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DeltaNet FS90 Fire and Security System


• Conventional and intelligent detection and signaling

• Stand-alone operation and/or integration with higher-

order systems

• Function boards for configuration to site requirements

• Easily changeable data file in nonvolatile memory

• Access control and door monitoring

• FS90 Command Center option

• Auto-Tuning Sensitivity

The DeltaNet FS90 Fire and Security (F&S) family of real- — DeltaNet FS90 Fire Management System for emergency
time, microprocessor-based controllers offers conventional audio evacuation, communication, smoke control, and
and intelligent fire detection and annunciation, security, and fan system override. An Audio Cabinet houses audio
access control. The family includes: system components. A Fire Command Station allows fire
fighters to manage a fire situation through control of
— DeltaNet FS90 F&S System for conventional zone alarm evacuation signaling and message output, selective
verification, cross-zoning, annunciation, control, public address, optional two-way telephone
individual zone alarm, supervisory and trouble indication, communication, and override of automatic fan and
zone disconnect switches, and a local audible signal. damper controls.
Security functions include local and remote secure/
access switching and high-security line supervision. — DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor and DeltaNet
Access Control Supervisor/SPS for monitoring and
— DeltaNet FS90 Plus F&S System (“FS90 Plus”) for control of up to eight card readers and/or keypads per
intelligent F&S functions to monitor and control controller. The system supports multiple card
individually addressable fire and security devices (rather technologies, multilevel antipassback, two-card access,
than zones). FS90 Plus can have up to nine Intelligent supervisor-required access, and elevator control.
Loop Interface Boards, each of which can have two 2-
wire circuits or one fault-tolerant 4-wire circuit. Each
circuit can monitor 99 addressable analog sensors plus
99 addressable control module or monitor module points,
up to a controller maximum of 967 points.

Copyright © 1996 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights Reserved 74-3154


User-Modifiable Data File in Nonvolatile Memory:

DESCRIPTION The FS90 OS in CA Control Board EPROM uses EEPROM-
based parameters to control F&S processing. At system
The DeltaNet FS90 Fire and Security (F&S) family of real- installation and whenever site requirements change, users
time, microprocessor-based controllers offers conventional can modify parameter default values via CA Control Board
and intelligent fire detection and annunciation, security, and switches. LED indicators guide and confirm data entry. No
access control. Sites can tailor F&S operation to special equipment or wiring changes are needed.
requirements with a selection of function boards. Detailed
descriptions of products within the family are as follows: Versatile Alarm-Detection and Alarm-Signaling
DeltaNet FS90 F&S System (“FS90”)
Supervised alarm-detection zones can provide:
Stand-Alone Operation and/or Integration with Higher-
— Alarm and trouble indication by zone.
Order Systems:
— Individual zone disconnect.
FS90 consists of an enclosure with locking door, power
— Alarm verification: Time interval (60 seconds maximum)
supply, batteries for standby power in the event of ac power
at the end of which FS90 verifies an alarm occurrence.
failure, Motherboard with eight slots for function boards and
— Second Detector: On an alarm, a local audible sounds. If
terminal blocks for field wiring, a CA Control Board that can
a second alarm occurs on the same zone, FS90 sounds
control four fully loaded Motherboards, and function boards
an evacuation signal.
appropriate for the site application. Single and double
— Supervision/Water-Flow Indications: For sprinkler-system
enclosures accommodate one and two Motherboards,
supervisory and water-flow (nonsilenceable) indication.
respectively. To ensure integrity, the CA Control Board
— Two-wire or fault-tolerant initiating circuits.
checksums its Operating System (OS) every 24 hours, and
supervision circuits annunciate a trouble condition on
microprocessor failure. Supervised alarm-signaling zones can provide:

FS90 can be a data gathering panel in systems such as the — Alarm and trouble indication by zone.
DeltaNet Micro Central/DeltaNet Plus, DeltaNet Building — Two-wire or fault-tolerant indicating circuits.
Supervisor—Integrated, and DELTA 1000 by addition of a — Cross-Zoning: Indicating circuits can be logically ANDed.
Communication Board and the necessary interconnect wiring. — Indicating (output) circuits can be logically ANDed or
If communication with the higher-order system is lost, FS90 ORed.
independently continues its fire and security functions. — Signal Coding: Audible-signal frequency (20 to 120
pulses per minute) can be selected to accommodate
march-time coding.
— Time-Delay: Time interval (eight minutes maximum)
SUPPLY BLOCKS between initiating circuit activation and relay/output
— Time Cutoff: Time interval (eight minutes maximum)
between initiating circuit activation and indicating circuit
— Supervised command outputs.
— Individual indicating zone disconnect.

Optional High-Security Line Supervision:

For extra line security that can detect sophisticated attempts
to compromise the monitoring, an end-of-line transmitter
sends coded signals interpreted by a receiver on an FS90
function board. A mismatch between sent and received
signals or no signal from the transmitter results in an alarm.
This feature is UL Listed for Grade AA supervision.

Optional Battery Supervision:

A battery supervision module mounted on the power supply
8 SLOTS FOR detects low-battery and no-battery conditions. Supervision
BATTERIES FUNCTION BOARDS applies to all standard FS90 batteries.

Block Diagram of FS90.

