Nrcan/Cgsb Certification of NDT Personnel: Program Updates: Presentation For 2013 Cinde Conference - Oct 10, 2013

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NRCan/CGSB Certification of NDT Personnel:

Program Updates
Presentation for 2013 CINDE Conference – Oct 10, 2013

P.K. Yuen

National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body /

Organisme national de certification en Essais-Non-Destructif

Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Presentation Outline

 Program Updates
 Certification Statistics
 Administration & Client Service
 Scheme and Technical Committees

 ISO 9712:2012 – CGSB Adoption  CAN/CGSB 48.9712:2013

 Preview and Highlights of Updated Requirements and Rules of
 Recertification

 Training and Examination

 Summary
NDT C.B. – Yearly Statistics 3

Certificates Issued

JANUARY 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012

Total certified NDT clients: 572 Method
Total certified NDT+XRF clients: 801 Level
 Certified Level 3 Clients: 19 3 2 7 3 7 0 19
 Certified Level 2 Clients: 520
2 73 38 65 234 166 17 593
 Certified Level 1 Clients: 131
Total NDT certificates issued: 670
1 156 5 104 22 287
Total NDT+XRF certificates issued: 899 Total 229 45 176 237 173 39 899

JANUARY 1, 2011 - DECEMBER 31, 2011

Total certified NDT clients: 562 Method
Total certified NDT+XRF clients: 784 Level
 Certified Level 3 Clients: 16 3 4 4 4 3 1 16
 Certified Level 2 Clients:395
2 108 51 90 195 149 18 611
 Certified Level 1 Clients: 136
Total NDT certificates issued: 655
1 114 22 100 14 250
Total NDT+XRF certificates issued: 877 Total 222 77 194 199 152 33 877

JANUARY 1, 2010 - DECEMBER 31, 2010

Total certified NDT clients: 571 Method
Total certified NDT+XRF clients: 733 Level
 Certified Level 3 Clients: 20 3 3 3 3 9 2 20
 Certified Level 2 Clients: 513 2 69 40 88 216 156 13 582
 Certified Level 1 Clients: 135
1 87 14 102 19 222
Total NDT certificates issued: 668
Total NDT+XRF certificates issued: 824 Total 156 57 193 219 165 34 824
NDT C.B. – Statistics: 4

Certificate Renewals
A total of 1974 individuals with the family name starting with the letters G-M were to renew
their NDT certifications by December 31, 2012. Renewal notices went out mid September 2012.

 As of May 3, 2013, 1763 individuals renewed at least one of their certificates. Thus 211
individuals failed to renew at least one of their certificates. This is an attrition rate of
10.6%. Note: We continue to receive renewal information daily and this rate may
continue to decrease.

Note: The attrition rate for the year before (2012) was 10.1%, and the rates in the previous years
were 10.9 for 2011, 11.7% for 2010, 11.7% for 2009, 15.0% for 2008, 14.5% for 2007, 15.8%
for 2006, and 13.5% for 2005.

NDT Certificates not renewed by May 3, 2013

Total NDT non renewed clients:
3 7 3 5 6 1 22
2 36 35 45 133 108 12 369
1 71 20 55 2 2 8 158
: 333
Total 107 62 103 140 116 21 549
Total NDT + XRF certificate drop: 549

NDT Certificates not renewed by April 30, 2012

Total NDT non renewed clients: Method
160 XRF RT UT MT PT ET Total
15 3 4 2 5 4 0 15
: 263 2 41 26 96 91 9 263
75 1 1 17 48 10 76
Total NDT + XRF certificate drop: 354 Total 1 62 76 101 95 19 354
Administration & Client Service:

 Program priority
 Providing expedient and high quality client-service nationally
 Updating and improving program delivery and policies

 Full website restructure (

 Enhanced usability and accessibility
 Improved organization of information / documents, structured by
specific program
 NRCan / CGSB 48.9712 NDT Personnel Certification
 NRCan / Health Canada Portable XRF Operator Certification
 CNSC CEDO Written Examination

Program Updates
 Refreshing and Rebuilding the fundamentals
 Establishing resources (after relocation from Ottawa to
 Stakeholders & Industry Engagement
 Improved relevancy and transparency in decision-making
and program interpretations

 Establishment of Scheme and Technical Committee(s)

 For the ongoing maintenance and further development of the national
program, stakeholder consultation and industry participation will be
the key fundamental philosophies for the program - Inputs from
Industry and Experts
 First inaugural meeting to be held during Oct 22-23, 2013 at Trois-
Rivieres (in conjunction with the CGSB 48/2 Committee meeting)

 Updated and Improved XRF Version 4 will be launched

very soon

Structure - Committees


NRCan National NDT Certification Agency


NDT CA Advisory and Scheme Committee

CMAT NDT CA Advisory Members:

Recommendations provided directly to CANMET-MTL Directorate

NDT CA Scheme Committee Members:

Immediate Agenda Topics:
Recertification Implementation
Further Structure Development
Sectoring Review: Broad Sectors vs. Specific, Additional methods for AS?


