortunately, the estimation of all terms in (8.1) could be difficult and there could be precision’s
mistakes. For these reasons, the NFD estimation is usually carried out by using the relationship in
NFD c (8.2)
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In practise, (8.2) estimates the NFD by means of the ratio of the total interfering power level (fig.
8.1 – black dashed area) and the share of the interfering power level that get into the receiving filter
of the interfered equipment (figure 8.1 – red dashed area). Basically, in (8.2) it is neglected the
contribution due to the ratio between the total desired power level (fig. 8.2 – blue dashed area) and
the share of the desired power level that get into its receiving filter (fig. 8.2 – yellow dashed area).
In practice, (8.2) neglects the loss on the desired power level introduced by its own receiving filter.
By means of (8.2) it is possible to estimate NFD values that are 0.51.0 dB higher that those
estimated by means of (8.1).
S ( f )df
NFD (8.3)
S ( f ) H ( f ) df
where S ( f ) represents the power spectral density of the interfering signals and H ( f ) represents
the transfer function of the whole interfered receiving filter.
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Figure 8.4 - Example of the method for receiving filter extrapolation in [6]
In Annex D are listed the NFD values for most of the SIAE equipment in the 6U, 13 and 18 GHz
bands. The NFD values have been estimated under the following assumptions:
The NFD value have bee estimated by using the relationships (8.2 – 8.3)
The interfering power spectral densities have been obtained by using measured main lobes
which have been connected to the ETSI masks as shown in fig. 8.5
The receiving interfered filters are the measured ones and include all filtering contributions
(RF, IF and base-band)
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Sp Sp
Decision Area
Let us suppose the presence of a co-channel interference that has been added to the desired signal
with a certain C/I ratio. Let us also suppose the interfering signal deploy a digital modulation
(Note ). The interfering signal will have a random phase so that it could have been added to the
desired signal as shown in fig. 8.6 (worst case). As can be seen from fig. 8.6, the presence of
interference causes a reduction of the margin against thermal noise. As an example, for 4QAM
modulation, the margin against thermal noise without interference is S P / 2 . In presence of
interference the margin with respect thermal noise become S P / 2 I p where I p represents the
amplitude of the interfering signal. As a consequence, the BER performance of the radio equipment
suffers a degradation that, in itself, is a function of the C/I ratio. In practice, the presence of
interference produces a threshold degradation at any given BER as shown in fig. 8.7. As an
example, let us consider a BER=106 and a C/I ratio of 17 dB. As can be seen in fig. 8.7, the radio
equipment will achieve a BER=106 with a power threshold level 2 dB higher than the threshold
without interference. In order to graphically summarise this phenomena, radio equipment are
characterised by a set of threshold degradation curves as the one shown in fig. 8.8. Basically, for
any given BER, a set of curves, representing the threshold degradation as a function of the C/I ratio,
should be supplied by the equipment manufacture.
In this chapter we have been talking about cochannel interference. Nevertheless, on air are also
present many interference coming from adjacent channels. For this reason, a very big set of
threshold degradation curve would be necessary. However, this is an impracticable methodology
taking into account of the infinite number of adjacent frequency carriers. In order to go over this
problem, the usage of the NFD parameter is mandatory. Let us suppose to have the same kind of
interfering signal that produce the threshold degradation curve in fig. 8.8 but, instead of being co-
1 CW and analogue interfering signal will not taken into account in this document
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No Interf
1.E-04 C/I=911
-97 -96 -95 -94 -93 -92 -91 -90 -89 -88 -87 -86 -85 -84 -83
Figure 8.7 - Example of BER performance for a digital radio equipment operating with
4QAM modulation and co-channel interference
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Pth Degr. [dB]
0.0 C/Imin
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
C/I [dB]
Figure 8.8 - Example of threshold degradation curve for a BER=10-6, co-channel interference
and 4QAM modulation
2.5 NFD
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
C/I [dB]
Figure 8.9 - Comparison between the threshold degradation curves (BER=10 -6) with co-
channel and 1st adjacent interference - 4QAM modulation
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of the interfered signal. The overall amount of interfering signal level can be calculated as follows:
I f NFD ( f i )
(i )
I 10 log 10 10 10
(i )
I f i are expressed in dBm
NFD( f i ) represents the NFD scaling value taken from the proper NFD curve (Annex B)
8.4.1 Example
Let us consider the network layout shown in fig. 8.10. The basic input necessary for interfering
calculation can be summarised as follows:
Link capacity: 4x2 Mbit/s
Frequency band: 18 GHz
Antennas: 0.3 m (fig. 7.10) with a gain of 34 dBi
Output power: 20 dBm
Type of installation: integral antenna (feeder losses are negligible)
Configuration: 1+0 (branching losses are null)
Power threshold level: -89 dBm (including all filter losses)
Link A-D and link A-B are co-channel while link A-C is operating on the 1st adjacent channel
NFD between adjacent channel, like modulated: 26 dB
All link are in Line Of Sight (LOS) without any additional losses
Polarisation: vertical
Duplex scheme: FDD
Based on these input parameters we can use expression 6.1 to estimate the power interfering level.
Let us consider the following couple of links: Link A-D (desired) and Link A-C (interfering)
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If we consider that the decoupling of the antenna at 135° is about -55 dB and the decoupling at
70° is about –42 dB, the interference matrix becomes as in table 8.1.
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It is important to remember that the interference listed in table 8.1 do not already take into account
of NFD. In fact, the underlined interference levels must be scaled by the proper NFD. By using the
NFD value provided in the input parameters, the interference levels become as in table 8.2. The
values listed in table 8.2 are those necessary for the estimation of the threshold degradation as
described in the next chapter.
A-B - -118 / -117 -99 /-104
A-C -117 / -118 - -107 / -112
A-D -104/-99 -112 / -107 -
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The fade margin is the difference between the received power level and the threshold value of the
equipment. The fade margin M can be calculated as follow:
PTh [dBm] is the power threshold level for the reference BER. This value is provided by
the equipment’s manufacture and depend on the noise equipment’s figure and the bit rate.
PRx is the received power level estimated with the procedure explained in § 6.
In practise, the fade margin represent the amount of attenuation that can be tolerated by the received
signal level keeping, at the same time, the desired BER performance.