74-3154 2

DeltaNet FS90 Plus F&S System (“FS90 Plus”) Isolation of Short-Circuit Faults from Selected Segments
of Loop:
The TC811A Fault Isolator Module enables part of a circuit to
FS90 Plus includes all the features of FS90. In addition, it
continue operating when a short occurs on loop wiring. If a loop
configuration is used, one TC811A isolates a short to the part
of the loop between the TC811A and the FS90 Plus, allowing
Analog Information from Smoke and Thermal Sensors:
the rest of the loop to operate normally. If two TC811As are
The TC806A and TC806B Photoelectric Smoke Sensors,
used, they isolate a short to the part of the loop between them.
TC807A and TC807B Ionization Smoke Sensors, and TC808A
In a star configuration, a TC811A can be used in each leg so a
Electronic Thermal Sensor are tamper-resistant solid-state
short on one leg does not affect communications on any other.
devices that sense smoke density, particles of combustion,
and temperature levels, respectively. Each Sensor has a
An integral red LED on the TC811A blinks to indicate normal
unique point address from 01 to 99 on an intelligent loop
status and is steady ON to indicate a short on the loop.
interface circuit and provides continuous, analog signals to
FS90 Plus. Each Sensor can be tested from FS90 Plus and
Recognition of Trouble, Prealarm, and Alarm Conditions:
can also be locally tested using an externally applied magnet
FS90 Plus recognizes normal and alarm conditions, below-
to the Sensor base.
normal sensor values that reveal a trouble condition, and
above-normal values that indicate either a prealarm condition
FS90 Plus continuously scans Sensors to determine their
or the need for maintenance. An operator at the FS90 Plus or
condition. When alarm threshold is reached, FS90 Plus
higher-order system can read sensor address and condition.
identifies device type and location (e.g., Smoke Sensor in
The operator can also adjust alarm and prealarm thresholds
Room 206) and commands indicating circuits and individual
and other parameters.
relays (e.g., to turn off fans) to respond to the alarm.
Alarm Verification and Priority Selection of Alarm Levels:
Two integral red LEDs on the Sensor blink each time FS90
To minimize false alarms, FS90 Plus performs alarm
Plus scans the Sensor. Optionally, the blink can be
verification on selected individual sensors. Two alarm levels
suppressed. The LEDs latch ON in alarm.
enable critical alarms to override less critical alarms. For
example, a smoke sensor in alarm can override a security
Monitoring of the Condition of Fire Alarm and Security
contact, or a fire alarm from one floor can override fire alarms
from other floors. Alarms that are overridden remain in the
The TC809A and TC809B Monitor Modules provide an
FS90 Plus and display after an operator acknowledges all
addressable, two-wire (TC809A, B) or fault-tolerant (TC809A
higher-priority alarms.
only) initiating circuit for monitoring normally open contact,
fire alarm and supervisory devices, and either normally open
or normally closed security devices. The TC809A and B have
a point address from 101 to 199 on an intelligent loop
interface circuit and report circuit status (normal, open, or
short) to the FS90 Plus. P P M M I FI I I M FI C P

An integral red LED on the TC809A blinks each time FS90
Plus scans it. The LED latches ON when the TC809A is in
alarm. FS90 PLUS
Addressable Control of Indicating Outputs: I IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR DC DOOR CONTACT
The TC810A Control Module provides an addressable,
supervised, two-wire or fault-tolerant indicating circuit (e.g., P PHOTOELECTRONIC SMOKE M MONITOR MODULE
for audible devices, strobes) that supervises for normal, T THERMAL SENSOR C CONTROL MODULE
open, or short conditions on the circuit. The TC810A has a
point address from 101 to 199 on an intelligent loop interface PS MANUAL PULL STATION FI FAULT ISOLATOR
circuit. When the TC810A receives a command from FS90 WF WATERFLOW SWITCH C1438-2
Plus, an internal relay energizes and activates its associated
indicating devices. The TC810A can also be wired to provide
a nonsupervised dry contact, spdt relay output to control Sample FS90 Plus Circuit.
equipment such as fans and dampers.

An integral red LED on the TC810A blinks each time FS90

Plus scans it. The LED latches ON when the indicating
circuit or relay is commanded ON.