Technical Committee
Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee
/ Taskgroup: Special Committee::
/ Taskgroup: / Taskgroup: / Taskgroup: / Taskgroup: / Taskgroup:
UT Official
(+ Advanced) Languages
(Digital RT ?) (Proposed – for review)
(UT-PA SubTaskgroup)

ISO 9712:2012 – CGSB Adoption

 Updated Rules of Implementation

 Clarifications for Recertification

CAN/CGSB 48.9712:2013 & Updated Rules of Implementation –
Preview and Some Highlights of Proposed Requirements

For RT-only: Radiation Safety Training

 The candidate shall complete a minimum amount of radiation safety training provided by an
Accepted Training Organization.
 Rationale: in section 7.2.4, reference Table 2, “Note: For RT, training hours do not include radiation
safety training.” This leaves a significant gap in the training requirements for a critical subject
matter, and should be addressed with an appropriate minimum requirement.
CAN/CGSB 48.9712:2013 & Updated Rules of Implementation –
Preview and Some Highlights of Proposed Requirements

8. Minimum Period of Experience Prior to Examination

NRCan to define meaningful % experience prior to Practical & Written Examinations

For Written Examinations:

a) Level 1: TBD (0%?)
b) Level 2: TBD (0%?)
c) Level 3: TBD (25%?)

For Practical Examinations:

a) Level 1: TBD (25-50%?)
b) Level 2: TBD (25-50%?)
c) Level 3: TBD (25-50%?)

Rationale: This is needed to satisfy the requirements under 7.3.1. The minimum period required should be meaningful
and provides the basis for valid on-the-job type industrial experience. Some CGSB committee members suggested
that even at 100%, the certification process has worked well in the past.
Rulesof Implementation––

7. Validated Attestations of Experience

a) Employer: On the updated application form, each level of reported experience (trainee, Level 1 and Level 2) will
be attested to in writing by the candidate’s Employer.

b) Supervisor: On the updated application form, each level of reported experience (trainee, Level 1 and Level 2) will
be attested to in writing by the employee’s Supervisor.

c) Sponsor: To protect the attestation from Supervisors/Employers ‘who will sign anything’, a Sponsor (CGSB
certified Level 2 or 3) must co-sign the attestation of the various levels of experience.

In special situations, (for example: self-employed work status, or other misc situations, etc.), special accommodations may
be granted on a case-by-case basis by NRCan, provided that supporting written attestations are available.

25% Verification: As a general process guideline, NRCan will verify the claimed experience of 25% of applicants.

Questionable experience: If the experience claimed is questionable, NRCan will perform a detailed assessment and
investigation, and may also further verify the experience.

Rationale: To protect the integrity of the certification scheme and properly validate the attestation of experience from
unscrupulous Supervisors, a Sponsor (CGSB certified Level 2 or 3) must co-sign the attestation of the various levels of

Should the claimed experience be revealed as false, NRCan can take disciplinary action against those certified individuals
who falsely attested. E.g. That’s why a sponsor is required; as other non-certified individuals are not signatories to the
NRCan Code-of-Conduct.
Rulesof Implementation––

14. Accommodation Process for Foreign candidates

a. Training: A foreign candidate, claiming previous training, will be directed to an accepted training organization
of his choice, where he must pass the training organization's tests for:
i) Basic Math
ii) Materials & processes, and
iii) NDT method(s).
NRCan will accept as proof of adequate prior training, a certificate issued by the accepted training organization stating that
the candidate had passed these tests (i, ii, iii).
Note: The candidate does not have to take the training courses - just the tests. The candidate gets two tries at the tests. In
the event that the candidate cannot pass the tests, the candidate must take the necessary training course(s) appropriate to
pass each of the tests.

NRCan will treat both national and foreign candidates the same way. All must produce a certificate from an NRCan
accepted training organization stating the candidate has passed the training organizations test for basic math, the test for
materials and processes and all tests pertaining the NDT methods/levels in which he/she seeks certification.

b. Experience: A foreign candidate, claiming previous experience, will be required to meet the same
requirements as national candidates. In cases where the experience is questionable and/or difficult to verify (previous
supervisors reside in a foreign country, NRCan-certified sponsor not available), NRCan will further assess the submitted
claims of experience.

c. Certification: NRCan will assess the submitted claims of certification of a foreign candidate. His certifications
may be acceptable proof of prior training and experience and NRCan may allow him to proceed to full or partial examination.
On the other hand, the foreign candidate may be required to demonstrate training and experience as per item 14 a.) and b.).
Recertification – Strategic Approach

 CGSB 48/2 NDT and NRCan Scheme Committee: NRCan to

proceed forward in providing an implementation that complies with
the requirements in the 9712 standard

 Considering the associated financial and logistical challenges,

NRCan is taking a very careful approach in finalizing the details of
 Various elements are being adjusted and optimized for our national needs.
 E.g. the selection and refining of applicable test specimens, the coordinated
scheduling and availability of examinations, a gradual transition through phase-
in of expiry dates, etc.