It is worth to remember (§ 1, § 2 and § 3) that link performances depend on the fade margin: for
G.821 [1] objectives the margin must be calculated with a reference BER =10 -3 while for G.826 [2]
and G.828 [3] objectives the reference BER is 10-4.
while the interfering signal will keep the same signal strength as in clear air condition (worst case).
The main problem is to find out the range of attenuation (margin) that can be accepted by the
desired signal before reaching the reference error ratio (BER=103). Without the presence of
where I represents the interfering signal level (in this example –96.5 dBm). The interfering signal
level can be estimated by means of the procedure described in § 9.4.
With a ratio C/I=16.5 dB a threshold degradation of about 2 dB can be estimated by means of the
curve in fig. 10.8. However, the desired signal has already started to provide an error ratio worst
than BER=103 before reaching its threshold level.
In fact, in this particular example, the range of attenuation (margin) that can be tolerated by the
desired signal is only M 28.5 dB . If the fading attenuation becomes equal to 28.5 dB, the
desired signal is 1.5 dB far from its threshold. With this amount of fading attenuation, the C/I at the
interfered receiver becomes 18 dB (in fig. 9.1 named C/IBal) and the degraded threshold with this C/I
ratio is 1.5 dB (fig. 8.8):
As a conclusion, the estimation process of the degraded threshold is oriented to find out the balance
point between the range of fading attenuation (margin) and the C/I ratio at the interfered receiver.
For this reason, the threshold estimation in presence of interference is implemented in some
software planning tools by means of an iterative process.
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-80 Power Threshold Level (PTh )
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1. Define the reference BER according to the selected quality and unavailability objectives
4. If C/I Th ³ C/I min calculate the fade margin by using expression (9.2). Evaluate PTh by using
C/I Th on the threshold degradation curve for the reference BER selected at step 1.
5. If C/I Th C/I min calculate the fade margin by means of the following expression:
I represents the interfering signal level evaluated as described in § 8.4
PTh must be evaluated by using C/I min on the threshold degradation curve for the
reference BER selected at step 1.
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Pns Ps PXP
Pt (10.1)
PXP if diversity is used
obtained by methods given in the following sections. In particular Pns is the non selective fading
outage, Ps is the selective outage, PXP the XPD outage and Pd is the outage if a diversity
configuration is used.
The total outage probability due to rain is calculated from taking the larger of Prain and PXPR obtained
by methods given in §11.1 and §11.2.
p w p0 10 -M/10 % (10.2)
In the following, the calculation method for small percentages of time according to
Rec. ITU-R P. 530-11 [8] for the estimation of the multipath occurrence factor p0 will be
presented. In Annex B it will be also presented the calculation method according Rec. ITU-R P.
530-8 [7].
The multipath occurrence factor p 0 can be estimated according the followinf expression:
Figure 10.1 - Percentage of time pw exceeded in an average worst month, with p0 ranging from
0.01 to 1000.
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Signatures can be measured by approximating actual fades by a two-ray simulator. The simplified
three-ray model has the transfer function:
1 exp 0.2 P0
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MPF/NMPF: account must be taken of the relative occurrences of minimum phase fade and
non-minimum phase fade conditions by computing outage probability separately when
signatures for minimum phase and non-minimum phase are different. The relative
occurrence probabilities of minimum phase and non-minimum phase for deep fades the
probabilities tend to be equal while for shallow fades the minimum phase case predominates
Signatures: the method use signatures to express the effect of equipment characteristics
(such as modulation scheme, roll-off factor and equalization) on the outage probability.
The effect of equipment characteristics is expressed through the values of normalised system
parameter Kn, where this parameter is evaluated from measured system signatures. Conceptually,
one can consider the normalised system parameter as being evaluated from a “normalised system
signature”. If one scales system signatures to a specified baud period (1 ns) and relative echo delay
(1 ns), then such scaled system signatures, known as “normalised signatures”, are a characteristic of
the system parameters such as modulation method, roll-off factor and type of equaliser. Using a
rectangular approximation for the signature, Kn is given by:
Kn (T 2 · W · a ) / r (10.13)
T : system baud period (ns)
W : signature width (GHz)
a : average of (linear) signature c ( f ) 1 – bc ( f )
r : reference delay for a (ns).
Table 10.1 shows values of Kn for receivers without adaptive equalization. The use of adaptive
baseband transversal equalizers improves system performance so the figures for the normalized
signature area Kn are normally reduced to about 1/10 of the values reported in Table 10.1.
Modulation method Kn
64-QAM 15.4
16-QAM 05.5
8-PSK 07.0
4-PSK 01.0
Table 10.1 - Values for Kn for various modulation methods
where no equalizer is employed
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τ r ,x : the reference delay (ns) used to obtain the signature, with x denoting either minimum phase ( M )
or non - minimum phase ( NM ) fades
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The XPD can deteriorate sufficiently to cause co-channel interference and, to a lesser extent,
adjacent channel interference. The reduction in XPD that occurs during both clear-air and
precipitation conditions must be taken into account.
The combined effect of multipath propagation and the cross-polarization patterns of the antennas
govern the reduction in XPD occurring for small percentages of time. To compute the effect of this
reduction in link performance, the following step-by-step procedures should be used:
Step 1: Compute
XPD g 5 for XPD g 40
XPD0 (10.18)
45 for XPD g 40
Where XPDg is the manufacturer’s guaranteed minimum XPD at boresight for both the transmitting
and receiving antennas, i.e., the minimum of the transmitting and receiving antenna boresight
Step 2: Evaluate the multipath activity parameter:
η 1 e 0.2 P0
where p 0 p w / 100 is the multipath occurrence factor corresponding to the percentage of the time
pw (%) in the average worst month.
Step 3: Determine:
Q 10log
1 k x2
where the kx parameters is evaluated as follow:
k x2 k XPD
k st2
- K XPD 0.55
- 210 6 t
- K st e
0.7 one transmit antenna
1 k 1 0.3exp- 4x10 6 s t
x two transmit antennas (10.21)
In the case where two orthogonally polarized transmissions are from different antennas, the vertical
separation is st (m) and the carrier wavelength is (m).
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where MXPD (dB) is the equivalent XPD margin for a reference BER given by:
C I min without XP IC
M XPD (10.24)
C 0 XPIF with XPIC
I min
Here, is the minimum carrier-to-noise ratio for a reference BER, which has been introduced
I min
in §9.3.