3 74-3154

Auto-Tuning Sensitivity Compensates for An EIP activates commands to points when the threshold for
Environmental Effects: a specified EIP initiator (either a physical point or an LPG) is
A smoke sensor’s sensitivity can drift due to sensor aging reached. Each EIP controls multiple output points and can be
and environmental changes such as temperature, humidity, chained to another EIP. With an external signal to supply day/
and air velocity. This means that a sensor can become more night or other status, an EIP can automatically activate the
or less sensitive than the desired setting, depending on the secure/access changes needed for optimum site
type of sensor. The FS90 Plus provides an optional selection management. For example, an EIP can change the status of
feature called Auto-Tuning Sensitivity (ATS) that provides a security point to ACCESS during the day and SECURE at
end users with optimum smoke sensor performance and night to ensure fewer nuisance alarms during normally
compensates for sensor age and environmental effects. occupied times and greater security during normally
unoccupied times.
ATS maintains the set sensitivity of smoke sensors by
automatically and periodically readjusting the sensitivity of Sensor Self-Test:
each sensor. ATS sets the desired TC806 Photoelectric FS90 Plus initiates a self-test each time the Panel Test switch
Smoke Sensor or TC807 Ionization Smoke Sensor sensitivity is activated. Every two minutes, FS90 Plus scans to see if a
value directly to a value between 1.0 and 2.6 percent per foot self-test has been requested. When requested, LED
obscuration in 0.1 increments. (Due to the nature of the operation is verified. Then the first 15 seconds are used to
TC806 Sensor, the sensitivity is rounded to a high, medium, command all Sensors into self-test. For the next 15 seconds,
or low value.) The ATS algorithm measures the response all Sensors are checked for a test value. If a received value is
from a sensor in “clean air” and in a “test” mode. These less than the test value, a trouble is annunciated. In the last
parameters determine the operating condition of a sensor. 15 seconds, Sensors are commanded to terminate self-test.
Using the user-specified sensitivity value, ATS maintains the No alarms are reported during the 45 seconds of the self-test.
set sensitivity by automatically and periodically calculating
the prealarm and alarm limits as necessary.
DeltaNet FS90 Fire Management System (“FMS”)
ATS also allows end users to meet requirements of NFPA 72
Chapter 7 (regarding the installation, maintenance, and use
FMS includes the features of FS90 and/or FS90 Plus. In
of Protective Signaling Systems) with greatly reduced labor
addition, it offers:
efforts. The FS90 Plus is UL listed as a Sensitivity Test
Instrument in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72
Chapter 7. ATS permits an FS90 Plus with a Command Fire Command Station (FCS):
Center option or an FS90 Plus in a higher-order system such FCS includes a maximum of four Motherboards with eight
as an DeltaNet Building Supervisor—Integrated or DeltaNet function board slots each, a microphone, and an optional
Graphic Central to measure the sensitivity of sensors. telephone. FMS function boards provide audio and phone
Without ATS, each sensor must be physically connected to a control (for fire signal and evacuation message output, all-call
test instrument and its value recorded for the authority having paging of multiple speakers), speaker and phone selection
jurisdiction. With ATS, the sensitivity requirements are met (for individual selection of speaker and phone circuits, all-talk
via the user interface which greatly reduces the field testing. two-way communication with multiple phones, optional phone
(Note that at these testing times, however, each sensor must page to address audio speakers from a fire fighter telephone),
still be visually inspected and placed into alarm.) and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
override (for two- and three-position control of fans, dampers,
Local Numeric and LED Display of Device Address and and other nonaudio equipment).
Local numeric and LED annunciation of sensor address and Audio Cabinet:
condition occurs in addition to annunciation at a higher-order A single-channel Audio Cabinet includes a preamplifier, audio
operator terminal. amplifier, trouble detection panel, relay switching panel, card
rack with tone generator, input control panel, and power
Logical Point Groups (LPGs) and Event-Initiated supplies. In addition to this equipment, a dual-channel Audio
Programs (EIPs): Cabinet has a second preamplifier, second audio amplifier,
LPGs activate an initiator when a user-specified number and another card rack. Either configuration can optionally
of physical inputs in a group goes into alarm. The initiator include a backup preamplifier, backup audio amplifier, and a
can then activate an EIP that controls fans, dampers, and message unit.
other user-specified devices. An LPG can include up to 15
devices (e.g., water-flow switches on different circuits) in a
specific FS90 Plus. A specific device can be in a
maximum of four LPGs.

74-3154 4

The Audio Cabinet also provides space to mount one or two DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor and DeltaNet
Switching/Supervisory Subpanels, each supporting up to three
Switching/Supervisory Boards. These Boards switch the audio Access Control Supervisor/SPS
and phone trunks to and from speaker and phone circuits (“Access Control”)
respectively. They also provide supervision for speaker and
phone circuits. In applications where Switching/Supervisory Access Control boards can share an enclosure with other
Boards are located remote from the Audio Cabinet, an Audio FS90 functions or operate as a dedicated access system.
Trunk Supervision Board provides supervision for the audio DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor Specification Data Sheet
trunk. Audio amplifiers also can be distributed at remote 74-2438 and DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor/SPS
locations, with or without local microphones. Specification Data Sheet 74-2565 describe Access Control in
detail. The main features are:
Fire Signal:
When FCS detects an alarm, speaker circuits automatically Integration with Graphic System:
activate and sound the fire evacuation signal. Fire fighters can Access Control is fully integrated into DeltaNet Building
manually activate the fire signal at any time. Individual selection Supervisor—Integrated operation. Operators display graphic
switches permit the fire fighter to selectively activate speaker diagrams of access areas, enter data with familiar click and
circuits and direct the fire alarm signal to the desired zones. type methods, and enter or change card holder information
with a visual matrix method that helps prevent errors. The
Evacuation Message: same facility allows operators to view the desired subset of
An optional Message Unit can provide prerecorded card holders based on specified card data (e.g., car color).
messages. When a fire occurs, the prerecorded message
automatically outputs to the speakers. Message output Support for Major Card Technologies:
overrides the fire evacuation signal. A fire fighter can Cards can employ magnetic stripe, barium ferrite, proximity,
manually activate or silence the prerecorded message at any and Wiegand technologies. A Personal Identification Number
time. Individual selection switches permit the fire fighter to (PIN) Pad can be operated in addition to or in place of a card
selectively activate speaker circuits and direct the message to reader.
desired zones.
Support for Common Access Control Applications:
Microphone and Telephone: Access Control supports all common access strategies:
Fire fighters can use the FCS microphone to broadcast
information to building occupants in specific zones or to — Area programming to determine where card holders can
instruct fire fighters throughout a building. An all-call function go and how the system is to report card
selects all zones and allows the fire fighter to address all holder location.
building occupants. In single-channel configurations, the — Card types to indicate whether a card holder is an
microphone overrides message and fire signal output. In employee, supervisor, or a visitor needing
dual-channel configurations, the microphone allows an escort.
broadcast of a message to selected zones without fire signal — Elevator control to limit card holder access to just the
interruption. The optional telephone provides two-way floors in the assigned floor group(s).
communication between the FCS and fire fighters. — Extra time to enter and exit for personnel with handicaps
or bulky equipment (e.g., mail carts).
HVAC Override: — Multilevel antipassback to prevent unauthorized entry.
FMS can be programmed to automatically open and close — Two-card rule to ensure that a card holder is never in a
HVAC fans and dampers to control smoke. FCS allows high-security or hazardous area alone.
manual override of this automatic control. — Supervisor rule to ensure that a supervisor is present
whenever workers enter certain areas.
— 250 schedules with 8 day/time periods per schedule.
— PINs with 3, 4, 5, or 6 digits.
— Duress codes.
— 1000-event buffer for storage
of transactions during communication loss.