 The desired goal is a mandatory recertification process that is

consistent, unbiased, credible, and places the least amount of undue
stress on the industry, the users, and the certified personnel.

 Note: a voluntary recertification program via practical examination

has been available for those seeking full compliance with respect to
the recertification element in the ISO / CGSB 9712 standards.
 Some individuals who are certified under the current NRCan / CGSB scheme have
already been successfully recertified under this provision.
Going forward: an Effective and
Achievable Implementation Plan
 Flexible options to achieve efficient and effective recertification compliance is being
considered - Mechanisms to minimize cost and disruptions:
 Practical examination specimens for recertification
 Number of specimens: 1 to 3 test pieces depending on Method/Level/Sector
 Optimized selection and grading criteria for recertification exams
 Not treated or graded as initial certification exam
 Options for examination locations
 Current network of Authorized Examination Centres (AECs)
 Special Examination Centres for Recert (i.e. On-Site locations)
 To allow registering of on-job-site locations as special examination centers (i.e. ref
section 5.4.2)
 Procedures and control mechanisms will be incorporated to deal with potential
conflicts of interest
 May be eligible to piggy-back onto other task-qualification or performance-
 “Recertification examination kits” to be made available for Special Examination
Centres or other viable examination proctoring locations
 Combine mandatory recertification roll-out with extended renewal cycle
(changeover from 3 to 5 years)
 Transitional phase-in of 5-10 years from start of mandatory program – grace period

Training and Examination

 National Forum for NDT Certification Training and Examination was held
on May 2nd, 2012 at Hamilton by NRCan
 Participation from Accepted Training Organizations (ATOs), Authorized
Examination Centres (AECs), and other interested parties (scheduled in
conjunction with CGSB Standard Committee)
 Technical Workshops/Seminars were provided by NRCan Staff & Examiners
+ with Open Discussion Sessions with All Participants
 Plan for next one in 2014

 Priority: Improve communication, support and requirements to Training

Organizations and Authorized Examination Centres
 Quality, Consistency, Effectiveness

 Fully updated requirements and guidelines for ATO’s and AEC’s is being
developed and implemented
 Will be addressed and finalized via NRCan Scheme Committee

Upcoming Scheme Topics

 Evaluate and provide recommendations on key

processes and documentation/requirements in
support of maintaining and further developing our
quality management system
 Priority topics / Items:
 Recertification
 Accepted Training Organization (ATO) Requirements
 Authorized Examination Center (AEC) Requirements
 Minimum Experience Requirement Before Examination
 Confirming Sector Definition

 Certification process: improvements for the

administrative scheme and client-service aspects


 Properly implementing the updated CGSB/ISO standard is critical

 NRCan will be very cautious in implementing updated requirements,
and where possible, provide effective alternative options to support
the industry and certification candidates.
 Clarifications for the transition to the updated standard will be
available on our website when details are locked-in.

 We’re entering a new chapter for how the certification scheme will
be maintained and improved going forward
 Many opportunities for inputs from stakeholders and the industry.

 Your ongoing support is essential and much appreciated.

 The Canadian CGSB / NRCan system is here to serve you.


Thank you!
 NRCan NDT website for program info & updates
 (English)
 (Français)

 Seize this opportunity to better shape and tailor our

Canadian program to best satisfy the needs of our
industry. Working together, renew and refresh our
Canadian system to be best-in-world & best-in-class!

[email protected]





NDT Personnel Certification
ISO – CGSB Adoption: 22

 Credibility
 National
 International
 Long-term (Impact: 6-8 year cycles)

 System Integrity
 Part of a world-wide evolving and continually improving system

 Foundation for Growth in Recognition

 Confidence

Technical Areas of Interest

 Advanced Ultrasonics - Phased-Array Ultrasonic

Inspection (UT-PA) Program
 UT-PA: confirmed need for national certification
 NRCan will implement a program for UT-PA within the
next 9-12 months
 Program details to be further developed through
Technical Committee structure

 Ongoing Evaluations to Support Additional

 Digital Radiography – Updated body of knowledge
 Visual Inspection (VT)
 Etc.


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