XPIF is a laboratory-measured cross-polarization improvement factor that gives the difference in
cross-polar isolation (XPI) at sufficiently large carrier-to-noise ratio (typically 35 dB) and at a
specific BER for systems with and without cross-polar interference canceller (XPIC) (see Annex A)
A technique to improve link performance is based on the fact that adopting a diversity scheme,
using one main radio bearer and a stand-by one, the probability of outage can be reduced. The
diversity configurations are:
1) Frequency diversity
2) Space diversity
3) Space and Frequency diversity (two, three or four antennas).
4) Angle diversity
The diversity can made by means of a switch that selects the best channel or, a combiner that adds
signals elaborated with a suitable algorithm.
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This formula follows from experimental tests and intuitively, depends only on hop length (through
m); in fact, two bearers are more uncorrelated if the hop length and/or the frequency spacing is
larger, while their allocation in different frequency bands is not significant.
In order to evaluate the outage with a frequency diversity scheme, the correlation between the
bearers, considering the occurrence factor of multipath fading, must be evaluated. Basically, it is
necessary to evaluate the diversity parameter m defined as follows:
m (1 K 2f ) (10.26)
p1 . p2
P FD (10.27)
where p1 and p 2 are the outage probability for the bearers at frequency f1 and frequency f2. These
outages can be either due to nonselective fading or selective fading: expression (10.27) must be
applied for estimating both nonselective and selective outages.
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where the sub-scripts “ns” represent the outage share relevant to the not selective fading while the
sub-scripts “s” represent the outage share relevant to the selective fading.
10.5.2 Space diversity
The use of two different antennas at the receiving sides with vertical separation “S” [m], gives an
effective improvement of performances. The correlation coefficient depends upon this separation
and the wavelength:
6 S
Ks exp 4 10 (10.30)
In order to evaluate the outage probability for a link deploying the space diversity scheme shown in
fig. 10.3, the same method as the frequency diversity scheme (fig. 10.2) can be applied. In this case,
however, the parameter K s in (10.30) must be used instead of the parameter K f .
SL p12 SR
In this diversity scheme, in principle, there are four bearers even though two of them are stand-by
bearers. In fact, in this diversity scheme only one transmitter on each site is active while the others
are in stand-by and become active only in presence of failure on the main ones. In addition, the
distance “S” between antennas could be different on each link’s side (in fig. 10.3 they are shown as
SR and SL).
The outage probability for the space diversity scheme shown in fig. 10.3 must be evaluated by
means of the following procedure:
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Select the best couple of bearers on both side of the link:
The theoretical outage probability for the space diversity scheme shown in fig. 10.3 is:
PSD Max L , R
mL mR
Under certain conditions, the outage probability P SD could not be better than the single bearer
outage. For this reason the terms to be use to evaluate the total outage Pt in (10.1) must be
evaluated as follows:
10.5.3 Space and frequency diversity
For this diversity scheme are possible two configurations. In the first configuration (fig. 10.4) only
one transmitting antenna is deployed. In this case, the correlation coefficient considers separately
the benefit of space diversity and frequency diversity:
K sfd K s K f (10.32)
2 2
Figure 10.4 - Space and frequency diversity configuration with single transmitting antenna
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m (1 K sfd
where the subscripts “L” and “R” represents the labels “left” and “right”. In fact, if and asymmetric
antenna selection has been made, the bearer outages on the two directions could be different. For
this reason, for the evaluation of PSD the worst direction must be selected.
If four antennas are used (fig. 10.5) to achieve space diversity in both link sides, the formula
K sfd (10.33)
2 2 2
K s1 K s 2 K f
S1 S2
Figure 10.5 - Space and frequency diversity configuration with two transmitting antennas
For the scheme in fig. 10.5 the outage probability can be evaluated by means of the same procedure
described for the frequency diversity scheme by using the correlation parameters (10.33):
m (1 K sfd
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10.5.4 1+1 System configuration with four receivers
As seen in the figures, there are two possibilities for this configuration including, or not, the space
diversity on both sides: space diversity correlation in transmission is generally given by Ks1 , and its
value will be 1 in the case in which there is only one antenna.
Then in order to analyze these configurations it is necessary to extend the definitions given in
(10.25) and (10.30) to the general case of n-order diversity schemes. In this case the diversity
parameter “m” becomes:
k 11 k 12 . k 1n
k 12 . . .
Kn (10.37)
. . . .
k . . k nn
Kij is the correlation coefficient between “i” and “j” bearer and the theoretical outage probability
for a the n-order protection scheme becomes:
4 4
Max pi L , pi R
i 1 i 1 (10.38)
P 4 Rx
m n
where p i represents the outage probability of each single bearer. It is important to highlight that,
due to asymmetric antenna selection, the bearers transmitted from left to right could have different
outage probability with respect the bearers transmitted from right to left. For this reason, in (10.38)
it is necessary to select the worst product between the outage probabilities of the set of bearers
transmitted from left to right (subscript “L”) and vice versa (subscript “R”).
It can be noted that formula (10.25) and (10.27) are a particular case of (10.37) and (10.38) with
i = 2.
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Figure 10.6 - 1+1 system configuration with four receivers and a single Tx antenna
Let us consider the diversity scheme shown in fig. 10.6. In this case, the correlation matrix can be
expressed as follows:
1 Ks Kf KSK f
Ks 1 KSK f Kf
Kn (10.40)
K KSK f 1 Ks
k Kf Ks 1
where K S can be evaluated by means of (10.30) while K f can be evaluated by means of (10.25).
By applying (10.36) e (10.37) it is possible to achieve the theoretical outage probability P 4 rx .
However, as treated for the previous diversity schemes, the configuration in fig. 10.6 could not
provide any improvement with respect the single component scheme. In fact, the configuration in
fig. 10.6 can be seen as an ensemble of many diversity schemes: the outage of each them must be
evaluated and compared with the ensemble outage( P 4 rx ) in order to select, between them, the best
one. The first step is to identify the single components of the ensemble scheme in fig. (10.6) :
The diversity schemes listed in items (a), (b) and (c) represents the 2nd order component schemes of
the configuration in fig. 10.6. In principle, it would be necessary to consider also the 3rd component
schemes (those with 3 receiver). In this document, for simplicity reason, 3 rd order component
schemes will not be considered.
Having selected the component schemes, the performance computation is made for each 2 nd order
scheme, according to the diversity type.