5 74-3154

DeltaNet FS90 Command Center Option

(“Command Center”)
Any DeltaNet F&S System, whether stand-alone or connected
to a higher-order system, can include an optional Command
Center for alarm and trouble message display and optional
printout, and for data display and entry from a keypad.


FI A F2 B F3 C F4 D

7H 8I 9J
4N 5O 6P
1S 2T 3U


DeltaNet FS90 Command Center Operator Panel.

Alarm and Trouble Message Display and Printout Keypad Entry of Data:
Display and strip print capability enhances alarm and trouble Function keys with mnemonic labels along with prompts in
recording. Under normal conditions, the four-line 40- the display window make it easy to do the everyday
character-per-line Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) window operations (e.g., display sensor value, acknowledge alarms,
shows time and date and a “system normal” message. On a test panel) normally performed from switches on the CA
Change-of-State (COS), backlighting turns on and the display Control Board and other function boards. In addition,
shows point address, condition (e.g., alarm or trouble), COS Command Center includes several special-purpose keys:
time and date, descriptor (32 characters maximum), and
action message (40 characters maximum). COS data also — MODIFY to update date and time, add and delete
prints on the 40-column printer. A status line displays the operators, add
number of unacknowledged COSs, fire alarms, other alarms, and change action messages and point descriptors, and
and troubles. When the display window is inactive for five change sensor limits.
minutes, backlighting automatically turns off. — OPTION to select and execute up to seven
preprogrammed sequences of commands (e.g., if a
special start-up sequence after power failure or a day/
POINT POINT DATE AND night transition is needed).
VALUE — COMMAND to send on/off,
on/off/auto, secure/access, day/night, lockout,
disconnect, isolate, disable, and enable commands to
POINT 01.07.055 ALARM 10:31 31/AUG/90
DESCRIPTOR points. In addition, an operator can test all sensors.
— F1-F4 in conjunction with other function keys to perform
ACTION the specific operation desired. For example, after an
001–UNACK 002–FIRE 000–TRBL 000–OTHER
operator presses COMMAND and inputs point address,
the display window shows available commands and the
(2 FIRE ALARMS, 1 UNACKNOWLEDGED) C4139-1 F1-F4 key needed to implement each one.

Sample FS90 Plus Alarm Display. Only authorized operators with a valid PIN have access to the
Actions taken with COMMAND, MODIFY, and OPTION keys
are recorded on the strip printer along with operator initials,
date, and time.

74-3154 6

The REPORTS key allows authorized operators to display or
print many reports and summaries:
— All Points ❏ DeltaNet FS90 Fire and Security System
— Alarm Summary ❏ DeltaNet FS90 Plus Fire and Security System
— Trouble Summary ❏ DeltaNet FS90 Fire Management System
— Status Summary (secure/access points and all output ❏ DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor
points) ❏ DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor/SPS
— Disabled Points
— Isolated Points (input alarm and trouble indications
received but not acted on) FS90
— Disconnected Points (outputs)
— Sensitivity Log (to determine maintenance needs for
intelligent sensors and to display point sensitivity
Four 14505102 Motherboards maximum, 8 function boards
per Motherboard
— Single Point Log (printout of the point currently on
One CA Control Board per FS90
— Historical Log (last 100 COSs in chronological order)
— Logical Point Groups (physical points in LPGs and Environmental Operating Limits:
their status) Temperature: 32 to 120F (0 to 49C)
— Trend Log Humidity: 5 to 95% rh, noncondensing

ALARM SUMMARY 09:24 15SEP90 Depending on Communication
Board: Current loop, tone, telephone channels, dc-coupled,
01.02.003 ALARM 12:01 13SEP90 ac-coupled, fiber optic
01.05.136 ALARM SEC 16:34 14SEP90 Two-wire, three-wire, four-wire, or fault-tolerant
Power Supply:
C4140-1 14505148-001 Power Supply
Sample FS90 Plus Alarm Summary Log. 14505145 Power Supply Cable
Power Supply/Charger:
28V dc output
2A maximum in supervision
4A maximum in alarm/recharge
11:35 14/OCT/93
Input 120V ac, +10%, –15%, 50/60 Hz
25.02.004 NORMAL 11:09 14/OCT/93 Batteries:
4-WIRE AE SENSOR 2003, SLOT 10 AV=001 24V dc, float-charged from power supply/charger
Day Night
Prealarm 22 19 Enclosures:
Alarm 28 24 14505151-007/005 Enclosure with Knockouts (Single/Double)
C7307 14505151-003/004 Enclosure without Knockouts (Single/
Sample FS90 Plus Sensitivity Log. Double)
14505152-001/002 Enclosure Door (Single/Double)
14505152-005 Stainless Steel Door (Double)

Enclosure Dimensions:
Single Enclosure: 24 in. (610 mm) high by 22-1/4 in.
(566 mm) wide by 7-3/4 in. (197 mm) deep
Double Enclosure: 38 in. (966 mm) high by 22-1/4 in.
(566 mm) wide by 7-3/4 in. (197 mm) deep

