IT 12 Data Communication With Networking OBE Syllabus 1hour
IT 12 Data Communication With Networking OBE Syllabus 1hour
IT 12 Data Communication With Networking OBE Syllabus 1hour
The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of communication network functions and a good foundation for further studies
in the subject. It involves understanding and application of design principles and methods for systems development and review of the
underlying systems, and communications technologies and significant standardized systems.
The course provides instruction in data communication and computer networks through lectures, tutorials and laboratory work as
well as reading instructions and training materials for the student's own work.
III. Prerequisites:
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Team Work AG4 Work productively in teams and leadership skills
Ethical Behavior Ethical behavior
& Practices
Graduate Attributes of
Graduate Attribute Outcomes Graduate Outcomes Graduates of UC-
Apply knowledge of computing, science, and mathematics appropriate to the AG1
Knowledge for Solving IT1
Computing Problems
IT2 Understanding best practices and standards and their applications. AG1
Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements AG1, AG2
appropriate to its solution.
Problem Analysis
Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, AG1, AG2, AG3
creation, evaluation, and administration of computer-based systems.
Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, AG1, AG2
Design/Development of IT5 components, or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under various
Solutions constraints.
IT6 Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively. AG1, AG2
Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools, and practices AG1, AG2
Modern Tool Usage IT7
necessary for the IT profession.
Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing AG3
Individual and Team IT8
the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal.
IT9 Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan. AG1, AG2, AG3
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large AG1, AG2, AG3
Communication IT10 about complex computing activities through logical writing, presentations, and
clear instructions.
Analyze the logical and global impact of computing information technology on AG1, AG2, AG3, AG4
Computing IT11
individuals, organizations, and society.
Professionalism and
Understand professional, ethical, security and social issues, and responsibilities in the AG1, AG4
Social Responsibility IT12
utilization of information technology.
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Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving AG3, AG5
Life-Long Learning IT13
performance as a foundation for continuing professional development.
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Describe and explain the principles of
Connecting LANs, Backbone Networks, and C08 I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Virtual LANs
Enumerate and discuss the concepts on
Wireless WANs: Cellular Telephone and C09 I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Satellite Networks
Legend: I – Introduction E – Enabling D - Demonstration
V. Bases of Evaluation:
1. Prelim Score = 33% Prelim Class Standing + 33% Prelim Laboratory + 34% Prelim Exam
2. Midterm Score = 50% Prelim Score + 50% Tentative Midterm Score
a. Tentative Midterm Score = 33% Midterm Class Standing + 33% Midterm Laboratory + 34% Midterm Exam
3. Final Score = 50% Midterm Score + 50% Tentative Final Score
a. Tentative Final Score = 33% Final Class Standing + 33% Midterm Laboratory + 34% Final Exam
Note: 1. CS is composed of the course requirements and the required online courses.
2. Scores are transmuted to an equivalent grade where a score of 50% is needed to get a passing grade of 75.
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Unit 1. Introductions B5, W1 1. Lecture – Discussion Lab01. Learning about the Need for
Data Communications Week: 2. Recitation Standards.
Networks Week 1, 2 3. Group Activity
The Internet 4. Online Quiz Lab02. Viewing a NIC’s Physical Address
Protocols and Standards 5. Audio Visual and IP address information.
Lab03. Answer review questions for
Chapter 01.
Unit II. Network Models B5, W1 1. Lecture – Discussion Lab04. Viewing SSL
Layered Tasks Week: 2. Recitation CO1
The OSI Model Week 3, 4 3. Group Activity Lab05. Using the ping CO2
Layers in the OSI Model 4. Online Quiz CO3
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 5. Audio Visual Lab06. Answer review questions for Unit CO7
Addressing Presentations 02.
Unit III. Physical Layer and Media B1,B4, W1 1. Lecture – Discussion Lab07. Protocol and Application of the
Data and Signals W2, W8 Week: 2. Recitation TCP/IP
o Analog and Digital Week 5, 6 3. Group Activity
o Periodic Analog Signals 4. Online Quiz Lab08. Answer review questions for Unit
o Digital Signals 03.
Transmission Impairment
Data Rate Limits
PRELIM EXAMINATION (1 hr. 25 min.)
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Unit IV. Digital Transmission B1, B3, W5 1. Lecture – Discussion Lab09. Network Protocol Analyzer
Digital to Digital Week: 2. Recitation (Sniffing and Identify Protocol used in
Conversion Week 7, 8, 9, 3. Group Activity Live Network) CO1
Analog to Digital 10 4. Online Quiz CO2
Conversion Lab01. Answer review questions for Unit CO3
Transmission Modes 04. CO4
Unit V. Analog Transmission B1, B2, W6 1. Lecture – Discussion Lab11. Network Set-up
Digital to Analog Week: 2. Recitation In this lab session, students are required
Conversion Week 11, 12, 3. Group Activity to set-up a Wireless Local Area Network
Analog to Analog 13 4. Online Quiz (WLAN) consists of 3 PC’s by following
Conversion the procedures as in 5. This project must
Unit V. Transmission Media be done in group. Upon the completion
Guided Media of your project, each group must
Unguided Media: Wireless present your WLAN.
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o Star Backbone
o Connecting Remote
o Membership
o Configuration
o Communication
Between Switches
o IEEE Standard
Unit VII. Wireless WANs: Cellular B2, B5, W4, 1. Lecture – Discussion Lab13. Final Project.
Telephone and W7, W8 Week: 2. Recitation
Satellite Networks Week 17, 18 3. Group Activity
4. Online Quiz
o Frequency-Reuse
o Transmitting
o Receiving
o Roaming
o First Generation
o Second Generation CO9
o Third Generation
o Fourth Generation
o Orbits
o Footprint
o Three Categories of
o GEO Satellites
o MEO Satellites
o LEO Satellites
FINAL EXAMINATION (1 hr. 25 min.)
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VIII. References:
Felipe A. Pati, Jr, PhD. Josephine Dela Cruz, DIT Jeffrey S. Ingosan, MIT Rhodora A. Ngolob, PhD.
Instructor Dept. Head Dean, CITCS OIC-VPAA
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