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Table 10.3 - Outage probability for the 2nd order component schemes for
the configuration in fig. 10.6
Each term in table 10.3 must be evaluated by means of the procedure described in the previous
paragraphs (§10.5.1 for FD, §10.5.2 for SD and §10.5.3 for SFD).
Finally, the terms to be use to evaluate the total outage Pt in expression (10.1) for the diversity
scheme in fig. 10.6 are as follows:
PDIVns min( P SD12ns , P SD34ns , P FD13ns , P FD24ns , P SFD14ns , P SFD23ns , P4 Rxns ) (10.41)
PDIV S min( P SD12s , P SD34s , P FD13s , P FD24s , P SFD14s , P SFD23s , P4 Rx s ) (10.42)
Regarding the diversity scheme shown in fig. 10.7 the correlation matrix can be expressed as
1 K S1 K S2 K f K S1 K f K S 2
K S1 1 K S1 K f K S 2 K S1 K f
Kn (10.43)
K S2 K f K S1 K f K S 2 1 K S1
K K K K S1 K f K S1 1
S1 f S 2
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The 2nd order single components of the ensemble scheme in fig. (10.7) are :
b) Space and frequency component schemes: bearers 1-3 and bearers 2-4
The space and frequency diversity components in bullet (b) are referred to the scheme in fig. 10.4
while the components in bullet (c) are referred to the scheme in fig. 10.5.
The outage probability of the single component schemes are shown in table 10.4
Table 10.4 - Outage probability for the 2nd order component schemes for the configuration in
fig. 10.6
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Multichannel systems, also known as N+1 systems, in their basic configuration are, intrinsically,
frequency diversity systems. However, the main difference with respect the scheme shown in fig.
10.2 is that in a multicarrier system N>1. In fact, there are N active bearers (with N>1) plus one
protection bearer: each bearer is active on its own frequency carriers (fig. 10.8).
f1 f1
f2 f2
fN+1 fN+1
The outage probability for a N+1 system is greater than a classical frequency diversity system (fig.
10.2) because it may happen that more than one channel requires, at the same time, to be switched
over the stand-by bearer. For this reason it is common practice to calculate (10.1) for all bearers
including the stand-by one.
Let us define p i as the outage probability of the ith bearer, where 1 i N+1. The performance
calculation for multicarrier system can be made by means of the following procedure:
Define the index p of the stand-by bearer
Select the MAX( p i ) for 1 i N+1, ip
Estimate the outages of the frequency diversity system PDIVns and PDIVS as described in
(10.28) and (10.29) by using MAX( p i ) 1 i N+1, ip and p p in (10.27) and using in
(10.25) the minimum frequency diversity between bearers.
After having calculated the outage probability PDIV and PDIV for the 1+1 equivalent system as
ns S
previously described, the outage probability of each bearer can be estimated by evaluating the
worsening factor. This factor can be achieved by means of the following expression:
1 1 N 1 1
Wk i k, i p (10.46)
k p 2 i 1 i k
where k represent the index of the bearer and p the index of the stand-by bearer.
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In this example, it is necessary to evaluate the worsening factor for bearers 1, 3 and 4 so that the
terms to be used for the evaluation of the total outage Pt in expression (10.1):
1 1 1 17
P1ns W1 PDIVns 1 PDIVns PDIVns (10.47)
2 2 3 12
P1 s W1 PDIV s P (10.48)
12 DIV s
11 7
P3 ns W3 PDIVns 1 1 PDIVns PDIVns (10.49)
2 2 4
P3 s W3 PDIV s PDIV s (10.50)
11 14
P4 ns W4 PDIVns 1 1 PDIVns PDIVns (10.51)
2 3 12
P4 W4 PDIV P (10.52)
12 DIV
s s
The bearers outage probability in (10.47), (10.48), (10.49), (10.50), (10.51) and (10.52) can be
straightforwardly used in (10.1). For the stand-by bearer the calculation of the outage probability is
much simpler because it will not benefit of any improvement due to diversity:
P2ns p ins (10.53)
i 1
P2 ss p
i 1
i ss (10.54)
In case of space diversity configuration (fig. 10.9), the outage probability calculation for a
multicarrier system can be made by exploiting the procedure described in §10.5.5. In fact, a
multicarrier system deployed in space diversity configuration is very similar to the configuration
shown in fig. 10.6 and most of the results achieved for this configuration can be re-used also for
multicarrier system.
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f2 f2
f1, f2,…., fN+1
fN+1 fN+1
(10.41) and (10.42) by using:
a) MAX( p i ) 1 i N+1, ip and p p
( A1 ) ( A1 )
with the minimum frequency separation between
bearers for the first frequency diversity 2 order component scheme.
b) MAX( p i L p pL , p i R p pR ) 1 i N+1, ip with the minimum frequency separation
( A2 ) ( A2) ( A2) ( A2)
between bearers for the second frequency diversity 2nd order component scheme.
c) MAX pi L ( A1 )
pi(LA 2 ) , pi(RA1) pi(RA 2 ) 1 i N+1 for first space diversity 2nd order component
d) MAX p j L p j L , p j R p j R
( A1 ) ( A2) ( A1 ) ( A2 )
1 j N+1, ji (i represents the index selected at the step
“c”) for the second space diversity 2nd order component scheme.
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After having calculate the outage probability PDIV and PDIV for the 1+1 space and frequency
ns S
equivalent system, the outage probability of each bearer can be estimated by evaluating the
worsening factor as in (10.46) and applying the same procedure as for a multicarrier system without
space diversity.
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KAD exp 0.1 (10.55)
3 3
3 = semi-lobe width of antenna (gain reduced by 3 dB at this angle)
= angle diversification between “main” and “diversity” lobes if one angle diversity antenna is
used or panning difference between antennas if two different dishes are used.
is the applicable average difference between arrival angles of the atmospheric paths during
multipath and can be expressed as follows:
C / 50 d / 50 (10.56)
C = 0,1 to 0,2 degrees
= standard deviation of the vertical gradient of the radio refractive index
d = path length (km)
The system is not used only when one antenna per side is used.
In many practical cases, when space diversity is used in links in presence of reflection, normally a
good countermeasure against received level fluctuations is to up tilt one antenna in the more
convenient side. This particular arrangement works like angle and space diversity and it is true that
normally the received field is lost but the space diversity improvement is increased by angle
diversity improvement.