Surface or semiflush

7 74-3154

Shipping Weights: 14506690-001 LL RS-232 Communication/Display Board

Motherboard: 2.5 lb (1.13 kg) (FS90 Plus interface to intelligent loops and higher-order
Power Supply: 8 lb (3.6 kg) systems, displays specific point information)
Single: 23 lb (10.4 kg) AE and LJ/LL Board Capacities:
Double 31 lb (14.1 kg) AE Board:
Enclosure Door: Up to nine boards per FS90 Plus (maximum 9 AE circuits)
Single: 8 lb (3.6 kg) Two 2-wire circuits or one 4-wire fault-tolerant loop per
Double 12 lb (5.4 kg) board
Batteries: Per circuit: Up to 99 addressable Smoke and/or Thermal
14506056-001 (two for 6.5 Ah): 5.7 lb (2.6 kg) Sensors and up to 99 Monitor Modules or Control
14506056-002 (two for 26 Ah): 18.7 lb (8.5 kg) Modules. An additional 20 Fault Isolator Modules can be
added over and above the Module/Sensor total.
Optional Accessories:
14506056-001 Battery: Two for 6.5 Ah, four for 13 Ah NOTE: All devices on circuit can be in alarm simultaneously.
14506056-002 Battery: Two for 26 Ah
14505377 Battery Harness for 6.5 Ah and 13 Ah batteries LJ or LL Board:
14505375 Battery Harness for 26 Ah batteries One board per FS90 Plus
14506408 Battery Supervision Module Annunciation of devices on up to nine AE Board 2-wire
14505172 Control Relay Assembly circuits and/or 4-wire fault-tolerant circuits
14505149 Legend Cards Up to 198 Logical Point Groups, each with up to 15
14502412 Lightning Protector physical points; each physical point can be assigned to
14505154-001 Motherboard-to-Motherboard Interconnect up to four LPGs.
Cable for inside enclosure Up to 255 Event-Initiated Programs; each EIP controls up
14505154-002 Motherboard-to-Motherboard Interconnect to 32 output points and can be chained to another EIP.
Cable between enclosures
14506430 Remote Transmitter End-of-Line Device for high- Additional Equipment:
security monitor Sensors:
14505159 Tamper Switch TC806Aand TC806B Photoelectric Sensors
14006090-165501 Bus Extender/Repeater (for FS90 panel TC807A and TC807B Ionization Sensors
mounting) TC808A Electronic Thermal Sensor
14006090-165502 Bus Extender/Repeater (for remote Modules:
mounting) S464 Addressable Manual Station
TC809A and TC809B Monitor
Software: Modules
S958 DeltaNet FS90 Fire and Security TC810A Control Module
Operating System TC811A Fault Isolator Module
Approvals: For DELTA 1000 applications only:
UL 864 Listed for use in NFPA 71, 72 applications LB, LC, LD, LE, or LF Communication Board as required
UL 1076 Listed for Proprietary Burglar Alarm
FM Approved for Fire Alarm Systems
California State Fire Marshal Wiring Limitations Worst Case.
Material & Equipment Approval — New York City
Length in
Board/ Wire Wire Gage Feet
Configuration Type * (sq mm) (Meters)
FS90 Plus AE 2-Wire Loop AK3741 18 (0.8) 1900 (579)
All FS90 specifications apply. without AK3750 16 (1.3) 3000 (914)
In addition: T-Tapping † Ak3752 14 (2.1) 4800 (1463)
AE 4-Wire AK3741 18 (0.8) 950 (290)
Required Boards:
14505132 AE Intelligent Loop Interface Board (FS90 Plus Fault-Tolerant AK3750 16 (1.3) 1500 (457)
interface to intelligent Sensors and Modules) Loop § AK3752 14 (2.1) 2400 (732)
14506344 LJ RS-485 Communication/Display Board (FS90
Plus interface to intelligent loops and higher-order systems, * All wiring is twisted pair, nonshielded.
displays specific point information) † Based on 198 devices all at end of loop.
—OR— § Based on 198 devices at furthest point in loop and in
open condition.

74-3154 8

FMS Fire Command Station
All FS90 and/or FS90 Plus specifications apply. In addition:

ALARM 1 ALARM 1 FCS Enclosure:

❏ 14505151-005 FCS Enclosure and 14506333 FCS Dead
Front Assembly (with dead front panel that conceals
PREALARM PREALARM internal wiring from function board switches and LEDs
and a bracket for mounting microphone and telephone
Dimensions: 38 in. (966 mm) high, 22-1/4 in. (566 mm)
wide, 7-3/4 in. (197 mm) deep
LEDs Weight: 31 lb (14.1 kg)
❏ 14505152-002 FCS Enclosure Door
Weight: 12 lb (5.4 kg)

Electrical Requirements:
Power Input: 24V dc from Audio Cabinet power supply
PREALARM Input Current:
Maximum 4A at 28V dc per Motherboard
TROUBLE Nominal 1A per Motherboard (typical supervisory
CIRCUITS CIRCUIT Microphone Assembly:
❏ 14506349 Microphone Assembly, dynamic noise-
AE BOARD canceling, bidirectional, handheld
Frequency Response: 200 to 5000 Hz
Output Level: –60 dB
NUMBER Sensitivity: –154 dB low impedance
Load Impedance: Low impedance (150-ohm)
Cable: Low-impedance, 6 ft (1.8m), 4-conductor (two
OF shielded) rubber-jacketed coil
NUMBER 2 ADDRESS Switch: On/off (two separate circuits)
7 Telephone Assembly (Optional):
❏ 14506348 Telephone Assembly
Transmitter: Carbon, nonpositional, 25-ohm impedance,
ALARM 1 ACK 57-dB output at 300 Hz
ALARM 2 Receiver: Ring armature diaphragm, 150-ohm impedance
at 1 kHz

FMS Audio Cabinet
All FS90 specifications apply. In addition:
❏ 14506415-001 Single-channel Audio Cabinet
❏ 14506415-002 Dual-channel Audio Cabinet
Power Supply/Charger
Indicators and Controls for AE, LJ, LL, Input: 120V ac, +10%, -15%, 50/60 Hz
and LH Interface Boards. Output:
❏ 10A output for single-channel systems with 48-hour
recharge time.14506412-001
(input 4 amps).
❏ 20A output for dual- and single-channel systems with
24-hour recharge time. 14506412-002 (input 8 amps).

9 74-3154

Cabinet: Input Sensitivity: 1V rms at 1 kHz for rated output

Finish: Frame is off-white, baked enamel; back door is Output Impedance:
textured charcoal, baked enamel 125W: 40 ohms (70.7V), 5 ohms (25V)
Dimensions: 83-3/8 in. (2118 mm) high, 22-1/8 in. 250W: 20 ohms (70.7V), 2.5 ohms (25V)
(562 mm) wide, 19-3/8 in. (493 mm) deep Fuses:
Weight: 103 lb (46.7 kg) including back door 125W: 4A SLO-BLO fuse, 15A dc
250W: 6.25A SLO-BLO fuse ac, 25A dc
Input Current: Mounting: 19-in. (483-mm) equipment rack
24V dc Current (A) *
Supervisory Alarm (Standard and Backup Options):
In In Standard models provided with Audio Cabinet
With Standby With Standby Backup Option Models:
Amplifier 120V from 120V from ❏ 14506416-001 Backup Preamplifier for single-channel
Size ac Batteries ac Batteries model
Single-Channel ❏ 14506416-002 Backup Preamplifier for dual-channel model
125W 1.54 3.94 1.58 14.28 Electrical Requirements: 24 to 30Vdc at 50 mA nominal
250W 1.54 6.54 1.58 27.08 Dimensions: 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide,
8-1/2 in. (216 mm) deep
Input Impedance:
125W 1.74 4.1 1.82 27.22 Microphone (low impedance): 200 ohms or less
250W 1.74 6.74 1.82 52.82 Program (high impedance): 250K ohms (minimum),
single ended
* Battery current values measured with both amplifiers
Bridging Input: 100K ohms (minimum), single ended
operating at full power.
Input Sensitivity:
Microphone: 0.25 mV rms
Audio Amplifiers
Program: 100 mV rms
(Standard and Backup Option):
Output Impedance: 600 ohms
❏ 14506422-002: 125W rms at 70.7V rms Output Level:
❏ 14506422-003: 250W rms at 70.7V rms Nominal: +2 dBm (1V rms)
Backup Audio Amplifiers require a Maximum: +18 dBm into 600 ohm load
Backup Preamplifier Option.
Noise Level (with control full on):
Electrical Requirements:
Microphone: better than –63 dBv (at –67 dBv input)
125W: 120V, 60 Hz, or 24-28Vdc:3.0A at 120V
Program: better than –75 dBv (100 mV rms input)
250W: 120V, 60 Hz, or 24-28Vdc: 6.0A at 120V
Distortion: less than 0.25%, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Dimensions: Frequency Response: ±1 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz (tone
125W: 5-1/4 in. (134 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide,
controls flat)
6-5/8 in. (168 mm) deep
Controls and Indicators:
250W: 5-1/4 in. (134 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide,
Bass: ±15 dB (boost and cut) at 50 Hz
15 in. (381 mm) deep
Treble: ±15 dB (boost and cut) at 10 kHz
Shipping Weights:
125W: 22-1/2 lb (10.2 kg)
Card Rack with Tone Generator:
250W: 50 lb (22.6 kg)
Card Rack Capacity: 12 card slots maximum
Frequency Response: +0, –1 dB from 45 Hz to 20 kHz
Tone Generator: Supervised signaling generator with
Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.5% 45 Hz (20 Hz for 250W)
standard backup tone generator.
to 20 kHz at rated output Fire signal: Slow whoop tone (2.6 sec on, 0.4 sec off)
Signal to Noise Ratio: Greater than –90 dB below rated
modulating from 600 to 1100 Hz. Other tones available as
Output Regulation: Better than 2 dB (1 dB for 250W) from no
Dimensions: 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide,
load to full load
9-1/4 in. (235 mm) deep
Input Impedance: 75K ohms Weight: 6 lb 12 oz. (3.1 kg)

74-3154 10

Message Unit (Optional): Additional Switching/Supervisory Subpanels can be

Models: located in a standard FS90 enclosure; a subpanel uses one
❏ 14506417-002 Message Unit for single-channel model Motherboard position.
❏ 14506417-002 Message Unit for dual-channel model
Message: Digitized audio stored in up to four EPROMs; Audio Trunk Supervision Board:
each EPROM saves 7.5-second message; message time 14506440 Audio Trunk Supervision Board, used with
ranges from 7.5 to 30 sec. 14506410 Mounting Bracket
Message Repeats: Up to four consecutive times with pause
(1 to 30 sec) between message repeats
Electrical Requirements: 24V dc at 250 mA nominal, Access Control
300 mA peak
Dimensions: 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) high, See DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor Specification Data
19 in. (483 mm) wide, 7 in. (178 mm) deep Sheet 74-2438 and DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor/SPS
Bandwidth: 50 Hz to 3.4 kHz Specification Data Sheet 74-2565 for details.
Inputs: Stop and start; dry contact closure
Audio Output: 600-ohm transformer coupled line level preset Required Boards:
to –5 dBm 14506930 AR Reader Interface Board
Error/Fail Relay: Supervised output; Form A contact rated 1A, 14505106 AC Initiating Board for door contact/strike
24V noninductive load, closed in nonfailure mode supervision
Playback Relay: Form A contact rated 1A, 24V noninductive 14505112 DA Accessory Relay Board for door strike and
load, closed in playback mode elevator control