Otherwise in re-used system with space diversity, where space diversity increase the uncorrelation
coefficient between vertical and horizontal fields, an imperfect panning of the four antennas, the
uncorrelation factor is increased by angle correlation.
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Attenuation can occur as a result of absorption and scattering by hydrometers as rain, snow, hail and
fog. Although rain attenuation can be ignored at frequencies below 5 GHz, it must be included in
design calculations at higher frequencies, where its importance increases rapidly.
The following technique may be used for estimating the long-term statistics of rain attenuation:
Step 1: Obtain the rain rate R0.01 exceeded for 0.01% of the time (with an integration time of 1
min). If this information is not available from local sources of long-term measurements, an
estimate can be obtained from the information given in Recommendation ITU-R P.837-4 [20].
Step 2: Compute the specific attenuation, R (dB/km) for the frequency, polarisation and rain rate of
interest using the power-law relationship:
R k R (11.2)
The frequency-dependent coefficients k and are given in table 11.1 for linear polarizations
(horizontal: H, vertical: V) and horizontal paths. Values of k and at frequencies other than those in
table 11.1 can be obtained by interpolation using a logarithmic scale for frequency, a logarithmic
scale for k and a linear scale for . The values in table 11.1 have been tested and found to be
sufficiently accurate for attenuation prediction up to frequencies of 55 GHz.
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Step 3: Compute the effective path length, deff, of the link by multiplying the actual path length d by
a distance factor r. An estimate of this factor is given by:
r (11.3)
1 d / d0
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This formula has been determined to give factors of 0.12, 0.39, 1 and 2.14 for 1%, 0.1%, 0.01% and
0.001% respectively, and must be used only within this range.
Step 6: For radio links located at latitudes below 30° (North or South), the attenuation exceeded for
other percentages of time p in the range 0.001% to 1% may be deduced from the following power
0.07 p ( 0.855 0.139 log 10 p ) (11.7)
This formula has been determined to give factors of 0.07, 0.36, 1 and 1.44 for 1%, 0.1%, 0.01% and
0.001%, respectively, and must be used only within this range.
Step 7: If worst-month statistics are desired, calculate the annual time percentages p corresponding
to the worst-month time percentages pw using climate information specified in Recommendation
ITU-R P.841-4 [21]. The values of A exceeded for percentages of the time p on an annual basis will
be exceeded for the corresponding percentages of time pw on a worst-month basis.
The prediction procedure outlined above is considered to be valid in all parts of the world at least
for frequencies up to 40 GHz and path lengths up to 60 km.
For link design purposes, the outage probability PRain is calculated by solving equation (11.6) o
(11.7), where p (%) is the percentage of time that rain attenuation is equal the link margin M (dB).
The equation (11.6) is solved determining the following parameters:
23.26 log A p / 0.12 A0.01
if m 40
40 otherwise
n 12.7 161.23 4m / 2 (11.9)
7.19 log A p / 0.07 A0.01
if m 9
9 otherwise
n 6.15 37.84 4m / 2 (11.11)
Finally, the rain outage probability is calculated from:
PRain 10 n 2 (11.12)
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11.3.1 XPD statistics during precipitation conditions
Intense rain governs the reductions in XPD observed for small percentages of time. For paths on
which more detailed predictions or measurements are not available, a rough estimate of the
unconditional distribution of XPD can be obtained from a cumulative distribution of the co-polar
attenuation (CPA) for rain (see § 11.2) using the equi-probability relation:
XPD U V ( f ) log CPA dB (11.13)
The coefficients U and V(f) are in general dependent on a number of variables and empirical
parameters, including frequency, f . For line-of-sight paths with small elevation angles and
horizontal or vertical polarization, these coefficients may be approximated by:
U U 0 30 log f (11.14)
V f 12.8 f 0.19
for 8 f 20 GHz
V f 22.6 for 20 f 35 GHz
An average value of U0 of about 15 dB, with a lower bound of 9 dB for all measurements, has been
obtained for attenuations greater than 15 dB.
The variability in the values of U and V(f) is such that the difference between the CPA values for
vertical and horizontal polarizations is not significant when evaluating XPD. The user is advised to
use the value of CPA for circular polarization when working with equation (11.10).
Long-term XPD statistics obtained at one frequency can be scaled to another frequency using the
semi-empirical formula:
XPD 2 XPD1 20 log f 2 / f 1 for 4 f 1 , f 2 30 GHz (11.16)
where XPD1 and XPD2 are the XPD values not exceeded for the same percentage of time at
frequencies f1 and f2.
The relationship between XPD and CPA is influenced by many factors, including the residual
antenna XPD that has not been taken into account. Equation (11.13) is least accurate for large
differences between the respective frequencies. It is most accurate if XPD1 and XPD2 correspond to
the same polarization (horizontal or vertical).
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Step 1: Determine the path attenuation, A0.01 (dB), exceeded for 0.01% of the time from equation
Step 2: Determine the equivalent path attenuation, Ap (dB):
A p 10 U C 0 / N XPIF / V (11.17)
where U is obtained from equation (11.11) and V from equation (11.12), C0/N (dB) is the carrier-
to-noise ratio defined for the reference BER, and XPIF (dB) is the cross-polarized improvement
factor for the reference BER due to XPIC.
If an XPIC device is not used, set XPIF = 0.
Step 3: Determine the following parameters:
23.26 log A p / 0.12 A0.01
if m 40
40 otherwise
n 12.7 161.23 4m / 2 (11.19)
Valid values for n must be in the range of -3 to 0. Note that in some cases, especially when an XPIC
device is used, values of n less than -3 may be obtained. If this is the case, it should be noted that
values of p less than -3 will give outage BER < 1 x 10-5.
Step 4: Determine the outage probability from:
PXPR 10 n 2 (11.20)
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The contribution PRain to be used in (11.1) must be carefully evaluated in case of protected
configuration for the evaluation of the total unavailability Punav of the link . As a first step it is
necessary to evaluate the terms PRain for all the active bearers in the link as well as for all stand-
by/protection bearers. On the basis of the information it is possible to select the proper PRain
contribution to be used in (11.1).
11.4.1 Frequency diversity, Space diversity, Space and frequency diversity and 1+1 with four
receivers configurations
With this kind of protection schemes, the PRain contribution to be used in (11.1) must be evaluated
as follows:
(i )
where PRain represents the outage due to hydrometer due to i-th bearer that can be evaluated with
expression (11.12). Expression (11.20) comes up form the concept that, in case of hydrometer
fading, the protection scheme will switch over the strongest bearer. If the outage probability of each
single bearer is asymmetric (substantial outage difference on the two propagation directions)
(11.20) bust be applied on both direction and the worst outage must be taken.