Input Control Panel: Capacities:

Electrical Requirements: 24V dc at 500 mA nominal Maximum 2 AR Boards per Motherboard
Dimensions: 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide, Maximum 4 readers (any combination of technologies) and 4
8 in. (204 mm) deep request-to-exit switches per AR Board
Weight: 3 lb (1.35 kg) Maximum 8 readers per FS90
Supervisory Tone: 27 Hz Maximum 16,000 cards per AR Board
Maximum 16,000 cards per DeltaNet Building Supervisor—
Trouble Detection Panel: Integrated or DeltaNet Graphic Central
Electrical Requirements: 24V dc at 150 mA Maximum 240 areas
Dimensions: 1-3/4 in. (45 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide, Maximum 240 elevators
3-1/2 in. (89 mm) deep Maximum 96 floors
Weight: 4 lb (1.8 kg) Maximum 250 schedules with 8 day/time periods each
Maximum 250 floor groups, each with a schedule that has 8
Relay Switching Panel: day/ time periods
Capacity: 1 to 10 relays
Relay: Four-pole, double-throw Software:
Contacts: 3A, 28V dc or 3A, 115V ac S999 DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor Operating System
Electrical Requirements: 24V dc, 40 mA for each relay S1010 DeltaNet Access Control Supervisor/SPS Software
Dimensions: 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) high, 19 in. (483 mm) wide, DeltaNet Building Supervisor—Integrated Personal Computer
7-3/4 in. (197 mm) deep requires standard system software plus DOS SQLBase
Weight: 6 lb 7 oz. (2.9 kg) Single-User/Run from Gupta Technologies Inc. (called
“DBWindows” on screen)
Switching/Supervisory Subpanel
and Boards: Accessories:
Subpanel Model: 14505182 Card readers (magnetic stripe, barium ferrite, proximity,
Switching/Supervisory Subpanel Subpanel Mounting: The Wiegand)
Audio Cabinet supports up to two subpanels. Each Door strikes
subpanel supports up to three Switching/Supervisory Request-to-exit switches (n.o. or n.c.)
❏ 14506304-010: Used in single-channel applications to Approvals:
supervise and switch up to four speaker circuits to and UL 294 Listed as Access Control System Control Unit
from the audio trunk. FM approval does not apply
❏ 14506304-008: Used in conjunction with single-channel
board to perform channel switching functions for
dual-channel applications; does not provide supervision.
❏ 14506304-009: Used to supervise and switch up to four
phone circuits to and from the phone trunk.

11 74-3154

DeltaNet FS90 Command Center Display: Four lines, 40 characters/ line, LCD with integral
Model: Printer: 40-column, paper take-up mechanism, Paper
❏ 14506817-002 DeltaNet FS90 Command Center Option Advance and On-Line switches and indicators
Point Descriptors: 32 characters maximum
❏ 14506817-003 DeltaNet FS90
Command Center Option without printer Action Messages: 16 maximum, 40 characters each
Clock: Real-time clock with battery to back up RAM Text Programming: Off-line via a portable personal computer
Mounting: In top half of double FS90 enclosure, occupying
the space of one Motherboard Software:
S994 DeltaNet FS90 LH Command Center Board Operating
Communication: System
LH Interface Board required S996 DeltaNet FS90 Portable Programming Terminal (PPT)
Interface: RS-232 ports software

Operator Interface:
LEDs: Yellow for port trouble and setup mode; red for port
transmit and receive
Keys: 0-9, F1-F4, Acknowledge, Clear, Command, Enter,
Evacuate, Modify, Next, Option, Panel Test,
Previous, Reports, Reset, Silence, Status; switchable to
alphabetic (A-Z)

Function Board Summary

Function Board Description Controls Indicators

❏ AA, AJ Initiating four - Four supervised circuits (50 Disconnect per circuit Alarm and Trouble per
zone, two-wire ohms, 60 mA max) for n.o. alarm circuit, Trouble on AJ
14505106 AA devices and compatible smoke output test failure
14505106-004 AJ detectors.
AJ output test (screw terminals
to board) checks short for
alarm, open for trouble.
❏ AB, AK Initiating two - Two supervised circuits (50 Disconnect per circuit Alarm and Trouble per
zone, four-wire ohms, 60 mA max) for n.o. alarm circuit, Trouble on AK
14505108 AB devices and compatible smoke output test failure
14505108-002 AK detectors.
AK output test (screw terminals
to board) checks short for
alarm, open for trouble.
❏ AC Initiating Four supervised circuits (50 Disconnect per circuit Security: Alarm per
four-zone, ohms, 60 mA max) for n.o. circuit
two-wire contacts only. Fire: Alarm and Trouble
14505106 AC per circuit
❏ AD Digital Input Eight inputs for n.o. or n.c. N/A Circuit energized
14505118 contacts or for logical inputs.
❏ AE Intelligent Loop Two 2-wire or one 4-wire fault - N/A Alarm 1, Alarm 2,
Interface tolerant initiating loop for Prealarm, and Trouble
14505132 intelligent sensors.
❏ AF Security Initiating Four 2-wire supervised security Secure/access switch Alarm, Access, and
14505188-001 circuits with secure/access per circuit Secure per circuit

74-3154 12

Function Board Summary (Continued)

Function Board Description Controls Indicators
❏ AG Security Initiating Four 2-wire supervised security N/A Alarm, Access, and
14505188-002 circuits. Secure per circuit
❏ AH High-Security Line Four 2-wire supervised UL Access per circuit Alarm and Access per
Monitor Grade AA high-security circuits circuit
❏ AR Reader Interface Interface to four card readers N/A Tamper per card reader,
14506930 maximum. Maximum of two AR strike power alarm
Boards per FS90.
❏ BF Indicating Two supervised circuits (2.0A Disconnect per circuit Alarm and Trouble per
two-zone, max) for polarized bells, horns, circuit. Relays are
and visuals. Two relays with energized.
two-wire, user-selectable n.o. or n.c.
two relays contacts (2A, 30V dc max
14505110 resistive load)
❏ BG Indicating Two supervised circuits (2.0A Disconnect per circuit Alarm and Trouble per
two-zone, max) for polarized bells, horns, circuit
and visuals.
❏ CA Control Outputs: 24V dc,. 100 mA, Silence, Acknowledge, Alarm, Trouble, Silence,
14505104 common trouble, and smoke Reset, Panel Test, Low Battery, Ground
detector reset. Manual Evacuation Fault, Disconnect,
Power, Setup, Run
❏ CC Audio Control Outputs: 24V dc, 100 mA, tone Fire Signal, Message, Fire Signal ON,
(with driver) generator, message unit, all call All Call Message ON, All Call
(CH1 or CH2), Audio
14506302-003 Select Status, Trouble
❏ CE Phone Control Outputs: 24V dc, 100 mA, page Page Enable, All Talk Call In, Trunk Trouble,
(with driver) enable, all talk. Page Enable, All Talk,
Phone Select Status,
14506302-004 Phone Trouble
❏ DA Accessory Relay Four unsupervised relays (2A, N/A Circuit Energized
14505112-001 30V dc max resistive load),
each with n.o. contacts only
❏ DB Remote Driver Eight supervised circuits N/A Circuit Energized and
14505116 (100 mA). Trouble per circuit
❏ DC Accessory Relay Four unsupervised relays (2A, N/A Circuit Energized
14505112-002 30V dc max resistive load),
each with user-selectable n.o.
or n.c. contacts.
❏ LA Communication Dc-coupled/ac-coupled, two- N/A Transmit, Receive,
(Sentara) or three-wire for communication Communication Fail
between Communication
14505120 Processor and FS90
❏ LB, LC LB: dc, two-wire N/A Transmit, Receive,
Communication LC: dc, four-wire Communication Fail
(DELTA 1000/DCP)
14505122-001, -002
❏ LD, LE LD: Tone, two-wire, four-wire N/A Transmit, Receive,
Communication LE: Tone, eight-wire Communication Fail
(DELTA 1000/DCP)
14505128-001, -002
❏ LF Communication Fiber optic, redundant half- N/A Transmit, Receive,
(DELTA 1000/DCP) duplex Communication Fail

13 74-3154

Function Board Summary (Continued)

Function Board Description Controls Indicators
❏ LH Interface Printer/Display Interface Board Acknowledge, All Point Transmit, Receive, Port
14506788-002 Log, Alarm Summary Trouble, Log Active
Log, Previous, Next
❏ LJ RS-485 Communication to DeltaNet Previous, Next Transmit, Receive,
Communication/ Micro Central/Excel Plus Communication Fail, four
Display 14506344 System and FS90 Plus 7-segment LEDs, Alarm
—OR— 1, Alarm 2, Prealarm,
Trouble, Multiple Alarm
LL RS-232 and Trouble
Display 14506690
❏ LK Interface Annunciator Interface Board N/A Transmit, Receive, Port
14506788-003 Trouble
❏ SB Audio Selection, Controls up to four speakers CH1 (Speaker circuit CH1
Single-Channel enabled)
❏ SD Phone Talk Selects individual phone Talk (Phone circuit Talk
Selection circuits in a selected phone enabled)
14506302-002 system
❏ SF HVAC Override Provides override control of On, Off On, Off
Two-Position fans and dampers from FCS.
14506302-002 Not a primary fan or damper
❏ SH Audio Selection, Controls up to four speakers CH1/CH2 (Speaker CH1/CH2
Dual-Channel circuit enabled)
❏ SK HVAC Override Provides override control of On, Off, Auto On, Off, Auto
Three-Position fans and dampers from FCS.
14506302-001 Not a primary fan or damper
❏ VA Transmitter Supervised local energy and N/A Alarm, Trouble, Circuit
14505114 master circuits, Form C Energized
contacts (2A, 30V dc max) and
supervised 24V dc polarity
reversal (2.0A) telephone line.

74-3154 14

15 74-3154

Home and Building Control Home and Building Control Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc.
Honeywell Inc. Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée Room 3213-3225
Honeywell Plaza 155 Gordon Baker Road Sun Hung Kai Centre
P.O. Box 524 North York, Ontario No. 30 Harbour Road
Minneapolis MN 55408-0524 M2H 3N7 Wanchai
Hong Kong
Honeywell Latin American Division Honeywell Europe S.A.
Miami Lakes Headquarters 3 Avenue du Bourget
14505 Commerce Way Suite 500 B-1140 Brussels
Miami Lakes FL 33016 Belgium

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