11.4.2 Multicarrier system
With this kind of system, it is necessary to evaluate Punav for any active bearer. In practice, it is
necessary to evaluate as many PRain terms as the number of active bearers. Referring to the scheme
in fig. 10.8, the term PRain must be evaluated for all the bearers carried by the frequency carriers
f 1 , f 2 , …, f N 1
If the multicarrier system is deployed with space diversity configuration the PRain terms must be
evaluated by considering the best bearers for each frequency carrier. Referring to the scheme in fig.
10.9, the transmitting antenna radiates, for each frequency carrier, two bearers: one bearer towards
the first receiving antenna and the other towards the second antenna. The terms PRain for each
frequency carrier must be evaluated by selecting the best bearer radiated by the transmitting
( f (1) )
PRain min PRaini , PRaini
( f ( 2) )
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KH = 0.0188 H = 1.217
r 0.482
35 exp(0.015 x 42)
A0.01 = deff = 17.14 dB
PRain = 7.35 . 10 -4
= 0.0188.1201.217 = 6.376
r 0.281
35 exp(0.015 x100)
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I. Select the quality and unavailability objectives that must be fulfilled by the radio link
under analysis (§1, §2 and §3). The selection of the performance objectives means also the
selection of the reference BER (BER=103 for G.821, BER=104 for G.826 [2] and G.828
[3] or any other reference BER in case of custom objectives)
II. Estimate the received power level by using the procedure described in §6. Let us define
the following sets: f c , Pol and Path . f c represents the set of all active
frequency carriers on the link, Pol represents the set of active polarisation(s) and
Path represents the set of active and stand-by radio path. Expression (6.1) must be
applied to any combination of the set of three f c , Pol , Path . In practice, link budget
(6.1) must be calculated for any bearer. For example, in case of frequency re-use two link
budgets as in (6.1) must be estimated (the first for vertical polarisation and the second for
horizontal polarisation). In case of multi-carriers equipment, the basic configuration is N+1
so that N+1 link budgets must be estimated. In addition, in case of space diversity
configuration, expression (6.1) must be applied four times (see §10.5.2). Annex A provides
all the necessary parameters to carry out step II.
III. For any bearer, calculate all the interfering power levels at the receiver sites as described in
§8.4. If a link is deployed with a frequency re-use configuration (same frequency carrier
both for vertical and horizontal polarisation) the amount of interference between its own
polarisations must not be taken into account.
IV. By using the interfering signal level calculated in step III, calculate, for any bearer, the
overall amount of interfering signal level I by using expression (8.4). The proper NFD
scaling factors can be found in Annex D.
V. For any bearer’s link budget estimated in step II and using the interfering signal levels
estimated in step IV, calculate the margin M as described in §9.
VI. Estimate the outage probability Pt due to clear-air effects by means of the procedure
described in §10, expression (10.1)
VI.1 For any bearer, by using the margin M calculated in step V, estimate the Pns
by means of expression (10.2). The multipath occurrence factor can be
calculated by means of the algorithms shown in recommendations ITU-R 530-
8 [7] or ITU- 530-11 [8] described in §10.
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VI.3.I If a single bearer link has been considered without any diversity
protection scheme the outage probabilities Pns and Ps estimated,
respectively, at step VI.1 and VI.2 can be straightforwardly used in
VI.3.II If a frequency reuse link has been considered without any diversity
protection scheme, procedure VI.3.I must be applied twice: the total
outage in (10.1) must be evaluated both for the vertical polarised
bearer and for the horizontal polarised bearer. For this reason it is
necessary to evaluate the terms Pns and Ps to be used in (10.1)
both for the vertical polarised bearer and for the horizontal polarised
bearer. In addition, both outages Pt (the vertical one and the
horizontal one) must be added by the PXP contribution that can be
estimated as described in §10.4.
in (10.1) both for the vertical polarised bearer and for the horizontal
polarised bearer. In addition, the total outages Pt (the vertical one
and the horizontal one) must be added by the PXP contribution that
can be estimated as described in §10.4.
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for the vertical polarised bearer and for the horizontal polarised
bearer. In addition, the total outages Pt (the vertical one and the
horizontal one) must be added by the PXP contribution that can be
estimated as described in §10.4.
VII. Estimate the total unavailability probability Punav due to rain effects by means of the
procedure described in §11 expression (11.1).
VII.1 For any bearer, by using the margin M calculated in step V, estimate the
PRain by means of expression (11.12).
VII.2 If a frequency reuse link has been considered estimate PXPR contribution by
means of the procedure explained in §11.3
VII.3 By means of the probability PRain estimated in step VII.1 and PXPR (if any)
estimated in step VII.2 evaluate the link unavailability probability:
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VII.3.II If a frequency reuse link has been considered without any diversity
protection scheme, procedure VII.3.I must be applied twice: the
unavailability probability PRain must be evaluated both for the
vertical polarised bearer and for the horizontal polarised bearer. In
addition, the worst between PRain and PXPR must be taken (11.1).
VIII. Compare the outages achieved in step VI and step VII with the objectives selected in step I
and take the proper countermeasures if the link do not fulfil the requirements.
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A.1.1 ALS 6U SDH equipment
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Filter Sub-Bands:
Transceiver Sub-Bands:
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density [dB]
-100 -67 -54 -24 -20 -14 0 14 19.5 24 54 67 100
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A.2.1 AL13 PDH equipment
Nominal output values at C-C’ point (1+0): 25 dBm (1+0 version 4 QAM)
20 dBm (1+0 version 16/32 QAM)
Channel spacing (MHz) Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
3.5 fn= f0-246.75+3.5n f’n= f0+19.25+3.5n n=1, .., 24
7 fn= f0-248.5 +7n f’n= f0+17.5+ 7n n=1, .., 12
14 fn= f0-252+14n f’n= f0+14+14n n=1, …, 6
28 fn= f0-259+28n f’n= f0+7+28n n=1, …, 3
Channel spacing (MHz) Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
3.5 fn= f0-246.75+3.5n f’n= f0+19.25+3.5n n=25, .., 48
7 fn= f0-248.5 +7n f’n= f0+17.5+ 7n n=13, .., 24
14 fn= f0-252+14n f’n= f0+14+14n n=7, …, 12
28 fn= f0-259+28n f’n= f0+7+28n n=4, …, 6
Channel spacing (MHz) Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
3.5 fn= f0-246.75+3.5n f’n= f0+19.25+3.5n n=41, .., 64
7 fn= f0-248.5 +7n f’n= f0+17.5+ 7n n=21, .., 32
14 fn= f0-252+14n f’n= f0+14+14n n=11, …, 16
28 fn= f0-259+28n f’n= f0+7+28n n=6, …, 8
3 Available only with one double polarized antenna. Including feeder loss with Integral Antenna
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Transceiver Sub-Bands:
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Transceiver Sub-Bands:
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-8,75 -7 -3,5 -2,8 -1,4 0 1,4 2,8 3,5 7 8,75
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-17,5 -13 -6,5 -5,6 -2,7 0 2,7 5,6 6,5 13 17,5
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-35 -26 -13 -11,2 -5,4 0 5,4 11,2 13 26 35
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-70 -45 -25 -19 -11 0 11 19 25 45 70
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-4,375 -3,5 -1,75 -1,4 -0,7 0 0,7 1,4 1,75 3,5 4,375
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-8,75 -7 -3,5 -2,8 -1,4 0 1,4 2,8 3,5 7 8,75
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-17,5 -14 -7 -5,6 -2,8 0 2,8 5,6 7 14 17,5
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-35 -28 -14 -11,2 -5,6 0 5,6 11,2 14 28 35
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-70 -56 -28 -22,4 -11,2 0 11,2 22,4 28 56 70
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density (dB)
-70 -48 -35 -17 -15 -12 0 12 15 17 35 48 70
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density [dB]
-70 -50 -40 -20 -17 -15 -13 0 12.5 15 17 20 40 50 70
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-70 -50 -40 -17 -16 -15 -12 0 12 14.5 15.5 17 40 50 70
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Transmitter Power Spectral DEnsity [dB]
-70 -60 -32 -21 -20 -13 0 13 20 21 31.5 60 70
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A.3.1 AL18 PDH equipment
Nominal output values at C-C’ point (1+0): 20 dBm (1+0 version 4 QAM)
15 dBm (1+0 version 16/32 QAM)
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Channel spacing (MHz) Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
Channel spacing (MHz) Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
Channel spacing (MHz) Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
4 Available only with one double polarized antenna. Including feeder loss with Integral Antenna
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Filter Sub-Bands:
Channel spacing
Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
27.5 fn= f0-986.25+27.5n f'n= f0+23.75 +27.5n n=1, …., 12
55 fn= f0-1000+55n f'n= f0+10+55n n=1, …., 6
Channel spacing Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
27.5 fn= f0-986.25+27.5n f'n= f0+23.75 +27.5n n=13, …., 22
55 fn= f0-1000+55n f'n= f0+10+55n n=7, …., 11
Channel spacing Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
27.5 fn= f0-986.25+27.5n f'n= f0+23.75 +27.5n n=23, …., 34
55 fn= f0-1000+55n f'n= f0+10+55n n=12, …., 17
Channel spacing Lower half of the band Upper half of the band Available Channels
27.5 fn= f0-986.25+27.5n f'n= f0+23.75 +27.5n n=9, …., 20
55 fn= f0-1000+55n f'n= f0+10+55n n=5, …., 10
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Transceiver Sub-Bands:
Transmitter Spectral Power Density [dB]
-8.75 -7 -3.5 -2.8 -1.4 0 1.4 2.8 3.5 7 8.75
4QAM - 2x2 Mbit/s – 3.5 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-17.5 -13 -6.5 -5.6 -2.7 0 2.7 5.6 6.5 13 17.5
4QAM- 4x2 Mbit/s and 10 Mbit/s– 7 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-34.375 -26 -13 -11.2 -5.4 0 5.4 11.2 13 26 34.375
4QAM - 8x2 Mbit/s – 13.75 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-68.75 -45 -25 -19 -11 0 11 19 25 45 68.75
4QAM - 16x2/34 Mbit/s – 27.5 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-8.75 -7 -3.5 -2.8 -1.4 0 1.4 2.8 3.5 7 8.75
16QAM- 4x2 Mbit/s – 3.5 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-17.5 -14 -7 -5.6 -2.8 0 2.8 5.6 7 14 17.5
16QAM - 8x2 Mbit/s – 7 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-34.375 -28 -14 -11.2 -5.6 0 5.6 11.2 14 28 34.375
16QAM - 16x2/34 Mbit/s – 13.75 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-68.75 -56 -28 -22.4 -11.2 0 11.2 22.4 28 56 68.75
16QAM – 32x2/2x34 Mbit/s – 27.5 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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-68.75 -48 -35 -17 -15 -12 0 12 15 17 35 48 68.75
32QAM – 100 Mbit/s – 27.5 MHZ CHANNEL SPACING
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density
-137.5 -70 -33 -22.5 0 22.5 33 70 137.5
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-68.75 -42.5 -20 -17 -15 -12.5 0 12.5 15 17 20 42.5 68.75
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-68.75 -47 -40 -17 -15.5 -14.5 -12 0 12 14.5 15.5 17 40 47 68.75
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-137,5 -85 -40 -34 -30 -25 0 25 30 34 40 85 137,5
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-137.5 -94 -80 -34 -31 -29 -24 0 24 29 31 34 80 94 137.5
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Transmitter Spectral Power Density [dB]
.8 .0 0 0 0 0
0. 20. 17. 15. 12.
0 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .8
-4 - - - - 12 15 17 20 40 50 68
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Threshold Degradation [dB]
13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0
C/I [dB]
BER =10-3
Threshold Degradation [dB]
3 BER =10-4
2.5 BER =10-6
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
C/I [dB]
22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0
C/I [dB]
BER =10-3
Threshold Degradation [dB]
28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0
C/I [dB]
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22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0
C/I [dB]
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Capacity: Single-feed /Alternated operation: One (1) STM-1 (155.52 Mbit/s) signal
per RF frequency
Threshold levels: 64 QAM MLCM: BER = 10–3 at RSL of –74.5 dBm guaranteed
BER = 10–6 at RSL of –70.5 dBm guaranteed
In this allocation, RF branching network location of M1 channel in the transmitter side is most far
from DUP and in the receive side RF branching network location of M1 channel is the nearest from
duplexer (DUP).
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When the innermost RF channels are allocated on customer’s request, BEF should be added only
for the innermost RF channel. In this case, only insertion loss for innermost RF channels will be
added to BEF loss, 3 dB for U6 GHz and 2.5 dB for other band.
Above insertion loss is typical value. For guaranteed value, add to 1 dB.
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When the innermost RF channels are allocated on customer’s request, BEF should be added only
for the innermost RF channel. In this case, only insertion loss for innermost RF channels will be
added to BEF loss, 3 dB for U6 GHz and 2.5 dB for other band.
Above insertion loss is typical value. For guaranteed value, add to 1 dB.
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When the innermost RF channels are allocated on customer’s request, BEF should be added only
for the innermost RF channel. In this case, only insertion loss for innermost RF channels will be
added to BEF loss, 3 dB for U6 GHz and 2.5 dB for other band.
Above insertion loss is typical value. For guaranteed value, add to 1 dB.
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When the innermost RF channels are allocated on customer’s request, BEF should be added only
for the innermost RF channel. In this case, only insertion loss for innermost RF channels will be add
to BEF loss, 3 dB for U6 GHz and 2.5 dB for other band.
Above insertion loss is typical value. For guaranteed value, add to 1 dB.
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Method for small percentages of time according to Rec. ITU-R P. 530-8 [7].
p0 K d 3.6 f 0.89
1 p 1.4
% (C.1)
f is the frequency (GHz).
k geoclimatic factor.
d is the path length (km).
The geoclimatic factor, K , can be estimated for the average worst month from fading data for the
geographic area of interest, knowing the other parameters in C.1, otherwise K is computed
following the method here below.
Inland links: K can be estimated for links in inland areas (see Note 1 for definition of inland links)
from the following empirical relation in the climatic variable p L (i.e., the percentage of time that
the refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is more negative than –100 N
units/km in the estimated average worst month; see below):
C 0 = 1.7 for lower-altitude antenna in the range 0-400 m above mean sea level;
C 0 = 4.2 for lower-altitude antenna in the range 400-700 m above mean sea level;
C0 = 8 for lower-altitude antenna more than 700 m above mean sea level.
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Table C.1 - Values of coefficient C0 in equations (10.4) and (10.13) for three ranger of lower
antenna altitude and three types of terrain
The value of the climatic variable p L in equation (C.2) is estimated by taking the highest value of
the –100 N units/km gradient exceeding from the maps for the four seasonally representative
months of February, May, August and November given in Figs. 7 to 10 of Recommendation ITU-R
P.453-9 [19]. An exception to this is that only the maps for May and August should be used for
latitudes greater than 60° N or 60° S.
It may be desirable in some cases to obtain expansions of the maps in Figs. 7 to 10 of
Recommendation ITU-R P.453-9 [19] in the area of the link in question and accurately plot the
point corresponding to the centre of the link to obtain the p L value. Since the maps are on a
Mercator projection, the following relation should be employed to accurately plot the centre point
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Here z is the distance (e.g. in mm) between the nearest lower and upper latitude grid lines at
latitudes 1 and 2 , respectively (e.g. 30° and 45°); z L is the required distance (e.g. in mm)
between the lower latitude grid line and the point corresponding to the centre of the link. The centre
point longitude can be plotted by linear interpolation.
Coastal links over/near large bodies of water: if measured data for K are not available for
coastal links (see Note 2 for definition) over/near large bodies of water (see Note 3 for definition of
large bodies of water), K can be estimated from:
where rc is the fraction of the path profile below 100 m altitude above the mean level of the body
of water in question and within 50 km of the coastline, but without an intervening height of land
above 100 m altitude, K is given by the expression equation (C.2), and:
0.1C 0 0.11
K cl 2.3 10 4 10 (C.11)
with C 0 given in Table C.1. Note that the condition K cl K in equation (C.10) occurs in a few
regions at low and mid latitudes.
Coastal links over/near medium-sized bodies of water: if measured data for K are not available for
coastal links (see Note 2 for definition) over/near medium-sized bodies of water (see Note 3 for
definition of medium-sized bodies of water), K can be estimated from:
K cm 10 0.5(log K log K cl ) (C.13)
with K cl given by equation (C.11). Note that the condition K cm K in equation (C.12) occurs in a
few regions at low and mid latitudes.
NOTE 1 – Inland links are those in which either the entire path profile is above 100 m altitude (with
respect to mean sea level) or beyond 50 km from the nearest coastline, or in which part or all of the
path profile is below 100 m altitude for a link entirely within 50 km of the coastline, but there is an
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NOTE 2 – The link may be considered to be crossing a coastal area if a fraction rc of the path
profile is less than 100 m above the mean level of a medium-sized or large body of water and within
50 km of its coastline, and if there is no height of land above the 100 m altitude (relative to the
mean altitude of the body of water in question) between this fraction of the path profile and the
NOTE 3 – The size of a body of water can be chosen on the basis of several known examples:
Medium-sized bodies of water include the Bay of Fundy (east coast of Canada) and the Strait of
Georgia (west coast of Canada), the Gulf of Finland, and other bodies of water of similar size.
Large bodies of water include the English Channel, the North Sea, the larger reaches of the Baltic
and Mediterranean Seas, Hudson Strait, and other bodies of water of similar size or larger. In cases
of uncertainty as to whether the size of body of water in question should be classed as medium or
large, K should be calculated from:
NOTE 4 – Regions (not otherwise in coastal areas) in which there are many lakes over a fairly
large area are believed to behave somewhat like coastal areas. The region of lakes in southern
Finland provides the best known example. Until such regions can be better defined, K should be
calculated from:
The magnitude of the path inclination p (m rad) can be calculated from:
p hr he / d (C.16)
with hr and he antenna heights (in metres above sea level or some other reference height).
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 183 di 206
Table D24 - NFD matrix: Victim AL18 4QAM; Interferer AL18 4QAM
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 185 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 186 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 187 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 188 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 189 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 190 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 191 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 192 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 193 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 194 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 195 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 196 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
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NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 200 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 201 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 202 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 203 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 204 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 205 di 206
NETWORK Planning criteria for digital radio relay Written by Approved by Date Page
DEPARTMENT networks Benedv/Calian BENEDV 09/10/06 206 di 206